The essence of A. Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush”. Comparative characteristics of Nikolai and Vera Almazov. Nikolai Diamondov will enter the burning hut...

A remarkable Russian classic who brilliantly succeeded in both short and long stories (just remember “Shulamith”), A. I. Kuprin was born in 1870 into the family of a hereditary nobleman. A man who sincerely loved his homeland survived a difficult emigration. In 1936, he was allowed to return to Russia, but the writer did not find the strength to recover from his experience, and in 1938 he died in Leningrad. The best years of my life occurred at the turn of the century. There was talent, a desire to write, there were friends and family. A. I. Kuprin, a lover of life and an unusually prolific writer, was incredibly popular in the years during which his work flourished. Being well-known to the Chekhovs (at one time he courted the playwright's sister Masha, and even competed in this enterprise with his friend Bunin), the talented prose writer well learned the classic's advice on the brevity of the narrative as an indicator of talent.

Nikolai Almazov is a typical intellectual

Nothing is said about her husband’s appearance in Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush,” but Verochka is described as a beauty. She is active, she has a beautiful, nervous face. There is no doubt for a second that she madly loves her husband. If a woman is close to her loved one, she is usually happy. Beautiful, loving and loved, very energetic, resourceful and enterprising - these are the characteristics of Vera Almazova.

Her beloved husband, one might assume, was also handsome - after all, for some reason she loved him so selflessly. A. I. Kuprin describes in two phrases an indecisive, lack of initiative, subject to decadent moods. An irritable alarmist - this is a brief description of Nikolai Almazov. Although, how not to panic when the title of a qualified engineer is under threat, and with it the hopes for a decent, comfortable life. Everything was difficult for him. He failed the entrance exams to the General Staff Academy twice. If it weren’t for my wife, there would have been neither a second nor a third (successful) admission. Nikolai and Vera Almazov - clearly not in favor of the first.

There are people for whom everything is harder than for others, and this does not develop fierce enthusiasm in them, but, on the contrary, plunges them into despondency. But, obviously, he is kind, in his own way he recognizes the primacy of his wife. Everything rests on her. It’s as if the difficulties are spurring the wife on; she feverishly searches for and finds a way out of the current situation.

He will enter the burning hut...

The comparative characteristics of Nikolai and Vera Almazov do not indicate that they are antagonists, but that they rather complement each other.

The story begins with the arrival of an extremely upset husband home - he can barely wait for the moment when his wife opens the door for him. He falls into a chair, clenches his hands until they crunch, throws his briefcase, scatters the drawings. At this moment, life is over for him or has passed him by. He takes his irritation out on his wife. And so, obviously, it was always or often, because the author talks about the habit developed by Verochka of meeting troubles with a cheerful smile.

Although the lieutenant is obviously a talented person. The last, final drawing of the area, according to experts, was made excellently, it is superbly colored (illuminated), but the trouble is, at the last moment, a tired diploma student at 3 o’clock in the morning puts a green blot. Trying to remove it makes it even worse. To somehow get out of the situation, he draws bushes in this place. But if he had immediately turned to Vera for help, maybe everything would have worked out, because her secretary talents are enviable. Throughout all four years of her education, she was her husband's right hand. The difficulty is that the teacher to whom the drawing was handed over did not believe in the existence of bushes at the site of the blot, since he knew the area, according to Nikolai, “better than his bedroom.” Word for word, and in the presence of a large number of people, Nikolai was offered a trip to the area the next day early in the morning. The lieutenant faces the bleak prospect of a shameful return to the regiment, the impossibility of receiving an education in the near future, and a public accusation of lying. Nikolai sours, suffers, mutters and is inactive.

