Dream Interpretation. A disabled person in a dream, what the dream means: meaning, interpretation, what it portends. Interpretations of collections of omens: why do you dream about a wheelchair? I dreamed of a guy in a wheelchair

Dreams are an integral part of human life. All people have had dreams for millions of years. It is through sleep that our subconscious tells us what to fear and avoid, and what, on the contrary, to pay special attention to. Very often in our dreams we see beautiful, bright images, we laugh, fly, and have fun. It happens that we have nightmares, after which anxiety remains in our souls for a long time. And there are sad dreams when we ourselves suffer or see the suffering of other people. Such dreams include dreams about disabled people. Whether we see ourselves as a cripple or another person, you must admit that this is not fun at all. Why do you dream about a disabled person? What did our brain want to convey to us with such symbols? Let's ask the dream book, he knows the exact answer!

Little cripple

If you dreamed that you saw a child in a wheelchair, minor obstacles would stand in the way of your desires coming true. In order not to waste time, think through everything to the smallest detail.

I dreamed of a disabled boy - expect serious troubles in everyday life. You may have to run around the authorities, trying to get some privileges and services for your family, the dream book suggests.

Seeing a girl who cannot move without assistance means that in the near future you will be very surprised by something, and the surprise will be quite unpleasant.

If you dreamed that you were in a specialized children's center where there were many children with disabilities, a series of failures and obstacles awaited you. Whatever you decide to do, don’t expect any luck, the dream book warns.

If you dream of a child who walks with a cane and has a severe limp - don’t spend a lot of money. In the near future you will have difficulties with them. Now is the time to start saving.

Mutilated body parts

Seeing a man without legs means you will soon need the help of friends, Miller’s dream book warns.

A disabled person in a wheelchair, with a disfigured face, comes to meet you and laughs cheerfully - what you have in mind will come true, but not quite the way you wanted. The changes will affect either some little things or time.

Dreaming of a disabled person without arms - the dream means that you should not start any new business or start learning something new - nothing will come of it, the dream book warns.

I dreamed of a disabled person without arms and legs - the dream foreshadows the onset of a “dark streak” in life. If you are a disabled young guy or girl, the troubles will end very quickly; if you are older, be patient and persevering.

Help for a disabled person

Seeing a child helping an old disabled person means that one of your friends needs very little help from you, but he does not dare to ask. Offer it yourself, the dream book suggests.

Helping a disabled person in a wheelchair climb the steps - your business will go uphill, everything you have in mind will slowly begin to come true. If you push the stroller down the steps, the troubles that bother you will evaporate like water in the sun.

If you dream that you had to take care of a disabled person who cannot walk, in reality you have many unrealized plans and desires that you do not dare to bring to life. This dream tells you that you should not be afraid of anything, go for it, and everything will work out for you.

If you dreamed that you gave alms to a cripple with a baby in your arms - in real life, luck and the fulfillment of your loved one’s wishes depend on you. Don’t be selfish, help a friend, the dream book recommends.

Helping children with disabilities with money means going through some kind of shock in real life, which your loved ones will help you cope with.

To be a cripple yourself

Becoming disabled in a dream means that your business partners or work colleagues want to set you up. Be vigilant, the dream book recommends, do not sign any papers and do not enter into dubious transactions.

Seeing yourself on crutches means illness, the dream book warns. If you feel pain in a dream, the illness will be protracted; if you walk, leaning lightly on them, you will recover very quickly.

A disabled person is a symbol of illness. Cripples have always been associated with weakness. This idea of ​​people whose physical capabilities are limited for objective reasons has remained to this day. These people, as a rule, need support and some support from society.

What if you dream about a disabled person?

It is not surprising that similar meanings are found in dream books. Why do you dream about a disabled person? It is not necessary that such a dream will be a harbinger of deterioration in health and well-being. Most often, this image is a projection onto other areas of life.

Seeing someone as disabled. A cripple in a dream is, of course, a warning. Perhaps in real life a person may become a victim of a not entirely fair game on the part of colleagues or business partners. Duplicity is what you should be wary of in reality.

For girls, such a dream promises insidious suitors who will take advantage of the naivety of youth. It will not be possible to build a serious relationship; you should beware of such novels.

If a person dreams of a disabled person who evokes compassion and pity in his soul, he will soon have to help someone in life. Both friends and people you barely know can ask for support, and you shouldn’t refuse them.

What does it portend?

See yourself as disabled. Such a vision, of course, can be upsetting. But the meaning of this dream is not so tragic. If a person sees that he is disabled in a dream, then some little things in real life will spoil his mood and cause a loss of strength. For young people, this promises larger troubles.

Most likely, we are talking about work. Due to uncoordinated actions and delays, your reputation may suffer.

For older people, such a dream is not in any danger. It foretells a comfortable old age and a peaceful mood for the near future. No problems will bother you, and they will be solved quickly, without much effort on the part of the person who saw the dream.

Dreams are an integral part of human life. All people have had dreams for millions of years. It is through sleep that our subconscious tells us what to fear and avoid, and what, on the contrary, to pay special attention to. Very often in our dreams we see beautiful, bright images, we laugh, fly, and have fun. It happens that we have nightmares, after which anxiety remains in our souls for a long time. And there are sad dreams when we ourselves suffer or see the suffering of other people. Such dreams include dreams about disabled people. Whether we see ourselves as a cripple or another person, you must admit that this is not fun at all. Why do you dream about a disabled person? What did our brain want to convey to us with such symbols? Let's ask the dream book, he knows the exact answer!

