Anton Belyaev. Biography. Anton Belyaev became a father for the first time 1 what is the film composer Anton Belyaev famous for?

Anton Vadimovich Belyaev(born September 18, 1979, Magadan) - Russian musician, founder and frontman of Therr Maitz, music producer, composer. Semi-finalist of the “Voice” project on Channel One.

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    Mother - Belyaeva (nee Konishcheva) Alfina Sergeevna, born on January 30, 1949 in Kazakhstan, village of Zharbulak.
    Father - Belyaev Vadim Borisovich, born on December 4, 1946 in Saratov.
    In 1962, parents moved from Kazakhstan to Magadan.
    Alfina Sergeevna graduated from the Geological College and Pedagogical Institute with a degree in mathematics teacher. She worked in a geological organization as a programmer, and later as a computer science teacher. My father worked as an electronics engineer at a computer center.
    They got married in 1968. On November 21, 1968, their daughter Lilia, Anton’s older sister, was born. Lilia graduated from the Khabarovsk Institute of Culture with a degree in technical literature librarian (bibliographer).
    In 2012, Anton got married. Wife - Belyaeva (nee Markova) Yulia Aleksandrovna, born in the city of Szekesfehervár, Hungarian People's Republic, into a military family. Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.  M. V. Lomonosov. Yulia began her career in the newspaper “Evening Moscow”, later at various times she worked as a TV presenter, correspondent for Channel One, MTV, Muz TV, Russian Music Box, DTV, and shot secular videos for the website Currently he is the editor of the Europa Plus TV channel, as well as the director of Therr Maitz.


    Anton's musicality manifested itself from very early childhood; he used kitchen utensils (pots, lids) as drum kits. In 1984, at the age of 5, he entered music school No. 1 in Magadan. I wanted to learn to play the drums, but I started learning drums when I was 8 years old. At a music school, Anton went to study piano. I was sick a lot, but constantly participated in music competitions, took prizes and received awards.

    Anton's adolescence and youth caused everyone a lot of trouble, but his passion for music saved him.

    At the age of 13, I met Evgeniy Chernonog and began studying in his jazz studio. At the age of 14, he played jazz compositions with famous jazz musicians in Magadan. At the age of 16 he played in a youth jazz orchestra, and at a Magadan studio he recorded famous jazz standards, performed with Evgeniy Chernonog on two pianos.

    He studied at school No. 17 (English gymnasium), and was expelled from the 9th grade. At school No. 29 he completed the 9th grade, after which he entered the Magadan Music School in the piano department. He didn’t study at the school for long and was expelled because he became too interested in jazz. In 1997, Anton graduated from Gymnasium No. 30 in Magadan, having won the sympathy of teachers with his soulful playing of the piano in a short time of study.

    At the age of 17, Anton’s mother insisted on moving to Khabarovsk, where Anton entered the pop-jazz department at KhSIIK. In October 1998, Anton Belyaev already began working as a musician in clubs in Khabarovsk. In 2004, having become the art director of the Rus club, he invited musicians Dmitry Pavlov (guitar), Maxim Bondarenko (bass), Konstantin Drobitko (trumpet), Evgeny Kozhin (drums) to play in the club. The presence of a technical base in the club allowed Anton Belyaev to begin creating music, which formed the basis for Therr Maitz’s creativity.

    In 2006 he moved to Moscow. Here he worked on arrangements for four years in a studio near the Shosse Entuziastov metro station. At that time [ ] he worked as a music producer with Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Igor Grigoriev, Maxim Pokrovsky, Polina Gagarina.” for the introduction of a separate waste collection system in Russia. And he made an exclusive gift to those who, like him, are in favor of recycling waste. The song Stop Quiet became such a gift.

    In 2015, Anton participated in the show “Main Stage” on the Russia-1 TV channel as a music producer in the team of Igor Matvienko. And also was on the jury of qualifying castings

    On January 7, 2016, the film “Voices of a Big Country” was released on the screens of the country; Anton Belyaev is a music producer and composer of the film.

    At the end of 2016, Anton Belyaev created the musical score for the immersive play “The Returned,” which premiered on December 1, 2016 in Moscow. “The Returned” was the result of a union between directors Victor Karina and Mia Zanetti from the New York theater company Journey Lab and Russian producers Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov and Miguel, choreographer and mentor of the show “DANCES” on TNT.

