Life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. Alexander Maslyakov Jr.: In the family, my father decides everything for me. What does the wife of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. do?

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is a famous Russian TV presenter, whose activities are closely connected with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. This project for the first time revealed the name of our today's hero to a wide audience of viewers in the CIS countries. But is this only what we know about the extraordinary young TV presenter? What interesting events and facts can be found in his biography? More about all this below.

Early years, childhood and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov was born on April 28, 1980 in Moscow. His parents were closely connected with the world of Soviet and Russian television. This fact, in fact, predetermined the entire course of the life of our today’s hero.

Developing the theme of family, we note that Maslyakov Jr.’s mother, Svetlana Anatolyevna, worked most of her life as a television director. The woman’s greatest popularity came from her participation in the creation of television episodes of the KVN program, hosted by her husband, Alexander Vasilyevich. In turn, Maslyakov Sr. worked on this aspect as his ideological inspirer.

The Cheerful and Resourceful Club was the main project in the life of Alexander Vasilyevich, and therefore all other programs (“Come on, girls!”, “Jolly Guys”) were, in their way, only preparation for a large-scale project called KVN. Maslyakov Sr. is still known today as the permanent leader of the international KVN union.

Thus, Alexander Alexandrovich was closely associated with his parents’ project from an early age. The activities of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club occupied an important place in the life of the Maslyakov family, and therefore our today’s hero could hardly really stay away from everything that was happening. He almost regularly attended KVN games, visited behind the scenes, and even helped his father with advice. However, Maslyakov Jr., of course, did not think about a career as a TV presenter at that moment. At first, the young boy dreamed of becoming a policeman (or rather, a traffic cop), and then decided to take up issues of politics and economics.

After graduating from secondary school, our today's hero entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, but still did not begin a career as a diplomat. In 2006, he defended his dissertation on the topic “Forms and methods of managing subfederal non-residential real estate,” which allowed him to receive a PhD in economic sciences.

Career of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. on television

According to the Russian Channel One, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. began his television career at the age of twenty. During this period, the talented young man began to appear on screens as the host of the “Planet KVN” program. In addition, Alexander Alexandrovich became a frequent guest at the games of the major league of the Merry and Resourceful Club. His face often appeared in the frame. Thus, all fans of the KVN game learned about the existence of Maslyakov Jr.

Kamyzyaki and Alexander Maslyakov (junior)

At this moment, several prominent figures of Channel One began to often express the opinion that Alexander’s constant presence at the Club’s games indicates that his father, Alexander Vasilyevich, sees him as his successor as president of the International KVN Union. Over time, such rumors began to take on real shape.

Alexander Maslyakov Jr. in KVN

In 2003, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. headed the newly created KVN Premier League, which became the second most important division in the system of the Merry and Resourceful Club. The program was created in order to create the necessary rear support, as well as introduce the audience to a new generation of young KVN players. Over the years, the Club's Premier League has helped to reveal the talent of such bright comedians as Alexander Gudkov, Natalya Medvedeva, Dmitry Kolchin, Mikhail Bashkatov and many others.

M. Galkin omits Al. Maslyakov Jr. and "Big difference"

In some way, this was the merit of the permanent presenter and head of the Premier League, Alexander Aleksandrovich Maslyakov. Subsequently, our today's hero continued to work in the system of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Without interrupting his participation in the KVN Premier League, Maslyakov Jr. also took part in the creation of the KVN Planet, Outside the Game, and KVN First League programs. In addition, Alexander sometimes appeared at regional league games as a presenter. Thanks to this, the TV presenter was often called the most mobile member of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

Alexander Maslyakova Jr. today

In the second half of 2013, our today's hero also appeared for the first time in the KVN Major League, but this time not as a presenter, but as a participant. In the first semi-final of the season in the STEM competition, Alexander Alexandrovich played the role of a guest star in the number of the “Team of the Kamyzyak Region”. As a result, the performance received very high scores, and Alexander Maslyakov himself earned additional whists in the eyes of his colleagues.

Currently, the talented young TV presenter continues to work in the system of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Today he leads the KVN Premier League, however, according to many acquaintances of the presenter, in the coming years Maslyakov Jr. should take his father’s place at the games of the KVN Major League.

Personal life of Alexander Maslyakov Jr., wife

Alexander Maslyakov is married. His wife’s name is Angelina Viktorovna Marmeladova (now Maslyakova). Currently, the woman is well known as a talented journalist and writer. By the time of writing this article, Angelina had managed to release three full-length novels, which were subsequently warmly received by readers.

The happy couple now live in Moscow, where they are raising their daughter Taisiya (born 2006). Currently, the girl is studying at the famous theater studio “Fidgets”.

