is a center of Christian resources. Dunaev Yuri. Theatrical miniatures - The Little Match Girl The Girl and Gluttony

Oksana Tverdokhlebova
Performance “The Light of Christmas” (based on the fairy tale “Matchsticks” by H. C. Andersen)

Look around and you will see how much light and the Lord gives us good things with great love. So let our gift give joy to all viewers today - Christmas Tale.

The sound of the wind is heard.


It's so cold outside. And I have neither a fur coat nor a hat. And my felt boots are completely worn out. And I really want to eat. (See a piece of bread on the table). Bread!

Alenka! It's you, bastard (the girl hides). And she stole a piece of bread from me... Ah... there you are (pulls the girl by the hand, she presses a piece of bread to her chest). Well, I sold it today matches?

No, father, I didn’t sell it. There is no one on the street. Everyone went to the Temple. Christmas Eve today.

Oh, I didn’t sell it, so stay hungry (takes the bread). And don’t return home without money.

(Alyonushka goes outside, there are boys playing snowballs).

1 boy.

What kind of scarecrow is this? Her scarf is like a sieve, you can sow flour. And the dress, the dress (laughs) it looks like a bump, everything is covered in patches.

2 boy.

And the felt boots, look how big they are. Yes, you can cradle my little sister in them.


Boys, buy from me matches, Please.

3 boy.

Why buy. We'll take it anyway.

(Takes away matches, leaves one box).

4 boy.

And we will scare the crows with felt boots.

(They also take the felt boots and run away).


All the matches were taken. What will I tell my father now? Yes, he won’t even let me go home. (Places his hands in his apron pocket, there are boxes matches) . Oh, there's one more box left.

Patterns with a wonderful magic brush

Draws frost on the windows.

Buy it at least match please buy it

Christ bless you.

Buy it at least match! And he won't forget you

My gratitude forever.

But why are you passing by, people?

I can't go home without money!

The girl is crying. The sound of the wind is heard.

The wind is blowing, the cold penetrates to the bones. I’ll hide here, by the Christmas tree, it will cover me with its branches, I’ll be warmer.

A beggar woman is coming.

Poor child, come here, I'll warm you up (takes off his cape and wraps the girl up) Alyonushka.

Where are you going, aunty?

I'm going to the Temple.


Take me with you.

The path there is not close, and you won’t get there with your bare feet, you’ll freeze. Run home.


I can't go home.

That’s the problem, and I can’t leave you alone, midnight is coming soon. And you need to go to the service. Let's light one of yours matches. Her light will be a gift newborn baby. Lights up match.

Dance of the animals.

Miracles, only now it was cold, my paws and ears were freezing, but now it’s warm and light.

Look, there's a light under the tree glows.

Girl, what a wonderful light you have, it warmed us up.

Take these pine cones as a gift.


Thank you, little animals, just what will I do with them.

Let's decorate the Christmas tree with them.

Girl, we are flying from afar, cold, exhausted.

They say you have a wonderful light, help, warm it up.

Thank you, sweet girl. Take wild berry beads for this.


Thank you. Cute birds. But what am I going to do with them?

And you decorate the Christmas tree with them.


What a beautiful Christmas tree we have. It's just a pity that it doesn't sparkle with lights.

And you Alyonushka, light another one match. A bright light will make the snow on the branches sparkle. will shine, real Rozhdestvenskaya We can make a Christmas tree.

Vanyusha, why are you so sad? He didn’t raise his head during the service in the Temple. And he prayed with such fervor.

I keep thinking about that girl we offended today. How is she doing?

Yes, they did not do well.

And I feel bad at heart.

What a bright light is burning near the Christmas tree, miracles

Look, there she is, this girl.

Girl, please forgive us, but we will return your things to you.


Of course I forgive you. After all Christmas has come. And on this day you cannot hold evil in your soul.

Alyonushka. My girl, where are you? Alyonushka, forgive me for my anger and greed. After all, in such frost you could freeze. How could I live without you?

Well, let's not remember the past. After all, today is a holiday. The whole earth rejoices. Let us also rejoice and have fun near our Christmas tree.

TOPIC: Children's performance for Christmas
DECORATION: Music. Sound and light effects of the upcoming holiday
AUTHORSHIP: Anatoly Serebryakov, Petrozavodsk

Note: This performance is based on the fairy tale of the same name by H.H. Andersen. The plot of this fairy tale is as follows. A little girl tries to sell matches to passersby. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention to the poor girl. The girl looks around - everyone is rushing about their business. Other children, from rich families, leave the toy store with their parents - something our girl can only dream about.

Giving up hope of selling matches, the chilled girl sits on the ground in some nook and starts lighting matches to warm up. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh drawn by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of vision of happiness... And so, the grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven...

Voice of the STORYTELLER: This story happened on Christmas Eve, when there was severe frost outside, and people hid in warm houses, decorating the wonderfully smelling pine trees. And only one little girl with matches was afraid to go home, since she had not sold a single match all day, and her father could severely punish her for this.

