Typical project for a school extension for 100 places. A catalog of standard designs for social infrastructure buildings has been created in the Moscow region. Model school project - what is it?

The total area of ​​the building is 7758 sq.m., volume 31032 cubic meters. The structural design of the building is a reinforced concrete load-bearing frame and METTEM wall panels.

Description and justification of the external and internal appearance of a capital construction project, its spatial, planning and functional organization
The design documentation provides for the construction of a school building for 300 places. The building is 2-3 storeys, with a basement, of a complex configuration in plan. Dimensions in the extreme axes - 84.0 x 60.0 m. The height of the building from the planning level of the ground to the top of the parapet of the roof superstructures is 16.98 m. The relative level of 0.000 is taken to be the level of the finished floor of the first floor of the building. The school project for 300 places has a basement. At the basement level, engineering and technical rooms are designed (ITP rooms, water metering unit, cable entry room) and a technical underground for laying utilities. The height of the basement premises is at least 1,800 m. On the ground floor the following are designed: the central entrance group of the school building with a staircase-elevator unit, a vestibule and a cloakroom, recreation, food with a dining room and service rooms, a block of medical premises, sanitary facilities for students and staff ( in accordance with the calculation), a library with a reading room, technical rooms (electrical room, water treatment room for the swimming pool), a block of classrooms for lower grades and rooms for an extended day group, including bedrooms. The height of the 1st floor is 3.90 m. The height of the 1st floor premises from floor to ceiling is at least 3.0 m.

On the second floor of the school building for 300 people, the following are designed: a swimming pool hall (25 x 11 m) with changing rooms, showers and service rooms, a swimming pool for swimming lessons (10 x 6 m) with service rooms, an assembly hall (11.6 x 17.6 m) with service rooms premises (costume and make-up rooms), sanitary facilities for students and staff, a gym (23.9 x 12.15 m) with dressing rooms and showers, a block of classrooms and offices. The height of the 2nd floor is 3.90 m. The height of the premises of the 2nd floor from floor to ceiling is at least 3.0 m. On the third floor of the school building for 300 places, classrooms, administration offices, utility and technical rooms, including a ventilation chamber, are designed , radio center, sanitary facilities for students and staff. The height of the premises on the 3rd floor from floor to ceiling is at least 3.0 m. Cleaning equipment rooms are designed on all floors of the school for 300 seats. At the roof level, superstructures are designed - ventilation chambers and an elevator service room, with an entrance from the roof.

Technical and economic indicators of the school project for 300 places:

  1. Plot area 12800 m2
  2. Construction area 2945 m2
  3. Total area 7758 m2
  4. Usable area 6804 m2
  5. Construction volume 31032 m3
  6. Number of floors: 2.3 floors.
  7. Highest elevation +15.980 m
  8. Number of stairs 4 pcs.
  9. Number of elevators 1 pc.

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Modern school designs differ in many ways from those built in the last two decades. Today, against the backdrop of rectilinear gray concrete buildings, more and more educational institutions are appearing with unusual designs and color schemes that correspond to the modern generation of children.

The Mosproekt company offers various design solutions based on modern technologies and aimed at creating a comfortable and safe environment for students. The projects comply with established construction standards and safety regulations.

We also offer services for school design and other buildings and structures.

Types of schools

General education

Training is organized according to the programs of the Ministry of Education and Science. There may be classes with specialized study of specific subjects.


Non-state institution with paid training. The programs of the Ministry of Education and Science are complemented by original courses from teachers.


Designed for children with various health problems. Buildings with small classrooms and developmental areas.

Boarding schools

Institutions with 24-hour stay for students. In addition to teaching classes, they include residential premises.

For additional education

The main goal of this type is the additional development of children in sports, scientific programs, and creativity.

In addition, schools vary in student size: up to 1000 (300, 550) students and over 1000 (1375, 1500) students.

Model school project - what is it?

