Evening of rest for April Fool's Day script. A party that prolongs life: preparing for a holiday of laughter for adults. Equipment: The following are hung on the walls of the hall: balloons; painted smiling children's faces; posters: “Laughter is a great healer”, “Who people

– Scenario for April 1 for adults and children (with the participation of foreigners: English, French, German and Australian)

There is a big smile on stage, and there are many small ones around. The sun hangs above them. A man is drawn standing with his back turned. A large inscription “Fool” is pinned to the back. The presenter and presenter appear.

Presenter: Today is April Fool's Day, the first of April holiday. On this day it is customary to laugh, joke and make each other happy.

Presenter: But we must remember that you need to joke about others before noon. If the joke happens in the afternoon, then the one who made the joke will be the April Fool.

Presenter: This holiday is celebrated differently in different countries. In Russia, three hundred years ago, heralds marched across the country. They promised everyone “unheard-of performances.” They didn’t take payment, people were invited. When the crowd gathered, a huge announcement appeared on the stage: “April 1st - we don’t trust anyone!” This was all the promised performance.

Presenter: On April 1, everyone plays pranks on each other, setting up harmless good pranks. Never make mean jokes! On April 1st, we create our own positive mood. It’s not for nothing that there are many jokes and proverbs about laughter. What are these proverbs?

The audience must respond. Examples of answers include: laughter is a great doctor, haste is to make everyone laugh, tears are together, laughter is shared, those who have learned to have fun are not afraid of troubles at all, etc.


We are all waiting for fun right away,
We gathered here for the sake of laughter,
We will overcome sadness and boredom,
We will find a lot of joy!


He who gives laughter gives us life,
And know that laughter does not age you at all,
And know that laughter is so important to us,
And sometimes we neigh, like horses.

The chef comes on stage. He has a fish in his hands.

Presenters: Who is this?

Cook: Kel or et il? Se poisson. Ui?

Presenters: Oui! But we didn't understand anything.

Cook, with a French accent: Oh, bian. On this day, one poet started the tradition of April fish. On this day the sun shines on us from the constellation Pisces. Yes, here it is.

The cook points to the sun painted on the scenery. Then he points to the fish:

Cook: And here is the constellation.

Host: Yes, it's true. We also have the sun. How is the holiday celebrated in France?

Cook: Oh! On this day we attach the fish to each other's backs.

The presenters turn around. They have fish attached to their backs. The cook laughs.

Host: Here is the first draw. Thank you for not being real.

Cook: Oh! No problems!

An Englishman comes out with a newspaper.

Englishman: Good morning! Look! Read! Today they will wash the white lions in our English Tower! Yes! - Points at the newspaper.

The presenter takes the newspaper from him.

Presenter: This is the biggest April Fool's Day draw in England. Many years ago a group of gentlemen and ladies bought into him. It was in England that the tradition of joking until noon arose. You can joke however you want.

Englishman: Yes! I bought tickets for everyone. Let's go see how the white lions are washed. - takes out a pack of tickets. The presenter gives them back to him: My dear, this is a joke!

Englishman: Ah, humor! We like the humor!

A bird's singing is heard. It must be the song of the kookaburra bird. Everyone is surprised. An Australian takes the stage.

Australian: Hello everyone! This is the singing of our bird. It must be everywhere on the first of April.

Host: In Australia, on this day, loved ones are given better and more expensive gifts.

Presenter: It’s a pity that we are not in Australia.

A German comes out, hiding behind everyone.

Host: Hey, my dear, what's the matter?

German: The first of April in Germany is good, very bad! Yay!

Presenter: It's true. In Germany, the first of April is considered a bad day.

German: Ya, ya, critical day.

Presenter: On this day in Germany, even a birthday is considered sad. This means that the newborn will have no luck in anything.

German: Yah, yah, no luck.

Presenter: But in Russia this is a comic joyful day. We love April Fools' Day. Now we know how different countries celebrate it. Happy holiday!

Scenario for the holiday “Fun and laughter are the best among us.”

Tsepilova Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher-organizer, OKU “Zheleznogorsk Social Assistance Center”, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region.
Description of material: The material will be useful for teachers and music directors when organizing leisure time dedicated to April Fool's Day with children of senior preschool and school age.
Target: creating a positive emotional atmosphere of laughter in children.
Tasks: development of communication skills, friendly attitude towards each other.
Equipment: jump rope, balls - 6 pcs., toilet paper - 2 rolls, candies - 4 pcs., markers - 2, Whatman paper - 2, tangerines - 2 pcs.

Progress of the event:

1 Presenter:
Good afternoon dear friends!
Today we are celebrating the most fun and joyful holiday of the year, “April Fool's Day”.
The day of jokes and laughter was celebrated in ancient Rome. It was called "Feast of Fools." On this day, let us wish each other to laugh as often as possible. According to doctors, laughter has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical condition, relieves stress, and prolongs life.

What is a holiday without people?
What is a holiday without guests?
Come out and try
Make your friends laugh.

2 Presenter:
Happy Day of laughter, jokes and mischievous pranks! Kind, cheerful laughter is a wonderful vitamin for everyone, the most powerful and priceless elixir of life. And it is even more valuable because this vitamin does not cost you a penny. You can laugh - even in our time - still completely free.

