Travel to the 19th lunar day. Nineteenth lunar day: advice from an astrologer on a difficult Spider day. Love and relationships

Name - "Spider", "Network", "Satanic Day".

The day of karmic trials and purification of the soul turns a person to morality and conscience. Next to a person with a pure soul, other people will also become purified. It is useful to think about your actions, get rid of lies, pride, other people's thoughts (since we often think not with our own thoughts and about what is not characteristic of us) and obsessions. You should turn to your conscience and, at least mentally, sincerely repent of your mistakes and learn from them. It is useful to sit by the fire, light a lamp, and walk around the house with a candle. But you need to take into account the position of the Moon: if the Moon is in a fire sign, it is better to clean the house in a different way - light incense, surround it with a illuminated object, read prayers, etc. The day of astral cleansing of the subtle bodies of a person. It is useful to apply the "flows" technique. Favorable for creativity. People say that “Spider-Man” is a loner who may be capable of creative thought taking off. It is best to stay at home on this day, or be alone in nature. If this is not possible, reduce, if possible, your communication with other people and postpone making important decisions. A dangerous and difficult day. Having become entangled in any connections, vices, or affairs, a person can become increasingly immersed in this karmic “net.” You cannot borrow and repay the debt on this day (“debt network”). You need to be very careful with all the new trends and plans and undertakings that you learn about on these lunar days. This could be simple seduction. It's easy to become obsessed. You shouldn’t offer other people something new either - you can get confused in your obligations. The day is dangerous due to spiritual intoxication, splitting of consciousness, poisoning of the flesh and feelings. You need to try to get rid of negative feelings: resentment, anger, envy, irritation, etc. It is bad to swear and show pride. These days can be chosen by magicians for black magic actions, so people should be attentive to any external influences. Envy and slander can significantly complicate your communication with people and slow down (if you are their source) your spiritual development. You should refrain from any undertakings, obligations, or signing contracts, since the danger of deception or major complications in the future is extremely high. Quarrels may arise with children, acquaintances, even with pets. Sometimes disagreements with former friends or previously unresolved issues and matters return: this means that you can try to resolve them again, showing prudence. You cannot get married or visit with alcohol on this day (misfortunes may be attracted). The day is especially difficult for weak people; they may need care and spiritual support. But if a person is selfish and opposes himself to everyone, he will be punished for pride, sometimes precisely in the 19th ld.

Health- vulnerable places in the human body on this day are the appendix, rectum and sigmoid colon. From the 19th ld. The navel and the energy center Hara (“spool”) are connected. If on this day you feel pain or heaviness in the navel, it means that you have entered the “astral network”, since through this channel all kinds of evil spirits can enter our subtle bodies. An attack of appendicitis or constipation on this day are bad signs. They make it clear that it is time to start cleansing your soul and body, that you carry many harmful thoughts within yourself. Cleansing the Flesh (physical) body of a person will contribute to the cleansing of the Navy (astral) body. On these lunar days, the intestines and rectum are cleansed. It is useful to help the human flesh body by communicating with the elements of Nature. Illnesses of this day, with the right attitude, are not dangerous and will soon pass.

Nutrition- on this day it is favorable to eat round vegetables (for example, cabbage, turnips, potatoes), fasting or at least a lighter diet than usual is favorable. Although it is on this day and others like it that even pure people are drawn to try foods with the qualities of “tamas” (darkness, ignorance), that is, dead or narcotic. It is important to resist temptation and pass the test.

Conception - By conceiving a child on this day, you take a risk. He will have amazing personal charm and attraction, but will lead a closed and lonely life. If you attract a high Soul, the child will be distinguished by great honesty, humanity and justice. In the worst case, he can be a selfish heartthrob and a sadist. Incarnate warrior will be distinguished by great vitality, the ability to self-heal, and a tendency to take risks (but he may be cruel and incapable of mercy), weighing will be distinguished by great hard work (but the question is - will he be kind and generous to others?). Be very attentive to each other on this day - any negative manifestation of feelings increases the risk of attracting a low soul.

Birth - On this day, highly moral souls can be born, bringing goodness and light to the world, modest, capable of self-sacrifice. But they will be lonely, since only people who are pure in soul and heart can understand and appreciate them. Single creators may be born, living a special life and being understood by few people. In the worst case, insidious, cunning, but smart people are born - skillfully weaving their networks and enjoying their intrigues and intrigues. People with weak character will simply become losers. The parents of a child of this day of the Moon should cultivate in him the best, brightest traits of his character and teach him to cope with negative manifestations of human nature. The most important thing will be to develop not the mind (a developed mind will be given to a child from birth), but kindness, modesty, decency, mercy and other best human traits characteristic of High Souls.

