World Cup hockey calendar and game schedule. Sports complex "Yubileiny"

The upcoming world hockey championship 2016 will undoubtedly become an important event for domestic fans of this sport. The fact is that it will be hosted by two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Of course, in this regard, fans of the Russian national team will expect a triumphant performance from it and are already waiting with bated breath for the calendar of games at the World Hockey Championship. It seems that the World Cup starting in the spring will give millions of hockey fans many spectacular matches, most of which will be the highlight of this tournament. And so that all fans do not miss a single match, our portal will promptly post the schedule of matches of the World Hockey Championship on its pages.

World Cup match results

However, at first it will not be possible to watch all the matches of the world championship live. In this regard, a specially created page on the portal for the results of the World Hockey Championship matches will be in demand among a large number of fans. Moreover, this data will be updated by experienced administrators as quickly as possible. And we strongly recommend that our users find out the results of the last round of the World Hockey Championship after each game day. We hope that you will be among them in the very near future!

On September 17, 2010, at the congress of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF, English ( International Ice Hockey Federation, IIHF) in Portoz (Slovenia) applications for the venue of the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship were considered.

Countries and cities that applied to host the championship:

  • Russia – St. Petersburg and Moscow;
  • Ukraine, Kyiv;
  • Denmark – Copenhagen and Herning;
  • Latvia – Ventspils and Riga.

However, Latvia only expressed a desire to host the championship, but refused to submit an official application, citing the decision to bid for the World Cup in 2017.

The selection of the venue for the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship took place on May 13, 2011 in Bratislava at the IIHF Congress. The ceremonial role of host country went to Russia. The 80th championship will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The decision was made almost immediately after the official candidates - Ukraine and Denmark - canceled their applications for one reason or another.

Hockey matches will be held in two arenas in Russia:

  • SC "Yubileiny" in St. Petersburg (SC hosted World Cup matches in 2000)
  • "VTB Ice Palace" in Moscow

When will the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship take place?

The championship is planned to be held from May 6 to May 22, 2016. This will be the third IIHF World Championship held in Russia (previous tournaments were held in the country in 2000 and 2007). Moscow hosted hockey championships four more times during the existence of the USSR (this was in 1957, 1973, 1979 and 1986).

Participants of the 2016 Ice Hockey World Cup

The World Hockey Championship, held in the Czech Republic, recently ended. Based on the results of this grandiose sporting event, the composition of participants at the world championship in 2016 was finally determined.

The Canadian team topped the IIHF world rankings for the first time, winning the 2015 Ice Hockey World Championship. As the host country, Russia guaranteed its participation, as well as the national teams of Hungary and Kazakhstan, which took first place in the first division tournament. Another 13 teams qualified for the tournament table following the results of the 2015 World Cup.

The teams will be divided into two groups - A and B. The teams in group A will play in St. Petersburg, those in group B will play in Moscow.

According to the regulations, the two worst teams that finish last will be relegated to the first division in 2017. If one of these teams becomes France or Germany, then they will still remain in the Top Division tournament, as they will host the 2017 World Cup. Instead of Germany or France, the third worst team in terms of points will be eliminated.

Organizers about the 2016 World Cup

At the press conference, which was dedicated to discussing pressing issues, the organizers assured the sports community of successful preparations for such an important mission.

“A headquarters for preparations for the 2016 World Cup has been created in Moscow. It is headed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. We work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Sports represented by Minister Vitaly Mutko and the Russian Hockey Federation and its President Vladislav Tretyak. In May 2016, athletes from 16 countries will take part in the 80th World Hockey Championship. The tournament will be hosted by the Megasport Sports Palace in Moscow. Particular attention will be paid to ensuring safety. Participants will be accommodated in the best hotels in the capital. Holding the competition will contribute to the development of hockey in our country,”- says the head of Moskomsport Alexey Vorobyov.

“In 2011, at the IIHF annual congress in Bratislava, our application was recognized as the best. As a result, in May 2016 Moscow and St. Petersburg will host the World Championships. The tournament was held five times in the capital, and once in St. Petersburg. Both cities have all the necessary infrastructure for holding competitions,”- emphasizes the executive director of the Russian Hockey Federation Valery Fesyuk.


The organizers of the championship officially announced a special competition for the best drawing of the mascot of the 2016 World Hockey Championship. Every resident of Russia, regardless of age, could take part. The judges had a wide variety of drawings to choose from - from heroes to bunnies with clubs.

As a result, on the television show “Evening Urgant” on Channel One, the winning mascot was presented - Laika Baikal. The guests of the program were the head of the expert jury of the competition, Alexey Morozov (former captain of the Russian national team and two-time world champion) and the president of the Russian Hockey Federation, Vladislav Tretyak.

Experts liked Laika because of its recognition, as well as the beauty and simplicity of making souvenirs and a life-size doll, which in 2016 will greet fans from all over the world at the 80th World Cup.

We have already written. All of them will be held in Moscow, since eight teams from Group A are based and play there. They will have a round-robin tournament, after which the top four teams will advance to the playoffs. Residents of St. Petersburg who have not purchased tickets for the Moscow matches will have to watch them on their TV or computer screens. Of course, watching games in one gulp one after another makes no sense, since not all teams are of great interest to fans. Sports Day by Day will help you get your bearings by selecting the top 5 matches from Groups A and B that we think are worth watching.

