What is the difference in age between Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Women and men have different motives

We were the first to visit the actor’s home, where he moved in 10 days ago

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan no longer spends the night in the theater. Having lost his wife, real estate, and savings, he finally had a new apartment. The MK columnist was the first to cross the threshold of this house.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan in a new apartment with a MK journalist.

Love and banknotes, or the vulgarity of life

Now he lives in Kuntsevo, in the same area where he recently happily lived with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. But even though he now has the darkest memories of his life associated with this place, he did not want to change the area.

A woman, probably forty-five years old, opens the door. Blonde, modest.

Please pass.

Phil, look who came to us,” says Armen Borisovich, rising to meet me.

Phil is a kitten: big head, funny and affectionate, don’t look like he’s a Siamese. He is five months old, he is already grown up, but not yet an adult, so he is playful: he immediately jumps into my arms and gently scratches my soft paw with his ungrown claws. So I walk with the “child” in my arms into the living room.

The apartment is spacious, 150 meters, probably freshly renovated. Three rooms, an entrance hall with a wardrobe, a hall, many utility rooms... The living room is combined with a kitchen, and from it to the left and right there are corridors running through two rooms.

In the one with a lot of flowers in pots is the artist’s bedroom, in the other there lives a blonde - Lyudmila, a nurse who monitors his health: give pills on time, measure blood pressure, put sugar, if necessary, put on an IV. She’s cooking, she’s just set the table: tea, sandwiches. Phil immediately jumped onto the chair and licked his lips. Lyudmila says that he only recognizes Armen Borisovich.

He moved into this apartment about ten days ago, the furnishings were inherited from the previous owners: upholstered furniture in light leather (or maybe leatherette), a kitchen, a table, a bedroom - just a little, and the house, one feels, has not yet been lived in. Armen Borisovich himself now has a beard, like the writer Hemingway.

- And it suits you.

Is it true? And I wanted to shave it off. I won't if you like it.

Armen Borisovich, you confused everyone: at first it seemed like you settled not in Kuntsevo, but on Lomonosovsky Prospekt? Channel One was still showing, presenter Borisov came, and even the cat was already there.

I stayed for one day, couldn’t do it, then left. The apartment seemed good, but it was gloomy and uncomfortable. And then Arthur (Arthur Soghomonyan, friend of A.B. - M.R.) found this one, and somehow came to an agreement with the owner of that apartment.

- Freshly renovated, I see there is furniture. You like this one, okay?

Okay, but... I'm uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable inside (points to chest). Although I am eternally grateful to my friends who did not leave me and found this apartment, but... it’s uncomfortable for me. Because who is she? What came into my life - now I speak as I think - was an elementary thief. Just frankly, without embarrassment. There, in Ukraine, on the Maidan, they probably call it love. So you ask if I’m comfortable here. Of course, it’s convenient: it’s quiet, the park is close, but what next...

He understands everything that happened to him in these last three months of autumn 2017. All! He understands that he has become the hero of a tragedy called... there are many options here: “Love and banknotes”, “Grey hair in a beard - a devil in a rib”, but the truest one here is likely to be “Vulgarity of Life”. What it is? It’s not at all like “the love boat crashed into everyday life.” Vulgarity in hellish passion - for real estate, money, material things.

Yes, as a great artist, he is accustomed to comprehending the character and actions of his heroes, vividly embodying them on stage and screen in such a way that you will not forget. But now he can’t comprehend the horror of what happened to him personally. When, how and why he, who lived to deep gray hairs, to the age of 82, and suddenly found himself broke. I remember him in the hospital on 11th Parkovaya, where in mid-October Armen Dzhigarkhanyan did not look like Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: not very coherent speech, a completely unsteady gait. I also thought: maybe this is the result of the medications that his wife “fed” him hourly? Or maybe from shock? “An old fool,” he says to himself, trying to joke, but in his eyes, which are magnified by glasses, there is confusion and sadness, and maybe even melancholy. Hopeless.