Alexander the Second, or, as the Kaveen people joke, Son Synych, does not like comparisons with his father Alesander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Alexander Alexandrovich not only does not dream of eclipsing his parent, but does not even pretend to take his place. Maslyakov Jr. is happy with what he has. Especially his wife Angelina and little daughter Tasya.

Alexander tries to spend more time with his family

Where did you meet Angelina?

At MGIMO in the buffet. It was on the first day of school, September 1st. Only Lina doesn’t remember this. Two months later she joined our group. She realized that English and Italian were closer to her than German and Czech. And by the New Year we started dating. I looked after her for five years. Before I proposed to Lina, I had to start earning money on my own. As soon as this happened, I proposed marriage to her. This did not come as a surprise to Lina, nor indeed to her parents. Everything was leading up to this.

Alexander, why did you choose KVN and not a career as a diplomat?

Alexander Maslyakov

I received a good education. But I don’t seem to have any profession, like most university graduates in our country. I never dreamed of a diplomatic career. There is nothing to do there without connections.

How did you look for work then?

I was walking down the street and saw an advertisement: “We need a presenter for KVN,” and he went and became a presenter (smiles). I have always played KVN. When I had to choose what to do in life, I chose KVN. Even then I wasn’t sure it was right. I still doubt this.

How do you manage to maintain independence in your profession?

Who told you that I am independent?

Maslyakov loves to play with his daughter

Your dad talked about this.

He flatters me (smiles). Independent is the one on whom nothing depends. Youthful maximalism, when you want to prove that you are smarter and more successful than your parents, passes over time. It is very difficult to achieve anything in life on your own. I completely calmly accept my dependence on my father.

You are currently leading the KVN Premier League. Would you like to take your father's place?

I don’t want to think that far ahead at all. I'm happy with what I have. I have a lot of projects related to KVN and television. This area is inexhaustible for creativity.

It's no secret that Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan made a business out of humor. You stay within the framework of a television project. Is this a principled position?

Household chores fall on Angelina’s shoulders

This is a question for Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov. I don't think this is good, although I could be wrong. We have different audiences. Their audience is older and there are more of them. What should we do now, go shoot Petrosyan? (Laughs). Let there be both them and us.

You and your wife give the impression of calm and balanced people.

Absolutely not. We're both impulsive. When we argue about who didn’t hide, it’s not our fault.

Who makes peace first?

Me, of course. Like the smartest (smiles). Well, where have you seen a woman who, after a quarrel, is the first to come up with an apology?!

How do you divide your responsibilities?

Lina takes care of the house. She has more time and taste. The issue of raising Tasya is not yet an urgent issue - for now we are only discussing what to give her to eat and what not to give her.

Who is Tasya more like?

To my mom. We once put a photo of a young mother and Tasina next to each other. Very similar.

They say that grandchildren are loved more than children.

They love it very much. I don't know if it's more or less. But they definitely are thrilled. Both grandparents melt when they see her.

Do you often get together with a large family?

Yes, we go to our parents’ dacha so that the child can breathe fresh air and not this Moscow rubbish. Tasya calls her grandparents by name, already understands everything and recognizes everyone.

Taisiya is a beautiful and rare name.

Yes, my wife chose it. She herself has a rather rare name. So unusual female names have already become a tradition in our family.

Are there other traditions in the family?

There are no special ones. Just like others. We celebrate New Year and birthdays together. I remember at school on my birthday, my friends and I got so upset that we almost destroyed the apartment.

Did your parents scold you?

No, they suggested it themselves, and it’s their own fault. It’s just that when six guys get together, don’t expect anything good - at the end of the third hour we were practically running on the ceiling. The three of us celebrated 2008 – with my wife and daughter. Tasya was very little, so they didn’t go anywhere or invite guests.

You are thoughtful parents...

Of course, this is our first child. I don’t want to indulge in self-indulgence, but I think this cannot be avoided, and I will spoil her.

Your parents have lived together for more than 35 years. What is the secret of their marriage?

Don't know. I can't say that they are that much inferior to each other. I've never seen anything like this. They are both accomplished individuals. My father is generally a difficult person. And my mother has a commanding character. Nevertheless, they manage to maintain normal relationships and not get hung up on quarrels.

Are you father's son or mother's son? Who did you go to for advice when you were a child?

To Mom. She took more care of me. They say that boys are drawn more to their mothers, and girls - to their fathers. This is my case. My mother knows how to resolve conflicts; she grew up in a communal apartment, and anything could happen there. All these stories about rats in the borscht in the common kitchen, judging by my mother’s words, are true.

Did you already grow up in a separate apartment?

Yes, even before I was born, my parents got an apartment, where I grew up. By the way, I still have nightmares about this apartment.

Alexander, aren't you superstitious?

To a normal extent. If a black cat crosses the road, I will stand for a long time, spit over my shoulder and wait until someone passes in front of me.

