Akathist to St. Boniface the Merciful. Akathist to the holy martyr Boniface - akathists to the saints - prayers - soulful reading - revival. Rejoice, true believers in the pillar of fire of Christ

The holy martyr Boniface was the slave of the rich young Roman woman Aglaida and was in lawless cohabitation with her. But both of them, indulging in uncleanness and drunkenness, felt remorse and wanted to somehow wash away their sin.

And the Lord took pity on them and gave them the opportunity to cleanse their sins with their blood and end their sinful life with repentance. Aglaida learned that if the relics of the holy martyrs are reverently kept in the house, then through their prayers it is easier to obtain salvation, for under their grace-filled influence sins are diminished and virtues reign. She sent Boniface to the East, where at that time there was a cruel persecution of Christians, and asked to bring the relics of a martyr so that he would become their leader and patron. At parting, Boniface, laughing, asked: “What, madam, if I don’t find the relics, and I myself suffer for Christ, will you accept my body with honor?” Aglaida took his words seriously and reproached him for taking liberties when going on a holy task. Boniface thought about her words and was focused the whole way.

Arriving in Cilicia, in the city of Tarsus, Boniface left his companions at the hotel and went to the city square, where Christians were tortured. Shocked by the spectacle of terrible torture, seeing the faces of the holy martyrs enlightened by the grace of the Lord, Boniface, at the beck and call of his compassionate heart, rushed to them, kissed their feet and asked for holy prayers, so that he too would be worthy to suffer with them. Then the judge asked Boniface who he was, Boniface replied: “I am a Christian,” and then refused to sacrifice to idols. He was immediately given over to torture: they beat him so hard that the meat fell off the bones, they stuck needles under his nails, and finally they poured molten tin into his throat, but by the power of the Lord he remained unharmed. The people surrounding the judgment seat became indignant, they began to throw stones at the judge, and then rushed to the pagan temple to overthrow the idols.

The next morning, when the unrest had calmed down somewhat, the judge ordered the holy martyr to be thrown into a cauldron with boiling tar, but this did not cause the sufferer any harm: an Angel descended from heaven sprinkled him, and the tar poured out of the cauldron, flared up and burned the tormentors themselves. Then Saint Boniface was sentenced to beheading by the sword. Blood and milk flowed from the wound; Seeing such a miracle, about half a thousand people believed in Christ. Meanwhile, the companions of Saint Boniface, having waited in vain for him for two days at the hotel, began to look for him, assuming that he had indulged in a frivolous pastime. At first the search was unsuccessful, but finally they met a man who was an eyewitness to the martyrdom of the saint. This witness led them to where the headless body still lay. The companions of Saint Boniface tearfully asked him for forgiveness for the inappropriate thoughts about him and, having bought the remains of the martyr for a lot of money, they brought them to Rome.

On the eve of their arrival, an Angel appeared to Aglaida in a dream and ordered her to prepare to receive her former slave, and now her master and patron, a co-servant of the Angels. Aglaida called the clergy, received the honorable relics with great honor, and then built a temple in the name of the holy martyr on the site of his burial and placed the relics there, famous for many miracles. Having distributed all her property to the poor, she retired to a monastery, where she spent her days in repentance and during her lifetime acquired the miraculous gift of casting out unclean spirits. The saint was buried near the grave of the martyr Boniface.

They especially pray to the martyr Boniface about overcoming the passion of drunkenness .

The memory of the holy martyr Boniface is celebrated on January 1 (old style December 19).


Martyrs were sent to the class, you were a true martyr, having suffered for Christ most powerfully, most valiantly, but you returned with the might of the faith that sent you, blessed Boniface, pray to Christ God to accept forgiveness of our sins.


You brought the immaculate sanctification to You without permission, Who from the Virgin for the sake of the One who wanted to be born, the holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.


Coming out to receive the passion-bearing relics and those suffering from the law of faith for the sake of vain, you showed your courageous strength by rushing to the passions by confessing in Christ, Who received the honor of the victory of your suffering, Bonifatius, pray ever for us.

Akathist to the Holy Martyr Vanifatius

Kontakion 1

Chosen warrior of Christ, adorned with the crown of glory, delivered by martyrdom from eternal death, turned away from the darkness of sin and come to eternal light, accept our prayer, which we bring to you in praise, and deliver us from the snares of our evil enemy, so we joyfully call to you:

Ikos 1

You were protected by a bright angel, who extinguished the fire of your torment with the dew of grace, Boniface, who suffered more than Christ, so that once, like an unrepentant sinner, you perished and appeared before the Lord in darker clothes. Teach us to clothe ourselves in the bright vestments of holiness, calling to you:

Rejoice, you who gave your life for Christ; Rejoice, imitating His suffering.
Rejoice, turning your eyes to God; Rejoice, having strengthened your will in virtues.
Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ; Rejoice, holy end of your life has been accepted.
Rejoice, turn your hearts to repentance; Rejoice, lead to Christ, the true Path.
Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, not seduced by the temptations of this world.
Rejoice, you who put to shame the evil serpent; Rejoice, joyful face of the saints.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 2

Seeing the great turmoil of this world and the sorrows of the earth, and counting all this as dust, you raised your mind to the most worldly, more suffering than Christ, ascended to the height of the understanding of God, you confessed Christ God before everyone, and now you call the souls of all who perish in sins to the merciful Lord , may they repent in humility and cry out to Him in the tears of those who are touched: Alleluia

Ikos 2

You strengthened your reason with sobriety and you extinguished the flame of passions with repentance, wonderful Boniface. You came from the west to the east from Rome to share compassion with the Lord Jesus Christ, bearing a holy intention, so that grace abounds in you, and now you have drawn us into the temple of God, saying to you:

Rejoice, teach to overcome passions; Rejoice, give hope of salvation to the desperate.
Rejoice, having known the vanity of earthly life; Rejoice, you who predicted your own suffering.
Rejoice, consolation and approval to those who are sober; Rejoice, strengthening the weak by will.
Rejoice, for through you we turn away from drunkenness; Rejoice, for through you we turn to God.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healings; Rejoice, endless treasure of miracles.
Rejoice, teaching us to always raise our minds to God; Rejoice, having found true freedom from sins.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 3

The ineffable power of God’s mercy has been revealed to you, for the wondrous narrative of your life, martyr, clearly tells us how great sinners are mercifully accepted by our Father God when they bring repentance to Him. So you, too, pleased God, and instead of bitter death you received eternal life, teach us to sing to God: Alleluia

Ikos 3

Having now eternal joy in the Heavenly Villages, you do not forget us sinners on earth, Martyr of Christ Boniface. We, who are toiling and burdened, come running to you: do not leave the orphaned and sick who ask you for help, but bring our prayers to the Heavenly Altar, and we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, O lover of your neighbor as you loved yourself; Rejoice, you who did not harden your heart in sins.
Rejoice, you who served as a stranger and traveler with all diligence; Rejoice, for this reason you left the sewage hail at night.
Rejoice, thou who teachest mercy to the rich; Rejoice, protect the orphans and widows.
Rejoice, kind representative to the needy; Rejoice, you who are intercessors for the offended and humiliated.
Rejoice, burned by the unbearable thirst for drunkenness and cooled down by sobriety; Rejoice, for the sake of wine, call the impoverished to sobriety.
Rejoice, comforter of weeping women; Rejoice, bring their tears to the Lord.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 4

You did not drown the storm of sin, you were covered below the waves of passions, martyr of Christ, you did not perish, but you came to Christ and you offered your life, like a fragrant sacrifice, to Him, our Sweetest Savior. Pray, then, and we, who exist in the world’s sea, call to a quiet refuge, the Lord the Savior, as our father, in tenderness:Alleluia

Ikos 4

We also hear the Gospel parable, like the prodigal son in a distant country, having spent his property, from the hunger of his soul, he came into the arms of his father, calling in repentance: “Father! I have sinned in Heaven and before you,” so you, martyr Boniface, Having not destroyed yourself, but having turned away from the birth of sin, you turned to Christ, but we, rejoicing in your correction, sing to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced hunger in your work and passions; Rejoice, O Christ God, for you who hungered for living bread.
Rejoice, most pure One, of His Blood, for having partaken of true nourishment; Rejoice, as you have venerated the glorious martyrs.
Rejoice, you who fly to God on the wings of sobriety; Rejoice, you who have sorrow in your heart.
Rejoice, you who came to the Lord by the power of the Life-giving Cross; Rejoice, for you have received the crown of victory.
Rejoice, imperishable treasure for our soul; Rejoice, our Church is a valuable adornment.
Rejoice, the beauty of this world is rejected; Rejoice, take off your sinful clothes.

Kontakion 5

The rich Blood of Christ, for all of us unworthy, and the blood of martyrdom, shed for Christ, in memory, Aglaida spoke to you: “Weigh for yourself how many sins of desecration we have and are careless about the future of our life. I have heard from the divine man that the might of martyrs they grant salvation to the same as the martyr, as a guardian and intercessor before God.” And we say to you: you are our guardian and intercessor before our Lord, for with the Angels you stand before the Most Holy Trinity, singing:Alleluia

Ikos 5

We now see and understand how these words of Aglaida awakened your soul, and you called for abstinence for yourself, martyr Boniface, and help us to imitate you, so that we do not perish in the abyss of lawlessness by drowning, but we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, awakening from passions, as from a disastrous sleep; Rejoice, freed from the bonds of sin.
Rejoice, reproof of those who doubt the mercy of God; Rejoice, endless joy affirmation.
Rejoice, calling us to the feat of abstinence; Rejoice, for with the sign of the cross you cut off the leaping passions.
Rejoice, having acquired for yourself eternal possessions; Rejoice, and encourage us to the work of salvation.
Rejoice, for you have despised the joy of wine; Rejoice, you have endured fleshly wounds because you were incorporeal.
Rejoice, beaten by your enemies for confessing Christ; Rejoice, scorched by unbearable fire for Him.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 6

The preacher of the veneration of the holy relics, Aglaida, your mistress, appeared, the sufferer of Christ, when she sent you to the east to bring the holy relics of the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, and through them the benefits flow abundantly and eternal salvation is given to all who diligently flow to the martyr’s face. Grant us also consolation from the Lord. We bring him an angelic song:Alleluia

Ikos 6

You have risen for us, like an unsetting star, through your wondrous life, most blessed martyr, the yoke of Christ, light and all-bearing, received upon us and received salvation, for there is no way to find piety without Christ the Lord, so bring us with your prayers to the heavenly monastery, praising you sitse:

Rejoice, tablet of the law of Christ, inscribed by God; Rejoice, fragrant myrrh of prayers to the Lord.
Rejoice, thou who rules the faith of Christ's pillar of fire; Rejoice, honorable one, crowned with the commandments of God, like one built like stone.
Rejoice, sobriety ladder rising into heaven; Rejoice, heal sinful illnesses and wounds.
Rejoice, you have received grace and strength from the Lord Jesus; Rejoice, teaching us to sanctify the holidays by abstinence from sins.
Rejoice, thou who protectest us from mortal wine; Rejoice, you who revive those killed by passions with the light of Christ. Rejoice, call to a new life;

