Login to your personal account delston. Delston Capital is another financial pyramid. Investment programs with regular payment of profits

She became the 47th member of the “black list” (TsRFIN). According to an independent Russian regulator, during the processing of citizens' appeals, this company was discovered, promising guaranteed profitability without guarantees of payment of funds, and having signs of false positioning as a money management company.

“The company offers clients 9 investment programs with a stable income from 3.8% to 4.98% per week, a multi-level affiliate program, which is positioned by the creators of the project as unique,” ​​the independent regulator said in a statement. There are also no objective guarantees of payment of funds; the business model does not have a degree of transparency sufficient to recognize the possibility of paying a stable and high income in a way other than through attracted funds from subsequent clients. There is no information on the website about existing licenses that provide for activities to attract funds from individuals.

Moreover, TsRFIN indicates the presence of signs of false positioning, in particular, there is no information about available permits and licenses that provide for activities to attract funds from individuals. The company’s website does not contain an agreement on the basis of which funds are raised for management. The company's activities are focused on the Russian-speaking audience, Russian clients, while managing funds of individuals in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation requires a special license. Moreover, the regulator emphasized that the specified company is not a member of the SRO TsRFIN.

The SRO also points out one of the main signs of a “financial pyramid”, since there are no objective guarantees of the return of invested amounts and promised interest. “The business model does not have a degree of transparency sufficient to recognize the possibility of paying the specified interest in a way other than through raised funds from subsequent clients,” the regulator notes.

The fact is that this company presents itself as “the fastest growing provider company providing services for investing in binary options - thereby achieving high returns, and investing in structured products traded on exchange platforms allows you to reduce risk.”

It is interesting to note that the administrative address of the company, as well as the address of issue of the certificate (in January 2014), Delston Capital is indicated as The Commonwealth of Dominica, which is very similar to the Dominican Republic, but which does not exist. If you enter The Commonwealth of Dominic into a search engine, only links to the Delston company website are displayed.

TsRFIN warns citizens that investments in the specified Internet project may be associated with an increased risk of losing part or all of the invested funds.

Audit of Delston Capital Group, Inc. once again clearly demonstrated that absolutely everything is important in a brokerage company: from the investment strategy to a well-designed “Reviews” section. So let's get started.

1. Service level - 10

The work of the support service is lame on both legs: I never received an answer to my letter. This is a VERY important aspect that, unfortunately, many companies do not pay enough attention to. It is here, at this stage, that 40 percent of potential clients are eliminated. You need to be more careful.

2. Reliability, reputation, experience of the founders of the Company - 5

In the “FAQ” section available on the company’s website, there is a certificate of registration in the Dominican Republic, dated January 21, 2014.

Even taking into account the fact that it is publicly available, the situation is still not very good, since the age of the company is extremely small and there is no way to judge its seriousness.

Besides, it's just evidence. The company does not have a brokerage license, since it is not required in the Dominican Republic. They promise to get it as soon as needed. Oh well.

Another negative point is the complete absence of any information about the founders of the company. It is written that this is “confidential information”.

3. The amount of the Company’s own (authorized) capital is 10

This question is also obviously marked “Confidential”.

4. The company has a range of financial instruments - 10

The company offers us to solve all our financial problems by taking one simple action - investing personal capital in it. This is where all information ends. Who will manage the money, under what conditions this will all happen - guess for yourself what they call it.

Although there is no GUARANTEED profit, that’s good. Still, my conscience did not allow me to remove the line that this is a risky activity and the profit margin may fluctuate.

Apparently, all is not lost.

5. Assorted cost of tools - 10

You can start working with the company from $200. A bit too much, to be honest.

As you know, friends, I have always been and am a supporter of having the opportunity to start with a sum of $10 in order to be able to feel out all the intricacies of the company’s work at low cost.

6. Amount of assets under management - 10

The information is not disclosed.

7. Transparency and information openness - 8

The site seems to be nice, but there are a number of moments that mercilessly tear apart the pretty picture. Firstly, the issue of documents, founders and age - we have already discussed this.

Secondly, the “Reviews” section causes an extremely skeptical smile: everything was added in one day, it is not clear why the first and last names of clients are written in Latin letters.

Thirdly, why make Italian and Spanish versions of sites if, after switching to them, the notorious “Error 404” appears?