Cell of capitalist Russia

The comparative characteristics of Nikolai and Vera Almazov do not humiliate the husband - he is who he is. It’s just that Nikolai would not have succeeded without Vera, at least as a specialist. It was she, Verochka Almazova, who stirred him up, forced him to tell him everything, came up with a plan, collected and pawned her jewelry, including the family diamond ring. It was she who found the gardener, persuaded him, convinced him to get the workers up at night and plant bushes on the site, covering them with turf so that everything looked natural. Vera disturbed everyone with her fussiness, so she wanted to carry out her plan. Everything worked out. The manager became convinced of the existence of the bushes and apologized, explaining everything as forgetfulness due to old age. The next day, this young woman, who is fully characterized by typical Russian selfless sacrifice, looked out for her husband (it was absolutely impossible to go with him), instantly understood, felt immediately that everything would be fine from then on..

An amazing story - capacious, interesting and endlessly sweet.

Everything ended great

A very short story (only 4-5 pages) “The Lilac Bush,” published in 1894, clearly demonstrates Kuprin’s skill as a short story writer. Describing just a day in the life of a small (he and his wife) family of a lieutenant, the story presents a fairly clear picture of that time - relationships between people, Russian characters, the purchasing power of the ruble, finally. A laughing couple walking down the street, holding hands, causing surprise to passers-by, stands before the reader’s eyes. A suburban street (because the object depicted in the drawing was obviously located outside the city), a young engineer and his beautiful wife are wandering along it. They are happy. Having imagined this, we can make the first comparative characteristics of Nikolai and Vera Almazov. The family laughed at home too, looking at each other and at the same time remembering the same situations of what happened.

Nikolay Almazov Verochka Almazova
Character Traits
  • Dissatisfied, irritable, weak, cowardly, stubborn, purposeful.
  • Failures made him insecure and nervous.
Gentle, calm, patient, affectionate, restrained, strong.
Characteristics Helpless, passive, wrinkles his forehead and spreads his arms in amazement, overly ambitious. Accurate, resourceful, active, fast, active, decisive, absorbed in love for her husband.
Faith in the outcome of the matter Unsure of success, cannot find a way out. I am confident in the success of the case and hope for a good outcome. In any situation he can find a way out.
Family relationships Completely follows his wife's instructions. Feels responsible for her husband and his future. In difficult situations, he takes leadership upon himself.
Actions He resorts to deception to achieve what he wants.
  • She refuses everything necessary in order to create maximum comfort for her husband.
  • He finds a way out of the situation: to justify the spot on the site plan with lilac bushes.
Reaction to luck I didn’t fully believe in my wife, but in the end I was happy that my dream had come true. I fussed for a long time until I realized my plan
Quotes that describe the character and actions of the hero
  • “...he angrily poked the briefcase with the drawings...”
  • “The ugliest pedant there is in the world, and a German to boot.”
  • “During the entire conversation, he pulled out burnt matches from the ashtray in front of him and broke them into small pieces, and when he fell silent, he angrily threw them on the floor.”
  • “She learned to face every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face. She denied herself everything necessary in order to create comfort for her husband, although cheap, but still necessary for a person busy with heavy work.”
  • “She went with her husband out of town, all the time while the bushes were being planted, she fussed hotly and disturbed the workers, and only then agreed to go home when she was convinced that the turf around the bushes was completely indistinguishable from the grass that covered the entire saddle.”
  • Nikolai Vera Portrait of heroes There is no description of the heroes in the story. Kuprin, it seems to me, deliberately avoids this method of characterizing characters in order to draw the reader’s attention to the internal state of the characters and show their experiences. Characteristics Helplessness, passivity (“Almazov sat without taking off his coat, he turned to the side...”); irritation (“Almazov quickly turned to his wife and spoke hotly and irritably”); displeasure (“Nikolai Evgenievich wrinkled all over, as if from [...]
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The theme of human relationships, happiness, and love is very close to Kuprin. The story of a separate family, where they are used to solving problems together, pushed the author to the idea of ​​the work. In Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush,” the characters are faced with a serious problem, which is solved thanks to the wisdom and love of Verochka, the protagonist’s wife. The description of the main character, her quick, informed decisions, desire to achieve an ideal result, and dedication are the most important scenes in the story; they reveal the secret of a happy relationship. The author does not directly characterize Verochka; her actions very clearly reveal the inner world and spiritual qualities of a woman.

