Physical education lesson about migratory birds for preschoolers. Physical education lesson about birds. Exercise “Connect correctly”

Olga Shushkova
Games, riddles, physical exercises for classes during the week “Wintering Birds. Birds of our city"

Subject weeks: Wintering birds. Birds of our city.

Target: Formation of knowledge about wintering birds living in our city.

Tasks: Development of the grammatical structure of speech, memory, thinking. Expanding knowledge about the outside world, about the world birds and ways to help them during difficult winter times.


Nouns: sparrow, crow, tit, bullfinch, pigeon, owl, woodpecker, magpie, feeder, food, breast, back, head, tail, wing, feather, beak, legs, claws, neck, paws, fluff, winter, cold, hunger , snow, wind, bird, crossbill, seeds, crumbs, lard, treats.

Adjectives: wintering, small, large, big-small, short-long, thin-thick, nimble, pugnacious, fast, dexterous, beautiful, lazy, sad, yellow, red, motley, bread crumbs (crumbs, melon, watermelon, ash and others (seeds)

Verbs: flew away, flew away, hibernates, pecks, defends itself, cleans, sits, collects, jumps, flies, sings, chirps, chirps, croaks, coos, hisses, cares, feeds, etc.

Game: "Say a word"

Tit from the tree (flew off, around the feeder (flew around). From branch to branch (flew, and then into a hollow (got knocked up). Etc.

Game: "For what?"

Why does a bird have a beak?

Why does a bird need wings?

What does a bird need its paws for (feathers, tail, claws, eyes, nose, neck?


Birds jump, fly, "simulate flight"

Birds are jumping and singing. "sing"

Birds collect crumbs "collect"

The grains are pecked. "peck"

Feathers cleaned "clean"

And they sat down. "sit down".

"Make a proposal".

Bird– nest – feeder ( The bird flew out of the nest, flew up to the feeder and began pecking at the food).

Bird - butterfly - chicks (The bird caught the butterfly and brought it to its chicks).

The fourth one is extra.

Tit, sparrow, rook, bullfinch.

Bullfinch, tit, feeder, pigeon.

Woodpecker, goldfinch, waxwing, badger.

Retelling the story "Feeder".

Saw children near school in winter birds. They threw crumbs of bread at them. The birds were afraid at first, and then they ate all the bread. The next day the birds have arrived again. The children took the box, hung it on a branch and poured grains. The feeder came out. The children fed the birds until spring.


Motley fidget, long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird, the most talkative. (Magpie)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night (Owl)

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the forest (Woodpecker)

A little boy in a gray army jacket

Snooping around the yards, collecting crumbs (Sparrow)

There are apples on the branches in winter, pick them up quickly!

And suddenly the apples fluttered, because this (Bullfinches)

Grayish in color, furtive in habit,

The hoarse screamer is a famous person. This - (Crow)

Who's jumping and rustling there? Does it gut pine cones with its beak?

The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish,

Black hat and striped scarf (Tit)

Playful physical education sessions for preschoolers

Classes with children on literacy, mathematics, visual arts, etc., board games, and simply watching television programs and cartoons often take place at the table, on the floor or in a chair, i.e. in a stationary state. But staying in one position for a long time, one position for children, especially preschool and primary school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, attention decreases, and interest in a game or activity is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Particularly tiring for children of this age is long, monotonous work or tasks that do not arouse keen interest in them, and the volitional efforts necessary to complete them are not yet sufficiently developed.

During classes with children, you should often change types of activities, interest them in some bright, unusual object, or diversify frequently repeated actions or tasks with some new element that is attractive to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of fatigue, promptly detect signs of its appearance and remove them as quickly and effectively as possible, since fatigue, accumulating, can develop into overwork and cause various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of exercise, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: yawning, distracted attention, distractibility, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), impaired posture and coordination of movements.

One of the effective ways to prevent fatigue, improve the general condition of children, and change their activities is considered to be short-term physical exercise, the so-called physical exercises.

They relieve muscle tension caused by immobility, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, and restore children’s performance.

Physical exercises are carried out in the middle of the lesson for 1-3 minutes in the form of game actions. Children really like imitative exercises, accompanied by poetry and, if possible, related to the topic and content of the lesson. But the main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting to the child, intense enough, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

A physical training complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, such as stretching - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the body - bends, turns; for legs - squats, jumps and running in place.

Here are examples of physical exercises for various activities.

Physical exercises for board games and speech development activities

– Physical exercise “Exercise”

Bent over first

Our head is down (forward tilt)

Right - left you and I

Shake our heads (tilt to the sides)

Hands behind your head, together

We start running on the spot (imitation of running)

We will remove both you and me

Hands behind the head.

– Physical exercise “Masha the Confused”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Masha is looking for things (turn one way)

Masha is confused. (turn in the other direction, to the starting position)

And not on the chair, (arms forward, to the sides)

And not under the chair, (sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

Not on the bed

(hands dropped)

(tilt the head to the left - to the right, “threatening” with the index finger)

Confused Masha!

– Physical exercise “Jumping”

Get up, girls, Get up, boys! Jump like bunnies! Bounce like balls! Jump-jump, jump-jump, Let's sit down on the grass: Let's listen to the silence, Let's eat a carrot. Let's rest a little and move on. Higher, higher, Jump high! Don't be lazy, jump easily on your toes! Jump high!

– Physical education “Like balls”

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

Girls and boys jumping like balls

They stomp their feet, clap their hands, nod their heads, and everyone relaxes together.

– Physical training “Forest”

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

One day the children went into the forest, walked around the entire clearing, approached an old spruce tree, and found a huge mushroom there. Our guys were so happy! And run back home.

– Physical exercise “Winter”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

How interesting it is for us in winter! (points thumb up)

We go sledding in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs (they imitate making and throwing snowballs)

We all put on our skis together (“put on” skis, “take” poles, “go”)

Then everyone got on skates (pretend to skate)

Happy winter days! (points thumb up)

My ball is bouncing merrily (movements imitating tapping a ball with a hand)

My car runs without gasoline (simulation of steering wheel rotation)

My little brother is still a baby (they show his height with their hand)

My cat will sleep a little (tilt head to one side, hands under cheek)

– Physical exercise “Freeze”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We stomp our feet (stomp)

We clap our hands (clap)

Shake your head, (shake your head)

We raise our hands (hands up)

Then we lower them (hands down)

We shake hands (hands in a “lock”)

And we run around (spin in place)

One, two, three, (three claps)

Any figure, freeze! (draw any figure)

– Fiznutka “Cabbage”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We chop and chop the cabbage (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We knead the cabbage, knead the cabbage, (“knead the cabbage”)

We salt and salt the cabbage (“take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press and press the cabbage (flexion and extension of the hands)

– Physmnutka “Tree”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The wind blows in our faces, (moves hands towards ourselves)

The tree swayed (swaying with raised arms)

The breeze is getting quieter and quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher and higher, (stand up, stretch on your toes)

Every day in the morning we do exercises. We really like to do everything in order: It’s fun to walk, it’s fun to play, Raise your hands, lower your hands. Squat and stand up, jump and gallop.

– Physical training “Teremok”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

There is a tower in a field (the palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

There is a lock on the door (fingers clenched into the lock)

The wolf opens it - Twitch-twitch, twitch-twitch. (hands clenched in a lock, move forward - backward, left - right)

Petya the Cockerel came and used the key to open the lock (the fingers unclench and connect with each other, forming a “teremok”)

– Physical training “Beetle”

Children imitate movements along the text of the poems.

On the lawn, on a daisy, a Beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies. I sway quietly in the wind, I bend low and low.

– Physical exercise “Bunny”

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws. Paws up, paws down. Pull yourself up on your toes, put your paws on the side, hop, hop, hop on your toes. And then squat down, so that your paws don’t freeze. The bunny is good at jumping, he jumped ten times.

– Physical exercise “Buratiyo”

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

Pinocchio - stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.

– Physical exercise “Birds”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Birds are sitting in nests (children are sitting on chairs)

And they look at the street.

Suddenly I wanted to fly,

And everyone immediately flew away (children run around the group. When the adult says “birds to their nests,” the children take their places)

– Physical exercise “Clock”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

All clocks go like this.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (tilts head to shoulders)

Look quickly what time it is.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (body rocking)

Left - once, right - once,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (torso tilts left - right)

We can do this too.

– Physical education “Three Bears”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children walk like bears)

Dad was big, big, (raise hands up)

Mom with him is shorter, (arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a baby, (squat down)

He was very small

Walked with rattles (stand up and imitate playing with rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

– Physical training “Swans”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, flap their wings, (smooth hand movements with large amplitude)

Bent over the water

Shaking their head (bending forward, bending over)

They know how to stand straight and proud,

Quietly sit on the water (squats)

The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands clasped behind my back)

Hit with his hoof at the gate (rhythmic alternating raising of legs bent at the knees)

Mane plays in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking head, then bending to the sides)

I'll quickly jump onto the saddle,

If I don’t go, I’ll fly (jumping in place)

Clack - clack - clack,

Clack - clack - clack, (arms are bent at the elbows in front of you)

There beyond the distant river

I'll wave to you (jump on the spot)

– Physics lesson “Bear Cubs”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads. Like this, like this, they twisted their head (circular movements of the head alternately in different directions)

The cubs were looking for honey, and they rocked the tree together. Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together. (tilt to the sides, arms forward)

They waddled and drank water from the river, Like this, like this And they drank water from the river. (walking like a bear, bending forward)

And then they danced, raising their paws higher. Like this, like this, they raised their paws higher.