A standard project (TP) is also called a ready-made project - it is a set of design documentation that has passed the examination and can be reused. By purchasing a copy of ready-made documents, the customer saves both money and time.

What does the school building project include:

  • General plan of the site
  • Architectural, constructive, volumetric planning solutions
  • Utility diagrams

A more detailed composition of the project can be obtained from the link.

Standards and regulations in accordance with which school projects were carried out

  • SNiP 2.08.02-89 “Public buildings and structures”;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological standards and requirements;
  • Non-departmental building codes;
  • SNiPs 21-01-97 (on fire safety) and 41-01-2003 (on heating, ventilation, air conditioning systems)
  • GOSTs with basic technical requirements;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of 2008;
  • SP118.13330 of 2012 (Code of Rules “Design of Public Buildings and Structures”).

Finalization and support of the project

The selected project can be modified by Mosproekt engineers in accordance with the customer’s requirements, operating conditions and development area. All changes will be made strictly in accordance with current standards and regulations.

Our specialists will help with passing the state examination for finalized documentation. The examination can be carried out both for changed sections and for all documentation as a whole.

How to order a project

For the convenience of users, each project card has a special order form - fill it out and send it to our managers.

You can also leave a request on our website or contact us by mail: and by phone: +7 449 348 29 05.

Our specialists will definitely contact you to discuss all the details.

The development of standard design is one of the priority tasks set for the professional community by the President of the Russian Federation.

The advantages of using standard designs in construction practice are obvious. First of all, this is a reduction in the cost and time of design, as well as the time for consideration in the state examination of linking the project to a specific address. The promising architectural, technological, structural and engineering solutions used at the facilities have already been examined as part of standard projects. Also important when applying standard projects for social facilities is the possibility of using federal subsidies in construction.

Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Yuri Reilyan noted at a round table on March 24, 2015 that reducing the average cost of construction of one place in preschool educational organizations can be achieved by creating a register of standard project documentation. The register includes information on projects of residential and administrative buildings, social facilities, in the preparation of which modern technological and organizational solutions were used.

The Russian Ministry of Construction has approved a Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction sector, which is aimed at creating conditions and methodology for the use of standard design documentation and design documentation for re-use. “In accordance with the plan, the Russian Ministry of Construction will continue to work on the formation and maintenance of the appropriate register. Currently, information on the design documentation of 92 capital construction projects has been entered into the register, of which 50 are facilities for preschool institutions.”, - Yuri Reilyan emphasized.

The Deputy Minister drew attention to the fact that the main problem for including projects in the register remains the lack of exclusive rights for the regions to the submitted project documentation. To solve this problem, as well as to minimize the costs of reusing documentation developed at the expense or with the involvement of funds from the federal or regional budgets, it is proposed to supplement 44 Federal Law with provisions on the possibility of reusing project documentation without the consent of the contractor (the author of a work of architecture, urban planning, the author of the design documentation), as well as on the transfer of exclusive rights to the created project documentation to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal entity, on behalf of which the state or municipal customer acts.

“Completion of the activities provided for in the plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction sector is planned for 2016”, - said Yuri Reilyan.

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2011 No. 791 “On the formation of a register of standard design documentation and amendments to some Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation”
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 13, 2015 No. 108/pr “On entering information about standard design documentation into the register of standard design documentation”
  • Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 13, 2015 No. 170/pr “On approval of the Plan for the formation of a standard design system in the construction sector”
  • Extract from the minutes of March 25, 2015 No. 118-prm-yur of the meeting of the regulatory and technical council for the selection of standard design documentation under the Ministry of Construction of Russia

In the regions of the Russian Federation, catalogs of standard projects have begun to be created. At the federal level, an album of standard projects is compiled by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

In April 2015, the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region published a catalog of reusable (standard) projects for social infrastructure buildings, which included projects for kindergartens with a capacity of 100 to 320 places, schools with a capacity of 450 to 1,600 places, sports and recreation centers and clinics. These standard projects are recommended to developers for re-use in the region.