Characteristics of the characters “Lilac Bush”

Main characters

Almazov Nikolay Evgrafovich

For two years in a row, a young officer has been trying to enter the academy. In the third year, having passed all the exams, he failed the last project. The professor turned out to be a good expert on the landscape, and Nikolai’s tricks did not help correct the mistake. Thanks to his wife, the day after the failure he proves to the professor the presence of bushes. He apologizes, and Almazov is accepted into the academy. A hardworking, persistent, diligent young man wins thanks to his wife’s faith in him and her wisdom and resourcefulness.

His wife, Vera

His wife Verochka is Nikolai’s true friend and assistant. She believes in him, helps in preparing for exams, makes drawings, spends family funds based on the needs of her husband. Smart, kind, selfless woman. Her wisdom helps her husband out when his latest project fails. She offers to plant bushes where he indicated them on the drawing (due to a stain of green ink, Nikolai depicted bushes, but the professor argued with him that there was no vegetation in that area). A wise wife sells her last expensive things to a pawnshop, the couple buys lilac bushes from the gardener and plants them that same night.


German, excellent specialist, excellent teacher, principled, honest person. Almazov calls him a monstrous pedant. The professor apologizes to the young officer, citing his age. He tastes a lilac leaf, wondering how he didn’t notice the bushes before. Lilac becomes a symbol of a young family, the favorite flower of Nikolai’s wife.

Minor characters


The main characters of “The Lilac Bush” are united by a common goal, but morally and intellectually the woman prevails. She is spiritually stronger, calmer, wiser than her husband. She is the guardian angel of the family, its foundation. It is noteworthy that the man himself is to blame for the problem with the delivery of the project. His wife helped him with the theory and drawings, but he made a “blot” with green ink and tried to erase it, which completely ruined the work. At this moment one can feel the irresponsibility and immaturity of the young officer’s action: such an attitude towards the final work is unacceptable. Nikolai is exhausted by exams, nervous tension, and an overwhelming academic load. Only his wife’s faith and perseverance saves him from breakdown; he cannot betray her hopes. Kuprin writes about true, sacrificial love, capable of devoting oneself to another person and dissolving in him. Such a family is doomed to be happy, because the idea of ​​the story was taken by the writer from personal experience.

Nikolai Almazov, image and characteristics of the hero of Kuprin's story Lilac Bush.

General characteristics. Nikolai Almazov is the main character of the novel “The Lilac Bush” by A. I. Kuprin a.

This man is a diligent family man who respects and loves his wife. From early childhood, Nikolai dreamed of studying at a military academy, for this he worked diligently and persistently.

He can be called an easygoing, hardworking person. Nikolai can also be described as a conscientious and honest person.

After he deceived the professor, he regretted it for a long time. Nikolai's negative qualities are his temper, cowardice, irritability and pessimism.

Behavior. At the beginning of the work, Nikolai looks tired, depressed and sad. After yet another failed exam, Nikolai Almazov reveals himself to the reader as a rather nervous and impulsive person. Out of indignation, he often wrinkles his forehead and spreads his arms to the sides, thereby showing his helplessness.

Family relationships. Nikolai is married to Vera Almazova. Vera is a wise girl, unlike Nikolai, she always believes in a favorable outcome of any matter. There is nothing negative in the family relationship between Vera and Nikolai; Almazov always treats his wife simply and even a little instructively. However, having suffered another setback, Nikolai obeys his wife in everything and follows her instructions.

In a situation where Vera offered to plant lilac bushes overnight, it should be noted that Nikolai did not shift all the troubles of the upcoming work to his wife, but forgetting his pride, went with her to the pawnshop and to the gardener. This act can characterize Nikolai Almazov as a person who is ready to fight for his reputation and family happiness.

Role in the plot. During his next attempt to enter the academy, Nikolai completed assignments for the drawing exam. All night Almazov designed the building plan, but in the morning a spot miraculously appeared on the drawing, which the young man had to disguise as lilac bushes. The academy professor, having seen the drawing, did not want to accept the work, noting that there were no lilac bushes in the given area. In this difficult situation, the young man showed resourcefulness, imagination and ingenuity; he began to argue with the professor and defend his work.

