What does "character dance" mean? The legacy of character dance on the ballet stage "Character dance" in books


    CHARACTERISTIC DANCE- a type of stage dance. It is based on folk dance(or household

    Large encyclopedic dictionary
  2. Characteristic dance

    creating an entire performance.
    Lit.: Lopukhov A.V., Shiryaev A.V., Bocharov A.I., Fundamentals characteristic dance, L
    M., 1939; Dobrovolskaya G. N., Dance. Pantomime. Ballet, L., 1975.
    G. N. Dobrovolskaya.

  3. dance

    Inspirational (Polonsky).
    Wild (Gorodetsky).
    Unbridled (Serafimovich).
    Joyful (Serafimovich).
    Measured and joyful (Bryusov).

    Dictionary of literary epithets
  4. dance

    Borrowing from German, where we find Tanz - " dance".

    Krylov's etymological dictionary
  5. dance

    Carefree, artless, passionless, cheerful, lively, brave, exuberant, fast, inspired, magnificent, cheerful, expressive, languid, dizzy, hot, graceful, rough, wondrous, wild, cheerful, perky, soulful...

    Dictionary of Russian language epithets
  6. Dance

    and comedy. Most characteristic for the history of T.: 1) circular T. of Australian savages

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  7. dance

    Throwing the body in dance

    Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  8. dance

    Dance, twirl
    Start dancing, squatting

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  9. dance

    dance, dance, TV dance, r. pl. dancing

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  10. Dance

    (German tanz) is a type of art in which the main means of creating an artistic image are the movements and position of the dancer’s body. Dance art is one of the oldest manifestations of folk art. Each nation has developed its own national dance traditions.

    Dictionary of cultural studies
  11. dance

    Ballroom dancing. Ukrainian dance. Dance lessons.

    The sailors made a circle and beat in time with the fast dance
    clap their hands, and two stepped into the middle. Dance depicted the life of a sailor during the voyage. Kuprin

    Small academic dictionary
  12. dance

    I m.
    1. A type of art in which an artistic image is created by means of plastic

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  13. dance Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  14. Dance

    and corps de ballet, etc.).
    In ballet performances a special dance form was developed - Characteristic dance
    dance traditions have developed. On the basis of folk T., the Stage Theater began to be created dance
    various dance systems: European Classic dance- the basic system of modern ballet
    and Africa. Folk dances were also the prototype of ballroom dance (See Ballroom dance). T
    interaction and mutual enrichment of T. “modern” and classical. Variety is also being developed dance

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  15. Dance

    the dancer and the singer were the same person and dance usually accompanied by playing the zither, and also
    Gymnastic dance was called βίβασις and consisted of boys and girls jumping up and hitting

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  16. dance

    3 ballabil 1 white dance 1 bergamasca 1 blues 3 boleros 2 bossanova 2 boston 6 brandle 1 brancle 1

  17. Dance

    n. classic T. and characteristic T. (French danse de caractеre or danse caractеristique - dance
    classical dance, Leningrad, 1934, 1963; Ivanovsky N.P., Balny dance XVI-XIX centuries, L.-M., 1948; Tkachenko T
    S., Narodny dance, M., 1954; Vasilyeva-Rozhdestvenskaya M., Historical and Household dance, M., 1963
    Dobrovolskaya G., Dance. Pantomime. Ballet, L., 1975; Koroleva E. A., Early dance forms, Kish., 1977; Sachs
    lane - Gargi B., Theater and dance India, M., 1963); Sheets M., The phenomenology of dance, Madison

    Music Encyclopedia
  18. dance

    dance. Through Polish tanies, gen. n. -ńsa from the Middle Ages. tanz" dance"with the introduction of suf. -ets in terms of

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  19. dance

    DANCE-ntsa; m. [German] Tanz]
    1. units only A type of art in which an artistic image is created

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  20. dance

    DANCE, nca, m.
    1. The art of plastic and rhythmic body movements. Dance theory. Mastery

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  21. dance

    music. Classical, characteristic dance. | Ballroom dancing. | Indian, English dance. Old
    noun, m., used often
    (no) what? dance, what? dance, (see) what? dance, how? dance, what about
    dance. | Dance lesson. Dance teacher. | Movements and dance were the first means of communication by which
    man took possession.
    2. Ritual, ceremonial dance- these are plastic elements of pagan ritual
    hunting, fishing, arable farming, etc.). Combat dance. | Among the most ancient are hunting

