Lottery game at a corporate event. A comic birthday lottery in verse with prizes. To prepare a comic lottery competition you need

Do you think adults don't like to play children's games? But you are wrong! We offer you a comic lottery for adults' birthdays. This lottery is written in verse and will help you reward every guest who comes to your birthday with a memorable gift. And to hold such a lottery you don’t need a toastmaster. You just need to prepare beautiful cards on which poems will be written and gifts will be indicated. And that’s it, your guests will forever remember this wonderful day.

Ticket No. 1

You are lucky in this lottery
And your happiness found you.
And along with happiness came good luck,
This horseshoe found you.
(prize - horseshoe)

Ticket No. 2

I’ll give you a piece of Gazprom,
Keep it, I tell you.
After all, the world will soon run out of gas,
And only you will have it.
(prize - gas lighter)

Ticket No. 3

So that next year you will be here,
And I didn’t forget about my birthday.
I give you a calendar
And in it I will circle my date of birth.
(prize – calendar for a year)

Ticket No. 4

Digital technologies have taken over everything
Gadgets stick their noses into everything!
But don't forget the good old days
And read the newspaper more often!
(prize - paper newspaper)

Ticket No. 5

Stuffy nose, headache?
Maybe you have a temperature?
You don't need to go to the doctor right away,
You can measure the temperature yourself.
(prize - thermometer)

Ticket No. 6

You're sitting there looking sad,
I'll surprise you now.
Come get it
Delicious, sweet pineapple!
(prize - pineapple)

Ticket No. 7

To never get sick,
You need to eat vitamins.
This carrot is full of vitamins,
Take it, I have more.
(prize - carrots)

Ticket No. 8

Everyone already knows what to hide,
You are our welcome guest.
And take it as a souvenir,
This is the exact nail.
(prize - nail)

Ticket No. 9

Did you want some vitamins?
Get ascorbic acid!
(prize – ascorbic acid)

Ticket No. 10

The house will always be clean.
Put your trash here!
(prize – garbage bags)

Ticket No. 11

You will take care of your health,
And sign for receipt of the jump rope!
(prize - jump rope)

Ticket No. 12

She can eat, she can play,
You can take it with you to your bed.
But the bed, of course, is too much.
But they build a fence from this material!
(prize - wooden spoon)

Ticket No. 13

It happens - you go,
And I'm thirsty because of the heat.
And so as not to die of thirst,
You need to carry the bag with you.
(prize – juice pack)

Ticket No. 14

You always like to go for a walk,
This cannot be taken away from you.
And so that we can get home later,
Keep a business card with the taxi number.
(prize - taxi business card)

Ticket No. 15

Sorry if something is wrong,
But you got this little thing.
Rose-colored glasses for you,
Maybe they will help you in life.
(prize – rose-colored glasses)

Don't know how to organize such a lottery? You can write these poems on paper and put barrels with lotto numbers in the bag. And the guests will take out one barrel at a time and show the number. And the number of the barrel corresponds to the number of the gift.
Or you can work hard and make beautiful cards and write these poems on them. Place the cards on a tray and guests will choose a card themselves and read out the verse and their gift.


Soon there will be a shortage
If the forest is all ours for nothing
It will fly abroad!
Let this pencil
Will be your faithful companion!


You will give everything in the world
Here's to this pencil!
He will imprison himself
Letting you rest!


If someone is in your ear
The vermicelli will crumble
Don't listen to them, my dear,
Anything can happen in life.
Did you use napkins?
Shake off this vermicelli!



Rubber - technical
There are just a ton of products!
With us it is practically
One, just in case!
Don't be too scared -
We want to give
A balloon for you,
It must be strong!


A good broom is needed in the bathhouse,
But if there is nothing to treat you with,
Steam it with strong tea
You can give your guests a drink!


This toothpick looks like
Great and unsightly,
But believe me that she
Everything will be cleaned to the bottom!


You'll get an electric shock
Seeing this powder!
After all, “ARIEL” is no worse
And desperately needed on the farm!

This pen is not simple,
And automatic!
How do you write your pen?
So throw it in the bin!


The shortage has become terrible
This file is for metal!
You take care of her
Don't break your teeth right away!


Lucky you, my friend!
Get a sanding wheel!
If you put in the effort,
You can even sharpen your pitchforks!