The examiner did not have a long discussion with Nikolai and announced his intention to check in the morning whether there were lilac bushes near the building. Returning home in a depressed state, Nikolai turned to his wife Vera for help. Once again, the wife found a way out of the situation by proposing to plant lilac bushes overnight in the place where they are shown in Nikolai’s drawing. During the night, the lilac bushes were planted, and Nikolai’s exam paper was successfully passed.

Comparative characteristics of the Almazovs in Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush” and received the best answer

Answer from Liudmila Sharukhia[guru]
A.I. Kuprin received a military education and himself served in the army for some time. Therefore, he knew first-hand the life and life of Russian officers. He reveals the story from the life of the family of officer Nikolai Almazov in the story “The Lilac Bush”.
Nikolai Almazov studies at the Academy of the General Staff. It is very difficult, there are difficult exams, and due to an accidental mistake, the young officer found himself in a difficult situation. It is necessary to justify yourself to the professor, but how? Nikolai believes that everything is lost. He is completely crushed by this failure and responds sharply to his wife. “It was clear that this strong man wanted to cry. He is afraid of the upcoming shame: “In a month again to the regiment, and even with shame, with misery.”
This is not how his wife Vera perceives everything that happened. She generally has a stronger and more decisive character: it was thanks to her tenacity and persistent support that Nikolai managed to enter the Academy. They are not rich, and Vera “denied herself everything necessary” in order to create the possible comfort for her hard-working husband. She suffers for him, but is quickly and decisively ready to act to rescue Nikolai from an unpleasant situation. She comes up with an idea to plant lilac bushes and justify the spot that has appeared on the terrain plan.
Having collected the last of the family's valuables, she pawns them at a pawnshop and uses the proceeds to buy lilac bushes from the gardener. Her husband could not persuade her to stay at home, she went out of town with him, “fussed around heatedly and disturbed the workers,” and did not calm down until everything was planted. She perceives her husband’s victory as her own, forcing him to tell everything in the smallest detail, being interested in all the details. The heroes walked home, “holding hands and laughing incessantly.”
Of course, the power of love helped Vera do everything for her husband to overcome adversity. Her character is more energetic and active. “She learned to face every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face.” She is selfless and faithful to her love, and for Nikolai Almazov it is a great happiness that such a faithful and devoted person is in his life

Reply from Egor Kolokolov[newbie]

Reply from Yeginka Igumnova[newbie]
Almazov: “...he let go of the briefcase, which fell to the floor and opened, and he threw himself into a chair, angrily crunching his fingers folded together...”
“Almazov quickly turned to his wife and spoke hotly and irritably, as they usually say, expressing a long-held resentment.”
“...he angrily poked the briefcase with the drawings...”
“He did not resist, but continued to look into the corner with an offended expression.”
“The ugliest pedant there is in the world, and a German to boot.”
“During the entire conversation, he pulled out burnt matches from the ashtray in front of him and broke them into small pieces, and when he fell silent, he angrily threw them on the floor.”
“... Nikolai Evgrafovich widened his eyes.”
“...his face shone with the triumph of the victory.”
“He’s a nice professor, and such a smart guy. Really, I'm sorry that I deceived him. One of the best professors we have. The knowledge is simply monstrous.” “She learned to face every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face. She denied herself everything necessary in order to create comfort for her husband, although cheap, but still necessary for a person busy with heavy work.”
“...suddenly Verochka jumped out of her chair with an energetic movement.”
“... Vera objected, stamping her foot...”
“She went with her husband out of town, all the time while the bushes were being planted, she fussed hotly and disturbed the workers, and only then agreed to go home when she was convinced that the turf around the bushes was completely indistinguishable from the grass that covered the entire saddle.”
“The next day Vera could not sit at home and went out to meet her husband.”
“And they walked home as if there was no one else on the street except them: holding hands and laughing incessantly.”
“...the husband and wife suddenly laughed at the same time and looked at each other”