(Long pause.)

Therefore, I will honestly tell you: in 1937 these people did what they did, when they denounced you, denounced me, then sent me and you to prison. As Shakespeare says: “There is much passion in her. There's just no point." There is no point... I communicate with Phil - I feel good with him.

-Where did the cat come from?

Here he appeared. At first he lived in my theater, in my office, and then I took him here with me. The owner did not want to give it away, because although he is Siamese, he is terribly affectionate. And then her cat lambed again, brought four at once, and agreed to give this one to me. I don’t close the door because he comes at night and lies down - like that. (Points to his chest, closing his eyes.) I’m talking to him... If I weren’t 80 years old now...

Armen Borisovich, in front of everyone, did not hesitate to scold her: so-and-so, he did not hold back in his expressions

The country has been showing the exciting thriller “Jigarkhanyaniya” for almost three months. The country is participating enthusiastically and noisily. And this collective interest accurately conveys to us what is happening to people today, how they are going crazy, not from their own, but from other people’s lives.

The collective portrait of the nation is one without dignity and with poor education. Some people feel sorry for the old artist, who is still “to blame for everything.” Another nervously counts his income (it’s necessary, how much did he earn?!). Well, still others condemn that he wants to leave the “poor girl” alone in need (“she gave him her best years”).

I wonder if someone forced her to give them away? Someone raped: live with the old man, live, sleep with him, sit at the table? She did this consciously and voluntarily, using her young body and shy smile. And now the question is: does she have the worst ones left? On the contrary, millions were added to the beauty that blossomed according to age, no matter that they were strangers. It is known that millions, like diamonds, are a girl’s best friend. And now the whole country knows about her, an unknown girl from Kyiv. It doesn’t matter that the reputation has been “robbed from the old fool,” what matters is what they say.

When did this terrible story begin? On October 9, when Armen Borisovich discovered that his Russian passport was missing, he remembered the last scandal with his wife, and it clicked in his head: did she steal it? Or when Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya discovered her husband was missing and wrote a statement to the police?

At the clinic where the artist has been observed for many years, the medical staff noticed, they told me that back in the summer, when the couple came to the hospital, Dzhigarkhanyan, in front of everyone, did not hesitate to scold her: so and so, he did not hold back in his expressions. Even then it was felt that their relationship was not what it was before.

Suspicious matches

Of course, this personal story with the most powerful resonance is now being sorted out by professionals, for whom reconciliation of documents, comparison of facts, dates, interviewing witnesses will restore the picture of the events of October in the lives of the now former spouses.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya now goes to the investigative committee and has a written undertaking not to leave Moscow. There are many oddities and coincidences: the date of the husband’s missing person report and the disappearance of his passport somehow suspiciously coincide. As with dates, one thing follows another - the day of marriage registration at the registry office and the debiting of money from the spouse’s account in one of the capital’s banks.

Arthur Soghomonyan, friend of the artist:

When I heard “Dzhigarkhanyan has disappeared,” I immediately called Vitalina: “What are you doing? How did you disappear? Do you know that Iroh has it?" (Hayrapet Oganesyan. - M.R.)

- And what about Vitalina?

She said that she was advised to say so. But she herself knew perfectly well where he was, with whom and why. He freaked out that she began to do as she wanted in the theater without him - she got involved in the creative work, played the premiere, but he did not give permission. He said: “My name is on the theater, not yours.”

Yes, this is perhaps Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s biggest mistake: in addition to the power of attorney to dispose of all his movable and immovable property, he also gave the theater to Vitalina, making her the director. There is at least an explanation for such a step: Dzhigarkhanyan, as an artistic director, so often did not work out with directors that he probably thought: well, this one is his own, she won’t deceive. But, as it turned out, not every Vitalina (even a certified one) can run a state, even a theatrical one.