Lena, Sasha, Vova, Nina!
Let's start the humor!
Humor means laughter!
A good joke for everyone!
(Two amusements run onto the stage bo – bo And Chupa)

Happy music sounds



What kind of miracle? What a miracle?
The hall is decorated so beautifully!
Why all the commotion?
There's probably a catch here!

Eh, I have to think
It's time to start April Fool's Day!
Today you are allowed to make faces,
joke, play and tumble!

A holiday of humor in the morning -
let's all shout together
(Children in chorus: Ha - Ha!)

We came at a happy hour -
see us soon!
Clap your hands loudly!

Children clap

Oh! Yes, while I was running here, I lost my shoe. Well, I’ll look (walks around the hall, takes off a shoe from two or three children) Now I’ll try it on. (Tries it on) Hmmm... so many shoes, but I still haven’t found mine. Oh, oh. Yes, here he is (found). Where should I put this? Mmmmm. I'll throw it away on the way!

What are you doing, Chupa, these are children's shoes!
Ha - ha - ha - ha, deceived! Deceived. Just kidding! I won't throw it away!

1 Presenter:
Guys, let's applaud our amusements and invite them to our holiday.
The audience applauds, the entertainers bow.

2 Presenter:
And to cheer up the kids, we call on the kids to help with the comic “Let’s Feed Everyone” Dance.

Two buffoons run out
Hello, kids, girls and boys!
We were in a hurry to get to you, we were in a hurry, we almost fell over.
They flew into a birch tree, touched 2 bushes with their nose,
And then we fell 5 times, finally we got to you!

The buffoons carry on an endless conversation.

They perform a comic skit “We walked with you”
Did we go with you?
Let's go!
Did you find the gingerbread?
Did I give it to you?
Did you take it?
Got it!
Where is he?
Yes like that! Did we go with you?
Let's go!
Did you find the gingerbread?
Found!... (3 times)

1 Buffoon:
If you are left at home alone without your parents,
I can offer you an interesting game

Under the name "The Brave Chef" or "The Brave Cook."
The essence of the game is to prepare all kinds of delicious dishes.
Let me start with this simple recipe:
You need to pour mom's perfume into dad's shoes,
And then lubricate these boots with shaving cream,

And, pouring them with fish oil and black mascara in half,
Throw into the soup that mom prepared in the morning.
And cook with the lid closed for exactly seventy minutes.
You'll find out what happens when the adults come!

The buffoons say goodbye.

Presenter 1:
Friends, we brought you balloons -
all full of surprises!
Laughter is hidden in the red ball,
in pink - games for everyone!
In yellow - jokes for half a minute,
And songs for everyone!

Presenter 2:
We'll take the red ball and start laughing...
Let's laugh heartily, and we'll start with chants!

I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - We!
- Who loves games?
- Who likes cartoons?
- Swamp blades of grass?
- Chewing gum?
- Erasers?
- Baskets?
- Cake?
- Ice cream?
- Chocolate?
- Marmalade?
- Sing and dance?
- Laugh loudly and loudly?

Presenter 1:
We take the yellow ball and listen to jokes for half a minute!

children read poetry:

1 child
Pussy is crying in the corridor.
She has great grief:
Evil people poor pussy
They don't let you steal sausages!
B. Zakhoder

2 child
Vasya's dad is very proud
Because Vasya loves sports!
That sport is called -
"Who can eat mom's cake faster"
S. Vostokov

3 child
I want to come up with
Such machines
To be able to do it
Live laughs.

So that these little funny guys
There was a hurry everywhere
So that the smartest
They made me laugh.

To make you laugh
My sister, I cry,
And our cheerful
Zorka - cow
V. Kudryavtseva

4 child
What a strange day today!
Petrov opened the door with a bow -
He let Marina Glebovna in,
And then our whole class jumped up!

Maksimov brings her a bouquet,
Singers - a box of chocolates,
The girls, shouting joyfully,
Large crystal jug.

And I'm the only one sitting
I'm in the general hubbub - I'm not buzzing.
My gift is cooler than theirs,
He will outshine others!

Yes! The teacher will be happy -
Yesterday I learned a lesson!
A. Frolov

5 child
There are girls who laugh
There are girls - a container of carcasses,
The little girls are all laughing,
The container of the carcass is rattling.
They have a lot of fun together -
They don't want to break up.
V. Stepanov

Children perform ditties:
If, Sasha, you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence.

Our Tanya is crying loudly,
Dropped a ball into the river
Quiet, Tanya, don't cry
Otherwise you will be where the ball is.

Our Vova is at recess
I checked the strength of the walls.
He tried so hard
That he was all in a cast!

I was at the market
I saw Miron.
A crow was cawing on Myron’s nose.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
The more he loads,
The more I slow down.

Katka is a black sheep!
According to the dictation again - five
I couldn't make a mistake
To support us all.

2 Presenter:
Good joke
Start your day, friends!
A wise joke, a sensitive joke,
You can't live without it.

1 Presenter:
How do people express their feelings when they see something funny?
That's right, using the words: “Hee-hee-hee”, “Ha-ha-ha”, “Ho-ho-ho”, “Hee-hee-hee”. So today let our laughter “take off” with a cheerful joke, subtle humor, and a funny song. It’s really not a sin to laugh at what seems funny!

We take the red ball and start singing together now.
Song "Let them run clumsily"
So, we will sing like this:
Group 1 – HO-HO-HO!
Group 2 – HI-HI-HI!
Group 3 – HA-HA-HA!
Group 4 – HY-HY-HY!