Little cripple

If you dreamed that you saw a child in a wheelchair, minor obstacles would stand in the way of your desires coming true. In order not to waste time, think through everything to the smallest detail.

I dreamed of a disabled boy - expect serious troubles in everyday life. You may have to run around the authorities, trying to get some privileges and services for your family, the dream book suggests.

Seeing a girl who cannot move without assistance means that in the near future you will be very surprised by something, and the surprise will be quite unpleasant.

If you dreamed that you were in a specialized children's center where there were many children with disabilities, a series of failures and obstacles awaited you. Whatever you decide to do, don’t expect any luck, the dream book warns.

If you dream of a child who walks with a cane and has a severe limp - don’t spend a lot of money. In the near future you will have difficulties with them. Now is the time to start saving.

Mutilated body parts

Seeing a man without legs means you will soon need the help of friends, Miller’s dream book warns.

A disabled person in a wheelchair, with a disfigured face, comes to meet you and laughs cheerfully - what you have in mind will come true, but not quite the way you wanted. The changes will affect either some little things or time.

Dreaming of a disabled person without arms - the dream means that you should not start any new business or start learning something new - nothing will come of it, the dream book warns.

I dreamed of a disabled person without arms and legs - the dream foreshadows the onset of a “dark streak” in life. If you are a disabled young guy or girl, the troubles will end very quickly; if you are older, be patient and persevering.

Help for a disabled person

Seeing a child helping an old disabled person means that one of your friends needs very little help from you, but he does not dare to ask. Offer it yourself, the dream book suggests.

Helping a disabled person in a wheelchair climb the steps - your business will go uphill, everything you have in mind will slowly begin to come true. If you push the stroller down the steps, the troubles that bother you will evaporate like water in the sun.

If you dream that you had to take care of a disabled person who cannot walk, in reality you have many unrealized plans and desires that you do not dare to bring to life. This dream tells you that you should not be afraid of anything, go for it, and everything will work out for you.

If you dreamed that you gave alms to a cripple with a baby in your arms - in real life, luck and the fulfillment of your loved one’s wishes depend on you. Don’t be selfish, help a friend, the dream book recommends.

Helping children with disabilities with money means going through some kind of shock in real life, which your loved ones will help you cope with.

To be a cripple yourself

Becoming disabled in a dream means that your business partners or work colleagues want to set you up. Be vigilant, the dream book recommends, do not sign any papers and do not enter into dubious transactions.

Seeing yourself on crutches means illness, the dream book warns. If you feel pain in a dream, the illness will be protracted; if you walk, leaning lightly on them, you will recover very quickly.

If you dreamed that you saw your disfigured face in the mirror, you are clearly hiding something from others, and maybe even lying. You shouldn’t hide your secrets like that, just explain to those around you that you don’t want to talk about any special topic. Friends will understand.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • The threat of losing part of your health if you see yourself I.; talking with I. - you are required to show mercy and compassion.

New family dream book

  • If you saw a disabled person in a dream, beware of unpleasant partners who encroach on your interests.
  • If you see yourself as disabled, know that you are in danger of unpleasant circumstances.

New family dream book

  • We saw a disabled person in a dream- Beware of unpleasant partners who encroach on your interests.
  • If you saw yourself as disabled- know that you are threatened by unpleasant circumstances.

Eastern women's dream book

  • See a disabled person- means: one of your business partners will try to influence the course of your common affairs.
  • Seeing yourself as disabled- to unpleasant events.

Eastern women's dream book

  • Seeing a disabled person means: one of your business partners will try to influence the course of your common affairs. Seeing yourself as disabled means unpleasant events.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed of a disabled person- this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.
  • If you meet a disabled person- you are afraid of failing in your affairs, including sexual ones, and you cannot get rid of your fears. Outwardly, you constantly show off, but you develop an inferiority complex
  • If one of your friends or loved ones has become disabled- you, perhaps not without reason, consider him to be an insufficiently temperamental person, sexually speaking.
  • If your husband (wife) becomes disabled- there has been a significant cooling in your relationship.
  • If you yourself have become disabled- you strive to escape reality and unresolved, but needing to be solved, problems.

Modern dream book

  • If in a dream you see a disabled person, then in reality one of your business partners will try to influence the course of your affairs. A dream in which you see yourself as disabled is a warning that you are threatened by unpleasant events.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • To see - some kind of event threatens; to be it is to put it on your own.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • See a disabled person- some event threatens; be him- put it on yours.

Azar's Dream Book

  • to be disabled - to insist on your own
  • disabled - in danger of trouble

  • Seeing a stranger without any limb in a dream - in real life, your sexual relationships are hampered by an unconscious fear of being used and abandoned. However, all your fears and concerns are in vain - a connection with your loved one will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation (Erotic)

  • Seeing a stranger in a dream without any limb- in real life, your sexual relationships are hampered by an unconscious fear of being used and abandoned.
  • However, all your fears and concerns are in vain- connecting with your loved one will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Vlasova's intimate dream book

  • If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

Gypsy dream book

  • Business failures.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • calm old age.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • Do you feel that some aspect of your Self is unproductive, helpless, or constrained?
  • No matter what condition your body is in, you are needed in this life. Your worth as a person is not determined by what you do or what you can do, it depends on what is in your soul.

