Zero, one, million (Olga Sedakova). But there is no friendship even between us. We consider everyone as zeros and ourselves as ones.

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones” in other dictionaries:

    We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be ones. Explanation (A hint at the conceit of people, sometimes the most zero.) A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Per. Zero man. Terent. See Man... ...

    A units of yourself. (Hint on the conceit of people, sometimes the most zero.) A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Zero man. Terent. See dozen man. See who shouldn't be worth a penny. See unit.… …

    Aphorisms can be divided into two categories: some catch our eye, are remembered and are sometimes used when we want to show off wisdom, while others become an integral part of our speech and go into the category of catchphrases. About authorship... ...

    - (foreign) insignificance Wed. Reduce to zero. Wed. Some people are perfect zeros; but as fate would have it, sometimes you have to turn to them: the offices of these people strongly resemble those with two zeros (00) on the doors. ***… Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    - (foreign) nonentity. Wed. “Reduce to zero” to nothing. Wed. Some people are perfect zeros; but by the will of fate, sometimes you have to turn to them: the offices of these people are very reminiscent of those on the doors of which there are two... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    - (1799 1837) Russian poet, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich. Biography It is not difficult to despise the court of people, but it is impossible to despise your own court. Slander, even without evidence, leaves eternal traces. Critics... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    UNIT, units, women. 1. A digit representing the number one (1). || Mark, the lowest score in the value. bad (pre-rev.). The student received a unit in arithmetic. 2. transfer About someone, something that matters, ant. zero. “We respect everyone as zeros, and... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (foreign) being, (separate from others, identical to it). Wed. Society has distinguished itself from remarkable, even brilliant individuals in various fields of activity... Goncharov. Notes about Belinsky. Wed. And you feel like a unit... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    And zero, i, m. 1. The digital sign 0, denoting the absence of a value (attached to any number on the right means increasing it tenfold). 2. A conventional quantity relative to which the temperature of something is calculated. Zero degrees. Ten degrees... Small academic dictionary

    - (1799 1837) poet and writer, founder of new Russian literature, creator of the Russian literary language Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me! I'm happy to be deceived myself! The disease of love is incurable. To be nice is good, to be calm is twice as good... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Write about interesting properties of numbers. Pictures are welcome!

I am posting interesting properties of the number sent by Leib Aleksandrovich Shteingarts.

1. A number behaves completely uniquely in ordinary arithmetic operations:

2. A number is the only number that cannot be divided by.

3. A number behaves very peculiarly when raised to a power:

4. The factorial of a number is also quite unusual:

5. A number is the only real number that is neither positive nor negative.

6. In the center of Budapest (Hungary) there is a monument to ZERO.

The number means the beginning of all roads in Hungary. All distances in the country are measured from this monument.
Zero is the only number to which a monument was erected.

7. In set theory, Georg Cantor denoted the minimum cardinality of infinite sets (that is, the cardinality of countable sets) as follows:

8. Until the end of the 19th century, various countries used their own national ZERO meridians to measure geographic longitude. As geodesy developed, the lack of a standard system of longitudes was considered inconvenient by the international astronomical community.

In 1884, at the International Meridian Conference in Washington, it was proposed to take the Greenwich meridian as the origin of longitude (that is, the ZERO meridian) throughout the globe.

9. The number 0 has two names: ZERO and ZERO.

Both names in free use are equal. But in some common expressions these words are not interchangeable. For example, only zero in the expressions:

But only zero in such expressions:

10. Absolute ZERO temperature is the minimum temperature limit that a physical body can have in the Universe. Absolute zero serves as the origin of the absolute temperature scale. On the Celsius scale, absolute zero corresponds to a temperature of −273.15° C.

11. Of all the vectors, only the ZERO vector cannot be depicted as a directed segment.

12. On any calculator, after turning it on, a SINGLE number immediately appears - the number .

13. The first digit of a natural number can be anything except .

14. 4. At midnight, four ZEROS appear on the electronic clock.
A new day begins!

15. TIC TAC TOE is a logical game in which one of the players plays with “crosses” and the other with “toes”.

16. Only the number is written exactly the same as one of the letters - namely, like the letter O.

Previously, the number was written with a dash inside the sign (sometimes as the Greek letter Theta is written) to distinguish it from the letter O.