2 Presenter:
Smile: Sasha, Masha, Kolya, Nina and Natasha
From every corner let it be heard: ha-ha!
Laughter and humor, fun - replace vitamins!

Join us! Let's dance, friend Dance "Lambada".
Everyone needs to walk together in a chain under the jump rope for several circles. Our buffoons will help you. The rope goes lower and lower.
A joke is appreciated for good reason,
And doubly good.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

1 Presenter:
Let's take the blue ball and let's have fun playing!

"Fly on a Balloon"
The whole team needs to run around the counter, holding the ball between the pairs, hands placed on each other’s shoulders. For this, two teams are selected. Whose team is ahead is the winner.

2 Presenter:

Competition "Mummy"
Make a mummy using toilet paper. Two couples go out into the hall. The music plays, as soon as it ends, we look at who has what kind of mummy.

1 Presenter:

"Be healthy"
The hall is divided into three groups: the first shouts the word “Box”, the second – “Cartilage”, the third – “Matches”; at the leader’s signal, all three groups each shout out their word at the same time, and the result is a friendly: “A-a-pchhi - and.” Be healthy! Or, as people say: “Be healthy for a hundred years!” I see that happy and cheerful people have gathered here.

2 Presenter:

Game “Draw a smile for the clown”
On two Whatman papers there are 2 images of clowns' faces (without eyes, eyebrows, noses and cheeks). Children stand in two teams of 6 people. Accompanied by cheerful music, the children take turns running up to whatman paper and a marker and drawing clowns on their faces.

1 Presenter:

Competition “Sit down!”
Team members are asked to create a certain facial expression (for example, surprise, joy, delight, fear, interest) and sit down ten times, maintaining this expression on their face and not laughing.

2 Presenter:

Competition "Feed your neighbor"
Two participants sit opposite each other on children's chairs. They are blindfolded and wearing bibs so as not to get dirty. They give tangerines into their hands, and on command, the contestants first peel the tangerines and then begin to feed each other.

1 Presenter:
So, dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful.

2 Presenter:
We laughed and sang here
April Fools jokes.
Smiled from ear to ear,
The people were having so much fun.
It's a shame it all ends
But you are allowed to laugh! Once…

1 Presenter:
The holiday is over, the hour of parting has come,
They joked, played and kept us warm
Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.
Remember this merry April Fool's Day,
And we won't forget about you!
At the end of the holiday, everyone sings a song together “Smile” by V. Ya. Shainsky.

This material will be useful for class teachers. It is designed for students in grades 6-8. The evening can be held by April 1, and it can also be held to organize leisure time at any time (with minor changes). Participants are divided into two teams.

Scenario for an Evening of Humor and Laughter.

Target: organization of leisure activities for students in grades 6-8.
Tasks: create a positive emotional mood in children;
teach to perceive humor;
cultivate a kind, respectful attitude towards each other;
develop students' creative abilities.
Equipment: felt-tip pens, 2 Whatman paper, cards with cut-out wise thoughts, 2 balloons, a magnet, 2 scarves, 2 Whatman paper with images of a bodybuilder and Barbie (faces cut out), 2 pieces of chips with numbers from 1 to 4, 2 bottles of milk with nipples , medals for “Best milk sucker”, “Best dancer”, “For the loudest laughter”

The hall can be decorated festively.

Presenter 1: Good evening, beautiful girls!
Presenter 2: Hello, dear young men! We are glad to meet you at an evening of humor and laughter.
Presenter 1. Dear ladies and gentlemen! Today it is allowed to joke and laugh, fool around and play the fool. It is strictly forbidden to: be bored, offended, angry.
Together. So, we begin an evening of humor and laughter.
Presenter 2. To lift your spirits, let's do a warm-up.
Who likes to eat - raise your right hand, who likes to sleep - raise your left hand, who likes to eat chocolate and watch TV - stomp your feet, who likes April 1st - clap your hands and shout “hurray”.
Presenter 1. Well done, I'm in a great mood.
Dear players!
I ask you without delay
Greet the jury,
So that you are more impressed
We were able to influence them!
Presenter 2. The jury will take into account not only correct answers, but also humor and resourcefulness. Bribery of the jury in the form of sweets and valuable banknotes is allowed.
Presenter 1. Let's get to know the teams.
Team representations (name, motto, etc.)
Presenter 2. The first competition is a fun quiz. I ask each participant a question. Only the participant responds. Only the correct answer is taken into account.
1. What is another name for the holiday of April 1? (April Fool's Day)
2. How long should you cook a hard-boiled egg: two, three or five minutes? (Not at all, it’s already cooked.)
3. I came in once, came out three times, I thought: I left, but I just came in. What is this? (Shirt)
4. When they need it, they throw it down, and when they don’t need it, they pick it up. What is this? (Anchor.)
5. How many “g”s are needed to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - g.)
6. How does it all end? (The letter “e”.)
7. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have behind? (Letter "b".)
8. Who is born twice? (Chick)
9. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
10. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (On wet)
11. Which month is shorter than others? (May is only three letters.)
12. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can’t speak.)
13. What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (Zheleznodorozhny.)
14. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)
15. What is between the window and the door? (And)
16. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but cannot throw far? (Pooh)
17. How should you correctly read the word “humorina”? (Left to right.)
18. Small, gray, like an elephant. (Baby elephant)

The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Presenter 1. The second competition is to draw a funny person using numbers from 0 to 9. (Whatman paper needs to be hung). Participants take turns and draw one detail at a time. (Time - 1 musical composition)

Presenter 2. Gather your wise thoughts.
Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from the human face. Hugo V.
Humor is to a person what fragrance is to a rose. Galsworthy D.
Man differs from all other creatures in his ability to laugh. Addison D.
Only stupid people live without humor. Prishvin M.M.

