Nutrition for figure skaters. Diet from figure skater Tatyana Navka General principles of nutrition for weight loss for figure skaters

A beautiful dance on ice accompanied by pleasant music captivates the eyes of the audience. Skaters roll back their programs. Long and hard work on oneself, grueling training and especially the right diet help the athlete achieve his cherished goal.

A balanced diet must satisfy the following requirements: products must be of high quality, the assortment must be unlimited, calorie content and chemical composition must comply with standards, and the balance of nutrients must be maintained. All these factors will ensure good functioning of the skater’s body. Food intake and its composition should be taken according to a schedule that is drawn up for the whole day. This takes into account both the duration of the training and the period during which the competition occurs. According to methods that are accepted throughout the world, food intake standards are calculated. They are listed in the calorie tables used by skaters.

The skaters arrive in constant motion. They need to have a good supply of energy, which they expend on the ice. Therefore, they must consume carbohydrates in their diet. Also, thanks to carbohydrate foods, their bones will be stronger, which is very important for a skater. The diet of skaters should include a variety of vegetables, white rice, grapes, white bread products, pasta and boiled carrots. Instead of sweet foods, honey should be included in a skater’s diet.

The percentage of proteins consumed should be less. The skater's diet includes soy, beans, and beef. In the afternoon, you should take dairy products, including milk and cottage cheese.

While on the ice, a skater may experience cold. It is important to eat food with a certain proportion of fat - this will help the athlete on ice to avoid hypothermia due to the fat layer. It also protects internal organs from shocks when jumping.

A huge role in the nutrition of figure skaters is given to minerals and vitamins. During periods of heavy stress, the daily intake of minerals and vitamins should increase. This is important! It is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins B6, B2, B1, C and PP. You should not forget to take calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium chloride and iron. When a skater's body experiences increased stress, the metabolic processes that ensure proper muscle activity also intensify. Multivitamins containing much-needed minerals, which include potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, will come to the aid of the skater. Additional use of vitamin C and group B is recommended. As prescribed by the doctor, the athlete is required to consume vitamins A, D, E and K. The figure skater’s meal schedule is drawn up so that the athlete can go on the ice 1 or 2 hours after eating. And follow the main rule - a skater should not overeat!

It is impossible to achieve success in figure skating if you are overweight. But the specifics of this sport require a huge amount of energy, so a balanced and nutritious diet is necessary for athletes.

How do figure skaters eat? Do they have a special diet and what does it include?

Organization of figure skaters' diet

According to trainers working with figure skaters, extra pounds appear due to improper distribution of nutrients. A skater must not only be physically tough and have well-developed muscles, but also be flexible and flexible.

Skaters get carbohydrates for endurance from fruits, vegetables, cereals and pasta made from durum wheat. Proteins give strength to muscles. They are found in lean varieties of fish, meat and poultry, low-fat fermented milk and dairy products. A liquid diet maintains the flexibility of the body, and foods high in calcium strengthen bone tissue and stimulate the conduction of nerve impulses. Therefore, soups, nuts and dairy products must be included in the diet of athletes.

The composition of the diet and its quantity are certainly important. But the diet is no less important. Skaters eat often, but in small portions, and at the request of coaches, lunch should be two hours before the start of training so that digestion does not interfere with classes. For each athlete, the diet is compiled individually, taking into account gender, age, direction of the training process and other factors.

And yet there are cases when, before a performance, an athlete’s weight exceeds the permissible values. In this case, an extreme diet is used, which, of course, is not approved by either trainers or professional nutritionists. However, it is very effective.

Getting out of bed after sleep, you need to drink 250 ml of mineral water. It should be without gas.
For breakfast you are allowed to eat two glasses of pure bran. You can add kelp to them. Drink 500 ml of green tea without sugar.
The second breakfast menu consists of only two green apples.
Lunch consists of two rye crackers, 250 ml of kefir, low-fat only.
Before afternoon snack, you can snack on a large orange and 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
The afternoon snack menu consists of four grain breads (preferably buckwheat), 250 ml of black tea without sugar.
Before dinner, you can have a snack with 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner can consist of 100 grams of boiled beef or white poultry or two boiled eggs.

In two to three weeks of such a diet, you can get rid of 15-20 kilograms of excess weight, but losing it quickly can have a negative impact on your health, so it is better to be prudent and lose weight gradually.

