Hard and soft “t” at the endings of verbs in Russian dialects. Sometimes women were seated on the tarasco, they personified the sins of Lust, Heresy, etc., they were also living mannequins of tailors and sewing workshops, etc.

There are people who have awakened, they understand what is happening in the world, they have woken up and seen the truth. They research everything and use their knowledge to help others.

Seekers of truth try to awaken others, some have dedicated their entire lives to this pursuit, while others do their best to further spread the message.

They try to talk to people about it, but they are met with deep-seated resistance, so they try other methods that work for them. These are brave and courageous people.

Many people are waking up every day and joining them.

2. Lost

There are people who are still asleep, they do not think that there is anything wrong in the world and to a certain extent they trust their government.

They see terrible things happening in the world, but they tend to believe what the mainstream media tells them.

They are so busy surviving, raising children, working... They are too tired to try to dig deeper, and they rarely have free time.

They vaccinate their children, feed them GMOs, drink them and think that chemicals are normal and 5G is a great thing.

They simply cannot see what is happening around them. They trust the system, it may have flaws, but somehow they still believe in it.

Sometimes they can see the truth in a situation, but they cannot “connect the dots” and see the full picture.

These people need our help and support, one day they may wake up.

We've all been like this once.

3. Those who have been brainwashed

There are people who support the dark side, but they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They join the Freemasons thinking they are helping people when they end up supporting the dark side.

There are people in the medical establishment who think they are helping us by giving us a vaccine made of aluminum, mercury and aborted material. They also prescribe medications that have not been properly tested.

There are people in positions of power who really believe in what they do, but this is very far from the truth. Somehow they were manipulated without even realizing it.

These people have been brainwashed by the system, they have no malicious intent, they really believe in what they are doing.

They also need our help.

4. Those who sold their souls

These are ordinary people who were seduced by darkness, one way or another they went over to the dark side. Some of them were blackmailed, some received fame and fortune, and some received great power.

They sold their souls to the dark side. They follow in the footsteps Satan.

They go to parties where children are used for sex, they have their own little sex slaves in their homes, they have lost their humanity, their empathy.

Somehow, they present a nice, normal person in public, but inside, evil dominates good.

Their reward is fame and fortune; they are loved by many, if the truth were known, this would change instantly.

They chose fame and fortune over love for their fellow men.

They were not born this way, they chose this way of life. If you are one of these people, think about your position, we are waking up in droves, we are learning about you every day. We see you as you really are, not as you would like us to see you.

Leave the darkness and return to the light. Join humanity in our fight against evil.

Anyone who knows about all this and has not succumbed, please come out and reveal the truth. Help your neighbors in this hour of need.

5. Power hungry

The people who have taken over our world, they are working to take complete control of their entire lives, just like their ancestors. The goal of common power over humanity was passed down from generation to generation. They consider us useless eaters.

“The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.”

Unfortunately, they are trying to push us back to a more manageable level, whatever that may be. They were born into this way of life. They believe in human sacrifice, pedophilia and cannibalism, they follow the satanic path. They grew up in this.

They have no empathy or compassion.

They live completely differently than others. They believe they can do whatever they want, and they do.

They collected wealth beyond comprehension and used it to further their evil plans.

Those who are hungry for power want humanity to suffer, they want us to be in complete fear and anxiety all the time, since in this state we are easier to control.

They are so evil that they attract negative interdimensional entities into our world, causing more pain and suffering.

Until this moment, as a rule, their plans went unnoticed. They almost succeeded until we started to wake up.

Some people born into this lifestyle were able to see the truth and left it all behind.


Truth seekers must spread the truth in any way possible. Try to spread love, peace and harmony throughout the world. We can overcome this.

The misinformed need our help and understanding.

Those who have been brainwashed also need our help to see the truth.

Those who sold their souls should know that now we can see what they do and have done...

The power hungry must admit that they have lost their power, too many of us have awakened and we no longer want to live this way, their time has come and gone.

The only thing we can be sure of in this life is that everything changes, nothing remains the same.