The buildings will not completely copy each other. “Reuse projects today are objects with addressable architecture,- noted Vladislav Gordienko, head of the Moscow Region Head of Architecture. - The finished project must be tied to a specific site, which means creating its individual appearance, taking into account the surrounding buildings, cultural and historical features of the territories.”.

When selecting projects for the catalog, their architectural, artistic, planning, and technological solutions were assessed, and the estimated cost and characteristics of building materials and structures were considered.

The use of standard designs, according to officials’ calculations, will reduce the design time of buildings and save funds from the regional budget for the approval of new construction. As a representative of the press service of the Head of Architecture of the Moscow Region told RBC-Real Estate, savings can be up to 20% of the cost of the property.

A re-use project is documentation for a capital construction project, for which a positive conclusion from the state examination was received, the facility was built and put into operation no earlier than seven years before the decision was made to re-use this project documentation.

The construction of reuse facilities is beneficial to the developer in that the costs of design and examination are minimized. The reuse design may be modified. But these changes should not affect the design and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the capital construction project. The examination of such a project is carried out according to a simplified scheme and its cost is significantly less.

The current legislation on urban planning activities, in order to intensify the capital construction of objects for various purposes, provides for the possibility of using standard design documentation (reuse design documentation). The advantages of its use are:

  • using already tested and proven design solutions;
  • reducing costs for designing an object;
  • reduction of design time;
  • partial exemption of design documentation from state examination for repeated use.

At the same time, standard design documentation has significant limitations for re-use, which are associated with:

  • the suitability of design solutions for implementation in the conditions of a new site (for example, based on the natural and climatic characteristics of the territory, engineering and geological characteristics of the area (including seismic characteristics) and land plot (including topography, bearing capacity of soils, presence of flooding, permafrost phenomena, etc. .);
  • rights to use “primary” design documentation, including its reuse and modification.

Examples of reuse projects from the catalog

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky

Developer of design and working documentation: LLC "Grazhdanproekt-plus"

Customer of the design documentation: Administration of the Volokolamsk Municipal District

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky


  • capacity - 100 seats
  • number of groups - 5 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 0.4068 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,005.86 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 1,397.25 m²
    • total - 12,300,000 rubles.
    • 1 place at base prices - 123,000 rubles.
  • cost (at current prices for the 4th quarter of 2012 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 78,000,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - 780,000 rub.
  • constructive solution - enclosing structures - brick walls, ceilings
    • precast concrete, pitched roof

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky. 1st floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 100 places. Moscow region, Volokolamsk, lane. Novo-Soldatsky. 3rd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 120 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Domodedovo, microdistrict. "Vostryakovo"

Developer of design and working documentation: SE MO "Mosgrazhdanproekt Institute"

Customer of the design documentation: municipal preschool educational institution No. 12 “Berezka”


  • capacity - 120 seats
  • number of groups - 6 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 2 floors.
  • plot area - 0.6 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,319 m²
  • total area - 2,000.5 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 12,412,906 rubles.
    • 1 place at base prices - 103,440 rubles.
  • cost (at current prices for the 1st quarter of 2015 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 94,141,740 rubles.
    • 1st place - 784,510 rub.
  • constructive solution - walls - brick, ceiling - prefabricated reinforced concrete

Children's preschool institution for 120 places. Moscow region, Domodedovo, microdistrict. "Vostryakovo". 1st floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 120 places. Moscow region, Domodedovo, microdistrict. "Vostryakovo". 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 150 places with a swimming pool

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village

Developer of design and working documentation: PromStroyEngineering SPb LLC

Customer of the design documentation: MKU Shchelkovsky municipal district “Construction and Investments”