A beautiful dance on ice accompanied by pleasant music captivates the eyes of the audience. Skaters roll back their programs. Long and hard work on oneself, grueling training and especially the right diet help the athlete achieve his cherished goal.

A balanced diet must satisfy the following requirements: products must be of high quality, the assortment must be unlimited, calorie content and chemical composition must comply with standards, and the balance of nutrients must be maintained. All these factors will ensure good functioning of the skater’s body. Food intake and its composition should be taken according to a schedule that is drawn up for the whole day. This takes into account both the duration of the training and the period during which the competition occurs. According to methods that are accepted throughout the world, food intake standards are calculated. They are listed in the calorie tables used by skaters.

The skaters arrive in constant motion. They need to have a good supply of energy, which they expend on the ice. Therefore, they must consume carbohydrates in their diet. Also, thanks to carbohydrate foods, their bones will be stronger, which is very important for a skater. The diet of skaters should include a variety of vegetables, white rice, grapes, white bread products, pasta and boiled carrots. Instead of sweet foods, honey should be included in a skater’s diet.

The percentage of proteins consumed should be less. The skater's diet includes soy, beans, and beef. In the afternoon, you should take dairy products, including milk and cottage cheese.

While on the ice, a skater may experience cold. It is important to eat food with a certain proportion of fat - this will help the athlete on ice to avoid hypothermia due to the fat layer. It also protects internal organs from shocks when jumping.

A huge role in the nutrition of figure skaters is given to minerals and vitamins. During periods of heavy stress, the daily intake of minerals and vitamins should increase. This is important! It is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins B6, B2, B1, C and PP. You should not forget to take calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium chloride and iron. When a skater's body experiences increased stress, the metabolic processes that ensure proper muscle activity also intensify. Multivitamins containing much-needed minerals, which include potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium, will come to the aid of the skater. Additional use of vitamin C and group B is recommended. As prescribed by the doctor, the athlete is required to consume vitamins A, D, E and K. The figure skater’s meal schedule is drawn up so that the athlete can go on the ice 1 or 2 hours after eating. And follow the main rule - a skater should not overeat!

We often talk about how important physical activity is when losing weight and staying in shape. Sport is an indispensable component for those who want to get rid of excess weight or gain a toned figure. A living example of the fact that constant exercise works wonders on the body are the ice stars. These athletes always look light and slender. So, the diet of figure skaters will help change your body for the better and gain grace.

Skaters work every day, because the results they show in competitions depend on their work. These are people with great willpower. In order to jump high and correctly perform elements on ice, you need to have a prepared body. Athletes strictly monitor their diet, not allowing themselves anything unnecessary. Of course, daily training is also a must.

Principles of dieting

A child eats differently than an adult athlete because little champions expend more energy. As a young skater goes through puberty, his body changes and he may gain extra weight. To cope with this problem and not encounter others, you have to develop a special menu that is aimed at:

  • activate and normalize metabolic processes using biological additives and nutrients;
  • reduce or increase body weight;
  • maintain and maintain weight unchanged;
  • provide enough calories, vitamins and nutrients for productive work;
  • to form a hormonal background that will allow the skater to realize his potential and achieve maximum results.

Using this algorithm, any person can build their diet, which will help them achieve their goals.

Think about what you want to achieve, whether you want to lose weight or tighten your figure. Once you determine your goal, it will be easier to create a workout and nutrition plan.

How the athletes' menu is built

In order to build the necessary muscle mass and not gain weight, the diet of figure skaters is structured in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, to satisfy all needs, the diet contains 50-55% carbohydrates of total energy, 12-15% protein and 25-30% fat. However, it is worth noting that not every skater adheres to the given figures. The ratio depends on what goals he wants to achieve.

Also important in a figure skater's diet is the consumption of vitamins. Compared to ordinary people, athletes are required to include more nutrients in their menu. This is caused by avoiding skim milk and greens. Thus, “icy” women are particularly lacking in iron, calcium and zinc. These vitamins provide health to the body and bone tissue, and protect against injury.

Anyone, even a non-athletic organism, needs a constant supply of useful minerals and elements. In their absence, diseases and ailments develop, and in our case, little result is achieved in losing weight.

What to exclude first

If you want to lose weight like athletes, then try to include their restrictions. Not recommended use:

  • various baked goods and confectionery products;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • sausage products.

In general, this is a standard list of prohibited foods that is recommended for a proper diet.