Everything has changed, now is our time.

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These six consciousnesses, not existing by their nature and essence, arise on the basis of four conditions. Firstly, being dependent on object conditions, that is, six objects on which they depend, the consciousnesses dependent on them also become six. What are these [objects]? This is what is listed [in the stanzas] - “form-image, etc.,” namely: [form-images], sounds, smells, tastes, tangibles and dharma-phenomena - only six types of objects.

Considering them in general, from the position of the five psychophysical clusters iphung po, skandha), objects and sense organs belong to the skandha of form, [which is divided into] four causal forms (rgyu'i gzugs)– these are the elements of earth, water, fire and wind, the four great elements ("byung ba chenpo bzhi") and eleven resulting forms ( "bras bu'i gzugs), consisting of four elements, namely five senses and five objects, ten in total, and the eleventh - a form inaccessible to perception (rnampar rig byedmaympa’i gzugs, avijfiāpti-rupa).

There are eight types of sounds,

There are four types of smells, and six types of tastes.

Tangible – eleven types.

[Form] which is the result of distraction and unconsciousness,

And also [is the result of] the virtuous and the non-virtuous,

Despite the fact that the great elements are its cause, -

This is precisely the [form] that is not accessible to perception.

Dharma phenomena are divided into two groups: composite (conditioned) ( "dus byas, samskrta) and non-compound (unconditioned) ( "dus ma byas, asamskrta). Each is divided into eight. According to another system, there are three unconditioned phenomena. Those interested can study these classification systems from other sources.

Larvas, incubi, lamias, demons... And this is not the entire list of energy vampires.

Do you know the feeling when you talk to a person, and then the feeling in your head as if you were run over by a tank? Or you quarrel with your husband and walk like a squeezed lemon all day. Why does such an energy decline occur and how to cleanse the soul and body of negative influences?

Soul cleansing

From an esoteric point of view, a person is an integral system that, together with food, can absorb energy from the outside world, from other people, plants, animals, the Earth and the Cosmos as a whole.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the full classification of otherworldly creatures that live next to you and suck your strength from within. Read carefully and perhaps you will be able to recognize vampires and get rid of them.

These include various energy vampires who intentionally or unwittingly try to awaken lower emotions in a person - fear, anger, pity. These entities are the most secure. To resist their effects, it is very important to throw out emotions as soon as they arise, and not concentrate them inside yourself.

Located near or inside a person’s aura. They are able to enhance sexual desire and force a person to express it in the form of self-satisfaction. Then they absorb this energy, released aimlessly, and fall asleep.

Incubi, succubi, lamias (predators)

They are much stronger than larvae because they have consciousness. Their main source of nutrition is not only the energy of self-satisfaction. They awaken desire through sleep, draw sexual images in dreams into which they are reincarnated, and demand that a person enter into sexual contact with him (the image) and give strength. Lamia can “dry” a person in a month!

Shells of the dead (carnivore class)

These phantom creatures can attach themselves to any person in a cemetery or place with negative energy. They do not stimulate arousal, but attack during sleep. In the form of a cloud or cocoon, this predator flies up to the sleeping person and awakens pleasant dreams. Then it pumps out energy through a special channel.

Methods of protection

There are few ways to protect yourself from these creatures. Our editors strongly do not recommend contacting all kinds of witches, healers and magicians in any generation. At best, these people will extract all your money from you, and in return they will tell lies. Any intervention by an outsider into your energy field is fraught with the occurrence of an imbalance and a deterioration in your general condition.

Sometimes creatures come in a dream and throw a person out of emotional balance. As a result, he becomes stressed and becomes hysterical or depressed. The astral body becomes exhausted and moves away from the physical. The result can be a nervous breakdown and even a stroke.

It is possible to protect yourself from energy predators. But this is a lot of work on yourself, which will teach you to control your emotions. If you can fix the situation, fix it; if you can’t, let it go and let everything take its course.

Be sure to engage in meditative practice, track negative emotions at the source, without letting them come to the fore. Excess fear attracts invisible threats.