To boil the kettle,
Need connection.
You won't be able to achieve it
No device!
The fork will help you
Drink hot tea in the morning!


This brush can be used to paint
The whole family piled on,
Anything in your house
Don't rush anywhere!


If you will this means
In the morning you apply
Believe me, in a month
You will chew bones!


Pliers, at least not skis,
But they are needed in nature!
Let them remind
Happy New Year to you!


The gift is surprisingly simple
It is needed for protection!
We didn't know your size
We picked out the gift by eye!


We live in the Urals,
We breathe in all sorts of nasty things,
We'll give you a respirator.
With great joy!


Get a grip, buddy!
There is no more useful gift!
We are giving this switch -
Let there be light in your home!


So that in the bath continuously
You could splash water
We give you naively
This valve is a spare!


It's him, it's him
Socket for your light bulb!
We know it won’t be enough for you,
After all, you missed him!


In the dark so as not to sit,
The cork will help you.
Without her there is light in the apartment
He won't be able to tan!


On this calendar
You can celebrate
Happy days
So as not to forget!


If you need it
Cut a lot of boards
Then with this saw myself
You can do anything!


We will make you happy to tears,
After all, we are giving away hair dye!
You throw it in boiling water
Yes, dip the firebrand,
And an hour later my own mother
He won't even be able to recognize you!


Answer this simple question:
Why do we need radishes?
In order to avoid enemas
Our cleanse the body!


Laugh until you drop,
Our gift is like a reward!
This beetroot is like lipstick
Everything you need will be painted!


Keep your ears open!
We give a nose to the Snowman!
And if the size doesn't fit,
Then she'll go for a salad!


This is a remedy for calluses,
Fast, fun, pain-free!
At least you'll go around half the world,
You won't find a better solution!


So that you from all problems
It was easier to slip away
We advise you all
Use soap more often!

CREAM (ACcelerator)

If you go to work in the morning
Are you afraid of being late?
Lubricate your heels with this cream -
It will be difficult to catch up with you!


Don't buy elastic stockings!
Take an eraser from us!
Believe me, you will be pleased
Wipe off any stains!


Don't give a damn about all the diets
Chew candy more often!
Very sweet taste
Caramel Chupa Chups!

CHEWING GUM (Anti-Motion Sickness Remedy)

If you suffer from pitching,
Then these chewing gums will help you!
Cover your mouth, sit up straight
And repeat the word “mom!”


These ducks are simple,
Putting gold in my hands,
They can do a lot
Everyone wants to have them!


We will make you happy to tears -
We are giving away a mop and vacuum cleaner!
You can work for her deftly,
No skill required here!


This is Tampax, what kind!
Joy will overwhelm you!
Don't look how big he is
But it will last a long time!


This is a remedy for constipation
It will help you very soon!
Apply every time
When you have difficulties!


Reusable product
For stomach upset,
It will help you, without coquetry,
You will always be happy!

SOCKS (Anti-anguish)

To save you from melancholy,
Let us give you some socks!
You can put them on right away,
How can I finish this sentence!


Even though you are not our hero of the day,
The laurel wreath does not shine for you,
But still accept it as a gift
Bay leaf bag!


This centimeter
You can measure
What, why and how fast,
So as not to make a mistake!


This tablecloth is self-assembled
In difficult times he will help you,
And the size is very comfortable
Everything will fit into any pocket!


We give you an electric hair dryer
No more problems with hair!
Strand to the left, strand to the right -
Make way for the oak forest!


Quickly put it in your pocket,
After all, this is an imported shampoo!
We got it with difficulty
Literally nearby, around the corner!


If you go to dance,
So that your pants don't fall off,
Secure them then
A pin made of steel!


At least dance, at least jump -
Nothing will fall off you!
After all, the elastic band is for underwear
Will never let you down!

duct tape (or adhesive plaster)

These sticky bandages
You won't wear it out for long!
You can use them without anesthesia
Sleep in any position you like!


To make Pinocchio,
You don't have to be Carlo's dad!
We give you a log -
It will go just right on the nose!


You can pull them on easily
At least to the elbow, at least to the shoulders!
These are amazing gloves!
Promise us to take care of them!


