Pickup courses - scam or real help? “I want to be a pickup artist! Pickup courses for girls

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each one dreams of men wringing their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at her feet. But for some, the art of “charming” is given to them from the cradle, while for others, they have to learn this all their lives. The “science” of seducing the opposite sex that emerged in our time—pickup—was the prerogative of exclusively men. But this complex of seduction techniques and skills has become interesting to modern women. The only difference is that the task of a woman’s pickup, as a rule, is not one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of female pickup?

Why do girls do pickup? Goals

Male pick-up artists have simple and clear goals - to please a girl and get her into bed as quickly as possible. Girls goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to hold it.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse, who, upon seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, his heart and a Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get acquainted correctly and how to behave so that your gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man, how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules of female pickup

Pickup task - provoking a man to take action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance on a horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and starting a family. The “science” of pickup can be learned either independently or through special training. What are basic rules of female pickup?

  • Go out more often, expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Have you set your sights on a handsome blue-eyed athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? You definitely won’t find him in the diner around the corner.
  • Always be ready to meet your dreams. An ideal appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to following this rule even at home (when no one sees you). See.
  • Study male psychology. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your one and only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Act as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No “nerve” in the voice.
  • Don't get confused by words. Listen carefully as if this fishing story is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and your desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person with life. And, of course, avoid questions about the number of your ex-men or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be happy to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for your fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise your man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just don’t overdo it - you shouldn’t praise your gentleman for a nice tie or clean shoes, you need to praise him for his actions.
  • Be modest. There is no need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner at a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always decorates.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just don’t get carried away – it shouldn’t be obvious.
  • If you are invited to dance, You shouldn’t be too frank in your movements- that is, hang on the gentleman and press with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, control yourself and wait until the “client matures.”
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural and minimal as possible.. Avoid red varnish right away - it makes you nervous. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that will have a magical effect on a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change tires, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your crush.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call you and make appointments. And you just condescendingly accept his advances.
  • Don't hang a kilogram of jewelry on yourself. It’s better to have one or two decorations, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Don't go too far in your facial expressions and “erotic” movements. It’s enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and cross your legs. You should not wiggle your hips or swallow bananas.
  • Don't tell yourself and don't let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Having met that same man, there is no need to continue the “pickup artist games”. A man should love you, not your seduction technique. You won't be able to keep him close to you for the rest of your life.

The ideal female pick-up artist is the one who...

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Relaxed and free in relationships.
  • He doesn’t carry around a suitcase of complexes.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a natural pick-up artist. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. All that remains is to use them competently and wisely. And most importantly - understand what exactly you are waiting for? Imagine that all the men are paying attention to you, salivating and dreaming of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need this? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

Female pickup training is time-tested and proven practical seduction techniques that will allow you to easily create relationships with men. The training is based on specific examples, so you can acquire the necessary knowledge in an extremely short time....

Professional trainings Megapolis - courses conducted in real conditions reveal the mechanisms of professional acquaintance, seduction, development and maintenance of harmonious relationships. During the training process, you will master effective ways to influence male psychology through applied techniques of gender psychology - an independent branch of practical psychology that studies the patterns of intergender behavior...

A theoretical course for women who want to understand in detail the issues of female pickup (dating, seducing, developing and maintaining harmonious relationships with men), but do not feel the need for practical training in real conditions...

Expertise is a professional type of counseling based on an objective assessment of your situation and is guaranteed to eliminate long-standing problems and difficult situations in your personal life. The results of the examination will allow you to see yourself through the eyes of men and adjust your behavior for...

Additional trainings

A pickup secretary is your personal assistant in finding the ideal man. A team of specialists will do all the most difficult and unpleasant things on your behalf so that you can enjoy only positive moments and communicate with the best men...

Dating and developing relationships with men in cities in Europe and North America. Individual training with full support at all stages of dating and seduction and hidden support in the process of communication in Russian and English...

The main goal of an expert dating is to identify behavioral errors that prevent you from attracting a man’s attention, getting him interested, or getting closer to him. You will be able to see yourself through the eyes of the opposite sex and understand the reasons for difficulties in developing relationships.

The training reveals the mechanisms of a professional pickup truck. The course consists of a preparatory and practical part. To complete the internship, you must have your own car. At the end of the course, you will easily be able to meet a man in a traffic jam, at a gas station and in a parking lot...