Zero without this stick was either a number or a letter. That’s why they sometimes began to say “ZERO WITHOUT A STICK”,

17. A hand gesture depicting the number in English-speaking countries means “EVERYTHING IS OKAY”, “EVERYTHING IS NORMAL”, “EVERYTHING IS EXCELLENT”.

18. The closed orbit of any cosmic body is an ELLIPSE, which in shape completely coincides with the shape of the number.

19. ZEROS of a function are numbers from the domain of the function at which it takes on a ZERO value.

20. The following property of number is very well illustrated by the famous poem by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

21. On a computer keyboard, the numbers are shown in this order:

This number sequence is ALMOST increasing. The only thing that disturbs the order is the number.

22. In 1964, the wonderful book “THE ADVENTURES OF NULIK” was first published. This “fairy tale, but not a fairy tale”, which was invented by Emilia Alexandrova and Vladimir Levshin about numbers, their mysteries and oddities.

And then a musical performance was created based on this book, and even a record was released.

23. This poem about ZEROS was composed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Herzen Isaevich Kopylov (1925–1976), whose wonderful problem on a regular polygon is also available in the BEAUTY SALON
(see clause 10)

Comments: 20

  1. 1 Alexey:

    I believe that in paragraph 16 the interpretation of the expression “zero without a stick” is erroneous. Let us remember A.S. Pushkin: “We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones!” By stick is meant “unit” with a corresponding change in the proposed interpretation in paragraph 16.

  2. 3 Label:

    This is how mathematicians accepted it - by definition.
    For various reasons, mathematicians found it CONVENIENT.
    This cannot be proven.
    Just as, for example, it is accepted that

    This is also accepted BY DEFINITION.

    Elena Reply:
    June 2nd, 2013 at 1:00

    Not at all.
    On the other hand
    from here

    Elena Reply:
    June 2nd, 2013 at 1:10

    About 0!
    1! = 1
    2! = 1!*2
    2! = 2
    3! = 2!*3
    3! = 6
    4! = 3!*4
    4! = 24
    and so on
    and now back
    4! = 24
    3! = 4!/4
    3! = 6
    2! = 3!/3
    2! = 2
    1! = 2!/2
    1! = 1
    0! = 1!/1
    0! = 1

    Or based on a combinatorial problem, where the factorial actually came from
    3 different objects can be placed in 3!=6 ways.
    2 different objects 2!=2 ways
    1 item – in one way (the item just exists) 1!=1
    0 items – again in one way (there are simply no items) 0! = 1

  3. 4 Technik:

    5. The number 0 is the only real number that is neither positive nor negative...? Let's refute it... using an electric circuit.
    Open the textbook by Bessonov L.A. TOE (1978) chapter 8, §8.4 (§8.7) fig. 8.3.
    To represent the parametric state of an electrical circuit with a certain
    element (inductance for example) before and after switching, always zero
    accepts a sign character! t= 0- and t= 0+!!! It does not accept on its own,
    This is how mathematicians imagine it. Zero itself is zero

  4. 5 Gennady:

    No number can be both positive and negative at the same time. Otherwise it won't be a number. Zero is, after all, a number, and is generally considered positive. Maybe because they put a minus sign in front of it only in special cases.

    Factorial 0! in itself does not make sense, based on the direct definition of factorial (I recently wrote about this). Mathematicians have agreed to consider 0!=1, since this helps to simplify and make many formulas more convenient and beautiful, for example, in discrete analysis.

    Two to the power of 0 is equal to 1, and this is proven in the theory of limits: the value approaches exactly 1 as it approaches infinity.

    Heart-shaped glasses Reply:
    June 15th, 2014 at 0:13

    Namsek Reply:
    May 26th, 2015 at 18:59

    Sorry for writing in English but I’m learning Russian and I don’t know grammar well enough yet.

    When I was 4 years old and I had just been told at school that there were odd and even numbers, I asked my father whether zero was odd or even. He replied “what the hell of a question is that?”
    Twenty years later I thought about it again and I concluded that it was neither, since it doesn’t exist. There I also understood that it IS NOT actually a number.
    Numbers are quantifications of something, zero is nothing. It means there is nothing to quantify.

    Zero is used in mathematics to mean an empty space. It means “nothing”. And nothing is no way on earth, positive, negative, odd or even.
    To be clear, there is nothing that could be negative or positive there. Nothing is there and nothing is missing.
    Positive numbers are energy/matter becoming stars, negative numbers are energy/matter becoming black holes. Zero is the void. The void cannot become a star or a black hole.

