Riddles for the New Year of the Rooster for kids. Children's riddles about a rooster - the owner of the poultry yard. Puzzles about a rooster for children.

Riddles about a cockerel are popular among kindergarten children and primary schoolchildren. This sonorous character from many fairy tales evokes the most pleasant emotions: he is bright, cheerful and cheerful. There are several options for riddles that can be offered to young scholars.

The easiest riddles in verse

There are several options for riddles about a cockerel for children 3-4 years old.

“It’s not an alarm clock at all, but it does wake you up.

Walks along the roads with importance"

"He gets up early,

Sings very loudly

Doesn't let children sleep"

"He has a red cap,

Children like his important gait"

Guiding Questions

It is quite difficult for children to understand riddles about a cockerel in poetic form. It’s better to ask them a few guiding questions:

  • Have you ever lived in a village? Who wakes up the earliest there?
  • Who is the hen's husband?
  • Which bird has the loudest song?
  • Who looks like a chicken but can't lay an egg?
  • He has a red cap, many feathers and a large beak. Who are we talking about?

It is worth remembering that the rooster is a character from many fairy tales. Accordingly, leading questions can be used based on them:

  • Who helped the bunny drive the fox out of the hut? (Fairy tale “The Hare and the Fox”).
  • Who pecked at bean seeds and choked on them? (Fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”).
  • Who was kidnapped by the fox through the window (Fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”).

Riddles for elementary school students

"He has a huge tail with patterns,

And on his feet are boots with spurs.

At dawn he sings a song,

He’s counting down the time until dawn.”

"He is not a king, but he has a crown,

He is not a horseman, but he also has spurs.

He is not a watchman, but in any danger he starts screaming,

He’s not an alarm clock, but he’ll be there early in the morning for everyone.”

There are several riddles about the cockerel for children, which they always enjoy solving.

  • Imagine there is a house in front of you. On one side it has a roof oriented at an angle of 60 degrees. On the other hand, this value is 70 degrees. If a rooster lays an egg in the central part of the roof, which way will it roll? (Correct answer: nowhere, since the rooster is not able to lay an egg).
  • How do you say the word cockerel backwards? (Koshutep)
  • Petya has on his head not a cap, not a bonnet, not a Panama hat, but a red one... (Scallop)
  • What is your betta's favorite food? (Beans)

How to organize a lesson correctly?

Riddles about the golden cockerel are usually told to children aged 3 to 10 years. Children at this age have a very subtle nature, so intellectual activity should be organized correctly:

  • It is better to make such riddles in the first half of the day. At this time, children's intellectual activity is active.
  • You should carefully analyze your child’s abilities. You must be sure that he will definitely be able to give the correct answer. First, give the children a lecture about this bird; it must be supported by an appropriate image. It is recommended to include a cartoon about a cockerel for them or read an illustrated fairy tale.
  • Children should be interested in the game. Promise that the most active participant will be given a memorable gift.

Children prefer active activities rather than intellectual ones. In addition to riddles about the cockerel, you can play several interesting games for them.

  1. Scatter the grains on a plate. It is best to use dry beans for this. The game will require several participants. They must fill the bottle with grains through a narrow neck. Whoever empties the plate first is the winner.
  2. You can organize a creative competition. You need to make a good craft on this topic: mold a rooster from plasticine, draw it on a sheet of paper, or make it from improvised materials.
  3. A competition should be held to see who can portray this character better. The winner will be the one who remembers as many of his habits as possible.

Tasks and riddles about the cockerel are usually organized before the New Year, of which these animals will be the symbol. Also, an animator dressed in a golden outfit is invited to each educational institution. Such a bright meeting of the rooster attracts good luck, happiness and success during this magical period. Children are actively playing games, and adults are thinking about what to wear for the holiday table and what dishes to celebrate the arrival of this symbol with.

You'll get up early in the morning,
You will hear in the yard,
Someone shouts: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”
It's an important bird screaming,
Perky, brave.
His tail is very bright!
Who is this, answer me guys.