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  22. dance

    1. The art of plastic and rhythmic body movements.
    2. A series of such movements performed
    Dance, consisting of arcs and various steps that have a certain duration and are combined
    demonstrative T. Dance performed by skaters in demonstration performances, without any restrictions
    Dance consists of non-repeating combinations of new or known dance movements, combined
    into a program in which the dancers express their own ideas. Arbitrary dance performed

    Dictionary of sports terms
  23. dance

    Dance, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dance, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing

    Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  24. dance

    dancing. Characteristic dancing. Dance lessons. Dancing school.
    3. A piece of music with rhythm and style

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  25. dancing

    noun, number of synonyms: 1 plant 4422

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  26. dance

    See dance

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  27. dance

    Borrowing in the 18th century from Polish language, where taniec< ср.-в.-нем. tanz «dance».

    Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  28. dance

    French – danser (to dance).
    German – tanzen (to dance), Tanz ( dance).
    Polish – tanc
    In Russian, the word began to be used in the 17th century. It was borrowed
    and -ey. Gradually " dance" stood out as a literary form, "tank" remained a dialect word.
    In modern
    in Russian the word " dance" means "plastic and rhythmic movements."
    Derivatives: dance, dance, dancer, dancer.

    Etymological Dictionary of Semenov
  29. characteristic

    characteristic and.
    Distraction noun according to adj. characteristic I 2.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  30. typical

    adverb, number of synonyms: 14 classically 26 classic 6 colorful 14 certainly 40 indicative 9 inherent 8 inherent 5 representative 3 peculiar 31 characteristic 10 specific 7 specific 5 typical 10 characteristic 1

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  31. out of character

    adj., number of synonyms: 2 unusual 4 alien 24

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  32. characteristic

    adj., used compare often
    characteristic, characteristic, typical, characteristic; more characteristic
    Characteristic it is called something that is typical, characteristic of someone or something. Characteristic peculiarity
    novel. | Characteristic landscape feature. | Examples of letter texts, characteristic for modern
    business letter.
    2. Characteristic a person's appearance is the appearance of a person who has a bright
    pronounced, distinctive features. Characteristic appearance | Characteristic face.
    3. Characteristic symptom

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  33. characteristic

    CHARACTERISTICS I and, g. Property characteristic. BAS-1. Ballet composers have very little new
    shown in dances. Still not enough characteristics. Gogol Petersburg. zap. 1836<�Америка>regardless
    to private characteristic, which has not received a general character. Gogol unpublished 99. And the typist-artist
    He<�персонаж>speaks characteristics entirely according to what was written down - and it turns out to be untrue. Ven. Day
    pissing // Z0-21 88. Having flashed an unusual not so long ago characteristic as Moskaleva

    Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language
  34. characteristic

    see >> distinctive

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  35. characteristic

    CHARACTERISTIC, characteristic, characteristic; characteristic, characteristic, typical.
    1. (characteristic
    Possessing sharply expressed, very noticeable features and traits. Characteristic figure. Characteristic
    2. (characteristic). clearly expressing the character of something, distinguishing it from others, characteristic
    exclusively to a given person or phenomenon. Characteristic pronunciation for southerners. Characteristic smile. This fact
    very characteristic of him. Characteristic features of northern nature. This is very important for him typical

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  36. characteristic

    characteristic Wed
    That which clearly expresses the character of something, distinguishes it from others, is characteristic exclusively of a certain person or object.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  37. characteristic

    See character

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  38. characteristic

    CHARACTERISTIC, oh, oh; ren, rna.
    1. Stubborn, likes to do things his own way, difficult, wayward
    character (simple). X. man.
    2. characteristic the role is the same as characteristic role.
    ren, rna.
    1. With clearly defined characteristics and features. X. suit. Characteristic face.
    Peculiar to someone, specific. X. climate for the north. This trait is for him characteristic.
    3. full f
    Characteristic of a certain people, era, social environment. Characteristic dancing. Characteristic roles

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  39. characteristic

    o - ch e g o  ( n e k o m y - ch e m y ). This trait is for him characteristic. Characteristic climate for the north
    So characteristic for a Russian woman (Pavlenko). Combinations of sound impressions with visual ones in general characteristic for Repin’s perception of things (K. Chukovsky).