  • capacity - 150 seats
  • number of groups - 8 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 2 floors.
  • plot area - 0.8603 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,835.5 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 4,373.6 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 28,123,730 rubles.
    • 1 place at base prices - RUB 187,491.53.
  • cost (at current prices for the 2nd quarter of 2014 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 157,533,420 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,050,222.80
  • constructive solution - the stability and immutability of the building is ensured by the joint work of vertical frame elements and stiffening diaphragms

Nursery school for 150 places with a swimming pool. Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village. 1st floor plan

Nursery school for 150 places with a swimming pool. Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Oboldino village. 2nd floor plan

Children's preschool institution for 150 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Ramenskoye, st. Instrument makers

Developer of design and working documentation: Project 18 Design Workshop LLC

Customer of the design documentation: UKS Administration of the Ramensky Municipal District


  • capacity - 150 seats
  • number of groups - 8 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 1.4 hectares
  • built-up area - 1,908.3 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 3,152 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 28,241,130 rubles.
    • 1 seat at base prices - RUB 188,274.
    • total - 151,201,220 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,008,010 rub.
  • constructive solution - monolithic reinforced concrete frame

Children's preschool institution for 220 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Naro-Fominsk, st. Bryanskaya, site No. 12

Developer of design and working documentation: Era Project LLC

Customer of the design documentation: Administration of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District


  • capacity - 220 seats
  • number of groups - 4 groups (including 1 compensatory group for 10 places) and 160 children of preschool groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 0.9469 hectares
  • built-up area - 2,593 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 4,983 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 37,929,220 rubles.
    • 1 seat at base prices - RUB 172,405.
  • cost (at current prices for the 3rd quarter of 2014 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 221,019,820 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,004,635.
  • constructive solution - consists of a system of external and internal brick walls, as well as monolithic structures (walls and columns), rigidly connected by floor disks

Children's preschool institution for 320 places

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Verkhne-Proletarskaya, 37

Developer of design and working documentation: Techno-Aritek LLC

Customer of the design documentation: Department of Education of the Administration of Odintsovo municipal district


  • capacity - 320 seats
  • number of groups - 16 groups
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 1.2061 hectares
  • built-up area - 2,288.5 m²
  • total area (without basement) - 5,481.1 m²
  • cost in base prices of 2000 (without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 61,225,360 rubles.
    • 1 seat at base prices - RUB 191,329.
  • cost (at current prices for the 3rd quarter of 2012 without landscaping and external networks):
    • total - 352,843,240 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,102,947.
  • constructive solution - a monolithic frame consisting of a system of external and internal walls (stiffening diaphragms), columns and rigidly connected floor disks and coverings

General education school for 450 places with a swimming pool

Sales at the address: Moscow region, city. Odintsovo, Romashkovo village


  • capacity - 450 seats
  • number of classes - 18
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 3 floors.
  • plot area - 1.456 hectares
  • built-up area - 4,506 m²
  • total area - 14,620 m²
  • swimming pool - 16.6×8.0 m
  • total cost (in current prices for 2014):
    • total - 665,000,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - RUB 1,477,777.8
  • constructive solution - walls - monolithic reinforced concrete, brick, block; ceilings - monolithic reinforced concrete, corrugated sheets on trusses, porcelain stoneware

Comprehensive school for 1510 places with a swimming pool

Sales at the address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, Putilkovo village

Developer of design documentation: SE MO "Institute "Mosgrazhdanproekt"

Customer of the design documentation: Leader Development LLC


  • capacity - 1510 seats
  • number of classes - 60–61
  • adapted for MGN
  • number of floors - 4 floors.
  • plot area - 2.66 hectares
  • built-up area - 8,670 m²
  • total area - 31,609 m²
  • swimming pool - 25.0×11.0 m
  • total estimated cost:
    • total - 1,736,500,000 rubles.
    • 1st place - 1,150,000 rub.
  • constructive solution - ceilings and walls - monolithic reinforced concrete, metal. trusses, corrugated sheets, ventilated facades, porcelain stoneware