A GIRL appears, rare passers-by.

GIRL (singing)
Patterns with a wonderful magic brush
Draws frost on the windows.
Buy at least a match, please, gentlemen,
May Christ bless you.
At home, the cold attacks you from outside
But what’s inside is worse!
Buy some matches! Fire gives you
The hot shine of your eyes.
The life of a burning match is just a moment,
But it's worth living for!
Buy matches and a blessing
You can receive it as a gift.
At least buy a match! And he won't forget you
My gratitude forever.
But why are you passing by, people?
I can't go home without money!
The girl is crying. SANTA CLAUS appears.

FATHER FROST- Why are you crying, girl? Look, your tears turn into wonderful glass beads. Wear them and you will be the most beautiful. And if you agree that I take you to the ball with the Snow Queen, then, without a doubt, you will be able to get the first prize!

GIRL- Oh, Grandfather Frost, it would be better if you didn’t freeze me so much. After all, my father and I have had nothing to buy warm clothes with since our grandmother died (continues to cry).

FATHER FROST“I’m very sorry, girl, but, alas, I am obliged to carry out the orders of the Snow Queen.”

GIRL“Then maybe you can buy some matches from me and I can go home and warm up?”

FATHER FROST- Well, dear. Matches are my enemies, because they create a fire from which my strength melts. And how can I pay you, besides ice diamonds?

GIRL- Yes, excuse me, Grandfather Frost. I'll try not to cry, although I'm quite cold.

FATHER FROST“You can warm up a little if you decide to dance with my snowflakes.”

GIRL- Thank you, I'll try.
Dancing with Snowflakes.

GIRL- No, Grandfather Frost, the touch of your Snowflakes made me even colder!

FATHER FROST– Don’t be afraid, the moment will soon come when you will stop feeling the cold and then you and I will go to the ball with my lady the Snow Queen. It’s so wonderful there that you’ll forget about everything in the world!

GIRL- No, no, I don’t want to go to your Queen. I heard that she has no heart at all, and that’s why she doesn’t love anyone but herself.

FATHER FROST– Is there any other love in this world other than love for oneself? If it existed, then you wouldn’t be so lonely and wouldn’t be freezing on the street now.

GIRL- It's not true! Such love exists, my grandmother had it. Ah, grandma! She loved everyone, and probably me more. Although, wait, perhaps she loved Jesus most of all. Grandmother told me about Him. I remember that Jesus died on the cross for all of us because He loved us more than Himself!

FATHER FROST- Stop it! I am a fairy tale character, but I will tell you that Jesus is more fabulous than me!

GIRL“Then why is everyone celebrating His Christmas and not yours?”

FATHER FROST- But not a single New Year tree can do without me... In general, let's stop this talk. Better grab my staff, the Snow Queen is waiting for us.

GIRL- No way! Get away from me, please, I don't want to go to her.

FATHER FROST- Let's go, let's go! You will feel good in the eternal ice kingdom. Hold my staff!

GIRL- Oh no! (shouting) Ba-a-bush-ka-a-a! (strikes a match)

Blackout. Music. A light approaching spot is a FOCUS.

HEARTH - (singing)
The logs crack in the fire,
Hurry here quickly!
Boils and cooks on me
Delicious food.
I'll warm you up and feed you
And I will return my strength.
After all, I love a person
And I am looking for friendship with him.
Boils and cooks on me
Delicious food.
The logs crack in the fire,
Hurry here quickly!

Blackout again: the match has gone out. Light. A Blizzard appears.

GIRL- Oh match, how quickly you burned! I didn’t have time to warm myself by the fireplace.

BLIZZARD-What are you muttering there, girl? Let me cover you with my snow shawl. I can imagine how elegant you will be at the Snow Queen’s ball!

GIRL“Ah, Mrs. Blizzard, I’m looking for warmth, but you offer me only cold.”

BLIZZARD- Warm?! I hate him. And why do you people strive for it so much, although inside you most often prefer to wear icy hearts, like us in the icy kingdom? A?

GIRL– Probably because heat requires constant fuel supply, just as a hearth requires firewood. And if you don’t give them to him, he will go out and cool down.

BLIZZARD– What kind of fuel do human hearts require?

GIRL– Love, care and attention, I think. Without them, human hearts harden.

BLIZZARD“I don’t understand this, girl, because in our icy kingdom there is love.” Care and attention are considered stupidity. With us, everyone lives on their own and is happy.

GIRL“I’m unlikely to be satisfied if my heart is chilled by indifference and contempt for people close to me.”

BLIZZARD- But you, girl, still can’t escape, because you are surrounded by cold on all sides and soon, very soon you will become as cold as the rest of us.

GIRL- Don't say that. I have matches that make fire.

BLIZZARD– (laughs) How long will they last, silly? Better wrap yourself in my shawl.