    On May 22, 2017, Anton and Yulia Belyaeva became parents - a son, Semyon, was born into their family. In honor of the birth of his son, Anton recorded the lullaby "Undercover". While working on the single, Anton decided that this music could help other children - those whom their parents abandoned. This is how the idea of ​​a charity release arose, which is carried out jointly with Sony Music Entertainment and the Bureau of Good Deeds foundation - all proceeds from the sale of the track are donated to orphans in orphanages.

    In 2017, Anton Belyaev took part in the dubbing of the cult game Destiny 2. In the Russian version of the game, Captain Jacobsen speaks in Anton's voice.

    Awards and prizes

    Anton was nominated for the GQ "Person of the Year - 2015" award in the "Musician of the Year" category

    In 2016, Anton Belyaev was included in the list of “100 most stylish men” by GQ magazine. And also became “the most stylish man” according to the Fashion TV channel award - “Fashion Summer Awards 2016”

    In 2017, Anton Belyaev was chosen as “Man of the Year” according to the LF City magazine award - LF City Awards 2017

    Anton and Yulia Belyaev were included in the list of “25 most stylish couples of 2017” by GQ magazine. And in 2018, Anton was again included in the list of “100 Most Stylish Men” by GQ magazine.

    ", broadcast on Channel One.

    Childhood and youth

    Anton Vadimovich Belyaev was born in Magadan in 1979. The boy's birthday fell on the zodiac sign Virgo. Alfina Sergeevna and Vadim Borisovich are the musician’s parents. The future performer's mother worked as a computer science teacher, and his father worked as an electronics engineer in a computer center. Anton also has a sister named Lilia, who is 11 years older than him. The youngest child was surrounded by universal love and grew up as a spoiled child. The parents looked condescendingly at their son's pranks. Especially considering that Anton grew up as a rather sickly boy.

    His family recognized his musical abilities at the age of 3. Having barely learned to walk, Belyaev Jr. one day wandered into the kitchen and encountered an arsenal of musical instruments there in the form of pots, spoons, ladles and other utensils, immediately turning them into drums. Perhaps in other families, parents, with the help of exhortations or pedagogical pats, would have kicked the young talent out of the room where it became noisy, discouraging the desire to play music, but Alfina Sergeevna and Vadim Borisovich acted differently: they took their 5-year-old child to a music school.

    Much to the regret of Anton himself, children there were allowed to play percussion instruments only at the age of 9. I had to switch my attention to another instrument. At the family council they decided that it would be a piano. Anton Belyaev agreed, but only because he had to pass the time until the required 9 years.

    Soon young Belyaev liked playing the piano so much that the desire to “drum” passed by itself. In the future, Anton will tell you that one day, while playing the piano, he experienced a state of stress mixed with the feeling of touching a dream. This allowed me to make a leap forward and realize my potential in music.

    The boy becomes a regular participant in competitions and music festivals, where he takes prizes. But in other respects, Anton does not please his parents. In the 9th grade, the student was expelled from the gymnasium for bad behavior. At an educational institution, Belyaev studied English in depth, but had to complete his 9-year education at another school.

    Anton Belyaev decided to continue his studies at a music school, where he easily entered. But soon he was “asked” from there too, since the guy was overly interested in jazz, and his behavior left much to be desired. I had to finish my studies at one of the gymnasiums in Magadan. But after graduating from an educational institution, Belyaev entered the Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture, choosing the jazz department. The student was so passionate about his studies that he was awarded an increased scholarship. In 2002, Anton Belyaev graduated from university, after which an active search for a place in the sun began.


    Even during his student years, Anton Belyaev managed to study and at the same time earn money by performing in nightclubs in Magadan and Khabarovsk.

    2 years after graduating from the institute, the musician was invited to the position of art director of the Rus club. Belyaev received the technical opportunity to organize his own group, which he immediately began to do. This is how the creative biography of Anton Belyaev began. In the group, called Therr Maitz, Anton was both a composer, an arranger, and a frontman.