Presenter 1. The next competition is “Team Spirit”. All participants are invited, do 2 circles, hands on shoulders. We launch the ball and try to keep it in the air for as long as possible without using our hands. (Time - 1 musical composition)
Presenter 1. What day is April 1st without a draw? It's time to check
Homework is to prank your opponents.

Presenter 2. Competition "Shoe the players"
6 people from each team are invited, 5 players from each sit on chairs, we ask them to remove 1 shoe. All shoes in one pile. The 2 remaining blindfolded players must put their shoes on.
Presenter 1. Competition "Let's overcome difficulties"
We ask the guys to take off their watches or give them their phones - we carefully lay out a zigzag line of this wealth on the floor. We let the first player in and tell him that he needs to walk along this line, but blindfolded. (As soon as the player is blindfolded, we remove all things)
We ask the second player from the other team to blow the balloon off the table. (As soon as the player is blindfolded, the balloon is replaced with a ball with a magnet)

Presenter 2. Competition "Who am I?"
1 player comes out. A Whatman paper with a figure (carved out face) is attached to it. The player asks questions to his team like “Am I human?” The team answers “yes” or “no”.
Then player 2 comes out and another piece is added.
The one who guesses with the fewest questions wins.

Presenter 1. Choose numbers. We invite players numbered 1,…
1. Try now
It's a pleasure to surprise everyone:
A radiant smile
Please show us a picture!

Presenter 2. 2. You need to laugh on this day
So that your whole stomach shakes!
That's why we ask together
Tell us a joke!

Presenter 1. 3. Remember all the sounds of laughter
And laugh out loud at them!
It will definitely be fun for everyone,
And your reward is a point!

Presenter 2. 4. Musical instruments
We'll supply you now
And you’re on it this very moment
Play the music jokingly!

Presenter 1.For this competition, milk lovers are invited from each team. Competition "Best milk sucker". Who will drink faster?

Presenter 2. Competition “Without words!” It requires 1 player from each team. They will be instructors. The instructor and the team are separated by a stormy river. Instructors are given the following task: they need to use facial expressions and gestures to explain to their students the information that: “Caution! There are ticks in the forest!”, and to another: “It’s going to rain soon, we need to go faster!” The winner is the team that first understands what the instructor wants to convey to them.

1st presenter: Well, our holiday today has come to an end. We say goodbye to you, but don't forget to smile. Laugh and joke every day.
2nd presenter: ...And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly it touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you again!

KVN "Around laughter"

Leading: Hello, dear friends! We are starting our holiday. All of you, of course, know why we have gathered here. That's right - we celebrate April Fool's Day.April Fool's Day or "April 1st - I don't trust anyone"! Where did the custom of making jokes on this day come from? There are several versions about the history of the origin of April 1st, many attribute this tradition to Ancient Rome or Ancient India. According to the most common version, April Fool's Day arose in France in 1564 due to the postponement of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1. Having not received traditional gifts that day, disappointed subjects began to consider April 1 a day of deception.Do you know how this holiday was celebrated in Germany and Austria? In these countries, April 1 was considered an unlucky day. A person born on this day seemed to be unlucky in life. According to legend, on this day Judas, the traitor, was born, and it was on April 1 that Satan was cast out of heaven. They didn’t work in the villages, didn’t start new businesses, didn’t let livestock out of the stalls. Adults deceived each other, sending each other to carry out impossible tasks (for example, to buy mosquito oil from a pharmacist or merchant).

In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. Everyone jokes on April Fools' Day,This day is associated with fun, jokes, pranks, it is on this day that it is customary to make fun of your friends, prank them, which is what we will do today.

Today we play KVN and only in this hall two or three unique teams of the smartest, resourceful and quick-witted meet.

So, meet: the first team of the most fun and restless guys. And here they are, I don’t even dare say it, the rivals are the second team of the most intelligent and smart ones.

Teams on stage! And now I will introduce you to the members of our jury. (Names each jury member by name)

So, the jury is ready to work, the participating teams are already ready to enter into a dispute for the title of the most, the most, the most; the fans got their palms ready.

In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as healthy as a kilo of carrots.

First we will all greet each other.

Greetings to everyone without words.

Let's greet everyone around us without words using facial expressions and gestures, while clearly following my commands:
- say hello with your eyes;
- say hello with your little fingers;
- say hello with your heels;
- say hello with your ears;
- say hello with noses;
- greet with cheeks;
- shake shoulders.
Our holiday is called “Around Laughter”. We are starting KVN!

1 Contest. "Business card"

- teams briefly introduce the name and motto of their team, uniform

2. Contest"Warm-up"

Leading: In this competition, each team is offered a blitz tournament: answer a tricky question in 30 seconds. The questions can be very diverse, but each of them requires the intelligence of team members, certain knowledge and ingenuity.