Dream book of lovers

  • Disabled person- such a dream indicates that you feel like an inferior person and this is the cause of your complexes and difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. It constantly seems to you that your partner is behaving insincerely towards you.

Women's dream book

  • The appearance of a disabled person in a dream- a sign of warning against two-faced partners who encroach on your interests.
  • Man in a wheelchair- may foretell the onset of cataclysms and times of famine, during which you will actively help those in need.
  • If you dream that you are disabled- this means that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Being disabled means damage in business and relationships.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

  • Disabled person- deterioration of affairs.
  • To be disabled- damage in business, relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

  • It means that a person is deteriorating or has some kind of pathology. This may also be due to temporary difficulties in an unusual situation or in a relationship with a specific person.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

  • It symbolizes a person’s behavior and method of adaptation, leading to regression and pathology, and can also indicate a separate object, environment or person that stimulates this regression.

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

  • Disabled person. Fear of impotence and castration.

Men's dream book

  • If in a dream you saw disabled people, beware of unreliable partners who encroach on your interests. If you see yourself as disabled, refrain from actions that will reflect poorly on your reputation.

Ancient French dream book

  • A dream about a disabled person is a sign of a future calm old age, goodwill and respect for others. If you dreamed of a wretched cripple, the dream foretells that sad thoughts will take possession of your soul for a long time. If you see yourself crippled in a dream, the dream promises you a comfortable life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Disabled person (crippled)- a symbol of a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. Fear of one's own inferiority.
  • To be disabled, crippled yourself- portends life difficulties, illness.
  • Seeing another as a cripple- someone needs your help.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Disabled person in a dream- portends various difficulties and obstacles in business. Most likely, some of your affairs may be too difficult for you, so you risk not being able to cope with them without someone's support. Some of your plans may need to be reconsidered.

Modern combined dream book

  • Seeing disabled people in a dream- a sign that unpleasant companions will interfere in your affairs.
  • See yourself as disabled- warning about undesirable events threatening you.

Complete dream book of the New Era

  • Disabled person- a reflection of inferiority, constraint, unproductivity (also a reflection of only thoughts about it and/or feelings about it).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • A disabled person in a wheelchair you saw in a dream- to injury.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

  • Seeing a disabled person in a wheelchair in a dream- to an action of compassion.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • Seeing a disabled person in a dream- to partial loss of health.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • A dream in which you see a disabled person- a harbinger of impudent and greedy partners who should not be counted on in a serious business matter.
  • Seeing a legless disabled person on crutches in a dream- portends financial difficulties that will simply be impossible to overcome alone. If a disabled person uses a wheelchair- it is likely that in reality you will actively participate in a fundraising campaign for the benefit of those in need affected by a major natural disaster.
  • Seeing a visually impaired person- means in reality to be disappointed in someone in whom you did not recognize in time a two-faced and self-interested person by nature. Seeing yourself as blind- in reality you will be convinced of the deception.
  • Dealing with a hearing impaired person in a dream- in reality you should not pay serious attention to empty gossip and rumors about you, go deaf in your sleep- to discord in the family caused by mutual misunderstanding of the spouses.
  • Marrying a disabled person in a dream- in reality, troubles await you at work.
  • Becoming disabled in a dream as a result of an accident- be careful in real life so that the dream does not come true.

Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign that foreshadows unpleasant partners who are encroaching on your interests.

To dream that you are one of them foretells that you are threatened by unpleasant circumstances.

If you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need.

Disabled person according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

Disabled person according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing a disabled person means some kind of accident threatens; to be it is to put it on your own.

Disabled person according to the Family Dream Book

If you saw a disabled person in a dream, beware of unpleasant partners who encroach on your interests.

If you see yourself as disabled, know that you are threatened by unpleasant circumstances.

Disabled person according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A disabled person in a dream portends various difficulties and obstacles in business. Most likely, some of your affairs may be too difficult for you, so you risk not being able to cope with them without someone's support. Some of your plans may need to be reconsidered.

Disabled person according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

The threat of losing part of your health if you see yourself I.; talking with I. - you are required to show mercy and compassion.

Disabled person according to the Spring Dream Book

Seeing a disabled person in a dream means partial loss of health.

Disabled person according to the Summer Dream Book

A disabled person in a wheelchair that you saw in a dream means injury.

Disabled person according to the Autumn Dream Book

Seeing a disabled person in a wheelchair in a dream is an act of compassion.

Disabled person according to the dream book from A to Z

A dream in which you see a disabled person is a harbinger of impudent and greedy partners who you should not count on in a serious business matter.

Seeing a legless disabled person on crutches in a dream portends financial difficulties that will simply be impossible to overcome alone. If a disabled person uses a wheelchair, it is likely that in reality you will actively participate in a fundraising campaign for the benefit of those in need who have suffered from a major natural disaster.

Seeing a visually impaired person means in reality being disappointed in someone in whom you did not recognize in time a two-faced and self-interested person by nature. Seeing yourself losing your sight means that in reality you will be convinced of deception.