What to pay attention to

  1. The diet of figure skaters is dominated by low calorie food: green salads, vegetables and fruits. Products that are valuable in value are added to the menu. nutritional quality- These are grains, dairy products and meat.
  2. A mandatory item is fluid consumption. Skaters drink 6-8 glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration. This will help you heal your body by cleansing it of waste and toxins.
  3. Also take note of the advice on adequate food intake. For figure skaters, nutrition plays a huge role, so they go through the hands of professional nutritionists so as not to gain weight. Often, adult athletes who gain weight after adolescence refuse to eat altogether, which increases the risk of anorexia and bulimia. An example is Olympic champion Yulia Lipnitskaya, who faced this problem. Therefore, do not get carried away with the practice of losing weight, use moderation and do not engage in fasting.

If you don’t know where to spend your extra calories, then go to the skating rink. This activity works great for muscles and burns fat.

Proper weight loss for figure skaters

Of course, the diet of athletes is individual, but there are tips given by experienced specialists:

  1. Eat small meals. Eating by the hour is beneficial for both champions and ordinary people. By accustoming your body to order, you will not feel hungry, which means you will not consume extra calories and will lose weight.
  2. Reduce portion size. It is recommended to eat small meals so as not to stretch the stomach and not feel heavy during training. This advice is perfect for modern girls, because overeating is a common problem.
  3. Have snacks. between meals will help you recharge your batteries and not suffer from hunger. Choose fruit or yogurt.
  4. Drink water. Due to heavy loads, figure skaters can become dehydrated. But water is good for everyone, so drink as much as possible.
  5. Look for healthy foods. We have already given an example of those products that should be abandoned. Thus, you will not only gain lightness in your body, but also improve your health.
  6. Don't eat after 6 pm. Many athletes do not want to eat in the evening, so their last meal ends at 6-7 o’clock. This advice is not new at all, but it is effective.

After analyzing the information about how figure skaters lose weight, you will see that some of the nutritional recommendations do not differ from the classic ones. But their regular observance leads to pleasant results in the form of decreasing numbers on the scales.

Extreme weight loss

This method is used by those who need to lose a couple of kilograms in a short time. The technique lasts 7 days and has a monotonous menu.

Approximate diet:

Also drink plenty of fluids, up to 2 liters. per day. Don't allow yourself to snack. During the diet you will lose up to 3 kg.

Be careful and calculate your strength correctly, because this is a strict and emergency diet that is not suitable for every person.

Methodology of contrast (fasting) days

Skaters are not allowed to gain weight, so the unloading program is very common among them. This technique helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances and adjust the functioning of metabolic processes before competitions.

Contrast days are best spent on weekends; it is also recommended to avoid heavy physical activity at this time, performing only a light set of exercises. You need to eat about 5-6 times a day. To avoid temptations, do not dine at a common table; it is better to eat alone. If you experience sudden dizziness, a strong feeling of hunger and loss of energy, then drink sweet tea, for example, with honey. If symptoms are severe, stop unloading.

If you don’t know which product to spend a contrasting day on, then focus on your own preferences. So, for cereal lovers, buckwheat porridge is suitable, which is ideal for a mono-diet because it has low calorie content. This allows you to eat it in large quantities.

“Dairy” unloadings are popular - or. This is an effective weight loss that will not harm the body. Fruit and vegetable diets are also common. You can spend cucumber or. They do not cause much discomfort because the products quickly fill you up.

During the day of unloading, up to one kilogram of excess weight can be lost, your health will improve and your digestion will work with renewed vigor.

Losing weight before training

The diet regimen of skaters changes before summer or winter competitions. For example, a four-course menu for every day looks like this:

As you may have noticed, this is a high-calorie menu, and some athletes consume up to 3000 kcal. per day. However, this is a general example of the diet, and in reality the menu may look more meager.

Hypocaloric nutrition

This menu is completely opposite to what we described above. The essence of the diet is to reduce calories to lose weight.

So, women consume no more than 1200 kcal per day. It is worth limiting the amount of sugar and focusing on taking vitamins. A balanced menu must be developed in fractional form. The diet of figure skaters should not exceed 3 weeks of weight loss. Don’t forget about physical activity, because athletes spend energy on it every day.