Where should you store your millions?
God knows, there is no problem!
This humble one will help you,
This is a wonderful package!


Now you will at least have henna,
We are giving you a bag of henna!
You can paint it with her,
My friend, from heels to eyebrows!


Hurry up, friend, pour me a drink,
A ruler is waiting for you as a gift!


They say that husband and wife
Like a needle and thread.
Make a nest out of strings
And live with a smile!


Your thoughts are your horses,
Can you write them down here!
When you really need them,
You can get them from there!


You and your companion are like this
You won't get lost anywhere,
From any guests home
You won't leave hungry!


You thought that there was no happiness,
Oh, what an eccentric you are!
Here, buy yourself some candy
For a well-deserved penny!


Don't look at her so ardently
If there is a shortage of soap -
Our gift is all remnants
It will be reliably saved for you!


So that the smile is pure,
A toothpick will help you!
From your smile
The room will become brighter!


Here are the position indicators
To choose the right direction,
If you use them,
You will never forget this route!


So that the stream doesn’t hit too hard
Put it on at the end quickly
This little thing
And splash around all day!


This liquid is not liquor,
But it's a necessary thing!
She will be from now on
My favorite!


If something got stuck somewhere,
Don't worry, don't be sad,
And more often this place
Sprinkle with our powder!


You are my hope
You are my joy
How will I see you-
You don't need anything!


We wish you prosperity,
We give a ruble for order!


If you really want
Suddenly seduce someone
This thing, by the way,
He can reveal his feelings to you!


So that you don’t suffer from sclerosis,
We will make you healthier
Drink our balm with tea,
We wish you good health!

May your hair always be fluffy,
A hairbrush with some glamour.

From early childhood until now
Soap solution brings us joy.

Maybe you wanted an i-pod,
And you get a notepad.

Here are some chopsticks for you, take them
But keep this simple advice in mind.
Pick carefully
Don't turn off your sound.

You were given soap.
How really cute is this.

To prevent the soap from slipping,
Vinyl soap dish for you.

After a delicious lunch
According to Archimedes' law.....
I won't continue further,
Everything is clear, wash the dishes.

Open the hunting season
Kill mosquitoes.

Receive a tube as a gift,
So that the tooth shines in the sun.

This is a great gift,
Clear and simple.
At least grab something hot
At least put it on the table.

The man is so famous
And interesting.
Hurry up and grab a pen
To give autographs.

Scratch your head
A set of plastic forks.

Don't yawn at the wedding
And grab someone.

We gave you this prize today
With only one hint that
So that only you deceive them,
And no one cheated you.

Who is always ready to accept a gift?
A blank for 2000 megs?

You are slimmer than a string
You don't need a diet.
It’s easy for you to measure yours
Sixty and ninety.

Light these candles
And intimacy is guaranteed to you.

Alcohol is of course poisonous
But 100 grams won't hurt.
Invite two more
To drink for three.

Who drinks cognac without a snack?
A man with a chocolate bar is coming towards you.

How have you lived so far?
Without such a device?

It's a matter of everyday life, as they say,
This item might also come in handy.

You got it
What's left...