An important bird walks in the yard.
Bright feathers on his tail.
Golden beak and red comb.
The answer here is simple, because it is (a cockerel).

We have a singer in our yard.
He sings early in the heat.
He put on a bright suit.
And he walks around looking important, he’s a braggart.
He will eat grain for lunch,
And a worm in one sitting.
And very early in the morning.
He will wake everyone up with his “Ku-ka-re-ku.”

This bird is like an alarm clock.
Wake us up in winter and summer.
Scarlet crest on the head.
There is a red beard under the beak.
“Ku-ka-re-ku” he will tell me.
And he sits on the fence so deftly. (rooster)

I'll get up early in the morning
And I’ll quickly wake you all up
Although I am not a king, I have a crown,
I love sitting on the fence.
Chicken is my wife
Tell me, what is my name?

I peck grains on the ground.
Early in the morning I sing loudly.
The comb is beautiful on my head.
And I am very important throughout the yard.
I often fight with others.
I flap my wings and beat with my beak.
Spurs on my feet
I protect my chickens.
What's my name guys?
Give me the answer to the riddle. (rooster)

It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes you up
It will be a worm for dinner.
There are spurs on the paws
And there is a comb on the head.
There are too many feathers to count,
He sings a song at dawn.
What a miracle bird
Who will answer me?
Early in the morning, at dawn,
He will sing a song to me.
Then he pecks at the grains,
And he'll eat a worm.
Golden beak, red beard,
And a very important gait.
He put a crown on his head,
Quickly tell me, who is he?

Bright feathers, golden beak,
The ridge is beautiful overhead.
Spurs on legs, sings loudly.
Who is he, who can name it quickly? (rooster)

An important bird lives in the yard,
He will sing a song to me in the morning.
A bright comb like fire
Located above his head.
The tail is beautiful, there are spurs on the legs,
He will send everyone to work and school.

The chicken is his wife.
The babies are his chickens.
Red comb on the head
Who is this, tell me guys? (rooster)

Other riddles:

Picture of Rooster

Some interesting children's riddles

  • Riddles starting with the letter B for children with answers

    We put this miracle on our hands, kids wear different styles! These are down mittens.

  • Riddles about the Iron for children with answers

    We were in a hurry to get home, We didn’t turn it off, There will be a fire there soon, Help us urgently! Suddenly it burned everything around, Unplugged **** Answer: iron

He is a pre-dawn alarm clock
And a handsome multi-colored one.
He has a luxurious tail.
He is not at all simple in character.
Who's a badass fighter
And a famous singer?
He sings very loudly
It pecks at grains all day.
He is a chicken cowherd.
Who is this?
Z. Toropchina

He protects our sleep
Announces the sunrise.
He always walks with spurs,
Starts battles, quarrels,
The chicken is herded, but not the shepherd.
Guess who?

The shepherdess will not be able to herd the cows,
Birdies will not fly into the sky from their nests,
The horses won't drink water from the river,
The housewife won't put the pot in the oven
And the dove will not leave the dovecote,
While from the roost in the early hours in the chicken coop
The first one will not shout loudly...

A bird walks around the yard
Wakes up the kids in the morning
There is a comb on the top of the head,
Who is this?

He walks around the yard boldly,
There is a ridge and there are spurs.
Only in fights, every now and then,
He's having arguments.
Although he wakes everyone up, skillfully.

Look down the path
Little legs walk.
There is a comb on the head.
Who is this?

A bird walks around the yard
Wakes up the kids in the morning
There is a comb on the top of the head,
Who is this?

Early, early, at dawn,
It rises with the sun.
So that everyone in the world wakes up
Sings a sonorous song.
He has spurs on his paws,
There is a comb on the top of the head,
Patterns glow on the tail.
He is handsome.....
I. Zakharova

Early in the morning at dawn
Petya wakes everyone up in the village:
Bright tail and comb,
This, children...
N. Shichaeva

I sat on the fence, sang and shouted,
And when everyone gathered, he stopped talking

He sat down on the fence.
The day is calling.
Day at the gates -
I walked into the garden.