– Physical exercise “Grasshoppers”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise your shoulders (vigorous shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! We sat down, ate some grass,

Listen to the silence (squats)

Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes easily (jumping in place)

The engine turned on, the propeller started spinning, F- (rotational movements with hands in front of you)

They rose to the clouds, And the landing gear retracted, (alternately raising the knees)

Here is the forest - we are here. Prepare a parachute (swinging with arms spread in different directions)

Push, jump, Let's fly, buddy, (jump up, arms to the sides)

The parachutes all opened, the children landed softly, (squatting, arms to the sides)

– Physical exercise “Birds”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Like a woodpecker pecks trees with its head between the leaves. (moves head up and down)

Like fishing and waddling, the goose runs after the goose. (running in place with arms raised)

How surprised the Geese stopped right next to the river,

They drank water, opened their wings (lean forward, arms back)

And slowly we walked (steps in place)

– Physical exercise “Horses”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey horses, follow me!

Let's hurry to the watering hole! (arms forward, springy leg movements)

Here is the river, wide and deep,

You can't reach the bottom. (smoothly extend arms to the sides, bend forward)

And the water is delicious! Drink! Good water! Let's knock our hoof! (tapping foot)

Hey horses, follow me! (arms to the sides, smooth movements up and down)

Let's gallop home, (jumping in place) Hop-hop-hop!

– Physical training “Parts of the body”

Children must show body parts in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here are the words with the sound [l]: Forehead, back of the head, head, Fists, palms, elbows, There is no sound [l] in the word “nails”. Eyes, body and shoulder blades, There is no sound [l] in the word “heels”.

– Physical exercise “Morning exercises”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are cheerful guys, We are preschool children, (walk in a circle)

We play sports, we don’t know about diseases.

One - two, two - one, We have a lot of power! (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend over now, (bend down) Look at us!

One - two, don't yawn! Squat with us! (squats)

One - jump, two - jump! Have fun, my friend! (jumping on both legs)

Let’s take a deep breath through our nose - “Sh-Sh-Sh”, we’ll say everything later, (inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders)

Physical exercises for visual arts classes

The text is spoken during the exercises. All movements are performed while sitting.

– Physical exercise “Fingers”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Option 1.

We painted today, Our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of fingers)

Let them rest a little and start drawing again. (shake your hands in front of you)

Let’s pull our elbows back together (vigorously pull our elbows back)

Let's start drawing again.

Option 2.

Today we drew, Our fingers are tired, Let's shake our fingers, Let's start drawing again, (smoothly raise your hands in front of you, shake your brushes)

Legs together, legs apart, Hammer in a nail, (spread and bring legs together, stamping)

Option 3.

We have been sculpting for a long, long time, Our fingers are tired, (shaking hands in front of us) Let them rest a little, And start sculpting again. Let's spread our hands together and start sculpting again, (take your hands back - down, leaning back in the chair)

Option 4.

The fingers played hide and seek and removed the heads (clenching and unclenching the hands)

Like this, like this, This is how the heads were removed (flexion and extension of the 1st and 2nd phalanges of the fingers)

– Physics lesson “Trees in the Forest”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hands raised and swayed - These are trees in the forest, (smooth swaying with arms raised up)

Arms bent, hands shaken - The wind knocks down the dew, (shaking hands in front of you)

Let's gently wave our arms to the sides. These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down - the wings are folded back. (2 times)

Physical exercises for math classes

The text is read before the exercises begin.

– We count to five, we squeeze the weights, (i.p. - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your arms slowly up - to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist (4-5 times))

– How many dots will there be in the circle, How many times will we raise our hands (on the board there is a circle with dots. The adult points to them, and the children count how many times they need to raise their hands)

– How many times will I hit the tambourine, How many times will we chop the wood, (i.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped up, sharp bends forward - down)

– How many green Christmas trees are there, How many bends will we perform, (i.p. - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Bends are performed)

– How many cells are there to the line, How many times can you jump (3 x 5 times), (5 cells are shown on the board. An adult points to them, children jump)

– We squat as many times as we have butterflies (i.p. - standing, legs slightly apart. During squats, arms forward)

– Let’s stand on our tiptoes, reach for the ceiling (i.p. - main stance, hands on the belt. Rising on the tiptoes, arms up - to the sides, stretch)

– How many lines are there to the point? How many times will we stand on our toes (4-5 times), (i.p. - the main stance. When lifting on your toes, arms to the sides - up, palms below shoulder level)

- They bent over as many times as we have ducks. (i.p. - standing, legs apart, do not bend your legs when bending)

– How many circles will I show, How many jumps will you perform (5 x 3 times), (i.p. - standing, hands on the belt, jumping on the toes)

– We count the berries, squat together, (i.p. - basic stance, hands on the belt. Don’t lower your head, straight back)

They are running, running from the yard
They are running, running from the yard (We walk in place.)
Walk, walk in the meadows: (Jumping in place.)
Trigger-garaburka-whatever, (
Let's clap our hands.)
(We stomp our feet .)
Goose-pond-eider-wagi, (
We squat.)
Turkey-khripindyuk-shulty-buldy, (
Let's clap our hands.)
Pig-top hundred-backed-chakhi-ryakhi, (
We stomp our feet.)
Goat-deribose-mehe-beke, (
We squat.)
Ram-krutorog-chick-kick, (Let's clap our hands.)
Cow-komol a-ttruki-flour, (
Stomping our feet .)
Horse-kick-igi-vigi. (
We walk in place.)

Funny geese
Lived with grandma Children sing and perform various movements following the teacher
Two cheerful geese:
One is gray, the other is white,
Two cheerful geese.
They stretched out their necks - whose ones are longer!
One is gray, the other is white,
Who has it longer?
The geese washed their feet in a puddle near the ditch.
One is gray, the other is white,
They hid in a ditch.
Here's grandma screaming:
Oh, the geese are gone!
One is gray, the other is white -
My geese, my geese!
The geese came out
They bowed to grandma -
One is gray, the other is white,
They bowed to grandma.

The ducks came out into the meadow
The ducks came out into the meadow,
Quack-quack-quack! (
Let's walk. )
A cheerful beetle flew by, J-J-J! (
We wave our arms and wings.)
Geese arch their necks, Ha-ha-ha! (
Circular rotations of the neck.)
The beak straightens the feathers. (
Turns the body left and right.)
Did the wind sway the branches? (
We shake our hands up.)
The ball also growled, Rrrr! (
Hands on the belt, leaned forward)
The reeds whispered in the water, Shhh! (
We raised our hands and stretched.)
And again there was silence, Sh-sh-sh. (
Sit down. )

In the morning the gander stood up on his paws
In the morning the gander stood up on his paws,(Stretched, arms up - inhale and exhale.)
Got ready to charge. (
Hand jerks in front of the chest.)
Turned left, right, (
Turns left and right.)
I did the squat properly, ( Squats.)
I cleaned the fluff with my beak, (Head tilts left and right.)
Hurry into the water - splash!
(Sit down.)

One-two - the ducklings went
One-two - the ducklings walked,(We walk in place.)
Three or four - we went home. (
Jumping in place.)
The fifth trudged after them,
(Clap our hands.)
The sixth man ran ahead, (We stomp our feet.)
And the seventh fell behind everyone -(We walk in place.)
I got scared and screamed :(
Let's clap our hands.)
- Where are you, where are you? ( Jumping in place.)
- Don’t shout, we’re nearby, look!(We stomp our feet.)


Fluffy lumps

Wash your cheeks with your paw,

Wash your nose with your paw,

Wash your eyes with your paw -

Right eye, left eye.

Wash your ears with your paw -

Right ear, left ear.

A puppy was running around the yard.

A puppy was running around the yard, (slow running in place)
He sees a piece of the pie.(lean forward, arms to the sides)
He crawled under the porch and ate it, (
sit down, hands to mouth)
He fell apart and began to sniffle. (arms to the sides, head to the side)

And the kittens’ ears are like little houses.

Now the window has opened(arms to the sides)
The cat came out onto the ledge.(imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)
The cat looked up, (
tilt your head back, look up)
The cat looked down.
(lower your head, look down)
Here I turned to the left,(turn your head to the left)
She watched the flies. (turn your head to the right)
Stretched and smiled (
appropriate movements and facial expressions)
And she sat down on the ledge.


The cat washes itself with its paw, stroking cheeks

Apparently he's going to visit.

I washed my nose, rub your nose with your palm

I washed my mouth, run a finger over your lips

I washed my ear stroke one ear, then the other

Wiped it dry.

The cat washes itself with its paw,stroke the breasts

He is going to visit the children.

Sly cat

A cunning cat is prowling around the house,cat walks on the rug

Looking for a small mousechildren standing on the mat

The mouse lives undergroundchildren squat down And

Quietly scraping the boards. "scraping" on the rug

The cat won't catch itchildren get to their feet

A mouse by the tail!they shake their finger at the cat and run away,

And the cat is catching up with them

Antipka the cat lived with us. (stand up, hands on belt)
He got up from his bed at one o'clock.
(stretched, arms up - inhale)
At two in the kitchen he stole sausages
(tilts left and right)
At three I ate sour cream from a bowl.
(bend forward, hands on waist)
He washed his face at four.
(tilts the head to the shoulders left – right)
At five I was rolling on the mat.
(turns left-right)
At six he was dragging herring from a tub.
(hand jerks in front of chest)
At seven I played hide and seek with the mice.
(claps from front to back)
At eight he cunningly narrowed his eyes.
At nine he ate and listened to fairy tales.
(claps hands)
At ten I went to the bed to sleep,
(jumping in place)
Because I have to get up at one o'clock.
(we walk in place)


Our hostess

She was smart.

Everyone has a job in the hut

Gave for the holiday: (walk in a circle holding hands)

The dog washes the cup with his tongue.(cup your palms and “lick” it

Piggy collects

Crumbs under the window.(sit down, tilt your head rhythmically).