If a mental predator latches on once, it stays for life. But you can always protect yourself from attacks; for this you need to follow the rules for cleansing your soul and body.

Follow these rules!

1. Control your speech and speak deliberately.

2. Avoid gossip and do not participate in it.

3. Monitor your gestures and eliminate constant smacking, swaying of your legs, and tapping your fingers from everyday life.

4. Don’t engage in verbiage - avoid empty talk about anything.

5. Perform the penance of silence as often as possible. Start with silence for 30 minutes a day and work your way up to one day a week. At the same time, try to concentrate your thoughts on your inner world.

6. Do yoga, all asanas have a beneficial effect on human energy channels.

But is there a universal way to get rid of otherworldly forces? Eat! And these are not psychics and sorcerers. Only internal work on yourself and special meditative practices will help clear your mind.

If the article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks.

There were dances everywhere - chaconne, morisca, sarabande, tacona, pipirronda. The dancers' costumes were incredibly rich, and the dances themselves were exceptionally free.

The crowd was very fond of gypsy dances and acrobatic dances with swords.

Pantomimes and mini ballets were performed on the stage.

Organization of the show

If you remember that professional troupes rehearsed the play in a public theater for 5-6 days, you can appreciate the scale of preparation for the auto. The work was carried out on a contract basis between the authorities and acting troupes, workshops of engineers and artists. A whole month before the Holiday, the corrals were closed. Twenty days before the holiday, the authorities conducted a preview. Troupes received a hundred times or more for participation in the Corpus Christi festival than for performing in corrals (remember that the actors sewed costumes costing five times more than a new caballero dress and maintained hospitals).

Let's remember the leader troupe just in case: Pedro de la Rosa and Diego Osorio, Adrian Lopez is the actor for the first roles. Elena Osorio Velazquez is Diego's daughter, Lope de Vega's mistress.

Stage setup.

The theater returns to the medieval simultaneity of the stage. To combine the apparent and the essential, the modern and the eternal, the internal and the external in the stage space. “Everything happens under the canopy of the world tree, in the center of which is the cross of Golgotha.

The carts of the “factory of miracles” drove up to the main stage (the platform in the square), demonstrating transformations, flights, pictures of magical gardens, sea expanses, fortresses and castles falling through the ground.

At first there were two such carts (one could represent heaven, the other hell), from the mid-17th century there were four (and anything could happen on them)

The "house" occupied the rear of the platform on wheels and was adjacent to the "main stage". Part of the front platform could be occupied by a structure - a mountain, a palace, an arch.

Under the stage there was something like a basement of 1-1.5 meters and the audience could see how one or another character fell into the underworld.

Above the first floor of the “house” there was a figuratively designed second floor, most often it was heaven, paradise.

Theater performance in most cases it consisted of four parts. Before the auto, introductions were performed - a loa and a farcical interlude, after - a mohiganga (song and dance).

The loas primarily served to quiet the noise that reigned in the square. However, it is not uncommon for a loa, with its allegorism, to foreshadow the problematics and aesthetics of the autos performed after them. The Calderon Loa employs up to 14 people, previously there was a maximum of three people.

Religious plays by Lope strive for harmony of the heavenly and earthly, spiritual and physical. In the auto “The Name of Jesus,” Christ and the Soul admire each other’s bodily beauty, we learn how beautiful the eyes, figure, and chest of the Soul are! In the autograph “Song of Songs,” the Christ-Spouse, wrapped in a cloak, like a gentleman from a comedy, impatiently demands that the Soul quickly open the door while she, naked, is dressing in the bedroom; In this auto, songs and dances are performed all the time, and the only “gloomy and serious” character in it turns out to be the Devil.

In actions about communion Tirso de Malina everything is extremely concrete and subject to the logic of recognizable everyday relationships, and everything is full of allegorical meaning.

