The theme of honor in the works of Russian classics of the 19th century. Honor and dishonor in the story “The Captain's Daughter Honor and dishonor examples from literature

Honor is one of the most significant human values. To act honestly means to listen to the voice of conscience, to live in harmony with oneself. Such a person will always have an advantage over others, since no circumstances can lead him astray from the true path. He values ​​his beliefs and remains true to them to the end. An unscrupulous person, on the contrary, sooner or later suffers defeat, if only because he betrayed himself. A liar loses his dignity and experiences a moral decline, and therefore he does not have the spiritual strength to defend his position to the end. As the famous quote from the movie Brother says, “There is strength in truth.”

In the story “The Captain's Daughter” by A. S. Pushkin, the theme of truth occupies a central place. As an epigraph, the author takes the well-known proverb “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age” and develops this idea throughout the entire work. In the story we see a “confrontation” between two heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin, one of whom chose to follow the path of honor, and the other turned away from this path. Petrusha Grinev defends not only the honor of the girl slandered by Shvabrin, he defends the honor of his Motherland and his empress, to whom he swore an oath. Grinev, in love with Masha, challenges Shvabrin to a duel, who has insulted the girl’s honor by allowing himself unacceptable hints towards her. During the duel itself, Shvabrin again acts dishonestly and wounds Grinev when he is distracted. But the reader sees who Masha chooses.

Pugachev's arrival at the fortress is another test for the heroes. Shvabrin, pursuing his own interests, goes over to Pugachev’s side and thereby betrays both himself and his Motherland. And Grinev, even under pain of death, remains true to his convictions. And Pugachev, the robber and revolutionary, leaves Grinev alive because he is able to appreciate such an act.

War is also a test of honor. In V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” we again observe two opposing characters - the partisans Sotnikov and Rybak. Sotnikov, despite his illness, volunteers to go in search of food, “because others refused.” He alone fires back at the policemen, while Rybak runs away and abandons his comrade. Even after being captured, during interrogation, under severe torture, he does not reveal the location of his squad. Sotnikov dies on the gallows, but retains both honor and dignity.

The seemingly noble return of Rybak for his lagging comrade has low motives: he is afraid of the condemnation of others and does not know how to explain his treacherous act to the detachment. Then, in captivity, when they are being led to execution, Rybak agrees to go into service with the Germans in order to save his life. However, having lost his last hope of escaping, he comes to the conclusion that death is his only way out. But he fails to commit suicide, and this cowardly, weak-spirited man is forced to suffer all his life under the blows of his conscience.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we must cultivate and preserve the habit of acting honestly and according to our conscience. This is one of the foundations on which society rests. Even now, when the times of knights and duels are long gone, we must not forget the true meaning of the concept of “honor”.

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How will a person prove himself in war - the most difficult test that fate has in store for him? Will he remain true to honor and moral principles, or will he cross the line beyond which - betrayal, meanness, shame, dishonor?

Andrei Sokolov in M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” is a generalized image of the Soviet people who survived the war, survived it, in spite of everything and against everything. It is no coincidence that the author gives this title to the story - he writes about a person during the war, about those people who remained faithful to duty and did not tarnish their honor ("That's why you're a man, that's why you're a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it.")
Every day in war is already a feat, a struggle for life, expelling enemies from their native land. Wasn’t it a feat when Andrei went on the attack, when he survived German captivity, defeating even his enemies? (“I wanted to show them, the damned one, that even though I’m dying of hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and that they didn’t turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.”)
Didn’t he accomplish a moral feat when, after the war, he remained a person who sympathized with others, who adopted the boy Vanyushka? Moral ideals and values, to which he was faithful to the end, helped Andrey remain a man of honor and not lose his human dignity .(“Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force... Something awaits them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and the one who will grow up near his father’s shoulder , having matured, he will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to it."
Unfortunately, the war also revealed the meanness of the souls of some people who, in order to save their lives, became traitors. Survival at any cost was the main thing for them. What honor and conscience can we talk about if death is nearby? This is what they thought in those minutes, crossing the line of decency and humanity. Let us remember the soldier who was ready to hand over his officer to the Germans just to stay alive (the episode in the church when Andrei was captured and killed this traitor: “For the first time in my life I killed, and then it was my own... But what is he like? He’s worse than a stranger, a traitor.”)
In war, a person's character was tested. Honor or dishonor, betrayal or heroism - what a person chose depended on the moral principles and ideals that underlay his position in life. But we won the war because there were much fewer dishonest people. The people were united by the will to win, patriotism, and love for their homeland. The fate of a person and the fate of a country and people merged into one.

First of all, these are not words, but actions. You can say a thousand times that you are honest, kind and noble, but in reality be a deceitful villain. True honor rarely comes with grandiloquent speeches. You don't have to flaunt your good deeds to be a noble person. Honor does not require gratitude and recognition. People who put this quality first help just like that, without expecting anything in return. A truly noble person does not pay attention to public opinion, but lives according to the laws and conscience. For him this is above all. Although, of course, an insult to honor was not left unanswered: previously, conflicts related to humiliation of dignity were resolved by a duel. And here public opinion already had some weight, but this was in the past and more often happened to young, impetuous people.