Dealing with a hearing impaired person in a dream - in reality you should not pay serious attention to empty gossip and rumors addressed to you; becoming deaf in a dream yourself means discord in the family caused by the mutual misunderstanding of the spouses.

Marrying a disabled person in a dream means that in reality you will face troubles at work.

To become disabled in a dream as a result of an accident - be careful in real life so that the dream does not come true.

Disabled person according to the dream book of Simon Kananita

Disabled person - calm old age; to be one is to insist on one’s own.

Disabled person according to the dream book of a modern woman

The appearance of a disabled person in a dream is a sign of warning against two-faced partners who encroach on your interests.

A person in a wheelchair can foretell the onset of cataclysms and hungry times, during which you will actively help those in need.

If you dream that you are disabled, this means that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Disabled person according to Azar's dream book

to be disabled - to insist on your own

disabled - in danger of trouble

Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign that unpleasant companions will interfere in your affairs.

Seeing yourself as disabled is a warning about undesirable events that threaten you.

Disabled person according to the Eastern Dream Book

Seeing a disabled person means: one of your business partners will try to influence the course of your common affairs.

Seeing yourself as disabled means unpleasant events.

Disabled person according to Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

calm old age.

Disabled person according to Catherine the Great's dream book

Disabled person - You see a disabled person in a dream - you have an unpleasant conversation ahead of you; your business partner will go too far in dishonest play, and his cheating will become obvious; By interfering in your affairs, your partner will try to push you into the background. You see yourself as disabled - you will feel the pressure of unpleasant circumstances; your relatives demand too much from you and find fault with little things; you will endure all their nagging and claims patiently, but this will only harm yourself; sometimes, if someone is unfamiliar with a sense of proportion, you can allow yourself to snap back. You see in a dream a person using a wheelchair - it is likely that you will witness a major accident or disaster; you will provide all possible assistance to those in need.

Disabled person according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Disabled Person - Danger from competitors. Imagine that a disabled person managed to recover, he became healthy.

Disabled person according to the Everyday Dream Book

What does it mean to be disabled in a dream - Unhappy love and complications in business. Imagine that your strength is returning to you. You are healthy and full of energy again.

Disabled person according to the Modern Dream Book

Disabled – Calm Joy

Disabled person according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Disabled person (crippled) - A symbol of a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. Fear of one's own inferiority. To be disabled, crippled yourself - foreshadows life's difficulties and illness. Seeing another as crippled means someone needs your help.

Dreaming of being disabled - Damage in business, relationships.

Disabled person according to the Women's Dream Book

Disabled person - The appearance of a disabled person in a dream is a sign of warning against two-faced partners who encroach on your interests. A person in a wheelchair may foretell the onset of cataclysms and hungry times, during which you will actively help those in need. If you dream that you are disabled, this means that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Weakness, decrepitude - A dream in which you encounter manifestations of infirmity and weakness foreshadows unhappy love and complications in business. Observing powerless, decrepit people in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

Disabled person according to a housewife's dream book

Disabled person - emotional trauma.

Disabled person according to the Men's Dream Book

If in a dream you saw disabled people, beware of unreliable partners who encroach on your interests. If you see yourself as disabled, refrain from actions that will reflect poorly on your reputation.

Disabled person according to Meneghetti's Italian dream book

It symbolizes a person’s behavior and method of adaptation, leading to regression and pathology, and can also indicate a separate object, environment or person that stimulates this regression.

Disabled person according to Shuvalova’s dream book

It means that a person is deteriorating or has some kind of pathology. This may also be due to temporary difficulties in an unusual situation or in a relationship with a specific person.

Disabled person according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Disabled - denotes a path of regression or pathology; this may be associated with certain adaptive behavior caused by a specific person, environment or certain things.

Disabled person according to the dream book of relationships

Disabled person - such a dream suggests that you feel like an inferior person and this is the reason for your complexes and difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. It constantly seems to you that your partner is behaving insincerely towards you.

Disabled person according to the dream book for the whole family

If in a dream you saw disabled people, beware of unreliable partners who encroach on your interests.

If you see yourself as disabled, refrain from actions that will reflect poorly on your reputation.

Disabled person according to online dream book

As the dream book says, a disabled person symbolizes obstacles that a person considers insurmountable.

If you yourself were one, such a dream warns that achieving your goal will not be so easy.

A disabled person without lower limbs in a dream is a hint of future problems with money.

If he is sitting in a wheelchair, then soon you will be busy organizing help for those who are not able to provide for themselves.

If you dream of a visually impaired person, you will be able to understand who in your environment was a hypocrite, but unpleasant experiences cannot be avoided.

If you dreamed of a hearing impairment - be careful, you should not trust the rumormonger.

Marrying him means you cannot avoid difficulties in your career.

According to the dream book, a baby who is already disabled symbolizes the negative impact of people on our planet, warns that we will and will suffer from our irresponsibility.

Also a person with disabilities

Disabled person according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book of V. Samokhvalov

Disabled person. Fear of impotence and castration.

Disabled person according to the French dream book

A dream about a disabled person is a sign of a future calm old age, goodwill and respect for others.

If you dreamed of a wretched cripple, the dream foretells that sad thoughts will take possession of your soul for a long time.

If you see yourself crippled in a dream, the dream promises you a comfortable life.