Cat on the table

He scratches with his paw. ( stand up, make movements towards yourself with your right hand)

Goat doormat

Sweeps with a broom. (“revenge” gender)

“Cockerel” (for neck muscles)

Petya, Petya - cockerelhead tilts left and right

I spent the whole day learning a poem,tilting the head forward - backward

And he remembered the linestress on every syllable

Only one - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”hands on thighs

" Guests"

Like visiting a kitty running on toes

Two chickens in bast shoes,

Cockerel in bootswalking with high knees

Chicken in earringswalking on heels

Drake in a caftan fractional step

Duck in a sundress waddle

"We bought it for the cat"

We bought the cat raise your hands forward

Boots for the holidayput your foot on your heel, turn it

They combed her mustachespread your arms to the sides from your cheeks

Sewed new pantiesimitate sewing with a needle

Just how to put them onshrug, arms to the sides

There's nowhere to put the tailshow a ponytail behind your back

Gymnastics for the neck " Kozlik"

Oma - oma - oma raise and lower your head

There is a goat standing near the house.

Ome - ome - ome

Good in a tall house.

Me-me-me raise and lower your head

Come to me.making inviting movements

Mot - mot - mot shake your head right - left,

Don't put your hooves on the chest of drawers shaking a finger

"The cat was playing with its tail"

The cat played imitation movements with its tail

Like this! Like this!

I was having fun, laughing -

She rolled the ball on the floor.

And she jumped around the room.

And then the cat got tired.

And I cried a little.

One, two, three, four, five.

Let's console the cat.

" Cat"

Do you know me closely?children walk in circles on tiptoes, sneaking

I'm a friendly pussy.stop, face in a circle

At the top are tassels on the ears,make “ears” from palms

The claws are hidden in the pillows."claws" of fingers

In the dark I see clearlyagain and blow in a circle, sneaking

I won't offend you in vain.

But teasing me is dangerous -stop, stand facing in a circle

I scratch "claws"

V. Stoyanov

"Treat the Kitten" (facial exercise)

My gray catchildren convey with their facial expressions like a kitten

Not growing at alltreat them with different foods: milk,

And even the mustache doesn't grow.meat, lemon, fish, sausage

He doesn't eat soup carrots, peppers, etc.

And he doesn’t eat porridge -

Try growing here!

"Hello, Vaska the goat"(dynamic pause)

Hello, Vaska the goat,bow, palm on chest

If you came to visit,shake your head

Help yourself to the grassstretch your palms forward

Look, don't slurp!shake a finger


The cat inflated the balloon (imitation of movements)

And the kitten bothered her.

Playful paw “hop!”

And the inflated balloon “pop!”

The kitten blinked its eyes,

He smiled at his mother affectionately.

He squeezed his eyes and paws tightly.

And he said: “Bye, guys!”

Dog Barbos

Here sits our dog Barbos. (imitation of movements)

He hid his black nose in his paws.

The dog is dozing or sleeping.

Doesn't look at the kids.

Our children stood up quietly

And they ran up to the dog

Come on, dog, get up quickly

And catch up guys!


I'm a goat Me-ke-ke.children walk in circles

I'm walking in the meadow

Sharp horns. show "horns"

Thin legs stomp their feet

At the very top

Velvet ears. show ears

Linen tonguestick out tongue with a spatula

Hemp tailshow ponytail from behind

As soon as I jump, they jump

I immediately gore “butt”


Horses walk along the alley. walking, raising your knees high, arms forward

Here they are, at your fingertips.half squat on the left leg,

And well-fed, right forward on the toe

And well-mannered too, but on the other leg

The trainer will sayright foot "hoof"»

"Oops!" jump from foot to foot

The horses immediately gallop.the same on the other leg

He will raise the long whipswing your right hand in a circular motion backwards

Fast horses will freeze.half squat, arms forward

The conductor will wave his hand -swings in front of you

Horses dance to the orchestra.two stomps from the right foot, then from the left

We'll clap our handsclapping in front of yourself

The horses will kneel.left step forward, half squat

Their necks will stretch out. stretch your neck

There are no more obedient people in the world.turn head to the right

This is what these horses are like.turning the head to the left


We visited the farmchildren walk in a circle, holding hands

We saw white rabbits.

Nimble bunniesrun around in circles, making “ears” out of their fingers

They went to bed and went to bed

They were spinning and spinning

In a wire house.

They knocked their paws clap their hands

They squealed merrily. stomp their feet

We are the animals walk in a circle holding hands

Not tough grass -

We'll get Clover...

Grow up jumping in a circle, making “ears” out of their fingers

With delicate fur,

With round tails.

K. Kubilinskas

I'm a baby, I'm herding Burenushka

I'm a baby, I'm looking after Burenushka.children dance in a round dance

Burenushka and I are in the forest until evening.

I'm afraid to meet a bearchange direction of movement

I will bow low to the bear.stop with their faces turned around

Grandfather - Medvedushko,bow three times

Don't touch my little cow

Don't ruin my little head.


We play border guards (they walk one after another, marching)

We protect our land.

We get into the sled in a crowd (they run after each other)

We rush like a whirlwind into a hot battle.

We are tankers, sleds are tanks, (they walk one after another with their hand to their head)

The enemy is the snowdrifts under the mountain.

Near the children's yard (stand in a circle, hold hands)

There's a whole mountain of snow.

We are on that mountain yesterday (raise their hands up together)

We've been there since the morning.

They played at border guards (they walk one after another, marching)

Our land was protected.



Again there is no rest for the streams - (running in a circle)

Day and night they murmur in the bushes.

The golden sun walks (they walk calmly in a circle)

In pure, pure skies.

It pours rays onto the forest and meadow (squat - stand up)

And all the flowers around. (“flower” above head)

Spring, red spring! (walk in a circle holding hands)

Come, spring, with joy.

With joy, with joy, (go in the opposite direction)

With great mercy:

With tall flax, (raise hands up)

With deep roots, (squat)

With abundant bread. (run in circles)

Along the path for a long, long time (they walk in a circle)

We walked hand in hand. (take each other's hands)

Stay at home in the spring

My sister and I couldn't.

The sun is shining brightly, brightly, (raise your hands up, spread your fingers)

The meadow is full of flowers (clap their hands)

There is a rainbow in the sky, like an arch, (they draw a rainbow in the air)

Of the seven radiant arcs.

Spring is just around the corner! (jump from foot to foot)

After the bitter cold of winter

Waking up from sleep (stretching)

All nature. Even puddles (they walk in circles on their toes)

Doesn't cover the ice overnight (turns the body)

The sun drives winter away! (wave hands)



Legs, legs, where have you been? (stomping feet)

We went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

What have you guys been working on? (clap hands)

We collected mushrooms.

And you, little eyes, helped? (close and open eyes)

We searched and looked -

They looked at all the stumps.

"Pick mushrooms"

In the autumn, you and I will come to the forest, (walk in place)

We will collect a whole basket of mushrooms in the forest! (squats)

Cobwebs fly and leaves fall, (shaking hands above head)

The withered grass rustles under the boots. (“rustling” feet)

We will cross the stream along a thin bridge, (walk on tiptoes)

You and I will find a family of red foxes in the moss. (tilts down)

Let's spread the grass with a stick and suddenly we'll see - (crossing movements of straight arms)

Colored russula scattered around. (spinning around in place)

And in the clearing there are strong boletus mushrooms. (“spring”)

They hid under the paws of the Christmas trees, they don’t want to go into the basket. (put your hands in a Christmas tree above your head)

Honey mushrooms, we found milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps with you, (turns left and right)

We brought a whole basket of mushrooms home! (clap hands)

"Pick mushrooms"

We walked, walked, walked, (marching, hands on belt)

They found the boletus. (bent over)

One, two, three, four, five, (marching)

We're going to look again. (bending forward)

We'll go to the woods (marching)

We'll find the fungus.

In a smart hat (representing a mushroom cap)

Light chocolate.

Don't hide it, fungus, (cover your face with your hands)

Under the leaf your side! (hands on belt)



Golden between the pines, (raise their hands and shake them)

Yellow maples are standing.

What a wonderful outfit for them (torso turns left and right)

Autumn gave it!

How I decorated the rowan berries, (spin around slowly in place)

Throwing with a generous hand

Between patterned foliage

Bright rubies!

And the birches sway (raise their hands and shake them)

In multi-colored lace.

One, two, three, four, five (walk in place)

We will collect leaves. (squats)

Birch leaves, (hands in front of you, alternately placing palms on top of each other)

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves (clasp hands)

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. (walk in place)

Autumn leaves are quietly spinning (spinning)

The leaves lie quietly at our feet, (crouch)

And under your feet they rustle, rustle, (movements with hands to the right, left)

As if they want to get dizzy again. (spinning)

There is a green oak tree in the clearing (raise hands up, spread fingers)

He reached out to the sky with his crown. (stretch on tiptoes)

He is on the branches in the middle of the forest (they shake their hands)

He hung the acorns generously.

And mushrooms grow below, (lean forward)

There are so many of them here now!

Don’t be lazy and don’t be shy, (gathering “mushrooms”)

Lean over for mushrooms.


The sun disappeared behind the houses, (“the sun” is overhead)

We leave kindergarten. (steps in place)

I tell my mom (point to themselves and then to an imaginary mom)

About myself and about the guys: (point to themselves, and then to other guys)

How we sang songs in chorus (movements according to the text)

How they played leapfrog,

What we drank, what we ate.

What did you read in kindergarten?

You and me, you and me, (point fingers at each other)

You and I are one family. (put their hands on each other's shoulders)

We read together (make “glasses”

Let's play together (jump on one leg)

We are always and in everything (clap hands)

We help our friends.


Along a dry forest path: (arms bent at the elbows, frequent steps)

Top-top-top, - feet stomp.

Walks and wanders along the paths

A gray hedgehog covered in needles.

Looking for berries, mushrooms (“picking berries, mushrooms”)

For a son or daughter.

"Cheerful bunnies"

Come on, everyone sat down together (squats)

They looked at each other (they looked at each other)

And they clapped their hands: (clap)

Clap and clap, clap and clap.

What do rabbits have on top of their heads? (put hands on head - “ears”)

The ears are dancing merrily there.

