Losing money is a sign with a positive meaning. Don't think about material things: how to survive a loss of money How to survive a big loss of money

The law of money karma...

We are all familiar with the game from childhood when we had to answer the question: What would you do if you had a million? The children replied that they would spend a million on pleasure. As adults, we strive to put this fundamental desire into practice. However, having received one pleasure, we chase another. So life goes by in the hustle and bustle of vanities, and we, not quite understanding why we need to chase pleasure, never stop thinking about where to get money so that we can spend it on something later. So, the question “How to make a million?” still remains relevant, it remains to be seen whether you can make big money?


We all know the proverb “A penny saves a ruble.” But one of the monetary paradoxes says: too much strong savings lead to loss of money. In most cases, this fact is confirmed: hard saving always leads to new expenses. We fiercely bargain for pennies at the market, but suddenly we urgently need to invest money in unforeseen repairs or our wallet with a month’s salary is stolen in transport. The law of “counting pennies” always works the same way.

When we are talking about a large sum, there is no point in counting hryvnias. It would be more correct to round them. And then in our food consciousness money will be something integral. Many people now don’t charge a penny in large stores, and sellers often say that “it’s not necessary.” If you tensely count pennies, your subconscious mind gets fixated on little things and lets big money pass you by. When saving, the spring of the subconscious is strongly compressed, but one fine day a person “breaks down” and spends money on everything until he empties his wallet. Nobody calls for wasting money, you just need to handle it correctly.

Sometimes the wrong emotion can push money away from a person. For example, one of these days we are supposed to receive a large amount of money and already the day before we are rejoicing, anticipating that we will put the money in our pocket. But since too much premature joy is one of the hidden forms of aggression, it “repels” money that comes very close to him from a person. Until we have physically received the money, we cannot be sure that we have it. We can only be sure that tomorrow the Lord will feed us and give us everything we need.

Money is energy. When a person’s energy weakens, money goes away. What weakens energy? Negative thoughts and emotions. Upsets, stress, and grievances turn into layers of aggression in our subconscious, which, when compressed, suppress a person’s energy. To get rid of this negative energy substrate, the subconscious mind organizes a loss of money equivalent in size. At the same time, compressed negative emotions are removed from the aura, and the loss of money saves a person from illness or even death. Thus, money, above all, is a measure of a person’s negative energy. The more negative energy, the more money flows out, or the flow of money is blocked. We pay with money for conscious and subconscious aggression, as well as for bad karma accumulated in past incarnations.

Imagine a situation: a wife is offended by her husband. Her thoughts run in circles and she experiences a bitter feeling every time, but cannot get rid of it. And suddenly - an unexpected loss of money. The woman begins to worry about the loss and grievances, not supported by emotions, begin to fade. Unexpected difficulties enable a person to adapt to a difficult situation. In physical life, when a person cannot carry one bag, he is given half to carry. In the subconscious, it’s the other way around: whoever doesn’t want to carry one bag will carry two; whoever doesn’t want to carry two will carry three. And so on until the understanding appears: I’m doing something wrong.

Sometimes the lack of money can be explained by the fact that today's financial problems cure future possible pride or selfishness. A person cannot imagine this, but his Soul knows about it, and so that the person does not become worse, it carefully protects him from money. This is the law of earthly life: any possession increases pride and aggression. That is why people who wanted spiritual advancement renounced everything material. They wanted to avoid this increase in subconscious aggression. But the method of giving up material things worked in the era of Pisces. Now, in the era of Aquarius, it is unsuitable. In a new state of consciousness, a person must learn to own earthly goods without aggression. Therefore, the Heavenly forces are now training us for possession. Will every person be able to have blessings, but not have pride and aggression? By acquiring, we train to have. By losing, we learn non-attachment. And this happens until a person becomes almost indifferent to whether he has benefits or not.

People often complain that it is difficult for them to save money. No sooner had the money appeared than it immediately disappeared. And so on all the time. And the reason is that as soon as money appears, subconscious pride and aggression increase. Like, I’m so smart and entrepreneurial. (With money a person feels stronger and cooler). And increased aggression pushes away the money received. It is advisable to remember that we receive all the money thanks not to our mental strength, but to the power of God. And maybe understanding this will help you learn to master non-attachedly. Then you can do without losses. This will mean that we have managed to improve our karma.