Disabled person according to the dream book for a bitch

Disabled person - life will pass in peace, joy and good health.

Disabled person according to the 21st century dream book

Seeing a disabled person in a dream or becoming one yourself means that you need to pay attention to the state of your health.

Seeing a freak in a dream means failure in business.

Disabled person according to the Slavic dream book

Disabled person - beware of disasters. 6th house of the horoscope.

Disabled person according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

Do you feel that some aspect of your Self is unproductive, helpless, or constrained?

No matter what condition your body is in, you are needed in this life. Your worth as a person is not determined by what you do or what you can do, it depends on what is in your soul.

Disabled person according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

Seeing a stranger without any limb in a dream - in real life, your sexual relationships are hampered by an unconscious fear of being used and abandoned.

However, all your fears and concerns are in vain - a connection with your loved one will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Disabled person according to the Gypsy dream book

Disabled person - failure in business.

Disabled person according to the dream book 2012

A disabled person is a reflection of inferiority, constraint, unproductivity (also a reflection of only thoughts about it and/or feelings about it).

Disabled person according to the ABC of dream interpretation

A disabled person (cripple) is a symbol of a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. Fear of one's own inferiority.

To be disabled, crippled yourself - foreshadows life's difficulties and illness.

Seeing another as crippled means someone needs your help.

The meaning of the dream Disabled person in the modern dream book

If in a dream you saw disabled people, beware of unreliable partners who encroach on your interests. If you see yourself as disabled, refrain from actions that will reflect poorly on your reputation.

Interpretation of the dream Disabled person in Miller's dream book

Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign foreshadowing unpleasant partners who are encroaching on your interests. To dream that you are one of them foretells that you are threatened by unpleasant circumstances. If you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need.

Disabled person according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

Dream of a Disabled Person in Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed that you became disabled, it means that you are tormented by anxiety and a premonition of loss, an unaccountable feeling of impending loneliness, which you can only cope with by communicating with the people around you and God. Seeing a disabled person in a dream means that in reality a situation will arise in which you will need to sacrifice yourself for the sake of another person. Giving him your time and energy will strengthen your spirit. Many disabled people in a dream are a reminder that one should be more merciful and compassionate towards people. In return, you will receive help, support and can count on human kindness.

The meaning of the dream Disabled person in an intimate dream book

Seeing a stranger without any limb in a dream - in real life, your sexual relationships are hampered by an unconscious fear of being used and abandoned. However, all your fears and concerns are in vain - a connection with your loved one will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Disabled person in the French dream book

If you dreamed of a disabled person, this means that your old age - calm and peaceful - will be spent surrounded by friendly and respectful people. To see a wretched cripple - such a dream means that sad thoughts will take your soul captive for a long time. Seeing yourself as a cripple is a dream of a comfortable life.

Interpretation of the dream Disabled person in Hasse's dream book

Seeing a disabled person portends you the threat of an accident; to be one - you will stand your ground, showing integrity.

See also:

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of a disabled person” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why does the Disabled Man dream, let’s analyze the vision:

When a disabled person appears in your dreams - a person with limited capabilities, as a rule, he symbolizes your own condition, self-doubt caused by some events about the environment or a specific person. If you dream of a disabled person, this is your attempt to adapt, adaptive behavior, a path of regression or pathology. There is probably something that makes you think about your own inferiority; in most cases, it is just your own complexes.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you dream of a disabled person is a warning against the appearance of insincere and two-faced people in your life, concerned only with how they can use you to their advantage. If you see yourself in the role of a disabled person, this often means that you have found yourself or may soon find yourself in a very unpleasant situation that sharply limits your capabilities in some business or in life in general. Seeing in a dream not a disabled person, but rather a decrepit and weak person, means disappointment in someone, in a person whom you trusted and whose help you were counting on. To be weak and decrepit in a dream is usually a sign of future complications in business or in personal relationships. If you see a disabled person in a wheelchair, sometimes this warns of the onset of some kind of global cataclysm, for example wars, economic crises, times of famine.

Family dream book

Why do you dream of a Disabled Person according to the dream book?

If you dream of a disabled person or people with disabilities, in reality you should be wary of dishonest and insincere partners who are encroaching on your interests. Most likely, the people you trust do not deserve to be treated this way. This may equally apply to your professional, business activities or personal relationships. Seeing yourself as a disabled person in a dream - such a dream warns you that some of your actions may have a detrimental effect on your reputation. You should refrain from doing what you have in mind, otherwise it will not only not help you make any progress, but, moreover, it will significantly limit your opportunities in the future.

Erotic dream book

Why do you dream about a disabled person in a dream?

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream about a Disabled Person, dream analysis:

Disabled person - If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show, this is the interpretation of what this dream means.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about a disabled person in a dream:

When a disabled person appears in your dreams or you see yourself in the role of a disabled person, this turns out to be a sure sign that it is high time for you to pay attention to your health. You probably haven’t been to the doctor for a long time and haven’t had a preventive examination. Something in your body is going wrong, this is what the dream in which you dream about a disabled person speaks about. If you really do not want to become disabled, be sure to pay a visit to the doctors, be prudent. Especially if you already have symptoms that are cause for concern. If in your dream you see not a disabled person, but a person with some kind of deformity, the dream has a different meaning and predicts problems and failures in business for you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

To see a dream in which you dream of a disabled person is usually a warning that very soon your affairs may significantly deteriorate. It is possible that you yourself already feel this, because the disabled person in your night dreams turns out to be a symbol of your own helplessness and inability to influence some situation. Unfortunately, most likely, nothing really can be done here. All you have to do is either come to terms with it or do something else for now, in the hope that over time circumstances will change in your favor.

