Children's homesickness. In a children's camp: helping a child cope with homesickness Longing for a child

It’s a little embarrassing to write such things, because I’m not a little child anymore. But it is what it is... Alas...My daughter became a university student this year. She studies far from home (approximately 170 km). When she comes home, it is a holiday for the family. She is a cheerful and lively girl. But on the day of her departure, the blues attack me. I come home from the station and am overcome with tears. There are no distractions: no cat, no sports, no kitchen. It's already her third week of school. And there are still 6 years ahead. Will there ever come a time when I'll get used to it without her? And how to overcome melancholy?



You describe experiences that are common to most parents, especially mothers, when their growing children leave the parental home. In the literature this is sometimes called "empty nest syndrome". The blues and longing for the child who has “flyed away from the nest” are usually the stronger, the more strongly the meaning of the mother’s life was attached to the child, to motherhood. If for a woman a child and caring for him were the main (and even more difficult - if the only) significant part of her life, then, having now lost this part, many women begin to feel emptiness and despondency.

Unfortunately, some women, frightened by melancholy, in such a situation try with all their might to keep the growing child near them, not to let him go into an independent separate life. And you were able to let her go away from you to study, despite the longing for her. After all, it is good and wonderful that your daughter entered a university. Yes, indeed, it can be very difficult to find yourself at a new stage of your life, when children are no longer so close and do not need maternal care so much, when the joy of their presence nearby becomes rare.

It seems that the time has come for you to find some new meanings and activities in your life, to fill this emptiness. Of course, this may not work out right away; it will take time and effort on your part. Perhaps you should think and remember those activities that once made you happy, or find completely new and somewhat unexpected ones, organize an interesting pastime for yourself, unusual (for example, take a trip, a trip to a place where you have long wanted visit). And yes, at first such activities may not distract much from missing your daughter, but gradually, over time, you will get used to her absence, because “time heals.” In such a situation, it is good not to withdraw into the blues, but to go to people, communicate with friends, girlfriends, and get new impressions. And most importantly, find meaning and joy in your own life. After all, the daughter may not return home in 6 years, get married, or move to another city. And your life will continue without her around. It would be nice to make your life full at the same time. And you can start now.

During separation, no matter how long it will be and what circumstances it is associated with, the most difficult time is the first days. Then the melancholy dulls and fades into the background. The main thing during such a period is not to get hung up on the absence of your loved ones, not to spend hours looking at their photographs and not to lie around looking at the ceiling and thinking about how good it is together and how bad it is apart.

Find the positives

A woman is designed in such a way that, in most cases, family and care for her are a priority. This situation has developed in the course of evolution and even during the heyday of equality does not recede into the background. But while the separation lasts, there is an opportunity to take time for yourself: take a break from washing and cooking, treat yourself to pleasant little things, and take care of your beauty. Free time in itself is a great gift, you need to try to use it to the fullest.

Often, melancholy is aggravated by the lack of usual activities: no need to cook for the whole family, no need to look after the children, etc. In place of daily activities, emptiness appears, and with it comes boredom and sadness. This is not a very good sign, meaning that a person lives mainly for others. A harmonious personality practically never gets bored; she does not feel discomfort alone with herself. This is worth striving for by developing your own interests and hobbies. During the period of separation there are just enough opportunities for this.

Changing activities and meeting friends

Work, mental and physical, has always been and continues to be an excellent cure for melancholy. You can do anything - from large-scale general cleaning of the house to learning some new skills that you didn’t have enough time for before. In the case when most of the day is occupied with hired work, it is worth delving into it completely, and if possible, engage in advanced training. Housewives can be distracted by sports, reading, culinary experiments, walks or trips to some interesting places or excursions.

It will make it easier to be away from loved ones and communicate with friends, preferably in person. Moreover, at such moments, the optimal solution would be to relax with a large group. In one-on-one conversations, it’s quite easy to slip into complaints about loneliness and return to a melancholy state, but in company it’s almost guaranteed to be fun. New impressions, sensations, experiences will make life brighter and help brighten up moments of separation, overshadowing sadness with unusual impressions.

Dear parents!