GIRL- No no! (strikes a match)

Blackout. Music. Light of garlands. Christmas tree. Laughter.

A BOY (1) and a GIRL (2) appear

GIRL (2) - And you, girl, why don’t you go to the holiday? Get up, look how beautiful our Christmas tree is and how many friends are waiting for us!

BOY (1)– Yes, yes, let’s go and spin around together in the Christmas round dance. Get up, girl, here's my hand. GIRL - Are you inviting me to a party?

BOY (1) and GIRL (2)- Well, of course, we invite you!

GIRL- And you want to be my friends? But I’m so poorly dressed!

BOY (1)– We have a beautiful white dress.

GIRL (2)- Here it is, put it on. How it suits you!

BOY (1) and GIRL (2) - Let's run!

They get up in a round dance. Blackout. The match goes out.

GIRL- Oh, how quickly my match went out, I didn’t have time to enjoy the warmth that radiated from the hearts of my friends!

SANTA CLAUS and Blizzard- I'll freeze it! I'll note it!!

GIRL- No matter how it is! Here you go! (strikes a match again)

Yolka again. Everyone sings a song:

As elusive as a moment,
A number of years pass into eternity.
And so, by a mysterious vision
Christmas is coming to us again.
It's beautiful and wonderful
And everyone expects happiness from him,
And there are many loud songs in the world
They sing in his honor with hope.
Oh, if only this hope
Didn't leave us forever
And God of truth, God of light
We called every hour!
Oh, if only grief and suffering
And the oppression of life's cross
Hopes were not drowned out
On the Son of God - Christ!
Oh, if only everyone who suffers
I knew that there was Christ in heaven,
Who sees, comprehends
All our burden of torment and tears!

GIRL- How wonderful it is here! Oh, holiday, never stop!

BOY (1)– You know, in the eternal Kingdom of Jesus it never ends.

GIRL (2)- Yes. And there are no tears, no grief, no hunger, no cold.

GIRL– Oh, Jesus, take me to Your Kingdom!

The match goes out. Blackout. Light. THE SNOW QUEEN Appears

SNOW QUEEN- Why don’t you like my kingdom, girl? Jesus rules in heaven, but here I rule! Look how the Snowflakes obey me, how at my one touch the water freezes in silent respect, how afraid people are, wrapping themselves in fur coats, and at the same time, happy when sledding and playing snowballs. Everything obeys me! And only you, daring one, challenge me!

GIRL- Oh no, Your Royal Majesty. I just found out that there is another kingdom - the Kingdom of warmth and light, the Kingdom of love and joy, and therefore I want to go there.

SNOW QUEEN“Don’t you know, girl, that it is almost impossible to get into this Kingdom, since I heard that nothing dirty can enter there.” And look, you have an old dirty coat and match wax all over your hands. In my kingdom, everything glitters and sparkles, everything is dazzling white, but I did not disdain to invite you to my ball.

GIRL“But they have already given me a new white dress, and I know the beautiful song that is sung in this Kingdom.”

Sings: Love came at Christmas... divine...

SNOW QUEEN- Shut up, obnoxious girl! For your daring speeches, I will turn you into a silent ice statue and no one, do you hear, no one will save you, not even your solar Christ!!!

GIRL- Not true. I remembered. My grandmother told me that the name “Christ” means “Savior”, and I believe that He will save me, because my grandmother never deceived anyone.

SNOW QUEEN– Now we will check this. Hey servants, grab her!

GIRL- Yeah, don’t like it? Here's to you, Royal Majesty! (lights a match)

The song “LOVE CAME FOR CHRISTMAS” plays. A BOY and a GIRL appear.

GIRL (2)– Where did you disappear from us, Girl?

BOY (1)- We missed you. Don't leave us again, okay?

GIRL (2)- Come with us. Soon Christmas gifts will be handed out to everyone at the Christmas tree. Which one would you like to receive?

GIRL- Oh, friends, there is no better gift for me than to always be with you. You are so kind to me and it’s so nice here. But the Snow Queen said that only those who have clean clothes and hands can stay in the Kingdom of Christ.

BOY (1)- She is mistaken, Girl, not knowing who Christ is, why He was born and what He offers to everyone who believes in Him.

GIRL- So tell me about Him, please.

GIRL (2)- Willingly. Look.

The far part of the stage is illuminated, where the story of the birth of Jesus is being told (shadow theater)

BOY (1)– Now you know everything, Girl, about the One who loves you more than anyone in the world.

GIRL- Oh yes, thank you, friends. My heart was so cold and empty after the death of my grandmother, and now a light of hope has lit up in it and joy overwhelms it from the fact that I am no longer alone as before, and now I have so many friends, of whom Jesus is the most ! My heart sings, friends! (singing)

I have a Friend who loves me
Loves me.
I have a Friend who loves me.
His name is Jesus.
My best friend, He loves me
Best Friend.
He loves me, best friend, he loves me,
My Jesus...

The match goes out. The girl is surrounded by Santa Claus, Blizzard, Snowflakes and the Snow Queen.

