Cool statuses for graduation. Sad statuses about school

And at the last call, I’ll just sit at my desk, where I’ve learned so much....on the chair from which I’ve fallen more than once..... let go of a tear and remember... SCHOOL... I love it.

Announcement: -He was ten years older than her. But she sat on his neck and dangled her legs. See May 30th in all schools - the last bell.

The last bell has passed, graduation has passed... but I still don’t fully realize that I’m just going to miss my beloved school like crazy...

In Russia there are two identical holidays - Airborne Forces Day and Last Bell: both here and there, drunk people bathe in fountains and you don’t know what to expect from them.

A shiver runs through your whole body when you hear your last school bell..

The main thing is to hold on, not to give up... to be able to go the whole way without tears in your eyes.

Director, speaking at the last bell: “Dear guys, as I see you off on your last journey, I want to wish you...”

The headmistress gives a speech at the last bell: “In our school they make people...”

If I had known what it would be like at university, I would have cried at the last bell.

If school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty...

Tomorrow is the last First Call... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life...

Tomorrow is the last call... what a pity when the best years end...(((

Summer swirled like a dragonfly over the meadow,
poplar fluff covered the yards,
thunderstorms echo thunderstorms, a vociferous echo,
and the last call, the joy of the children.

The bell rang... I felt sad...
The school rings with silence.
How many smiles collided
In the heart of a magical dawn.

The last bell rings, we are leaving, sorry...
Farewell the teacher and keep in your heart
Believe us, it hurts, it hurts to the point of tears...
But we are leaving... We are leaving seriously...

How painful it is to understand that we will never sit at our desks and write with chalk, we will not see our classmates... how sad it is - the last call...

Love sometimes comes at school: jealousy, betrayal, showdowns during breaks. What happened within the school walls! I remember my class, my first lesson... Graduation came, the last bell rang...

Everyone cried on that last call. Graduates and first-graders are out of sadness, middle school is out of envy, and teachers are out of relief...

He is the beginning, your last call...
Today he screamed so shrilly,
he sounded so exciting today,
that no one could contain their feelings,
he is the beginning, your last call!

There are very few left -> Last call -> Unified State Exam -> Presentation of certificates -> GRADUATION -> Another life...

I sang karaoke today.. Previously, the song “Last Bell” and “School” seemed ordinary, but today I’m getting goosebumps... 11th grade... eh..

For the first time in all the years of studying at school, I don’t want the last bell... After all, very close and dear people will leave this year... I love them.

In rain or heat, but in due time, every new spring there is a last call!!!

A city full of hefty tipsy women in white transparent blouses and black minis? No, this is not the beginning of a German porn film. This is the last call.

I remember my last bell at school..))) But what left me with the most pleasant impression was the warm fart of the first-grader I carried on my shoulder with the bell..))))

Last call: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and protect Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

The last bell and school lesson are already behind us,
The last bell and a new lesson, life ahead of us prepares...

Last call. Farewell to school, friends, teachers. Last day for the whole team. Hugs, tears, laughter... Thank you, school, for everything: for the knowledge, lessons, new friends, laughter, smiles, for the teachers showing the way and prompting, for the love of the teachers. Thank you. I will really miss those leaving school. I understand that our 9 “A” will partially remain, but it will be a different class and a different story. There will no longer be the same composition as there was before. And it is he who I will miss very much...

The last call is a very sad sound when you realize that it is definitely the last one...

Last call... last meeting... there is nothing worse than this... You dream about it all the time... and when the time comes, you try to avoid it!

Last call, simple tears. We give roses to teachers. And yet, school, we will love you...

The last call has passed, and everyone is still on a drinking binge... psst... you can’t drink like that anymore (((

Last call. Today I saw graduates crying and I felt kind of sad...

The last phone call before the wires on the lifeline were cut...

Last call... I have a whole list of people to whom I need to apologize for my sober behavior)

Almost a week later the last call, I even bought a dress, but I don’t want to say goodbye to friends who are leaving... :(.

Goodbye, oh school, oh resident evil. And hello to the institute, oh citadel of vice!