Despite the fact that your child is excitedly awaiting a trip to the Sanatorium, you must be prepared forwhat happens to the child immediately after arriving at the Sanatorium? NECESSARILY a rapid attack of homesickness will begin, which will last several hours,and maybe a few days. According to experts, homesickness is a normal feeling that affects almost 95% of children regardlessfrom age. Children, especially those who find themselves in the Sanatorium for the first time, will miss home at first - THIS IS FINE. Such separation of children from their parents is a kind of teston children's independence and preparation for adult life. And since homesickness is inevitable, below are some helpful tips:how to prepare your child and thereby reduce the severity of this negative feeling.

Do not force your child to go to the Sanatorium.

Staying in a children's group without parents helps develop the child's personality, but at the same time, forcing a child to go to a Sanatorium when he is not yet ready for this can only increase homesickness and neutralize the entire positive effect of sanatorium treatment. This advice is especially useful for parents whose children are going to the Sanatorium for the first time. Talk openly with your child about what worries and scares him about the upcoming trip. When will you understand the reasonhis concerns, you can reassure him and show him that the Sanatorium is a great place where he can make new friends and develop new skills. Emphasize especially all the advantages and those happy moments that the child will be able to experience. Convince him that he will have a great timein the Sanatorium and your connection with him will not be interrupted, despite the distance.

Practice short trips from home.

In the days or weeks before the trip, parents can try a new practice. Send the child to your family or friends, where the child can be on his own, without the presence of parents. Even if it's just for a couple of hours. When he returns home, be sure to discuss with your child his experience of being on his own. Let him talk to friends who already have experience in sanatoriums or children's camps. One of the reasons why children feel homesick - especially at first - is because they do not know what to expect from their stay at the Sanatorium. The child’s communication with peers who are more experienced in this regard will help somehow alleviate his anxiety. Try playing outdoor games that your child is likely to play at the Sanatorium. This will help him better understand what will be waiting for him here.

Explain the need to adhere to the regime.

It is no secret that children in modern realities spend more time “walking” on the Internet and virtual reality than playing on playgrounds and sports grounds. And many of them don’t know what a daily routine is. The need to adhere to treatment, nutrition and daily routinein a new environment also contributes to homesickness. Explain to your child that everything at the Sanatorium will be on schedule: getting up, treatment, meals, walks, games, going to bed. Remember your trips to a sanatorium or children's camp as a child. Try to implement a semblance of a routine into your child’s daily life a few days before the start of the race.

Do not rush to pick up your child from the Sanatorium.

As parents, we often fall into the trap of childhood homesickness. It seems to us that the child has ended up in a place that is not the best for him and we take him away in the first days. Experts believe this will not help prevent similar melancholy in the future. In fact, by doing this, we are sending a very bad signal to our child. It’s like saying, “Homesickness is something you can’t handle on your own.” On the contrary, parents need to find an approach to their child and help them survive this strong feeling, become more independent and, as a result, a little more mature. Nurture in him the ability to cope with this and do not prevent your child from becoming independent!

Try not to visit your child at the Sanatorium again.

Meeting with parents, especially in the first weeks of stayin a Sanatorium, significantly reduces the child’s adaptive abilityand causes a new attack of homesickness.Based on the above, mobile phones are confiscated from children, stored in a safe and issued for calling parents from the third day of arrival every day after dinner. Support your child during this difficult period of adaptation to a new children's team. Tell him how much you love him and are proud that he is so bigand independent. It is highly not recommended to visit a childto the Sanatorium, bring sausages, white pies, chips, and, oddly enough, berries, as well as fruits and vegetables - in order to avoid disorders and poisoning.

Unlike a children's camp, the Sanatorium is a treatment and preventive medical organization. NO PARENTS' DAY! Visit only from preliminary permission from the attending physician, no more than once per visit!

Questioner: I am one of the many souls who have had to suppress my inner child in order to take care of younger souls, and now I have great difficulty remembering that inner child. I believe that the inner child can now help me in ascension, so what can I do to establish a connection with it that would not be so painful in everyday life?