Dreams- may soon come true, especially if the dream repeats itself after three days. But often on this day there are empty dreams. Dreams scare us, we should not take them to heart, it is advisable to forget quickly, think about something good.

Stones- Labradorite, jet (Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn), morion (Cancer, Aries):approx. Vedana: Attention! Morion is not suitable for any living person, be careful with this stone, it was previously used by magicians to leave this world. Living people, having this stone, will die; hematite (Cancer, Scorpio), peridot (Pisces), uvarovite (Sagittarius, Leo), green garnet (Aquarius, Scorpio).

Day of deception. It is better to stay at home and not communicate with anyone, even by phone. It is believed that only “vampires” are active on this day. Do not enter into family unions. It is dangerous to poison yourself or accidentally poison someone else through food or spiritual deception. You can't sort things out. Beware of drunks and liars. We receive reward for pride. The day of our delusions and mistakes. You can't make decisions. It is useful to sit with a candle or lamp.

20th lunar day

Name - “Eagle-vulture”, “Eagle with a crocodile tail” (this name denotes the combination of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius). The sign of Sagittarius indicates the presence of the energy of Jupiter: it is no coincidence that the eagle is found in many coats of arms, including the Russian one. The eagle is an image of spiritual (religious) achievement. Last trine.

A serious and interesting day: a time of spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts, ascension, and knowledge of cosmic laws. After a day of cleansing the soul and thoughts, the transformation of a person begins. If the day before a person was able to cleanse his body, feelings and thoughts, he can gain clairvoyance on this day of the Moon and learn cosmic laws. The best day for spiritual insight, it is good to study sacred texts. But it is better to perform spiritual rituals (practices) under the guidance of a Teacher. It’s good to be at home, take care of household chores, family, and the customs of your people. But social activities can also be very successful: new things to do, trips, communication, overcoming the machinations of ill-wishers. New offers may appear related to business expansion that will improve your financial situation (for example, offers from foreigners). Communication with superiors and public figures is favorable. The day of making important decisions and getting rid of doubts. The day of a person's victory over himself.

Dangers twentieth day of the moon: pride and arrogance, anger and grumpiness. A difficult day for those who did not carry out self-purification the day before, who are not engaged in their own self-improvement. On this day it is better for such people to do simple household chores. If you do not fully control the energies of the day, it is better not to start any business, as they may go beyond your control. Especially when you are not confident in your abilities, because then the business you started can transform into something completely different.

Health- a very important day for health, it is called by healers the “Circle of Life”, since all energy connections in the human body are involved. This day is associated with such organs of the human body as the shoulder blades and upper back (where the eagle has wings), as well as the peritoneum. The heart center - Anahata (Persian) - is associated with these lunar days. Improper use of the energies of the day can lead to increased blood pressure and even loss of consciousness, there may be numbness in the hands and pain in the shoulder blades, discomfort in the back (as if you are carrying a stone on your back or someone is sitting on you). Numbness in the neck or some part of the back may be a sign that a person is not living correctly. On this day, you should not perform extrasensory treatment if you do not have a lot of experience - it is easy to become exhausted, giving away too much of your own vitality, and the consequences of treatment can be unpredictable. You should not strain your eyes; the illness of this day may drag on.

Nutrition - On this day, even meat-eaters should refrain from eating animal food. The lighter, cleaner and fresher your foods are, the better you will feel. This day is favorable for fasting or a fasting diet.

Conception - a child conceived on this day will constantly try to achieve the impossible and learn everything. Whether this will succeed or not depends on the level of development of the parents and on the qualities and abilities with which they will attract a new soul into their family and on how they raise their child, as well as on the character of the child himself. Either transformation and spiritual achievements await him, or anger and other base character traits will prevail, then there will be falls and collapse of hopes. For such a person, a lie will be tempting and therefore dangerous, since it is equal to spiritual suicide. Parents should not lie on the day of conception. But it is better not to take any risks on this day, since the energies of the previous “Satanic day” still exert their influence.