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 7

Although you left your home on a journey to the east, you predicted the end of your life, most praiseworthy, Aglaida, saying: “My lady, accept my body, which was tortured for Christ, it will be brought to you.” The thought of suffering for Christ is in your soul; you openly prayed to Him; and strengthen our faith, so that we too may be ready to suffer for the sake of it, singing to the Lord:Alleluia

Ikos 7

Not believing your wondrous and glorious correction, think evil in your heart Aglaida, wanting to slander you with the sin of blasphemy, thus answering: “Now is not the time for mockery, brother, but for reverence, knowing that you are about to bear the relics of saints. May the Lord send an Angel His own before you, and He will direct your steps with His mercy.” We, the purity of your heart, wondrous Boniface, seeing, cry out to you:

Rejoice, admirer of holy relics; Rejoice, giver of reverent images to us.
Rejoice, you commanded us to guard against excesses; Rejoice, all of you, for whom the sons of this age rejoice, despising them.
Rejoice, known helper to us; Rejoice, more mysterious than holy thoughts.
Rejoice, patron saint of all who struggle with sins; Rejoice, the guarantor of our repentance before God.
Rejoice, for through your prayers the Lord leaves sins; Rejoice, helping us to endure sorrows and reproaches.
Rejoice, you who created wonder with your angelic face; Rejoice, you who have brought the spirits of evil to shame.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 8

It is strange for you to have pagan worship of idols, and you, holy martyr, when you came to Tarsus, you did not bend your knees before alien gods, but you appeared to be a zealot of an apostle. In the same way, pray for us, that we too may be ignited with the fire of love, always singing to the Lord Christ:Alleluia

Ikos 8

You were all inflamed with holy zeal, not tolerating blasphemy against the Lord, and you were filled with the spirit of God, denouncing the blindness and madness of those who worship false gods. For this reason, the wicked king brought execution on you, the bitter martyr, unbearably beating you with scourges and inflicting inhealable wounds. We sing praises:

Rejoice, bold accuser of evil; Rejoice, clothed in the righteousness of God like armor.
Rejoice, for your bones are laid bare for Christ; Rejoice, the purity of your soul was then revealed.
Rejoice, for you have inherited the Heavenly Village; Rejoice, for even now you have denounced evil people’s blasphemy against Christ.
Rejoice, thou who was pierced for Christ with sharp reeds; Rejoice, unfading flower of the Garden of Eden.
Rejoice, as gold, purified by the furnace of plagues; Rejoice, thou struck for Christ.
Rejoice, having pleased God with your death; Rejoice, you who loved Him even to the point of martyrdom.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 9

Having betrayed everything to the Lord God, more passionate than Christ, when the wicked king commanded you to open your mouth and pour in boiling tin. You raised your hand to heaven, praying thus: “Lord, my God, Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in torment, continue to be with me, ease my suffering and do not leave me overcome by being an evil prince.” Thus you teach us love for Christ, singing to God:Alleluia

Ikos 9

Let the superstitious spirits tell us: the burning tin of your throat has not fallen, do no harm to you, martyr Boniface; You asked from the Lord as a sign of victory over the tormentor, and this sign was given to you quickly. For this reason, everyone who marvels exclaims: “Great is Jesus Christ, we believe in You, Lord.” We glorify you, martyr, Sitsa:

Rejoice, for through you the faithful are enlightened; Rejoice, for through you they are being delivered from shameful death.
Rejoice, find your consolation in Christ alone; Rejoice, teach us to call on God in suffering.
Rejoice, you did not overcome torment; Rejoice, for you have not overcome passion.
Rejoice, for you have burned the thorns of sins within yourself; Rejoice, for you were not burned by fire.
Rejoice, ever-living, joyful passion-bearer; Rejoice, for with your help sorrows are turned into joy.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 10

Having desired to be saved, you ardently desired to suffer to the end for the Lord, martyr Boniface, and you cried out to Him: “Lord, Lord, my God, vouchsafe me Your mercies and be my helper, so that for my iniquities, which I have committed insanely, the enemy will not hinder me.” path to heaven, accept my soul in peace, accept me with the martyrs who shed their blood for You and kept their faith to the end,” and with us who cry:Alleluia

Ikos 10

A strong wall, not overcome by the machinations of the enemy, you remained to the end, martyr of Christ. When your head was cut off from your body, what a miracle! Abi blood and milk flowed from your wound, just like the unbelievers who beheld this miracle, glorify Christ and call you with them:

Rejoice, for your torment was in vain, many people have turned to Christ; Rejoice, for for your sake they rushed towards the prince of malice.
Rejoice, for your death will enlighten the darkened minds; Rejoice, for your glorious death has resurrected the conscience buried in sins.
Rejoice, reproof of unrepentant sinners; Rejoice, the will of the paralytic is healed by wine.
Rejoice, in the night of ignorance there is admonition for those who wander; Rejoice, golden soul, drawing you to salvation from the depths of sins.
Rejoice, you were heard from God in your prayers; Rejoice, for you have reigned in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, thou clothed in purple from thy blood; Rejoice, for you now see an indescribable light.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 11

Bringing silent singing to the Lord, martyr Bonifatius, standing with the martyr's faces to the Most Holy Trinity, you gave yourself up for Nyuzhe, and we, too, like a beautiful bride, present our souls to the incorruptible bridegroom Christ with a consecrated song:Alleluia

Ikos 11

The light of love even after death shone forth, O wondrous Boniface, when my friends, having found your truncated head, wept bitterly, saying: “Servant of Christ, forget us the sin of unrighteous condemnation and our reckless abuse.” Then your face, like living rays, will be illuminated, showing them forgiveness. For this reason we call you with love:

Rejoice, you have a mouth of meekness speaking sweet words; Rejoice, spacious container of love.
Rejoice, for the Church and her children rejoice in you; Rejoice, for you have come to the Highest Heavenly City.
Rejoice, equal in death to the apostles; Rejoice, glorious in zeal for God.
Rejoice, denounce worldly rumors and evil gossip; Rejoice, you deliver us all from the enemy.
Rejoice, for you protect those who are unjustly persecuted; Rejoice, before the throne of the Lord there is an unquenchable lamp.
Rejoice, loving your enemies according to the commandment of Christ; Rejoice, having forgotten slander and slander.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 12

The grace of healing, sharpening your relics, as I approached Rome, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida, saying: You who were a slave of old, now accept our brother and colleague as if you were a master, and rest in peace, may your sins be forgiven, for he is now singing with us in heaven To the Almighty:Alleluia

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, a wondrous temple was created for you, warrior of Christ, Aglaida, in which you placed your relics and distributed your wealth to the poor, and lived fifty years in labors of fasting and repentance, reaching the ranks of saints. Moreover, magnifying your miracles, let us glorify you:

Rejoice, you who created your soul as a beautiful temple to God; Rejoice, clear book of God’s wonderful works.
Rejoice, deliverer of sudden deaths; Rejoice, sorrowful wives protected the evil pianists.
Rejoice, calling upon those who have fallen to rise from sins; Rejoice, give them the light of purity.
Rejoice, for you have tamed the fire of passions; Rejoice, for through you we leave the prison of sin.
Rejoice, little child, guarding from the temptations of the world; Rejoice, for you teach the teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, herald of sobriety, glorified forever; Rejoice, servant of Christ, ever revered.

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr

Kontakion 13

O glorious martyr of Christ Boniface, accept from us this small praiseworthy offering, which we bowed our knees before your icon and stretched out our hands to you, now we offer it to you: grant us your intercession before the Lord, especially our brethren who are perishing from drunkenness. Healing came down, the beginning of a good life was granted to all of us, so that having gained salvation through prayers, let us praise God forever, singing to Him:Alleluia

(This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.)

to the holy martyr Boniface

O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, overcome by the serious illness of drunkenness, for the sake of this from their mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. O holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn away His mercy from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end, day and night, in He is awake and a good answer is given about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling to your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially Kingdom of Heaven. Keep us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and through your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, so that God’s mercy will cover us for ever and ever. Amen.


Oh, holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending to the Heavenly Jerusalem through suffering, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance. To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil through your prayers to God; I tried a lot to escape the snares of his evil ones, but I was caught in the snare of sin and was tightly dragged from it, I cannot get rid of it, unless you appear to me, in a bitter situation to the one who endures, and how many times I tried to repent, but it was a lie before God. For this reason I come running to you and pray: save me, Holy One of God, from all evils by your intercession, by the grace of the Almighty God, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion 1
Chosen warrior of Christ, adorned with the crown of glory, delivered by martyrdom from eternal death, turned away from the darkness of sin and come to the eternal light, accept our prayer in praise offered to you, and deliver us from the snares of our evil enemy, so we joyfully call to you:

Ikos 1
By a bright angel, the fire of your torment extinguished by the dew of grace, you were protected, the sufferer of Christ, Boniface, so that
An unrepentant sinner, do not perish and appear before the Lord in bridal clothing, teach us to put on the bright vestments of holiness, calling to you:

Rejoice, you who gave your life for Christ;
Rejoice, imitator of His suffering.
Rejoice, turning your eyes to God;
Rejoice, having strengthened your will with virtue.
Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ;
Rejoice, holy end of your life has been accepted.
Rejoice, turn your hearts to repentance;
Rejoice, you lead to Christ, the True Path.
Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, not seduced by the temptations of this world.
Rejoice, you who put to shame the evil serpent;
Rejoice, joyful face of the saints.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the great turmoil in this world and the sorrows of the earth, and counting all this as dust, you raised your mind to the worldly, more suffering than Christ, ascended to the height of prudence, you confessed Christ God before everyone, and now you call the souls of all who perish in sins to the merciful Lord , may they repent in humility and cry out to Him in tender tears: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
You strengthened your reason with sobriety and you extinguished the flame of passions with repentance, wonderful Boniface, you came from the west to the east from Rome, to sympathize with our Lord Jesus Christ, bearing a holy intention, so that grace abounds in you, and now you have drawn us into the temple of God, who speak to you :

Rejoice, teach to overcome passions;
Rejoice, give hope of salvation to the desperate.
Rejoice, having known the vanity of earthly life;
Rejoice, you who predicted your own suffering.
Rejoice, consolation and encouragement to those who are sober;
Rejoice, strengthening the weak with will.
Rejoice, for through you we turn away from drunkenness;
Rejoice, for through you we turn to God.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healings;
Rejoice, my endless treasure of miracles.
Rejoice, teaching us to always raise our minds to God;
Rejoice, having found true freedom from sins.