So, let's begin. Here is the 2016 World Hockey Championship calendar- a list of the most interesting matches of the group stage in Moscow. The only condition is that we do not take matches of the Russian national team, since we have already written about them, and you know very well even without us that they are of enormous interest. Unfortunately, at the moment, the Match TV channel has not yet published the TV program after May 9, but we are confident that most of the matches presented will be shown to viewers, if not on Match TV, then at least on Match! A game".

Calendar of the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship in St. Petersburg

Now let's turn to the schedule of the 2016 World Hockey Championship in St. Petersburg. Undoubtedly, it is much more interesting to watch matches at Yubileiny, but not everyone had enough money to buy expensive tickets. Preferential tickets for 375 rubles sold out like hot cakes, leaving city residents and its guests with only options starting at 1,500 rubles for the most popular games involving teams from Hungary and France.

Maybe you were lucky enough to buy tickets for a match that interests you, or maybe you decided to watch the World Cup on TV. One way or another, we offer our selection of the top 5 most interesting games of the group stage in St. Petersburg. We hope it serves as a guide for you.

So, the 2016 Hockey World Championship - the schedule of the St. Petersburg top matches that Yubileiny awaits.

The 2020 IIHF World Championship will be held in Switzerland from May 8 to 24 and will be the 84th world championship under the leadership of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF).


16 national hockey teams will take part in the championship - these are 14 teams that retained their place in the Top Division following the results of the 2019 World Cup and 2 teams that rose from the First Division (Belarus and Kazakhstan).

As always, at the group stage, the teams will be divided into two groups - Group A matches will be held in Lausanne on the ice of the new Vaudoise arena, Canada, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Denmark, Belarus and Great Britain will play here. And the matches of Group B in Zurich will take place on the ice of the Hallenstadion arena, where the teams of Russia, Finland, the USA, Switzerland, Latvia, Norway, Italy and Kazakhstan will perform.

Tournament table

During the group stage, each team will play seven matches - with each in its own group. The teams that take last place in the groups are relegated to the First Division. The four teams from each group that show the best results in the group stage advance to the quarter-finals of the playoffs.

Before this, the World Championship was held in Switzerland in 2009, Russia won the gold medals then, and the Swiss team took 9th place at the end of the tournament. The World Hockey Championships were also held in Switzerland in 1998, 1990, 1971, 1961, 1953, 1948, 1939, 1935 and 1928.

This year the tournament will be held in Russia, in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Our website, as usual, will offer all matches in the form of text broadcasts, with detailed statistics on goals, assists, and tournament tables. And, of course, with online hockey results.

The Ice Hockey World Championship is a sports competition organized annually by the International Ice Hockey Federation. Tournaments began to be held in 1920, but at first only during the Olympic Games. The first (1920) is part of the summer ones, the next ones (1924 and 1928) are part of the winter ones. After a two-year break, the next championship was held in 1930, after which it became an annual event.

IIHF World Championship 2016

This year will mark the 80th championship, which Russian cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg have agreed to host. This decision was made in Bratislava on May 13, 2011, during the congress of the International Ice Hockey Federation.

When will the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship take place?

The competition will take place from May 6 to May 22, 2016. It is during this period that you will be able to watch the World Hockey Championship online, rooting for your favorite teams. As for the participating teams, 16 teams will show their capabilities at the first stage. Those 8 of them who show the best results will be present at the second stage - the playoffs.

The first games of the 2016 World Cup will take place on May 6 at 16:15. The national teams of Sweden and Latvia will play in Moscow, and the USA - Canada match will take place in St. Petersburg. The Russian national team will play its first game on the same day at 20:15 against the Czech national team.

The final game will begin on May 22 at 20:45, after which the winners will be awarded and the closing ceremony of the World Cup will take place.

Where will the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship take place?

As we have already noted, the 2016 hockey championship will be held in Russia. It was Russia that won the right to host the world forum after Denmark and Ukraine withdrew their bids. Thus, this year Moscow and St. Petersburg are expecting a large influx of guests from many countries around the world who will come to enjoy the next championship.

Participants of the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship:

In total, 16 teams will traditionally compete at the World Championships, which are divided into two groups of eight teams each.

Group A: RUSSIA, Sweden, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Latvia, Norway, Denmark, Kazakhstan.
Group B: Canada, Finland, USA, Slovakia, Belarus, France, Germany, Hungary.

Mascot of the 2016 Ice Hockey World Championship.

Laika became the official mascot of the World Hockey Championship. The author of the mascot, the winner of the Mascot Ideas Competition and the winner of the main prize in the amount of two hundred thousand rubles was Natalya Petukhova from Samara. The presentation of the official mascot of the 2016 World Hockey Championship took place in the “Evening Urgant” show on Channel One. The guests of the program were the President of the Russian Hockey Federation Vladislav Tretyak and the head of the expert jury of the Competition, two-time world champion and former captain of the Russian national team Alexey Morozov.

The official mascot of the World Hockey Championship was chosen by representatives of the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) and the Russian Hockey Federation (RHF) from four finalists of the Competition, in which “Cat Sailor”, “Samovar Dymok” and “Russian Bogatyr” also competed for victory.

Where can I watch the World Hockey Championship schedule?

All news about matches, as well as standings with the results of the World Hockey Championship can be viewed on the website, where all information is regularly updated.

In addition, our portal has a separate “discussion” page for active fans who can not only enjoy watching the championship, but also share their emotions with others, which makes watching the games even more enjoyable.

If you don’t have time to follow all the games, you always have the opportunity to look at the hockey 2016 standings, where data on all tournaments is entered, and also learn from text broadcasts all the most interesting things that happened in a particular match.