A man loses his sense of control and danger when he meets a woman who pursues him

Are all marriages with a serious age difference doomed to a similar ending? No, of course, the theater world alone can present skeptics with several bright couples: Yuri Lyubimov - Katalina Lyubimova (30 years old), Oleg Tabakov - Marina Zudina (30), Vladimir Etush - Elena Etush (42). Powerful unions, creators and their muses. Old husbands and their young wives. I asked a specialist what an age-unequal marriage is.

Vladimir Fainzilberg, psychiatrist, associate professor of the department of psychotherapy at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis:

The acceptable age difference in marriages, which, in my opinion, is quite real, is up to 20–25 years. Anything more causes caution, a fairly well-founded suspicion: such an alliance is most often based on mercantile interests. And those who enter into such a marriage themselves cannot explain why they do it if they are trying to hide some kind of mercantilism.

- Are the motives of women and men different?

The mechanisms that drive women are most often clear: they look for a father in a man who can solve their problems, protect them, provide for them, that is, when life’s problems are solved on their own, as in childhood. And men are driven by a feeling of interest in a young woman, which, in the good sense of the word, should not fade with age. The level of testosterone, which determines attraction, must be high enough so that a man even at the age of 50+ has some kind of constant interest in the opposite sex, at least formally, visually. And a man loses his sense of control and danger when he meets a woman who wants him as a lover, as a husband.

- So you don’t believe at all in the purity of feelings in young women who connect their lives with an older man?

I don’t quite believe this, because today, when the average life expectancy has increased, a layer of men aged 60+ has appeared, physically active and intellectually wealthy. Most often, famous men with financial resources fall into this category. And yet, a woman who marries such a man must understand that the time will come when she will have to play the role of a nurse, nurse, and care for this frail old man. And there are few women who do this out of a feeling of love and sincere passion.

- In your practice, have you met many such women?

This is probably calculated in fractions of a percent. That is, per thousand people there may be one, or at most two percent. Marriages with a large age difference are extremely rare.

Can young wives be classified as those who quite cruelly and coldly use and even kill people much older than themselves? I'm talking about black realtors, young girls posing as social workers.

I understood your question. After the destruction of the Soviet Union - I’m not a fan of it, but I understand that with it a certain unifying national idea disappeared - over the course of 20–30 years, people appeared who were brought up in a different spirit from the one in which we grew up. Today, the entire policy of society is aimed at enrichment, when wealth is at the forefront, when working is not prestigious and is not necessary. What feelings and emotions can we talk about when they kill not only strangers, but also their own, in order to get an apartment or an inheritance? Or they simply get rid of them so as not to have to look after them, etc. Indifference and the thirst for enrichment come to the fore. I see this in young doctors - their first question is: how can they make money? If earlier doctors treated, today they provide a service.

Video with panties is not for nothing

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, the people's favorite, faced with the vulgarity of life, did not imagine that he would still be faced with two realities in which he understood nothing and was not oriented. This is the virtual reality of social networks, which is like a dark forest for him.

And television, on which he, by the way, worked a lot and whose fame he increased. But now his ex-wife works there very diligently: she uses all the possibilities of social networks and TV. Oddly enough, the blonde turned out to be not a blonde: stories are cleverly made in the media and networks - from detective stories (the People's Artist of the USSR disappeared, was found in a hospital, the criminal case brought against his ex-wife is classified) to the physiologically unpleasant (the People's Artist is not washes because he spends the night in the theater).

And the TV crews simply announce a marathon and race to the finish line. They have completely lost their heads: they show home footage of the artist in shorts and drunk. My wife reported it (why she filmed it is also a question), but the TV people did not hesitate to expose the People’s Artist of the USSR to public disgrace. They didn’t even understand that they were ashamed not of him, who was drunk, but of them. Do they also live without dignity?