Kontakion 3
The power of God’s mercy is inexpressible revealed to you, for the wondrous narrative of your life, martyr, clearly tells us how great sinners are mercifully accepted by our Father God when they bring repentance to Him, so you too have pleased God and instead of bitter death you have received eternal life, teach And I will make God sing to us: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having now eternal joy in the Heavenly Villages, you do not forget us sinners on earth, Martyr of Christ Boniface. We, who are toiling and burdened, come running to you: do not leave us orphaned and sick, asking you for help, but bring our prayers to the Heavenly Altar, and we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, you who loved your neighbor as you loved yourself;
Rejoice, you who did not harden your heart in sins.
Rejoice, you who served as a stranger and traveler with all diligence;
Rejoice, for for this reason you bypassed hailstorms at night.
Rejoice, you who teach mercy to the rich;
Rejoice, protect the orphans and widows.
Rejoice, kind representative of the needy and humiliated;
Rejoice, you who are always an intercessor for the offended and humiliated.
Rejoice, thou who are burned by the unbearable thirst for drunkenness and cooled down by sobriety;
Rejoice, for the sake of wine, call the impoverished to sobriety.
Rejoice, comforter of weeping women;
Rejoice, you who bring their tears to the Lord.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 4
You did not drown the storms of sin, you were covered below the waves of passions, martyr of Christ, you did not perish, but you came to Christ and you offered your life, like a fragrant sacrifice, to Him, our Sweetest Savior. Pray, then, and we, who exist in the sea of ​​life, to a quiet refuge, the Lord Savior, as a father, calling in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
We also hear the Gospel parable, how the prodigal son in a distant country, having spent his property, came from the hunger of his soul, came into the arms of his father, calling in repentance: “Father, those who have sinned in Heaven and before You.” So you, martyr Boniface, did not destroy yourself, but turned away from the birth of sin, and turned to Christ. We, rejoicing in your correction, sing to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced passion in your work and are strong in your work;
Rejoice, O Christ God, for you who hungered for living bread.
Rejoice, O Most Pure One of His Blood, for having partaken of the true drink;
Rejoice, as you have venerated the glorious martyrs.
Rejoice, you who fly to God on the wings of sobriety;
Rejoice, you who have sorrow in your heart.
Rejoice, you who came to the Lord by the power of the Life-giving Cross;
Rejoice, for you have received the crown of victory.
Rejoice, imperishable treasure of our souls;
Rejoice, a valuable adornment for our Church.
Rejoice, flee from the beauty of this world;
Rejoice, you have taken off your sinful clothes.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 5
The God-bearing Blood of Christ for all of us unworthy and the martyr’s blood shed for Christ in memory, Aglaida tells you: “Weigh for yourself how many sins we have been defiled, and we are careless about the future of our life, having heard from the divine man that the power of salvation is granted to the martyrs.” , like a martyr, as a guardian and intercessor before God! We say to you: “You are our guardian and intercessor before our God, for from the Angels you stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, singing: “Alleluia.”

Ikos 5
We now see and understand how these words of Aglaida awakened your soul, and you called for abstinence, Martyr Boniface, and help us to imitate you, so that we do not perish in the abyss of lawlessness by being drowned, but we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, awakening from passions, as from a disastrous sleep;
Rejoice, freed from the bonds of sin.
Rejoice, reproof of those who doubt the mercy of God;
Rejoice, endless joy affirmation.
Rejoice, calling us to the feat of abstinence;
Rejoice, for with the sign of the Cross you stopped the outburst of passions.
Rejoice, having acquired for yourself eternal possessions;
Rejoice, and encourage us to the work of salvation.
Rejoice, for you have despised the joy of wine;
Rejoice, you have endured fleshly wounds, as if you were incorporeal.
Rejoice, beaten by your enemies for confessing Christ;
Rejoice, scorched by unbearable fire for Him.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 6
The preacher of the veneration of the holy relics, Aglaida, your mistress, appeared, to suffer like Christ, when you sent to the east the holy relics of the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, to bring, in the image of good deeds flowing abundantly and eternal salvation is given to all who diligently flow to the martyr’s face. Grant that we too may receive consolation from the Lord, and to Him we offer the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You have shone upon us, like a never-setting star, through your wondrous life, most blessed martyr, the light and all-bearing yoke of Christ has been accepted and you have received salvation, for there is no way to find piety without Christ the Lord. In the same way, with your prayers, bring us to the Upper Abode, praising you here:

Rejoice, God-written tablet of the law of Christ;
Rejoice, fragrant myrrh of prayers to the Lord.
Rejoice, true pillar of fire in Christ’s faith;
Rejoice, honorable one, crowned with the commandments of God, like other stones.
Rejoice, heavenly ladder of sobriety;
Rejoice, heal sinful illnesses and wounds.
Rejoice, you have received grace and strength from the Lord Jesus Christ;
Rejoice, for the light of Christ has shone upon us.
Rejoice, teaching us to illuminate the holidays by abstinence from sins;
Rejoice, you protect us from mortal wine.
Rejoice, you who revive those killed by passions with the light of Christ;
Rejoice, you call to a new life.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 7
Although you left your home on a journey to the east, you predicted the end of your life, O most praiseworthy Aglaida, saying: “My lady, accept my body, which was tormented for Christ, when it is brought to you.” Having in your soul the thought of suffering for Christ, you sincerely prayed to Him, and strengthen our faith, so that we too may prepare it for the sake of suffering, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Not believing your wondrous and glorious correction, think evil in your heart Aglaida, wanting to slander you with the sin of blasphemy, thus answering: “Now is not the time for mockery, brother, but for reverence, knowing how to bear the relics of holy imashas. May the Lord send His Angel before you and guide your steps with His mercy.” We, the purity of your heart, wondrous Bonifatius, seeing, cry out to you:

Rejoice, admirer of holy relics;
Rejoice, giver of reverent images to us.
Rejoice, we are commanded to guard against atrocities;
Rejoice, all of you, for them the sons of this age rejoice, despised.
Rejoice, known helper to us;
Rejoice, treasurer of holy relics.
Rejoice, patron saint of all who struggle with sins;
Rejoice, the guarantor of our repentance before God.
Rejoice, for through your prayers the Lord leaves sins;
Rejoice, helping us to endure sorrows and reproaches.
Rejoice, you who created joy and wonder with your angelic face;
Rejoice, thou who hast brought the spirits of evil to shame.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 8
Pagan idolatry seemed strange to you, and you, holy martyr, when you came to Tarsus, you did not bend your knees before alien gods, but you appeared to be a zealot as an apostle. In the same way, pray for us, that we too may be ignited with the fire of love for the Lord Christ, always singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
You were all inflamed with holy zeal, not tolerating blasphemy against the Lord, and you were filled with the spirit of God, denouncing the blindness and madness of those who worship false gods. For this reason, the wicked king brought execution on you, the bitter martyr, unbearably beating you with scourges and inflicting inhealable wounds. We sing your praises:

Rejoice, bold accuser of evil;
Rejoice, thou clothed in the truth of God as with armor.
Rejoice, for your bones are laid bare from their wounds for Christ;
Rejoice, for the purity of your soul was then revealed.
Rejoice, for you have inherited the heavenly villages;
Rejoice, for even now you reprove evil people’s blasphemy against Christ.
Rejoice, thou who was pierced for Christ with sharp reeds;
Rejoice, unfading flower of the Garden of Eden.
Rejoice, for you have purified gold from the furnace of plagues;
Rejoice, thou struck for Christ.
Rejoice, having pleased God with your death;
Rejoice, you who loved Him even to the point of martyrdom.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 9
Having betrayed everything to the Lord God, more passionately than Christ, when the wicked king commanded to open your mouth and pour in boiling tin, you raised your hand to heaven, praying: “Lord my God Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in torment, remain with me now, my suffering.” make it easier and do not leave me overcome by being a wicked prince,” thus teaching us love for Christ, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Let the superstitious spirits tell us that because the tin of kindled thy throat has not fallen, do no more harm to you, martyr Boniface, for you asked from the Lord for a sign of victory over the tormentor, and this sign was given to you quickly, for this reason I cried out in wonder: “Great is, Jesus Christ, we believe, we believe in You, Lord,” but we glorify you, martyr, here:

Rejoice, for through you the faithful are enlightened;
Rejoice, for through you they are being delivered from shameful death.
Rejoice, find your consolation in Christ alone;
Rejoice, teach us to call on God in suffering.
Rejoice, for you did not overcome the torment;
Rejoice, for you have not overcome passions.
Rejoice, for you have burned the thorns of sins within yourself;
Rejoice, for you were not scorched by fire.
Rejoice, ever-living, joyful passion-bearer;
Rejoice, our gracious prayer book.
Rejoice, for through you the eyes blinded by sins are opened;
Rejoice, for with your help sorrows are turned into joy.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 10
Having desired to be saved, you ardently desired to suffer to the end for the Lord, martyr Boniface, and you cried out to Him: “Lord, Lord my God, grant me Thy mercies and be my helper, so that for my iniquities, which I have committed insanely, the enemy will not block my path.” to Heaven, accept my soul in peace, join me with the martyrs who shed their blood for You and kept their faith to the end,” and now cry out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
A strong wall, not overcome by the machinations of the enemy, you remained to the end, martyr of Christ, when your head was cut off from your body, oh, a miracle! Abi, the blood and milk flowed from that wound, just like the unbelievers who beheld this miracle, glorify Christ and call you with us:

Rejoice, because your torment is visible, many people have turned to Christ;
Rejoice, for for your sake they rushed towards the prince of malice.
Rejoice, for your death will enlighten the darkened minds;
Rejoice, for your glorious death has resurrected the conscience buried in sins.
Rejoice, reproof of unrepentant sinners;
Rejoice, by the will of the paralytic, healing came from wine.
Rejoice, in the night of ignorance there is admonition for those who wander;
Rejoice, golden soul drawing you to salvation from the depths of sins.
Rejoice, for you were heard from God in your prayers;
Rejoice, for you have reigned in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, thou clothed with purple from thy blood;
Rejoice, for you now see the indescribable light.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 11
Bringing silent singing to the Lord, martyr Bonifatius, standing with the martyr's faces of the Most Holy Trinity, you gave yourself up for Nyuzhe, and we, too, like beautiful brides, present our souls to the incorruptible Bridegroom Christ with the sacred song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
The light of love even after death shone forth, O wondrous Boniface, when your friends found your truncated head weeping bitterly: “Servant of Christ, forget us the sin of unrighteous condemnation and reckless abuse of ours,” then your face, like living rays, was enlightened, showing forgiveness to them, For this reason we call you with love:

Rejoice, you have a mouth of sweet meekness;
Rejoice, spacious container of love.
Rejoice, for the Church and her children rejoice in you;
Rejoice, for you have come to the Highest Heavenly City.
Rejoice, equal in death to the apostle;
Rejoice, glorious in zeal for God.
Rejoice, you denounce the evil rumors of everyday life;
Rejoice, deliver us all from the enemy’s trappings.
Rejoice, for you protect those who are unjustly persecuted;
Rejoice, before the Throne of the Lord there is an unquenchable lamp.
Rejoice, having loved your enemies even according to the commandment of Christ;
Rejoice, imputable to slander and slander.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 12
The grace of healing, sharpening your relics, as I approached Rome, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida, saying: “Thou who was of old a servant, now accept our brother and fellow servant as a master, and rest in peace, that thy sins may be forgiven, for he is with us now in the Heavenly sings to the Most High God: Alleluia.”