To make your life sweet, get a chocolate bar.
You no longer need kvass - now you have beer.
Your winnings are quite rare, you are lucky, no doubt, you got not two candies, but two pieces of paper from candies.
Not a win, but manna from heaven, you got a piece of bread.
Accept this button and walk around the world with joy.
What is this? Pencil! It is very difficult to believe in this: now he will only be yours.
Don't look so timidly, don't be scared - it's a traffic jam.
This paper clip will help you get a strong hold in life.
To avoid eating in the cafeteria, get a bay leaf.
Cleanliness is a sore point, get a vacuum cleaner (broom).
When you start dancing, so that your pants don’t fall off, you need to have a steel pin with you.
We give you the best toy in the world - a rattle.
Everyone is happy with such a gift - delicious, juicy grapes.
It's not a nut or a screw - it's a medical bandage.
Fate took a quitrent from you, a box of matches for change.
In life, the best friend is a whole spool of thread.
This is not a random gift - we are giving you a tram ticket.
There is no better prize than a plastic bag.
You are very lucky - get a piece of soap.
Don’t get sick, be strong, we are giving you pills.
We don't mind anything for you - accept this lighter.
You have to believe in miracles - you will get sausage as a gift.
We are giving you a balloon and a flashlight to go with it.
Forget all questions, we are giving you cigarettes.
A thing that is very necessary in the household, take it quickly, don’t be shy (lid).
To make you look out the window less, we are giving you dominoes.
Yes, this is what you need - a cheese called the glorious “Friendship”.
You shouldn't be upset - you have new luck. You got delicious mustard, table quality.
Move your brains a little - for this we hand over a book.
Nothing is a pity for you - just get a medal.
Don’t be sad, don’t worry, get up and kiss your neighbor.
There is nothing better in the world than receiving a bouquet of flowers.
Here's a gift for you for future use - a lace from a shoe.
We give you this ticket to travel around the world.
To maintain a beautiful hairstyle, get a comb.
So that there is no longing, we give you socks.
At first glance, it’s not noticeable at all - toilet paper.
Fruit is the best diet, but today eat some candy.
The stripe in life will only be white, a piece of chalk will help you with this.
You can read what is happening in the world today in the newspaper.
We have provided you with hooks, but you can catch the catfish yourself.
You will always need this soda at any time of the year.
A great find for your teeth - here's a toothbrush.
If you like excitement, get a deck of cards.
To make jam for future use, get sugar.
This item is necessary to create intimacy (candle).
If you're not drunk yet, get a glass quickly.
The most fragrant banana will be the envy of monkeys.
To keep your laundry tight, we give you a clothespin.
Success awaits you soon, get a nut from us.

Vodka bottle
Your gift is super class,
So don't worry.
A bottle from us for you,
Smell it, admire it!

Wedding bouquet package
If they invite you to a wedding,
Once, and you're ready.
Get it here
There is a bag of flowers.

Carbon paper
Please don't be surprised -
A carbon copy from us for you.
Tonight, try
you will have twins.

Candy box
And there is no better gift -
A box of chocolates for you.
Only you got into trouble -
We ate candy yesterday.

Screw the prize onto your bangs
And do your hair.
And men, I know,
They will fall into piles themselves.

Massage brush
So that the suitor is satisfied,
We give you a massager.
Lead them here and there
And please your suitor.

Huge size men's briefs
And you'll probably be lucky
The big man will find you.
If there is no groom,
Two bags will be wonderful.

Medical gloves
When you go to work,
Feel free to wear gloves.
If our prize helps,
You will give us half.

You are a great guy -
A rod as a gift to you.
You suffered no damage
Suitable for self-defense.

You took it as a gift tenaciously
Here at the wedding, don't yawn.
We give you a clothespin,
At least attract someone to you.

Watch face
This is an antique.
Your gift is a dial.
We present it with all our hearts,
We don’t know where to get the arrows!

Plastic bag
And there is no better gift,
Than a plastic bag.
You'll get your prize sooner
And take away whatever you want!

So that impudent people would not interfere,
Don't change your habits.
And instead of a lighter
Carry matches with you.

Shoe spoon
Looks like you're sober now
But if you drink too much -
With her in the boot in difficult times
You'll hit it right.

We ate a lot, drank a lot.
They deserve this badge.
You are a drummer of the Komtrud -
Congratulations to the toastmaster!

So that you don't have a sweet life,
We found something for you.
A very necessary thing -
Here's some mustard in a tube!

Piece of cake
You're lucky, my friend.
Here's a piece of cake for you.
They don’t leave it for later,
After all, products are becoming more expensive

Suddenly you get rich -
You don't have an envelope.
We want to give it to you,
You will keep the money.

Suddenly there is tension with the light -
To pull up your skirt
You will need a candle.
Give us at least two pieces.

Our gift without flaw -
Natural blush.

For love pleasures
Our nut will come in handy.
He will add strength to you,
It will add pleasure.

Wrist watch
Here, for complete beauty
Imported watch for you.
We present them to you from the bottom of our hearts,
Whether they are coming or not, we don’t know!
The prize went to you through connections -
So we will make an additional payment.
After all, you are no happier.
We are waiting for five thousand now!