Birth - a person born on this day lives in constant anticipation of a flight; he is prone to astral travel (in the Nav body). The people of this day of the Moon are very different. The best of them are devotees who sacrifice themselves for the cause. They live in anticipation of a feat and their time (like people of the 14th ld), they are able to learn cosmic laws and feel these possibilities within themselves: they have been preparing for something great all their lives. The worst of those born on this day are people who want to rise above others at any cost (selfish, proud, family tyrants, dictators of society and others). Often they are sure that they know everything, they can carry a false idea, blindly believing in it and deifying themselves, that is, they become false teachers. If the level of development of the parents allows, they will devote their entire lives to ensuring that their child with a bad character and evil disposition nevertheless cultivates the best traits and moral values. Having such parents for children born on this day of the Moon is a great happiness, a gift from Heaven.

Dreams- unreliable, but can happen (especially if the weather is bad in the morning). On this day, many may be able to “order” themselves to sleep at will.

In a dream, you are able to solve serious problems and make long journeys in the subtle world. Lucid Dreaming Day. We can dream about a distant friend and say something that we cannot say in life.

Stones - red jasper (Virgo), rock crystal (Aries, Leo. Virgo), jadeite (Virgo).

Overcoming doubts, finding a core in the soul and in life. Longing for flight, for lofty thoughts and ideals. Dedicated to solving problems. Strengthen the home, take care of sick and needy relatives. Find the spiritual core of love. Sexual energies are seething, creative ones too. A great opportunity to see everything from the height of an eagle. Assess the situation, understand what needs to be adjusted. Everything will work out, you just need strength. Feel free to tackle all matters. Decision day. But you can’t be proud!

21st lunar day

Name - “Horse”, “Herd of Horses”, “Chariot”, “Day of Winged Horses” - these horses carry a chariot on which the planets of the day sit. In Ancient Greece - “The Day of Pegasus”, riding which Perseus freed Andromeda. This is the “Day of Mithra” - an astral warrior who sacrifices himself, defeats his base beginning and melts it into a highly spiritual one. Mithra kills the bull - an image of darkness and the abyss. While the bull is alive, it represents a danger, but when destroyed, it becomes the material from which Mithra creates new worlds. Mithra, sitting on a horse and killing a bull (darkness) is the image of the victorious Yarila-Sun. This is the day of all Centaurs, that is, horse warriors (in Ancient Rus' they were calledPolkanami- “half-horses”).

The day of courage, daring, voluntary sacrifice, renunciation of property, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to achieve victory, as well as fearless movement forward upward. A day of restructuring, activity, creativity, sports competitions (best of all - running). The day of astral warfare, chivalry, quixoticism. For every person there is an opportunity to become better, to show their best qualities, and is favorable for overcoming physical and spiritual infirmities. A transformation of a person’s inner world is underway, you can engage in self-esteem and change (purify and enlighten) your carnal nature. You need to be completely pure (physically and mentally), honest and fair. On this day you can make a promise of fidelity, take responsibility; It is favorable to engage in matters related to the fulfillment of one’s own duty. People are advised to “form herds” - conduct common activities, make joint trips and travels. It is on this day of the Moon that you can change your type of activity, move to a new job, or hit the road. New opportunities may emerge related to rethinking the past and successful plans for the future. Friends and employees on this day are honest and ready to provide selfless help. You can improve your relationship with them. The day is favorable for making proposals, as well as for achieving success or agreement. Creative and sexual possibilities increase. The instinct and ability of foresight are sharpened, the will is strengthened. Successful for trade and economic affairs, preparing products for storage. What was missing that day will soon be found. It is better to spend this day in the fresh air, working and exercising the body, having fun with loved ones and friends. It is good to wear light-colored clothes, especially white or golden colors.

On this day you cannot lie, break oaths (and it is better to never give them to anyone at all), leave those in need without help, be dirty, indulge your whims, laziness and selfishness. Not a very suitable day for prayer activities. It's bad to be alone on this day. It is worth paying more attention to the negative assessment of your words and actions by other people, maybe they are right. Even if you are confident that you are right, think: what reason did you give for such an assessment? Maybe you are flattering yourself by deceiving yourself?

Health- the day is associated with the hematopoietic system, in particular with the liver. On these lunar days it is necessary to cleanse the blood. Loads on the liver are contraindicated; it is better to strengthen and nourish it. It is advised to engage in physical exercises - this way you can get rid of infirmities and diseases. It’s good to walk on this day in the snow, on water after rain, on dew, on mown grass or just on clean earth - this will give additional vitality. You need to be in the fresh air as much as possible, breathe clean mountain or forest air, it’s good to be in the wind. Swimming in cold water will help transform a person’s inner nature. The day is favorable for healing. It is associated with the energy center Sahasrara (Thousand Petal Lotus) - a spring that is responsible for communication with the Cosmos, cosmic energies and the spiritual egregor of a person. It is beneficial to focus on the “Lotus” and reflect on what information and what forces we receive through it from the Cosmos. If a person does not engage in self-improvement and does not change, this leads to liver dysfunction (even hepatitis) and blood diseases (including deterioration of its composition and changes in blood type).