Fourthly, there is no information about PAMM accounts or any other means by which the company will increase our capital. There are projected numbers, yes. But it is not possible to find accurate data on past transactions and periods.

Fifthly, in the “FAQ” section it is written in all seriousness “Can I?” What is this, a Chinese partner of the company? :)

8. Level of professionalism of employees - 10

It is written that these are almost the best people in the business, but you know that every first brokerage company writes this way.

9. How much time do you need to invest in order to invest? + 8

At any time convenient for you, you can top up your account with the company by choosing one of the available payment systems or bank transfer.

10. Your personal impression of the first call or visit to the company - 10

I was deeply upset when I realized that there was no Italian page. This is such a beautiful and picturesque language :(

In fact, yes, the impression is depressing, I have already revealed the reasons, I see no point in repeating myself.

11. How often can you withdraw your profits? - 5

Profit is accrued on weekends, when you can apply for its withdrawal. Unless, of course, you have the reinvestment service enabled.

12. What management costs will you incur? 0

It is written that there are no commissions, but I don’t want to check, and I’m not used to taking their word for it.

Total: - 80

A very weak company, which is too young, and somehow too frivolous, and in general. If you have an extra $200, take it and invest it... Wherever you want, actually. The main thing is not here.

Spring–summer 2016: a period of positive changes!
Dear Partners and Clients!

Delston Capital Group, Inc. declares the spring and summer of this year to be a period of flourishing positive changes and begins a marathon of good news. The Company’s team is actively working to provide Partners with the most attractive conditions for business development, and Clients with an investment and financial product of the highest quality.

Task number one is to create a favorable and friendly environment for business growth!

Delston Capital Group, Inc. Management considers with great attention numerous proposals for improvement and further improvement of the Company coming from active Partners and Clients. Your ideas are taken into account and implemented in accordance with their priority, thanks to which we can already note positive dynamics in many aspects of business development. According to the Deputy General Director of Delston Capital Group, Inc., the key directions of corporate policy at the current stage should be: direct dialogue with Partners, openness and transparency for Clients, improving the quality of service. We are pleased to announce that the enormous work carried out by the Company’s specialists is already bearing fruit! However, the most important events await us on July 7th, which will be discussed below.

Withdrawal improvements!

We at Delston Capital Group, Inc. We are well aware of the difficulties encountered when withdrawing funds through third-party electronic and bank payment systems. The work of the payments department is structured in such a way as to ensure the utmost minimization of difficulties for our Partners and Clients, despite the fact that the corporation itself as a whole is often forced to follow the rules and instructions imposed by payment systems and current legislation. We would like to emphasize that Delston Capital Group, Inc. itself. does not impose any restrictions on withdrawals and does not charge any commissions. The framework in which we have to work is a consequence of tightening rules and requirements in the global financial and legislative system. But even under these conditions, Delston Capital Group, Inc. found opportunities to improve the situation. Previously existing limits on the volume of one-time withdrawals of funds will be increased to provide Partners and Clients with greater opportunities for making external transfers (Partners and Clients will be able to withdraw more funds).

We remind you that internal transfers can be made without any restrictions, due to which this method of withdrawing funds (through mutual offsets) is recommended to Partners as the most convenient and free (no commissions are charged in this case).

In addition, the company is expanding its payments department by hiring additional staff to ensure smooth processing of withdrawal requests. Work is also underway to connect additional corporate accounts in payment systems.

Alas, at the moment we are not able to completely get rid of limits, since the number of daily withdrawal applications received is very large, but due to the expansion of the payments department, the total maximum number of applications that the company can process per day will also increase. Thanks to the changes being introduced, the submission of applications for withdrawal of funds will be streamlined and regulated by a schedule (excluding weekends), which will allow applications to be executed more efficiently.

From July 7, additional channels for withdrawing funds will be put into operation, including: new bank accounts, additional accounts in electronic payment systems. In addition, the list of payment systems available to our Partners and Clients for use will be expanded. The most important result of this will be the most complete removal of any restrictions on the withdrawal of funds.

Launching our own platform for trading binary options!

As previously reported, Delston Capital Group, Inc. is actively testing its own ready-made platform for trading binary options. At present, the opening date of this platform for a wide audience has already been determined. The launch will take place on July 7th.