One jump, two jumps - (jump in place)

Everyone galloped into the woods. (jump in all directions)

"Hedgehog with Hedgehogs"

Under a huge pine tree

In a clearing in the forest,

A bunch of leaves where they lie (running after each other)

A hedgehog runs with its hedgehogs.

We will look around everything (turns head)

Let's sit on the stumps (squat)

And then we’ll all dance together, (dance)

Let's wave our hands like this. (wave hands)

Waved, circled (circled)

And they hurried home. (run to their places)


If it's raining outside, (wave your arms in front of you)

If an angry blizzard sweeps, (swings your arms from side to side)

We will hide in a house under a roof, (“roof” over our heads)

We won't be afraid of rain and snow then! (they stomp their feet on the spot)


That's what a cat is like, (they walk at a “catlike” step)

Round face, (stroking face)

And on each paw are scratchy claws. (depict claws)

All his toys are a cube and a reel. (jumping in place)

A cat is like a ball (jumping)

Jumps around the apartment.

Two puppies cheek to cheek (hands folded, palms next to cheeks)

They pinch the brush in the corner.

And at the floor brush (hands are raised up and connected above the head)

There is a stick above your head.

Stick - click the puppies from the shoulder, (clap on the shoulders)

Two puppies left the food.

Let's love it a little

How a cat walks softly.

Barely audible: stomp, stomp, stomp, (they walk on tiptoe)

Tail down: op-op-op.

But, raising your fluffy tail, (light jumping in place)

A cat can be fast.

Daringly rushes upward,

And then he walks important again. (depict a cat walking)


Geese, geese! (running, waving their arms)


Are you feeling good?

Yes, yes, yes!

Well, fly more fun

To the meadow, hurry up!

They arrived, walked, (walk)

They nibbled the grass with their beak (bending forward)

They flapped their wings (wave their arms)

The neck was pulled. (neck stretch, chest forward)


Picking flowers is easy and simple (wave your hands in front of you)

Small children. (squats)

But to the one who is so tall, (stretch their hands up)

It's not easy to pick a flower!


The turtle makes everyone laugh (they walk slowly in a circle)

Because he's in no hurry.

But why rush? (they crouch, cover their head with their hands)

Who is always at home?



Penguins waddle (walk one after another)

On a huge white ice floe.

One after another, all in single file,

Barefoot in the snow.

Here comes the sea, stop. (stop, turn to face in a circle)

They begin preparations.

To catch a crustacean in the water,

You need to get some air. (puff out cheeks)

Spread your wings (arms along the body, fingers spread apart)

And spread out the feathers.

A white bear lives in the north, (they walk in a circle)

But just like the brown one, he doesn’t suck honey. (torso turns)

Our Umka is trying to catch a fish (depict fishing)

To eat deliciously and live without bothering. (pat themselves on the stomach)


Here are the snowflakes flying, circling, (waves arms spread to the sides)

Weave a lace pattern (rotational movements of the hands in front of you)

To the clearings, to the paths (point left, right)

A fairy carpet will lay down. (spread arms to the sides)

Who will notice the bunny now? (turn to face each other)

In a white fur coat in the snow?

Come on, where is he? Guess what, (crouch, hide their face)

In a field or in a meadow?

Early morning in the clearing

Two snowflakes are having fun.

Left foot: stomp, stomp!

Right foot: stomp, stomp!

Hands up, up, up!

Who will rise the highest?


Downy snowflakes (waves hands)

Cheerful and alive!

You're spinning, flickering (spinning)

In the silence of the forest

And you cover the ground (squat)

Shiny silver.

Like on a hill - snow, snow, (hands raised up)

And under the hill - snow, snow, (crouch)

And on the tree there is snow, snow, (they stand up, raise their hands)

And under the tree there is snow, snow. (squats)

And a bear sleeps under the snow (they depict a sleeping bear)

Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise!


Snowflakes are spinning (spinning on their toes)

In the frosty air.

Fall to the ground

Lacy stars. (squat slowly)

Here's one that fell. (catch a “snowflake” in the palm of your hand)

Oh, don’t hide it, snowflake, (carefully “cover the snowflake” and blow it away)

Wait a little.


Come on, buddy, be brave, buddy, (they walk in a circle one after another)

Roll your snowball in the snow. (“rolling” a snowball in front of them)

It will turn into a snowball (stop, show the ball)

And the lump will become a snowman. (“draw” a snowman from three circles)

His smile is so bright! (shows a smile on his face with his hands)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom. (show eyes, cover head, show nose)

"Snow Woman"

Today from a snowy wet ball (they walk in a circle, “roll the ball in front of them”)

We made a snow woman near the house.

Our woman is standing at the very gate. (draw three circles with hands)

No one will pass, no one will pass. (they shake a finger)

She is already familiar to all the kids (they walk in a circle)

And Bug keeps barking: “There’s a stranger in the yard!”


The bushes turned red

Not from the morning dawn. (pinch cheeks)

These are red lanterns ("lanterns")

The bullfinches lit up. (flapping their arms like wings)

Cleaning crimson feathers (“cleaning feathers”)

They drink water from a spring. ("drink")

Playing bells

I can hear it from afar. (claps hands)

The snowball is fluttering, spinning, (wave their arms, spin)

It's white outside.

And puddles turned (squat)

In transparent glass.

Where the finches sang in the summer (stand up, raise their arms up)

Today - look!

Like pink apples (hands clasped above head)

There are bullfinches on the branches! (hands up, fingers spread - “branches”)

Quiet, quiet, as if in a dream (squat slowly)

Snow falls on the ground.

All the feathers are sliding from the sky - (stand up)

Silver snowflakes.

Spinning over your head (spinning)

A snow carousel.

In the snow, look - (crouch)

Bullfinches with red breasts.

This is not a simple tree (children “fly” around the tree)

And it's not for guys.

Near the Christmas tree, flying,

Birds whistle merrily.

There are woodpeckers and titmice here,

Bullfinches and sparrow.

Everybody wants to have fun

Near your Christmas tree.

The toys don't shine on her,

And the star does not shine,

But there are feeders for birds (hang imaginary feeders)

We hung it there.


Look for the doll in the field! (cover eyes with hands)

Where is she? (torso turns left and right)

Sits in the sand. (squats)

Prepares soup, cooks porridge, (stands up, turns the body)

Holds a wand in his hand. (stretch your hand forward, hold the “stick”)

I love my horse (they ride an imaginary horse)

I will comb her fur smoothly (stroking movements from top to bottom along the body)

I will smooth the tail with a comb (“they are stroking the tail”)

And I’ll go on horseback to visit. (riding an imaginary horse)

We'll play ball together: (connect fingers with a ring)

I hit it and he jumps. (hit an imaginary ball)

We will throw it at the ceiling (they throw the “ball” up)

Let's take the leap ourselves. (hands on waist, three jumps)

We will kick the ball (kicking the “ball”)

And let's see how he flies. (hand with visor, looking)

And again we take the ball in our hands (join the fingers with a ring)

Children never get bored with a ball! (clap hands)



Me with a screwdriver in my hand (they walk in a circle)

I like myself.

In reality, not in a dream (torso turns left and right)

I can cope with any task. (jumping in place)


A hammer is needed on the farm (holding an imaginary hammer)

He is very friendly with nails.

I'm hammering nails, ("hammering nails")

I amuse Mom and Dad.

You can both whitewash and paint (they go in a circle)

You can draw with it. (draw in the air)

Just be careful (turn your body)

So as not to dirty yourself. (walk in a circle)


On a sunny window (“sun” above your head)

Lilac flowers (waves hands from bottom to top)

She raised it quietly.

She hides among the leaves (covers her face with her hands)

Doesn't like to climb forward

But everyone will bend over to her (lean over)


We are flying to other planets! (run through the group)

Let's announce this to everyone!

All the toy people (torso turns)

He asks to fly with us.

The bunny clings to the rocket: (jumping like bunnies)

I'll fly with you, children,

To any of the planets

Where there are no toothy wolves.

The tiny mice laughed: (run like mice)

We flew, we were not afraid,

Height is beauty

Not a single cat!

Even a teddy bear (they walk like bears)

Wants to fly to the stars (hands raise up)

And with the Big Dipper (clap hands)

Meet in the blue sky. 9 hands raise up, spin)


There is a kindergarten near the river (children stand in a circle)

There are daisies in the meadow... (go to the center of the circle)

Forty little guys (disperse)

They run tag. (run after each other)

We came here (“they are coming”)

We go for flowers. (walk)

Sun, air and water (stop, “expose” their face to the sun)

On a walk with us.

One, two, three, four, five, (jump on the spot)

We'll play in the summer

We will float and sway, (“float”)

We'll jump and roll (jump)

Let's run, sunbathe (run)

And collect mushrooms.


We take the bag in our hands (take an imaginary bag)

I'll go to the store with you. (walk in place)

In stores, on the shelves (raise their hands up)

Not scarves or T-shirts. (shakes head negative)

It always smells delicious here (turn head right, left)

There is delicious food in the house. (“house” above your head)


Whose birthday is it today? (shrug)

Who is the pie baked for?

For whom spring blossomed, (hands above head, depicting a flower)

First March flower?

For whom, for whom? (hands on belt)

Figure it out for yourself.

Both the pie and the flower (hands in front of you)

We'll give it to mom. (“given” to an imaginary mother)


One, two, three, four, (clap hands)

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment. (jumping in place)

We'll hang the shirt in the closet (turn the body left and right)

And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard. (raise hands up)

To give your legs a rest, (shake each leg)

Let's sit on the chair for a while. (squats)

And when we were fast asleep, (put hands under cheek)

We were lying on the bed.

And then the cat and I (clap our hands)

We sat at the table

They drank tea and jam together. (jumping in place)

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.


I'm walking on the lawn - (walking in place)

From above I can clearly see (they look down)

The whole green country.

Here is a snail - a good gnome - (“roof” over your head)

He carries the house on himself.