Goodbye school! Hello exams!

Goodbye to school, I drink to you... the years have flown by in a minute, there was the first bell, and now graduation! Now, I can’t hold back my treacherous tears... thank you for the fact that everything was serious! THANK YOU..!!!))

Every year the last call becomes more and more like Paratroopers' Day.

Today the last bell rings for those who once saw us off from the yard of our beloved school with this very last bell... For those whom we, the graduates, led by the hand to the first class in their lives, sat them down at their desks, and gave them an ABC book...
How they looked at us with eyes full of delight, and at the same time fear for the unknown...
They are so beautiful today... and grown up (as they think)

Sad statuses about school - farewell to school is a sad moment for many

Whenever the holidays come, we are always happy and don’t want to go back to school after the holidays. When the last bell rings, we smile and rejoice at it. And when we get to adulthood, we cry and miss school, because those times cannot be returned.

So sad... It seems like I just recently started first grade... And now graduation is very close...

The last bell has rung... only now it doesn’t remind you of another boring lesson, but calls you into adulthood.

The last call is a very sad sound when you realize that it is definitely the last one.

My teacher, wait a little, I want to be a child again. And... cancel the last call, I want to learn everything again. I never thought that I would miss school so much.

The schoolyard and the laughter of girlfriends The purest, most sonorous And they run through the warm puddles Barefoot girls And they are already rocking others Our school swing School, school, I miss How quickly we grew up....

Sometimes you really want to return to these native walls, run through these corridors, go into the classroom and look into the eyes of the teacher to say thank you... I miss school...

Don’t be sad that you won’t return to school, Youth is a wonderful time, I can only wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

One more month and goodbye school. Somehow 11 years have flown by unnoticed and now for the first time I want to stay in school, at least for another year.

School is over, I may never see you again, it’s so hard for me to realize this......

There is very little left... May 25 is coming soon... Everyone is so smart, beautiful, grown up... A little more and we will part forever... Sad

Goodbye school - goodbye childhood... I can’t believe that these years have flown by...

So, last week of school... I feel bad, I don't want to leave!

The bell rings for the last time for us. This is the last time we enter this class. Let the tears roll from your eyes. For the last time, for the last time...

Call for teacher. Stand up, all those who have just spoken. Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Leave and come back normally. School, I miss you.

Graduation ribbons...white bows...white socks and aprons... It seems so fun... Graduation... Last night... Sad dawn together... and then we separate and will not be together again...

Tomorrow is the last First Call... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life.

Goodbye to school, I drink to you... the years have flown by in a minute, there was the first bell, and now graduation! Now, I can’t hold back my treacherous tears... thank you for the fact that everything was serious!

Goodbye school, the last bell has rung. And the trees are closed for you

Sad statuses about school - Last call, simple tears. We give roses to teachers. And yet, school, we will love you...

I will really miss school! According to notes, even regarding conflicts with teachers. The neighbor at the desk who put up with me, the “booth” where almost the entire school ran to smoke

Graduation is coming soon... only now I realized how good it really is at school... appreciate this time.

The coolest statuses about the Unified State Exam

T It’s only at graduation that you realize how much you’ve fallen in love with these idiots in 11 years.

WITH a scary tale for graduates: "Baba Unified State Examination and Baba GIA"

IN In general, many university graduates are suitable for the army, but only for war with a virtual enemy!

A What will your parents give you for graduation? - Judging by the Unified State Exam results, a bunch of bullshit.

P A full city of hefty tipsy women in white transparent blouses and black minis? No, this is not the beginning of a German porn film. This is the last call.

C Every year the last call becomes more and more like Paratroopers' Day.

N and on his graduation ribbon Andrei wrote his home address, his mother’s mobile number, his blood type - and he was right...

P arnie! Whoever dances a girl to her prom takes her home drunk in the morning!

E GE is not legal!! The Constitution of the Russian Federation clearly states... Chapter 2, Article 21 “no one should be subjected to torture, violence, or other cruel or degrading treatment!”

