Russian folk tale. Modern folk tale for kids “Tops and Roots”

TO Once upon a time a man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and sows there. A bear came to him and said:

Man, I'll break you.

Don’t break me, Mikhailo Potapovich, better let’s sow turnips together. And when we collect the harvest, we will divide it equally. If you want, I’ll take the roots for myself and give you the tops.

So be it, said the bear. - And if you deceive me, then it’s better not to appear in my forest.

He said so and went into the oak grove.

The time has come, the turnips have grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak forest:

Man, let's divide the turnips as agreed. Give me my share.

Okay, Mikhailo Potapovich, let's divide: your tops, my roots.

The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell.

A bear comes across him:

Man, where are you going?

I’m going, Mikhailo Potapovich, to the city to sell some roots.

Let me try - what's your spine like?

The man gave him a turnip to try. The bear ate it:

Ahh! - he roared. - Man, you deceived me! You have sweet roots. Well, now don’t come to my forest for firewood, otherwise I’ll break you.

The next year, in the same place, the man decided to sow rye. The rye is ripe, a man has come to reap it, and the bear is already waiting for him:

Man, now you won’t deceive me, give me my share.

The man answers:

So be it. Take the roots, Mikhailo Potapovich, and then I’ll take the tops for myself.

They collected all the rye. The man, as he promised the bear, gave him the roots, and put the rye on a cart and took it to his home.

The bear fought and fought, but could not do anything with the roots.

The bear became angrier at the man than before. And from then on, the bear and the man began to have enmity.

- END -

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plows and works there. A bear came to him:

Man, I'll break you.
- Don’t break me, little bear, better let’s sow turnips together. I’ll take at least the roots for myself, and I’ll give you the tops.
“Be it so,” said the bear. “And if you deceive me, then at least don’t go to the forest to see me.”

He said and went into the oak grove.

The turnip has grown large. A man came in the fall to dig turnips. And the bear crawls out of the oak tree:

Man, let's divide the turnips, give me my share.
- Okay, little bear, let's divide: the tops for you, the roots for me. The man gave all the tops to the bear. And he put the turnips on a cart and took them to the city to sell.

A bear meets him:

Man, where are you going?
- I’m going, little bear, to the city to sell some roots.
- Let me try - what is the spine like? The man gave him a turnip. How the bear ate it:
- A-ah! - he roared. “Man, you deceived me!” Your roots are sweet. Now don’t go to my forest to buy firewood, otherwise I’ll break it.

The next year the man sowed rye in that place. He came to reap, and the bear was waiting for him:

Now, man, you can’t fool me, give me my share. The man says:
- Be so. Take the roots, little bear, and I’ll take at least the tops for myself.

Tops and roots

A man went into the forest to sow turnips. He plowed the ground, then the bear came up to him and said:
- Why are you sowing turnips in my forest? I'll eat you for this!
“Don’t eat me,” says the man, “I’ll share it with you: all the tops for you, and all the roots for me.”
The bear agreed.
Autumn came, a man went to buy turnips, gave the tops to the bear, loaded the roots onto a cart and got ready to sell the turnips at the market. And the bear says:
- Let me try your roots. I tried it and how it growls:
- You deceived me, man, your roots are sweet, next time I’ll take them for myself, and you’ll get the tops.
The man agreed and sowed wheat the next year. He came to collect, and the bear was already waiting for him. The man gave the roots, and he went to thresh bread. A bear chewing on the roots is not tasty. He realized that the man had deceived him again, and forbade him to sow in the forest. Since then, the man sows in the field, and the bear collects honey and raspberries in the forest.

Russian folk tale in retelling

A folk tale with a touch of humor, “Tops and Roots” is a story about a bear and a cunning man. They planted a garden together several times, but each time the bear remained deceived by the cunning man. Interesting story will appeal to children of all ages.

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Fairy tale Tops and roots read

Somehow a man became friends with a bear. So they decided to sow turnips together. They sowed and began to negotiate who should take what. The man says:

I'll take the roots for myself, and you, Mishka, will get the tops.

They grew good turnips. They reaped the harvest. The man took the roots for himself and gave the tops to Misha.

The bear sees that he made a mistake. He received some leaves and said to the man:

You, brother, fooled me. Well, look, when we sow next time, you won’t trick me like that.

The next year the man said to the bear:

Come on, Misha, sow together again.

Come on, only now you take the tops for yourself, and give me the roots,” Misha persuades.

OK! - says the man. - Let it be your way.

And they sowed wheat. Good wheat was born. The man took the tops for himself and gave the roots to Misha. The man threshed the wheat, ground the flour, baked pies, but the bear was again empty-handed. Sits above a heap of dry stems. Since then the bear and the man stopped being friends.