Ikos 12
Singing your miracles, a wondrous temple was created for you, warrior of Christ, Aglaida, in which you placed your relics, and you yourself, having distributed wealth to the poor, and having lived fifty years in labors of fasting and repentance, attained the ranks of the saints. Moreover, great are your miracles, let us glorify you:

Rejoice, you who created your soul as a beautiful temple to God;
Rejoice, clear book of the wonderful works of God.
Rejoice, thou who deliverest sudden death;
Rejoice, protect sorrowful wives from evil pianists.
Rejoice, calling upon those who have fallen to rise from sins;
Rejoice, give them the light of purity.
Rejoice, for you tame the fire of passions;
Rejoice, for through you we leave the prison of sin.
Rejoice, guarding little children from the temptations of the world;
Rejoice, you who teach the teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, herald of sobriety, glorified forever;
Rejoice, ever-honored servant of Christ.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 13
Oh, wonderful martyr of Christ Boniface, accept from us this small praiseworthy offering, kneeling before your icon and stretching out our hands to you, we now ask you: grant us your intercession before the Lord, especially to those who perish from drunkenness, send healing and a good life grant us all the beginning, so that having gained salvation through your prayers, let us praise God forever, singing to Him: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

First prayer
Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession. Do not reject our prayers, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters (names) who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and see that for the sake of their Mother, the Church of Christ, they are falling away from eternal salvation. Oh, holy martyr of Christ Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the fall of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, He may not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity, may His right hand help us to maintain strong and saving God’s promise to the end, in watch for him day and night, and give a good answer about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives who weep for their husbands; children of orphans and wretched children abandoned by pianists; and all of us, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to everyone through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom of Heaven. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to overcome the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned love for our Fatherland and unshakable will before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, so that God’s mercy will cover us for ever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer
Oh, holy servant of Christ, passionately patient and martyr Bonifatius, with your soul in Heaven standing before the Throne of God and enjoying the Trinitarian glory of God, abide with the holy icon on earth in Divine churches and with the grace given to you from above, exuding various miracles, look with a merciful eye on the people ahead and more honest than you touchingly praying to the icon and asking you for healing help and intercession, and ask for the forgiveness of sins for our souls, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we call on you, an intercessor of mercy to the Lady and a prayer book for us sinners, for you have received from Him to drive away ailments and heal passions, We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, praying and demanding your help, be a comforter to us in sorrow, a doctor and healer for those suffering from drunkenness, a quick patron and ready intercessor for the glory of God of those who are sober, intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as if it were yours Having received grace and mercy to the Lord God through prayers, let us glorify All the Good Source, the One God in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three
Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be put in a winepress and to call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of mercy, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. O Saint of God! According to you
Through prayer, wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking (names) from their addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy, sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, God's saint Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their spiritual addiction, which entails separation from Heavenly Kingdom, they were established in piety, were honored with a shameless peaceful death, and in the eternal light of the endless Kingdom of Glory, they worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Martyrs were sent to the class; you were a true martyr, having suffered most for Christ, the most praiseworthy; You returned with the relics of the faith that sent you, blessed Boniface; pray to Christ God to accept forgiveness of our sins.

Another troparion, tone 4
Your martyr, Lord, Boniface, in his suffering received an incorruptible crown from You, our God; Have Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence, save our souls with your prayers.

Kontakion, tone 4
You brought the immaculate sanctification to you of your own free will, even from the Virgin for the sake of the One who wanted to be born, the holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.

Kontakion 1
Chosen warrior of Christ, adorned with the crown of glory, delivered by martyrdom from eternal death, turned away from the darkness of sin and come to the eternal light, accept our prayer in praise offered to you, and deliver us from the snares of our evil enemy, so we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Ikos 1
By a bright angel, the fire of your torment extinguished by the dew of grace, you were protected, the sufferer of Christ, Boniface, so that
An unrepentant sinner, do not perish and appear before the Lord in bridal clothing, teach us to put on the bright vestments of holiness, calling to you:

Rejoice, you who gave your life for Christ;
Rejoice, imitator of His suffering.
Rejoice, turning your eyes to God;
Rejoice, having strengthened your will with virtue.
Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ;
Rejoice, holy end of your life has been accepted.
Rejoice, turn your hearts to repentance;
Rejoice, you lead to Christ, the True Path.
Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, not seduced by the temptations of this world.
Rejoice, you who put to shame the evil serpent;
Rejoice, joyful face of the saints.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the great turmoil in this world and the sorrows of the earth, and counting all this as dust, you raised your mind to the worldly, more suffering than Christ, ascended to the height of prudence, you confessed Christ God before everyone, and now you call the souls of all who perish in sins to the merciful Lord , may they repent in humility and cry out to Him in tender tears: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
You strengthened your reason with sobriety and you extinguished the flame of passions with repentance, wonderful Boniface, you came from the west to the east from Rome, to sympathize with our Lord Jesus Christ, bearing a holy intention, so that grace abounds in you, and now you have drawn us into the temple of God, who speak to you :

Rejoice, teach to overcome passions;
Rejoice, give hope of salvation to the desperate.
Rejoice, having known the vanity of earthly life;
Rejoice, you who predicted your own suffering.
Rejoice, consolation and encouragement to those who are sober;
Rejoice, strengthening the weak with will.
Rejoice, for through you we turn away from drunkenness;
Rejoice, for through you we turn to God.
Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healings;
Rejoice, my endless treasure of miracles.
Rejoice, teaching us to always raise our minds to God;
Rejoice, having found true freedom from sins.

Kontakion 3
The power of God’s mercy is inexpressible revealed to you, for the wondrous narrative of your life, martyr, clearly tells us how great sinners are mercifully accepted by our Father God when they bring repentance to Him, so you too have pleased God and instead of bitter death you have received eternal life, teach And I will make God sing to us: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having now eternal joy in the Heavenly Villages, and do not forget us sinners on earth, Martyr of Christ Boniface. We, who are toiling and burdened, come running to you: do not leave us orphaned and sick, asking you for help, but bring our prayers to the Heavenly Altar, and we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, you who loved your neighbor as you loved yourself;
Rejoice, you who did not harden your heart in sins.
Rejoice, you who served as a stranger and traveler with all diligence;
Rejoice, for for this reason you bypassed hailstorms at night.
Rejoice, you who teach mercy to the rich;
Rejoice, protect the orphans and widows.
Rejoice, kind representative of the needy and humiliated;
Rejoice, you who are always an intercessor for the offended and humiliated.
Rejoice, thou who are burned by the unbearable thirst for drunkenness and cooled down by sobriety;
Rejoice, for the sake of wine, call the impoverished to sobriety.
Rejoice, comforter of weeping women;
Rejoice, you who bring their tears to the Lord.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 4
The storms of sin did not drown you, you were covered below the waves of passions, martyr of Christ, you did not perish, but you came to Christ and you offered your life, like a fragrant sacrifice, to Him, our Sweetest Savior. Pray, then, and we, who exist in the sea of ​​life, to a quiet refuge, the Lord Savior, as a father, calling in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
We also hear the Gospel parable, how the prodigal son in a distant country, having spent his property, came from the hunger of his soul, came into the arms of his father, calling in repentance: “Father, those who have sinned in Heaven and before You.” So you, martyr Boniface, did not destroy yourself, but turned away from the birth of sin, and turned to Christ. We, rejoicing in your correction, sing to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced passion in your work and are strong in your work;
Rejoice, O Christ God, for you who hungered for living bread.
Rejoice, O Most Pure One of His Blood, for having partaken of the true drink;
Rejoice, as you have venerated the glorious martyrs.
Rejoice, you who fly to God on the wings of sobriety;
Rejoice, you who have sorrow in your heart.
Rejoice, you who came to the Lord by the power of the Life-giving Cross;
Rejoice, for you have received the crown of victory.
Rejoice, imperishable treasure of our souls;
Rejoice, our Church is a valuable adornment.
Rejoice, flee from the beauty of this world;
Rejoice, you have taken off your sinful clothes.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 5
The God-bearing Blood of Christ for all of us unworthy and the martyr’s blood shed for Christ in memory, Aglaida tells you: “Weigh for yourself how many sins we have been defiled, and we are careless about the future of our life, having heard from the divine man that the power of salvation is granted to the martyrs.” , like a martyr, as a guardian and intercessor before God! We say to you: “You are our guardian and intercessor before our God, for from the Angels you stand before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, singing: “Alleluia.”

Ikos 5
We now see and understand how these words of Aglaida awakened your soul, and you called for abstinence for yourself, martyr Boniface, and help us to imitate you, so that we do not perish in the abyss of lawlessness by being drowned, but we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, awakening from passions, as from a disastrous sleep;
Rejoice, freed from the bonds of sin.
Rejoice, reproof of those who doubt the mercy of God;
Rejoice, endless joy affirmation.
Rejoice, calling us to the feat of abstinence;
Rejoice, for with the sign of the Cross you stopped the outburst of passions.
Rejoice, having acquired for yourself eternal possessions;
Rejoice, and encourage us to the work of salvation.
Rejoice, for you have despised the joy of wine;
Rejoice, you have endured fleshly wounds, as if you were incorporeal.
Rejoice, beaten by your enemies for confessing Christ;
Rejoice, scorched by unbearable fire for Him.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 6
The preacher of the veneration of the holy relics, Aglaida, your mistress, appeared, to suffer like Christ, when you sent to the east the holy relics of the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, to bring, in the image of good deeds flowing abundantly and eternal salvation is given to all who diligently flow to the martyr’s face. Grant that we too may receive consolation from the Lord, and to Him we offer the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You have shone upon us, like a never-setting star, through your wondrous life, most blessed martyr, the light and all-bearing yoke of Christ has been accepted and you have received salvation, for there is no way to find piety without Christ the Lord. In the same way, with your prayers, bring us to the Upper Abode, praising you here:

