Lineage 2 sub skills. Detailed quest for the sub class in pictures. Skills useful for Kamaels

General information

  • New skills have been introduced for your main class, which depend on the type of your subclass:
    • Level 65 subclass: the main class receives the skill of increasing attack/defense.
    • Level 70 subclass: the main class receives the skill of increasing attack/defense.
    • Level 75 subclass: the main class receives a lvl 2 attack/defense increase skill OR a specific skill that depends on the subclass.
    • Level 80 subclass: the main class receives a transformation skill that depends on the subclass.
  • You cannot delete or exchange for another learned skill (read: think 7 times before learning)
  • Maine can get 4 skills from each subclass, for a total of 12 skills from 3 subclasses. (exception is servers where a certificate can only be issued once)

Obtaining abilities (skills)

  • You must have a special book to learn a skill from an NPC.
  • You must be in a subclass state to receive the skill book from the NPC.
  • You must be in the main class to learn a skill.
  • Depending on the level of the subclass, the ability (skill) receives “certification”.
  • Having received the “certification” of a skill, the main class must obtain a Tome of “only skill”.
  • You can get this Tome at Ivory Tower at the NPC Avant-Garde.
  • The main class can learn this skill, regardless of lvl.
  • Once a subclass “certifies” payment for Tome of transformation, it cannot be thrown out/sold/changed.

“Certification” means “reservation” of a book by a subclass for purchase by the main. For example, the first subclass receives “certification” at lvl 65. The new subclass, after deleting the old one, cannot receive "certification".

Abilities (skills) when a subclass receives levels 65 and 70

  • After a subclass reaches levels 65 and 70, you can gain one passive skill at each of those levels.
NameDescriptionArmor typeLv. 1Lv. 2Lv. 3Lv. 4Lv. 5Lv. 6
Physical DefenseIncreases P. ProtectionHeavy +18 +36 +54 +71 +90 +107
Lightweight +13 +27 +40 +54 +67 +80
Mantle +9 +18 +27 +36 +45 +54
Magic DefenseIncreases M. Protection +15 +30 +46 +61 +76 +91
Physical OffenseIncreases P. attack +22 +42 +60 +76 +88 +98
Magic OffenseIncreases M. attack +11 +21 +28 +36 +43 +48

Abilities (skills) when a subclass receives level 75

  • After a subclass reaches level 75, you can receive either a passive skill (skill) of increase, or a skill (skill) that depends on the subclass.
  • Great Physical Defense And Great Magic Defense upgrade to the third level, the rest can only be taken once.

Common Passives

NameDescriptionArmor TypeLv. 1Lv. 2Lv. 3
Great Physical DefenseGreatly increases P. ProtectionHeavy +60 +119 +179
Lightweight +45 +89 +134
Mantle +30 +60 +89
Great Magic DefenseGreatly increases M. Protection +50 +101 +151
Great Physical OffenseGreatly increases P. attack +49 - -
Great Magic OffenseGreatly increases M. attack +29 - -
Critical RateIncreases Crit. Chance +30 - -
Magic CastingIncreases Spd. Mag. +11 - -

Skills dependent on the subclass class

The first two of each are passive skills, the third is a counterbuff.

Summoner Class (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)

Healer Class (Shillien Elder, Elven Elder, Bishop)

Warrior Class (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soul Breaker, Berserker)

Knight Class (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)

Enchanter Class (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Swordsinger, Bladedancer)

Boost ManaIncrease max. MP.+148 MP
Mana RecoveryIncreased MP recovery rate+10% MP regeneration
Counter BarrierWhen hit, there is a chance to gain temporary invulnerabilityCelestial shield for 5 seconds (blocks the passage of debuffs and damage to the character’s HP\CP\MP, recovery of HP/CPU/MP is impossible. If the character performs any actions during the Counter Barrier action, the shield does not fly off, unlike all other varieties )

Rogue Class (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)

Skills from sub classes

Updated article on sub-skills with the most accurate data(including Goddess of Destruction update).

Skills from sub classes (sub skills)

For the main class, you can learn up to 4 sub-skills from each sub-class, 12 in total. These skills depend on the level of the sub-class.

First, we need to get the subclass itself, you can read about this in detail.

Learning skills

To learn skills you need to go through a simple one. When you receive 65, 70, 75, 80 levels in your sub-class, you can receive certificates for learning skills from your sub-class master, a total of 4 books for the corresponding level for each sub-class. To learn the skills, these certificates must be taken to the Avangarde NPC in the Ivory Tower. They study in main-class.