N A real teacher is not the one who has 10 medalists in his class, but the one who is invited to a restaurant after graduation!

WITH The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited for the dawn for six months!

ABOUT n was 10 years older than her. But she sat on his neck and dangled her legs. May 25th is the last bell in all schools in the country

T Only after the last call do you understand why parents are not on VKontakte, but on Odnoklassniki.

M If only you could turn on the hot water in the fountains at least once a year during the last call!

IN Is that what my parents say or did they say too?: If you don’t pass the Unified State Exam, you’ll face revenge

N You don’t need to pester us - we still have to take the Unified State Exam!

T Only our schoolchildren go to school on September 1st with a briefcase and flowers, and at the last bell with beer and a cigarette

E To be afraid of GE - don’t go to university

D She comes home from graduation.... Her mother asks: -Have you been drinking???
Daughter: no mom, I’m an ax!!!

N and the survey question “What are you going to do after school?” school graduates in the overwhelming majority of cases gave the answer “If you’re lucky, then nothing...”

IN graduation. Teacher: Zhen, you’re reading the poem like you were in 1st grade! Well, let's grow up somehow! Zhenya: Cursing or what?

E If school is a prison, then we will soon have an amnesty..

P last call: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and protect Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

U me this year for the Unified State Exam, why waste the State. Budget just beat me with a chair and that’s it...

IN graduation, beautiful dress, limousine, champagne, dancing, punch, guy, dancing vodka, cupcake, cigarette, vodka, toilet, toilet...

T Only when I reached the eleventh grade at school did I begin to understand why essays “What I did this summer” are written only in the lower grades.

- T ok, son, one step, another step... Lucy, quickly bring the camera - son with
prom is back!

TO Chinese graduates, going out to the embankment to greet the sunrise, turned the continent upside down.

U Last call for everyone, and I'm not a drinker!

Sh College students after graduation, going to greet the dawn, take Trudovik with them. To see how this ghoul writhes in the sunlight.

U Respect your parents, they graduated from school without Yandex and Wikipedia!

I sang karaoke today.. Previously, the song “last call” and “school” seemed ordinary, but today I’m getting goosebumps.. 11th grade... eh..

It's last call for everyone, and I'm not a drinker!

It’s last call for a friend; she wanted to put on her school uniform. I ran around the whole city - no where! I complained to a friend. She says - no problem. Bought on the same day - In a sex shop!

The last phone call before the wires on the lifeline were cut...

I remember my last bell at school..))) but what left me with the most pleasant impression was the warm fart of the first-grader I carried on my shoulder with the bell..))))

Tomorrow is the last First Call... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life..

The last bell rings, we are leaving, forgive me Farewell to the teacher and keep in your heart Believe us it hurts, It hurts to the point of tears... But we are leaving... We are leaving seriously...

The last bell has passed, graduation has passed... but I still don’t fully realize that I’m just going to miss my beloved school like crazy...

Love sometimes comes at school, Jealousy, betrayal, showdown During recess. A lot of things happened within the school walls. I remember my class, my first lesson, graduation came, the last bell rang...

A shiver runs through your whole body when you hear your last school bell..

Every year the last call becomes more and more like Paratroopers' Day.

The last call has passed, and everyone is still on a drinking binge... psst... you can’t drink like that anymore (((

I wish I could become a first-grader, I could return the day to yesterday, I could take it and start all over again. Warm summer evening And the last call We will remember with love.

Last call) I have a whole list of people to whom I need to apologize for my sober behavior)

Goodbye school, the last bell has rung. And the trees are closed for you (

xD I like this - the last call passed, everyone took a walk in the center - and half of the contacts changed their avatars: D

And at the last call, I’ll just sit at my desk, where I’ve learned so much....on the chair from which I’ve fallen more than once..... let a tear drop and remember... SCHOOL.. I love it.

For the first time in all the years of studying at school, I don’t want the last bell... After all, very close and dear people will leave this year... I love them =***

Last call: More than three thousand police officers are on heavy duty and protect Muscovites from drunken school graduates.