Rejoice, God-written tablet of the law of Christ;
Rejoice, fragrant myrrh of prayers to the Lord.
Rejoice, true pillar of fire in Christ’s faith;
Rejoice, honorable one, crowned with the commandments of God, like other stones.
Rejoice, heavenly ladder of sobriety;
Rejoice, heal sinful illnesses and wounds.
Rejoice, you have received grace and strength from the Lord Jesus Christ;
Rejoice, for the light of Christ has shone upon us.
Rejoice, teaching us to illuminate the holidays by abstinence from sins;
Rejoice, you protect us from mortal wine.
Rejoice, you who revive those killed by passions with the light of Christ;
Rejoice, you call to a new life.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 7
Although you left your home on a journey to the east, you predicted the end of your life, O most praiseworthy Aglaida, saying: “My lady, accept my body, which was tormented for Christ, when it is brought to you.” Having in your soul the thought of suffering for Christ, you sincerely prayed to Him, and strengthen our faith, so that we too may prepare it for the sake of suffering, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Not believing your wondrous and glorious correction, think evil in your heart Aglaida, wanting to slander you with the sin of blasphemy, thus answering: “Now is not the time for mockery, brother, but for reverence, knowing how to bear the relics of holy imashas. May the Lord send His Angel before you and guide your steps with His mercy.” We, the purity of your heart, wondrous Bonifatius, seeing, cry out to you:

Rejoice, admirer of holy relics;
Rejoice, giver of reverent images to us.
Rejoice, we are commanded to guard against atrocities;
Rejoice, all of you, for them the sons of this age rejoice, despised.
Rejoice, known helper to us;
Rejoice, treasurer of holy relics.
Rejoice, patron saint of all who struggle with sins;
Rejoice, the guarantor of our repentance before God.
Rejoice, for through your prayers the Lord leaves sins;
Rejoice, helping us to endure sorrows and reproaches.
Rejoice, you who created joy and wonder with your angelic face;
Rejoice, thou who hast brought the spirits of evil to shame.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 8
Pagan idolatry seemed strange to you, and you, holy martyr, when you came to Tarsus, you did not bend your knees before alien gods, but you appeared to be a zealot as an apostle. In the same way, pray for us, that we too may be ignited with the fire of love for the Lord Christ, always singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
You were all inflamed with holy zeal, not tolerating blasphemy against the Lord, and you were filled with the spirit of God, denouncing the blindness and madness of those who worship false gods. For this reason, the wicked king brought execution on you, the bitter martyr, unbearably beating you with scourges and inflicting inhealable wounds. We sing your praises:

Rejoice, bold accuser of evil;
Rejoice, thou clothed in the truth of God as with armor.
Rejoice, for your bones are laid bare from their wounds for Christ;
Rejoice, for the purity of your soul was then revealed.
Rejoice, for you have inherited the heavenly villages;
Rejoice, for even now you reprove evil people’s blasphemy against Christ.
Rejoice, thou who was pierced for Christ with sharp reeds;
Rejoice, unfading flower of the Garden of Eden.
Rejoice, for you have purified gold from the furnace of plagues;
Rejoice, thou struck for Christ.
Rejoice, having pleased God with your death;
Rejoice, you who loved Him even to the point of martyrdom.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 9
Having betrayed everything to the Lord God, more passionately than Christ, when the wicked king commanded to open your mouth and pour in boiling tin, you raised your hand to heaven, praying: “Lord my God Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in torment, remain with me now, my suffering.” make it easier and do not leave me overcome by being a wicked prince,” thus teaching us love for Christ, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Let the superstitious spirits tell us that because the tin of kindled thy throat has not fallen, do no more harm to you, martyr Boniface, for you asked from the Lord for a sign of victory over the tormentor, and this sign was given to you quickly, for this reason I cried out in wonder: “Great is, Jesus Christ, we believe, we believe in You, Lord,” but we glorify you, martyr, here:

Rejoice, for through you the faithful are enlightened;
Rejoice, for through you they are being delivered from shameful death.
Rejoice, find your consolation in Christ alone;
Rejoice, teach us to call on God in suffering.
Rejoice, for you did not overcome the torment;
Rejoice, for you have not overcome passions.
Rejoice, for you have burned the thorns of sins within yourself;
Rejoice, for you were not scorched by fire.
Rejoice, ever-living, joyful passion-bearer;
Rejoice, our gracious prayer book.
Rejoice, for through you the eyes blinded by sins are opened;
Rejoice, for with your help sorrows are turned into joy.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 10
Having desired to be saved, you ardently desired to suffer to the end for the Lord, martyr Boniface, and you cried out to Him: “Lord, Lord my God, grant me Thy mercies and be my helper, so that for my iniquities, which I have committed insanely, the enemy will not block my path.” to Heaven, accept my soul in peace, join me with the martyrs who shed their blood for You and kept their faith to the end,” and now cry out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
A strong wall, not overcome by the machinations of the enemy, you remained to the end, martyr of Christ, when your head was cut off from your body, oh, a miracle! Abi blood and milk flowed from that wound, just as the unbelievers who beheld this miracle, glorify Christ and call you with us:

Rejoice, because your torment is visible, many people have turned to Christ;
Rejoice, for for your sake they rushed against the prince of malice.
Rejoice, for your death will enlighten the darkened minds;
Rejoice, for your glorious death has resurrected the conscience buried in sins.
Rejoice, reproof of unrepentant sinners;
Rejoice, by the will of the paralytic, healing came from wine.
Rejoice, in the night of ignorance there is admonition for those who wander;
Rejoice, golden soul drawing you to salvation from the depths of sins.
Rejoice, for you were heard from God in your prayers;
Rejoice, for you have reigned in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, thou clothed with purple from thy blood;
Rejoice, for you now see the indescribable light.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 11
Bringing silent singing to the Lord, martyr Bonifatius, standing with the martyr's faces of the Most Holy Trinity, you gave yourself up for Nyuzhe, and we, too, like beautiful brides, present our souls to the incorruptible Bridegroom Christ with the sacred song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
The light of love even after death shone forth, O wondrous Boniface, when your friends found your truncated head weeping bitterly: “Servant of Christ, forget us the sin of unrighteous condemnation and reckless abuse of ours,” then your face, like living rays, was enlightened, showing forgiveness to them, For this reason we call you with love:

Rejoice, you have a mouth of sweet meekness;
Rejoice, spacious container of love.
Rejoice, for the Church and her children rejoice in you;
Rejoice, for you have come to the Highest Heavenly City.
Rejoice, equal in death to the apostle;
Rejoice, glorified by your zeal for God.
Rejoice, you denounce the evil rumors of everyday life;
Rejoice, deliver us all from the enemy’s trappings.
Rejoice, for you protect those who are unjustly persecuted;
Rejoice, before the Throne of the Lord there is an unquenchable lamp.
Rejoice, having loved your enemies even according to the commandment of Christ;
Rejoice, imputable to slander and slander.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 12
The grace of healing, sharpening your relics, as I approached Rome, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida, saying: “Thou who was of old a servant, now accept our brother and fellow servant as a master, and rest in peace, that thy sins may be forgiven, for he is with us now in the Heavenly sings to the Most High God: Alleluia.”

Ikos 12
Singing your miracles, a wondrous temple was created for you, warrior of Christ, Aglaida, in which you placed your relics, and you yourself, having distributed wealth to the poor, and having lived fifty years in labors of fasting and repentance, attained the ranks of the saints. Moreover, great are your miracles, let us glorify you:

Rejoice, you who created your soul as a beautiful temple to God;
Rejoice, clear book of the wonderful works of God.
Rejoice, thou who deliverest sudden death;
Rejoice, protect sorrowful wives from evil pianists.
Rejoice, calling upon those who have fallen to rise from sins;
Rejoice, give them the light of purity.
Rejoice, for you tame the fire of passions;
Rejoice, for through you we leave the prison of sin.
Rejoice, guarding little children from the temptations of the world;
Rejoice, you who teach the teachings of Christ.
Rejoice, herald of sobriety, glorified forever;
Rejoice, ever-honored servant of Christ.
Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 13
Oh, wonderful martyr of Christ Boniface, accept from us this small praiseworthy offering, kneeling before your icon and stretching out our hands to you, we now ask you: grant us your intercession before the Lord, especially to those who perish from drunkenness, send healing and a good life grant us all the beginning, so that having gained salvation through your prayers, let us praise God forever, singing to Him: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

First prayer
Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession. Do not reject our prayers, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters (names) who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, and see that for the sake of their Mother, the Church of Christ, they are falling away from eternal salvation. Oh, holy martyr of Christ Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the fall of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, He may not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity, may His right hand help us to maintain strong and saving God’s promise to the end, in watch for him day and night, and give a good answer about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives who weep for their husbands; children of orphans and wretched children abandoned by pianists; and all of us, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to everyone through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom of Heaven. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to overcome the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned love for our Fatherland and unshakable will before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, so that God’s mercy will cover us for ever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer
Oh, holy servant of Christ, passionately patient and martyr Bonifatius, with your soul in Heaven standing before the Throne of God and enjoying the Trinitarian glory of God, abide with the holy icon on earth in Divine churches and with the grace given to you from above, exuding various miracles, look with a merciful eye on the people ahead and more honest than you touchingly praying to the icon and asking you for healing help and intercession, and ask for the forgiveness of sins for our souls, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit, we call on you, an intercessor of mercy to the Lady and a prayer book for us sinners, for you have received from Him to drive away ailments and heal passions, We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, praying and demanding your help, be a comforter to us in sorrow, a doctor and healer for those suffering from drunkenness, a quick patron and ready intercessor for the glory of God of those who are sober, intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as if it were yours Having received grace and mercy to the Lord God through prayers, let us glorify All the Good Source, the One God in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three
Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be put in a winepress and to call the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of mercy, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. O Saint of God! According to you
Through prayer, wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking (names) from their addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to successfully endure this temptation, return them to a healthy, sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their spiritual addiction, which entails separation from Heavenly Kingdom, they were established in piety, were honored with a shameless peaceful death, and in the eternal light of the endless Kingdom of Glory, they worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginningless Father and with the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Martyrs were sent to the class; you were a true martyr, having suffered most for Christ, the most praiseworthy; You returned with the relics of the faith that sent you, blessed Boniface; pray to Christ God to accept forgiveness of our sins.

Another troparion, tone 4
Your martyr, Lord, Boniface, in his suffering received an incorruptible crown from You, our God; Have Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence, save our souls with your prayers.

Kontakion, tone 4
You have brought the immaculate sanctification to you of your own free will, even from the Virgin for the sake of the One who wants to be born, the holy crowned, wise Bonifatius.