Nutrition- on this day it is useful to drink herbal infusions and decoctions that will help cleanse the blood, and also help the liver (for example, a decoction of chicory and dandelion roots). It is good to eat carrots, beets, cranberries, rowan berries, and pomegranates.

Conception - On this day, both the soul of a fighter for justice or a warrior, and a blind fanatic can be attracted. The best qualities of this person can be a sense of duty, honor, justice, desire for exploits and chivalry. Dangers will constantly await him, but patience and hard work will help him overcome them. A person must be kind, otherwise cruelty and rudeness will overcome him. And the soul of a poet can also be attracted.

Birth - the best of the people of this day are fighters for justice, honest and pure knights, people who are strong in spirit, defenders of the weak (warriors and knights). Those born vesyu (farmer, artisan, family man) will be distinguished by hard work and creativity, patience and restraint. In the worst case, blind proud people may be born on this day, who do not notice anything or anyone in their desire to achieve their goal. For this, they can “trample” others and walk “over corpses.” Selfishness will be justified by them with lofty goals and lofty words; they are unlikely to notice that they have become indomitable scoundrels. Parents should teach their child to direct their strength and energy to creative, noble goals, to teach them to fight destructive manifestations of selfishness (which are in the nature of every person and are called “eggchore”). This becomes possible if the parents themselves lead a moral lifestyle, setting an example with their actions, and are ready to learn together with their child from a worthy teacher.

Dreams- dreams of this day mean nothing or are false. Don't attach much importance to them.

Stones- pyrite, zircon (Aries, Aquarius), aventurine (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo), obsidian (Capricorn, Leo, Sagittarius).

Giving up something for the sake of the future. Gaining internal energy using one of the methods that we recommended. The best day to change something in life. Invite guests. Exchange experiences. It's good to work together in a big company. Good shopping. Connection of energies, their multiplication, accumulation. A wonderful day for love. Developing loyalty to the cause and constancy. It’s good to gather in groups and discuss common problems. Successful transition to a new job. Don't start anything alone.

The nineteenth lunar day is difficult and dangerous. Its negative energy cannot be described in any way. The atmosphere today is very tense and you can practically feel it in every cell of your body. All the darkest sides of his essence awaken in a person, so on these days you need to control yourself like never before.

Today there is a danger of being drawn into some kind of adventure. Serious conflicts may occur that will have unpleasant consequences in the future. On this day, energy vampires become active. Contact with them on this day will be especially dangerous. You don’t even need to communicate with such people over the phone. Any contact with them is harmful to health.

Guardian angel of this day Falam. This is the Angel of promises and compromises. He reconciles old enemies and does not allow a quarrel to arise again. Falam sends inspiration to people and helps them achieve success in new endeavors.

General characteristics of 19 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active.
  • Symbol of the day: spider and web.
  • Element of the day: water.
  • Stone of the day: green pomegranate, uvalit, and.
  • Color of the day: blue, cyan and its shades.

The 19th lunar day is a magical time and the magic of this day can be called dark. Today, esotericists do not advise meeting new people, staying in dark rooms, walking in the evening and at night, and communicating with energy vampires. People deceive each other and try to drag each other into adventures. A person himself can engage in self-deception.

If self-esteem is too high, then failures and misfortunes will haunt him throughout the next period. Today, because of one wrong action or wrong deed, all the efforts of the previous time can go down the drain.

On this day you should not succumb to any negative emotions and show negative aspects of your character. Selfishness, aggression and the like - all this will return to a person like a boomerang. The way he treats others today is the way he will be treated in the future.

The energy of the 19th lunar day makes a person sad. Because of this, he wants to drink so that he doesn’t feel so sick. If you pick up a bottle today, you can soon acquire such a harmful addiction as alcoholism. Another feature of the 19th lunar day is that a person experiences suicidal thoughts. Melancholy makes you want to give up your life, so today you need to drive it away from yourself, but under no circumstances drown it in wine.