ALL TOGETHER- And here we are!

FATHER FROST– You don’t have a single match left!

BLIZZARD- That's it, now you are ours!

– Now you will listen only to our songs.

(singing in blues style)
In the kingdom of cold and frost
You will never see tears.
The kingdom of cold and frost
Will always reign!
Only those who are friends with us
It will come to us without difficulty.
The kingdom of cold and frost
Will always reign!

FATHER FROST– (thrusting his staff into the Girl) She shouldn’t have been stubborn!

BLIZZARD– (covering the Girl with her shawl) She resisted in vain!

SNOW QUEEN– (weaving a net with Snowflakes) This will make a wonderful statue!

Bright light. A boy-Christ descends from above, who frees the Girl from the net.

GIRL– Oh, Jesus, I recognized You. I knew that You would come for me. I'm so grateful to you! (Jesus takes her hand and they go up together)

NARRATOR– The next morning, passers-by found the girl’s frozen body. Thus ends this sad story on earth. But you and I, guys, know that it continues in heaven, only full of unearthly joy and warmth. Therefore, let's glorify the One who loves us all! Let's thank with all our hearts the One who came to this cold earth to save us, and so that our life continues in heaven, full of joy and love, like this little Girl.

Praise and worship in progress


Music. Sound and light effects of the upcoming holiday

Voice of the STORYTELLER: This story happened on Christmas Eve, when there was severe frost outside, and people hid in warm houses, decorating the wonderfully smelling pine trees. And only one little girl with matches was afraid to go home, since she had not sold a single match all day, and her father could severely punish her for this.

A GIRL appears, rare passers-by.

GIRL (singing)
Patterns with a wonderful magic brush
Draws frost on the windows.
Buy at least a match, please, gentlemen,
May Christ bless you.
At home, the cold attacks you from outside
But what’s inside is worse!
Buy some matches! Fire gives you
The hot shine of your eyes.
The life of a burning match is just a moment,
But it's worth living for!
Buy matches and a blessing
You can receive it as a gift.
At least buy a match! And he won't forget you
My gratitude forever.
But why are you passing by, people?
I can't go home without money!
The girl is crying. SANTA CLAUS appears.

SANTA CLAUS - Why are you crying, girl? Look, your tears turn into wonderful glass beads. Wear them and you will be the most beautiful. And if you agree that I take you to the ball with the Snow Queen, then, without a doubt, you will be able to get the first prize!

GIRL - Oh, Grandfather Frost, it would be better if you didn’t freeze me so much. After all, my father and I have had nothing to buy warm clothes with since our grandmother died (continues to cry).

SANTA CLAUS - I’m very sorry, girl, but, alas, I am obliged to carry out the orders of the Snow Queen.

GIRL - Then maybe you can buy some matches from me and I can go home and warm up?

SANTA CLAUS - Well, dear. Matches are my enemies, because they create a fire from which my strength melts. And how can I pay you, besides ice diamonds?

GIRL - Yes, excuse me, Grandfather Frost. I'll try not to cry, although I'm quite cold.

SANTA CLAUS - You can warm up a little if you decide to dance with my snowflakes.

GIRL - Thanks, I'll try.
Dancing with Snowflakes.

GIRL - No, Grandfather Frost, the touch of your Snowflakes made me even colder!

SANTA CLAUS - Don’t be afraid, the moment will soon come when you will stop feeling the cold and then you and I will go to the ball with my lady Snow Queen. It’s so wonderful there that you’ll forget about everything in the world!

GIRL - No, no, I don’t want to go to your Queen. I heard that she has no heart at all, and that’s why she doesn’t love anyone but herself.

SANTA CLAUS - Is there any other love in this world other than love for oneself? If it existed, then you wouldn’t be so lonely and wouldn’t be freezing on the street now.

GIRL - Not true! Such love exists, my grandmother had it. Ah, grandma! She loved everyone, and probably me more. Although, wait, perhaps she loved Jesus most of all. Grandmother told me about Him. I remember that Jesus died on the cross for all of us because He loved us more than Himself!

SANTA CLAUS - Stop it! I am a fairy tale character, but I will tell you that Jesus is more fabulous than me!

GIRL - Then why is everyone celebrating His Christmas and not yours?

SANTA CLAUS - But not a single New Year tree is complete without me... In general, let's stop this talk. Better grab my staff, the Snow Queen is waiting for us.

GIRL - No way! Get away from me, please, I don't want to go to her.

SANTA CLAUS - Let's go, let's go! You will feel good in the eternal ice kingdom. Hold my staff!

GIRL - Oh no! (shouting) Ba-a-bush-ka-a-a! (strikes a match)

Blackout. Music. A light approaching spot is a FOCUS.

HEARTH - (singing)
The logs crack in the fire,
Hurry here quickly!
Boils and cooks on me
Delicious food.
I'll warm you up and feed you
And I will return my strength.
After all, I love a person
And I am looking for friendship with him.
Boils and cooks on me
Delicious food.
The logs crack in the fire,
Hurry here quickly!