It can be used at any other holiday. I took some of the options for the New Year, and some for my birthday.
1. By chance you got this tea on your ticket.
2. To keep your face and sock clean, put a piece of fragrant soap on your ticket. 3. Whether you are a smoker or a non-smoker, you have come across a suitable winnings, and without a doubt we will urgently present you with a pack of Belomor.
3. You’re a boy or a girl, how long will it take you to get married, on the ticket as you wish, let me give you a rattle in advance.
4. So that you write off with love, you receive envelopes, without stamps, don’t spoil them, you will buy them at the post office.
5. Excuse us that there is a shortage in this package, then go to the corner and quietly unwrap - (condoms).
6. You should be happy in abundance from the lottery right now. Three wonderful postcards have been drawn for you.
7. You shouldn’t be upset, you have new luck: you got mustard, delicious, table-sized.
8. Your win is quite rare, you got a fir branch; it will make you, without a doubt, participate in landscaping.
9. Get a hot air balloon and fly into space to the stars.
10. You shouldn’t be angry about winning; you can ride on a branch from here.
11. You will be surprised with a rather rare 2 paper napkins.
12. Hurry up and get a notebook: write poetry.
13. The lottery is not a loss, the winnings are a spool of thread.
14. We issue without documents: you got this ribbon.
15. You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and it was not in vain that you won a comb as a reward.
16. To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.
17. You need matches in everyday life both in cold weather and in snowstorms.
18. Don’t get sick, be strong, we’ll give you pills.
19. To avoid eating in the dining room, get a bay leaf.
20. You read about all the news in the world in the newspaper.
21. Here is a small brooch for you - smile at least a little.
22. Listen to this advice: fruits are the best diet.
23. You will remember, friends, this calendar sheet (the number of a significant event).
24. Eh, you have to be happy to get peas.
25. You got the candy, come visit us.

26. You turned out to be very clever, get a glass of vodka.
27. You will need our gift stocking for use.
28. We pour you wine so that you can drink to the bottom.
29. Don’t be sad, hurry up to receive your gift. If you want to dance, dance, and then the glass is yours.
30. To look younger, to captivate everyone with a smile, you just need to apply this good benefit (cosmetics).
31. If you have already forgotten how to use a washcloth, then we advise you to read “Moidodyr”.
32. To lose ten years, you don’t need to think for a long time, this wonderful lipstick will give you excellent advice.
33. And here is the famous, fragrant, tasty, melted cheese.
34. If suddenly a child cries, you must calm him down. You'll jump in with a rattle and make him shut up.
35. Automatic brush for painting walls.
36. If you have to get a bruise, hurry up and give a souvenir nickel.
37. You, comrade, want to receive large gifts, but you managed to win two envelopes with stamps.
38. Extend your hand to receive the onion head.
39. You were worried a lot, but there was no loss. You got beets for your ticket to make a vinaigrette.
40. To always be neat, hurry up and get toothpaste.
41. Your prize is quite rare - two paper napkins.
42. If you like sweets, or not, here’s a handful of sweets for you.
43. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier.
44. Your winnings are like manna from heaven - you got a piece of bread.
45. Happiness fell into your hands, you got three potatoes.
46. ​​There is no better prize than a plastic bag.
47. We give you this ticket so that you can travel around the whole world.
48. Newspapers should be read so that you know the world well.
49. A device necessary in case of an accident pin.
50. We have provided you with hooks, but you can catch pike yourself.
51. Universal Panama hat (handkerchief).
52. Vase made of pure glass (original bottle shape).
53. The Florena company offers face cream (watercolor paints).
54. Automatic hairpin for fastening hair (clothespin).
55. Your winnings are a glass of wine, it’s on your table, drink to the bottom.
56. Pleasure for the whole night is a dummy.
57. I know you like to write letters, then get this notebook.
58. You got the main prize, get it and share it (vodka).
59. You, of course, are getting younger, so you look in the mirror more often.
60. A pack of cigarettes for you. Are you satisfied: or not?
61. Forget all questions, get cigarettes.
62. You and your companion never lose heart, and use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.
63. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, you only need a box of matches.
64. Sew on this button and walk around the world with joy.
65. To maintain a beautiful hairstyle, we will give you a comb.
66. You and your companion will never be lost anywhere; no spoonful of any guests will come home hungry.
67. The hen that laid the golden eggs died, and since the golden eggs have disappeared, get the simple ones as soon as possible.
68. But this is a fork - get it, my dear.
69. Please don’t be angry with us, the lid will also come in handy.
70. If senile sclerosis suddenly overcomes you, tie all four corners of a handkerchief.