Skills of sub classes

There are 2 types of skills, passive and counter-buff.

Subclass lv65: the main class receives a passive skill to increase attack/defense.

Subclass lv70: the main class receives a passive skill to increase attack/defense.

Skills to increase Patk and Matk

Skills to increase Pdef and Mdef

When you reach level 75, you can learn either passive skills or counter-buff triggers, depending on the subclass. Triggers are triggered during an attack and hang for a certain time, about 3-6 seconds.


Great Physical Defense increases p.def (+29 p.def)

Great Magic Defense increases m.def (+50 m.def)

Great Physical Offense increases p.atk (+29 p.atk)

Great Magic Offense increases m.atk (+29 m.atk)

Critical Rate Increases critical (+30 critical)

Magic Casting Increases cast.spd (+11 cast.spd)

Skills that depend on the subclass class:

Summoner Class (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)

Healer Class (Shillien Elder, Elder, Bishop)

Wizard Class (Sorcecer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Necromancer)

Knight Class (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight)

Rogue Class (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker, Arbalester)

Warrior Class (Gladiator, Warlord, Bounty Hunter, Tyrant, Destroyer, Soulbreaker, Berserker)

Enchanter Class (Prophet, Warcryer, Inspector, Sword Singer, Bladedancer)

In addition to class skills, for a lvl 75 sub, you can take one of the alternative subskills (master abilities):

Great Magic Defense increases magical defense(+50 m. def)

Great Physical Offense increases physical attack(+29 p. atk)

Great Physical Defense increases physical defense(+29 p. def)

Great Magic Offense — increases magic attack (+29 m. atk)

Critical Rate - increases the chance of a critical attack (+30 critical)

Magic Casting — increases the speed of spell casting (+11 cast. spd)

In order to make an already extremely interesting game even more diverse and exciting, a subclass system was introduced in Lineage 2. Thanks to this, each player in one game character can get four different professions at once. This is the first thing. And secondly, thanks to the pumped-up so-called subs, you can significantly strengthen the main character with additional skills. Here we will describe how the skills of the high five chronicles subclass are obtained. Although in subsequent chronicles the principle did not change much. So, in order.

How to get a subclass

In order to be able to create a subclass for yourself, the main character must reach level 75 and complete a series of quests:

  • “Arrogant quest” - a quest to obtain the right to go to Baium;
  • “Whisper of Fate” - a quest to obtain the Star of Destiny;

After all the quests are completed, we move to the Talking Island Village, find Master Raine there and take the subclass from him. Skills from subclasses will also be learned here in the future.

The new subclass comes immediately at level 40 with learned skills corresponding to the same level. Having pumped your sub to level 75, you can take the next one and the same for the third one. True, there are several restrictions on the choice of subclasses. You cannot take similar races and professions, Kamaels can only take Kamaels, and no other race can take Kamaels. You cannot take Overlode and Blacksmith as a subclass.

What are skills from subclasses

When a subclass reaches levels 65, 70, 75, 80, the main character gets the opportunity to learn new skills that increase attack or defense, and at levels 75 and 80, he additionally gets the opportunity to learn one more specific skill, depending on which subclass is chosen.

In total, each subclass can provide the main character with 4 skills. And all three have up to 12 new skills. So, which subclasses, due to the specifics of their skills, will be more useful for a particular profession.

Skills useful to summoners or summoners

Of all the variety, the most useful skills for summoners will be those from the warrior subclasses due to their CP-increasing skill “Warrior Skill”. That is, as the first sub, you can take a gladiator, spearman, destroyer, tyrant, spoiler or executioner for kamaels.

As a second subclass, you can choose one of four defensive-type warriors or so-called tanks due to their “Knight Skill - Defense” skill. As a third sub, you can take a preacher, wark, dancer or spell singer because of their skill “Spellcaster Skill - Barrier”.

Skills useful for healing mages

Like the summoners discussed above, healers will benefit from the “Knight’s Skill – Defense” and “Castor’s Skill – Barrier” skills from the subclasses of the warrior and tank professions. But unlike the same summoners, healers will also desperately need another skill from warriors, namely, “Warrior Skill - resistance to negative effects.”