People today will be aggressive towards each other. A scandal can be provoked by just one wrong word or a sideways glance. You need to try not to get involved in a quarrel. Any conflict can end badly.

You can use this day to cleanse your body, soul and home. Then the day will pass normally. The most favorable will be purification by fire. You need to light candles in the house all day long. You can also use a lamp. Jumping over a fire will cleanse a person's aura.


It is difficult to imagine more unlucky days for love than the 19th lunar day. Today you can’t have dates and it’s best to stay as far away from your loved one as possible.

You cannot have a wedding on this day. If you get married today, one of the spouses will become dependent on the other, with which he will very much disagree. He will have the feeling that he is under arrest.

Since such dependence will not satisfy one of the spouses, he will constantly try to get rid of it. Because of this, scandals will constantly arise in the family and soon it will fall apart.

Women need to be especially careful these days. Today maniacs will become more active, and irreparable things may happen.

Household chores

On the nineteenth lunar day, you can do household chores of any severity. General cleaning and energy cleansing of the home will be useful.


Farmers need to pay close attention to these days. You can perform any manipulations with the upper part of the plant. The roots must be handled more carefully, because any damage to them can lead to the death of the plant.


On the 19th lunar day, it is useful to cleanse the body and start playing sports. You can go on a diet. Today it is imperative to exclude flour, meat and dairy products from the menu. If there are problems with nerves, then you need to visit a psychiatrist. Today there is an opportunity to get rid of mental problems and health problems. The body's endurance increases, and it can withstand any illness. If the disease does occur, the treatment will be successful and quick.

Today it is not recommended to take medications unless they have been prescribed by a doctor. You should take medications only when absolutely necessary. Traditional medicine is also not recommended. Today the stomach and intestines are vulnerable.

Work, money, business

You need to work as usual on these days, but it’s best not to start new things. There is also no need to use innovative methods in your work. Every step today needs to be carefully considered.

It is best to postpone financial matters. There is also no need to make deals. This is not the time to sign important documents.

In the morning hours, there is an opportunity to get sponsorship or ask your boss for a salary increase.

Today you cannot repay debts. It's better to do it tomorrow. If you pay off your debt this day, you will have to borrow again very soon.


Haircut on the 19th lunar day is unfavorable. A new hairstyle will slow down the growth of the strands. Hair cutting can also worsen a person's health. A hairstyle done on this day will cause illnesses.

Characteristics of people born on the 19th lunar day

A birthday on the 19th lunar day endows a person with talents. People who were born on this day have principles. They are selfless and highly moral.

People born on the 19th lunar day are fighters who are trying to improve this world. They bring light and goodness to him. People born today usually do not find understanding in society. They often remain loners for the rest of their lives.

On this day, people are born who are constantly engaged in intrigue. They can even turn to black magic to cause damage or bewitch. What kind of character will be formed in a person who was born on this day depends largely on the clan into which he was born.

Dreams on the 19th lunar day

Dreams on the 19th lunar day are often very scary, but they do not make any sense. Nightmares are sent to people today by evil spirits. There is no need to try to interpret them. Even a dream book will not help you do this, because such dreams are complete nonsense.

Good dreams seen on the 19th lunar day tell a person that the good aspects of his character dominate the bad.

A dream you had today usually doesn’t mean anything. Only sometimes does it matter. The message of dreams can be a reflection of the soul. Perhaps the dream speaks of phobias, the dark side of a person, unsatisfied desires and the like. To interpret them, you need to listen to yourself. Intuition should show what higher powers wanted to convey to a person.

The 19th lunar day is difficult to survive. Try to abstract yourself from the surrounding reality, drive away negative thoughts and emotions. Then not everything will be as scary as it seems at first glance.

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Theory and practice of cleansing from sexual relations on the 19th lunar day

The time has come for you to cleanse your consciousness.
And they came to the point of purging the former. Some have heard of this technique, others have not.
Some did this ritual, others did not. Some people believe in this - some don't.
This is very deep work. But it's time to start somewhere.
Now we have such a time that there are no prohibitions on sex, there are no boundaries, we are convinced that a woman should please her man, try everything. In fact, of course, there are prohibitions. There are laws of life, there is higher knowledge. If a woman allows debauchery in her life, this very destructive energy is stored in her womb. This leads to female diseases and affects the morality of the children she is about to give birth to.

There are techniques for cleansing from all former men. Even if he was the only one. Even if there were a lot of them. Today we will concentrate on cleansing ourselves from the past.