    In 2006, the wind of change and creative ambitions brought the musician to the Russian capital. For some time, Anton Belyaev has been working as an arranger for, and, prominent representatives of Russian show business. As the performer himself later admitted, some of the singers, whom I had to recognize by their occupation, did not arouse sympathy at all. This became a necessary measure for Anton Vadimovich, since he had to earn a living, and his soul still strived for quality music.

    Anton Belyaev and Therr Maitz – My Love Is Like

    Therefore, having gotten back on his feet, Belyaev returns to creativity and resumes the work of the Therr Maitz jazz band, but now with a new lineup. The group begins concert activity. Anton works as a keyboard player, vocalist and composer. Therr Maitz features female vocalist Victoria Zhuk. Also working here are guitarists Nikolai Sarabyanov and Artem Tildikov, drummer Boris Ionov. Today the band is famous among jazz connoisseurs. He already has a fan club, and every concert attracts a large audience.

    Therr Maitz has released 4 albums. Some tracks on the disc, called Unicorn, were recorded in London, in the studio where the legendary hits were created.

    Elina Chaga & Anton Belyaev - "Teach me to fly"

    In 2015, Anton Belyaev and the Russian performer presented the composition “Teach Me to Fly.” Fans appreciated the video for this song, demanding new videos.

    The performer knows about his popularity, claiming that at concerts he is trying to create a different atmosphere of sound perception, so that listeners can feel other emotions and find a tool for self-knowledge.

    “It is fundamentally important to move forward, you cannot stop at the first dream you achieve, you need to start dreaming of something even bigger, even more inaccessible. These thoughts help you achieve your life goals,” Anton Belyaev said in an interview.
    Anton Belyaev and Therr Maitz – Doctor

    The musician from Magadan has always believed that it is possible to achieve success in life, creativity and career without connections and the patronage of influential patrons. And when Anton Vadimovich saw the first season of the television project “The Voice,” he realized that he was drawn to try his hand at it. This was a chance to loudly express himself, which Anton Belyaev took advantage of.


    In 2013, the musician made his debut on Channel One, participating in the second season of “The Voice”. Belyaev successfully passed the Blind Auditions, performing the song Wicked Game to his own accompaniment. All 4 mentors turned to the performer. So Anton Belyaev was accepted as a participant in “The Voice”, choosing him as his mentor.

    Anton Belyaev - Wicked Game

    The whole country learned about the talented singer and musician. In an instant, Anton had millions of fans. Belyaev never even dreamed of such success and recognition. And although the Russian singer himself claims that he does not have unique vocals, his mesmerizing manner of performance and pleasant timbre of his voice did not leave anyone indifferent.

    Anton Belyaev and Alena Toymintseva - Hit the Road Jack

    Anton Belyaev’s performances were remembered by the audience, but the duet with was of particular interest, when both participants in the project sang the legendary composition Hit the Road Jack. The public and the jury appreciated the songs “You Will Come Back Someday” (“If You Come Back”) and “On the Lilac Moon,” which Belyaev also presented at the competition.

    Ton Belyaev - "You will come back someday again"

    At the second stage, Belyaev becomes a mentor instead of Agutin. The singer manages to make the performer’s talent sparkle with new facets. Pelageya selects sensual compositions for Anton, revealing the singer from a previously unknown side. Soon, the favorite of the female audience of “The Voice,” Anton Belyaev, performed the song “No woman, no cry,” making it to the semifinals of the show.

    The audience remembered Anton Belyaev not only for his performance of songs, but also for another feature. The musician took his mascot with him to his performances - a toy donkey named Plusha B-Junior. According to the artist, this toy brings good luck. Later, the talisman joined the number of lots in the “Auction of Good,” initiated by the “Day of Good Deeds” charitable foundation.

    Anton Belyaev – “You know, my soul is torn”

    The musician himself believes that he made the right choice by participating in “The Voice”, since he had previously abandoned another project that had nothing to do with television. The “Voice” project as a result made the artist a favorite of the public, the performer became popular, and his songs were broadcast more on TV.

    Having become a popular media personality, Anton Belyaev appeared as a TV presenter of the “Red Star” hit parade, which was broadcast on Channel One in 2013. Two years later, the artist was invited to the television competition “Main Stage”, where he took the place of a music producer in the team.

    In addition to creativity, Anton Belyaev participates in a large-scale environmental movement for separate waste collection. The action was initiated by the Greenpeace organization. For the project, the musician recorded the song Stop Quiet.