    The question does not subsist.

    Btw, zero “is” odd. It can’t be divided by two.

  5. 6 Georgiy:

    Are you mistaken about Budapest?
    This is kilometer zero! The beginning of all roads in Hungary.
    It says KM at the bottom.
    In Moscow there is also a zero KM near Red Square, but it has zero relation to the ZERO monument.

  6. 7 Gennady:

    I'll try to protect the number 0.
    The attitude of the respected author and many commentators towards zero (Hamcek was especially surprised and upset) inspired a well-known picture: ancient times, meadow, sheep grazing, night, a shepherd counting the stars - 1, 2, 3, etc. The shepherd associates stars and, probably, identifies them with numbers. There are stars - there are numbers. What if it’s cloudy and there are no stars? How many stars are zero in this case? What is this number zero? Since there are no stars, then there is no such number. Not a number, but an empty space, a vacuum. This is exactly what Hamcek writes - the void.

    But now we know that the number zero exists. They came up with the number 0 for him, and you can’t do without this number. Don't like the order of numbers on your computer keyboard: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0? Are the numbers not increasing? A zero at the end of the list spoils the whole picture, and does that mean the zero is somehow strange? No, there's nothing wrong with the zero, it's just that the numbers on the keyboard are placed incorrectly. Place zero at the beginning of the row if we want to rank the numbers. In this case, zero will rightfully take the leading place, zero heads the column of numbers, and it is from zero that the countdown of time at midnight begins. I am sure that zero will also lead the natural series of numbers. Not everyone agrees with this, but it is a matter of time.

    Let's take the ancient shepherd thousands of years into the future. Negative numbers have appeared, they are necessary, and everyone agrees with this, except our shepherd. He thinks in his own categories. Kolya has 3 apples, Vanya has 2 apples, but for some reason Masha has 5 apples. The shepherd will ask: “What happened? Has Masha already eaten her five apples or does she owe these apples to someone?

    If we add or subtract two numbers, the result is also a number, and that number may be zero. Zero is an even number and is divisible by 2 without a remainder (

    2 + (-2) = 0. What does this mean, what can it be compared with? I will use the allegories of the commentator Hamcek. Zero is neither matter nor antimatter, zero is the result of the annihilation of matter and antimatter, the result of the collision of a star and a black hole. Zero is an explosive number, it is the number of chaos, disorder, unbridled entropy. Therefore, zero is also a dangerous number. If zero is nothing, then this is a “nothing” that mathematicians will still struggle with in the 21st century.

    But you can divide by zero, why not? We get infinity, a transfinite number ( But we need to clarify, in accordance with the conditions of the problem or example, what kind of infinity we are dealing with. The minimum transfinite number is the cardinality of a countable set. Here we have to put up with, for example, the fact that the number of all natural numbers and the number of even numbers are the same. The next transfinite number is the power of the continuum. And here they will prove to us that there are as many points on the entire number line as there are on the interval (0,1).

    There is an infinite (apparently countable) set of transfinite numbers. And if we simply divide a certain number by zero, then uncertainty arises only in the sense that we need to decide on a transfinite number.

  7. 8 Alexander Berezhnoy:

    Zero is also the only number about which mathematicians disagree. Should zero be considered a natural number or not? At school they don’t consider zero a natural number, but in vain...))

FRIEND- "giving intelligence"

INDIFFERENCE- an act of a soul that does not have phenomena or certain abilities; a state of mind when everything is “equal”.

DIGNITY– achieving the value of any value.

HABIT– relationships in the joint life of inharmonious husband and wife; replaces happiness (see A.S. Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin”: “The habit has been given to us from above / It is a replacement for happiness”); human actions uncontrolled by reason.

Reflections on happiness, friendship, the frailty of A.S. Pushkin’s existence:

...She was always dressed in fashion and to suit the person; But, without asking her advice, the Maiden was taken to the crown. And, in order to dispel her grief, the sensible husband soon left for his village, where she was surrounded by God knows who, she tore and cried at first, she almost divorced her husband; Then I took up housekeeping, got used to it and became happy. A habit has been given to us from above: It is a substitute for happiness. Habit sweetened the sorrow, Not reflected by anything; The great discovery soon consoled her completely: Between business and leisure, she discovered the secret of how to autocratically rule a spouse, and then everything went smoothly. She went to work, salted mushrooms for the winter, managed expenses, shaved her lovers, went to the bathhouse on Saturdays, beat the maids in anger - all this without asking her husband. But her husband loved her heartily, did not get involved in her plans, believed her in everything carelessly, and he himself ate and drank in a dressing gown; His life rolled on calmly; In the evening, sometimes a good family of neighbors, unceremonious friends, would come together, and complain, and curse, and laugh about something... ...And so they both grew old. And finally the doors of the coffin opened before the husband, And he accepted a new crown...