    Management in Russian
  40. characteristic

    cr. f. -ren, -rna, -rno

    Orthographic dictionary. One N or two?
  41. typical

    adv. To characteristic(in 1 digit).
    In his speech typical The letter “o” stood out, like many Volga residents. Teleshov, Notes of a writer.

    Small academic dictionary
  1. dance

    Dance, skokі, dance school - dance school

    Russian-Belarusian dictionary
  2. Dance Russian-Turkish dictionary
  3. dance

    1) baile m, danza f

    go dancing - ir al baile

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  4. dance

    invite to dance- oyunğa davet etmek

    Russian-Crimean Tatar dictionary
  5. dance

    dansi (-; ma-), mchezo (mi-), ngoma (-);
    dance of death - ulele-ngoma unit;
    dances associated with initiation - unyago singular;
    group dance - tambi (-)

    Russian-Swahili dictionary
  6. dance Russian-Arabic dictionary
  7. dance Russian-Estonian dictionary
  8. dance

    2. tańce, zabawa taneczna;

    Russian-Polish dictionary
  9. dance


    Belarusian-Russian dictionary
  10. dance


    Russian-Czech dictionary
  11. dance

    1) (art form) ballo m., danza f.
    ballroom dancing - balli lisci
    invite to dance-invitare a

    Russian-Italian dictionary
  12. dance

    Buzhig, buzhiglekh, kharaykh, tsovkhrokh

    Russian-Mongolian dictionary
  13. dance Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  14. dance

    1) baile m, danza f
    folk dances - danzas populares
    ballroom dancing - bailes serios de salon
    dance teacher - maestro de baile
    dance evening, evening with dancing - baile m (velada)
    ice dancing - baile sobre hielo
    2) plural dancing (dance evening) baile m
    go dancing - ir al baile

    Large Russian-Spanish Dictionary
  15. dance

    dança f
    - dance evening

    Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  16. dance

    the ruins of human
    2. Viconny of such rulers
    3. musical style in the rhythm, style and tempo of music to such levels

    Ukrainian-Russian dictionary
  17. dance

    רִיקוּד ז"; מָחוֹל ז" [ר" מְחוֹלוֹת]

    Russian-Hebrew dictionary
  18. Dance Russian-Dutch dictionary
  19. dance Russian-Swedish dictionary
  20. dance

    Husband. 1) dance Scottish dance- strathspey dance teacher dance lessons evening dance dance

  21. dance

    plastic and rhythmic movements
    ¤ dance school -- dance school
    ¤ the art of dance - the mystique of dance

    Russian-Ukrainian dictionary
  22. dance Russian-French dictionary
  23. dance

    M (plural dances) rəqs, oyun.

    Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary
  24. dance

    1) Tanz m
    fulfill dance- einen Tanz vorführen
    sports ice dancing - Eistanz m

    Russian-German dictionary
  25. dance

    invite to dance- pyytää tanssiin
    dance evening - tanssiaiset
    ice dancing - jäätanssit

    Russian-Finnish dictionary
  26. characteristic only for

    Problems unique to such systems arise ...

    Russian-English scientific and technical dictionary
  27. characteristic Russian-Lithuanian dictionary
  28. characteristic

    maalum[u], hasa, -a kupambanua, -a peke yake, -a mtindo;
    characteristic feature - alama (-)

    Russian-Swahili dictionary
  29. characteristic

    1. iseloomulik
    2. kangekaelne
    3. karakter-
    4. karakteristlik
    5. põikpäine
    6. tahtejõuline
    7. tunnuslik
    8. väänik

    Russian-Estonian dictionary
  30. characteristic Russian-Czech dictionary
  31. characteristic Russian-Czech dictionary
  32. typical

    1. briefly form adj. from characteristic 2. predic. it is typical, it is characteristic typical
    that - it is significant that for him typical- it is typical of him characteristic|o - meaning tale

    Complete Russian-English dictionary

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What does "character dance" mean?

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

character dance

type of stage dance. It is based on folk dance (or everyday dance), which has been processed by a choreographer for a ballet performance.

Characteristic dance

one of the expressive means of ballet theater, a type of stage dance. Originally the term "H. T." served as the definition of dance in character, in image (in interludes, dances of artisans, peasants, robbers). Later, the choreographer K. Blazis began to call all folk dances introduced into a ballet performance “H. t.” This meaning of the term continues into the 20th century. Choreographers and dancers of the classical school of dance built choreography on the basis of this school, using professional techniques. At the end of the 19th century. The choreography exercise was created (later approved as an academic discipline in choreographic schools).