Akathist to the Holy Martyr Boniface

Kontakion 1
Chosen warrior of Christ, adorned with the crown of glory, delivered from the martyrdom of eternal death, turned away from the darkness of sin and come to the eternal light, accept our prayer offered to you in praise, and deliver us from the snares of our evil enemy, so that we call to you with victorious joy: Rejoice , Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Ikos 1
You were protected by the bright angel, who extinguished the fire of your torment with the dew of grace, Boniface, who suffered more than Christ, so that not when, as an unrepentant sinner, you perish and appear before the Lord in darker clothes. Teach us also to put on the bright vestments of holiness, calling to you: Rejoice, you who gave your life for Christ. Rejoice, imitator of His suffering. Rejoice, turning your eyes to God. Rejoice, having strengthened your will in virtues. Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ. Rejoice, holy end of your life has been accepted. Rejoice, turn your hearts to repentance. Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, not seduced by the temptations of this world. Rejoice, you put to shame the evil serpent. Rejoice, joyful face of the saints. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 2
Seeing the great turmoil of this world and the sorrows of the earth, and counting all this as dust, you raised your mind to the most worldly, suffering more than Christ, ascending to the height of God-mind, you confessed Christ God before everyone and now call the souls of all who perish in sins to the merciful Lord, yes they will repent in humility and cry out to Him in the tears of those who are touched: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
You strengthened your reason with sobriety and you extinguished the flame of passions with repentance, wonderful Boniface. You came from the West to the East from Rome to suffer for the Lord Jesus Christ, bearing a holy intention, so that grace abounds in you now, you have drawn us into the Temple of God, who say to you: Rejoice, teaching us to overcome passions. Rejoice, give hope of salvation to the desperate. Rejoice, thou who has known the vanity of earthly life. Rejoice in your suffering, the one who predicted it. Rejoice, consolation and approval to those who are sober. Rejoice, strengthening the weak with will. Rejoice, for through you we turn away from drunkenness. Rejoice, for through you we turn to God. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healing. Rejoice, endless treasure of miracles. Rejoice, teach us to always raise our minds to God. Rejoice, having found true freedom from sins. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 3
The ineffable power of God’s mercy has been revealed to you, for the wondrous narrative of your life, martyr, clearly tells us how great sinners are mercifully accepted by our Father God when they bring repentance to Him. Thus, you too pleased God and instead of bitter death you received Eternal Life, teach us to always sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having now eternal joy in the heavenly villages, you do not forget us on the sinful earth, martyr of Christ Boniface. We, who are toiling and burdened, come running to you: do not abandon the orphaned and sick who ask you for help, but bring our prayers to the heavenly altar, and joyfully call to you: Rejoice, O neighbor, as you loved yourself. Rejoice, you who did not harden your heart in sins. Rejoice, thou who servest the stranger and wayfarer with all diligence. Rejoice, for this reason you bypassed hailstorms at night. Rejoice, you who teach mercy to the rich. Rejoice, protect the orphans and widows. Rejoice, kind representative of the needy. Rejoice, you have always been an intercessor for the offended and humiliated. Rejoice, burned by the unbearable thirst for drunkenness and cooled down by sobriety. Rejoice, for the sake of wine, call the impoverished to sobriety. Rejoice, comforter of weeping wives. Rejoice, bring their tears to the Lord. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 4
The storms of sin did not drown you, below the waves of passions covered you, martyr of Christ: you did not perish, but you came to Christ and you offered your life as a fragrant sacrifice to Him, our sweetest Savior. Pray, so that we, too, who exist in the sea of ​​life to a quiet refuge, the Lord Savior, may be a father figure, calling in tenderness: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
We also hear the Gospel parable, like a prodigal son in a distant country, dependent on his property, coming from the hunger of his soul within himself, he came into the arms of his father, calling in repentance: “Father! I have sinned in heaven and before you,” so you, martyr Boniface, without destroying yourself, but turning away from the birth of sin, you turned to Christ. We, rejoicing at your correction, sing to you: Rejoice, you who have experienced hunger in your work through passion are strong. Rejoice, Christ God, for you have hungered for living bread. Rejoice, O His most pure blood, for you have partaken of true nourishment. Rejoice, as you were venerated as a glorious martyr. Rejoice, you who fly to God on the wings of sobriety. Rejoice, you who have sorrow in your heart. Rejoice, you who came to the Lord by the power of the Life-giving Cross. Rejoice, for you have received the crown of victory. Rejoice, imperishable treasure of our souls. Rejoice to the Church, our valuable adornment. Rejoice, beauty of this world of rejection. Rejoice, you have taken off your sinful clothes. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 5
Remember the rich Blood of Christ, for all of us unworthy and the martyr's blood shed for Christ, Aglaida tells you: “Weigh for yourself how many sins we have desecrated and are careless about the future of our lives. I have heard from the Divine Man that the might of martyrs grants salvation, like a martyr, as a Guardian and intercessor before God.” And we say to you: you are our guardian and intercessor before our Lord, for with the Angels you stand before the Most Holy Trinity, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
We see now and understand how these words of Aglaida have awakened your soul, and you have called upon yourself to abstinence, martyr Boniface, and help us to imitate you, so that we do not perish in the abyss of lawlessness by drowning, but we joyfully call to you: Rejoice, from the passions, as from awakened from a disastrous sleep. Rejoice, freed from the bonds of sin. Rejoice, reproof of those who doubt the mercy of God. Rejoice, endless joy affirmation. Rejoice, calling us to the feat of abstinence. Rejoice, for with the sign of the Cross you have cut off the outburst of passions. Rejoice, having acquired for yourself eternal possessions. Rejoice, and awaken us to the work of salvation. Rejoice, for you despised the joy of wine. Rejoice, you have endured fleshly wounds because you were incorporeal. Rejoice, you who were beaten by your enemies for confessing Christ. Rejoice, scorched by unbearable fire for Him. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 6
The preacher of the worship of the holy relics appeared Aglaida, your mistress, the sufferer of Christ, when she sent you to the East to bring the holy relics of the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, their benefits flow abundantly, and eternal salvation is given to all who diligently flow to the martyr’s face. Grant that we too may receive consolation from the Lord, and to him we bring the angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You have shone upon us, like an unsetting star, through your wondrous life, most blessed martyr, the light and all-bearing yoke of Christ that we have accepted and received salvation, for there is no way to find piety without Christ the Lord. In the same way, with your prayers, bring us to the heavenly monastery, praising you: Rejoice, tablet of the law of Christ, inscribed by God. Rejoice, fragrant myrrh of prayers to the Lord. Rejoice, true pillar of fire in Christ's faith. Rejoice, honorable one, crowned with the commandments of God, as if built from other stones. Rejoice, sober ladder of the heavenly sunrise. Rejoice, heal sinful illnesses and wounds. Rejoice, for you have received grace and strength from the Lord Jesus. Rejoice, for through this light of Christ you have shone. Rejoice, teaching us to sanctify the holidays by abstaining from sins. Rejoice, you protect us from mortal wine. Rejoice, revive those killed by passions with the light of Christ. Rejoice, you call to a new life. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 7
Although you left your home on a journey to the East, you predicted the end of your life, most praiseworthy, Aglaida, saying: “My lady, accept my body, which was tormented for Christ, when it is brought to you.” The thought of suffering for Christ is in your soul; you prayed to Him in secret; and strengthen our faith, so that we too may prepare it for the sake of suffering, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Not believing your wondrous and glorious correction, think evil in your heart Aglaida, wanting to slander you with the sin of blasphemy, thus responding to you: “Now is not the time for mockery, brother, but for reverence, knowing how to bear the relics of the holy Imasha. May the Lord send His angel before you and guide your steps with His mercy." We, the purity of your heart, wondrous Boniface, seeing, cry out to you: Rejoice, admirer of holy relics. Rejoice, giver of reverent images to us. Rejoice, the atrocities commanded by us are preserved. Rejoice, all of you, for them the sons of this age rejoice, despised. Rejoice, our famous helper. Rejoice, more mysterious than holy thoughts. Rejoice, patron saint of all who struggle with sins. Rejoice, the guarantor of our repentance before God. Rejoice, for through your prayers the Lord leaves sins behind. Rejoice, helping us to endure sorrows and reproaches. Rejoice, you who created joy and surprise with your angelic face. Rejoice, thou who hast brought the spirits of evil to shame. Rejoice, Boniface, much-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 8
It is strange for you to have pagan worship of idols, and you, holy martyr, when you came to Tarsus, you did not bend your knees before alien gods, but you appeared to be a zealot of an apostle. In the same way, pray for us, that we too may be ignited with the fire of love for the Lord Christ, always singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
You were all inflamed with holy zeal, not tolerating blasphemy against the Lord, and you were filled with the Spirit of God, denouncing the blindness and madness of those who worship false gods. For this reason, the wicked king will bring execution on you, the bitter martyr, unbearably beating you with scourges and inflicting inhealable wounds. We sing praise: Rejoice, bold accuser of evil. Rejoice, thou clothed in the Truth of God, as if clothed in armor. Rejoice, for your bones are laid bare for Christ. Rejoice, for the purity of your soul was then revealed. Rejoice, for you have inherited the heavenly village. Rejoice, for even now you reprove evil people’s blasphemy against Christ. Rejoice, thou who was pierced for Christ with sharp reeds. Rejoice, everlasting blossom of the Garden of Paradise. Rejoice, for you have purified gold from the crucible of plagues. Rejoice, thou struck for Christ. Rejoice, having pleased God with your death. Rejoice, you who loved him even to the point of martyrdom. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 9
Having betrayed everything to the Lord God, the passion-bearing Christ, when the wicked king commanded to open your mouth and pour in boiling tin, you raised your hand to heaven, thus praying: “Lord, my God, Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in torment, remain with me now, Ease my suffering and do not leave me overcome by being a wicked prince.” Thus you teach us love for Christ, singing Alleluia to God.