    Anton Belyaev - "On the Lilac Moon"

    In 2016, Anton tried his hand at cinema. The singer wrote the music for the film “Voices of a Big Country,” which starred popular Russian pop artists and participants in the “Voice” project - and others. Among the new projects of the year is the musical design of the immersive play “The Returned,” in the creation of which the choreographer and American directors Viktor Karina and Mia Zanetti participated.

    Personal life

    Anton met Julia, his future wife, by chance. Returning from a friend’s wedding, the musician went into a cafe. There I saw a girl with whom I immediately fell in love. To impress her, the guy performed an aria from the legendary rock opera for her.

    The next time they met was at Anton’s concert, where the musician invited his beloved girl. Of course, Julia could not resist the musician’s charm and charisma. In 2012, Yulia Markova became the legal wife of Anton Belyaev.

    Julia is a journalist by profession. The girl graduated from Moscow State University and worked at the newspaper “Evening Moscow”. Then she switched to television, changing several channels. Today Yulia Belyaeva works as the manager of the Therr Maitz group and editor of Europa Plus TV.

    The frontman of the group Therr Maitz told reporters about the birth of his first child, saying that for the joyful event he wrote a lullaby for his son called Undercover. This initiative soon turned into a charity project. The musician noted that everyone will be able to transfer funds to children who do not have parents. The Bureau of Good Deeds Foundation volunteered to help implement such plans.

    “Tell those who can help. Remind everyone around you how easy it is to help,” Belyaev noted.
    Anton Belyaev - "Alone with Everyone"

    In July 2017, the performer attended the program “Alone with Everyone.” The musician told the host of the program about his personal life, creativity, and plans for the future.

    Anton Belyaev now

    Anton does not reduce the degree of creative activity. In 2017, together with the musicians of his group, the artist released two singles – Undercover and Power. And the joint project of Belyaev and singer Dasha Shultz was the song “Sea”, which was included in the vocalist’s album called “Ballerina”.

    In 2018, Therr Maitz expanded their discography by releasing their third album, Capture. As the frontman of the musical group admitted in an interview, the musicians perceive this disc as their first, since for the first time all the songs were recorded from scratch, with one sound.

    Continuing his collaboration with cinema, in 2018 Anton Belyaev recorded the soundtrack for a full-length sports drama, which became a box office leader, collecting $26 million in six months. The musician performed the hit “Fly” from the repertoire of the Russian group “Amega”.

    Anton Belyaev - soundtrack of the film "Ice" - "Fly"

    Now, in addition to his vocal work, Anton Belyaev, together with a blogger, starred in an advertisement for the multi-brand boutique No One, presenting in photos and videos models from the capsule autumn-winter collection. Belyaev was not chosen to participate in the advertising campaign by chance. The musician, whose height is 183 cm and weight 79 kg, has been included in the list of the most stylish people of the year according to GQ and LF City magazines for the past 3 years.

    Anton Belyaev, song "Wicked game", video

    Russian musician Anton Belyaev was born in the city of Magadan on September 18, 1979 (09/18/1979).
    In 2004, Anton Belyaev founded the group “Therr Maitz”; he is also a music producer.
    Anton Belyaev’s mother’s name is Alfina Sergeevna, he is originally from Kazakhstan. Father, Vadim Sergeevich, was born in Saratov.
    Anton Belyaev has an older sister, her name is Lilia. She is a bibliographer by profession.

    Anton Belyaev got married last year, 2012. His wife's name is Julia, she is from Hungary, born into a military family. Yulia works as director of the Therr Maitz group and editor of the Europe Plus TV channel.

    Anton Belyaev was drawn to music from early childhood. Already at the age of five, Antosha Belyaev entered the first music school in Magadan. The boy dreamed of learning to play percussion instruments, but they took him there only at the age of nine. Anton began studying piano. He constantly and successfully took part in various music competitions.

    In 1992, Anton Belyaev began studying in a jazz studio led by Evgeniy Chernonog. A year later, he could easily play jazz melodies, performing with famous jazzmen in the city.

    In 1995, Anton played in a jazz orchestra and made his first recordings at a local studio.