Blackout again: the match has gone out. Light. A Blizzard appears.

GIRL - Oh match, how quickly you burned out! I didn’t have time to warm myself by the fireplace.

Blizzard - What are you muttering there, girl? Let me cover you with my snow shawl. I can imagine how elegant you will be at the Snow Queen’s ball!

GIRL - Ah, Mrs. Blizzard, I am looking for warmth, but you offer me only cold.

Blizzard - Warm?! I hate him. And why do you people strive for it so much, although inside you most often prefer to wear icy hearts, like us in the icy kingdom? A?

GIRL - Probably because heat requires constant fuel supply, just as a hearth requires firewood. And if you don’t give them to him, he will go out and cool down.

Blizzard – What kind of fuel do human hearts require?

GIRL - Love, care and attention, I think. Without them, human hearts grow stale

Blizzard - I don’t understand this, girl, because in our icy kingdom there is love. Care and attention are considered stupidity. With us, everyone lives on their own and is happy.

GIRL - I’m unlikely to be happy if my heart is chilled by indifference and contempt for people close to me.

Blizzard - But you, girl, still can’t escape, because you are surrounded by cold on all sides and soon, very soon you will become as cold as the rest of us.

GIRL - Don't say that. I have matches that make fire.

Blizzard – (laughs) How long will they last, silly? Better wrap yourself in my shawl.

GIRL - No, no! (strikes a match)

Blackout. Music. Light of garlands. Christmas tree. Laughter.

A BOY (1) and a GIRL (2) appear

2 – And you, girl, why don’t you go to the holiday? Get up, look how beautiful our Christmas tree is and how many friends are waiting for us!

1 – Yes, yes, let’s go and spin around together in the Christmas round dance. Get up, girl, here's my hand. GIRL - Are you inviting me to a party?

1 and 2 – Well, of course, we invite you!

GIRL - And you want to be my friends? But I’m so poorly dressed!

1 – We have a beautiful white dress.

2 – Here it is, put it on. How it suits you!

1 and 2 – Let's run!

They get up in a round dance. Blackout. The match goes out.

GIRL - Oh, how quickly my match went out, I didn’t have time to enjoy the warmth that radiated from the hearts of my friends!

SANTA CLAUS and Blizzard - I'll freeze it! I'll note it!!

GIRL - No matter how! Here you go! (strikes a match again)

Yolka again. Everyone sings a song:

As elusive as a moment,
A number of years pass into eternity.
And so, by a mysterious vision
Christmas is coming to us again.
It's beautiful and wonderful
And everyone expects happiness from him,
And there are many loud songs in the world
They sing in his honor with hope.
Oh, if only this hope
Didn't leave us forever
And God of truth, God of light
We called every hour!
Oh, if only grief and suffering
And the oppression of life's cross
Hopes were not drowned out
On the Son of God - Christ!
Oh, if only everyone who suffers
I knew that there was Christ in heaven,
Who sees, comprehends
All our burden of torment and tears!

GIRL - How wonderful it is here! Oh, holiday, never stop!

1 – You know, in the eternal Kingdom of Jesus it never ends.

2 – Yes. And there are no tears, no grief, no hunger, no cold.

GIRL - Oh Jesus, take me into Your Kingdom!

The match goes out. Blackout. Light. THE SNOW QUEEN Appears

SNOW QUEEN - Why don’t you like my kingdom, girl? Jesus rules in heaven, but here I rule! Look how the Snowflakes obey me, how at my one touch the water freezes in silent respect, how afraid people are, wrapping themselves in fur coats, and at the same time, happy when sledding and playing snowballs. Everything obeys me! And only you, daring one, challenge me!

GIRL - Oh no, Your Royal Majesty. I just found out that there is another kingdom - the Kingdom of warmth and light, the Kingdom of love and joy, and therefore I want to go there.

SNOW QUEEN - Don’t you know, girl, that it is almost impossible to get into this Kingdom, since I heard that nothing dirty can enter there. And look, you have an old dirty coat and match wax all over your hands. In my kingdom, everything glitters and sparkles, everything is dazzling white, but I did not disdain to invite you to my ball.

GIRL - But they have already given me a new white dress, and I know the beautiful song that is sung in this Kingdom.

Sings: Love came at Christmas...
…………………….. divine…

SNOW QUEEN - Shut up, obnoxious girl! For your daring speeches, I will turn you into a silent ice statue and no one, do you hear, no one will save you, not even your solar Christ!!!

GIRL - Not true. I remembered. My grandmother told me that the name “Christ” means “Savior”, and I believe that He will save me, because my grandmother never deceived anyone.

SNOW QUEEN - Now we will check this. Hey servants, grab her!

GIRL - Yeah, don't like it? Here's to you, Royal Majesty! (lights a match)

The song “LOVE CAME FOR CHRISTMAS” plays. A BOY and a GIRL appear.