Ikos 9
May the spirits of superstition tell us that the molten tin of your larynx has not fallen, so do no harm to you, martyr Bonifatius. You asked the Lord for a sign of victory over your tormentor, and this sign was given to you quickly. For this reason, everyone miraculously exclaimed: “Great is Jesus Christ, we believe in You, Lord.” We glorify you, martyr, Sitsa: Rejoice, for through you the faithful are enlightened. Rejoice, for through you they are being delivered from shameful death. Rejoice, find your consolation in Christ alone. Rejoice, teach us to call on God in suffering. Rejoice, for you did not overcome the torment. Rejoice, for you have not overcome passions. Rejoice, for you have burned the thorns of sins within yourself. Rejoice, for you were not burned by fire. Rejoice, ever-living, joyful passion-bearer. Rejoice, our gracious prayer book. Rejoice, for through you the eyes blinded by sins are opened. Rejoice, for through your help sorrows are turned into joy. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 10
Having desired to be saved, you ardently desired to suffer to the end for the Lord, martyr Boniface, and you cried out to him: “Lord, Lord, my God, grant me Thy mercies and be my helper, so that for my iniquities, the foolish things I have done, I am not an enemy.” will block my path to heaven: receive my soul in peace, join me with the martyrs who shed their blood for You and kept their faith to the end,” and now cry out: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
A strong wall, not overcome by the machinations of the enemy, you remained to the end, martyr of Christ. When your head was cut off from your body, what a miracle! Abi blood and milk flowed from that wound, just like the unbelievers who beheld this miracle, glorify Christ and call you with them: Rejoice, for seeing your torment, many people have turned to Christ. Rejoice, for for your sake they rushed towards the prince of malice. Rejoice, for your death will enlighten the darkened minds. Rejoice, for your glorious death has resurrected the conscience buried in sins. Rejoice, reproof of unrepentant sinners. Rejoice, through the will of the paralyzed, healing came from wine. Rejoice, in the night of ignorance of those who wander, there is understanding. Rejoice, golden soul, drawing you to salvation from the depths of sins. Rejoice, for you were heard from God in your prayers. Rejoice, for you have dwelled in the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, thou clothed with purple from thy blood. Rejoice, for you now see the indescribable light. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 11
Bringing silent singing to the Lord, martyr Bonifatius, standing with the martyr's faces of the Most Holy Trinity, you gave yourself up for your worth, and we, too, like adorned brides, present our souls to the incorruptible Bridegroom Christ with a consecrated song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
The light of love even after death shone forth, O wondrous Boniface, when my friends found your truncated head, I wept bitterly, saying: “Servant of Christ, forget us the sin of unrighteous condemnation and our reckless abuse.” Then your face, as if illuminated by living rays, shows forgiveness to them. For this reason, we call you with love: Rejoice, having a mouth of meekness speaking sweet words. Rejoice, spacious container of love. Rejoice, for the Church and its children rejoice in you. Rejoice, for you have come to the Highest Heavenly City. Rejoice, equal in death to the apostle. Rejoice, glorious in zeal for God. Rejoice, denounce worldly rumors and evil gossip. Rejoice, deliver us all from the enemy’s trappings. Rejoice, for you protect those who are unjustly persecuted. Rejoice, before the throne of the Lord there is an unquenchable lamp. Rejoice, loving your enemies according to the commandment of Christ. Rejoice, having forgotten slander and slander. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 12
The grace of healing, sharpening your relics, as I approached Rome, the Angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida, saying: “You who were a servant of old, now accept our brother and colleague as a Master, and rest well, may your sins be forgiven,” who is with us now in heaven sings to the Most High: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing your miracles, Aglaida created a wondrous temple for you, warrior of Christ, in it you placed your relics and distributed your wealth to the poor and lived for fifty years in the labors of fasting and repentance, reaching the face of the saints. Moreover, magnifying your miracles, we glorify you: Rejoice, you who created your soul as a beautiful temple to God. Rejoice, clear book of the wonderful works of God. Rejoice, deliver us from sudden death. Rejoice, protect sorrowful wives from evil pianists. Rejoice, calling upon those who have fallen to rise from sins. Rejoice, give them the light of purity. Rejoice, for you are taming the fire of passions. Rejoice, for through you we leave the prison of sin. Rejoice, little child, keep from the temptations of the world. Rejoice, you who teach the teachings of Christ. Rejoice, messenger of sobriety, glorified forever. Rejoice, servant of Christ, ever revered. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion 13
O wonderful martyr of Christ Boniface, accept from us this small commendable offering, who bowed our knees before your icon and stretched out our hands to you now, grant us your intercession before the Lord, especially to our brethren who are perishing from drunkenness. make us all worthy, so that, having improved our salvation through prayers, we will praise God forever, singing to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Troparion tone 4
Martyrs were sent to the class, / you were a true martyr, / having suffered for Christ most powerfully, most valiantly, / you returned with the might of the faith of the one who sent you, blessed Boniface, / pray to Christ God / / to accept forgiveness of our sins.

Kontakion voice 4
The immaculate sanctification/thou hast brought it to thee without permission,/Who from the Virgin for the sake of thee wouldst be born,/holy crowned one,//the wise Bonifatius.

First prayer
O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, see for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. O holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given to them by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, He may not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, and may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, oh He is awake and a good answer will be given about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling down on your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and through your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, invincible power, so that the mercy of God will cover us for endless centuries. Amen.

Second prayer
O holy passion-bearer of Christ, warrior of the Heavenly King, despising earthly sensuality and ascending through suffering to the heavenly Jerusalem, martyr Boniface! Hear me, a sinner, offering prayer songs from my heart, and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins, committed in knowledge and in ignorance. To her, the martyr of Christ, she showed the image of repentance to sinners! Be a helper and intercessor for the evil of the enemy of the devil with your prayers to God; I tried many times to escape the snares of his evil ones, but was caught in the snare of sin and was tightly dragged from it, I could not get rid of it unless you stood before me, in a bitter situation to the one who endures, and I tried so many times to repent, but it was a lie before God. For this reason, I come running to you and pray: save me, Holy One of God, from all evils through your intercession, by the grace of the Almighty God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The history of Orthodoxy knows many examples when even the greatest sinners receive mercy from the Lord as a result of their sincere prayers and subsequent righteous deeds that help people. One such example was the story of the holy martyr Boniface, glorified in the Orthodox Akathist to Boniface the Merciful, who, being a slave of a noble lady, was in lawless cohabitation with her, indulging in uncleanness and drunkenness. Despite this, both of them felt remorse and wanted to somehow cleanse their sin.

The time has come when the Lord gave them the opportunity to cleanse their sins with their blood and end their sinful lives with repentance. Having heard that it is easier to obtain forgiveness by praying before the relics of saints, the lady sent her servant to a distant country to fetch them. Arriving in Kilia, St. Boniface witnessed the execution of the holy martyrs who refused to worship the pagan idol. Imbued with this terrible sight, Boniface asked the saints to become one of them, calling himself a true Christian. Immediately the pagans, for refusing to commit idolatry, doomed him to terrible torment. Nothing could suppress the faith of this man, and then the pagans sentenced him to beheading with a sword. By his feat, in the words of the akathist to Boniface, he was “delivered by martyrdom from eternal death” and cleansed from the darkness of sin.

Akathist to Saint Boniface the Merciful

After his martyrdom, the remains of Saint Boniface were brought to Rome and handed over to his mistress. With great honors, she received these relics, and then built a temple of the holy martyr Boniface on the burial site of the saint. The hostess herself distributed all her property to the poor and went to the monastery, where she spent all her days. Years later, Mrs. Aglaida was buried near the grave of St. Boniface. The relics became famous for many miracles, mainly due to the passion of drunkenness, to many Christians. Nowadays, Orthodox Christians, reading the akathist to Boniface the Merciful, ask him for deliverance from drunkenness and alcoholism of loved ones suffering from this destructive illness. The day of remembrance of St. Boniface the martyr was established on January 1.

Text of the church akathist to Boniface

Kontakion No. 1

Chosen warrior of Christ, adorned with the crown of glory, delivered by martyrdom from eternal death, turned away from the darkness of sin and come to the eternal light, accept our prayer offered to you in praise, and deliver us from the snares of our evil enemy, so that we call to you with victorious joy: Rejoice , Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

You were protected by the bright angel, who extinguished the fire of your torment with the dew of grace, Boniface, who suffered more than Christ, so that not when, as an unrepentant sinner, you perish and appear before the Lord in darker clothes. Teach us to clothe ourselves in the bright vestments of holiness, calling to you:

Rejoice, you who gave your life for Christ. Rejoice, imitator of His suffering.

Rejoice, turning your eyes to God. Rejoice, having strengthened your will in virtues. Rejoice, faithful one. Rejoice, holy end of your life has been accepted. Rejoice, turn your hearts to repentance. Rejoice, lead your hearts to Christ, the true path. Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, not seduced by the temptations of this world. Rejoice, thou who put to shame the evil serpent. Rejoice, joyful face of the Saints. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr,

Kontakion No. 2

Seeing the great turmoil of this world and the sorrows of the earth, and counting all this as dust, you raised your mind to the most worldly, suffering more than Christ, ascending to the height of God-mind, you confessed Christ God before everyone and now call the souls of all who perish in sins to the merciful Lord, yes they will repent in humility and cry out to Him in the tears of those who are touched: Alleluia,

You strengthened your reason with sobriety and you extinguished the flame of passions with repentance, wonderful Boniface. You came from the West to the East from Rome to suffer holy things, so that grace abounds in you, and now you have drawn us into the Temple of God, saying to you:

Rejoice, teach us to overcome passions. Rejoice, give hope of salvation to the desperate. Rejoice, you who have known the vanity of earthly life. Rejoice, you who have predicted your own suffering. Rejoice, consolation and approval to those who are sober. Rejoice, strengthening the weak with will. Rejoice, for through you we turn away from drunkenness. Rejoice, for through you we turn to God. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of healing. Rejoice, inexhaustible treasure of miracles. Rejoice, teach us to always raise our minds to God. Rejoice, having found true freedom from sins. Rejoice, Boniface, much-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 3

The ineffable power of God’s mercy has been revealed to you, for the wondrous narrative of your life, martyr, clearly tells us how great sinners are mercifully accepted by our Father God when they bring repentance to Him. So you, too, have pleased God, and instead of bitter death, you have received eternal life; teach us to always sing to God: Alleluia.

Having now eternal joy in the heavenly villages, you do not forget us on the sinful earth, martyr of Christ Boniface. We, who are toiling and burdened, come running to you: do not leave the orphaned and sick who ask you for help, but bring our prayers to the heavenly altar, and we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, O neighbor, as you loved yourself. Rejoice, you who did not harden your heart in sins. Rejoice, thou who served with all diligence as a wanderer and wayfarer. Rejoice, thou who bypassed hundreds of hailstones at night for this sake. Rejoice, you who teach mercy to the rich. Rejoice, protect the orphans and widows. Rejoice, kind representative of the needy. Rejoice, you who are always an intercessor for the offended and humiliated, Rejoice, you who are burned by the unbearable thirst for drunkenness and are sober. Rejoice, for the sake of wine, call the impoverished to sobriety. Rejoice, comforter of weeping wives. Rejoice, bring their tears to the Lord. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 4

The storm of sin did not drown you, below the waves of passions covered you, martyr of Christ: you did not perish, but you came to Christ and you offered your life as a fragrant sacrifice to Him, our sweetest Savior. Pray, then, that we too, in the sea of ​​life, who exist in the quiet refuge of the Lord the Savior, may be a father figure, calling in tenderness: Alleluia.

We also hear the Gospel parable, how a prodigal son in a faraway land, dependent on his property, came to himself from spiritual hunger, came into the arms of his father, in repentance, calling: “Father! Those who have sinned in heaven and before you,” so you, martyr Boniface, did not destroy yourself, but turned away from the birth of sin, and turned to Christ. Rejoicing in your correction, we sing to you:

Rejoice, you who have experienced passion in your work are strong. Rejoice, Christ God, for you have hungered for living bread. Rejoice, O His most pure blood, for you have partaken of true nourishment. Rejoice, as you were venerated as a glorious martyr. Rejoice, you who fly towards God on the wings of sobriety. Rejoice, you who have a heart of sorrow. Rejoice, you who came to the Lord by the power of the Life-giving Cross. Rejoice, for you have received the crown of victory. Rejoice, imperishable treasure of our souls. Rejoice, a valuable adornment for our Church. Rejoice, reject the beauty of this world. Rejoice, you have taken off your sinful clothes. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 5

Remember the rich blood of Christ, for all of us unworthy and the blood of martyrdom shed for Christ, Aglaida tells you: “Weigh for yourself how many sins we have desecrated and are careless about the future of our life. “I have heard from the Divine Man that the power of the martyrs is granted salvation, and that the martyr is a guardian and intercessor before God.” And we say to you: you are our guardian and intercessor before our Lord, for with the angels you stand before the Most Holy Trinity, singing: Alleluia.