Do you have any bad habits?

I’ve never tried drugs, I didn’t even want to. I smoked regular cigarettes, it was a sad experience. At one time I really struggled with smoking. Both mom and dad smoked, and I threw tantrums and hung posters in the house. I fought against childish ardor and won. And dad quit smoking, and mom quit.

What influence do you have on your parents?

In fact, I still have little idea of ​​who I am. Is this good or bad, I don't know. It’s wonderful that I have such a father, behind whom I am like behind a stone wall.

What is Alexander Vasilyevich like at work? How does he resolve conflicts?

He tries to get away from them and not interfere in controversial issues; he does not like to figure out who is right or wrong. He's above that.

Does your mother still work behind the scenes at KVN?

Yes. She has been a KVN director for 30 years. Dad, of course, is more public than mom.

You won't meet your parents at social events. They don't like parties?

They had a stormy, eventful, very active youth. And in terms of parties, they can give everyone a head start a hundred years in the future. Everything happened in due time. Both dad and mom are bright people, I myself am surprised how they manage to live together. But there can only be one captain on a ship.

Is there captain Alexander Vasilyevich in your family?

Definitely. I don’t apply for the position of captain and I don’t worry about it.

Valeria Roslyakova

Family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. You work together (at AMiK - “Alexander Maslyakov and Company.” The only thing that slightly disappoints the wife of Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is the lack of a romantic component in the latter. About 30-40 years ago, Soviet television viewers were sure that Alexander Maslyakov’s wife was his colleague and permanent co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova.

Maslyakov’s wife is a native Muscovite; she was born in 1959. As a child, Sveta was a very active and energetic girl, always playing the role of “ringleader” in the team. Alexander Alexandrovich, the son of the permanent presenter of KVN, was born in April 1980 in Moscow. The fact is that his mother, Svetlana Anatolyevna, also devoted herself to serving this wonderful program.

All KVN fans know Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova very well, who is constantly next to him on all programs of the program. But Alexander does not understand such impulses of his wife at all, but promises to improve! And when one day the corrected inscription “Director – Svetlana Maslyakova” appeared in the credits of the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” fans of the program rushed to congratulate Alexander and Svetlana Zhiltsova.

Here she met Alexander, here their romance developed, a family was born here, and a long-term creative tandem emerged. Then a son was born, and for some time Svetlana plunged headlong into maternal responsibilities. But in 1986, KVN appeared on television again, and the popularity of this program and its host exceeded all expectations. Alexander Maslyakov’s wife is now a member of the Academy of Russian Television, she is an authoritative person in castings, screenings, her opinion is respected when evaluating programs.

It is not surprising that Alexander Jr., who grew up in the atmosphere of KVN, followed in the footsteps of his parents. Alexander Maslyakov Jr. is a famous Russian TV presenter, whose activities are closely connected with the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov was born on April 28, 1980 in the city. His parents were closely connected with the world of Soviet and Russian television.

Thus, Alexander Alexandrovich was already closely connected with the project of his parents from an early age. The activities of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful occupied an important place in the life of the Maslyakov family, and therefore our today's hero could hardly really stay away from what was happening.

KVN is a positive television program known to the entire population of our country. Everyone is familiar with the permanent TV presenter Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov - a strong-willed person, the head of KVN and the creator of the AMiK company. And many people know his successor, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. As viewers often notice, if one Maslyakov conducts the program, then the second is always present in the hall. San Sanych is always accompanied by a beautiful girl with a charming smile. It turns out that this is the wife of Maslyakov Jr., a reliable support and support for her husband.

I wonder how old Maslyakov, senior and junior, are, because Alexander Vasilyevich has been leading KVN for many years. At the moment, the father is 76 years old, the son is 37. Yes, the main master of KVN has already reached a very old age and, most likely, will soon leave the stage forever, but he has raised a worthy and responsible successor who can continue his father’s work.

Alexander Vasilyevich and his wife Svetlana devoted their entire lives to one common cause. Maslyakov was a TV presenter, and his wife was a production director and worked on every episode of the program.

Thanks to their creative activity and hard work, the simple KVN program gained enormous popularity and grew into a huge empire, bringing considerable income to the Maslyakov family.

April 24, 1980 happy spouses Svetlana and Alexander became the parents of a wonderful boy Sashenka. Since the whole family was passionate about KVN, the son also spent a lot of time behind the scenes of the TV show from early childhood. Therefore, it is not surprising that San Sanych followed in his father’s footsteps.

At first, young Alexander became seriously interested in politics and economics. He entered a prestigious institute at the Faculty of International Relations. But by the age of 20, Sasha realized that politics was not his path. It was from this time that he increasingly appeared in the audience of humorous programs.