In a modern ballet performance, the ballet can be an episode, become a means of revealing the image, creating an entire performance.

Lit.: Lopukhov A.V., Shiryaev A.V., Bocharov A.I., Fundamentals of character dance, L. ≈ M., 1939; Dobrovolskaya G.N., Dance. Pantomime. Ballet, L., 1975.

G. N. Dobrovolskaya.

one of the expressive means of ballet theater, a type of stage dance. Originally the term "H. T." served as the definition of dance in character, in image (in interludes, dances of artisans, peasants, robbers). Later, the choreographer K. Blazis began to call all folk dances introduced into a ballet performance “H. t.” This meaning of the term continues into the 20th century. Choreographers and dancers of the classical school of dance built choreography on the basis of this school, using professional techniques. At the end of the 19th century. Exercise of choreography was created (later approved as an academic discipline in choreographic schools).

In a modern ballet performance, the ballet can be an episode, become a means of revealing the image, creating an entire performance.

Lit.: Lopukhov A.V., Shiryaev A.V., Bocharov A.I., Fundamentals of character dance, L. - M., 1939; Dobrovolskaya G.N., Dance. Pantomime. Ballet, L., 1975.

G. N. Dobrovolskaya.

  • - manual , pp r. Kurumkan in Selemdzhinsky district. The name was given when assigning names to nameless watercourses during a forecast assessment for placer gold in 1997, from the word character - probably during a flood, a stream...

    Toponymic Dictionary of the Amur Region

  • - a type of stage dance. It is based on folk dance, which has been processed by a choreographer for a ballet performance...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - for someone or something. This trait is characteristic of him. Climate typical for the north. Having looked closely and gotten used to Voropaev, Lena already loved him with that timid and silent love that is so characteristic of a Russian woman...

    Management in Russian

  • - I characteristic A/A pr; 109 cm. _Appendix II characteristic characteristic more characteristic 260 cm. _Appendix II II characteristic A/A pr...

    Dictionary of Russian accents

  • - I hara/kterny cr.f. hara/kteren, hara/kterna, -rno, -rny; hara/kterne II characteristic cr.f. character/ren, character/rna, -rno, -rny...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - CHARACTER, -aya, -oe; -ren, -rna. 1. Stubborn, loves to do things his own way, with a difficult, wayward character. X. man. 2. characteristic role is the same as characteristic role. II. CHARACTERISTIC, -aya, -oe; -ren, -rna. 1...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - CHARACTERISTIC, characteristic, characteristic; characteristic, characteristic, typical. 1. . Possessing sharply expressed, very noticeable features and traits. Characteristic figure. Characteristic clothes. 2. ...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - characteristic I characteristic adj. 1. ratio with noun character I 3., associated with it 2. Expressing a certain psychological type. II characteristic adj. decomposition 1. ratio with noun character I 1., associated with it 2...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - characteristic adj., used. compare often Morphology: characteristic, characteristic, characteristic, characteristic; more typical 1...

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - character actor; briefly...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - I. CHARACTERISTIC I oh, oh. CHARACTER oh, oh. caractère avoir du caractère. outdated and vernacular Powerful, strong-willed, persistent. BAS-1. - Baba is good, reasonable,...

    Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

  • - having its own distinctive features; colloquially: wayward, stubborn...
  • - Characteristic of a nation, expressing its character...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

  • - 1. characteristic; character actor; characteristic role; characteristic dance 2. characteristic, -ren, -rna, -rno, -rny; compare art. -her; characteristic person 3. characteristic, -ren, -rna, -rno, -rny; compare art. -her...

    Russian word stress

"Characteristic dance" in books

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Characteristic coloring 880 The juxtaposition of colored objects, as well as the coloring of the space in which they are located, should occur in accordance with the goals that the artist sets for himself. For this, it is especially necessary to know the effect of paints on the senses, both individually and in

Character comedian

From the book My Profession author Obraztsov Sergey

Character comedian Following Terapot, I received the role of the Leader of the Old Men in the play “Lysistrata.” The main character of the play was the people; the main plot conflict is the refusal of all women in Greece to cohabit with their husbands while they are living