Here is a high-rise building - (spreads arms to the sides)

Ants are busy in it. (walk in place)


The ant found a blade of grass (movements are performed according to the text)

There was a lot of trouble with her.

Like a log, hoisted onto your back,

He carries it home.

He bends under the burden,

He is already crawling with difficulty,

But what a good one

Ants are building a house.


This strange house without windows (standing upright)

People call it a cocoon.

Having twisted this house on a branch, (put palms under right cheek)

The caterpillar sleeps in it.

He sleeps without waking up all winter. (put palms under left cheek)

But winter rushed by. (stretch)

March, April, drops, spring... (squat slowly)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun.

The caterpillar has no time to sleep.

She became a butterfly! (run in a circle, waving their arms)

This little bug is walking on the ground (walking in a circle)

He finds a sweet leaf and bites it. (bending forward)

To eat another leaf, he wants to climb higher. (stretch upward)

This little bug is walking on the grass (walking in a circle)

So he found a dimple, lay down and rested. (lie on the floor)

He won't bite you, he just wants to get some sleep. ("sleeping")


They are waiting for the prickly beauty (they draw a Christmas tree with their hands)

In every home in December. ("house")

Lanterns will be lit on the branches ("lanterns")

Sparks fly in the silver. (arms above head, fingers extended)

The house will immediately become festive (they hold hands and dance in a circle)

A round dance will begin.

Santa Claus is in a hurry with gifts -

New Year is coming! (come with an imaginary bag)

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! (bow to each other)

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

He comes out of the forest in passing (they walk in a circle)

He already brought us the Christmas tree.

At the top above the branches (raise hands up)

Fired up, as always, (give up)

With the brightest, hottest light (raise their arms and cross them above their head)

Five-winged star.

The animals decorated the Christmas tree (they depict animals of their choice)

The little hare helped the wolf. (make movements as if decorating a Christmas tree)

Squirrel and hedgehog

We worked hard too.

They carried baskets to the Christmas tree (they go in a circle)

They contain mushrooms and rowan berries,

The apples are amazing. (show “gifts”)

The spruce will be beautiful.


Our garden is in order -

We dug up the beds in the spring. (movements through the text)

We weeded the garden

Watered the garden.

There's not a lot in small lenkas

We planted cabbage. ("planted")

She's been getting fatter all summer, (shows hands in a circle in front of her)

It grew in breadth and height. (arms up at sides)

And now the white one is tight for her, (arms spread to the sides)

He says - move aside! (pushing movements with hands)


We dug the earth ourselves, (tilts down)

They filled the bed themselves, the bed. (shaking movements with hands)

We planted, we planted turnips.

We threw the grains ourselves, (“spring”)

The seedlings themselves were watered. (turns left and right)

We grew, we grew turnips. (jumping from foot to foot in a circle)

Now the turnip has ripened, now it has ripened, (swing their arms above their head)

It became juicy, became sweet, strong. (bump their fists against each other)

It became tasty, the turnip became tasty. (jumping on two legs in a circle)

We invite everyone to visit, (lean forward, arms to the sides)

We treat you to sweet turnips and turnips. (clap hands)

We treat, we treat with turnips.


Let's go to the garden (walk in a circle holding hands)

We'll reap the harvest.

We'll drag carrots (“drag”)

And we'll dig up some potatoes, ("digging")

We'll cut a head of cabbage (“cut off”)

Round, juicy, very tasty, (show a circle with hands)

Let's pick a little sorrel (“tear”)

And let's go back along the path. (walk in a circle holding hands)


In the fall, my mother and I go to the market, (they walk in a circle one after another)

We carry a basket and bags with us.

You need to buy different vegetables, (jumping from foot to foot)

Then put it in the basket and bags.

We bought beets and sweet peas, (stop, “spring”)

And the garlic wasn’t bad!

Green cucumber, don't yawn, (tilt down, arms back)

Hurry up and get your carrots into the basket!

We carry the basket and bags home - (squats)

We will stock all the vegetables for the winter!

We salt and dry the vegetables and chop them. (moves hands up and down)

Let's store vegetables in jars.

We’ll invite you and your mother to visit in winter, (turns left and right)

We will treat you to a delicious lunch!

We'll bake pies with cabbage! (“bake”)

We will feed our guests hot borscht! (clap hands)

Come to the garden (steps in place)

See how everything grows. (hands raised up)

Everything grows, everything blooms (shaking hands)

No one is cramped. (arms to the sides)

Come to the garden! (jerky movements)

Very interesting. (lean forward, cross arm movements)

The woman sowed peas (hands raised up)

He was born quite well (hands raised up)

Oh! Oh! Oh! (lower, free swings in front of you)

He was born empty

I'm running, and you wait. (run)


Lida is waiting for the harvest, (stand up)

Not visible from the garden bed, (squatting)

Plays hide and seek with us. (covers face with palms)

And no one would have found it, (stand up, shrug)

Yes, look, the little Russian is sticking out. (stretch arms forward with palms up)

Pull tightly, (“pulling the turnip”)

If it comes out, it's a turnip! (hands up, stand on toes)


A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine, (waves hands above head)

The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling. (wave your arms in front of you)

The waters rustled like a fast stream, (they stomp their feet in place)

The birds flew away to warmer lands. (depict birds flying away)

The birdhouse is empty, the birds have flown away (flapping their arms like wings)

Leaves don't sit on trees either. (squats)

All day today everyone is flying, flying... (get up, walk in a circle, wave their arms)

Apparently they also want to fly to Africa. (run in circles)


To us on a long thin leg

The rain is bouncing along the path. (Jumping on one leg in a circle.)

In a puddle - look, look! -

He blows bubbles. (Children stand facing in a circle, rhythmic squats)

The bushes became wet, (Hands up, shaking hands)

The flowers became wet. (Tilt, hands to the floor, shaking hands)

Wet gray sparrow

Dries the feathers quickly. (stand up, arms along the body, shaking hands.)

The wind is blowing, blowing, (waves hands)

It blows.

Yellow leaves (imitation of leaf picking)

Picks it from the tree.

Leaves are falling (leaning forward, hands touching feet)

Right under our feet.


Dressy shoes, (right foot forward on the toe)

Dress shoes, (left foot forward on the toe)

Lacquered, with strap, (right foot forward to heel)

And a sole with a heel. (left foot forward to heel)

Masha’s shoes are just right (hands on the belt, “dancing”)

You can go out dancing.

I know how to put on shoes (stomping feet)

If only I want.

Me and little brother (hands in front of chest - “little brother”)

I'll teach you how to put on shoes.

Here they are, the boots. (lean forward)

This one is from the left leg. (stroking movements of the legs)

This one is from the right leg.

If it rains, (stomping feet)

Let's put on our boots.

Not small, not big.

He is doing new things.

You can take the first step!


Woolen hat with a pom-pom at the top (depicts a hat and a pom-pom)

It's round, like a ball, and fluffy. (“round” ball)

The cap also has a colored lapel (show the cap's lapel)

You can run in this hat even in winter. (run)

The grandmother knitted the hat slowly, (“knitting with knitting needles”)

The wool hat came out well. (hands on the belt and then show the hat)

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, clean up after yourself! (walk in a circle one after another)

Your hands are lazy (clap your hands)

Belt and trousers under the table, (squats)

The shirt is not in the closet, (“draw” a quadrangle)

Nikolai is a slob. (they shake their finger and shake their head)


"The Cranes Are Flying Away"

Cranes fly away

Far beyond the ends of the earth, (They run in a circle, smoothly waving their arms.)

For fields and meadows,

For the high haystacks. (Jump from foot to foot)

In a bright gold dress

Autumn wanders over the stream. (They walk one after another, in a circle in the opposite direction.)

Leaves are flying in the wind,

They want to catch up with the cranes. (Stop, tilt left and right.)

Cranes fly away

Far beyond the ends of the earth. (Cross their arms above their head several times.)


At the edge of the forest, (stand on their tiptoes and reach up with their hands)

High on the bitch

In the morning the cuckoo sings: Ku-ku! Cuckoo!

A river is running below (crouched, wave-like movements of the hands)

Along the yellow sand.

The cuckoo sings loudly: Ku-ku! Cuckoo!

Green frogs (sitting on their haunches, jumping like frogs)

We jumped into the river.

The cuckoo sings after them: Ku-ku! Cuckoo!


The swallows were flying (running in a circle, waving their arms)

All the people were watching.

Swallows sat down (squat)

All the people were amazed.

They sat down, sat, (hands dropped behind their backs)

They soared and flew,

They sang songs. (run in circles)

A flock of birds flies south. (run in a circle, waving their arms)

The sky is blue all around.

To arrive sooner, (waving their arms energetically)

We must flap our wings.

The birds began to gather (running in all directions)

Everyone sits down in the clearing. (squats)

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest.

And it's time to hit the road again. (stand up and wave their arms)

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray! (run in circles)

It's time for us to land. (squats)

The rooks arrived this week. (“flying” in a circle)

Even though the road was difficult, (they stop)

The older rook shouted sternly: (they threaten with a finger)

“Get to work! There’s a lot to do!” (torso turns)

Remember yourself, teach others,

Yes for real: (flapping their wings)

Our black rooks (“fly” in circles)

Hard working birds!



I am a teapot, a grumbler, a busybody, a madman, (depicting a teapot)

I'm showing off my belly to you.

I’m boiling tea, bubbling and shouting: (stomp)

Hey people, I want to have some tea with you! (inviting hand movements)

Here is a large glass teapot (one hand on the belt, the other curved like a spout)

Very important, like a boss.

Here are porcelain cups, (squats, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the porcelain saucers (they spin around, drawing a circle with their hands)

Just knock and they will break.

Here are the silver spoons, (raised hands close above the head)

Here's a plastic tray. (lie on the floor)

He brought us the dishes.


I stand on the bench (they rise on their toes, stretch their arms up)

I can barely get the box out.

I open the box, (“open”)

Blue, shiny.

They fell out of the box (squat - stand with arms outstretched forward)

The letters are real.