“I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes”: an old peasant raises his owner’s sons. One of them is hard-working and prudent, the second is arrogant and lazy. The old man's name is Repentance, he bought the estate of Good Advice from merchants named Disappointment. The brothers' father is Reason; the eldest son, named Good Consent, was born by his legal wife Experience and baptized by Wisdom; junior rank - Honor - from Slava's mistress. Etc…

Entertainment is not the end in itself of this theater. The inexhaustible ingenuity of the playwrights was aimed at creating a holistic cosmic panorama. The theater sought to express the integrity of the universe in the artistic integrity of the performance.

Auto most clearly demonstrated what was characteristic of the Baroque theater as a whole: it lifted the audience above the sinful earth, rescued everyday life from captivity, and introduced it to eternal ideals.

Comedies by Lope de Vega.

Lope shared a belief in the ideals of Renaissance humanism. His comedies amaze with the Renaissance brightness of colors, harmonious harmony of forms, and vivid images of the sensual richness of existence.

Lope was attracted to the festive side of life.

Without exception, all of Lope's secular comedies are love ones. Love is the cosmology, philosophy and religion of Lope's secular plays. Lope understands that love is cosmic, but in his plays he portrays purely living love.

For the “revivalists,” love is not so much a unique and individual inclination as a universal law of human nature; the Renaissance deifies man.

The divinity of love means the supreme and absolute power of the human in man; Submission to this power turns out to be complete independence, freedom. Love does not oppress, but inspires (Redbull). Lovers in Lope's comedies live a festive and inspired life.

One of the main properties of Lope's comedy was the ability to serve as the plot outline of a noisy, jubilant holiday.

Lope, trying to turn the performance into a spiritual hymn of love, made the booth extremely lyrical, but the lyricism of his productions was born from the festive element and intertwined with it - it is no coincidence that the game has such significance in his comedies. The poet reveals the amazing charms of the game, which goes hand in hand with love.

A mischievous, gambling and dangerous game contributes to the successful resolution of the conflict (“Dog in the Manger”, “The Valencian Widow”). While playing, the heroes reject the dictates of fate, do not recognize the captivity of external circumstances and one single line of behavior.

Improvisation is Lope's motto. The heroes create their lives at ease, choosing their image like a mask they like. But by playing different roles, they find their true identity and true happiness.

Lope De Vega does not agree to recognize comedy as a “low” genre and rejects the very division of theatrical art into “low” and “high”.

Comedy for Lope De Vega is “one of the types of poetry” and this is where its “commonality with tragedy” lies. She gains the right to address issues of honor. The comedy was familiar to every viewer of life. "New Comedy" was supposed to become a comprehensive dramatic genre.

While modifying the nature of genres, Lope still did not abolish them. In his dramaturgy, written on secular subjects, the leading genres are actually two - drama and comedy. And the differences between them become especially significant because they imply different stage practice. Let's start with comedy: as a rule, these are high comedies that have deprived tragedy of the exclusive right to talk about love and nobility.

Lope realizes that a new comedy is unthinkable without a fundamentally new understanding of the viewer. The artist approaches the deep essence of the theater he creates. In the Lope Theater, something qualitatively different is needed - the participation of the audience in the performance - its interaction with the performance. The theater always counts on this. This measure in Lope is unusually large.

Lope develops the traditions of medieval and Renaissance spectacular art, in which one of the key roles belonged to the mischievous fool, the jester and the mockingbird.

Lope is genetically connected with the carnival traditions of buffoonery and tomfoolery, which grant unique freedom: the jester is allowed to do what is not allowed to anyone, and in his comedies the exclusive rules of the game are established. Based on the traditions of tomfoolery, play, and buffoonery, Lope reveals first of all what Bakhtin called a renewing and reviving force, not satirical, but affirming. And in Lope’s comedies, the ideal is not something improper or extraterritorial, it transforms the world from the inside.

A huge number of comedies written by Lope turn into quality. In the continuous series of performances in Corrals, not a single finale became a dead point. In Lope's comedy theater, both actor and spectator felt that everything was based on tireless creative activity, on unrelenting creative effort. The playwright assumes extreme looseness and ease on stage, but maintains the ideal canon. For Lope, the problem of freedom and exemplary behavior turned into a problem of the relationship between a fixed text and its creative interpretation. Lope remains close to the art of commedia dell'arte, its inexhaustible improvisation, and the spirit of improvisation reigns in his performances.