If you appreciate the club atmosphere and social parties, if you strive for a rich and beautiful life, if you want to meet energetic and fashionably dressed men, then we invite you to plunge into the night world of Moscow. Individual pickup training will take place in your favorite places...

This training will help you build and maintain mutual love for many years, insure yourself against divorce, conflicts and betrayals on the part of a loving man, and overcome crisis periods in your life together. The training takes place individually (if desired, your husband or relationship partner can attend the training).

This conversation is for those young men who are thinking about becoming pickup artists, or have already stepped on this slippery slope.

We need to change!

Our society forms in modern man ideas about what a man should be. Many books in stores are full of titles “Make your life better”, “You can be happy”, “How to become a winner”, etc. Reading all this, people begin to realize that something is wrong in their lives. If it’s not like that, it means it’s somehow different. This is where the propaganda of the film industry comes into play, which shows ideal images of successful and strong heroes, such as James Bond, who are sexy, popular, smart, free and popular with the most beautiful women in the world.

Reading books like this, people understand that they need to act differently, they need to change something within themselves. At first it seems that after reading the book, I will now act as described there. But either it’s impossible to do it and the person gives up, or he doesn’t even start doing it at all.

Then how else can you change your life for the better? And here there is a new offer from society - these are trainings. One of these training options is pickup. The pickup truck promises to solve one of your problems.

The problem is that you lack interest from the opposite sex. Inside you have a little boy who is afraid to approach a girl or woman, who is ashamed of some quality in himself, who does not know what to say, what to do, who is naive and trusting. And when you see a girl you like, you have a desire to get to know her better. But this doesn’t work out for you, because you begin to show either aggression, or timidity, or even run away. Well, the result is the same - failure to meet someone.

What does the pickup promise?

First, let's look at what this word means when translated from English: Pick-up - “eat”, casual acquaintance with the goal of obtaining sexual relations.

What associations do you have with the word pickup? Lightness, irresponsibility, play, flirting? Or, on the contrary, fear, use, profit, to prove to yourself and the world your importance?

At first glance, a pickup truck is a beautiful adventure, getting pleasure from life, or rather from the game of life. When you want to become a pick-up artist, your goal is seduction. They promise to teach you how to be the king of the jungle, how to take what is yours.

What does a pickup truck really give?

Pickup is a veiled manipulative game. When you play, you always miss something important in your life, and this important thing is the closeness of relationships and experiences with your loved one. Without receiving real intimacy, you freeze yourself, become soulless and insensitive.

What do they teach in pick-up artist schools? They teach specific techniques and actions to attract the attention of girls and win their hearts. Do pick-up techniques train you to cope with your inner feelings and fears? No, they just give you the tools to block these feelings.

I want to give a clear example here. Imagine, on a blank page of paper you wrote a text and made a small mistake, then covered it up with a proofreader and wrote the correct letter. Tell me, has the error disappeared? No, the error will be visible to everyone, because the corrector is visible, and it will show through the corrector. And on the back of the sheet of paper this error will be visible even more clearly. It’s the same with a pickup truck, you will be taught to cover up your fear, but it will still remain and will be visible to others.

Answer yourself honestly the question: why do I need to know the tools for seduction? Maybe in order to become more confident and express yourself, or maybe in order to show the world how cool you are? Or maybe in order to get what you want? Or to take revenge on people for their humiliation received from another person earlier?..

During the trainings you will be taught the techniques of “correct removal”, and you will even be able to do something. But where will that disadvantaged, compliant, timid and sensual boy go, like you came to the pickup training? What will you do with it? What will you do with yourself? You will refuse it.

What actually happens at pickup school during training? When you go to pickup school, you want to learn to be something that you cannot become on your own. What kind of person do you want to be? Who do you want to be like? Understand one simple thing. Learning to be someone is impossible. It's like monkeying, it will look unnatural. Another person may have the feeling that, at best, two people live inside you. And, the first one is the one who learned to be a pickup artist. This is the one who speaks correctly and acts correctly in order to interest a girl, and the other is the real you. The one who is still afraid.

At pickup truck training, you will simply be taught how to put on a different suit. If before you wore children's pajamas, now you are just wearing an adult suit, over your children's pajamas.

What to do in this case? Let's look at what prevents you from being a strong and confident man.

Does a pickup truck help make a man?