The guests ran to the samovar (stand in a circle)

Together they filled the cups: (go to the middle of the circle)

Delicious tea at the samovar, (disperse)

It has chamomile infusion. (walk in a circle one after another)



Three of the painters came (walking in place)

Renovated the old house: (depict a roof over your head)

He was shabby, boring, naked - (“painted”)

He became smart and cheerful. (“roof” over your head)


Painters carry lime, ( walk in a circle, holding imaginary buckets in their hands)

The walls are brushed with vitriol. (turned face in a circle, movements with an imaginary brush)

Slowly spread the chalk. (bent over, stirring with an imaginary brush in the bucket)

I could do it too. (“paint”)


It's not hail, it's not thunder - ( represent blows with a hammer)

Roofer on the roof.

He hits loudly with a hammer -

The whole neighborhood hears. ( cover ears with hands)

He covers the house with iron, ( represent blows with a hammer)

To keep it dry. ( bend down, take out socks with hands)

"Who Builds a House"

If you build a new house, (jumping)

For people to live in it,

You need to have knowledge ( walking in place)

And master the profession.

An architect builds a house ( raise and lower hands)

At the computer desk...

Excavator operator stubbornly ( downward tilts)

He digs a hole under the foundation.

The bulldozer driver needs it on time ( with stamping steps they move into the circle)

Level the area cleanly.

Here is the mason at work - ( arms bent at the elbows, hands on top of each other)

He lays bricks skillfully.

Crane operator at work (squats)

I've been used to the heights for a long time.

Roofers are covering a house (make a “house” over your head with your hands)

Metal sheet.

Plasterers with skill ( cross movements of arms above head)

They plaster the walls deftly.

If you need to paint something, ( raise your arms up and down)

The painters will work together.

Windows are carpenters' care, ( turns left and right)

Doors are also their work.

The new house is almost ready – ( clap their hands)

He is looking forward to the residents.


White sawdust is flying (children are sawing in pairs with a saw)

They fly from under the saw.

This is what a carpenter does (they draw a square with their hands)

Frames and floors.

An axe, a plane (depict working with an axe, a plane)

Planes the planks.

Made window sills (shake off “sawdust” from hands and clothes)

Without a hitch.

The masters were put to work (they walk in place)

Needles, scissors, iron. (“sew, cut, iron”)

They took up sewing skillfully (“they sew”)

Lots of fast, deft hands. (cross movements of hands in front of you)

Receive your order! (offer)

Everything is to measure, just right. (movements with hands from head to feet)

Quite a bit of snow has passed (steps in place)

And everyone goes, goes, goes...

Tired wipers (imitation of sweeping a broom)

Sweeping, sweeping, sweeping...

They rattle with shovels (clap hands)

Under shaggy clouds, (waves arms above head)

Whisks rustle.

On the streets, in the alleys, (waves hands left and right)

In courtyards and alleys

They want to manage.


There is no more beautiful homeland in the world - (they walk in place)

The fighting country of heroes. (depict a “hero”)

Here she is, named Russia, (they walk in place, spread their arms to the sides)

From the seas it extended to the seas.

Go beyond the seas and oceans, (“they’re going”)

You must fly over the whole earth: (“they are flying”)

There are different countries in the world, (spread arms to the sides)

But you won’t find one like ours. (shakes head negative)

Our bright waters are deep, (squats)

The land is wide and free, (stand up, arms to the sides)

And the factories rattle without stopping, (they knock their hands in front of them)

And the fields are making noise as they bloom. (smooth hand waves)


Girls embroider (“embroider”)

Sitting on the grass. (squats)

Girls embroider (“embroider”)

Silk on canvas.

It's a beak! And these are spurs!

But this is a scallop! (show beak, spurs, comb)

Conversations have died down (finger is placed on lips)

Stitch follows stitch. (run after each other)


A fish swims in the water (children stand in a circle)

The fish have fun playing. (wave-like movements with hands)

Fish, fish, mischief, (running in a circle)

We want to catch you.

The fish arched its back (movements according to the text)

I took a bread crumb,

The fish waved its tail

The fish quickly swam away.

There are waves in the open air. (walk in a circle, smoothly wave their arms)

Did you find out? This is the sea.

The fish are frolicking merrily (making voluntary movements)

In clean warm water,

They will clench, unclench, (squat and stand up)

They will bury themselves in the sand. (lie on your back, move your arms and legs)


The snow will melt in a clean field, (they follow each other)

The melting water will subside -

Runs after the tractor driver (they run after each other)

There is a furrow to the blue river.

The seeders will come out later (they go one after another)

Sowing fields with grain. (“sow”)


Lida brought out a spatula, (carrying an imaginary spatula)

I dug up a garden bed near the porch. ("digging")

And buried it at the porch, (crouch)

Seeds from cucumber. ("bury")

Lida is waiting for the harvest, (stand up)

Watering the garden. (tilts to the right, left)

I've been waiting for spring for a long time. (walk in a circle holding hands)

I have my own things to do.

I want a plot in the garden (they go in the opposite direction)

Mom took me away today!

I'll take my shovel (they pretend to dig)

I'll go and dig up the garden bed.

The bed should be soft (“loose the bed with a rake”)

The seeds love it.

I’ll plant a carrot on it (they walk in a circle)

And radishes. And from the sides

There will be bean bushes.


Our grandmother is tired, (stand in a circle)

Sat down on the threshold: (crouch)

“Where did you go, where did you go, (takes hold of head, swings it from side to side)

Where did the grandson go?”

I thought, I groaned,

Then she quietly stood up, (get up)

Beat around the bush (go in circles)

Look for the granddaughter first.

My brother's shoes fit. (stomping feet)

Not small, not big.

The boy is smart, with position, (feet shoulder-width apart)

Working on new clothes.

Then he will stroke the shoes, (leaning towards the right leg)

He'll pull the laces. (tilt towards left leg)

Well, now it's time to hit the road (they walk in place)

You can take the first step!

Can he play football (“kick” the ball)

Can you warm up the soup for me (they clench and unclench their fingers)

Maybe watch a cartoon. (jumping in place)

Can he play checkers (turns his body)

Can even wash cups, (“wash” dishes)

Can he give me a ride (they gallop like horses)

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish, (“they’re catching fish”)

Fix the faucet in the kitchen. (clap hands)

For me there is always a hero - (marching in a circle)

My best dad!

Mom rocks her daughter (children rock an imaginary doll)

My daughter is crying: “Wow.” (they press their hands to their cheeks and shake their head)

wants to raise his hands (raise his hands up)

And he doesn’t want to sleep at all. (hands under cheek and shake head negatively)

We will warm the milk with it (stir with a spoon in an imaginary pan)

And we’ll pour it into the bottle (pouring imaginary milk)

Let's rock it more gently (rock it)

And we'll take you to bed. (bend over and lower hands)


From the green pier (step forward, arms down)

The ship pushed off.

One, two - he stepped back first. (two steps back)

And then he stepped forward - once, twice. (two steps forward)

And he swam, swam along the river, (arms extended forward and closed - the “bow” of the ship)

Getting into full swing. (walk in a circle)

Arms to the sides - in flight (run in a circle, arms to the sides)

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward, (turn over right shoulder)

Left wing forward. (turn over left shoulder)

Our plane took off. (run in a circle with arms out to the sides)


The crew will show us.

Airplane in the sky (tilts left and right with arms outstretched to the sides)

He flaps his wings at the children.

Our body has rested

Well, let's get down to business.


We’ll build the plane ourselves (imitate movements with a hammer)

Let's rush over the forests (arms to the sides, running in a circle)

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom. (stop)

There are trams and trolleybuses going around the city (“going” in circles)

Drivers lead them along their routes.

Are you in a hurry to visit a friend (turn your body)

Or to school for a lesson,

They are not late (“driving” in a circle)

You will be delivered on time.

"Traffic light"

In the morning you get up, leave the house - (they walk in a circle)

Your old friend is at the crossroads. (stop)

He will flash a red light at you (puts his hands on his belt, turns his body)

He will say: “It’s dangerous. The transition is closed.

The yellow light comes on - wait a little.

When the light turns green, go freely.” (walk in a circle)

We boarded the bus together (squat down)

And they looked out the window. (turns head)

Our driver pressed the pedal (press an imaginary pedal)

And the bus started running. (run in circles)


There is an apple tree in the orchard (they wave their hands above their heads)

She was planted. (“plant” an apple tree)

She has white flowers (arms raised up, palms representing a bud)

Bloomed in spring. (“flower” blooms)

Our old grandfather was watching, (portraying grandfather)

Famous gardener

So that the apple tree pours (waves hands above head)

Ruddy sweet fruit. (pinch cheeks)


Katya walked, walked, walked, (children are walking)

Katya found an apple. (bend down, “raise the apple”)

I sat down, ate, (squats)

I went again. (walking)

"Fruit Picking"

We are going to the orchard. (marching in place)

Inhale the aroma of apples. (breathing exercise)

We want to pick apples from the tree. (rise on tiptoes, stretch arms)

Maybe we can jump to them? (jumping)

We need to put up a ladder. (imitate climbing stairs)

We pick the apples and put them in the basket. (imitate picking apples)

We've collected the apples, now let's rest. (sit down)

How blush is the autumn garden! (light slaps on the cheeks)

There are apples hanging everywhere. (raise your hands up)

Red-sided, red-cheeked, (hands on the belt)

On your high branches (raise your hands up)

It's like the sun is shining! (join hands in a circle - “sun”)


The wing rotates quickly (make circular swings with straight arms)

The mill grinds grain. (rotate with clenched fists)

And from ground flour (they make a bun with both hands)

They will bake us pies.


Our scarlet flowers (hands on chest)

The petals are blooming. (arms spread to the sides)

The breeze breathes a little - (smooth movements with hands)

The petals are swaying.


Along the road and along the slopes, (stand in a circle)

Run until dark (run in circles)

Like yellow chickens

Coltsfoot flowers.