French dream book

What does it mean to dream about and how to interpret Disabled Person according to the dream book?

Let the dream in which you see a disabled person not disturb or upset you. In most cases, it turns out to be a good omen. The disabled person you dream of is a symbol of a future calm old age, a caring and friendly attitude of those around you and loved ones. Seeing yourself as disabled in a dream means a comfortable and prosperous life. And only if in a dream you saw not just a disabled person, but a wretched, crippled beggar, this is not a very good dream, which warns that sad thoughts will soon take up residence in your soul and will take possession of you for a long time.

Modern interpreter

Seeing a Disabled Person in a dream means:

Disabled – Calm Joy

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream of a Disabled Person - dream symbolism:

Disabled person (crippled) - A symbol of a difficult situation in the dreamer’s life. Fear of one's own inferiority. To be disabled, crippled yourself - foreshadows life's difficulties and illness. Seeing another as crippled means someone needs your help.

Dreaming of being disabled - Damage in business, relationships.

Disabled person - Seeing yourself weak in a dream means powerlessness in the face of circumstances; to the gloating of enemies.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming of a Disabled Person, why?

If you have a dream in which you see a disabled person, try to be more careful in reality, because you may be in danger of some kind of accident. But if you yourself were disabled in a dream, then, oddly enough, there is nothing terrible in such a dream. It just says that you will be able to stand your ground on an issue that is important to you. Seeing old, infirm, sick people in a dream is also a good sign. When the time comes, you can count on good service.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why does the Disabled Person dream? The dream book interprets it this way:

A disabled person in a dream turns out to be a very good symbol for you. Such a dream predicts that you will have a calm and prosperous old age, surrounded by close, caring people. When you dreamed that you yourself are disabled, for example, you don’t have an arm or a leg, don’t let this dream scare you. It suggests that you will be able to insist on your own on some issue that is important to you. To see in a dream not disabled people, but old, infirm people - in real life, someone will do you a good service when you need it.

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about a disabled person in a dream?

Weakness, decrepitude - A dream in which you encounter manifestations of infirmity and weakness foreshadows unhappy love and complications in business. Observing powerless, decrepit people in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why does the dreamer dream of a Disabled Person:

Weakness, decrepitude - A dream in which you encounter a manifestation of infirmity foreshadows unhappy love and complications in business. Observing powerless, decrepit people in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

Dreaming of a Disabled Person - Dreaming of a weak person moving with the help of a stick - to visit a nursing home for a charitable purpose.

Disabled person - According to the dream book, seeing disabled people is a sign foreshadowing unpleasant partners encroaching on your interests. – to dream that you are one of them, foretells that you are threatened by unpleasant circumstances. – if you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need, this is what your dream means.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

Taking into account the date of birth, what does a disabled person dream about:

If you were born in the spring, why do you dream about a disabled person in a wheelchair, which you saw in a dream, to injury, this is the meaning of what this dream means.

If you were born in the summer, what a disabled person dreamed of means a partial loss of health.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of a disabled person in a wheelchair - an action of compassion.

If you were born in winter, what does it mean to dream of seeing yourself as disabled - to a loss of strength.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

The meaning of a dream about a disabled person

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

I dreamed about a disabled person

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign that foreshadows unpleasant partners who are encroaching on your interests. To dream that you are one of them foretells that unpleasant circumstances threaten you. If you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need.

Why do you dream about a disabled person?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to be one means failures and obstacles in business due to stubbornness; see - surprise; warning; to look after - to ill health; see Cripple. The meaning of a dream about a cripple

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a cripple who begs for alms, then such a dream reveals your attitude towards sex - you consider yourself a superman and the same superlover who bestows love on his loved ones. They all need your love and that's why you share it. Treat yourself easier. To see a crippled person in a dream - you feel offended, it will seem to you that you are not loved enough and are not given due attention. This time will quickly pass, and everything will fall into place. Seeing yourself crippled in a dream means that problems await you that will primarily affect family life. Perhaps now it seems to you that nothing foreshadows trouble, everything is fine, you are confident in yourself and your sex life. In fact, trouble has long crept into your home and, hiding, is waiting for the opportune moment when you are in the most complacent state - that’s when it will fall on you. Try to be prepared for the upcoming shocks. Watching many cripples means trouble. In general, this is not a good dream. It says that you are in great danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or having serious and sometimes insurmountable difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, and all through the fault of the person who, as you think, treats you very well. Be attentive and careful, someone has seriously decided to ruin your life and will not spare anything for this. You need to check all the people you have connections with. The attacker will definitely give himself away.

Why do you dream about a cripple?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

unexpected help; forget the past; there are many cripples around - disappointment in friends and relatives.