From the book by Inna Churikova. Fate and theme author Gerber Alla Efremovna


From the book Viktor Tsoi and his CINEMA author Kalgin Vitaly

2. Dance

From the book Club Culture by Jackson Phil

2. Dance Don't trust a spiritual leader if he doesn't know how to dance. Mr. Miyagi. The Next Karate Kid (1994) Sometimes I think. Sometimes I am. Paul Valéry (1871–1945) Dance is one of the most important elements of clubbing, since it breaks away from the Dionysian body the fetters that bind it in the everyday world


From the book Masterpieces of European Artists author Morozova Olga Vladislavovna

Dance 1910. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg “Dance” - one of the paired compositions (the second is called “Music”), written by Matisse for the Shchukin mansion in Moscow, personifies the interconnected elements of a holiday taking place in an imaginary primordial world.


From the book Psychology of Healing. Seven stages of overcoming life's challenges author Larsen Hegarty Carol

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§ 65. The indifferent openness of diverse beings as present and the sleep of the fundamental relations of Dasein to beings, characteristic of everyday life

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§ 65. The indifferent openness of diverse beings as present and the sleep of the fundamental relations of Dasein to beings, characteristic of everyday life. In this undertaking of ours, we proceed from the known. Where there is peace, existence is revealed. Therefore, first of all we need to ask,

Character Actor


Characteristic dance

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (HA) by the author TSB

N.N. Kitaev Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga as a typical example of the failure of “forensic psychics”

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N.N. Kitaev Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga as a typical example of the failure of “forensic psychics” One of the most famous clairvoyants of the 20th century. is considered to be Vangelia Pandev Gushcherova - Vanga. She was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica (Macedonia) in

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Characteristic “hump” In such poses, a “hump” gradually forms in the place where the neck begins, and in order to maintain balance, the rest of the body takes on an unfavorable posture (Fig. 3). The abdomen protrudes, and a deflection of the spine (lordosis) is formed. When wide

Characteristic dance CHARACTERISTIC DANCE(French danse de caractère, danse caractéristique), one of the expressions. means of ballet dance, a type of stage dance. In the beginning. 19th century the term served as a definition of dance in character, in image. Used preim. in interludes, in which the characters were artisans, peasants, sailors, beggars, robbers and others. The dances were based on movements that characterize a given character, and everyday gestures were often included; the composition was less strict than in the classical one. dance. In the beginning. 19th century K. Blasis began to call H. t. any people. dance staged in a ballet performance. This meaning of the term continues into the 20th century. In Russia there is interest in performing dance on stage. folklore increased in the beginning. 19th century in connection with the events of the Fatherland. war of 1812. In the divertissements of I. M. Abletz, I. I. Valberkh, A. P. Glushkovsky, I. K. Lobanov Russian. the dance became the leader. The process of turning people The characteristic dance intensified during the heyday of the romantic. ballet in performances by F. Taglioni, J. Perrot, C. Didelot, where the aesthetics of romanticism determined the national. coloring, and H. t. either recreated life, opposed to the unreal world of sylphs and naiads, or was romanticized. In the ballet of this period, ch. will express. The grotesque becomes the means of performers of art. National character, national image of H. t. in classic. ballets remained authentic and reliable. Samples of art created by M. I. Petipa and L. I. Ivanov preserved the mood and coloring necessary for the development of the plot of the play. Choreographers and dancers of the classical school. Dance culture was built on the basis of this school. In con. 19th century the exercise of art was created (later approved as an academic discipline), where various. people's movements dances were performed within the strict framework of the classical school. dance. This made it possible to use choreographic laws when staging choreography. symphony creation of certain plastic. themes, counterpoint and others.

A stage in the development of chemical art was the work of M. M. Fokin, who created an expression based on this. means of performance and managed to establish the principles of symphonism in them ("Polovtsian Dances"; "Aragonese Jota" to the music of Glinka). In "Polovtsian Dances", relying on the music of A.P. Borodin and following the laws of choreographic. composition, Fokin created in dance the image of a people who long ago disappeared from the face of the earth, whose plasticity. folklore has not survived. Dance F.V. Lopukhov also studied folklore. He introduced new movements, combinations, national movements into ballet use. dance images, especially in the ballets “The Ice Maiden”, “Coppelia”; "Bright Stream" by Shostakovich: The search for Fokin was continued by K. Ya. Goleizovsky, V. I. Vainonen, V. M. Chabukiani.