Often the reason for lack of money is karmic debts. And the most severe obstacle to the arrival of money is the consequences of crimes accumulated in past lives because of money. If this happens, a person is born into a poor family or poverty follows him all his life. Today's material well-being, like many other things, is the exact total equivalent of everything that we created before. That's why It is very important to remove envy of others, resentment and a sense of injustice.

It turns out that our karma has a strict gold monetary equivalent and is expressed in how much money we have. Everything in the Universe is weighed down to the milligram.

If there are good and kind people in our environment who cannot improve their financial situation in any way, we should not feel sorry for them, we just need to help them. Helping those people who live in need helps to accumulate positive energy and create good karma.

Very often we meet people who are bad, undeveloped, selfish, but who have a lot of money. This fact often causes those who find it difficult to earn money indignation and resentment towards God and fate. From a false sense of justice, a subconscious thought arises: “Why do they have the money and not me?” And as a result of this thought, a subconscious desire arises: “Take the money away from them!” And then give it to me!” It is very important to track such a thought and understand that such people have money because they worked out their bad karma in past lives, earning money through hard work or living a forced life in a monastery. Such people either incarnate in a rich family, but do not know how to handle money correctly, or become swindlers “to whom money flows like a river.” In any case, money comes from positive material karma in the past. As they say, to each his own.

In most cases, the cause of a money problem is either a reluctance to work, or a person is depressed with a feeling of guilt, or filled with extreme pessimism, or in a state of depression, apathy towards everything. But all these external reasons have one true reason - such a person has bad karma. It gives rise to fears and pessimism, apathy and bad inclinations. If we try to “stir up” such a person and beg him to work, he will not budge precisely because bad karma is holding him back. The most important thing for him is to start fighting the negative thoughts and feelings that he has in abundance. The energy of positive thoughts will accumulate slowly, so it will not immediately outweigh the negative baggage. The process may take years, but every effort will bring you closer to the moment when a person finally sheds this baggage. Thus, through desire and knowledge, any bad karma can be transformed. To set this process in motion, the first step must be taken, namely: do at least something. And then the energy of God will work through you.

Another subconscious cause of money problems is the implicit human egoism regarding money and work. People are busy looking for a job that requires a minimum of effort and brings in the most money. This approach to work completely contradicts the law of the Universe, which states: “If a person works for the Lord, then he receives everything from the Lord.” If a person does not want to work because he is convinced that money is evil, then he will never have it. The accumulation of negative energy prevents the arrival of money. There are other obstacles. When a person has a great desire to get something, it “drains” mental and nervous strength. And then the subconscious organizes a defense in the form of a sharp repulsion of what a person really wants.

What settings will be correct for our subconscious? Only the thirst for too much is contraindicated, and the need (for food, a comfortable environment, training) is always legitimate in the Universe. And first of all, developmental evolutionary needs are fulfilled. Heaven itself will allocate funds for them, and the excess will be wisely limited by nature. Wrong desires are not true needs, but they are also fulfilled, bringing pain, illness and problems to a person. The conclusion is this: if you desire wealth, then even the money that you could actually get is blocked. If you want to satisfy your immediate needs, then, on the contrary, money comes easily and naturally from the Universe.

What kind of work will not be good and will not bring money? If someone’s soul, as they say, hurts, this is a sure sign that he is not doing his own thing (the soul knows everything about everything), that is, he is not fulfilling his karmic task. If you are burdened by any relationship, feel free to break the burdensome ties. If you go to work as if you are going to hard labor, quit this job. If you earn money with great effort, wearing yourself out physically, psychologically and spiritually, this is a clear sign that you are earning the wrong money in the wrong way.

The law of money karma says: “Do what you do best and easiest, but do it diligently and with all your might.” In this case, money is earned easily and joyfully; it literally finds a person. If this is necessary for the realization of karmic goals, the Subtle World will provide prosperity.

Everyone has lost money at least once: it could be theft, forgetfulness, or an impulsive, expensive purchase. And everyone experienced this loss in their own way. The site learned how to approach this issue correctly and with minimal harm to oneself from psychologists Svetlana Morozova and Anetta Orlova.