Why are you going to the pickup? What do you get there? Essentially, you are looking for a mentor, a spiritual father, who will show and teach you what to do so that girls or women pay attention to you. And your desire is quite normal, because the instinct of reproduction is inherent in human nature. Now let’s look at why you are not like that yet.

What should happen in the normal emotional and psychological development of a child? When a boy is born, his mother plays the main role in his life. She creates a kind of emotional container for him, thanks to which he feels safe. This is inherent in nature. A small child cannot take care of himself, cannot understand his feelings and emotions. When he knows that his mother is nearby, he is calm, because his mother knows when he wants to eat or sleep; she knows how to calm him down when he is anxious; she knows how to cure him if he has any pain. All this creates a sense of security and trust in the world within the child.

The boy grows and over time it becomes extremely important for him to have his dad nearby. The dad begins to teach the boy to be a man; he, as it were, introduces his son into a man's world. He shows the child what it means to be a man. And, it teaches the main thing - this is masculinity, or rather how to show it. Every child has masculinity from birth. What is masculinity? This is the inner state of a man when he feels masculine strength within himself and knows how to use it. It is as follows: remain calm in extreme situations, manage your fears, admit your mistakes, be able to protect yourself. And this is brought up from childhood by the father. The father is thus a mentor to his son in his development as a man. This process of formation lasts several years and this is embedded in our unconditioned reflexes and in the laws of the universe.

What happens if there was no such initiation of a boy into a man? Where to look for knowledge if during this period the child did not receive the help and support of a father or another adult man? He begins to look for it outside, and this is where helpers from society come into the picture. At first, the boy looks at his more developed peers, he compares them with himself and understands that he is losing to them in relationships with girls. Another boy begins to look for an example among the adult men in his life. Another option is to start imitating the characters on TV. In any case, the boy still finds his role model. The hero has been found, but what to do next? How to become like this? How to become as successful? And, one of the options that the adult world offers is a pickup truck. There are like-minded people and teachers there who can teach you how to communicate with women.

Essentially, these are teachers who teach the struggle to become an alpha male - to impregnate as many females as possible. The boy is looking for an alpha male who would teach him how to “mark” females. But who is this alpha male? Take a closer look at him, what does he show to young and shy boys or men? How ready is he to become a spiritual mentor for them? Does he show and teach them self-respect, trust in the world, respect for women? Does he teach them to be masculine, does he teach them to use their masculine power? No! He teaches them to be like him, he teaches them his personal experience, his worldview, his attitude towards the world. Do you want to be like this - running from any close relationship, running from responsibility, running from yourself?

Unfortunately, pickup gurus are a certain type of man who is internally immature. These are still boys who take out their grievances, anger and hatred on mom, dad, and peers through imitation of the behavior of alpha males in the world and treating women as objects to seduce, conquer, and leave. If the mother left a deep internal trauma, then they play the game of “revenge on women.” If the injury was left by dad, they play the game of “prove to dad that I can be an alpha male.” But, in essence, they are FALSE alpha males. And every time in their pick-up game, they consolidate a stable internal position in themselves: “No one can be trusted or trusted!”

Who does the pick-up artist take revenge on?

From the experience of communicating with his mother, the boy develops a certain image of who the woman is. In childhood, a mother could unconsciously or consciously offend her son, and as a result, the child developed a fear of his mother. This fear then grows into fear of women. Fear is also influenced by communication with girls or other women from the boy’s childhood. But, the main thing is that this fear was sown by mom and it IS. What happens to the fear of women in pickup training, where does it go? It is blocked by belittling women, removing them from their pedestal. It seems that the issue with the woman’s internal anxiety has been resolved. But the fear remains inside the man, only it goes even deeper. Thus, there is a kind of escape from the present self. You don’t meet yourself halfway, but seem to say: “I’m all different now, cool, and the one that was afraid is just the past.” But that other one cannot be in the past. He is not an event - he is you, he is a part of you, consisting of experiences, feelings, emotions.

Understand that you need to overcome within yourself the fear of women, the fear of rejection, the fear of relationships. And pickup is only a game with women, pickup does not teach how to build close relationships, it teaches how to get intimacy. And only with this the pickup is already destroying. It shows the superficial layer of pleasure that can be obtained by convincing a woman that she deserves more than she has and veiledly promising her this.