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, of course, is being tried, discussed, defended, just like in a friendly court from the times of the USSR, when there was no trace of TV. And his only fault is that, being a very adult and, in general, a lonely man (his wife has lived in the USA for many years), he innocently fell into the snare of a pretty blonde. Is he the first? Of course not - the People's Artist only joined the army of naive pensioners who succumbed to the call of male nature. He has a specific orientation, his behavior is quite logical, and according to this logic, the male’s brain turns off. This is a medical fact, proven by various kinds of young experimenters, where the purity of the result depends on the frequency of the experiment.

I fully admit that the young, smart (without irony) blonde Vitalina with funny curls could not stand living with an old man. “Well, I couldn’t,” as in that joke. And it can be understood: everything is different for them - biological cycles, rhythm, perception. Maybe she should also be protected from her husband’s age-related whims, his senile quirks and habits?.. Then the young lady should say honestly: you know, dear, I don’t have the strength to live with you, let me return to my mother, in Kyiv; but I’m your wife, and according to the law, let’s share everything. And the law will be on her side.

But for some reason the young lady does not want to share anything. The young lady takes all the money from the accounts of her now disgusted star husband. Moreover, she begins to make money from this situation. How? She knows perfectly well how much it costs to pass under the camera at Sheremetyevo airport, from which she flies in an unknown direction (to Tbilisi, Kyiv or Tel Aviv?), and the same camera meets her for money when the fugitive returns to the Mother See . Coming to the studio also costs something. And the video with the panties? This, as you understand, is not at all for nothing. So the capital increase began. That’s why I don’t want to defend her: she already has all her moves calculated.

I had a wife, now I don’t, and thank God

And here we are sitting with him in his new apartment, uninhabited for now. We drink tea and talk. But no matter what they talk about (about the theater, the last premiere of “Krechinsky’s Wedding”), he always returns to his misfortune.

- But you yourself, excuse me, gave Vitalina all the powers.

Are you going to reproach me?! She was my woman, she was lying next to me, but I can’t check every minute to see if anything has disappeared. How then can you live if you don’t believe?

He gets excited, explodes, gets nervous, then walks away.

Honestly, for the first time I don’t know what to do. I don’t even feel sorry for the money - what is money? They left and came... But so shamelessly! Deception, betrayal! You say: you need money, I’ll get it... But not like that. (He is silent, staring into space.) I’ll straighten out, I’ll straighten out. I had a wife, but now I don’t, and thank God. My only desire, vile, nasty, is to punish her severely.

- Maybe it’s not necessary, Armen Borisovich?

Necessarily!!! She did everything without asking me. You're saying it wrong. There is a definition: crime and punishment. You know, many years ago in Yerevan we had an accountant in the Armenian church, he stole all the money. They caught him, went to the Catholicos, and said: “He must be tried.” - "No need. I told him: damn you." No, no, I don’t agree, in this particular case I will even ask that she be imprisoned. You should be afraid of her.

- I've never seen you like this before. You probably don’t even know yourself like that?

I didn’t know... Therefore, I cannot accept all these philosophical arguments about forgiveness. I won't calm down. Honestly, if it weren’t for my friends - Arthur, Iroh and my cat... They saved me.

But you don’t entertain the idea of ​​sitting down at the table and trying to agree on the division of property? Maybe then all passions will subside?

They are sure that they will not give anything away and nothing will happen to them for it.

Is it possible to put out a fire peacefully? Have the parties made attempts at reconciliation?

Evgeny Parfenov, lawyer representing the interests of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan:

When it all started, around October 20, I wrote a letter to Vitalina - we know each other well, and suggested we meet to sort everything out. The letter remained unanswered. Then, in court, during the divorce, her representative Mazur sat down with me, I regarded this as a sign of reconciliation, but she only asked: where are we going to sign Armen Borisovich out of the apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street? And just a few days later, on Malakhov’s “Live Broadcast,” she said: “I asked not to discharge Armen Borisovich, since he has nowhere to live.” Judging by the way Vitalina and her entourage behave, they are sure that they will not give anything away, and nothing will happen to them for this.

- How so? I know that a criminal case has been opened, and, it seems, more than one.