Some women believe that the more men there are, the more successful their lives are. True, this knowledge is not for everyone. The majority will respond to this knowledge.

When we are young, we are not interested in this. But they are interested in completely different things. Having gone through pain and suffering, we look for how to help ourselves. Because we are young, we don’t understand a lot of things. We should have been taught this. But you see what has happened to our culture. Therefore, we should learn this ourselves.

We will do the practice of cutting off sexual relations.

Cleansing is a little different: on the spiritual, energetic and physical plane.

The lower chakra is the gateway for all energy. This is a place of power. During sexual contact, a connection with a man is formed. A woman gives energy to her partner - unconsciously. This energy is not stored in the physical womb, but on the subtle plane, in the subtle body. After 7 years, these energy connections fall apart, provided that you do not feed him with emotions, memories, grievances, if you cannot forget him. Of course, we need to work with this. But

You can literally cut off all sexual ties in an hour.

Even after “one time”.

And the strength will begin to accumulate and be restored automatically.

Why do many people get married 2-3 times, or were there many men? Because there is no happiness. Because she married the wrong person. Because you don’t have the strength to attract your own, the ideal one, which was created for you.

And the more experienced a woman is in bed, this works against her. A worthy man who will be faithful, supportive and in joy, looking at a woman experienced in sex, thinks, “My God, where did she gain experience? How many men did she go to bed with before me?” This disgusts him. “Experience” is admired by those men who want to enjoy a woman’s body, to take pleasure in irresponsibility - that’s all.

For those who still want to give birth. Look at this situation from the other side. The womb will one day become a “baby house.” To give birth to a full-fledged, healthy and morally adequate child, the uterus must be healthy, strong and clean. Healthy, strong and clean. What if there are energies of depravity there?.. Former men leave in the womb information about their karma, their illnesses and information about their level of consciousness. All this information will be passed on to the unborn child. It would be good if the men were more or less normal and decent. What if they are some lustful scoundrels? All this dirt is transferred to the baby.

Therefore, many dysfunctional children are now born, even morally sick ones. Women with extensive sexual experience can even be infertile and have enormous problems conceiving a child. If you want to attract a new man, it is better to clear yourself of your ex-men. So that even from the first man there would be no information left. “Of course” is not cleared.

The true path of a woman is purity, love and respect.

When she walks this path, you cannot imagine how life bestows upon her great feminine happiness. Relationships emerge that are based not only on sex, but also on tenderness, fidelity, respect and love.

By the 19th lunar day (if you wish, do it on the waning day, and repeat on the 19th lunar day).

This practice stops the uncontrolled flow of energy through energy channels to former sexual partners.

Now decide on the man (or list of men) for whom you will perform the practice.

Turn on quiet music, tune in to your inner work and imagine yourself from the outside.

You are standing, and opposite this man. Your ex-man.

Look where the energy channel connects you.

It can pass at the level of the navel. May occur at the level of the heart.

See this connection with your ex-man...

Now imagine that you take big, big scissors and cut this energy channel.

And it seems to fall: one half - to you, the second - to this man.

You take matches and burn the remains of this channel both for yourself and for him...

Imagine the ashes being carried away by the wind...

Now contact this person. Even if you don't remember him or don't see his face, you feel that it is him and he hears you.

Tell him:

I came here to say goodbye to you.

I'm sorry. And I forgive you. I thank you for the experience.


Imagine that you are turning away from each other and going in opposite directions.

If he doesn't leave, you can tell him whatever you want.

You can imagine him waving at you and walking away. You are leaving each other. And you feel that this connection is no longer there.

This is where the practice ends...

Brief summary

You see that practice takes literally a couple of minutes. Now we tried it to learn. It works in full - you can do it all in literally half an hour.

1 We prepare a list of all men.

2 We do it one by one. One by one. One came - they cut off the connection, told him everything you thought. Onward with the next one.

3 Let's re-hair.

4 Burn with matches.

5 We say words.

6 We turn around and leave.

Clarifications on practice

In general, the practice is 100% successful on the 19th lunar day. Every lunar day is responsible for something. On this day it is better to cut off sexual relations.

How to make sure that this connection exists? A man and a woman connect through different energy centers. They can be connected at the level of the heart - then the connection is especially felt.

If you don’t remember some... by name or don’t remember their faces, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to feel that it’s him.

If your partner has already died, or was raped, represent him. What level of human consciousness cannot even be called a human, the animal level. Even if we died, then we are all eternal souls, our subtle bodies do not disappear anywhere. The physical body just dies. We communicate on subtle planes. You definitely need to cleanse yourself of this.