Sleeping on a perch
Together with chickens.
As the sun rises -
He will sing louder than anyone else.
V. Tunnikov

At Grandma Lukerya's
Alarm clock in feathers,
How he starts to bawle
Early in the morning,
Galloping with fright
The cows are rushing to the meadow!
V. Kuzminov

Sings songs, counts time.

Patterned tail, Boots with spurs,
Little white feathers, red comb.
Who's that on the peg?
(Petya Cockerel)

The clock is walking around the yard
A tail of unprecedented beauty.
The legs are ankle-length.
How vociferous.
The sun is waking up!
V. Struchkov

He wears spurs on his legs,
Walks with a comb and earrings,
Crow at the top of his lungs
And it will wake everyone up...
V. Marakhin

These birds are bullies
They don't live a day without a fight.
A comb and a pair of spurs -
Here's their knight set!
N. Rozbitskaya

This cry wakes us up in the morning
Loud, joyful like this:
“The sun has risen! It's already morning!
Stop sleeping! It's time! Get up!”

I'm not an alarm clock, but I wake you up
I have a beard and spurs.
I walk with great importance
And hot-tempered like gunpowder.

Bright red scallop!
He is a gentle friend to the chickens.
Well done, he's spirited. Wow!
Who screams in the morning?

Bright ponytail in a semicircle
And a beautiful comb.
Who shouts to the whole neighborhood
Early in the morning?

    In your red crown
    He walks like a king.
    It's you every hour
    Please listen:
    - I'm here! I'm on my guard!
    I'll finish all of you!
    The children fell asleep. The light went out.
    Shut up, loudmouth...

    I wake everyone up on time
    At least I don’t wind the clock.

    Scarlet comb,
    The pockmarked caftan,
    Double beard
    An important gait.
    He gets up before everyone else
    Sings loudly.

    Born twice, never baptized, a prophet to all people.

    Double beard
    Important gait
    Gets up earlier than everyone else
    Sings loudly.

    Born from a white stone, the whole world awakens.

    What kind of bird will be born from an egg?
    Doesn't she lay eggs?

    He shouts loudest in the morning:
    - It's time to get up! It's time to get up!
    He has been serving all his life
    And he makes friends with the sun.

    Who shouts the most and does the least?

    Who is bawling at the top of his lungs?
    Well, of course...

    Who sings so loudly
    About the fact that the sun is rising?

    Who, tell me again in the morning
    He will sing to us about love
    To the early sun? And for us,
    It will bring balm to your soul!

    There is a crest on the head,
    On the tail there is a sickle.
    What kind of bird?

    Not a rider, but with spurs,
    It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes everyone up.

    Not a king, but wearing a crown,
    Not a horseman, but with spurs,
    It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes everyone up.

    Not a king, but wearing a crown,
    Not a horseman, but with spurs,
    Not a watchman, but screams when there is danger.

    Not a king, but wearing a crown,
    Not a horseman, but with spurs,
    Not a watchman
    And it wakes everyone up.

    He is in a bright uniform,
    Spurs for beauty.
    During the day he is a bully
    In the morning - hours.

    He sings loudly
    If the sun rises.

    He wakes us up in the morning
    Shouting: "Ku-ka-re-ku!
    Isn't it time for you to get up?" -
    "Yes, but I want to sleep."

    He will knock his nose on the ground,
    He will flap his wing and scream.
    Even sleepy he screams,
    The screamer is restless.

    Gets up before everyone else
    "Ku-ka-re-ku!" sings.

    He sat on the fence and screamed,
    And when everyone gathered, he fell silent.

    He sat on the fence, sang and shouted, and when everyone had gathered, he stopped talking.

    Is not a watchman
    And everyone wakes up early.

    The brave warrior has a red cap
    Boots with spurs and an important gait
    A motley uniform, he is the commander of the chickens.

    White feathers, red comb.
    Who's that on the peg?

    A tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
    Sings songs, counts time.

    Tail with patterns,
    Boots with spurs,
    At night he sings:
    Time is counting.