In ballet art of the 1930-60s. many performances appeared at the national. topics where each episode, solved by classical means. dance, was permeated with national color and interspersed with artistic works ("Heart of the Mountains"; "Taras Bulba" by Solovyov-Sedoy, "Spring Tale" by Asafiev based on musical materials by P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Shurale", "Stone Flower" and others.). Classic the dance was enriched thanks to Kh. t., having learned some of its expressions. funds. At the same time, the concept of "H. t." expanded to include the original meaning of dance in the image. In the ballet of the 70s. Art can be an episode, it can become a means of revealing an image, creating an entire performance, often being the engine of the plot.

Lit.: Lopukhov A., Shiryaev A., Bocharov A., Fundamentals of character dance, intro. Art. Yu. Slonimsky, L.M., 1939; Krasovskaya V., Russian ballet theater from its origins to the middle. XIX century, L.M., 1958; hers, Russian Ballet Theater second floor. XIX century, L.M., 1963; hers, Russian Ballet Theater of the early 20th century, [part] 1 Choreographers, L., 1971; Stukolkina N., Four exercises, M., 1972; Dobrovolskaya G., Dance. Pantomime. Ballet, L., 1975.

G. N. Dobrovolskaya.

Ballet. Encyclopedia. - M.:. Editor-in-Chief Yu.N. Grigorovich. 1981 .

See what “Characteristic dance” is in other dictionaries:

    CHARACTER DANCE- a type of stage dance. It is based on folk dance (or everyday dance), processed by a choreographer for a ballet performance... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CHARACTER DANCE- Characteristic of any people, expressing its character. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    character dance- a type of stage dance. It is based on folk dance (or everyday dance), which has been processed by a choreographer for a ballet performance. * * * CHARACTER DANCE CHARACTER DANCE, a type of stage dance. It is based on folk dance (or everyday dance),... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Characteristic dance- one of the varieties of choreography. vocabulary. Until the 19th century Kh. T., also called comic, served to create national, genre or exotic. character. Narrative features coexisted in him. dance and grotesque movements of the square dancers. By means... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    Characteristic dance- one of the expressive means of ballet theater, a type of stage dance. Originally the term "H. T." served as the definition of dance in character, in image (in interludes, dances of artisans, peasants, robbers). Later... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    dance- noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) what? dance, what? dance, (see) what? dance, what? dancing, about what? about dance; pl. What? dancing, (no) what? dancing, what? dancing, (see) what? dancing, what? dancing, about what? about dancing 1. Dance is a form of... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    dance- ta/ntsa, m. 1) A type of art, the reproduction of artistic images using expressive body movements. Dance theory. Expressive means of dance. Theatricalization of dance. I studied at the plastic dance studio at the school of Isadora Duncan (Panova).... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    DANCE (Polish taniec, from German Tanz), a type of art in which a means of creating art. The images are the movements and positions of the human body. T. arose from a variety of movements and gestures associated with labor processes and emotional... ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

    characteristic- I hara/kterny aya, oe; ren, rna, rno. 1) only full. In performing arts: characteristic of a certain people, era, social environment; expressing a certain psychological type. Xth role. Xth genre figure. Character actor, artist; ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Dance- (Polish taniec, from German Tanz) a type of art in which the means of creating an artistic image are the movements, gestures of the dancer and the position of his body. T. arose from a variety of movements and gestures associated with labor processes and... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Hip-hop. New style. Entry level (DVD), Pelinsky Igor. Hip-hop new style is an ultra-fashionable dance trend that originated in the 80s in the USA and has become widespread throughout the world. The peculiarity of hip-hop new style is that this...

Characteristic dance one of the expressive means of ballet theater, a type of stage dance. Originally the term "H. T." served as the definition of dance in character, in image (in interludes, dances of artisans, peasants, robbers). Later, the choreographer K. Blazis began to call all folk dances introduced into a ballet performance “H. t.” This meaning of the term continues into the 20th century. Choreographers and dancers of the classical school of dance built choreography on the basis of this school, using professional techniques. At the end of the 19th century. was created exercise Choreography (later approved as an academic discipline in choreographic schools).

In a modern ballet performance, the ballet can be an episode, become a means of revealing the image, creating an entire performance.

Lit.: Lopukhov A.V., Shiryaev A.V., Bocharov A.I., Fundamentals of character dance, L. - M., 1939; Dobrovolskaya G.N., Dance. Pantomime. Ballet, L., 1975.

G. N. Dobrovolskaya.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978

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