Psychologist Svetlana Morozova believes that in the modern world, money often becomes an end in itself, and this deforms life goals and, as a consequence, a person’s quality of life. Because in essence they are just a resource that a person can use to achieve any goals. As soon as a person ceases to perceive money as a resource, the idea of ​​financial well-being becomes self-sufficient for him. And how a person defines the meaning of money for himself determines his attitude towards losing it.

Everything I have

If having money is an end in itself, then the loss of a large amount (regardless of the reasons: theft or irrational spending) will cause powerful experiences comparable in strength to the emotions of losing an important object in life. The person will experience a strong sense of fear, deny what happened, fall into despair, and feel like they are in a hopeless situation. But the essence of the experience is not suffering, but rethinking and understanding the events that happened. Consequently, a person who has experienced a loss becomes able to evaluate his actions or decisions differently. This means that next time he will be more careful.

Renewable resources

There is no need to be nervous: stress can leave a much stronger negative impact than losing a certain amount of money

If money is regarded as a resource, then an objective assessment of the situation will help to survive the loss. First, you need to simply count to ten (this will help you calm down) and sort out the situation, advises Svetlana Morozova.

Firstly, any resource can be replenished: if you managed to earn money before today, then you can continue to earn money in the future. Secondly, the situation must be accepted. If nothing can be changed and returned, all that remains is to move on. Psychologist Anetta Orolova also advises to calm down and understand that there is no need to be nervous: after all, stress can leave a much stronger negative imprint than losing a certain amount of money.

Thirdly, it is in our own power to ensure that this situation does not happen again in the future. Promise yourself that you will be more careful next time that you will think about an expensive purchase for several days (buy an item only if you think for several days that you really need it). Next, you will only need to restrain the communication given to yourself.

Svetlana Morozova

Practicing psychologist with additional specialization “social educator”, certified psychologist-consultant. Graduated from the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named after. Raoul Wallenberg. Author of a number of publications on various problems of preventive medicine. Practicing for 5 years.

Runs a private practice.

Anetta Orlova

Psychologist, candidate of sociological sciences.

Head of the School of Interpersonal Relations.

Writer, TV and radio presenter, frequent guest of television programs and magazine expert.

Difficult situation

If you find yourself in a crisis situation (for example, you have lost a large amount of money intended for an operation), do not be afraid to ask others for help. It is important not to indulge in grief and remember that such a possibility always exists. In any situation, there will be people ready to help you (friends, relatives, colleagues, and sometimes complete strangers).


All people have lost something at some point. So if you find yourself in a similar situation, don’t dwell on it, but try to look at it differently, advises Anetta Orlova. For example, there is an opinion that a loss promises a major gain in the future. Let's call this the law of balance of humanity. It’s not for nothing that we say that dishes beat for happiness.

Real stories

Hope:“My friend’s dog got very sick. The dog suffered greatly and required expensive treatment. He was placed in a special nursery, which cost incredible amounts of money at that time.

If I didn’t buy anything with this money, then I didn’t need it!

The family had a hard time getting them, but he did not give up the fight for the life of his pets. A year later, the dog recovered, gained weight and now regularly becomes a father. The family is selling puppies and does not regret that at some point they had to significantly reduce expenses to help the dog recover.”

Faith:“My friend was recently in Edinburgh and bought her husband a very expensive angora sweater. She rushed around the store for a long time with a centimeter: measuring the length of the sleeve, neckline... Then she had to put all the purchases on herself, because the airline had strict restrictions on the weight of luggage. And after all these ordeals, the sweater did not fit - it turned out to be much larger than needed. The friend didn’t get too upset: now she had a reason to visit the city she liked with her husband.”

Marina:“A couple of months ago, 6,000 rubles were stolen from me. Pulled out of a wallet in a large shopping center. Moreover, the thief took money out of the wallet and returned it back to the bag. I was incredibly happy about this circumstance, since I still had my bank card! There were only 300 rubles left on it, but I was able to withdraw them and get home. I wasn’t particularly upset because I’m convinced that it’s pointless to suffer over losing money. After all, you can always earn them again! And if I didn’t buy anything with this money, it means I didn’t need it. But be that as it may, now I watch my bag more closely. And I don’t keep the money all together, but put it in different pockets.”