1. Mascara or tanning product - shoe polish, shoe polish.
2. Souvenir “Drink and know when to stop” - a thimble.
3. You got a trifle - get a cutter.
4. French cosmetics - colored pencils or felt-tip pens.
5. Pet – toy mouse.
6. Napkins for... - toilet paper.
7. A device for giving your head a “shiny” shape - a machine.
8. Metal worker's decoration - paper clips.
9. Individually made ceramic plate – disposable plate
10. Dressing table - mirror.
11. Indian carpet - handkerchief.
12. Crystal vase – glass (disposable).
13. Automatic machine for painting walls - brush.
14. The device necessary in case of an accident is a pin.
15. Human hair wig – washcloth.
16. Automatic latch for fastening hair - clothespin.
17. Pleasure for the whole night. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier. (pacifier)
18. The means for finding rubles is a penny.
19. If you have to get a bruise, hurry to get a souvenir nickel.
20. You, comrade, want to be with large gifts, but you managed to win two envelopes with stamps.
21. Pull your hand - get the head of the bow.
22. You were quite worried, but there was no loss. The ticket included beets to make a vinaigrette.
23. Happiness fell into your hands - you got a potato.
24. There is no better prize than a plastic bag.
25. Newspapers should be read in order to know the whole world well.
26. We have provided you with hooks, but you can catch pikes yourself.
27. Don’t be angry with us, my friend, you only need a box of matches.
28. You and your companion will not disappear anywhere; you will not come home hungry from any guests - a spoon.
29. I know you like to write letters, then get this notebook.
30. No one has ever been so lucky! You have won a set of one thousand metal items (staples).
31. Get a key to the apartment, and buy the apartment yourself!
32. We give you this ticket so that you can travel around the whole world.
33. Sexual partner of the sharpener (pencil).
34. Having received this gift, think a little
Maybe you forgot your friends, Write a letter to them, baby
35. Stand hanger (Nail).
36. Dear comrade, get some candy
Just don’t eat it yourself - treat your neighbor.
37. You are extremely lucky,
Kiss the neighbor on the right. Grouchier grandmothers and snottier children
(crossed out)… not life, but simply paradise!

The village is big and we live richly
(the pen broke, then the pencil) -
But there are not enough women on the collective farm,
And those that exist (overwritten, it was obscene),
They do not paint the surrounding landscape.

Well, for example, Zinka the saleswoman -
Blood and cognac, but not worth a penny,
Broke Vaska's arm and collarbone
For pinching my buttock.
Stroke her and you won’t get any bones!

No better than Tanka Ivanova
(Sits in the library like a mouse).
When he starts quoting Tolstoy -
I want to hang myself, my word,
With this one you will inevitably start snoring.

And Baba Klava, the old monkey,
Is the local elder wearing a women's robe?
Recently I hit Mishka with a poker
Because the boy wanted to joke
And he tied a washcloth to her bottom!

Her neighbor, grandmother Polina,
What makes first-class moonshine,
Such a b... (crossed out) brute,
He won’t pour a glass in debt (at least half!)...
Is this really life, damn it?!

We ask you, Director Tyrnet -
At least send some chicks (ladies) for a while!
It's a shame, damn it, summer is coming to an end,
We don’t have computers on the collective farm -
Well, should worthy gentlemen disappear?!

There's Genka, he's a pretty decent guy,
With hair and other junk,
Ivan Kuzmich is handsome in places,
And Sanka has a foreign suit,
And I am not one of the last in the village.

Please send (address just below):
Dude Genke - Marilyn Monru,
Sanka - Marina Vladi from Paris,
Ivan Kuzmich (he loves redheads) -
Nicola Kidman, well, and for me – Varum.

Don’t think that we want it for free -
They gave you two bags of apples.
Please accept our tearful statement!
Even though women are the meanness of life and poison,
Without them we are (crossed out) sad!”

... I am writing again to the director of Tyrnet
(Already sent five registered letters!).
“There are a lot of applications, so for the summer” -
The chairman of the village council told us...
“Send the women!!! (crossed out)… Any!!!”