...They got along. Wave and stone, Poems and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other. At first, due to their mutual diversity, they were boring to each other; Then I liked it; then they got together every day on horseback and soon became inseparable. So people (I am the first to repent) Nothing to do, friends. But there is no friendship between us either. Having destroyed all prejudices, We honor everyone with zeros, and ourselves with ones. We all look at Napoleons; There are millions of two-legged creatures. For us there is only one weapon; We feel wild and funny... (from the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin")

It's time, my friend, it's time! the heart asks for peace - Day after day flies, and every hour takes away a piece of existence, and you and I together We propose to live... And lo and behold - we’ll just die. There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will. I have long dreamed of an enviable share - Long ago, a tired slave, I planned an escape To the distant monastery of labors and pure bliss. A.S. Pushkin

What is happiness?.. - In the journey of life, Where your duty tells you to go, Don’t know enemies, don’t measure barriers, Love, hope and believe. A.N. Maikov

Earn your happiness

My wishes

I always want to get away from problems, To be satisfied with my life, So that they don’t touch me with anything, And they don’t do anything bad with revenge. I want the world to become kinder, so that wars and misfortunes end, so that Russia’s spirit becomes more cheerful, and all its misfortunes end! Vysotskaya E.O.

I waited so long, I was looking for a miracle, I knew that it would come, It would come from nowhere, Where you don’t expect it! And so a rush of passions, confusion of souls will come over very quickly, And I so want to glow, Like a ray of goodness, with the glow of souls! The soul, it is tender, fragile and brave, The soul sings and cries sometimes, She so wants warmth and faith, And, in general, good, good, good!!! Lyutikova O.

Oh God! What is happiness? And is there joy in life? Eat? And if there is, why do we need bad weather, Anger, evil, deceit, envy, flattery? “Oh, people, commit evil yourself, Deceit wells up in you! And in order to remove all this, Ask you to wash it with the Divine stream! Mardanova Aigul (13 years old)

I don’t need the treasures of the Shamakhan queen, I would like to drink water from a living stream, I would like to see how a flower lives by the road, I would like to run through the dew - my feet would not slip! Listen to the birds at dawn, like the cuckoo calling, This is the wealth of the earth - is this not enough? Is it possible to compare pearls, amethysts, With that clearing in the forest and the branchy birch tree? Will you become happier by wearing a necklace Not from your strong hands, but from glass stones? I want to see all the sunsets in the world, I want the children to be happy, so that their mothers rock them in their cradles, and save them, Lord, never lose them! So that they no longer cry at the grave, choking on the words: “Forgive me, dear!” There are no desires for others, only those that will help Strengthen my faith in Almighty God! It’s so good with God and my heart is at peace Here comes happiness, now I'm happy with everything! The heart has calmed down and does not rush out into the rain and wind in the autumn cold! No, I still have one more thing in my little box - A walk in the clearing hand in hand with my grandson! Zagorskaya V.F.

Mother who lost her son

You endured a lot, paid for a lot, Your eyes are too deep inside. You are a mother who raised her son, but he was taken away from you for his sins. And our Lord is Great, He will not allow the sincere torment of the soul, And he will forgive you a realized sin, Returning the child to the vastness of the Earth. And seeing a dove in the heavenly heights, You caress him in your soul - He is a messenger, he is a messenger from Above: That a son has been born, that he is already living! Uvakina L.M.

You know, my friends, how at night, in silence, I miss you! I write you winged letters, And I never expect an answer, Because I forget to send them. In them I write that I wish only good things for you, I kindle only care and warmth in my heart for you! Let our meetings be rare, But the feeling for you, friends, does not die - And I wait for the moment of meeting, So that our fire of friendship will burn brighter again! And the cry that Dumas brought to us was able to be confirmed again: “One for all and all for one!” – Friends can’t have it any other way! Smirnov V.D.