Losing money is not such a bad omen. Find out what to do and what to prepare for if you drop or lose coins or bills.

In the article:

Losing money is a sign of receiving benefits

It is difficult to find a person who has never lost money. Of course, such incidents cannot but upset. It is especially offensive if the amount was large. Signs of money loss speak not only of banknotes accidentally missing from pockets. They also concern stolen funds, which is also not uncommon. There are many ways to lose money, but according to legend, they all mean the same thing.

In the old days they said this: if you lost it, you will soon find twice as much. This means that losing money is a sign of profit. Most likely, new opportunities will soon arise or a profitable one-time income will appear. Money is not always meant here. You can receive another gift from fate - love, mutual understanding, luck and luck or health.

In order to guarantee the return of money or other benefits that will replace them, you can read the conspiracy. This is done immediately after you discover the loss. You cannot read this plot if you have been robbed or robbed:

Go, come back and bring your friends with you!

There is one more sign. If you lost money, you will gain what the person who finds and appropriates it will lose. Perhaps this is another reason not to raise money on the street.

If you lost your wallet in your house or car, this indicates serious expenses in the near future. Most likely, they will be unreasonable or forced. If losing money is a good omen, then losing a wallet promises difficulties and problems, usually of a material nature.

At the same time, it is known that finding money is a twofold sign. In the old days, it was believed that such a find promised prosperity. If you have been praying for money, this is for you - your prayers have been answered. Now everyone knows that with the help of coins they cause damage and transfer illnesses and life difficulties. Signs about finding and losing money have something in common - the larger the amount, the greater problems or rewards await you.

However, if you lost money, but then found it and are completely sure that it is your money, you can pick it up. This portends good luck. The greater the amount of money lost and then found, the greater your success will be.

Losing money is a sign of the favor of the Universe

It doesn't really matter which pantheon you prefer. Perhaps you believe that God gives good luck and other rewards, or maybe you believe that fate gives gifts Universe- a formation operating according to certain laws. Losing money is a good omen, which means that your requests have been heard and your wishes will soon come true. Probably, in this way he “bought off” you from serious problems.

That is why knowledgeable people say in such situations, turning to the Universe: thank you for taking it with money. It is known that after losing money you should expect something positive - good luck, improved health or relationships. Sometimes new money comes in return. It’s as if the Universe takes payment for its gifts, and it’s good if it chooses money - it’s a renewable resource, you can always earn more. You can lose something more valuable than banknotes. Be happy that you are healthy and happy. Don't be discouraged and the money will come back.

If you went for any purchase, most likely, higher powers are trying to dissuade you from it. Perhaps the product is not of good quality, or maybe there is another reason. Think again - do you want to spend your money the way you planned? Many people had to abandon their plans due to losing money along the way, and they did not regret it, avoiding problems with goods or services. If you have lost your finances at home or in a car, this is a warning that the planned expenses will not bring happiness.

If you asked for something from higher powers through prayers, rituals or spells, losing money means that your witchcraft will soon come true. The fact is that any forces, both good and evil, may want payment for their help. This is especially true if your ransom, demand or other type of offering turned out to be insufficient. Beginning magicians often forget about the need to make offerings to the forces they are addressing. If the latter are favorable, they take the payment themselves. This is a good sign - you were accepted and forgiven for the mistake you made.

Sign - losing money as a fair punishment

Losing money is a generally positive omen. But this is not always the case. If you have lost a large sum of money, experienced a robbery or become a victim of theft, think about whether you have committed unfair or even evil actions in order to gain profit? If the answer is yes, this is most likely your punishment.

Not a single crime in this world goes unpunished. If you have not repaid your debt, left a friend without financial assistance even though you have good financial resources, or do not help poor relatives, perhaps the time has come to learn to live according to your conscience. Remember that neither greed nor ill-gotten money brings happiness. Your money has gone to someone who needs it more than you and also truly deserves help from the Universe. Don't get angry, try to understand and correct your mistakes.