Blitz tournament questions

1. What happens if you swallow your fork and knife while eating? (You'll have to eat with your hands.)

2. One oak tree has 3 branches, each branch has three apples, how many apples are there in total? (There are no apples on an oak tree)

3. How to cut off a tree branch without scaring a bird sitting on it. (When the bird itself flies away)

4. To whom do everyone, without exception, take off their hats? (In front of the hairdresser.)

5. What happens if you turn right three times? (Turn left)

6. What ends faster than a vacation? (Vacation pay)

7. Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald.)

8. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (He can’t, he doesn’t know how to talk.)

9. How many nails does a well-shod horse need? (None: she’s already savvy.)

10. The table has 4 corners. One was sawed off. How many corners are left?

3. Contest"Who wins?"

Two people take part in the game - one participant from each team. Everyone has a spoon with an orange or other round-shaped object in their teeth - the bravest owners can use an egg. The participants' hands are behind their backs. Task: Use your spoon to throw your opponent’s orange onto the floor without letting yours drop.

4. Contest“Sing a song, don’t be ashamed!”

The teams are given envelopes containing forfeits printed on pieces of paper.

    Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in the style of --- rap

    Sing the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” to the tune of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Sing the song “It’s fun to walk together” in several languages ​​at once:

    like a donkey

5. Contest"Piggy Bank"

The competition requires two teams of players. Each player is given a handful of coins, the more the better. At a distance of 4 - 5 meters from the players, a container is placed, for example, a three-liter jar. Players need to transfer coins into a container, holding them between their legs and covering the distance separating them from the treasured “piggy bank”. The team with the fewest coins scattered on the floor wins.

6.Competition"Where am I?"

The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with pre-prepared inscriptions is attached to his back. Inscriptions: “Shop”, “Maternity hospital”, etc. The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as: “Why do you go there, how often, etc.” The player must, without knowing what is written on the sign, answer these questions.

7. Contest"Who's smarter?"

One man, while hunting on the estate of his landowner, fell into his hands. The landowner ordered him to be hanged for such a deed.

He said: “There is a barrel full of water over there. If you pour out exactly half the water without any equipment, I’ll be merciful.” The puzzled man walked up to the barrel and poured out half of the water in front of his owner’s eyes.

How to accurately pour half of the water out of a barrel?

(The barrel is slowly tilted, and when the bottom is visible, they stop - this is already halfway)

8. Competition "Tight Company" (the whole team dances to cheerful music, but when dancing, the team must take up as little space as possible and it must be ensured that as few legs as possible participate in the dance, the teams dance in turns).

9.Competition "Hare"

Everyone stands in a circle and takes each other's hands. The conditions are as follows: whoever hears about the beast (which was whispered to him, but so that no one hears) falls, and the rest hold him.
The story begins: “I’m walking through the zoo and I see a Lion (everyone is standing), I go further, I see a Crocodile (everyone is standing), I turn the corner, and there is a Hippopotamus (everyone is standing)... I decided to leave and I see.. . HARE." Then the following happens: everyone falls :))), because they whispered “HARE” to everyone

10. Competition- “Theatrical”.

So, the teams are invited to the stage, and I ask the captains to come here to me. They draw out cards with the names of well-known songs written on them:

    We're going to a neighboring village for a disco.

    Three funny geese

    We dance Woogie - Boogie

Assignment: dramatize this song without words so that the audience can guess what it is about.

11. Competition"Sports"

So, we did drawing and theater too. But we forgot about sports! Let's fix this.

Now the teams will again receive cards on which various sports are written, but these are not unusual sports, but exotic ones. Teams must portray this sport, and the task of the audience is to guess.

    basketball on ice;

    swimming with obstacles;

    volleyball on skates

12. Competition « Relay race with cotton swabs"
Divide people into 2 or more teams with an equal number of players. Let each team form a separate line. Each participant is given a toothpick, which he takes in his teeth. The first member of each team is given a ring to put on a toothpick. On a signal, the first person turns and tries to put the ring on the toothpick of the person behind him. Do not touch the ring with your hands, except if it falls on the floor. Then whoever held it last must pick it up, hang it on their toothpick, and try again to pass it to the next player. This continues until the ring reaches the end of the line. If you want, especially if you don't have a lot of people on your teams, you can have the ring go all the way to the end of the line and go back to the first player again.

13. Competition"Fairy tales - mix-ups"

Once upon a time he lived and visited a woman and his grandfather, Kolobok. One day he was lying on the window. And then the Mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They galloped home, scattering crumbs along the path so as not to get lost. Geese-swans flew in, began to peck at the crumbs and drink from the puddle. Then the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats!”

Once upon a time there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So Little Mouse and Croaking Frog were running past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands there, not moving. They decided to enter, walked up to the door and pulled the handle. They pull, they pull, but they cannot pull. Apparently Snow White is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.