Later, Maslyakov Jr., whose biography is closely connected with KVN, participates in the creation of such projects, How:

  • "Planet KVN";
  • "Out of the game";
  • "First League of KVN".

Here the young man appears before the audience as a presenter. Today, Alexander continues to host these programs, and his famous parent proudly watches the activities of his successor.

Alexander Alexandrovich himself is a kind and sympathetic person. He does not hide the fact that his father plays a big role in his life, but he really doesn’t like it when the older and younger Maslyakovs are compared to each other.

In fact, the wife of Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov is a fairly famous person. The biography of Maslyakov Jr.’s wife Angelina begins in 1980, when she was born into the Marmeladov family. The daughter made her parents very happy: she studied diligently, entered MGIMO, where she also successfully mastered all subjects.

The young people met in their first year at the institute. When they first met, the young man did not like the girl: according to him, Angelina was very arrogant. Later, their relationship smoothly flowed first into friendship, and then into romance.

The couple admit that they did not notice when love overwhelmed them. Being completely different people, they managed to find something attractive in each other. Of course, their relationship is not without quarrels, but still mutual understanding inevitably occurs.

After graduation, the guys decided to get married. The wedding was magnificent and luxurious, which did not quite correspond to the wishes of the newlyweds. Therefore, 10 years later, the couple decided to replay the holiday and staged a modest celebration among close friends in Italy.

In 2006, Alexander and Angelina became parents wonderful daughter Taisiya. Currently, the girl is growing smart and talented, she is engaged in in the group "Fidgets", dances, is interested in mathematics. Tasya herself admits that most of all she wants to become an architect or a ballerina. The star grandfather simply dotes on his granddaughter, because she is growing up to be a very sweet and kind child.

Angelina is currently famous journalist, publicist, candidate of economic sciences and writer. Maslyakova is the author of three women's novels:

  • "Amore Mio."
  • “He dolce vita!”
  • “Women and men in friendship and love. Madrid Triangle.

But according to the woman, her creativity remains in the status of a hobby. Previously, Angelina worked in the Federation Council, but her busy schedule and constant business trips interfered with family life. Therefore, Maslyakova quit her job and, at the invitation of her father-in-law, moved to AMiK.

At the moment, Angelina Maslyakova is the general director of the MMC “Planet KVN”.

Maslyakov Jr. and his wife are very loyal to public life. Angelina Maslyakova does not have an Instagram page, since her husband is against showing his personal life on social networks. Their family photographs often appear in various print publications. Alexander and Angelina always valiantly defend the honor of the family: no “naked” photos, drunken scandals and other disgusting scenes that the world of show business is now full of have never happened in the Maslyakov family, which speaks of the upbringing and intelligence of this talented family.

Attention, TODAY only!

During his stay in KVN, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. never wanted to radically change his field of activity, as he is very passionate about his work. He constantly takes an active part in the birth of new projects, which he also leads. His personal life is inextricably linked with creativity, since Maslyakov Jr. has to be together with his wife not only at home, but also at work. The spouses treat each other very carefully and carefully, thanks to which their family has existed for more than 15 years. The daughter of a TV presenter already demonstrates acting and musical abilities, however, her parents give her the opportunity to decide on her favorite activities.

Alexander was born in Moscow in 1980. His father is the famous TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov. Mom is also a creative person, holding the post of director of KVN programs. The future presenter has been immersed in a creative atmosphere since childhood, often visiting with his parents on the set of KVN. As he grew older, the young man became seriously interested in politics and economics, however, this did not stop him from starting a television career at that time.

After graduating from school, he entered MGIMO, choosing the Faculty of International Relations. In addition to higher education, Maslyakov Jr. defended his dissertation and received the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In the picture are the TV presenter's parents: father Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov and Svetlana Anatolyevna

But creativity attracted him much more. Having started his career as a TV presenter with the program “Planet KVN”, he also often appeared at the games of the KVN major league. In 2003, Alexander became the presenter of the Premier League, but to this day he continues to work in this field of activity, without seeking to change jobs.

Alexander’s personal life also brings him a lot of positive emotions. He met his future wife, Angelina Marmeladova, at the university. The girl took care of him and helped him prepare for exams. The lovers were in no hurry to start a family: first they dated for about five years and then got married. In 2006, their daughter Taisiya was born, whom they surrounded with love and attention.

In the photo, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. with his family: wife Angelina Marmeladova and daughter Taisiya

Now the girl is studying at the Fidgets theater studio, and also conducts various concert programs for children. Now the granddaughter of Alexander Maslyakov also leads children's KVN. The spouses are also doing what they love: Maslyakov Jr. is developing new projects, and the presenter’s wife not only acts as his assistant, but is also engaged in literary activities, having already written three successful works.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 05/28/2017