How to stand out among most men like a pick-up artist? Put on different mask costumes, creating a new image to seduce each new girl. And where is the real you, who will attract a real woman who will come to you as you are? After all, a woman also comes to an image with an image. And, putting on the image, you receive the image and once again become convinced that there is no love. Disbelief in love moves you to prove it to yourself again and again. To justify yourself, you are looking for quotes from classics who, through their suffering, created masterpieces of world culture. But were these happy people in real life? Their feelings were painful, and that is why they created masterpieces. Do you want to create masterpieces too? Then feel everything they felt. Live the same moments of intimacy. Not sex, but moments of intimacy, in the form of immersion in the inner world of another person, feel it. And, if you sit and find evidence in world culture that there is no real love in relationships, such as:

“A man can be happy with any woman, provided he doesn’t love her.” O. Wilde

“The men who treat women with the most respect are rarely the most successful with them.” Joseph Addison

“A woman loves to have dust thrown into her eyes, and the more dust is thrown into her eyes, the more she opens her eyes so that more dust gets into them.” A. Musset.

— what awaits you then? Think about yourself in three years, in five years, in ten years. What to do here? Reach out to yourself, ask yourself differently. How can I convince myself or prove to myself that true love exists, that I am the one worthy of love? Find positive examples not in the world classics, but in real life, near your environment. If you don’t see it at the moment, but look again, more carefully, you will definitely find it.

It is not difficult for a man to get the moments he wants from a woman by deception. But at the same time, the woman is humiliated in the inner space of the man himself. There is a certain devaluation of women. Now think about which woman within yourself you devalue? Who do you prove something to by humiliating and neglecting different women?

Yes, this woman is your mother.

Humiliation of women leads to disappointment

A little more about women. What women cannot resist your “charms”? Think about the law of attraction. By humiliating women, you attract those women who also want to humiliate men. Girls want to build long-term relationships, the desire to be close to a strong man is inherent in their nature, because they choose the father of their future family. And if you put on a different suit, will you become such a man? Admit it within yourself. You will seem like this to them, and then, based on your actions, they will still be disappointed in you as a man.

People are different. Girls are also different, and therefore men are also different. Different in appearance, in outlook on life, in thinking, in talent, etc. Therefore, find a girl or woman who will like you, who will be satisfied with you exactly as you are, with all the shortcomings and advantages.

And, the last argument, imagine that you have a daughter. How would you like to be treated? Just how do you want to treat other girls and women?

Consequence of pickup

What do pickup artists do? With the help of simple manipulations they achieve what they want. What are they manipulating? They manipulate other people's feelings. They put pressure on women’s painful points and take advantage of it, that is, they cause pain. Imagine that a woman has a wound on her body. You saw her, sympathized with the fact that, for example, she was scratched, and offered, for example, a band-aid. She smiled at you in gratitude for your attention. And for this you poured salt on her. This is exactly how a woman feels who has succumbed to the pressure of a pick-up artist. Who then are you at your core?

Yes, you have learned to manipulate other people's feelings. You can now approach each woman and continue communicating with her. What will the relationship be built on? On deception and illusions. In essence, you will be “pouring sand in the eyes” of the girl about your beloved self. And the more you deceive and enjoy success from this, the more you will begin to get used to it, since the experience of deception will be positively reinforced by success each time.

And what's next? Who are you really lying to? And there is only one answer - yourself. Your deception will destroy you from the inside. You will stop appreciating and respecting yourself, you will become addicted to picking up girls. One part of you will conflict with another. Now you are not the same as you were before. You have proven to some part of yourself that you are now an alpha male. But self-esteem will still be lacking, since there will be conflict within you.

Where can you gain self-respect, where can you raise your self-esteem? The pickup truck answers: in relation to girls towards you who succumbed to your temptation and began to be interested in you. But the more you prove to yourself that now you are better than before, the more you will move away from yourself, and the greater the conflict will be inside. And, as a result, the more confirmation you need, and, therefore, you need to seduce even more girls. Such dependence will begin to control you, it will act as retribution for the pain inflicted on another person. Any addiction takes energy away from other aspects of life.

The more success you have in pickup, the more severe the internal conflict will be. You will begin to feel emptiness, disappointment in women will appear more and more quickly and disbelief in your happy future as a man will become established, and, as a result, in the absence of purpose and meaning in life.

You will be taught to ignore your fear of communication, but it will not disappear, it will go deeper and will still guide you, but just how? You used to be insecure. And now you have learned to hide or suppress uncertainty, appear and act confident, but what’s inside?