Example of a weekly menu

Breakfast Eat an omelet of 2 eggs and drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
Dinner Prepare pearl barley soup and buckwheat with beef, vegetable cabbage salad.
Dinner Make liver pancakes and brew green tea.
Breakfast Start your early meal with a vegetable salad made from cucumbers, washed down with a herbal drink.
Dinner Cook lean rice soup, steam beef meatballs, drink apricot juice.
Dinner Prepare a vegetable side dish with stewed cutlets and add a cup of tea.
Breakfast Eat 1 apple and 100 g of boiled chicken.
Dinner Enjoy lean borscht and beef spaghetti.
Dinner Prepare the cabbage rolls.
Breakfast Have breakfast with dumplings, no more than 200 g, and drink a cup of tea.
Dinner We recommend Lenten pickle along with steamed vegetables.
Dinner A good choice would be pumpkin porridge with apple.
Breakfast Boil 1 potato and serve it with fresh cucumber.
Dinner Have lunch with vegetable soup with a side dish of barley and fish.
Dinner Steam meatballs with vegetables.
Breakfast Cut a salad of apples and carrots and drink tea.
Dinner Eat borscht with stuffed zucchini.
Dinner We recommend vegetables with fish.
Carry out a fasting diet by choosing one product.

You can lose up to 3 kg on this diet. Remember that portions should not be large - about 200 g.

Just looking at the chiseled forms of figure skaters, thoughts arise in your head about endless diets, restrictions, training and overcoming yourself. Extra pounds immediately affect their technique, so these girls must have incredible willpower to cope with the load. We tell you what athletes eat to maintain ideal figures, and how this affects their health.

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He decided to become even more productive and create something more popular than VKontakte and Telegram.

Recently, she posted a story on her Instagram in which she eats flowers with sushi chopsticks. "Diet. Four weeks,” the girl signed.
Does the two-time world champion really eat only vegetation? Of course, not only flowers, but after Evgenia moved to Canada, she became interested in veganism and began working with a nutritionist.

Her daily diet includes three meals, and dinner must be light and no later than six in the evening. The champion’s diet before performances excludes fatty, fried and spicy foods, so before the Olympics in Pyeongchang, Evgenia made do with unleavened rice.

However, there are not very many strict prohibitions in a figure skater’s diet. She herself admits that she cannot live without sweets, so before training she allows herself a couple of pieces of chocolate or marmalade. Medvedeva is also a fan of Asia, so she doesn’t deny herself to tom yum soup, sushi or Japanese chips.

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Figure skater Alina Zagitova, on the contrary, has many strict dietary restrictions. She posted photos of her breakfasts on social networks several times - often oatmeal with dried fruits.

While visiting “Evening Urgant,” Alina said: “During the Olympic season, I weighed myself three times a day. I tried to keep the weight off. 100 grams is already critical. There was a time when I was so worried that I even limited my water intake. Before weighing, I took a sip and spat it out.”

However, she soon realized that it was important to maintain her health and not allow fanaticism even in this topic. Now Zagitova eats often, but in small quantities.

When you gain weight, your jumping technique immediately changes. The fat on your arm has grown and you can no longer jump.

As a reward for winning the Olympics in Pyeongchang, Alina received another important prize for her - ice cream. One.

The figure of Elena Radionova regularly raises questions from subscribers, which they do not hesitate to write in the comments: “Elena, don’t you think that you are not quite in shape?” The athlete does not pay attention to caustic remarks and even shares the secrets of her diet. The nutritionist developed a balanced diet for the skater, which allows her to remain energetic throughout the day.

Natalia Zabiyako’s Instagram can practically be called culinary. The fitness lady often shares recipes for delicious breakfasts, pastries and desserts. There was a place for both healthy dishes and “forbidden” foods.

In one of her interviews, the athlete said: “I really like to cook, but at the same time I’m a fan of healthy eating, so I’m looking for healthy and tasty recipes. Many people are mistaken in thinking that healthy food tastes bad. If you choose the right recipe and prepare it correctly, the dish will not only benefit the body, but also great pleasure. There are no complex restrictions, I just eat foods or dishes, for example, fast food, that I haven’t consumed for a long time and don’t have the slightest desire. When you start eating right, over time your body adapts to this lifestyle and you don’t even have the desire to eat something harmful.”

And I had a terrible fear of scales. Before the weigh-ins, she took off her hairpins and chains and ran to the toilet so that no extra grams would appear on the screen.

When the ice training ended and evening came, I put on pants, three sweaters, and once a week I also wrapped myself in film and ran continuously for an hour. I gave myself a hard drying session.

The girl drove herself into a dead end - she weighed herself several times a day and controlled every piece she ate, but soon realized that this was not normal for a healthy person. Now she follows the rule “if you want it, eat it,” but consumes food in small quantities.