Application / Kolobok, Chicken Ryaba, Wolf and seven kids, Hansel and Gretel, Geese-swans, Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, Ruslan and Lyudmila/

total 7

/ Three Bears, Zaikin’s Hut, Teremok, Baba Yaga, Turnip, Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, By Pike’s Order /

total 7

14. Competition"Black box"

To play this game you will need apples, oranges, carrots, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. Place a large black box (closed) in the middle of the table in front of the participants, inside of which lies an object, for example, a rolling pin. The conditions of the competition are simple: you give both teams the first question, the answer to which lies in a black box. If the teams do not guess, then the presenter invites each participant to eat a fruit and vegetable, for which the presenter reads out the next question. This continues until one of the teams guesses the word. Here are the possible questions for the word “rolling pin” mentioned above:

This item is in every home, but it is not used very often.
2) This item comes in different sizes, different colors and shapes.
3) Even an experienced woman needs this item in her hands

4) Sometimes this item is used by particularly economical men.
5) Even with a strong desire, you cannot buy this item at a pharmacy or Soyuzpechat kiosk.
6) This item in the hands of a woman can turn into a terrible weapon for a drunk person.
7) You can’t bake a pie without this.

15. Competition"Homework"

Host: It’s time for the most interesting “Homework” competition. The teams are given a five-minute readiness time. In the meantime, the teams are preparing for the performance - “Fan Competition”.

15. Competition"Captains".

Music is playing As you understand, the last competition has arrived. Captains! To the barrier...High school students, are you preparing for the Unified State Examination, intermediate certification, and have you forgotten the alphabet? Let's remember together.The task is to indicate a school-themed word for each letter of the alphabet. Thinking time – 1 minute.

16. Competition “Fabulous Advertisements”

I read the ad, and you have to guess - the fairy-tale hero.

1. “We urgently sent a bottle of sunflower oil: the side was lying.” (Kolobok.)

2. “I am collecting a collection of golden cockerel feathers. Looking for a feather trading buddy.” (Shamakhan queen.)

3. “I urgently need a mink skin for a trip to the ball. Proposals should be sent to the address: “Green Swamp”. (Frog Princess.)

4. “I’m looking for a sponsor to participate in a crying competition.” (Princess Nesmeyana.)

Boy. “I’m looking for an effective remedy for moths, since the flying machine is out of order.” (Old man Hottabych.)

5. “A lonely dreamer, 12 meters tall, weighing 4 tons, will give fiery love to his tender three-headed friend.” (Snake Gorynych.)

6 . “Bank “Country of Fools” accepts deposits from the public. We guarantee one million percent a year.” (Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.)

7. “A very young boy is urgently needed to compete in a pairs race.” (Boy-thumb.)

Leading:So, our game is over, and now we are summing up the results.

Thank you for being with us today. We hope you enjoyed it! See you again!

Questions for fans

What birds sleep in the snow? (Grouse, partridge)

Who is called a forest doctor? (Woodpecker)

Who sings with their paws? (Grasshopper)

Who sleeps upside down? (Bats)

What is the name of the entire animal world? (Fauna)

Name the star closest to Earth. (Sun)

Name the highest mountain on our planet. (Chomolungma, or Everest, 8848 m)

Name the smallest bird. (Hummingbird - less than 2 g)

Name the biggest snake. (Anaconda -11m, 200 kg)

What is the highest ocean wave called? (Tsunami)

Name the ocean that has the most islands. (Pacific Ocean. About 10,000 islands)

    Who can’t be lifted off the floor by the tail? (Ball of thread)

    Born twice, dies once. Who is this? (Chicken)

    Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there? (Three: grandmother, mother, daughter).

    Five apples must be divided one at a time among five friends. And so that one apple remains in the basket. (One person takes the apple along with the basket.)

    Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there in total? (One)

"And so do we"

I'll read a poem. When I pause, you will say in unison"and so do we." Only so that the sentence makes sense.

I once went into the forest...

And I saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree...

She sits on a branch and gnaws nuts...

I clapped my hands...

And the squirrel jumped onto another tree...

I see a woodpecker on a pine tree...

He bangs his head on it...

I whistled...

The woodpecker got scared and flew out of the tree...

Suddenly I see already on the ground.

I got scared and stopped...

And he raised his head and hissed...

I ran away in fear...

"Humorous Quiz"

Which of the heroes of Russian folk tales was a bakery product?(gingerbread man)

The heroes of which literary fairy tale were agricultural products(“The Adventure of Cippolino” by G. Rodari)

Which of the fairy-tale characters loves the saying the most:

“One head is good, but three is better”(Snake Gorynych)

Which of the heroes of the French fairy tale loved shoes for the autumn-winter season?(“Puss in Boots” by Ch. Perrault)

What kind of pet, or rather a bird, once brought its owners an item made of precious metal?(Chicken Ryaba)

Which Russian folk tale glorifies lazy people?(At the command of the pike)

WeholidayTodaylet's open,
After allfor a long timewere waiting, Notlet's hide,
Onholiday, ongeneralfun
Fun, FunAndEntertainment,
Just a joke, HumorForhave fun!
Goodas a joke
Get startedday, Friends!
Just a jokewise, as a jokesensitive,
Withoutwhichliveit is forbidden!

You live in the world, not knowing grief,
Let everyone be jealous looking at you.
Be cheerful, be...happy!
A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!
Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile -
We cannot live without a smile!

How the tradition of joking and making fun of people on the first day of the middle spring month arose, no one knows for certain. However, the unofficial fool is usually celebrated with fun and practical jokes. And in some places they even organize concerts and corporate events, where a funny skit on April 1 is very appropriate.

Hosts of the April Fool's Day corporate party

Of course, the guests will also be able to play during the holidays. But it is still very important to choose good presenters for this event.