Yes, a case was opened under Article 137 of the Criminal Code “Violation of privacy.” Vitalina has already been charged, and the circle of people involved in this case is currently being established.

- What punishment is provided under this article?

Article of minor gravity: from a fine to 2 years of imprisonment. If the investigation works competently and professionally, then the court may give a real sentence. Of course, we will insist that there be a real deadline. I hope for a verdict and a criminal record. Now I am doing everything so that another case is initiated - under Article 159 “Fraud”, and there is every reason for this, I hope the investigation will agree with us. It can be initiated under two episodes related to the fraudulent acquisition of rights to real estate and abuse of trust. And also by disposing of his funds without Dzhigarkhanyan’s consent. Also, a case has been opened under Article 325 of theft of documents. And a statement on 306 was accepted - a deliberately false denunciation.

- What is this story with the classified case, which was announced by lawyer Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya?

I don't have such information. I think that there is not and cannot be any state secret here, we are talking about Article 161 - about non-disclosure of preliminary investigation data. A non-disclosure signature was taken from Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya while the investigation is ongoing, since she and her proxies go on television programs and tell everything right and left.

This is not just about Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, not just about a man and a woman who not only do not want to live together, but also cannot see each other. We are talking about simple things that are now turned upside down: what is good and what is bad. Is it good when they take money from an old man? Or are they depriving him of a roof over his head? Shouldn't you help an old man cross the road? Even if this old man is known to the city, the country and the world? Do you have any doubts? If you don't know how to answer these questions, there's probably something wrong with you.

Love knows no boundaries. Sometimes, a huge age difference does not stop people from taking such a serious step as marriage. In society, such couples are often treated with condemnation. Most often this concerns public people whose lives are in plain sight. Their relationship becomes the subject of heated discussions, mistrust and sincere feelings. But it seems that the lovers themselves are not interested in outside opinions.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old Playboy founder announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

3. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Age difference - 45 years

About the affair of the 79-year-old actor with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, has been known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary. The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4. Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years now, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and cook Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than the eldest son of her husband, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphreys

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist for The Rolling Stones, split from his wife Jo after 23 years of marriage for Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after his affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphreys, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after his divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera, the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children - Dylan and Moses. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls. By the way, Soon-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh. Mia Farrow does not agree with her, who, after breaking up with Allen, accused him of molesting her daughter and forbade him to communicate with the rest of the children.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, confirmed bachelor Al Pacino surprised fans with the announcement that he was going to marry his Argentine girlfriend, actress Lucila Sola. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor never says “never.”

9. Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when the young GITIS graduate was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and, despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

Love has no boundaries. Sometimes, even a huge age difference does not stop people from taking such a serious step as marriage. In society, such couples are often treated with condemnation. Most often this concerns public people whose lives are in plain sight. Their relationship becomes the subject of heated discussions, mistrust and sincere feelings. But it seems that the lovers themselves are not interested in outside opinions.

1. Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Age difference - 60 years

24-year-old Natalya Shevel met her future husband at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where she was a student and her fiancé taught. But he turned out to be not a shy graduate student, but 84-year-old People's Artist of Russia Ivan Krasko! The age difference between the spouses has discouraged many, but the lovers themselves do not pay attention to the gossip and continue to assure gossipers that they are happy.

2. Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris

Age difference - 60 years

Five years ago, the 85-year-old Playboy founder announced his engagement to 25-year-old model Crystal Harris. The engagement lasted two years, during which the lovers even managed to quarrel and cancel the wedding, but later changed their minds and still went down the aisle.

3. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

Age difference - 45 years

About the affair of the 79-year-old actor with 34-year-old Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, musical director of the Moscow Drama Theater. Dzhigarkhanyan, has been known for a long time. Dzhigarkhanyan left his wife Tatyana Vlasova six years ago, but he decided to formalize the divorce only now, on the eve of his anniversary. The actor’s novel caused a lot of noise not only in the press, but also in his theater, where Dzhigarkhanyan was recently the director. After Armen Borisovich gave his position to Vitalina, many actors quit. However, the artist and his muse seem to care little about this. The lovers settled in an apartment near Moscow, where they enjoy each other's company.

4. Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Age difference - 36 years

For 17 years now, Andrei Konchalovsky has been happy with his fourth wife, actress and cook Yulia Vysotskaya, who is younger than the eldest son of her husband, director Yegor Konchalovsky.

5. Ronnie Wood and Sally Humphreys

Age difference - 31 years

In 2008, Ronnie Wood, guitarist for The Rolling Stones, split from his wife Jo after 23 years of marriage for Russian waitress Ekaterina Ivanova, but the relationship between the old rocker and the fickle Katya did not last long. Three years after his affair with Katya, Wood married for the third time. His new chosen one was 34-year-old Sally Humphreys, a theater producer.

6. Clint Eastwood and Christina Sandera

Age difference - 33 years

Immediately after his divorce from his wife Dina, who was 35 years younger than him, the actor and director found solace in the arms of a new girlfriend - and again much younger than himself. Now 85-year-old Eastwood lives with Christina Sandera, the administrator of the Mission Ranch hotel owned by the star.

7. Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn

Age difference - 35 years

Woody Allen lived in a civil marriage with actress Mia Farrow for 12 years. The couple had a common son, Ronan, and the couple also took two adopted children - Dylan and Moses. The reason for the breakup between Allen and Farrow was the director’s affair with the adopted daughter of actress Soon-Yi Previn, whom she had previously adopted along with her ex-husband. At that time, the girl was 22 years old, and Allen was 57 years old. In 1997, Soon-Yi Previn and Woody Allen got married and also adopted two girls. By the way, Soon-Yi Previn admits that she never treated Woody Allen as a father, and all the talk about her being his daughter makes her laugh. Mia Farrow does not agree with her, who, after breaking up with Allen, accused him of molesting her daughter and forbade him to communicate with the rest of the children.

8. Al Pacino and Lucila Sola

Age difference - 39 years

In March of this year, confirmed bachelor Al Pacino surprised fans with the announcement that he was going to marry his Argentine girlfriend, actress Lucila Sola. Pacino has been dating her for about five years and notes that a wedding is possible - because the actor never says “never.”

9. Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Age difference - 30 years

Tabakov met his future wife in 1986, when the young GITIS graduate was accepted into the troupe of Oleg Tabakov’s theater studio (the actor was 51 years old). After ten years of romance, the teacher and student got married, and then became the parents of two children: Pavel, who also began an acting career, and Maria, whom Zudina gave birth to at the age of 41.

10. Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko

Age difference - 32 years

The 65-year-old composer and 33-year-old actress have been together for 12 years, and last year the young wife gave birth to a son from Gradsky, named Alexander in honor of his father. True, the musician is in no hurry to marry his beauty.

11. Roberto Cavalli and Lina Nilsson

Age difference - 47 years

The young model Lina became a muse for the designer and the beginning of a second youth after his divorce from Eva Dühringer. He met the beautiful Cavalli when she was only 20 years old, and, despite the couturier’s age, young Lina lost her head over him.

12. Bari Alibasov and Victoria Maksimova

Age difference - 40 years

The producer met his sixth wife at work: 25-year-old Victoria was Alibasov’s assistant. Despite the fact that the legendary creator of the Na-Na group proposed live on NTV, the wedding was a secret.

13. Alexander Gordon and Nozanin Abdulvasieva

Age difference - 30 years

At the time of his acquaintance with 20-year-old VGIK student Nozanin Abdulvasieva, Gordon already had a reputation as a lover of young girls: the journalist had a divorce behind him from Nina Shchipilova, who was also 30 years younger than her husband, and from Katya Gordon, who was 15 years younger than Alexander . Nozanin became Gordon's fourth official wife and the mother of his third child.