Group: Dear, there is no growth without pain. It is suffering that is a necessary component. Dwelling in your suffering is a tendency that humanity has, so we ask you to simply feel it. If you understand, when you were in your first stage of life, the planning stage, you asked this person to be your mother, and this person to be your first college sweetheart, and that person to break your heart for the first time. The difficulties you went through you initially chose for yourself in order to gain the knowledge that you have now. Now also understand that unshared truth is not truth, so guard your energy and acquired knowledge as you understand the true beauty of the inner child and how it can heal you. The moment you apply this knowledge, you become a teacher. You think so yourself.

If we gave you a small box now, you would look at it and the first thing you would be curious about is what you could use it for. When you found a way to use the box, you would close it and place it on the table. Your second thought would be, “How can I teach this to someone else?” This is how you are made. You are a teacher. You just haven't allowed yourself to step into this role yet, but you're standing right on the threshold, and we're standing right behind you. Along with the eight or so million other angels on this planet awakening in these current times. (The channeling took place on a Hawaiian beach, and at that moment a fresh wind suddenly blew in, bringing a feeling of coolness to each participant and immediately dying down.) The wind you just felt is not blowing from the ocean: it is the applause of our flapping wings. Espavo.

Reverse Vision and Emotions

Earth Disasters - Channel No. 054, Kona (Hawaii)

Questioner: I have a question about emotions. I'm quite emotional. I know that emotions sometimes help release tension. Most of the time, I actually have an idea of ​​exactly what they are for, but could you tell me something about this? Why am I so emotional?

Group: At the very beginning, the Guardian had the same problem. When we started talking through him, he became overwhelmed with emotions. It is important to feel the flow of spiritual energy passing through the body. The Higher Self is directly related to the imagination. Because of this, most of you do not believe that you can channel. You always feel like you're making things up. Because you have this natural mistrust of your own creative flow, you need to activate the flow of spiritual energy so that you are convinced that there is indeed a creative flow flowing through you. This activation can only occur in the heart. The imagination can only be activated through emotions. Many people told the Guardian that they cried when they read the books he wrote. This is fine. We will share with you and say that he also cried when he wrote these books. Then he began to broadcast our messages out loud. The difficulty was that as soon as he began to use his vocal cords and speak, he felt our love, and every time he did, he would lose his breath and stop speaking. So instead of speaking as beautifully as he did now, all he could do at first was squeak out the words. At first, very few people really understood what he was saying. He worried about whether he would ever be able to perform his work in front of an audience.

One day he learned from someone how he could feel these emotions and still breathe through his mouth instead of his nose. This helped him a lot. He could continue to feel the love inside and still keep himself balanced enough to convey the message. To this day, you can still often see him talking and crying. We tell this story because he had to learn to use human tools in order to openly work with the Spirit. There are many human ways to enjoy emotions without being dominated or controlled by them. At one point, the Guardian asked when his tears would stop and would no longer bother him. We told him we hope this never happens. You see, the new humanity is experiencing something we call “reverse vision.” You don't cry when you feel pain. You don't cry when you are suffering. You cry when you experience something wonderful. You cry when your heart opens, and this does not mean that you need to work harder at opening it or that you cry because it is ossified, that your old problems need to be worked through. That's not the point. You cry because you feel Home. It is your own Higher Self that makes the connection and sends a flow of love through your being. Own your tears. Know that they are a blessing. They are the beauty of your own Higher Self that you will not lose. And we promise you that we will not let him lose this beauty either.

Lifting the veil

Human Angel Tools - Channeling No. 034, Elspeth (Netherlands)

Questioner: Hello. I went through a difficult and stressful period before I got here, and this is not the first time. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for me to live and understand myself. Now this week I feel very good. I feel strong and I am very happy. But when I get home, I'm scared. I hope you can lift the veil a little for me and tell me a little about me and the gift I have to give to myself as well as to those around me.

Group: How about taking the House into your home? The greatest of all illusions on the Game Board is the veil. It allows you to play the Game and complete your task of seeking God. She makes you think you are human. Dear one, you are a Spirit pretending to be a person, and the veil does its job perfectly. Yes, all the courses we provide are aimed at creating Home and helping you remember your true nature. We want to tell you that even though you feel fear, you have changed forever. Your life is in flux, and from now on everything will be different.