    Anton Belyaev studied at the seventeenth special school with an English bias. In the ninth grade he was expelled. Anton completed nine classes at school number twenty-nine, then entered the Magadan Music College to study piano. Due to his passion for jazz music, Anton was also expelled from the music school.

    Anton Belyaev completed his studies at the thirtieth Magadan gymnasium, where he was deeply admired for his musical talent and excellent piano playing.

    After school, Anton, at the insistence of his mother, moved to Khabarovsk, where he entered the Institute of Culture to study in the pop-jazz department. A year later, Anton Belyaev was already performing in Khabarovsk clubs.

    As mentioned above, in 2004 Belyaev created the musical group “Therr Maitz”. The group included Max Bondarenko (bass), Dmitry Pavlov (guitar), Evgeny Kozhin (percussion) and Konstantin Drobitko (trumpet).

    In the 2000s, Anton moved to Moscow and worked for several years as a producer with famous performers, for example, Tamara Gverdtsiteli.

    Probably, many people remember the scene from the popular show “Comedy Club”, in which Anton Belyaev took part. In a prank staged by showman Alexander Revva, Anton posed as a security guard for the program, and the group “Los Devchatos” pretended to be ordinary spectators. Anton was seated at the piano and he, together with “Los Devchatos,” shocked the guests of the program with an excellent performance, who at first believed that they were random people.

    In 2013, Anton Belyaev became a participant in the popular music show “The Voice”, which takes place on Channel One of Russian television.

    Many TV viewers know Anton Belyaev as a semi-finalist in the “Voice” competition. But he is also the founder and frontman of the musical group “Therr Maitz”, as well as a composer and producer.

    Cheerful drummer

    Anton was born in the Far East in the family of two “techies”. The future musician’s father worked as an electronics engineer in one of the computer centers in Magadan, and his mother taught computer science at school. In addition to the boy, his elder sister Lilia was also raised in the family.

    As the youngest child, Anton was forgiven for many pranks. His relatives looked at his tricks condescendingly, especially since the boy was often sick. His talent for music was discovered very early. Having barely learned to walk, Anton one day wandered into the kitchen and built himself a “drum set” from pots, pans and other kitchen utensils, on which he beat with spoons and ladles. The child liked this activity so much that the kitchen became a playroom for him.

    Perhaps in other families such mockery of dishes would be considered blasphemy, but in the Belyaev family they acted differently - their son was barely five years old when the boy was enrolled in a music school.

    At first Anton was overjoyed, but soon the joy gave way to disappointment - only those who were already nine years old were allowed to play percussion instruments there. And all the younger students had to learn a different instrument. At the family council they agreed that it would be a piano. For the sake of playing drums, Anton agreed to hit the keys for four years.

    Musician with poor behavior

    However, playing the piano captivated the boy so much that he forgot about drumsticks forever. Many years later, Anton Belyaev will tell journalists that one day he got so carried away playing the keyboard instrument that he felt his dream come true.

    His music lessons did not go unnoticed by the teachers - the talented boy was often sent to various competitions, from where he always returned with some kind of prize. But in the secondary school things were not so successful. Of all his school lessons, Anton diligently studied only English, and in the ninth grade he was expelled from the gymnasium for bad behavior.

    Having said goodbye to school, Belyaev took the documents to the music school, where he entered without the slightest problem. But he was soon kicked out from there too - Anton did not have exemplary behavior, and he also became interested in jazz, which local teachers did not encourage. To receive the coveted certificate of secondary education, I had to return to one of the secondary schools.

    Finding yourself

    After graduating from school, Anton went to Khabarovsk, where he entered the Institute of Arts and Culture in the jazz department. From the first year I became so passionate about my studies that I even earned an increased scholarship. Unlike school, at the institute he was an exemplary student. Belyaev received a diploma of higher education in 2002.

    While still a student, Anton worked part-time in nightclubs in Khabarovsk and Magadan, and after graduating, some time later he received an offer from the Rus club to become its art director. In addition to his immediate responsibilities, Belyaev also received the opportunity to create his own team, which he did without delay. This is how the group “Therr Maitz” appeared in his biography, in which he became the frontman, composer and arranger.