Very subtle and romantic natures. People who were older and more experienced, or simply had a cold and calculating mind, rarely found themselves in such situations, as they were guided by the wisdom of their past years, and the disappointment with society that was established in some souls forced them to take less and less into account the opinions of others. Of course, if they received a challenge, then, as noble individuals, they were obliged to accept it, otherwise the titles of cowards and scoundrels would have been assigned to them, but not a single person attached any importance to the duel itself. All this concerns personal honor, but when the dignity of the weaker, a woman, or relatives was hurt, it was defended by them to the last drop of blood. But, as already said, this is all in the past. But what is real? Duels have long since disappeared; there are fewer and fewer principled and truthful people. What place does honor have in today's society? Perhaps nobility still has an important meaning, although it is not easy to see behind many masks. True, maybe not always, but it triumphs. They also protect the weak, even to their own detriment. And to this day they look not only at a person’s words, but also at his deeds. And those who follow the important rule expressed by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus remain: “Do not gain honor for yourself by vanity, nor by the beauty of clothes or horses, nor by decoration, but by courage and wisdom.”

What about dishonor? This is the complete opposite of everything noble. Unfortunately, there have been many people with unclean thoughts at all times. Sweet are the words of dishonor; it easily draws you into its net. He has many faces, but the main ones are lies and betrayal. A dishonest person cannot be truthful. He is always accompanied by deception. Dishonest people will never help just like that, without benefiting themselves. They don't keep their promises. Loyalty to their word and ideals means nothing to them. It happens that dishonest people try to appear principled and noble. They speak beautiful speeches, create the appearance of good deeds, but at the first opportunity they themselves break all their words and vows. Such individuals are essentially cowardly and insignificant. But a large number of them are dangerous. Dishonor is like a plague that must be fought.

Many books have been written about honor. Many great authors have been interested in this question. Who hasn't written about him! This is one of the most numerous and important topics in literature. The question of honor has occupied people at all times.

Story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is a work about honor and nobility. Many heroes are living embodiments of these qualities, but there are also those to whom they are alien. Pyotr Grinev is a young officer who came to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Throughout the entire work, he grew spiritually and performed noble deeds. Grinev, despite the ban, challenged Shvabrin to a duel, defending the honor of Masha Mironova. The young man did not flinch when Pugachev came to the fortress. Grinev refused to come over to his side, despite generous offers of high positions. No wonder the young man’s father said: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your honor from a young age.” Grinev followed this covenant stoically and strictly.

His antagonist is Shvabrin. He is proud and selfish. This man spread false rumors about Masha Mironova only because he could not achieve her love. And then he held the girl captive, forcing her to become his wife. During the capture of the fortress, Shvabrin went over to Pugachev’s side and groveled before him in every possible way. By breaking the oath, the hero gives honor to the officer and shows his cowardice and inability to be faithful to the word once given.

The poem by A.S. Pushkin raises the problem of honor in episodes related to the duel. Lensky, in his ardor, challenges Onegin to a duel, offended by Eugene’s behavior at the ball. The main character cannot refuse. The duel took place - the ending is tragic. Onegin acts, of course, dishonestly towards his friend, but still he does it not intentionally, but by accident, and greatly reproaches himself. Perhaps if Lensky had been less ardent, the tragedy could have been avoided.

As another example, I offer the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Pechorin, the main character, is an individualist who enjoys playing on the feelings of others, but despite this he is honest in his own way. Knowing that the duel imposed on him was initially a losing one, he accepted it early, defending the honor of Princess Mary. Pechorin gives Grushnitsky the opportunity to retract his words and stop the fight, but he turns out to be too weak and insignificant to admit to deception and accept defeat.

So, honor matters a lot. This is the nobility of man and his moral principles. Without honest people, society cannot exist. They are his support and support. Only with their help can society prosper. Therefore, it is very important that there are always people who have a moral code, live according to their conscience and thereby make the world a better place.

Everyone knows that the problem of honor and dishonor is key in the life of every person. A large number of books have been written on this topic and many films have been made. Both experienced adults and teenagers who are not fully familiar with life talk about it.

What is dishonor? Dishonor is a kind of insult, literally a loss of honor under any circumstances, a shame.

This topic has truly been important throughout human existence and does not lose relevance in the modern world. Therefore, many writers have addressed this problem in their works.

“The Captain's Daughter”, A.S. Pushkin

The problem raised is key in this work by Alexander Sergeevich. In his opinion, dishonor is what should be feared most. The personification of piety in the novel is Grinev and his entire family, as well as his beloved and her relatives. Shvabrin is sharply opposed to him. This is the absolute opposite of Grinev. Even the character's last name is telling. Shvabrin is a terrible egoist who lost his officer's honor by defecting to Pugachev.

“Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”, M.Yu. Lermontov

Mikhail Yuryevich takes the reader to the reign of Ivan IV, famous for the introduction of the oprichnina. The guardsmen, the tsar's loyal subjects, were so loved by him that they could afford any action and remain unpunished. So, the guardsman Kiribeevich dishonored a married woman Alena Dmitrievna, and her husband, having learned about this, decided to face certain death, but return honor to his wife by challenging Kiribeevich to a fight. With this, the merchant Kalashnikov showed himself to be a pious man, a man who would do anything for the sake of honor, even to his own death.

But Kiribeevich distinguished himself only by cowardice, because he could not even admit to the king that the woman was married.

The song helps answer the reader’s question about what dishonor is. This is, first of all, cowardice.

“Thunderstorm”, A.N. Ostrovsky

Katerina, the main character of the drama, was brought up in a pure, bright atmosphere of kindness and affection. Therefore, when she got married, she assumed that her life would be the same. But Katerina found herself in a world where completely different orders and foundations rule, and Kabanikha, a true tyrant and bigot, monitors all this. Katerina could not withstand the onslaught and found consolation only in Boris’s love. But she, a believer, could not cheat on her husband. And the girl decided that the best way out for her was suicide. Thus, Katerina realized that dishonor is already a sin. And there is nothing more terrible than him.

For many centuries there was a struggle: honor and dishonor fought in one person. And only a bright and pure soul could make the right choice; Russian classics tried to show these vices in their immortal works.