You came here and you were wondering if you could stay. (Tears.) You are curious whether you will be able to fulfill the contracts you have chosen for yourself. Trust us when we say that your choice cannot be right or wrong. You are loved beyond your understanding. But also know that you have already exceeded your highest expectations and hopes for this lifetime. You did well, dear, and if you return Home, you will be celebrated as a hero. And if you choose to stay, all of humanity will benefit from your passion. If you stay, you must activate your Spirit in this biological bubble. And you did it this week. Now that your spirit is activated, all you have to do is change the habits you previously developed.

You came here with special gifts, and therefore you have a special structure. We tell you, when you lose control of your own life, your inner structure puts dark glasses on your eyes and you begin to see everything through a filter that does not allow you to understand yourself. No matter what you look at, everything seems bleak and hopeless. And yet, when you notice a small ray of hope, when you find even a small piece of it, you can take it inside of you and strengthen it in a way that you have never done before.

You have spent most of your life engaged in self-defense, trying to protect yourself from everything that came to you from the outside. No matter how difficult our proposal may seem to you, we still want to make it. Open up and let everything in. Will it hurt you? Yes, it's possible. Will you cry? We can guarantee this almost 100%. Instead of trying to defend yourself, just let the world in. Allow yourself to be completely open and vulnerable. Thanks to this, you will gain new strength that you are not used to using. Tears will always be with you, because this is how you react to the phenomena and events of this world, and yet now tears will be used in a new way, for other purposes. Now tears are nothing more than the “lubricant of life.”

Many of you cry when you are lonely or sad. Many of you are crying because you cannot remember the House, and yet we tell you that there is another device that can also be installed in the physical body. The Guardian has the opposite vision. He doesn't cry when he's sad, but only when he sees something beautiful, and he's crying right now. Can you accept this beauty? The beauty he sees is your beauty. You are a unique spark and your light will be a bridge over the abyss for many people. Many people will touch the heart that touches your heart. And when you decide to return Home, you will be greeted as heroes are greeted, and it defies description. Enjoy your choice. Espavo.

Feel the fear

Angela's Broken Wing - Channel #06301, San Diego, California

Questioner: I have known for some time that my passion is teaching. What I don't know is when, how and where I should do this. Over the past year or so I've had a plan, and the more I think about it, the clearer it becomes. I even went so far as to give it a name. It implies the opening of an entire national campaign, starting with the universities of our country throughout its territory. But I'm scared. When I go too far in my thoughts, I become horrified. I get a lot of reasons why I shouldn't go ahead and do what I want to do, and I don't know if it's my ego or something else that's causing these feelings. I would like to get some information from you, if possible, of course.

Group: You were standing at the edge of the valley. You looked at the city below. You knew it was one of four nearby towns, and you saw people running up the hills. Everyone tried to climb higher as the water rose. You looked up to the heavens and asked, “Why? What have we done that’s so terrible?” And this energy was forever imprinted in your soul. You asked for it and you made a commitment that day. And it was easy for you to carry this obligation from one incarnation to another, knowing that you had some higher purpose that would soon be revealed to you. But the day it started to manifest itself, you were overcome with fear: “What if I am doing something wrong? What if I don't like it? What if I don't take the step when I'm supposed to take it?

Feel the fear, dear, for fear is your friend. Fear is an illusion of a vacuum that you deliberately created within yourself and carried. Wear it with pride, like an emblem. Use it to check your own energy, to check your ego, and then take a step forward. Feel the fear and then act with confidence. You came to help other people. Run your campaign quietly or it won't happen. You will be the quiet teacher, the gentle healer who speaks when the opportunity arises. Don't be afraid. You will touch many hearts.

For the next two years, you have a contract in which you will connect with six people on the planet who have the same dream. No, you will not create a partnership with these six people. You just come into contact with them. This is part of what you thought was your goal. This is part of the reason you are here, and this is part of what you chose to do. Even though you may never know who these people are, by the time you connect with the sixth person, you will have your own answers. Your dream becomes increasingly clear as you are guided along your path. Your own Higher Self opens doors for you and creates circumstances that make your purpose clearer and clearer.