All this can be compared, for example, to a pimple on the body. A pimple pops up in a visible place, you go for advice, and they tell you to cover it up. You covered it up. Now it doesn't stand out much, but you haven't removed it, it just looks different. This is how fear is masked in a pickup truck. You are taught to suppress it, but not to heal it. But fear exists, it lives in your inner world. And what does he do? Adapts to new conditions and expresses itself in a different feeling. For example, in emotional hunger, or inadequate aggression, or immense narcissism. Every person has all these emotions. But for you they will prevail over others, since they were given strength by your fear. All this ultimately leads to the devastation of one’s inner world.

What is the emptiness within us? This is when an initially pure feeling, even such as fear or aggression, is ignored in various ways, techniques or methods. Essentially, this feeling is abandoned, and internal violence of oneself occurs, and as a result, emptiness arises.

You overcame your fear of communication, learned to meet girls, you seem to like it. But, something is wrong. Because you are getting something wrong. Discomfort will prevent you from getting full pleasure. You will get the feeling that you are passing by something very important. This will be self-torture, which appears as a result of a large number of seduced girls. After all, the need to find the one and only one is inherent within you by nature.

Emptiness inside is always a symptom of protecting the inner world, when there is nothing more to give, but you also don’t want to take anymore. Emptiness inside is a serious emotional experience, it is dehydration of the psyche. You only get pleasure for a few seconds. But you don’t get the main thing - a deep inner feeling of physical and spiritual intimacy with that one girl with whom you just want to be, be and be. This is a feeling of intimacy based on trust, respect, admiration, friendship. By doing pickup, you deprive yourself of this. You are wasting your energy.

Sometimes this can even lead to impotence on a physical level. Because emptiness is a form of psychological impotence, expressed in cynicism and selfishness, strongly reinforced by the experience of “correct removal.” Nothing makes you happy, you begin to lose faith, first in women, then in yourself, then in life itself and, as a result, in your future. You become cold and lost. And you did this to yourself. Initially, there was an internal experience of myself as a man. You could have followed the path of spiritual development and search for your Self, but you chose the path of a pickup truck, which promises ease, play, flirting and female attention. But, in fact, it destroys you, it destroys your relationships, it destroys your faith.

Unfortunately, such inner emptiness does not go away quickly. In order for a new desire to appear, years must pass, during which it is necessary to rethink oneself, go on a “diet,” accumulate energy so that feelings, emotions and desires appear again.

In conclusion, I want to say that it is normal to want to become a real man. But just choose a mature and wise man as your teacher, who can really become a real spiritual teacher, mentor and father for you, who knows how to go deeper into relationships with respect, trust and love in his heart. It is such a man who will help you enrich yourself internally and reveal your masculine power, feel like a real Man and become a true king, with your queen next to him.

(Yana Enikeeva, psychologist, sexologist)
(Andrey Kochergin)

Do you want success with girls and don’t know where to start? In this article, we asked one of our regular authors, Andrei Vysotsky, to talk about his rich experience in seducing girls. You will learn where to start your journey in a pickup truck: what to read, where you can learn, what you should pay attention to, what mistakes lie in wait for you ahead.

What is this article or introduction from the author about?

I won’t be able to cram all my knowledge and experience into one article. But I can tell you about the fastest ways to achieve your goal, and about possible mistakes that lie in wait for you ahead.

Is it possible to learn pickup truck on your own?

So, you want to be great with girls. It doesn’t matter whether you want to wake up every morning with a new beauty or you need one and only one. In any case, you have only three options:

Sit at home on your favorite couch and wait for success to come to you

Are you waiting for fortune to shower you with money, and beautiful girls will line up to jump into your bed? This will never happen.

The only thing that comes by itself is old age. Everything else needs to be achieved. It's hard (sometimes very hard). To do this, you will have to pull yourself out of your comfort zone: learn new things, try new things, change your habits, change your social circle. If you want results, you have to work hard. This is the law of life.

Go to a special training where they will teach you everything

I think this is the best option of all. It has two decisive advantages:

  1. Availability of feedback. Live communication with a trainer is an important part of training. The coach will always point out your mistakes. If you have any questions, he will answer, tell, show, explain the incomprehensible.
  2. Motivation. Often, all you need to succeed is a magical kick in the ass. A good coach always has a carrot and a stick (which is callous and can also be used to beat you) with which he will force you to move in the right direction.