We now see and understand how these words of Aglaida awakened your soul, and you called for abstinence, Martyr Boniface, and help us to imitate you, so that we do not perish in the abyss of lawlessness by being drowned, but we joyfully call to you:

Rejoice, from passions, as if you have awakened from a disastrous sleep.

Rejoice, freed from the bonds of sin. Rejoice, reproof of those who doubt the mercy of God. Rejoice, endless joy affirmation. Rejoice, calling us to the feat of abstinence. Rejoice, for with the sign of the Cross you have cut off the outburst of passions. Rejoice, having acquired for yourself eternal possessions. Rejoice, we too have been awakened to the work of salvation. Rejoice, for you despised the joy of wine. Rejoice, you have endured fleshly wounds because you were incorporeal. Rejoice, you who were beaten by your enemies for confessing Christ. Rejoice, scorched by unbearable fire for Him. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 6

The preacher of the worship of the holy relics appeared Aglaida, your mistress, the sufferer of Christ, when she sent you to the East to bring the holy relics of the martyrs who suffered for the faith of Christ, in which the good deeds flow abundantly, and eternal salvation is given to all who diligently flow to the martyr’s face. Grant that we too may receive consolation from the Lord, and to Him we offer the angelic song: Alleluia.

You have shone upon us, like an unsetting star, through your wondrous life, most blessed martyr, the light and all-bearing yoke of Christ accepted and received salvation, for there is no way to find piety without Christ the Lord. In the same way, with your prayers, bring us to the heavenly monastery, praising you: Rejoice, tablet of the law of Christ, inscribed by God. Rejoice, fragrant myrrh of prayers to the Lord. Rejoice, true pillar of fire in Christ's faith. Rejoice, honorable one, crowned with the commandments of God, as if built from other stones. Rejoice, heavenly ladder of sobriety. Rejoice, heal sinful illnesses and wounds. Rejoice, for you have received grace and strength from the Lord Jesus. Rejoice, for through this light of Christ you have shone. Rejoice, teaching us to sanctify the holidays by abstaining from sins. Rejoice, you protect us from mortal wine. Rejoice, you who revive those killed by passions with the light of Christ. Rejoice, you call to a new life. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 7

Although you left your home on a journey to the East, you predicted the end of your life, most praiseworthy, Aglaida, saying: “My lady, accept my body, tortured for Christ, when it is brought to you.” The thought of suffering for Christ is in your soul; you prayed to Him in secret; and strengthen our faith, so that we too may prepare it for the sake of suffering, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Not believing your wondrous and glorious correction, think evil in your heart Aglaida, wanting to slander you with the sin of blasphemy, thus answering: “Now is not the time for mockery, brother, but for reverence, knowing how to bear the relics of the holy imasha. May the Lord make His angel go before you and guide your steps with His mercy.”

We, the purity of your heart, wondrous Boniface, seeing, cry out to you: Rejoice, admirer of holy relics. Rejoice, giver of reverent images to us. Rejoice, the atrocities commanded by us are preserved. Rejoice, all of you, for whom the sons of this age rejoice, you who despise them. Rejoice, our famous helper. Rejoice, more mysterious than holy thoughts. Rejoice, patron saint of all who struggle with sins. Rejoice, the guarantor of our repentance before God. Rejoice, for through your prayers the Lord forgives sins. Rejoice, helping us to endure sorrows and reproaches. Rejoice, you who created joy and surprise with your angelic face. Rejoice, thou who hast brought the spirits of evil to shame. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 8

It is strange for you to have pagan worship of idols, and you, holy martyr, came to Tara, you did not bend your knees before alien gods, but you appeared to be a zealot as an apostle. In the same way, pray for us, that we too may be ignited with the fire of love for the Lord Christ, always singing: Alleluia.

You were all inflamed with holy zeal, not tolerating blasphemy against the Lord, and you were filled with the Spirit of God, denouncing the blindness and madness of those who worship false gods. For this reason, the wicked king brought execution on you, the bitter martyr, unbearably beating you with scourges and inflicting inhealable wounds. We sing praise: Rejoice, bold accuser of evil. Rejoice, thou clothed with armor in the truth of God. Rejoice, for your bones are laid bare for Christ. Rejoice, for the purity of your soul was then revealed. Rejoice, for you have inherited the heavenly village. Rejoice, for even now you reprove evil people’s blasphemy against Christ. Rejoice, thou who was pierced for Christ with sharp reeds. Rejoice, everlasting blossom of the Garden of Paradise. Rejoice, for you have purified gold from the crucible of plagues. Rejoice, thou struck for Christ. Rejoice, having pleased God with your death. Rejoice, you who loved him even to the point of martyrdom. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 9

Having betrayed everything to the Lord God, the passion-bearing Christ, when the wicked king commanded to open your mouth and pour in boiling tin, you raised your hand to heaven, thus praying: “Lord, my God, Jesus Christ, who strengthened me in torment, remain with me now, Ease my suffering and do not leave me overcome by being a wicked prince.” Thus you teach us love for Christ, singing to God: Alleluia.

May the spirits of superstition tell us that if the tin of fire has not fallen from your throat, do no harm to you, martyr Bonifatius. You asked the Lord for a sign of victory over your tormentor, and this sign was given to you quickly. For this reason, we miraculously exclaimed: “Great is Jesus Christ, we believe in You, Lord.” We glorify you, martyr, Sitsa: Rejoice, for through you the faithful are enlightened. Rejoice, for through you they are being delivered from shameful death. Rejoice, find your consolation in Christ alone. Rejoice, teach us to call on God in suffering. Rejoice, for you did not overcome the torment. Rejoice, for you have not overcome passions. Rejoice, for you have burned the thorns of sins within yourself. Rejoice, for you were not burned by fire. Rejoice, ever-living, joyful passion-bearer. Rejoice, our gracious prayer book. Rejoice, for through you the eyes blinded by sins are opened. Rejoice, for with your help sorrows are turned into joy. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 10

Having desired to be saved, you ardently desired to suffer to the end for the Lord, martyr Boniface, and you cried out to Him: “Lord, Lord, my God, grant me Thy mercies and be my helper, so that for my iniquities, which I have committed insanely, the enemy will not block my path.” to heaven: receive my soul in peace, join me with the martyrs who shed their blood for You and kept their faith to the end,” and now cry out: Alleluia.

A strong wall, not overcome by the machinations of the enemy, you remained to the end, martyr of Christ. When your head was cut off from your body, what a miracle! Abi blood and milk flowed from that wound, just like the unbelievers who beheld this miracle, glorify Christ and call you with them: Rejoice, for you have seen your torment, and you have converted many. Rejoice, for for your sake they rushed against the prince of malice. Rejoice, for your death will enlighten the darkened minds. Rejoice, for your glorious death has resurrected the conscience buried in sins. Rejoice, reproof of unrepentant sinners. Rejoice, through the will of the paralyzed, healing came from wine. Rejoice, in the night of ignorance there is admonition for those who wander. Rejoice, golden soul, drawing you to salvation from the depths of sins. Rejoice, for you were heard from God in your prayers. Rejoice, for you have dwelled in the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, thou clothed with purple from thy blood. Rejoice, for you now see the ineffable Light. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 11

Bringing silent singing to the Lord, martyr Bonifatius, standing with the martyr's faces of the Most Holy Trinity, you betrayed yourself for your worth, and we, too, like beautiful brides, present our souls to the incorruptible bridegroom Christ with a consecrated song:


The light of love even after death shone forth, O wondrous Boniface, when 60 your friends found your truncated head, weeping bitterly, saying: “Servant of Christ, forget us the sin of unrighteous condemnation and our reckless abuse.” Then your face, as if illuminated by living rays, shows forgiveness to them. For this reason, we call you with love: Rejoice, having a mouth of meekness speaking sweet words. Rejoice, spacious container of love. Rejoice, for the Church and its children rejoice in you. Rejoice, for you have come to the Highest Heavenly City. Rejoice, equal in death to the apostle. Rejoice, glorified by your zeal for God. Rejoice, denounce worldly rumors and evil gossip. Rejoice, deliver us all from the enemy’s trappings. Rejoice, for you protect those who are unjustly persecuted. Rejoice, before the Throne of the Lord there is an unquenchable lamp. Rejoice, loving your enemies according to the commandment of Christ. Rejoice, having forgotten slander and slander. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 12

The grace of healing sharpening your relics, as I approached Rome, the angel of the Lord appeared to Aglaida, saying: “You who were a servant of old, now accept our brother and fellow servant as if you were a Master, and rest in peace, may your sins be forgiven,” she is with us now in heaven sings to the Almighty: Alleluia.

Singing your miracles, I created a wondrous temple for you, warrior of Christ, Aglaida, in which you placed your relics and distributed your wealth to the poor and lived for fifty years in the labors of fasting and repentance, reaching the face of the saints. Moreover, magnifying your miracles, we glorify you: Rejoice, thou who created thy soul, as a beautiful Temple to God. Rejoice, clear book of the wonderful works of God. Rejoice, deliver us from sudden death. Rejoice, protect sorrowful wives from evil pianists. Rejoice, calling upon those who have fallen to rise from sins. Rejoice, give them the light of purity. Rejoice, for you are taming the fire of passions. Rejoice, for through you we leave the prison of sin. Rejoice, little child, guard from the temptations of the world. Rejoice, you who teach the teachings of Christ. Rejoice, news of sobriety, glorified forever. Rejoice, servant of Christ, ever revered. Rejoice, Boniface, long-suffering martyr.

Kontakion No. 13

Oh, wonderful martyr of Christ Boniface, accept from us this small praiseworthy offering, kneeling before your icon and extending our hand to you now, we offer you, grant us your intercession before the Lord, especially send healing to our brethren who are dying from drunkenness, the lives of Olago make us all worthy of the beginning, so that, having improved our salvation through prayers, we will praise God forever, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Miracle-working prayer to Saint Boniface the Merciful

Oh, long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, overcome by the serious illness of drunkenness, and for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, falling away from eternal salvation. Oh, holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and bring them to saving abstinence. , For His sake you suffered, so that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn His mercy away from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, about Him vigilantly and about he gave a good answer at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling down on your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the Throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Beg the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, invincible power, so that God’s mercy will cover us for endless centuries. Amen.