Thank you for your courage in walking this path. You are doing well. Trust your inner guidance. Also, please don't be too attached to this path, otherwise you won't notice the side passages and doors. We say that you will meet many of them on the path that you have to take next. Once you see what's inside the room, you have plenty of options to choose the path that will take you right there. You approach the door leading into the hall, see the inscription engraved on it, and say: “This is where I want to enter.”

So go to school to get your diploma and get in there, or buy a key, or pick the lock and brazenly walk through the door and say, “I’m finally here.” Then look around and say, “This is not what I wanted.” All we ask of you is to be patient, because if you look closely as you leave the room, you will see that there are doors that you would not have known about unless you went there. There are magical doors. There are doors that will lead you to your dreams.

Teach when asked. Speak when the moment is right and you can be heard. There have been many campaigns and crusades on planet Earth, and most of them did not end well. All of them were dictated by higher intentions coming from the heart. Don't be fanatical and you will find your talent as a teacher and you will reach many people. Millions of hearts will be touched by one single touch of an angel. Thank you for feeling the fear. Thank you for leaving him far enough behind to be here today. Now, if you look around, you will find many members of your original spiritual family in this room, and they will give you courage and courage to move even further. Remember this when you leave this room. You will see doors opening before you.

Angel Man

In the beginning - channel #003, Cortez (Colorado)

Questioner: I want to know how we can be teachers. How do we recognize those people who come to us and really need our help? And is it possible that we will fail and fail to be angels and help the people we want to help?

Group: What a great question! Thank you for asking it. Yes, of course, you may fail. Isn't this wonderful? Yet it is not up to you to define your actions as failure or failure. Your job is not to think whether what you have as a Human Angel will be accepted or used. The only thing you are looking for is the opportunity to give your gift. Offer your gifts and you will be fulfilled as a human being; to do this you must free yourself from any attachment to the outcome. So how can you tell if a beggar on the street wants a dollar from you so he can use it to buy alcohol or feed his family? We will say that it does not matter, since the gift belongs to the one who gives it.

In fact, when you serve him, you are helping to make his life worse. We tell you, there is a simple way to evaluate - ask yourself, are your actions strengthening your energy or are they taking it away from you? The only thing we ask of you is to search your heart, because there will be many situations in your life in which you will say, “No, thank you.” And you won't always know why you do it.

You will know in your heart that this is truly an opportunity for you to be a Human Angel. Showing love in any form is a gift that belongs to the giver, not to the recipient. So, allow yourself to be in the perfect set of circumstances, in the perfect place and time, where you can change someone else's life. Once you give your gift, be free of attachment. Can you imagine the mess we would all be in if we angels took responsibility for all of humanity's actions? Oh God! Thankfully, the c-word does not exist on our side of the veil, and we hope it will soon cease to exist on your side. The “c” word—for those of you who don’t already know, it’s “guilt”—reflects the most useless human emotion in the highest vibrations of the New Planet Earth. We will simply tell you that in order to free yourself from it, either change the situation or forgive yourself and let go of your guilt. If you can do something, do it. If not, let go of the guilt. Being an angel, it is impossible to feel guilt, because it will very quickly make you depressed and break you. Take action and have fun. Play and enjoy.

Why now?

Cosmic Clues - Channel #059, Mount Charleston, Nevada

Questioner: I've been on the spiritual path for about thirty years since my awakening experience, and I've been studying everything I can. About a year ago I met you, the group. I discovered a new world that I didn’t know existed. Why did this happen so late? Why did you keep me in the dark when I searched so hard all these years? Why now? Could you shed some light?

Group: What a great question! Yes, we can provide information as it is important that you understand that the time period is of great importance. We've worked with Guardian before. He believes that he had a contract before we came into his life, but the reality is that we have already been working with him for twelve lifetimes. This is his twelfth incarnation, and over the previous eleven incarnations he has conveyed our messages in many different ways. Like most of those listening to these words, you have planted thoughts-seeds that you thought would never grow. In fact, when we began to transmit our messages through the Guardian, people were not yet ready to hear them. Only recently have these seed thoughts begun to fall into fertile soil.