In addition, serious losses may indicate evil eye as a result of envy. This is especially true if you regularly lose small or medium amounts of money. You can find out using diagnostics. There are simple rituals that can be performed at home.

In general, the sign of losing money in most cases foreshadows good luck. This will come in handy after such an unfortunate incident, especially if the amount of money was quite large. But sometimes a belief has a negative or instructive meaning - the Universe can punish in this way for bad deeds.

Sometimes people face financial loss. The reason for this may be sudden dismissal, theft of property or business failures. Of course, it can be a shame to suddenly lose a source of well-being or part with a large sum of money. But find the strength and worldly wisdom to come to terms with the loss and move on.

Losing a large amount of money can cause you to lose your sense of stability and confidence in the future. For example, you had certain plans for your savings, but now they are gone and you don’t know how to get out.

Financial setbacks can cause a lot of stress for someone who has lost money and affect not only your mood, but also your health. Agree that due to financial failuresYou shouldn’t risk the most valuable thing you have - your well-being.

Release your emotions

Don't keep negative emotions to yourself. If you feel bad, cry. It's good if you have a good friend or relative to whom you can complain. Talk to a loved one, you will feel better.


Calm down

Try to objectively assess the scale of the disaster. Perhaps you are exaggerating, and in fact everything is not so bad. If you cannot influence the events that burst into your everyday life, then you have no choice but to calm down and move on with your life.


Believe in your own abilities and encourage yourself. Remember difficult situations from which you found a way out. Memories of your successes will give you strength and help you cope with losing money.

Get over your mistakes

Calmly analyze the events that led to financial losses. Your task is to understand what actions, principles or views you need to adjust so that you don’t get such a sad picture in the future.

Once you clearly understand what you did wrong and what you could have done better, you should feel better. Soon the feeling of anxiety will pass.

Optimism will help you cope with difficulties

Of course, this is not easy, but still try to find the positives in the current situation. Believe me, they definitely exist, even if at the moment you cannot see what good the loss of money has brought with it. Perhaps, without financial misfortune, events would have developed according to an even worse scenario, and your guardian angel would have saved you from big losses.

There is no doubt that you can become stronger, wiser, smarter and even richer after suffering a loss. Often, a sharp deterioration in their financial situation stimulates people to take actions that they would not take in prosperous times. And then these people get back on their feet, find themselves and find true happiness.

Take action

Develop a plan to minimize the damage your financial loss will cause you. Find a way to protect and grow your remaining funds, or find a new source of income. See the situation as an opportunity to improve. Focus on your career or finally decide to start your own business. Maybe the idea of ​​taking a financial risk while losing money doesn't seem very good to you. But sometimes people, having seen how fragile material well-being can be, more easily decide to take daring steps.

Even those who do not usually experience financial difficulties are occasionally struck by the thought that things could be going better. Moreover: with age, worries about this become more and more, and at some point the thought that “there is absolutely no money” begins to ruin life.

And, as a rule, it’s not about the fact that we don’t have a roof over our heads or have nothing to eat. Most of the time, we worry about small problems, such as lack of money for a vacation or a new phone. These experiences cause stress, lead to health problems, and prevent you from soberly assessing the situation and taking reasonable steps.

This problem has two components: psychological (stress from which we cannot get out because we let the situation take its course) and financial (unwillingness or inability to manage a household budget, lack of reasonable savings and the presence of a large number of loans). Let's deal with them separately.

Dissociation: Stress Management

There is nothing wrong with stress in itself: it is a natural adaptive reaction to changing environmental conditions. So we shouldn’t consider it a curse of modern civilization: we have the power to use the energy of stress to achieve our own goals. The dissociation technique will help you do this.

It is especially effective if you are troubled by memories of a mistake you made. The essence of the technique is to imagine how the current situation looks from the outside. To do this:

1. Find a place where no one will disturb you for 10-15 minutes.

2. Sit down and take the most comfortable, relaxed position.

3. Revisit the traumatic memory. Imagine the situation as a picture. Try to make it as bright as possible.

4. Find in the space where the stressful situation occurred a point from where it is convenient for you to look at what is happening from the outside. Mentally move to this point. From it you should see everything, including yourself, from the outside.