And when it gets dark, they will gather under the leaf (crouch, hands on knees)

Like under a wing,

They bury themselves in soft warm fluff (they drop their heads in their hands)

And they fall into a peaceful sleep.


At the sunny edge (“sun” overhead)

The violet has blossomed - (“flower”)

Lilac ears (waves hands from bottom to top)

She raised it quietly.

She is buried in the grass (cover her face with her hands)

Doesn't like to climb forward

But everyone will bow to her (they bow)

And he will take it carefully. (get up quietly)

A snowdrop came running (they run in a circle)

In the March forest.

A snowdrop looked in (turns the body)

Into a clear stream.

And, seeing yourself, (hands raised up and slowly lowered down)

He shouted: “Here you go!” (clap hands)

I didn't even notice

That spring has come! (jumping in place)


Big yellow moon (hands above head - “big moon”)

He turns pale and leaves.

The stars have gone out and you can see (arms to the sides)

Dawn. And the sun rises. (Hands up)

I will get up, and the moon will go to bed (“the moon” is above my head)

She needs to sleep until evening! (depict the “sleeping” moon)


Oh, you grimy girl, (shakes head)

Where did you get your nose so dirty? (touch the tip of the nose)

The tip of the nose is black (shakes head)

As if smoked.

I was lying in the sun (arms above my head, fingers spread)

She kept her nose up. (head thrown back)

So he got tanned.

"It's me"

These are the eyes. Here. Here ( show first the left, then the right eye)

These are ears. Here. Here. ( first take the left ear, then the right)

This is the nose. This is the mouth. (with your left hand you show your mouth, with your right hand you show your nose)

There's a backrest. There's a belly here. (the left palm is placed on the back, the right palm is placed on the stomach)

These are pens. Clap. Clap. ( extend both arms forward and clap)

These are the legs. Top. Top. ( put their palms on their hips, stomp)

Oh, we're tired. Let's wipe our brow. (run the right palm across the forehead)

"Hands need care"

Hands need care, ( arms stretched out in front of you)

After all, they have a lot of work to do:

It's hard to write all day, ( imitate writing movements)

And sculpt and draw. ( clap their hands)

We reached up, then ( raise their hands up)

Let's spread our arms wider. ( spread their arms to the sides)

That's it. End of charging.

Sit down at the table again, guys.


It was a cheerful day -

Autumn is outside.

We walked to school (movements according to the text)

Morning in September.

Straight and right

And then back.

And then back,

And then around

And then skipping

And then run.

If you want to build a bridge, (walk in a circle)

Observe the movement of the stars (stop, raise their hands up)

Drive a car in a field (run and turn an imaginary steering wheel)

Or drive the car up, - (“fly” in the group)

Do a good job at school, (hands folded like schoolchildren)

Study conscientiously!


A drop - one, a drop - two. (step by count)

Drop slowly at first.

The drops began to keep up (they speed up)

Drop drop catch up:

Drip, drip, drip, drip.

Let’s quickly open the umbrella (hands raised up, pretending to be an umbrella)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain!

Plop - plop - plop (clap their hands rhythmically)

We walk through puddles

Squish - squish - squish (they stomp their feet rhythmically)

My feet got wet.

Drop - drop - drop (movement of palms from top to bottom)

We will open the umbrella (spread arms to the sides)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.


"Raspberry Berry"

Let's go to the forest for raspberries, let's go to the forest. (they walk in a round dance, holding hands)

Let's pick up some ripe berries. (picking imaginary berries)

The sun is high, and there is a path in the forest. (stand with your face in a circle, stretch your arms up)

You are my sweet, raspberry. (run in a circle holding hands)


How about cherry baby (walk in a circle)

They know everything firsthand.

They love this berry (stop and stroke their belly)

Both girls and boys.

You will start picking cherries, (stand on tiptoes)

Fill the box with cherries -

And there will be palms too (show palms)

Reminds me of cherry blossoms.


To this tiny girl (squat down)

It's not boring to live on the edge of the forest

With spiders and bugs, (run quietly)


And sometimes behind the grass (stop, raise their hands up)

With dear Mother Earth.

You can retire here (squats)

And shares secrets. (whispering to each other)

A flock of birds flies south

The sky is blue all around. (Children wave their arms like wings.)

To arrive sooner,

We must flap our wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely.)

Swans are flying, flapping their wings (Children are waving their arms)

Bent over the water, shaking their heads (Shaking their heads)

They know how to stand straight and proud (Straighten their back)

They land on the water very silently (Sit down)

Physical education lesson Migratory birds

Birds are jumping and flying (Children are jumping)

Birds collect crumbs (“peck”)

The beaks were cleaned (depicting)

Birds fly, sing (waving their arms)

The grains peck (bend over)

And they sat down (fly away, sit down)

Fizminutka A nimble tit jumps

A nimble tit is jumping, (Jumping in place on two legs.)

She can’t sit still, (Jumping in place on her left leg.)

Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)

Spun like a top. (We spin around in place.)

So I sat down for a minute, (Sit down.)

She scratched her chest with her beak, (Standed up, tilted their heads left and right.)

And from the path to the fence, (Jumping in place on the left leg.)

Tiri-tiri, (Jumping in place on the right leg.)

Shadow-shadow-shadow! (Jumping in place on two legs.)

We made a feeder.

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,

This will be your winter lunch!

Visit on the first day of the week

Two tits have flown in,

And on Tuesday - bullfinches,

Brighter than the morning dawn!

Three crows were on Wednesday

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

And on Thursday from all over the world -

Ten greedy sparrows.

On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was enjoying porridge.

And on Saturday for pie

Seven forty arrived

Fizminutka Gymnastics for the eyes

The bird flew up (children look up)

The bird flew to the right (look to the right)

The bird flew to the left (look to the left)

And hid on the floor (they look at the floor)

Finger gymnastics “little birds”

Here comes a wild wind

I wanted to take away the birds

The birds hid in a hollow

It's dry and warm there

(children perform actions in accordance with the words)

Bullfinches fly, flapping their wings.

They can't sit still,

Spun like a top

Jump - jump, jump - jump.

But there is only snow and snow all around.

It’s good that they have a feeding trough,

Made by a good man!

(Back straight, hands on waist. Children smoothly and slowly raise either their right or left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lower it. Watch their back.)

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)

Stomp your right foot

Stomp your left foot

Again - with the right foot,

Again - with the left foot.

After - with the right foot,

Then - with the left foot.

And then you will come home.

The ducks came out into the meadow

The ducks came out into the meadow,

A cheerful beetle flew by

Wow! (We wave our arms like wings.)

Geese arch their necks,

Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotations of the neck.)

The beak straightens the feathers. (Turns the body left and right.)

Did the wind sway the branches? (We swing our arms up.)

The ball also growled,

Rrrr! (Hands on the belt, leaned forward, looking ahead.)

The reeds whispered in the water,

Shhh! (They raised their hands and stretched.)

And again there was silence,

Gray Nosed Heron (hands to nose)

Stands like a statue all day (hands on waist, shoulder blades drawn together)

Stand on one leg (raise your left leg with your hands on your belt)

If you are a persistent soldier.

Now stand on the right one (hands on the belt, raise the right leg)

If you are a good soldier.

Gray Nosed Heron, (on two legs, hands to nose

Stands like a statue all day. (hands on belt)

Here on the branches, rooks! Don't shout! (index finger to lips)

Black rooks are sitting (crouched)

Placed in a nest, (show the nest in front of you with your hands)

Fluffed the feathers, (stand up, arms to the sides)

Basking in the sun, (pat yourself on the hands)

The head is turned (turns the head to the right, left)

They want to fly. (arms to the sides - swing)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away! (claps, arms to the sides, running on toes)

They flew, they arrived (fly)

And again everyone sat down in the nest. (sit down)

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds.)

And it's time to hit the road again,

We have a lot to fly. (Children stand up and flap their “wings.”)

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to land.

Birds sitting in a nest

Birds sitting in a nest

And they look at the street.

They want to go for a walk

And everyone flies quietly. (Children “fly away”, flapping their arms like wings.)

Come on, birds, fly away,

We flew and sat down,

We played in the pole

Looked to the sides

They flew away. (Walking turning into running.)

They flap their wings (smooth hand movements with large amplitude)

Bent over the water

Classes with children, long monotonous work or tasks that require children to remain motionless for a long time are very tiring for preschoolers. Short-term physical exercises (physical exercises), selected in accordance with the type of activity of the children, will help prevent the occurrence of fatigue and improve the general condition of children by relieving muscle tension.

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Physical education lessons for preschoolers

Classes with children on literacy, mathematics, visual arts, etc., board games, and simply watching television programs and cartoons often take place at the table, on the floor or in a chair, i.e. in a stationary state. But staying in one position for a long time, one position for children, especially preschool and primary school age, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, attention decreases, and interest in a game or activity is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness.

Particularly tiring for children of this age is long, monotonous work or tasks that do not arouse keen interest in them, and the volitional efforts necessary to complete them are not yet sufficiently developed.

During classes with children, you should often change types of activities, interest them in some bright, unusual object, or diversify frequently repeated actions or tasks with some new element that is attractive to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of fatigue, promptly detect signs of its appearance and remove them as quickly and effectively as possible, since fatigue, accumulating, can develop into overwork and cause various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of exercise, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in different ways: yawning, distracted attention, distractibility, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc.), impaired posture and coordination of movements.

One of the effective ways to prevent fatigue, improve the general condition of children, and change their activities is considered to be short-term physical exercise, the so-called physical exercises.

They relieve muscle tension caused by immobility, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, and restore children’s performance.

Physical exercises are carried out in the middle of the lesson for 1-3 minutes in the form of game actions. Children really like imitative exercises, accompanied by poetry and, if possible, related to the topic and content of the lesson. But the main thing is that the movements are simple, accessible and interesting to the child, intense enough, affecting many muscle groups, but not excessive.