If sexual intercourse was protected, sex is an exchange of karma. You will never protect your subtle bodies. It's a subtle connection.

If the uterus is removed, energy accumulates in the subtle body. In any case, we are talking about subtle plans.

How do you know if a practice worked? Feels like it. If you feel great affection, love, if the relationship was long, or vice versa - strong hatred - you need to repeat it.

- How many times to practice- with each one once, then you will feel that for this reason the man wants to repeat the practice. Depending on what the relationship is, it may not let you go the first time.

If the connection is heartfelt, your heart may hurt when working through it. There was a strong love, the man leaves and leaves. This connection is at the level of the heart chakra. Such a state - we want to close ourselves, our shoulders shrink, we close ourselves, we want to cross our arms. And we close our hearts. It hurts. Because the connection remains. We may not feel sexual connections, but they still exist.

Matches, of course, are conditional; they are a delicate work at the level of our imagination. We do not see the subtle world. But we can do the job this way.

If there was no sex, only kissing - no, here is only what happens after sexual contact.

If during practice you feel connections in all energy centers, we will also re-cut your hair.

Men feel when connections are blocked. They may start calling, they will want to renew this energy intake.

The attitude “I won’t cut my hair because I want my ex back” generally prevents a woman from meeting a new man. When we say this, we are limiting the actions of the Universe. Moreover, we act against the laws of life, and this does not give a positive result in our personal lives. You can be happy not only with him, but also with others.

Based on the audio recording of "Happy Women's Club"

The birthday fell on the 19th lunar day. For those born on the 19th lunar day, fate is unlikely to be good, especially for the proud. You came into the world to show heroism and overcome pride.

It is difficult for such people every 5th lunar day - at this time they are weakened and they do little. Relationships with those born at this time are also extremely difficult.

Those born on this day usually live in wealth and luxury. Their home is unlikely to become scarce. They easily achieve success and are often the pride of the family.

They have poor ability to be active in business (catching up is not their strong point), difficulties with objectivity in assessments, loyalty to principles and duty, and avoiding obstacles. It is difficult to test your capabilities and lay the foundation, to launch significant plans, difficulties with improving activities of any kind and developing business skills.

They are often at risk of loneliness. On this day, in the worst case, insidious people are born, cunning people, flatterers who skillfully weave their networks, or losers, or creators - loners, not understood by the world. However, you can significantly reduce or even completely get rid of the negativity of the 19th day if you cultivate high moral qualities in yourself and in life be a selfless, modest person who brings goodness and light.

On this day, highly moral souls can be born, bringing goodness and light to the world, modest, capable of self-sacrifice. But they will be lonely, since only people who are pure in soul and heart can understand and appreciate them. Single creators may be born, living a special life and being understood by few people. In the worst case, insidious, cunning, but smart people are born - skillfully weaving their networks and enjoying their intrigues and intrigues. People with weak character will simply become losers.

We all come from childhood and the influence of our parents and their upbringing leaves an imprint on our entire future life. The parents of a child of this day of the Moon should cultivate in him the best, brightest traits of his character and teach him to cope with negative manifestations of human nature. The most important thing will be to develop not the mind (a developed mind will be given to a child from birth), but kindness, modesty, decency, mercy and other best human traits characteristic of High Souls.

On the 19th lunar day, as a rule, highly moral, selfless, and multi-talented people are born. These people can follow both the higher and lower paths of development in their lives. The highest path is that they will be single fighters with a high and pure soul, bringing light and goodness to the world, but often they are not understood and not accepted by people, since they behave in their own way, they are original and original in your understanding and manifestation of love and kindness. The lower path is deceit, intrigue, weaving networks and traps, seduction and causing damage. By the way, people on the 19th day often have magical abilities, but, alas, they most often use these abilities not for good, but for harm. If such a person follows the lower path of development, then he may turn out to be a liar, flatterer, intriguer and insidious seducer. Often, people living according to the minimum program turn out to be “unrecognized geniuses,” lone creators, embittered at the whole world. But as soon as such a person takes the path of good, everything in his life begins to change for the better.

In any case, these are very capable people, gifted, with many talents, and they can make both black magicians and highly spiritual doctors and healers.

Such people often become drunkards: alcohol has a very bad effect on them. They need to know this and avoid intoxicating substances at all costs.