The collective vibration of humanity had to rise. Imagine what it would have been like to try to teach reiki to people a hundred years ago. As you understand, the collective vibration of humanity would then hardly support this science. Thought-seeds would not be able to germinate in society. And perhaps you would be put in a straitjacket. In those days people were more afraid of what they did not understand than they are today, as the collective vibration of humanity is rapidly rising. Time is an illusion that does not exist at home. Determining the moment of humanity's rise was as difficult as hitting a moving target. That's why the Guardian has been here as a teacher before, like so many of you.

However, messages do not only go through the Guardian. They are also transmitted through other people, as a new level of power, which he calls spirituality, spreads among humanity from heart to heart. This is a process of awakening, acceleration. In order for it to begin, it was necessary to put a lot of things in order. Some people needed to accept their contracts. Others needed to dive into their fears to plant the seeds that started the process and helped the collective vibration of humanity reach the desired level.

“Aboriginal healers” have become an important part of this process, and you are one of them. "Aboriginal healer" means true healer. You came here with the information, ideas, concepts and insights you were looking for. You became a professional seeker about thirty years ago. You searched everywhere, took every course and seminar, read every book you came across, trying to find confirmation of what you knew in your heart because you carried that knowledge within you. And even in your quest, you taught people and sowed seeds, dear one. Our presence here would not be possible if you had not done your job. And now you look around and see a whole new level of vibration that you resonate with, and you think that this is something new and amazing, and you can't wait to learn more about it and start playing in a new space. You don't even suspect that you started it all. And we thank you, Great Master of Time. We tell you that your grandmother is very proud of you, as she was the custodian of this energy before you. And it's right above your shoulder. (The questioner’s smile lights up the room.)

Original Spiritual Family

Dragon flight - Channel No. 069, Las Vegas, Nevada

Questioner: I want to know about my relationship with the Guardian, and also why my work and teaching, especially in relation to group classes, ran parallel to his work, although I had never met him before.

Group: Very interesting question. We'll tell you a little about this. There are certain families about which the Guardian still does not have a clear understanding, so that when he is asked a question, he does not always have the answers. When we talk about the original spiritual family, his thoughts instantly go to the Original Five Hundred souls who began physical life on Earth. But it’s not always about them. We will tell you that in Heaven, those you think are archangels are actually Angelic Appointments. In other words, when it comes to those beings you call archangels, every name you give them, every quality you bestow upon them in Heaven allows them to manifest one personality - their Angelic Purpose. Michael, for example, is responsible for Truth, so his purpose is to seek and know the highest truth. There are different archangels for different purposes, and all souls in Heaven who want to work for a special purpose become part of this Family. This does not mean that they cannot become part of another family at the same time. Your human nature has taught you to believe that you can only belong to one family, as well as to believe that you can love only one person. The family of your Assignment for many life incarnations was the same as that of the Guardian. That, plus the times you were best friends, brings back memories of the days you taught people together. In those days, you were trying to create a space in which to teach true power. And we tell you that teaching people this idea is not easy, then or now. With the acquisition of true power comes enormous responsibility, which most people are not used to taking upon themselves. People are looking for shortcuts. This is part of your nature as energetic beings, as energy always follows the path of least resistance. However, we will not say that you should find the most difficult path. That's not the point. But we tell you that you have come with a special purpose. Working with the highest level, where you find true sipa, means that you take responsibility for your reality, for every step of every day. This is what you and the Guardian have been working on.

Now, if you want, we can go back in time and tell you that there was a time when the Guardian and you were cousins ​​and there was a strong bond between you. You fought when you were kids and became great friends when you grew up. You were very supportive of each other. There was another time when the Guardian and you played the Game of Business together and you weren't very good at it, but you learned a lot from each other and it was wonderful. (Laughter) You had a good time together, but it wasn't a success because your business failed. But the reality is that the Game is in flux and the outcome doesn't matter. What matters is that you resonate with the concepts and ideas of finding true power and have begun to fulfill your role as a teacher in much the same way as the Guardian did. The game of Human Angels is simple. Follow it and move on. ׳

Mastery of Life

Dragon flight - Channel No. 60, Las Vegas, Nevada

Questioner: My main task is to overcome the difficulties that I had as a child with my mother. I've been working on this my whole life. I want to be a Lightworker and I'm curious what you see for my future.