    The king walks around the city,
    Wears honor on his head.

    What kind of bird
    Are you afraid of people?
    Doesn't fly high
    Does he sing "ko-ko-ko"?

    This bird in the morning
    He wakes us up: "Ku-ka-re-ku."
    He asks kindly: "Get up,
    Serve the birds breakfast!"

    The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other makes an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof. In which direction will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope?

Roosters Don't Lay Eggs

    What comb won't you use to comb your hair?


    Little white feathers,
    Yes red scallop.
    Who's that on the perch?

    The grain pecks
    Sings songs.

    Little white feathers,
    Red scallop.
    Who's that on the peg?


    Antoshka spins on one leg,
    Where the sun is, that’s where he looks.


    Yellow Demid
    He looks at the sun all day.


    Golden sieve
    There are plenty of black houses.
    How many little black houses,
    So many little white residents.

Year 2017
Will make everyone smile
Talk about happiness out loud!
Will rule them...

Here comes for you
Golden time.
Come to us, Cockerel,
I'll give you...

Why does the Rooster come?
Will you tell me?
Just think quickly
And don't be too stupid...
on the way

Round, snowy, very kind.
He is friends with Grandfather Frost.
It stands in the yard in winter...
And with a carrot instead of a nose.

Flies towards us
Spreading my wings,
Year's new talisman,
Promises abundance
According to desires and money.
We need to celebrate the New Year,
The rest is nonsense
The main thing is to achieve friendship
On New Year's...

If on New Year's night
You'll get a plug in the eye,
Know that you are marked by the Universe
Among other gray masses.
After all, he goes around the world

What year is this
Symbol - Fire Rooster?
He teaches you to be proud of yourself,
He knows how to lift the spirit.
Promises to be more successful
Brighter than the sixteenth.
So what year are we celebrating?

Let's decorate the Christmas tree
To celebrate the New Year.
Let it shine with lights,
Invites good luck into the house.

And also, just in case,
Let's hide it in a prickly Christmas tree,
May we be lucky all year long,

And glitter, and feathers - everything is dressed up,
Sings, swears there is a rumor,
On New Year's Day he is with us.
No, not Kirkorov, but...

The monkey taught you for a year,
She served you all for a year,
Sometimes she made faces,
I checked all the supplies...

But the time has come to hand over the post,
Fasting to the one who wears a tail
Comb, important posture...
Who wakes you up early?

In a children's fairy tale
Grandfather and Grandmother
Took it down somehow
Kura Ryaba
Suddenly the testicle is not simple,
And the big one is golden.
Apparently he helped the chicken

Our children are near the Christmas tree,
Like a hen's chicks,
They strive for gifts
Everyone get under the Christmas tree.

They send their “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
They are the Year of the Rooster.
And the kids want
No peace for everyone, no...

Come on, adults, say:
How have you behaved all year?
Hello, do you value yourself?
Why are you blushing? That's it...

The grandfather from the fairy tale will not come to you,
He won’t appreciate your poem,
And don't squint your eyes,
Otherwise it will bite...

The evening is more romantic with her
And a nicer atmosphere
She is organic everywhere
The day will brighten the grayest.

So evenly slender,
Fire-feather dances
And she is quietly melting...
Soon there will be only a cinder.

Happy New Year
All friends, and all girlfriends,
Positivity brings happiness
May you have a Fiery...

I, friends, am not at all simple,
I have a beautiful tail
golden scallop,
And my name is...

US Chinese horoscope
The talisman gives for a year.
Loud, proud, bright
It will be a gift for us,
Spurs, wings, scallop -
Our mascot...

What are those sparks outside the window?
Miracles, the lights are flickering!
Maybe there's a Rooster outside the window,
Does he polish his spurs?

Goldens its red fluff,
Dressing up in the middle of the night?
Just glow and roar!
It's outside the window...

Put logs in it
And bring a match to them,
They will definitely dance there
Fire tongues.

Maybe add coziness to the house,
Warm up on a winter evening.
Okay, looking at him,
Sit down with a cup of tea.