These can be famous personalities with bright character traits, cool manners, and an original image, who are known to all those present. Of course, these individuals will be just prototypes, portrayed by amateur actors from among the employees of the corporate organization.

For example, these could be Renata Zhirinovsky, Mikhail Boyarsky, Verka Serduchka. It’s quite easy to create an image of these personalities, because they are so bright that parodying them is a pleasure. They will lead the scenario for April 1, proposed here.

Presenters exit and congratulate guests

A scene opens. On April 1, it is best not to touch on politics, but joke about topics that are more understandable and close to everyone.

Zhirinovsky appears on stage. He is, as always, excited, even somewhat angry.

God knows what this is! Ugliness! You all belong in Lefortovo, not in the office! Who allowed us to gather here? For what?! I'm asking you! Here you are, lady in the hat, what are you doing here? - he points his finger at the person who portrays Renata Litvinova.

I? I’m hovering... I’m on the edge... That is, I’m hovering on the edge... - the co-host babbles, adjusting her hat.

That’s right, you’re on the edge, balancing between freedom and... Who allowed you to come here without official permission from this stupid holiday? Vladimir Central is crying for you! Violations, nothing but violations all the time! - Zhirinovsky grabs his head.

What are you saying? And where did you find this fact?

Here... - Renata clicks the remote control, a frame imitating a monitor appears on the stage.

Pushkin on April Fools' Day

There are three on stage: Tsar Peter, a nobleman and a man reading words from the author.

A storm has struck
Monument to Peter."

Nobleman: “I didn’t know!.. Really?”

Peter: “First, brother, April!”

Questions for guests and appearance by co-host Mikhail Boyarsky


And who came up with this? That it’s not you yourself, that’s a fact... Your hat is like armor, it doesn’t let anything in, it only lets it out... Maybe you know here who invented this? And what's next, huh?

If no one answers Zhirinovsky’s questions correctly, Boyarsky will enter the April 1 scenario.

A thousand devils! April Fool's Day is already in full force, and we haven't been lying in one's eyes yet! As smart people say, fools don’t play idiotic games because they live in them... Ah! Who do I see! Vladimir Volfovich! What's up? Who do you dream of putting behind bars again?


Leave your humor to the idiots, tiger trainer! We are solving an important issue here, a political one. Who wrote the poem and what's next? Are you out of the loop?

Boyarsky grins and gives the correct answer. Of course, there is some ambiguity in the continuation of Pushkin’s poem. But the funny ones allow it.

Verka Serduchka's exit: “Placebo in a bottle”

A funny skit on April 1 about placebos and faith would be appropriate here. The main role is played by Verka Serduchka, who appears on stage with a bag filled with groceries.

And here I am, healthy bulls, gentlemen! So what are we doing here? Let's drink, okay? - She takes a glass from the table from one of the guests and sniffs it. - My God, how can you drink such disgusting stuff?! It's pure chemistry! And it is only good on the hair of ladies over 60. And only if they are already married. There is nothing better and cleaner than our real vodka! - He takes out a bottle with a cloudy liquid from his bag. - Here, try it, dear man, try it! Total health! - pours it, makes the guest try it. - Well, how?

The bottle contains milk diluted with water. Naturally, the guest speaks about this out loud.

How - not vodka? I told you - vodka! You don't believe it, then? And this, by the way, is a placebo, yes! It's called "Drink and Believe"! You eat sausage, believing that it is made from meat: beef or pork... And if you believe it, it is digested by you, like beef and pork!

Verka's monologue “Believe it or not”

In this place you can insert various funny scenes for corporate events. For example, a monologue-story about a friend.

My friend - you won't believe it! - I prescribed a disc for weight loss. And she didn’t just write him out, but paid a lot of money for him! I don’t remember either thousand or two. And he, in my opinion, like a modern man, is also a placebo, you need to believe in him. It’s just that in modern man, faith—the priest said in church—has weakened, and that’s why all our troubles have come.

What was I talking about there? Oh, about Tanya the neighbor. In short, this gullible fool will turn on her weight loss disk on the computer, sit down to play some game or hang out on social networks, and the screen will be blink and blink, blink and blink. Like a gentleman at a holiday, next to whom his wife is sitting... And we don’t know whether he, the disk, that is, winks, except that she thinks that it is he who is giving her weight-loss instructions.

She will sit at the computer and then go on the scales. But there is no result! Apparently, she was not entirely trusting. And Tanka, although she is a fool, is not on the board: she immediately sat down and wrote where she needed to. Her answer: “You, dear, are so big... this is the most... well, you understand (shows with his hands the place where tailors measure the circumference of the hips). And the biofield is vast, behold! In short, your... these, what's their name?... impulses are clogged by those sent by our disk. You are an outstanding personality, only you need to start practicing according to some kind of system, and you will become a psychic!”

But Tanka has only one part that stands out (shows with his hands the shape of a large bust). And her personality is the most ordinary. And she decided to believe and check again. She also ordered this CD, after which she supposedly will become a psychic. And this disk is no longer worth a couple of thousand, maybe more. It’s designed for non-believers who couldn’t lose weight and are now applying to become psychics. Placebo!

Now my Tanya is sitting, staring at the screen again, waiting for inspiration. That's why I didn't come here.

Interlude “How to Sell a Blank CD”

Renata approaches Serduchka:

I understand that today is April 1st - the day of laughter, jokes and gags? And your story is complete nonsense, right?