Group: Your future is amazing because this is exactly how you want it to be. Your future is what you allow yourself to have. It is what it should be. Please understand that at every moment you are absolutely responsible for your reality. Your happiness, your future, every step you take every day is determined by what you allow yourself to have and what energy you allow to flow through you. It sounds very simple, and it is, but it is not easy. If it were easy, everyone would want to be human.

If you could imagine the energy flowing through you every day, you would say, “I will just open myself completely to it and allow it to flow freely through me.” But this is impossible, because at a certain point the flow would wash you away without a trace. So the point is to preserve your true essence and allow as much energy as possible to flow through you. Thus, people choose different levels of what is called “social status.” They choose their personal level of abundance at which they feel comfortable. All levels of the economy have their challenges, and none are better than others. As you understand, a high economic level is no better than a lower one. You just need to understand that the level you choose for your own life is determined by your own belief systems and the energetic patterns that you carry within you.

We'll tell you that we worked very, very hard to get you here (laughter). However, as much as we wanted to be praised for our actions, it was you who heard the call and responded. You are the person who said, “I don’t know why I go there, but I know that I just have to be there.”

And if you had not done this, your life path would never have changed the way it is now. And now that you are here, change is already in the air. You are a magician who managed to throw all five balls into the air at the same time. You're waiting for the first ball to drop, having no idea what you'll do with it. You won't come back from here the same person you were before, and that's why you needed to be here. All changes lead to something better. Part of you constantly wondered what was going on here, as you looked around the room and saw people who were working with cards, you saw people who were working with stars, as well as with a variety of techniques - from tuning forks to reiki. But you didn't feel like you were a part of it all. You thought it was great that all these techniques were available to people, and yet you felt that there was something more. You are teachers who dared to bring something new, and the very fact of your existence as you are will turn you into a great teacher in the near future.

The short answer to your question is that once you have begun to approach the level of mastery of your own life lesson, you will begin to teach. The students themselves will appear on your doorstep. Now, since the life lesson was accelerated and activated by your mother, it will not hurt you to learn about the role she played in your life. You are closer than you think, but you are confused by a cliche from your life. This is reason enough to do it now, and the process has already begun.

Now, we'll tell you this. Your mother's energy is all around you and the time will come when you will thank her for the role she played. This will allow you to become an even better teacher than you imagine. Essentially, the hardships you experienced as a child should not be brushed aside or forgotten. They give you permission to be the teacher and healer that you are. And your work will not quite fit into the methods used by the people around you. This will be your own technique. You will find a way to spread the seeds - thoughts of light, even if you do no more than offer people only hope. When you give hope to another person, you give them the opportunity to create. And you are here to do this work, and that is why you came here.

Now we will tell you that when you leave here you will be in turmoil because you will return to your normal life as a different person. You'll be wondering, “Okay, how can I apply what I've learned? Or was it just a dream? At one point you will try to discard everything that was here, and this is a normal process of adaptation and acceptance of the new. But the new will not go away. Your new state is who you are, and the cosmic joke is that you think this is something new for you (laughter). This is nothing new. You have been a great wizard with the power of Merlin so many times that it can be very difficult for us to hold the veil, but we have tried our best and so far we have succeeded. If you were to pull back the veil and see all that you have already brought to these beings called people and to the entire planet, it would prevent you from continuing to play the Game in which you quietly dealt with the difficulties that arose in your childhood. This gives you the right to be the healer and teacher that you are. We thank you for listening.

Be a bridge

Age of Empowerment - Channel #017, Mount Shasta (California)

Questioner: I understand that when I leave here and move on, one of my main tasks will be to help build a bridge between the illusions and the reality of life in a biological bubble. Is there a tool or phrase you could give me to help me express myself more clearly when communicating with others?