Skills useful for warriors

If you play one of the warrior classes and are wondering how to take skills from a subclass and which one to do it from, the answer is simple. Basically, all warrior classes, such as gladiators, spearmen, destroyers, tyrants, etc., are similar to each other and will require similar skills from subclasses.

The first useful skill can be obtained from the summoner, and it is called “Summoner Skill - Spirit”. Thanks to it, the strength of a physical attack and its speed increase. As another subclass, a knight with the defense skill will be useful, and as a third subclass you can take a preacher or one of the bards (singer or spell dancer) because of their barrier.

True, some players, instead of the defense skill, advise taking the archer or robber subclass with the “Critical Attack Chance” skill. Perhaps there is a reason for this, as they say, it depends on the taste and color...

Skills useful for knights

For tanks, without further ado, it is better to take skills from subclasses, such as warriors with the “increase CP” skill, thanks to which they can feel much more confident in a PVP battle. Preacher or bards for Barrier and Summoner due to the summoner skill. Instead of any of the above skills, you can take a skill for attack speed from the same subclass of warriors. Here you can experiment.

Skills useful for magicians

For magicians, the summoner with his skill “Summoner Skill - Spirit” is suitable as the first subclass, since it would not be amiss for them to increase the power and speed of magic attacks. The skills protection from tanks and barrier from bards will also be useful. Some players prefer resistance to the negative effects from the warrior subclass over the barrier. Again, variations are possible here for everyone.

Skills useful for archers

For archers in Lineage 2, it would be a good idea to take skills from subclasses from a defensive warrior and one of the bards or a preacher. Skills - knight's defense and caster's barrier. But as a third subclass, it would be better to take a robber or spoiler because of the very useful skill - “Rogue Skill - Range”. The name of this skill speaks for itself, and increases the shot range by +100.

Skills useful for buffers and bards

As for the question of how to get skills from a subclass, or rather, which of these skills are better suited for singers and spell dancers, as well as for preachers, warks and overs, that is, for the buffer classes, then the same one is perfect for everyone a set of subclasses.

This is a summoner with the “Summoner Skill - Spirit”, a tank with the protection of a knight, and buffers for bards, and bards for buffers with a barrier. True, some players recommend that instead of knightly defense, for buffers, take the warrior subclass with resistance to negative effects.

Skills useful for Kamaels

As mentioned above, the Kamael race can only choose Kamael professions as a subclass. The berserker will benefit from the critical attack chance, attack speed and barrier from the last sub inspector.

The executioner will benefit from an increase in CP, evasion, and also a shield from the inspector. The crossbowwoman also chooses a skill to increase CP, a skill that increases attack speed and caster skill, and a barrier from the unique inspector subclass.

That, in principle, is all that concerns the subclass system in the game, how you get the skills of the L2 high five chronicles subclasses, and the choice of one or another subclass for a separately chosen profession. Of course, it is not a set of mandatory requirements. "Ruler" is a very flexible and multifaceted game, and it is much better if the player approaches the process individually, does not blindly follow the guides, and is not afraid to experiment, look for some of his own ways and solutions.

The purpose of this and other similar guides is to help understand the basics of the game, show the direction, and the player must choose which path to take.

The Hellbound update of the super popular game Lineage II in 2008 was remembered by many not only for the island of the same name that appeared on the maps, but also for the appearance of certified subclass skills, known to players as “sub-skills.”

For those who have not played Lineage II: “sub-skills” are skills that increase either the defensive or offensive characteristics of the character at the moment when the game is played by the main class. This gives undeniable advantages both in battles with mobs and in PvP skirmishes. Learning a subclass skill is not as easy as learning a main class skill. To do this, you need to go through several steps that differ from the standard.

So, you have an account in the game Lineage II, the game client is installed on your computer and you have an Internet connection, and your character has developed a subclass up to level 65. If everything fits, then it’s time to start action.

First you need to go to the main class state. If the character is in a subclass state, he will have to travel to the nearest city. If your character is an Orc, Dark Elf or Kamael, then you should head to the appropriate guild. Blacksmith gnomes must find a forge, and gatherer gnomes must go to the storehouse.

For elves and human warriors, the destination is the warrior guild, while for mages the destination is a temple or a mage guild. Having reached the indicated place, you should approach the NPC (in other words, the Non-Player Character, NPC) “Grand Master”, “Grand Master” or “Pontiff”. After starting a conversation with an NPC, you should select “Subclass” and “Change subclass” where you must select the name of your main class.