    Having become a celebrity in the Far East, Belyaev ventured to conquer Moscow. At first, in Belokamennaya he worked as an arranger for Nikolai Baskov, Maxim Pokrovsky, Polina Gagarina, Tamara Gverdtsiteli and other famous performers. Such an activity was just a means to earn money, and the soul of the musician strived for his own music.

    Interesting notes:

    Having improved your financial situation, Belyaev resumed his creative career, recruiting a new line-up “Therr Maitz”. After several rehearsals, the group began active concert activity. Anton wrote music, played the keyboards and performed songs. Soon the band, specializing in jazz, became popular among fans of this musical genre.

    Belyaev and his comrades recorded 4 albums, which received warm reviews among fans and musicologists. The group performs all compositions in English.

    The path to success and fame

    In 2013, the musician decided to participate in the popular television project “The Voice”. All four mentors’ chairs turned around for his performance, but Belyaev gave preference to Leonid Agutin. The whole country soon started talking about the young performer, Anton gained a multimillion-dollar army of fans. He never even dreamed of such popularity. The singer captivated with his soulful manner of performing songs and the pleasant timbre of his voice.

    At the second stage of the competition, Anton was taken under her wing by Pelageya. The singer managed to reveal new facets of her ward’s talent, choosing for him a completely different repertoire than Leonid Agutin. Thanks to this cooperation, Belyaev reached the semi-finals of the competition.

    And although the young performer failed to win the project, he earned recognition from music fans. Anton's songs began to appear more and more often on domestic TV. After “The Voice,” Belyaev began hosting the hit parade “Red Star” on Channel One. In 2015, Belyaev and Elina Chaga recorded a joint composition “Teach me to fly.” Fans checked out the clip for it and demanded new videos. In the same year, the musician took part in the television competition “Main Stage”, taking one of the places in Igor Matvienko’s team.

    Anton Belyaev is not only busy with creativity, he is an active participant in a large-scale environmental movement advocating separate waste collection. He even recorded a special song “Stop Quiet” for this movement.

    In 2016, Belyaev wrote music for the film project “Voices of a Big Country”, in which Andrei Grizzly, Dima Bilan, Tina Kuznetsova took part. Then he created several musical scores for the production of “The Returned.” In 2018, together with Therr Maitz, Belyaev recorded a new album, Capture, and wrote the soundtrack for the film Ice.

    Stronghold of the hearth

    To the disappointment of his fans, Anton Belyaev long ago found family happiness. He met his future wife Julia completely by accident. One day, the musician was returning from a friend’s wedding and on the way home he stopped at a cafe. There he saw a girl with whom he fell in love at first sight. The next day, he invited a new acquaintance to his concert, and then a candy-flower period began in the lives of the young people. Yulia Markova became the wife of the popular performer in 2012.

    Anton’s wife has nothing to do with the world of art - she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and worked for some time in the print media. Later she switched to television. Now Yulia Belyaeva works as an editor at Europa Plus TV and helps her husband develop the Therr Maitz project, acting as a manager.

    In May 2017, the first child was born in the Belyaev family, who was named Semyon. The parents shared this news with their fans on their page on the social network Instagram.

    In the same year, Anton visited the studio of the television program “Alone with Everyone,” sharing personal information and plans for the future in a conversation with Yulia Menshova.

    Anton and Yulia Belyaev and their son live in a house on the river bank. Other members of the group “Therr Maitz” also come there for rehearsals. From time to time, musicians organize closed meetings with their most devoted fans in the Belyaevs’ house, showing them new songs.

    The performer considers the move from Magadan to Moscow one of the main achievements in his life, since all his old acquaintances from his hometown either followed Anton to Moscow, were imprisoned, or died. Belyaev has no nostalgia for his native places and the people with whom he grew up, but he loves Magadan. At heart, Anton Belyaev remains a seventeen-year-old boy, although he understands that time is inexorably taking its toll...

    Childhood and family of Anton Belyaev

    On September 18, 1979, in Magadan, the future singer and musician Anton Belyaev was born into the family of a computer science teacher and an electronics engineer at a computer center. The family already had a daughter, Lilia, who joyfully greeted the news of her newborn brother. Anton showed interest in music in early childhood, drumming on lids and pots in the kitchen.

    Anton’s mother Alfina Sergeevna contributed in every possible way to her son’s passion for music and never interfered with his musical interests in the groups Parkway and Depeche Mode. When Anton was 5 years old, his mother enrolled her son in local music school No. 1.