2 – Where did you disappear from us, Girl?

1 – We missed you. Don't leave us again, okay?

2 – Come with us. Soon Christmas gifts will be handed out to everyone at the Christmas tree. Which one would you like to receive?

GIRL - Oh, friends, there is no better gift for me than to always be with you. You are so kind to me and it’s so nice here. But the Snow Queen said that only those who have clean clothes and hands can stay in the Kingdom of Christ.

1 – She is mistaken, Girl, not knowing who Christ is, why He was born and what He offers to everyone who believes in Him.

GIRL - So tell me about Him, please.

2 – Willingly. Look.

The far part of the stage is illuminated, where the story of the birth of Jesus is taking place (shadow theater) insert 1

1 – Now you know everything, Girl, about the One who loves you more than anyone in the world.

GIRL - Oh yes, thank you, friends. My heart was so cold and empty after the death of my grandmother, and now a light of hope has lit up in it and joy overwhelms it from the fact that I am no longer alone as before, and now I have so many friends, of whom Jesus is the most ! My heart sings, friends! (singing)

I have a Friend who loves me
Loves me.
I have a Friend who loves me.
His name is Jesus.
My best friend, He loves me
Best Friend.
He loves me, best friend, he loves me,
My Jesus...

The match goes out. The girl is surrounded by Santa Claus, Blizzard, Snowflakes and the Snow Queen.

ALL TOGETHER - Here we are!

SANTA CLAUS - You don't have a single match left!

Blizzard - That's it, now you are ours!

SNOW QUEEN - Now you will listen only to our songs.

(singing in blues style)
In the kingdom of cold and frost
You will never see tears.
The kingdom of cold and frost
Will always reign!
Only those who are friends with us
It will come to us without difficulty.
The kingdom of cold and frost
Will always reign!

SANTA CLAUS – (sticking his staff into the Girl) I shouldn’t have been stubborn!

Blizzard – (covering the Girl with her shawl) She resisted in vain!

SNOW QUEEN – (weaving a net with Snowflakes) This will make a wonderful statue!

Bright light. A boy-Christ descends from above, who frees the Girl from the net.

GIRL - Oh, Jesus, I recognized You. I knew that You would come for me. I'm so grateful to you! (Jesus takes her hand and they go up together)

NARRATOR - The next morning, passers-by found the Girl’s frozen body. Thus ends this sad story on earth. But you and I, guys, know that it continues in heaven, only full of unearthly joy and warmth. Therefore, let's glorify the One who loves us all! Let's thank with all our hearts the One who came to this cold earth to save us, and so that our life continues in heaven, full of joy and love, like this little Girl.

Praise and worship in progress

Author: How cold it was that evening... It was snowing and the twilight was deepening. During this cold and winter season, a little girl walked through the streets with her head uncovered and barefoot. Some boy took her shoes. The girl walked along the dark streets. In her hands she held a box of large sulfur matches. Her stepmother sent her to sell matches, but the girl didn’t sell a single one all day. She walked hungry and tired. Leaning against the cold wall of the old house, with trembling fingers she took out one match, struck it against the wall, the match caught fire

“Like a little candle. How warm... But what is it? Where am I? In a dark forest? Oh, I see a small Christmas tree!! How beautiful and how warm.”

(A Christmas tree appears on stage)

Author: There was this nice little Christmas tree in the forest; She had a good place: the sun warmed her, and there was plenty of air, and older comrades, spruce and pine grew around her. But the Christmas tree itself could not wait to become an adult: she did not think about the warm sun or the fresh fresh air; I didn’t even notice the talkative village children when they came to the forest, who came to pick strawberries or raspberries.

Herringbone: Oh, I wish I were as big as the others! It’s as if I had spread my branches wide and looked out with the top of my head into the free light! Birds would build nests in my branches, and when the wind blew, I would nod with dignity, no worse than others!

Herringbone: Ah! Grow up, grow up, become big and old - there is nothing better in the world than this!

Author: In the fall, woodcutters came to the forest and felled some of the largest trees. This happened every year, and the tree, now completely grown, trembled every time - with such a groan and ringing, large beautiful trees fell to the ground. The branches were cut off from them, and they were so bare, long, narrow - they were simply unrecognizable. But then they were put on carts, and horses carried them away from the forest. Where? What awaited them? In the spring, when swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:

Herringbone: You don’t know where they were taken? Didn't you come across them?

Stork: I guess I know. When I flew from Egypt, I met many new ships with magnificent masts. In my opinion, that was them, they smelled of spruce. I greeted them many times, and they held their heads high, very high.

Herringbone: Oh, if only I were an adult and could swim across the sea! What is this sea like? What does it look like?

Stork: “Well, it’s a long story,” answered the stork and flew away.