Now the path lies to the “Hardin Academy” to the NPC “Hardin”, where you will take on the quest “More Than It Seems”. For those who are new to the geography of Lineage 2, the direct teleport to the academy is located in Giran.

Having completed the quest, we quickly head to the nearest city and switch to the subclass state (everything is done in exactly the same way as when moving to the main class, only exactly the opposite). When talking with the NPC “Grand Master”, “Grand Master” or “Pontiff”, you need to select the item “Subclass” - “Certification of subclass skills” - “Certify subclass” - select one of the certificates available to the subclass. After this, feel free to switch to the main class mode.

After completing the transition, be sure to make sure that the certificate is in your inventory. We look for the teleport and make several moves until we find ourselves in Oren. From Oren it is very easy to get to the Ivory Tower. Of course, you can do without moving, and after running a good half of the game world, you can get to the right place, saving a little adena. As they say, it's an acquired taste.

After talking with the Portal Guardian NPC, go up to the second floor, where the Vanguard NPC is located. After talking with him, you should find the item “Learn about certification of subclass skills.”

There's just a little bit left to do. After looking at the list of available skills, you need to choose and learn the one that you like.

  • Skills for your main class (main class), which depend on the type of your subclass:
    • Level 65 subclass: main learns the skill of increasing physical/magic attack/defense.
    • Level 70 subclass: main learns the skill of increasing physical/magic attack/defense.
    • Level 75 subclass: main learns the skill of increasing physical/magic attack/defense of the 2nd lvl OR a specific skill depending on the subclass.
    • Level 80 subclass: main learns the transformation skill, depending on the subclass.
  • You cannot delete or exchange for another learned skill (read: think 7 times before learning)
  • From the 1st subclass, the main can learn 4 skills, a total of 12 skills from 3 subclasses. (exception is servers where the certificate can only be obtained once)

Learning skills

  • You must have a special book to learn a skill from an NPC.
  • You must be able to subclass to receive a skill book from an NPC.
  • You must be in the main class to learn the skill.
  • Depending on the lvl of the subclass, the skill receives “certification”.
  • Having received the “certification” of a skill, the main class must receive a Tome of “only skill”.
  • You can get this Tome at Ivory Tower at the NPC Avant-Garde.
  • The main class can learn this skill, regardless of level.
  • Once a subclass “certifies” payment for a Tome of transformation, it cannot be dropped/sold/exchanged.

“Certification” means “reservation” of a book by a subclass for purchase by the main. For example: the first subclass receives “certification” at lvl 65. The new subclass, after deleting the old one, cannot receive “certification”.

Skills when a subclass reaches levels 65 and 70

  • After a subclass reaches levels 65 and 70, you can learn one passive skill at each of these levels.
Name Description Armor type Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6
Physical Defense Increases P. Protection Heavy +18 +36 +53 +71 +89 +107
Lightweight +13 +27 +40 +53 +67 +80
Mantle +9 +18 +27 +36 +45 +54
Magic Defense Increases M. Protection +15 +30 +45 +61 +79 +91
Physical Offense Increases P. attack +22 +42 +60 +76 +88 +98
Magic Offense Increases M. attack +11 +21 +30 +38 +45 +51

Skills when a subclass reaches level 75

  • After your subclass reaches level 75, you can get either a passive increase skill or a skill that depends on the subclass.

Common Passives

Name Description Armor Type Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3
Great Physical Defense Greatly increases P. Protection Heavy +59 +119 +178
Lightweight +44 +89 +134
Mantle +29 +58 +87
Great Magic Defense Greatly increases M. Protection +50 +100 +150
Great Physical Offense Greatly increases P. attack +49
Great Magic Offense Greatly increases M. attack +29
Critical Rate Increases Crit. Chance +30
Magic Casting Increases Spd. Mag. +11

Skills dependent on the subclass class

The first two of each are passive skills, the third is a counterbuff.

Summoner Class ( Warlock (Sorcerer) , Elemental Summoner , Phantom Summoner (Discipler of Darkness))

Healer Class ( Shillien Elder (Sage Shillien) , Elven Elder (Sage of Eve) , Bishop)

Warrior Class ( Gladiator , Warlord (Spearman) , Bounty Hunter , Tyrant , Destroyer , Soulbreaker , Berserker (Berserker))

Knight Class ( Paladin , Dark Avenger , Temple Knight , Shillien Knight)