A physical training complex usually consists of 2-3 exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle, such as stretching - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the body - bends, turns; for legs - squats, jumps and running in place.

Here are examples of physical exercises for various activities.

Physical exercises for board games and speech development activities

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Our head is down (forward tilt)

Right - left you and I

Shake our heads (tilt to the sides)

Hands behind your head, together

We start running on the spot (imitation of running)

We will remove both you and me

Hands behind the head.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Masha is looking for things (turn one way)

Masha is confused. (turn in the other direction, to the starting position)

And not on the chair, (arms forward, to the sides)

And not under the chair, (sit down, spread your arms to the sides)

(tilt the head to the left - to the right, “threatening” with the index finger)

Get up, girls, Get up, boys! Jump like bunnies! Bounce like balls! Jump-jump, jump-jump, Let's sit down on the grass: Let's listen to the silence, Let's eat a carrot. Let's rest a little and move on. Higher, higher, Jump high! Don't be lazy, jump easily on your toes! Jump high!

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

Girls and boys jumping like balls

They stomp their feet, clap their hands, nod their heads, and everyone relaxes together.

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

One day the children went into the forest, walked around the entire clearing, approached an old spruce tree, and found a huge mushroom there. Our guys were so happy! And run back home.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

How interesting it is for us in winter! (points thumb up)

We go sledding in a crowd, (imitate sledding)

Then we will play snowballs (they imitate making and throwing snowballs)

We all put on our skis together (“put on” skis, “take” poles, “go”)

Then everyone got on skates (pretend to skate)

Happy winter days! (points thumb up)

My ball is bouncing merrily (movements imitating tapping a ball with a hand)

My car runs without gasoline (simulation of steering wheel rotation)

My little brother is still a baby (they show his height with their hand)

My cat will sleep a little (tilt head to one side, hands under cheek)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We stomp our feet (stomp)

We clap our hands (clap)

Shake your head, (shake your head)

We raise our hands (hands up)

Then we lower them (hands down)

We shake hands (hands in a “lock”)

And we run around (spin in place)

One, two, three, (three claps)

Any figure, freeze! (draw any figure)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We chop and chop the cabbage (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We knead the cabbage, knead the cabbage, (“knead the cabbage”)

We salt and salt the cabbage (“take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press and press the cabbage (flexion and extension of the hands)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The wind blows in our faces, (moves hands towards ourselves)

The tree swayed (swaying with raised arms)

The breeze is getting quieter and quieter - (gradual squatting)

The tree is getting higher and higher, (stand up, stretch on your toes)

Every day in the morning we do exercises. We really like to do everything in order: It’s fun to walk, it’s fun to play, Raise your hands, lower your hands. Squat and stand up, jump and gallop.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

There is a tower in a field (the palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

There is a lock on the door (fingers clenched into the lock)

The wolf opens it - Twitch-twitch, twitch-twitch. (hands clenched in a lock, move forward - backward, left - right)

Petya the Cockerel came and used the key to open the lock (the fingers unclench and connect with each other, forming a “teremok”)

Children imitate movements along the text of the poems.

On the lawn, on a daisy, a Beetle flew in a colored shirt. Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm friends with daisies. I sway quietly in the wind, I bend low and low.

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws. Paws up, paws down. Pull yourself up on your toes, put your paws on the side, hop, hop, hop on your toes. And then squat down, so that your paws don’t freeze. The bunny is good at jumping, he jumped ten times.

The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get the key, we need to stand on our toes.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Birds are sitting in nests (children are sitting on chairs)

And they look at the street.

Suddenly I wanted to fly,

And everyone immediately flew away (children run around the group. When the adult says “birds to their nests,” the children take their places)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

All clocks go like this.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (tilts head to shoulders)

Look quickly what time it is.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (body rocking)

Left - once, right - once,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock. (torso tilts left - right)

We can do this too.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Three bears walked home: (children walk like bears)

Dad was big, big, (raise hands up)

Mom with him is shorter, (arms at chest level, extended forward)

And my son is just a baby, (squat down)

He was very small

Walked with rattles (stand up and imitate playing with rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Swans fly, flap their wings, (smooth hand movements with large amplitude)

Bent over the water

Shaking their head (bending forward, bending over)

They know how to stand straight and proud,

Quietly sit on the water (squats)

The horse is waiting for me on the road (hands clasped behind my back)

Hit with his hoof at the gate (rhythmic alternating raising of legs bent at the knees)

Mane plays in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking head, then bending to the sides)

I'll quickly jump onto the saddle,

If I don’t go, I’ll fly (jumping in place)

Clack - clack - clack, (arms are bent at the elbows in front of you)

There beyond the distant river

I'll wave to you (jump on the spot)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

The cubs lived in the thicket, twisting their heads. Like this, like this, they twisted their head (circular movements of the head alternately in different directions)

The cubs were looking for honey, and they rocked the tree together. Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together. (tilt to the sides, arms forward)

They waddled and drank water from the river, Like this, like this And they drank water from the river. (walking like a bear, bending forward)

And then they danced, raising their paws higher. Like this, like this, they raised their paws higher.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Raise your shoulders (vigorous shoulder movements)

Jump, grasshoppers, Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Stop! We sat down, ate some grass,

Listen to the silence (squats)

Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes easily (jumping in place)

The engine turned on, the propeller started spinning, F- (rotational movements with hands in front of you)

They rose to the clouds, And the landing gear retracted, (alternately raising the knees)

Here is the forest - we are here. Prepare a parachute (swinging with arms spread in different directions)

Push, jump, Let's fly, buddy, (jump up, arms to the sides)

The parachutes all opened, the children landed softly, (squatting, arms to the sides)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Like a woodpecker pecks trees with its head between the leaves. (moves head up and down)

Like fishing and waddling, the goose runs after the goose. (running in place with arms raised)

How surprised the Geese stopped right next to the river,

They drank water, opened their wings (lean forward, arms back)

And slowly we walked (steps in place)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hey horses, follow me!

Let's hurry to the watering hole! (arms forward, springy leg movements)

Here is the river, wide and deep,

You can't reach the bottom. (smoothly extend arms to the sides, bend forward)

And the water is delicious! Drink! Good water! Let's knock our hoof! (tapping foot)

Hey horses, follow me! (arms to the sides, smooth movements up and down)

Let's gallop home, (jumping in place) Hop-hop-hop!

Children must show body parts in accordance with the text of the poem.

Here are the words with the sound [l]: Forehead, back of the head, head, Fists, palms, elbows, There is no sound [l] in the word “nails”. Eyes, body and shoulder blades, There is no sound [l] in the word “heels”.

Physical exercise “Morning exercises”

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We are cheerful guys, We are preschool children, (walk in a circle)

We play sports, we don’t know about diseases.

One - two, two - one, We have a lot of power! (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend over now, (bend down) Look at us!

One - two, don't yawn! Squat with us! (squats)

One - jump, two - jump! Have fun, my friend! (jumping on both legs)

Let’s take a deep breath through our nose - “Sh-Sh-Sh”, we’ll say everything later, (inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders)

Physical exercises for visual arts classes

The text is spoken during the exercises. All movements are performed while sitting.

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

We painted today, Our fingers are tired. (active flexion and extension of fingers)

Let them rest a little and start drawing again. (shake your hands in front of you)

Let’s pull our elbows back together (vigorously pull our elbows back)

Let's start drawing again.

Today we drew, Our fingers are tired, Let's shake our fingers, Let's start drawing again, (smoothly raise your hands in front of you, shake your brushes)

Legs together, legs apart, Hammer in a nail, (spread and bring legs together, stamping)

We have been sculpting for a long, long time, Our fingers are tired, (shaking hands in front of us) Let them rest a little, And start sculpting again. Let's spread our hands together and start sculpting again, (take your hands back - down, leaning back in the chair)

The fingers played hide and seek and removed the heads (clenching and unclenching the hands)

Like this, like this, This is how the heads were removed (flexion and extension of the 1st and 2nd phalanges of the fingers)

The text of the poem is pronounced and the accompanying movements are performed at the same time.

Hands raised and swayed - These are trees in the forest, (smooth swaying with arms raised up)

Arms bent, hands shaken - The wind knocks down the dew, (shaking hands in front of you)

Let's gently wave our arms to the sides. These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down - the wings are folded back. (2 times)

Physical exercises for math classes

The text is read before the exercises begin.

– We count to five, we squeeze the weights, (i.p. - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your arms slowly up - to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist (4-5 times))

– How many dots will there be in the circle, How many times will we raise our hands (on the board there is a circle with dots. The adult points to them, and the children count how many times they need to raise their hands)

– How many times will I hit the tambourine, How many times will we chop the wood, (i.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped up, sharp bends forward - down)

– How many green Christmas trees are there, How many bends will we perform, (i.p. - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Bends are performed)

– How many cells are there to the line, How many times can you jump (3 x 5 times), (5 cells are shown on the board. An adult points to them, children jump)

– We squat as many times as we have butterflies (i.p. - standing, legs slightly apart. During squats, arms forward)

– Let’s stand on our tiptoes, reach for the ceiling (i.p. - main stance, hands on the belt. Rising on the tiptoes, arms up - to the sides, stretch)

– How many lines are there to the point? How many times will we stand on our toes (4-5 times), (i.p. - the main stance. When lifting on your toes, arms to the sides - up, palms below shoulder level)

- They bent over as many times as we have ducks. (i.p. - standing, legs apart, do not bend your legs when bending)

– How many circles will I show, How many jumps will you perform (5 x 3 times), (i.p. - standing, hands on the belt, jumping on the toes)

– We count the berries, squat together, (i.p. - basic stance, hands on the belt. Don’t lower your head, straight back)

Target Audience: Preschoolers

Physical exercises for preschoolers

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Computer Science 3rd grade

PROJECT “INFORMATICS 3rd GRADE” Designed to help computer science teachers working according to the textbook program A.V. Goryachev, “Informatics in games and tasks. 3rd grade."