However, the comedy dell'arte had no text. And it did not exist a priori, and was entirely created by the actors. Lope wanted a miracle of birth to take place on stage every time, striking in its novelty and unpredictability of the performance, and offered the actors a ready-made text.

This dialectal difference is one of the main ones: it contrasts the northern and southern dialects of the Russian language (see section “On the dialect division of the Russian language”). In South Russian dialects, the forms of verbs in the 3rd person are singular. and many more Parts I and II of conjugations have [t"] at the end ( T-soft). For example:

I spr
He go, write etc.
They let's go, joke
II reference
He sit, sit etc
They sit, sit etc.

Soft -th is also characteristic of the Ukrainian literary language: in verbs of the second conjugation it is present in both singular and plural. h. (wink, sit, stink, walk, sit), for verbs of I conjugation - only in plural. h. (lick the stink, carry it), in 3rd person singular h. consonant [ T"] is missing from the ending: vin lise, nese.

Availability [t] ( T-hard) in the endings of verbs is typical for the northern dialect, most Central Russian dialects and the literary language.

Modern literary norm with T- It didn’t establish itself firmly right away. At the beginning of the 19th century. The use of soft t-milk was also considered acceptable. Here is an excerpt from a poem by the satirist poet S. N. Marin (1776 - 1813), little known to modern readers, whose poetry reflected the colloquial speech of the era. He spent his childhood in Voronezh, and from the age of 14 Marin lived in St. Petersburg. He belonged to the most educated part of the nobility - these were literary, theatrical and diplomatic circles:

In this quatrain there is a rhyme be in love involves the pronunciation of [t"]-soft verb in the 3rd person: belongings[t"]. And Marin has a lot of similar rhymes, here’s another example:

Later, at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries, such a pronunciation became impossible for an educated person who knew the literary norm.

This dialectal feature is pronunciation T-soft in the endings of the 3rd person present tense of verbs - is very often reflected in the literature of writers from the southern regions of Russia, describing the life and dialect of their native places. Writer E. Nosov, a native of the Kursk region, tells how village boys learned blacksmithing:

“Mitka, who came running from the village, passionately said:
- Oh, what’s going on! Denis Ivanovich himself forges... He took off his quilted jacket, wearing only his undershirt... He got smeared - it’s terrible... Denis Ivanovich forge, and Square download it..." (In an open field behind a dirt road).

“Tapericha went to Lebedyan. On a personal matter, one might say. And in the old days, when I was younger, I always went about public affairs, only God know where my feet took me.” ( S. Krutilin. Lipyagi).

“Tell your mother not to yawn, to cook something from the potatoes - and go to the heated vehicles. With hands breakout yut…» ( A. I. Solzhenitsyn. The incident at Kochetovka station).

At the beginning of the comment it was already mentioned about the absence -t(b) in endings of the 3rd person singular. h. for verbs of the first conjugation in the Ukrainian language (nese, lise). A similar phenomenon is noted in Russian dialects, and -t(b) may be absent in both singular and plural forms. h.: ​​he game e(plays) in food(leads) ho di(walks) sit down(is sitting); They game u(play) ho(walk) I'm carrying(carry) screaming(they shout). Forms without -t(ъ) in the 3rd person are common in the dialects of the north-west (in Seliger-Torzhkov, Pskov, Novgorod, Gdov, Ladoga-Tikhvin, Onega) and the south (in Ryazan, Tula, Kursk).

Verb forms without finality -T found in folklore and fiction. For example, in epics and laments:

« Run-out e here is Dobrynya in the wide yard...” (“Dobrynya and the Serpent” - Onega epic.)


Nikolai Uspensky’s story “The Old Woman” conveys the features of the Tula dialect:
“My darlings, my swans, they both fluttered and flew away. God we give Where. They left the old mother to grieve..."