A person was born in the third quarter of the lunar cycle. Evening of the month - "Diana". I came to this world to give away the energy of experience and knowledge accumulated in previous incarnations, to physically act, to work and receive material results, to receive appreciation for my work.

Those born in the 3rd quarter are “adults”. Their soul had time to gain impressions and experience in the past and came into the world as a “school graduate” entering the adult world - to work, earn money, start a family and be realized in society in every possible way.

Their emotions are often superficial, they are already seduced, they already have understanding, sophistication, and the ability to maneuver; in the worst case - cunning, deceit; at best - a very strong need for emotional return, a craving for interaction.

Before going anywhere, they read the instructions and consult with senior comrades, but they make the decision themselves. They value their neighbor's advice, but are enraged by direct instructions on what to do.

People of the third phase, in the worst case, react painfully to every word and cannot calmly perceive anything; verbal abuse, bickering, emotional fussiness, restlessness, talkativeness, instability, sanguine temperament, superficiality begin; a person needs social contacts to compensate for his emotional imbalance.

The quality of life of those born in the 3rd quarter, like the quality of life of “adults,” depends only on themselves, and on the “education” received in past incarnations and whether it was received. It depends on who the person born in the 3rd quarter will work: as a sleeper, or as a minister. The best partners and life companions for people of the third phase are considered to be those born in the first phase of the Moon.

Which famous people were born on the 19th lunar day? On this day such famous people were born as:

  • Louis Armstrong jazz musician (birthday August 4, 1901);
  • Vasily Lebedev-Kumach - songwriter (birthday August 5, 1989);
  • Vera Zasulich - revolutionary (birthday August 8, 1849);
  • Alexander Glazunov - composer (birthday August 10, 1865);
  • Mark Knopfler - musician (birthday August 12, 1949);
  • Mao Zedong (birthday December 26, 1893);
  • Alejandro Toledo - ruler (birthday March 28, 1948);
  • Aleš Hrdlicka – founder of the magazine (birthday March 29, 1869);
  • Dmitry Filatov - founder of the direction (birthday February 12, 1876)

The 19th lunar day is a day of negative and heavy energy. This is a period of testing the soul for restraint and a positive attitude. Today it is very easy to ruin your karma if you respond to aggression with aggression.

Affairs. You shouldn't take on new projects. It is advisable to engage in routine current affairs or plan future activities. It is better to postpone all collective affairs until a more favorable time. It’s good to relax on this day, especially in nature.

Job. The day is suitable for solving ordinary problems and issues. It is not recommended to start new projects, especially if their success depends on a group of people. During this period, conflicts and differences of opinion are possible, so it is worth postponing the start of a large-scale business to another time. You can discuss minor work nuances with your superiors. It is better to wait a while before changing your job. This is a good time for solo business trips.

Housework. A favorable day for small cleaning, decorating the premises, rearranging small pieces of furniture. It is not recommended to engage in larger tasks due to the low energy of the day - you may not have enough strength for them. It’s good to come up with and make a decorative element with your own hands today. Such decorations will bring positive energy into your home.

Money. Small transactions with money are allowed: small purchases, obtaining a mini-loan. It is better to postpone significant financial expenses. It is especially not recommended to manipulate large amounts of cash - theft is possible.

Love, relationships. It is not recommended to conflict with your significant other on this day. After all, the relationship will then have to be restored for a long time. To do this, be patient in the dialogue, do not provoke quarrels yourself and do not give reasons to start them. If you don’t feel strong enough to act as a peacemaker, stay alone and don’t communicate with anyone.

Communication. Unfavorable day for communication. It's better to spend it alone. During this period, hidden aggression may emerge, and any conversation risks developing into a serious test of the relationship. You should not meet new people or touch on difficult topics to talk about. Emotions will overflow, and not everyone will be able to contain them.

Trips. During this period, the Moon patronizes travelers. Therefore, you can safely go on any trip - for work or for leisure. The journey will be easy and will leave behind positive memories. If no movements are planned at this time, take a spontaneous one-day trip outside the city into nature.

Haircut and hair care. The 19th day of the lunar calendar is an unfavorable time for a haircut. It can cause illness. It is recommended to dye your hair only in a color close to natural. It is not advisable to experiment with your hairstyle. It's better to just comb your hair and leave it loose.

Beauty and health. On the 19th lunar day, any cleansing procedures for the face are favorable. On this day it is recommended to minimize physical activity. You are allowed to have a little “celebration for the belly” - cook and eat your favorite dish. You can drink alcohol in moderation.