    Little Anton really wanted to play the drums, but he was only accepted to play percussion instruments from the age of 9. Therefore, the boy began to learn the basics of playing the piano and soon mastered the instrument so well that he became a regular participant and winner of numerous competitions and festivals for young pianists. It should be noted that Anton was often sick as a child, but this did not stop him from receiving music prizes and awards.

    Adolescence was marked by traditional boyish activities and interests, so for some time music faded into the background. At this time of teenage tossing and maximalism, Anton is expelled from the 9th grade of the English gymnasium for bad behavior. After graduating from the 9th grade of secondary school No. 29, Belyaev entered a music school, from which he was soon expelled for his excessive passion for jazz and bad behavior. Who knows what the fate of the restless teenager would have been if, at the age of 13, he had not met Evgeniy Chernonog. Evgeniy invited the boy to take classes at his jazz studio. A year later, Anton was already playing jazz compositions with famous musicians in Magadan. At the age of sixteen, the young man was already playing in a youth jazz orchestra, and at a Magadan studio he performed famous jazz standards on two pianos with Evgeniy Chernonog and recorded them.

    In 1997, Anton graduated from gymnasium No. 30, after which he entered the pop and jazz department of the State Institute of Arts and Culture in Khabarovsk, where he even managed to receive an increased scholarship. As a student, Anton successfully combined his studies and performances in nightclubs. In 2002, Anton completed his studies at Khabarovsk University and entered into an independent life.

    Works of Anton Belyaev

    In 2004, Anton Belyaev became the art director of the Rus establishment. He assembles a creative group, which includes Evgeny Kozhin (drums), Maxim Bondarenko (bass), Konstantin Drobitko (trumpet), Dmitry Pavlov (guitar). Later, Anton Belyaev became the frontman of this musical group, later named “Therr Maitz”.

    In 2006, Anton went to Moscow, trying to realize his creative ambitions. For some time, Anton Belyaev works as an arranger and collaborates with famous Russian pop performers - Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Polina Gagarina, Nikolai Baskov, Maxim Pokrovsky and Yolka. In one of his interviews, the musician admits that he did this work solely for the sake of money, since he “cannot stand” some of the performers with whom he had to collaborate. Anton notes that he feels true love only for high-quality music.

    Through the efforts of Belyaev, in 2011 the jazz band “Therr Maitz”, with an updated lineup, successfully resumed its concert activities. Anton Belyaev became the composer, keyboard player and vocalist of the updated group, the creative team of which included vocalist Victoria Zhuk, guitarists Nikolai Sarabyanov and Artem Tildikov, drummer Boris Ionov. Anton Belyaev is known both as a resident of the Jazz Parking project and as a musician working in various directions from trip-hop to electronics.

    Anton Belyaev on the show “The Voice”

    In the fall of 2013, Anton Belyaev successfully performed on the famous music show of Channel One “The Voice”. As part of the third day of auditions, he performed the song “Wicked Game,” accompanying himself. He so charmed the four mentors with his performance that they all turned to him. As a result, Anton became a participant in the TV show “The Voice Season 2”, joining Leonid Agutin’s team.

    Anton Belyaev's love for quality music helped him become famous overnight. On October 5, 2013, the whole country learned about Anton Belyaev.

    Personal life of Anton Belyaev

    One evening Anton was returning from his friend’s wedding and stopped at a cafe on the way. There he met his future wife Yulia, intrigued by the fact that he could sing Magdalene’s aria from the rock opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” while standing on the table. Yulia gave her phone number, but the numbers turned out to be incorrect, and Anton had to figure them out for three whole days. Belyaev's persistence led to success. He managed to get through to the girl and invite her to his concert.

    Since then, Yulia and Anton have been together. In 2012 they got married. Yulia Belyaeva is a journalist, she began her career in the newspaper “Evening Moscow”, worked as a TV presenter and correspondent on many leading TV channels. Anton Belyaev's wife is the director of TherrMaitz and editor of the Europa Plus TV channel. Anton Belyaev likes to ride his bike on the embankment opposite Gorky Park, not far from his home. The musician loves to watch Hollywood movies. As he himself admits, he often burdens himself with understanding the structure of the world.