But, unfortunately, there are several serious disadvantages:

  1. It is expensive. Good training is expensive. If you don't have a good financial background, you won't get anywhere.
  2. Lots of charlatans. Finding a good coach is a difficult task. There are a lot of different pseudo-coaches and dubious specialists who will take your money but won’t teach you anything, because they themselves don’t know how to do anything. I advise you to contact trainers who have been in this topic for a long time and who already have a good reputation. Another option is serious organizations with wide representation and their own crowd, for example, RMES.
  3. Not available everywhere. The same RMES members conduct their training only in large cities. If you are a resident of a small town, you have additional problems with travel to the training site and accommodation.

Learn everything on your own

If things don’t work out with a good coach, that’s not a reason to give up. You can learn everything on your own.

You won't have feedback and no one will give you a magic kick-off (except yourself), but if you are determined enough, you will definitely achieve your goal. And in this article I will help you do this.

Where to look for information

There is a huge amount of free and paid information on the Internet about seducing girls: books, blogs, forums, newsletters, articles, etc.

Digging through this pile of slag and finding useful information in it is a very difficult task. But I have good news: I have already done this for you. This is what I recommend reading.

Free books

On the Internet you can find many useful and interesting and, most importantly, free books from different trainers. Here are a few options that I find most useful for a beginner.

Egor Sheremetyev

My first impression of Yegor is that he’s a nondescript guy who talks about seduction—nothing special. When I got to know him better, I realized that first impressions are deceiving. No matter what anyone says, he knows how to communicate with girls phenomenally. Here is a video where he immediately meets a girl right in a traffic jam:

He conducts many different events: trainings, master classes, bootcamps, etc. including the Bachelor Party in Asia in Pattaya. Here he talks about it himself:

In short, there is definitely a lot to learn from him. I advise you to definitely read his free book “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte”. The book is very interesting: little water, a lot of practical information and examples of successful phrases and dialogues from real correspondence. In order to download the book, you need to go and leave your e-mail address. After this, you will receive an email with a link to download the pdf file.

Another must-read book by the same author is “A Little Kick to Big Sex.” It contains a lot of interesting information about how to properly meet girls: how to approach, what to say, how to overcome shyness, etc. To download.

Roman Vinilov

I have been following Roman’s activities for quite some time. He has been in the subject of seduction and pickup for 10 years already. Author of courses, seminars and trainings. Trainer, coach, writer, etc. I don’t see any point in listing his entire track record - read it yourself if you’re interested. Here are a few of his books that will be useful to read:

  1. Effective dating. There is a lot of useful information about dates here: how to invite, where to go, how to behave, what to talk about, etc.
  2. 7 steps to building a relationship with a girl. All about how to build a harmonious relationship and remain the best man for her.
  3. How to surprise any girl. More than 70 pages of various examples for all occasions that will help surprise her and make a good impression.

Pick-up training for girls, organized in the capital, provides an opportunity to practically acquire knowledge and skills in professional relationships, as well as seduction. In these classes you will be able to fully relax, get rid of pressing problems, relax in a comfortable atmosphere, gaining invaluable experience.

Pick-up training for girls takes place according to different programs. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for you or consult with professionals. All courses include not only a theoretical, but also a practical part. The theory presupposes your familiarization with applied information, as well as examples that are subject to practical implementation. Practical training takes place in the field, allowing you to put your acquired knowledge into practice.

A significant advantage of women's pickup is that it is taught by highly qualified trainers who not only have higher coaching and psychological education, but also rich life experience, as well as a successful personal life. Therefore, you can quickly acquire the skill of the art of seduction.

Pickup for women: feasibility of training

Its importance is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is necessary in order not to wait for gifts from fate, but to begin to act. And victory will definitely be for those who take the initiative into their own hands. All ladies want to find a worthy man who would make them happy. But desire is not enough, you need to start acting. But you may not know how or, on the contrary, you may experience insurmountable blocks within yourself. In such cases, a female pickup truck comes to the rescue. While studying it, you will be introduced to the basic secrets of dating, will be helped to get rid of indecision and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

During the classes you will be able to gain a lot of useful information, as well as practical knowledge and experience. In an atmosphere of absolute comfort and friendliness, you will learn:

  • How to overcome fear of dating;
  • How to approach the person you like;
  • How to meet him;
  • How to talk to a young man;
  • How to behave during acquaintance;
  • How to please a man;
  • How to act confident and charming.

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