Author: Enjoy your youth! - said the sun's rays. - Rejoice in your healthy growth, the young life that plays within you! And the wind caressed the tree, and the dew shed tears over it, but she did not understand this. As Christmas approached, very young trees were cut down in the forest, some of them were even younger and shorter than ours, which knew no rest and kept rushing out of the forest. These trees, and they were the most beautiful, by the way, always retained their branches, they were immediately placed on carts, and horses took them out of the forest.

Herringbone: Where are they? They are not bigger than me, and one is even smaller. Why did they keep all their branches? Where are they going?

Birds: We know! We know! We were in the city and looked into the windows! We know where they are going! Such brilliance and glory awaits them that you can’t even imagine! We looked through the windows, we saw! They are planted in the middle of a warm room and decorated with wonderful things - gilded apples, honey gingerbread, toys and hundreds of candles!

Herringbone: And then? And then? Then what?

Birds: We haven't seen anything else! It was incredible!

Herringbone: Or maybe I’m destined to follow this shining path! It's even better than sailing on the sea. Oh, how I languish! If only it would be Christmas again soon! Just to get into a warm room. And then?.. Well, then there will be something even better, even more beautiful, otherwise why else would you dress me up like that? Of course, then there will be something even more majestic, even more magnificent! But what? Oh, how I yearn, how I languish! I don’t know what’s happening to me!

Author: Rejoice in me! - said the air and sunlight. - Rejoice in your youthful freshness here in the wild! But she was not the least bit happy; it grew and grew, winter and summer it stood green; It stood dark green, and everyone who saw it said: “What a nice tree!” - and at Christmas they cut down the first one. She woke up only when she was unloaded in the yard along with the others and someone’s voice said:

Author: “This one is simply magnificent! Only this one!” Two servants came and put the Christmas tree in a large barrel of sand. The girls and servants began to decorate it. Small bags cut out of colored paper hung from the branches, each filled with sweets; gilded apples and walnuts seemed to have grown on the tree themselves, and more than a hundred small candles, red, white and blue, were stuck into its branches, and on the branches among the greenery dolls swayed, just like living people, and at the top, on the very top of her head, they planted a strewn gold glitter star.

Herringbone: Oh, this is magnificent, absolutely incomparable...

(March music sounds. A soldier comes out)

Soldier: A soldier was walking along the road: one-two! one-two! A satchel behind his back, a saber at his side; he was walking home from the war.

Witch: Hello, serviceman! What a nice saber you have! And what a big backpack! What a brave soldier! Well, now you will get as much money as your heart desires.

Soldier: Thank you, old witch!

Witch: See that old tree over there? It's empty inside. Climb up, there will be a hollow there, and you go down into it, to the very bottom! But before that, I will tie a rope around your waist, you shout to me, and I will pull you out.

Soldier: Why should I go there?

Witch: For the money! Know that when you get to the very bottom, you will see a large underground passage; There are more than a hundred lamps burning in it, and it is completely light there. You will see three doors; You can open them, the keys are sticking out. Enter the first room; in the middle of the room you will see a large chest, and on it a dog: her eyes are like tea cups! But don't be afraid! I will give you my blue checkered apron, spread it on the floor, and quickly come up and grab the dog, put it on the apron, open the chest and take as much money from it as you can. There are only coppers in this chest; if you want silver, go to another room; there sits a dog with eyes like mill wheels! But don’t be scared: put her on the apron and take the money for yourself. If you want, you can get as much gold as you can carry; just go to the third room. But the dog that sits there on the wooden chest has eyes - each one as big as a round tower. This is a dog! Feisty-disgusting! But don’t be afraid of her: put her on my apron, and she won’t touch you, and you take as much gold as you want!

Soldier: That wouldn't be bad! But what will you take from me for this, old witch? Is there anything you need from me?

Witch: I won't take a penny from you! Just bring me an old flint; my grandmother left it there when she came down for the last time.

Soldier: Well, tie a rope around me! -

Witch: Done! And here is my blue checkered apron!

Soldier: Well done!

Soldier: You shouldn't stare at me, your eyes will hurt!

Soldier: My respect!

Girl: What are these wonderful matches? What if I try to light another one? What will I see this time? What will this miracle be like?

Author: The girl, with her fingers trembling from the cold, took out another match, struck it... and found herself far, far away, in the sea, where the water is blue, blue and beautiful, like the petals of the most delicate cornflowers. Only very deep. There are underwater people living at the bottom. In the deepest place stands the palace of the sea king - its walls are made of corals, tall lancet windows are made of the purest amber, and the roof is entirely shells; they open and close, depending on the ebb or flow of the tide, and this is very beautiful, because each one contains shining pearls and any one would be a great decoration in the crown of the queen herself. The Sea King had mermaid daughters. There were six of them, all very pretty, but the youngest was the cutest of all, with skin as clear and tender as a rose petal, with eyes as blue and deep as the sea. Only she, like the others, had a tail, like a fish.