Why nonsense? It's all true! So I took the disk from Tanka and brought it here.

Could you give it to me? I would also try... Maybe my biofield is not so strong, and it will help me.

How will it help? You seem to be fine anyway... What if you lose even more weight after it? This is how it will work out then, huh?

Yeah, that means you also believe in his power! Come on, sell it to me quickly! How many? - pulls the disc from Serduchka’s hands.

No, well, it stuck, you can’t pull it off, like... chewing gum on a jacket! Oh, okay! Come on... three grand!!!

Renata opens her purse and takes out money. Then he grabs the disk and runs away. Verka:

Placebo... Tanka told me that they would tear me off my hands, but I didn’t believe it. That’s what it means, I worked on my biofield, I was just an ordinary chubby girl, and now I’ve also become a psychic - just like how I charged an empty disk!

Interlude “How to distinguish a smart woman from a stupid man”

Zhirinovsky addresses Boyarsky:

Although today is April 1st - a day of laughter, jokes and gags, I will say this seriously now. This episode is confirmation of my opinion: all women are fools!


I wouldn't be so categorical. Based on a popular proverb, a woman's intelligence is inversely proportional to the length of her hair. That is, the hair is long - the mind is short.


Do you think that a bald woman is the smartest? When I become president, I will pass a law - shave all the aunts bald! We don't need fools in our country, regardless of gender! Give me bald women!


And here, Vladimir Volfovich, you will be wrong. Imagine for a moment that there are exclusively bald and absolutely smart ladies around. What then should we men do? We will be completely lost among them!

Don't get lost, gentlemen! Here I brought you a disk “How to distinguish a bald woman from a hairy man”, for only 4 thousand. You don’t even need to look at it - just apply it to your forehead and you’re done! It will immediately become clear where the smart woman is and where the stupid man is.


Come on, let's check your disk! - gives Verka the money, receives a disk.

He applies it to his forehead and closes his eyes.

It’s strange... It turns out that Verka is a smart man, and I... It seems like a man too! - opens his eyes, looks for Verka, but there’s already no trace of her.

Impromptu miniatures are fun and cool!

The script must include funny, short, joke-like scenes. Guests can act them out impromptu.

It’s strange... It’s as if I don’t believe in either the devil or an intelligent woman, but it’s as if this fool has fooled me around his little finger... - he scratches the back of his head.


Oh, these women! They manipulate us so much, but we still fall for their bait! I have a whole selection of different miniatures here. These are funny, short skits that are easy to perform even without preparation. Let's try it!

Mikhail selects several people from among the guests and distributes words to them. Nobody knows with whom he will play the miniature in pairs - that’s where the joke lies. Boyarsky points to one of the “actors” and asks him to start.

Anecdote in faces

Scenarios for funny scenes can be taken from life. Many miniature stories from popular comedy programs also provide excellent material. For example, funny skits on the topic of marital relationships are suitable for almost any adult company.

The young husband is looking at wedding gifts. A young woman enters the room and takes off her veil. Husband:

I would like to warn you. On Saturday at 18:00 my friends and I leave for hunting. We return on Sunday at 23:00. And nothing can stop this: not a thunderstorm, not a hurricane, not a tsunami!

“Wonderful,” the wife replies. - I must warn you too. Every day from 10 pm to 11 pm I give myself to my loved one. And nothing can stop me: not a tsunami, not a hurricane, not your hunt!

Pantomime impromptu

When creative and extraordinary people gather around the table, you must give them the opportunity to express themselves.

At the festival, there are interesting mini-skits that are performed impromptu by the guests. The presenter reads the text, and the guest artists act out what they hear.

It is best to use mini-scenes that are quite simple in terms of plot at corporate events. Funny moments are explained not only by the text itself and its content, but also by the ability of the artists to express it in an original way through pantomime. For example, you can offer this option.

Toast in the pantomime “Pour it for your neighbor!”

Before funny scenes for a corporate party begin to be played out impromptu, those wishing to take part in them are given roles. They are offered props - a random set of clothing items that they can use.

Taking part in this interlude are:

  • White swan.
  • The swan is beautiful.
  • Rakita - three people.
  • A glass of vodka.

The white swan is swimming

Calling a dear friend.

But the swan does not hear, he sleeps

It is in the shadow of thick willow trees.

The white swan has gone

I found a sweet friend.

He pulls and pulls, but in vain.

The beautiful swan sleeps soundly!

The white swan has gone

I found a glass of vodka.

I just wanted a drink

Lo and behold, there’s a swan. What's the matter?

Our swan grabbed the glass,

He drank, grunted, and ate.

White swan insult

Hidden, but for show

She smiled. Well, let it

The swan is drinking. Why is she sad?

The swan grabbed his stomach,

He grunted and fell on his side.

There is a moral: just drink yours!

Pour it for your neighbor!

Briefly about the main thing

It is very important to prepare a holiday scenario in which all guests could take part. Therefore, you should think about what kind of collective games and competitions you can include in it. Competitions such as “The funniest grimace”, “King of the funny laugh”, “I am the most beautiful and attractive!” They are great in the company of close friends and young corporate teams.

Comic quizzes with cool prizes are also quite fun for the participants or spectators. Everyone especially likes singing competitions when they have the opportunity to sing a remade hit in choir.