Happiness is in us

Where a huge green oak grew, Where there are centuries-old maple branches, On the banks of a wide river, In an unknown, distant country Once upon a time there lived a wealthy merchant And he dreamed of finding a casket. That casket is not at all simple, it contains light of happiness and peace of soul. And somehow he couldn’t resist And got ready to set off on the little road, Ordered him to pack for a hike, Build a huge raft. It didn’t take long for the raft to be built, it was well loaded with supplies, and early in the morning this raft set off on a hike with the merchant. And they sailed a little or a lot, Their road became worn out, And where the merchant did not visit, Everywhere he asked the question: “Has any of the people heard that there is a casket like a miracle?” No one had heard of such a thing, and a larger lump grew in my chest. Days pass and months fly by, It’s time for them to go back, Here at night a merchant dreams a dream, Which gives the king a big bow. This king says to him, as if God were sitting before him: “What are you looking for in these places? And do you know the fear of God?” And a thought comes to the merchant: He has come to God’s messenger... The merchant, worried, says: “I know the fear of what God commands.” That king said to him: “Look, merchant, that casket is sitting in you.” And then the raft swayed strongly, The merchant woke up in sweat, The merchant ordered him to turn home, And he himself thought: “What’s wrong with me?” And soon my dear home, the golden dome was already visible, everything in my chest began to tremble, the merchant then realized: “Wait... The casket was always with me, there is happiness in my soul, that’s peace!” We often look for everything by eye, Without thinking that happiness is in us! Rydkin A.M.

Father! You are great as the abyss May it always be so I thank the Universe that You have been in it for years

I am coming to You and this happiness It is always with me May You always be with me In bad weather and in peace.

Forgive and smile Talk to me - I'll be there - I want to write Your mind is dear.

Years will pass, but you will be pleasant to me because you gave me reason and strength and did not ask: “Why?”

I am coming to You, even though I am small, But I will grow up, I have a Father and a Mother, And there is nothing to moan about.

Well, your turn has come. Do your business, Now let the room be empty - But I’m not alone.

Thank you, thank you for understanding me And I still burn, I give you fire too! Solonina I.M.

In search of happiness...

We strive for happiness, but do nothing for it. We all think that someone will do it for us, and we will reap the fruits of their labor. It’s a sin to think so, but the majority are still from this circle, even when they know that without the application of their labor, their will, their desires and aspirations, nothing will happen, they sit, like Emelya on the stove, and wait for their pike. But this pike, first of all, must be caught, that is, some action must be performed, in response to which a response action will follow. How did we get to this point, why did we become so indifferent to everything around us? Is it really possible that everyone succumbs so easily to the temptation of the evil one? After all, even from infancy a person tries to learn, perform actions, sit down, stand up, take the first step on his own. Where does all this go? Why, with age, a person sometimes becomes further from the Father than he was at birth. And all this happens because we have little communication with the Father and do not turn to Him for advice. And sometimes, having turned, we do not try to hear His answer, but when we turn for advice the next time, there may not be an answer.

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones
From the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 2, stanza 14.
Ironically: about someone’s inflated self-esteem, about a disdainful attitude towards others. cm. We also all look at Napoleons.

  • - * It is also allowed to use week, month, year, century, thousand ** It is not allowed to use with prefixes...
  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - ...

    Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - A units of yourself. A.S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Zero man. Terent. See dozen man. See who shouldn't be worth a penny. See unit...
  • - Blessed is not the one who is smarter than everyone else, but the one who, being a fool, considers himself a wise man. Karamzin. Hymn to fools...
  • - See GOD -...
  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Every Demid strives for himself. Wed. Everyone lives by their own mind.....

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Everyone about himself, the Lord about everyone. Every Demid will make his own. Wed. Everyone lives by his own mind... everyone tries for himself, and the Lord for everyone. Dahl. The Tale of Shemyakin's Court...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - We consider everyone to be zeros, and ourselves to be ones. Explanation A. S. Pushkin. Evg. Oneg. 2, 14. Wed. Nullo numero homo. Cicero. Wed. Nullorum hominum homo. Per. Zero man. Terent. See Dozen Man. See: Don't bet on a penny...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See MIND -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Matryona's head is scary for everyone, but covered with splint - for everyone...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See SILENCE - NOISE -...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see: To please people is to kill yourself...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - I ask not everyone by name, but everyone...