The meaning of a dream about lameness

according to Freud's dream book

To see a lame person in a dream means that in real life you want to have much more than you have to be content with. You strive to get what you want, but you don’t take specific actions because you’re afraid to fail. Remember: inaction is the enemy of success. So stop painting pictures of a happy future for yourself while sitting on the couch at home. To limp in a dream, although in real life there is no reason for this, means that in reality you cannot share the desires of your partner, no matter how hard you try. You shouldn’t think too much about it and analyze it - just surrender to the will of the other person, and then you will see whether you need to be afraid of him.

I dreamed about lameness

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are limping when walking means small troubles that suddenly arise in front of you, which will greatly reduce your joy. Seeing others limping foretells that you will be offended by your friend's behavior. The dream promises you minor failures.

I dreamed of paralysis

according to Miller's dream book

A dream about paralysis is a bad sign, foreshadowing financial failure and disappointment in literary pursuits. For lovers, it foretells the end of love. Seeing yourself suffering from paralysis in a dream means that you will enter into unreliable contracts. Seeing a friend paralyzed is a sign that fatal uncertainty will develop in your relationship and will fall like a shadow on your home. If lovers see their lovers suffering from paralysis in a dream, it means that dissatisfaction in the relationship can destroy their happiness.

Seeing paralysis in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

One of the most alarming and surprising side effects of REM is paralysis. During sleep, large muscle groups are often paralyzed, most likely to prevent physical injury to the sleeper if his reflexes cause a physical reaction to the images he sees in his sleep. This state can cause anxiety if the sleeper feels that the body is in a paralyzed state, without realizing that his mind is still asleep. Deprived of any opportunity to provide physical resistance, the sleeper may feel helpless in a dream and succumb to panic. The scenario may be a disturbing version of a lucid dream. Instead of awareness of the mind about what is happening and control over the body, the sleeper has only the sensation of the body and no control of the mind. This phenomenon, observed for hundreds of years, is called the "witch on the back." The idea is that a hostile spirit from your dream has chained you to your bed. In fact, if paralysis occurs in dreams, in reality, as a rule, this corresponds to a feeling of spiritual depression.

Why do you dream about crutches?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

outside help; to break is a long-awaited success; walk - things will go well.

I dreamed about crutches

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are walking on crutches means that you will rely heavily on others, looking to friends for support on your path to success. Seeing others on crutches means unsatisfactory results at work.

Answers from a disabled expert

I dreamed about a guy I knew who had died long ago in a wheelchair. How to explain this? (Bella-Maria Makarova)

A dream can warn you about an illness in real life.

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Find out the meaning

Let's try to figure out why a disabled person dreams. This is a dire warning, fortunately rarely related to health. The disabled person in your dream is yourself. If you see a blind person, you are blind to some circumstances in your life that, on the contrary, require the closest attention.

Your blindness and unwillingness to open your eyes can lead to disaster. Deafness and dumbness - you do not hear advice, are focused on yourself, cannot clearly express your thoughts, do not dare to raise your voice. Missing limbs - you could do more, but all your arms don't reach or you just can't get to the right place.

Listen to your dream and try to correct the situation before it is too late. Unlike people with disabilities, you deliberately limit your capabilities, do not do what you should, and neglect your responsibilities.

The dream can also have the opposite meaning if you are constantly being subjected to harsh criticism. You constantly have to do more than last month, your bosses don’t mince words, any of your work is devalued.

Essentially, you are being destroyed as an individual. The dream warns of the danger of self-destruction, a drop in self-esteem below a critical level. It is urgent to change jobs and find a more comfortable place to recover.

Don’t even think about lying down on the sofa and waiting for lucrative offers - in this state it is disastrous. Be active, although right now the last thing you really want to do is move and do something. Do not try to deceive fate by creating the appearance of activity. Otherwise, fate will deceive you - it has much more opportunities for this.

Actual meaning of sleep

It is common for people with disabilities to dream of themselves without injury. If you see yourself as you are, this is an indicator of courage and fortitude. You have accepted the situation and are able to cope with it. Most often they see themselves as Paralympic athletes, successful people, and businessmen. A realistic assessment of the situation is necessary in some cases.

A disabled person in a dream can appear as compensation for fear. For example, you take a lot of risks, are involved in extreme sports, or you were offered to jump with a parachute for the first time - in a dream you see yourself in a wheelchair or in a hospital bed. Better abandon the dangerous experiment.

Strong fear, excitement, uncertainty can lead to wrong actions, and the dream will turn out to be prophetic. Now is not your time for extreme sports. If you are determined to overcome fear, take a time out for six months and devote maximum time to training, practicing actions on the ground, pumping up your muscle corset, and selecting equipment. Bores and pedants in an extreme world live longer and happier.

Basic values

If a disabled person uses a wheelchair, you have not adapted to the situation very well and are imitating weakness and forcing them to take care of you. One day this may turn against you. They will simply stop taking you into account, your opinion will not be taken into account.

In a dream you see a traumatic situation, as a result of which you become disabled; in real life, serious problems await you. At the moment, you do not know how to resolve issues without significant losses and are ready to make sacrifices. If you lose a limb, this means your willingness to sacrifice your family, child, business.

Seeing a disabled person in a dream can also mean a comfortable, comfortable old age that you secretly dream of.

You see blind people heading in a dangerous direction, you try unsuccessfully to intervene in the situation - those around you do not understand. Find other words that are more convincing. Or change your social circle.