Group: Three words: from the bottom of my heart. This is the path that we asked the Guardian to tell us about at the very beginning, since he came from the area where he thought everything over all the time and often lived only with his head. He, just like you, really wanted to be touched on the shoulder and given very important information, and he wanted to be sure that this information came from where it was needed, but he did not know how to get it. And of course, he believed that he needed recommendations. He was surprised when we told him that he already had references. We asked him to speak from his heart. Because when you speak from the heart, you cannot lie, you cannot misdirect energy, and more importantly, when you speak from the heart, everyone sees the real you and their heart in yours. Yes, the key is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and allow others to see your heart.

You will be the bridge, dear. You know this in your own heart, and we can only confirm this knowledge. The phrase you are looking for has already been given to you. Enjoy your journey.

Homesickness is common, and parents who react incorrectly to this problem only make it worse.

Things to consider

Although many children feel homesick, most feel better within a day or two. If you can cope with this temporary discomfort, then your children may also be able to cope with it.

Homesickness can become more depressing if the family has recently experienced some kind of loss or stressful period, such as the death of a relative or separation of spouses.

Although homesickness is unpleasant, the child, learning to overcome it, begins to feel competent in this matter.

How to speak

There are three stages: preparation, farewell to the child and subsequent separation. What you say to your child at each stage will determine whether he feels homesick or calm.

At the preparation stage, listen to the child’s questions, find out his interests and explain to him what he can expect while being away from his native place. “Here is the camp brochure. As you can see, interesting activities await you every day, such as swimming and boating. Plus, you'll learn some unusual things, like archery."

  • TEACH your child about homesickness if you think he will feel lonely. Don't scold your child for this. “When you feel homesick, you can feel sadness consuming you. It just means you miss
    us. But this feeling passes in a day or two. It’s just a feeling, and nothing bad will come from it.”
  • When a child asks how they will be away from home and says they will miss you, express EMPATHY and TEACH them to overcome this feeling: “Most children feel lonely for some time. This is fine. When you have this feeling, the best thing is to do something pleasant. Then you can call me and tell me how you spent your day.”
  • If a child protests against your departure, then try to understand whether he has any special reasons for this. To make the child feel better, it is a good idea to introduce him to another child or a camp counselor. “Tell me, what are you most afraid of right now? What can I do for you to make you feel better?”
  • If your child calls you, be optimistic and cheerful. Reassure him that all his fears are quite normal and, if necessary, express your suggestions. Surely the child will soon feel better: “I bet you had an interesting day today. Tell me what you did."
  • Try to understand what activities your child did that made him feel better, and praise him for it: “When you were lonely, you went swimming with other children. It was a great idea."
  • If your child feels completely unhappy and there is no way to console him, then he may simply not be ready for a long separation from home. “It’s okay that you returned home earlier. Maybe when you get older you'll like being away from your parents."

How not to talk

  • “Nobody else has that feeling. You should be delighted." This is not reassurance, and this can only make the child feel worse. It's best to explain to him that it's normal to feel a little sad or scared.
  • “Well, we wasted our money. The next time you want to go to camp, don’t ask us about it again.” You are not teaching him anything useful. The child will only have a bad feeling towards himself and towards you. What's good about this?
  • “We will miss you so much while you are at camp. We will miss you so much!” Don't make your child feel guilty about leaving. Learning to cope with separation from parents is an important task in a child's development.
  • “Remember, if you want to come home, just call us and we will come. Call any time of the day or night." Don't go too far with your consolations. This way you only convince the child that he is going to have a difficult time. In addition, many children are a little homesick, and if you rush to “save” your child, you will deprive him of the opportunity to understand that all unpleasant feelings pass.
  • "You're too big to be homesick." No, that's not the point. The child may have good reasons for this. A seventh grade student may return home from a friend's house because his parents are constantly quarreling and this scares him. Whatever the reasons for homesickness, your child experiences this feeling. Try to understand him.

Basic rule: If you were very homesick as a child (or never homesick at all), then it is possible that you identify too much with your child. Your child may have completely different feelings. Remember this.