    V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

“We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones” in books

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How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to talk yourself out of all troubles, from all enemies You have probably heard about some people say: “Nothing ever happens to him, he is under a spell.” We will teach you this conspiracy. He will protect you from any hardship and vain death. You need to get water under the bridge and go with

Love yourself, sneeze on everyone...

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Love yourself, sneeze at everyone... A real woman will not keep track of her victories - is she a fighter pilot? Svetlana Varguzova The easiest way to sleep with influential people and live comfortably is to spit on stereotypes, not try to please and be good. All of us

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

We honor everyone with zeros, / And ourselves with ones. From the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1823-1831) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), ch. 2, stanza 14. Ironically: about someone’s inflated self-esteem, about a disdainful attitude towards others. See also We all look into Zero-initialized allocation: calloc()

From the book Linux Programming with Examples author Robbins Arnold

Getting pages filled with zeros

From the book Linux Kernel Development by Love Robert

Getting pages filled with zeros To ensure that the resulting memory pages are filled with zeros, you must use the following function. unsigned long get_zeroed_page(unsigned int gfp_mask); This function is similar to the __get_free_page() function, except that after the page is allocated


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REVERING THE LAW Often at the beginning of a lecture I ask the following question: each profession has a characteristic essence: a pilot knows how to fly a plane, an actor gets used to the image of another person, becomes him; the architect must have spatial thinking, see what is still missing

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Love yourself, don’t sneeze at everyone... The easiest way to sleep with influential people and live comfortably is to spit on stereotypes, don’t try to please and be good. We were all raised wrong. You must..., you must... what people will think. And if people think, it’s because they’re bored

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Forgive everyone - including yourself

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Forgive everyone - including yourself Teresa Pushkar: We started talking about forgiveness. As far as I understand, forgiveness is a slow-moving commodity in our world, where everyone is for himself. We don't like to forgive that much. At the same time, we understand that by accumulating negative energy, we waste our vital energy.

Living water: for yourself or for everyone?

From the book “Secrets of the Eternal Book”. Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah. Volume 2 author Laitman Michael

Living water: for yourself or for everyone? It’s not for nothing that wells are dug in the desert. In deserted conditions. In the desert or in a field. And, as a rule, this well is closed with some kind of large stone that cannot be moved by one person; the efforts of several are required. Girls come to this

16. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time that he found out from the Magi.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 9 author Lopukhin Alexander

16. Then Herod, seeing himself ridiculed by the Magi, became very angry, and sent to kill all the infants in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time that he found out from the Magi. The atrocity of Herod, shown by him in the beating of the Bethlehem infants, is pointed out.

author Lopukhin Alexander

19. Bring also into the ark (of every livestock, and of every creeping thing, and) of every living creature, and of every flesh, two by one, so that they may remain alive with you; let them be male and female. 20. From (all) birds according to their kinds, and from (all) livestock according to their kinds, and from every creeping thing on the earth according to

1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things) that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind upon the earth, and the waters stood still

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle, (and all the birds, and all the creeping things) that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind to the earth, and the waters stood still “And God remembered Noah...” “Let us, beloved, understand these words in a godly manner, and not in that rude way.”

Who will praise himself the best...

From the book The Book of a Beginning Egoist. System "Genetics of Happiness" author Kalinsky Dmitry

Whoever praises himself best... He will become the most successful, beloved, happiest person in the world. Everyone is familiar with the saying: if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you. But alas, as practice shows, we do not know how to praise ourselves - we are even embarrassed. Then what about self-respect,

Life is not what happens to us, but how we act when something happens to us.

We all do it: turn ourselves into things. We turn things into ourselves.

Everything that happens to us now is a direct result of what we have done in the past.

If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Everyone has their own path, their own goal, but we all face the same end. All roads lead to nowhere. This means that all the joy and meaning is not in the goal, but in the road itself.

You need to learn the rules of the game. And then you need to start playing better than everyone else. Learn the rules and play the best. Simple, like everything ingenious.

How are husbands and wives different?
A wife is one who always submits.
And the husband is the one who is stronger than the elephant,
And she does whatever she wants.

We can all be deceived, it all depends on how much we are willing to be deceived and whether we actually want to know the truth.

The Internet, it doesn’t bring people closer together. This is a cluster of loneliness. We seem to be together, but each one is alone. The illusion of communication, the illusion of friendship, the illusion of life.