Seeing traumatic situations with loved ones in a dream is a sign of overprotection and a state of panic.

Everyone around you is disabled and you are also disabled - a sign of extreme irritation and discomfort. You deeply experience misunderstanding within society. Get creative, find a place for yourself to apply. You are looking for your place in life and the current offers do not suit you.

The meaning of a disabled person in a dream according to dream books

Women's dream books are inclined to consider a disabled person in a dream as a sign of severe stress and overexertion. You are afraid that if you move in the chosen direction, it will traumatize you. Perhaps you are a victim of blackmail, psychological pressure, they are threatening to take something vital away from you.

Perhaps you have driven yourself into a situation in which the only way out is panic attacks. If you see a disabled person in a dream, yourself in the role of a disabled person, possible injuries to your neighbors - this is already the norm for you - go to a neurologist. You need to reduce the degree of nervousness, calm down and change your life.

Freud's dream book suggests that seeing a disabled person in a dream means fear of non-reciprocal feelings and unequal relationships. Most likely, your fear is justified. Do not enter into traumatic relationships or try to get out of them as soon as possible. Beautiful stories about unequal relationships only happen in movies.

According to Freud, you feel inferior and vulnerable. It is necessary to find a way out of an uncomfortable situation.


Much depends on your own attitude towards the dream. A disabled person in a comfortable wheelchair, calm and self-confident - you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to go to the end, confident in yourself in any situation and not afraid of old age. A poor disabled person, a beggar, a fake disabled person are signs of deception and falsehood around you.

It is necessary to understand the situation and clarify it. Panic horror and dreaming of injuries is a sign of serious stress or even mental disorder. It is advisable to seek help from professionals, determine the cause of panic, and relieve anxiety. In an anxious state, it is difficult to make informed and calm decisions. To normalize, you must first deal with yourself or leave the place of stress.

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Dreams are an integral part of human life. All people have had dreams for millions of years. It is through sleep that our subconscious tells us what to fear and avoid, and what, on the contrary, to pay special attention to. Very often in our dreams we see beautiful, bright images, we laugh, fly, and have fun. It happens that we have nightmares, after which anxiety remains in our souls for a long time. And there are sad dreams when we ourselves suffer or see the suffering of other people. Such dreams include dreams about disabled people. Whether we see ourselves as a cripple or another person, you must admit that this is not fun at all. Why do you dream about a disabled person? What did our brain want to convey to us with such symbols? Let's ask the dream book, he knows the exact answer!

Little cripple

If you dreamed that you saw a child in a wheelchair, minor obstacles would stand in the way of your desires coming true. In order not to waste time, think through everything to the smallest detail.

I dreamed of a disabled boy - expect serious troubles in everyday life. You may have to run around the authorities, trying to get some privileges and services for your family, the dream book suggests.

Seeing a girl who cannot move without assistance means that in the near future you will be very surprised by something, and the surprise will be quite unpleasant.

If you dreamed that you were in a specialized children's center where there were many children with disabilities, a series of failures and obstacles awaited you. Whatever you decide to do, don’t expect any luck, the dream book warns.

If you dream of a child who walks with a cane and has a severe limp - don’t spend a lot of money. In the near future you will have difficulties with them. Now is the time to start saving.

Mutilated body parts

Seeing a man without legs means you will soon need the help of friends, Miller’s dream book warns.

A disabled person in a wheelchair, with a disfigured face, comes to meet you and laughs cheerfully - what you have in mind will come true, but not quite the way you wanted. The changes will affect either some little things or time.

Dreaming of a disabled person without arms - the dream means that you should not start any new business or start learning something new - nothing will come of it, the dream book warns.

I dreamed of a disabled person without arms and legs - the dream foreshadows the onset of a “dark streak” in life. If you are a disabled young guy or girl, the troubles will end very quickly; if you are older, be patient and persevering.

Help for a disabled person

Seeing a child helping an old disabled person means that one of your friends needs very little help from you, but he does not dare to ask. Offer it yourself, the dream book suggests.

Helping a disabled person in a wheelchair climb the steps - your business will go uphill, everything you have in mind will slowly begin to come true. If you push the stroller down the steps, the troubles that bother you will evaporate like water in the sun.

If you dream that you had to take care of a disabled person who cannot walk, in reality you have many unrealized plans and desires that you do not dare to bring to life. This dream tells you that you should not be afraid of anything, go for it, and everything will work out for you.

If you dreamed that you gave alms to a cripple with a baby in your arms - in real life, luck and the fulfillment of your loved one’s wishes depend on you. Don’t be selfish, help a friend, the dream book recommends.

Helping children with disabilities with money means going through some kind of shock in real life, which your loved ones will help you cope with.

To be a cripple yourself

Becoming disabled in a dream means that your business partners or work colleagues want to set you up. Be vigilant, the dream book recommends, do not sign any papers and do not enter into dubious transactions.

Seeing yourself on crutches means illness, the dream book warns. If you feel pain in a dream, the illness will be protracted; if you walk, leaning lightly on them, you will recover very quickly.

If you dreamed that you saw your disfigured face in the mirror, you are clearly hiding something from others, and maybe even lying. You shouldn’t hide your secrets like that, just explain to those around you that you don’t want to talk about any special topic. Friends will understand.