Regularly working through difficult experiences will help you develop the habit of automatically managing stress.

5. Transform the situation so that it ceases to be traumatic for you. Remember this picture.

6. Recall the original traumatic situation and imagine a new, transformed picture next to it. Start moving your mind's eye from one picture to another. Gradually increase the speed of moving your gaze between two pictures and bring it to the maximum. Spend as much time as necessary on this work.

7. Open your eyes for 3-5 seconds, then close your eyes, relax and remain in this state for 2-3 minutes.

Take a slow, deep breath and open your eyes. Remember the original traumatic situation and feel how your attitude and state towards it has changed. Regularly working through “difficult” experiences will help you develop the habit of automatically managing stress without the participation of consciousness and easily getting rid of negative emotions. As a result, only an emotion-free experience will remain, which brings only benefits.

5 principles for achieving goals

Once you have learned to cope with stress, you can move on to developing a skill that is at the intersection of financial and psychological components - the skill of correctly setting goals.

When talking about our global goals (financial, professional, family), we often indulge in daydreaming and have our heads in the clouds. But only a clearly defined goal can be the first step towards turning your dream into reality. A well-formulated goal:

  • helps you focus on achieving what you want;
  • serves as a source of inspiration, moral and physical strength;
  • allows you to determine what is priority and what is secondary;
  • helps you make smart decisions on the way to realizing your dreams.

Five basic principles will help you move from thoughts and words to actions:

1. Life is under control. A clearly, clearly and concisely set goal makes it possible to set the right direction of movement.

2. Finding the meaning of existence. The implementation of clearly formulated plans helps make life interesting and varied.

3. Gaining confidence. Setting a goal gives you the opportunity to gain confidence in yourself and your future. The most effective way to do this is to make plans in writing (it is important to try to avoid the word “not” as much as possible) and record their implementation.

4. Transformation of the “impossible” into the “possible”. A clearly formulated goal allows you to outline steps towards its implementation, which significantly increases the chances of its implementation.

5. Gaining faith in success. To achieve your intended goal, you need to not only believe in the result, but also imagine that it has already been achieved.

Competent financial management

We spend the best years of our lives at work, but for some reason the money we earn through hard work does not always bring pleasure, or even “slips through our fingers.” Here's what you can do to avoid this.

1. Keep records of income and expenses

When you clearly know where the money is going, it gives you confidence in the future. You can maintain a budget either in a notepad or Excel spreadsheet, or in a special application.

2. Learn to save

A number of techniques allow you to make the process of creating a financial airbag a habit:

"10% of income." When you receive any amount, set aside 10% of it. Can't save 10% right away? Start with at least 5%. The main thing is to start.

"Plus 10." Start saving: today 10 rubles, tomorrow – 10 rubles more, and so on. In a month you will accumulate 4,500 rubles, and in a year – 54,600 rubles.

"Cup of coffee." On average, a cup of coffee costs 100 rubles. Set aside this amount every day, as if you were spending it on a cup of coffee. You can save 3,000 rubles in a month, 36,000 rubles in a year.

3. Invest

Having created a minimum safety cushion (monthly expenses x 3), you can start investing. Instruments can be different: bank deposit, bonds, shares, mutual funds, compulsory medical insurance (unallocated metal account), IIS (individual investment account), real estate.

4. Learn to save

Doing this is not as difficult as it seems:

  • reconsider the costs of housing and communal services: buy energy-saving light bulbs, install meters, fully load the washing machine;
  • get rid of bad habits and impulsive purchases - this will preserve your health and save significant amounts of money;
  • do not get into debt and do not take out loans unless absolutely necessary.

And one last thing. Assess your financial situation today: is everything really that bad, or are many of the problems far-fetched? Remember and write down what you have achieved so far. List everything, even seemingly insignificant facts. Be grateful to yourself for everything you have been able to achieve. Feel free to feel successful - this will give you enthusiasm and give you the determination to take action, gain financial freedom and stop worrying about money.

About the authors

– financial consultant, business coach, project expert "Financial Health", consultant-methodologist of the Project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

– psychologist, trainer, polygraph examiner, profiler, specialist in using hidden human capabilities in business and personal life.