Anyone enjoys receiving gifts, even small ones. Knowing this, you can please your guests by organizing a comic, win-win lottery. First you need to purchase inexpensive trinkets; the number of prizes is selected depending on the number of guests. We put all items in a bag or box. Next, we will paste paper numbers (there are such adhesive stickers - price tags), if they are not there, you can simply number the cut pieces of paper and stick them with tape on tangerines or apples (such as lottery balls). Before the lottery, it is necessary to distribute (balls with numbers) to the guests. Yes, I almost forgot... You also need a hat and folded pieces of paper placed in it with the same numbers as those handed out to the guests. The presenter (toastmaster) announces the lottery and invites guests to take turns pulling numbers from the hat. Depending on the number, the presenter pronounces a humorous phrase that creates (the weight of the lottery winnings) and gives the winning prize to the owner of the coveted number.

One of the best ways to decorate any celebration is to hold an exciting anniversary lottery. Whether a woman or a man, young or over sixty, it doesn’t matter whose birthday it is. All invitees and the birthday boy of any age will be happy to take part in such fun. But, of course, organizing a lottery requires preliminary preparation.

  • The most important condition for guests to like the game is that the lottery must be a win-win. Believe me, receiving even the most insignificant and simple gift is much nicer than nothing.
  • You don’t have to spend a lot on prizes – they can be inexpensive. In addition, in a lottery for a woman’s 60th birthday, say, expensive gifts for guests would surprise many and make them feel awkward. In the lottery, the emphasis is not on the value of the prizes, but on excitement, anticipation and the effect of surprise.
  • However, even an inexpensive thing should look decent. You should not give something that is lying around your house and has long lost its marketable appearance - this may be regarded by guests as disrespect.
  • You can buy things at low cost in supermarkets, sales, fairs, stalls or fixed price stores. The more lots you prepare, the more interesting it will be to play!
  • If you wish, you can prepare several lots with “more expensive” prizes and announce them in advance. This way you will entice your guests even more, seriously intriguing them and making them look forward to the draw.
  • The prizes themselves can be anything: from trinkets for interior decoration to household items that are familiar to everyone. You can prepare several comic prizes like huge pants or a clown nose, thereby amusing the players even more.
  • Each lot must be recorded on a separate ticket, the design of which can be any at your discretion. These can be either the most ordinary leaves, rolled into tubes, or real lottery tickets, reproduced on a printer. You can give the tickets a certain shape, decorate each with a photo of the birthday person, or make them with the petals of a huge flower. You can place them in a bag, box or any other container - the main thing is that they are easy to take out from there.
  • The lottery can be held as a full-fledged part of the anniversary scenario, or it can become a kind of prologue to it. In this case, tickets should be handed over at the entrance to the apartment or hall.
  • There are two forms of the lottery. The first is when the name of the lot is first announced, the prize is shown to the audience, and only then the presenter announces what number this item was listed under. Second, the guest pulls out a ticket and immediately receives his prize.
  • If we are talking about a lottery for the anniversary of a man holding a respectable position, and the holiday takes place with a large number of invited guests, a small fee can be established for a lottery ticket.

It will be much more interesting if, in addition to the name of the lot, there is something else on the ticket. This could be, for example, a poem or a riddle dedicated to him. Poetry lots may look like this:

  1. Let it become a habit for you to take matches with you everywhere!
  2. If you are tormented by worries and are not getting along with your work, don’t shed tears in vain - glue will help you here!
  3. The first thing to greet you in the morning and give you energy is your best friend - a ceramic mug!
  4. Even if the events are hail, you still need to brush your teeth thoroughly and often! We give you toothpaste!
  5. For adults and kids - a set of colored pencils!
  6. Every day and all year round the clock is announced, whether it is March or January - the calendar will help you!
  7. To prevent your hair from getting spoiled, this is a new comb!
  8. This wonderful hand cream is a reliable friend for the winter!
  9. Everything that comes to mind can be written down in a notepad!
  10. This is soap as a gift to you! Why? Yes, so be it!
  11. This aromatic coffee will turn you on, cheer you up and inspire you to great deeds - according to these questions from the pros!
  12. Guests showed up by chance - make them strong tea!
  13. Keep a useful keychain so you can’t lose your keys!
  14. Well known to all people, a reliable guardian of any home; even a plush dog will serve as a good sign for you!
  15. So that you don't have too many meetings by the hour, names and addresses too often - here's a notebook for you!
  16. Since childhood, we know very well that this is the best gift, there is no place for sadness where there is a balloon!
  17. What can I say? With such a gift, life will become colorful and bright, he is a master in this area, a wonderful felt-tip pen!
  18. We will give you a wallet - big and real, let the money fly to you more and more often!
  19. There is no more appropriate, sweeter or more charming gift! We give you fresh flowers - as a symbol of pure beauty!
  20. Everyone knows: it’s time for fun, leave everything aside! You have something more important to do: solve the puzzle!
  21. It’s beautiful and protects your neck – it’s always warmer in winter with a scarf!
  22. Sometimes you shouldn’t rely on memory, so that you never forget about the past - we want to leave you this well-fed photo album as a gift today!
  23. A funny bird toy will help you have fun!
  24. Sometimes we want to decorate the interior - here's this cute photo frame!
  25. To have time to write everything down, always carry a notebook with you!
  26. And here comes the sweetness, finally! Hold the delicious lollipop!
  27. For clarifications and corrections - a useful prize, a set of pins!
  28. Every clothespin will always help you hold on tenaciously to life!
  29. Who, no matter the mirror, will notice who is the most beautiful here in the world, who is full of unearthly beauty, who is time to shave off his mustache!
  30. Are you and I fools: playing in the snow without mittens!
  31. Any child knows this: so that no one can blame you for not knowing etiquette, wear a handkerchief!
  32. Even if you are not a policeman and do not play football, a whistle is usually a compelling reason, it would suit you very well!
  33. It's never too late to learn! If you want to increase your knowledge of needlework, here's an embroidery kit for you!
  34. Everyone has been helped at least once in their life by a convenient small pencil case!
  35. On the road, at home and apart, without music you will die of boredom! Here are headphones for your pockets - a faithful assistant for a music lover!
  36. In addition to all the warm words, we are giving you a sugar bowl so that you drink tea more often and life seems sweeter!
  37. So that happiness knocks on your door again and again, from the bottom of our hearts we give you a horseshoe!
  38. An alarm clock will be useful for you to get up accurately and quickly in the morning!
  39. Whether you're going on a trip or going shopping, you can't do without a comfortable bag!
  40. Let there be plenty of reasons for congratulations and poems - as a gift you will receive a set of postcards and a lot of the kindest words!
  41. It’s not difficult to find yourself in a fairy tale, to turn into any animal: it will be enough to try on this mask on yourself one day!
  42. A new hair clip will help you straighten your hair!
  43. Scented candles will give you a magical evening!
  44. Do living roses and tulips sadden you with their end? Here's a set of artificial ones, they certainly won't wither!
  45. In an apartment, in a hotel, on a train, for a friend – slippers are a must-have!
  46. In the hallway, in the dining room, in the living room - any apartment will be decorated with a painting!
  47. Here are some cutlery - there is no more useful set in the world!
  48. To keep your phone in order, you need a charging device!
  49. The fan wants to come to you - you will need it on a hot day!
  50. This patterned vase will immediately decorate your decor!

The number of lots involved directly depends on the number of guests and the rules of the lottery. For example, it is worth thinking in advance about whether it is permissible for guests to purchase several tickets - and what is the maximum number of tickets in this case. The number of lots can be random, or maybe symbolic. For example, in a lottery for a woman’s 55th birthday, there may be exactly the same number of lots.

The presenter, who will take over the lottery, will have to play out all the awkward situations and embarrassments that may arise during the campaign. For example, if a man accidentally gets a “feminine” gift - a hairpin or bracelet - the presenter should cheerfully remember it to his wife or daughter. If the man is a bachelor, it is worth contacting those present with an offer to exchange prizes. But this must be done without changing the tone and without knocking everyone out of the general cheerful mood.

An anniversary lottery is not only a way to have fun, but also a game that brings guests even closer to the owner of the house. After all, when we receive gifts, the most important thing for us is not so much them, but attention. A guest who receives something as a souvenir will remember your joyful anniversary more than once with warmth. Be sure to hold a lottery at your holiday - and you won’t go wrong!