How painful it is to understand that we will never sit at our desks and write with chalk, we will not see our classmates... how sad it is - last call...

last call, simple tears(((

now the most relevant album is "Last Call"

Last call. Today I saw graduates crying and I felt kind of sad...

Tomorrow is the last call... what a pity when the best years end...(((

Almost a week later the last call, I even already bought a dress, but I don’t want to say goodbye to friends who are leaving.... :(.

last call... last meeting... there is nothing... worse than this... you dream about it all the time... and when the time approaches... you try to avoid it!!!(((

He was 10 years older than her. But she sat on his neck and dangled her legs... Look, May 30th is the last bell in all schools in the country.

Last call, simple tears. We give roses to teachers. And yet, school, we will love you...

The last bell and school lesson are already behind us, the last bell and a new lesson are in store for us in life ahead...

When we leave the schoolyard, to the sounds of an ageless waltz, the teacher leads us to the corner...

Graduation... the last day of school life... And yet, school, I will love you!! I had the best class!!! Guys, I love you all!!

The headmistress gives a speech at the last bell: “People are made in our school.”

Tomorrow is the last First Call... and already somehow sadly realizing that he will no longer be in your life..

Students wear their uniform 2 times: on September 1 and at the last bell... a fact of life - statuses about graduation and the last bell.

It's last call for everyone, and I'm not a drinker!

A city full of hefty tipsy women in white transparent blouses and black minis? No, this is not the beginning of a German porn movie. This is the last call.

The last bell rings, we are leaving, forgive me Farewell to the teacher and keep in your heart Believe us it hurts, It hurts to tears... But we are leaving... We are leaving seriously...

Tomorrow is the last call... what a pity when the best years end...(((

I like this - the last call went by, everyone walked around in the center - and half of the contacts changed their profiles.

I wish I could become a first-grader, I could return the day to yesterday, I could take it and start all over again. Warm summer evening And the last call We will remember with love.

For the first time in all the years of studying at school, I don’t want the last bell... After all, very close and dear people will leave this year... I love them =***

Love sometimes comes at school, Jealousy, betrayal, showdown During recess. A lot of things happened within the school walls. I remember my class, my first lesson, graduation came, the last bell rang...

Congratulations on graduating from school and we wish that the road to adulthood goes through a blooming garden, that the carriage of life easily and happily takes you along life’s roads, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, that everyone you need is nearby.


Only when I reached the eleventh grade at school did I begin to understand why essays “What I did this summer” are written only in the lower grades.

I put it in the status: “How I want to accidentally oversleep school tomorrow, accidentally forget to turn on the alarm today...*(”. The historian writes in a PM: “How I want to give an unexpected test tomorrow and give 2 to everyone who didn’t show up...”.

PRAYER BEFORE GRADUATION: Lord, help me not to get drunk! Wake up in MY bed in the morning! Help me not to lose my image! Don’t lose things, including my head! Help me not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am and not to call! Help me come home on two, and not on 4! And if I do anything....then erase my memory forever and ever! AMEN!)))

- I remember how my mother brought me to school in the first grade, and how my father took me away from graduation. They love me very much, very much! Like no one else! Love your parents!

After graduation, schoolchildren, going to greet the dawn, take Trudovik with them to see how this ghoul writhes in the sunlight.

- And I didn’t go to my graduation because I... - .. gay. - No, my girlfriend and I had a fight the day before because.. - ... you were gay. - No, I wasn’t gay until... - .. was born.

Favorite phrases of teachers: “Don’t argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we’ll laugh too. Leave the class and come in normally! I repeat for the especially gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. Forest of hands, well then, according to the magazine... I’ll tell you Am I disturbing you?"

Don’t be sad that you won’t return to school, Youth is a wonderful time, All we can do is wish you happiness, peace and goodness.

The longest graduation ceremony was recorded in Norilsk - the guys waited for the dawn for six months.

I saw absolutely charming primitive dolls in school uniforms a la the Soviet years: brown dress, white apron, collars, cuffs. This is suitable for those teachers who have actually experienced this form.