(The little mermaid appears, seabed scenery)

Little Mermaid: Ah, today I saw the prince. The most beautiful prince in the world. Today is my father’s holiday in the palace, but I’m not happy at all. I want to be with my prince. But how can I sail to him? I am a mermaid, but people don’t know about us... While the sisters are dancing in their father’s palace, I’ll swim to the sea witch. I was always afraid of her, but maybe she will advise something or help me in some way!

Witch: I know, I know why you came! You're up to something stupid, but I'll still help you - to your misfortune, my beauty! You want to get rid of your tail and get two supports instead so you can walk like people. Do you want the young prince to love you?

Witch: Okay, you came at the right time! If you came tomorrow morning, it would be late, and I could not help you until next year. I will make you a drink, you will take it, swim with it to the shore before sunrise, sit there and drink every drop; then your tail will fork and turn into a pair of slender legs. But it will hurt you as if you were pierced with a sharp sword. But everyone who sees you will say that they have never met such a lovely girl! You will maintain your smooth gait - no dancer can compare with you, but remember: you will walk like on sharp knives, and your feet will bleed. Will you endure all this? Then I will help you.

Little Mermaid: Yes!

Witch: Remember, once you take on human form, you will never become a mermaid again! You will not see the bottom of the sea, nor your father’s house, nor your sisters! And if the prince does not love you, you will become sea foam.

Little Mermaid: Let it go! For the sake of the prince I am ready to do anything.

Witch: And you also have to pay me for my help, and I won’t take it cheap! You have a wonderful voice, and you think to charm the prince with it, but you must give this voice to me. I'll take the best you have for my priceless drink

Witch: Your lovely face, your smooth walk and your talking eyes - this is enough to conquer the human heart!

Little Mermaid: Okay! Take it!

Author: A sharp gust of wind extinguished the light of the match. Cheerful laughter and the smell of roast goose could be heard from the windows. The girl was still sitting against the gray wall. She felt even colder. With frozen fingers she took out a match. This was the last match in the box. She struck it against the wall, but the match was barely burning and was about to go out. The girl covered it with her hand and the light lit up with an even flame.

(The throne of the Snow Queen, Kai and the Snow Queen herself appear on the stage)

In the middle of the largest deserted hall lay a frozen lake. The ice on it cracked and broke into thousands of pieces; all the pieces were exactly the same and correct - a real work of art! When the Snow Queen was at home, she sat in the middle of this lake. Kai was sitting on the floor, but he did not notice the cold. after all, the Snow Queen's kiss made him insensitive to the cold, and his heart had long ago turned into a piece of ice. He fiddled with the pointed flat pieces of ice, arranging them in all sorts of ways. He put together whole words from ice floes, but could not compose what he so wanted - the word “eternity”.

Queen: What do you remember, Kai?

Kai: I don't remember anything.

Queen: That's good. How do you feel, Kai?

Kai: I don't remember anything and I don't feel anything.

Queen: Put together the word “eternity” and you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and new skates.” I need to go away. I'll fly to warmer lands! I'll look into the black cauldrons of Vesuvius and Etna. I'll whiten them a little. That's how it should be. It's good for lemons and grapes! I'll be back soon, Kai.

Author: The queen flew away, and Kai was left alone in the empty ice hall. He looked at the ice floes and kept thinking and thinking, the boy sat motionless. You would have thought he was frozen. Meanwhile, a little girl entered the gate made by stormy winds. Gerda. And the winds died down, as if they had fallen asleep. Gerda entered the ice hall, saw Kai and immediately recognized him. The girl threw herself on his neck, hugged him tightly and exclaimed:

Gerda: Kai, my dear Kai! Finally I found you!

Kai: Get away from me, girl. Don’t you see, I need to put together the word eternity from these pieces of ice.

Gerda: But why, Kai? Why all these stupid ice cubes? Let's go home, Kai. Do you remember grandma? And our roses, Kai?

Kai: Move away, Gerda. You're scaring me. Aw, you're hurting me.

Kai: Gerda! Dear Gerda! Where have you been? And where was I myself? How cold it is here! How deserted these huge halls are!

Queen:Kai, I'm back. How dare you, impudent girl? Do you want to take Kai away from me? It won't work.

Gerda:Go away, go away, I'm not afraid of you. No one can separate us, because we have a warm heart.

The light of the match went out. The box was empty. The castle of the snow queen and Kai and Gerda also disappeared. The girl was left alone on the cold street. People passed by, but no one paid attention to the little girl by the ice wall. But what is it? The clatter of hooves was heard, a carriage stopped nearby, and a beautiful woman came out, dressed so richly, as if it were the queen herself.

Woman:Oh, what a lovely little thing. Hello, honey.

Girl:Hello, kind woman.

Woman:How did you get here, baby?

Girl:I'm all alone here, on this cold street. I'm cold and hungry.

Woman: Well, don't cry, my dear. I also live alone. I'm the queen. But I don't have children. Would you like to become my daughter and go with me to the palace?


Woman:That's good. I will call you Eliza.

Olga Borisovna