Love for the Motherland reasoning. Essay on the topic “Love for the Motherland. Love for the Motherland is love for the native land

Homeland... This word contains so much! Probably everyone can say with confidence that he loves his Motherland, but what does this mean? What can be included in the concept of “love for the Motherland”?

Sincere love for one's native land is also called patriotism. This feeling is an integral part of the Personality; the life of a civilized society is based on it. Words about patriotism can be found in the most ancient works of writers and poets from different countries. Russian classics also often emphasized the importance of patriotism in the development of personality and the great role of love for the Motherland: “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”; “A man without a homeland is a poor man” - we can often find these and other sayings in books. Love for the Motherland is one of the most beautiful varieties of the greatest human feelings.

An inseparable part of patriotism is love for one's nation. After all, the native land and the people are united, it is the inhabitants who make up the spirit of the Motherland. It is impossible to sincerely love the Fatherland without being just as proud of your compatriots.

The homeland is not just the land on which a person was born. We are imbued with the national spirit from birth; even after leaving for another country, we remain children of our Motherland forever. Trying with all their might to get rid of belonging to the Fatherland, from their mentality, people simply lose themselves and their personal individuality.

But not only sincere pride in the Motherland is a sign of patriotism. Let us remember the terrible times of the Great Patriotic War, when the inhabitants of Russia stood in friendly ranks to fight the fascist evil: this was one of the purest manifestations of the most ardent and passionate love, when a person is ready to die, but not surrender his homeland to the enemy. The Motherland we see now came to us through terrible sacrifices; millions of innocent people fell victims of bloody battles so that we could now live peacefully in our native land. Such events in the history of the state should evoke genuine pride for their people in the heart of every citizen; This is also patriotism - to be proud of being one of the great, brave and spiritually strong people.

Only a cowardly person, spiritually poor, can dislike his homeland. After all, patriotism is equivalent to love for a mother: for every child she will be the most wonderful and affectionate. The Motherland is, in a broad sense, the Mother for all its inhabitants, so let us be grateful children of our Fatherland!

Cool! 48

Homeland... As soon as I say this word, I immediately imagine my home, my parents, my friends, my favorite corner of nature, a place where it is good and comfortable, that is, everything that is dear to me and my heart. This word exudes warmth and kindness. Homeland is not only the place where you were born and raised, but also the people around you.

Each person has his own understanding of the word Motherland. N.I. Rylenkov wrote:
Who truly loves their homeland,
Love will not cloud his eyes,
He looks down on someone else's land
It won’t happen to those who love a different distance
And you can’t argue with this. This must be understood and respected.

Indeed, a person first begins to realize that he has a homeland and yearns for it when he finds himself far from home, where everything is alien and unfamiliar to him. A strong desire appears to return to where everything is sweet and dear to you, which cannot be explained and conveyed in words, but can only be felt.

Many famous people: scientists, writers, poets went abroad for permanent residence. They probably thought that they would find a new home there and a new life would begin. They were forced to return back by longing for their homeland. Many, unfortunately, were not destined to return for political or other reasons, but the feeling of longing for their homeland did not leave them all their lives and manifested themselves in their creativity - poems, stories, poems. Thus, making a significant contribution to our poetry and literature. For example, in the works of I. Bunin, Russia was constantly the topic of thought and poetry.

And there are many such examples. Themes of the Motherland were reflected in the poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Gumilyov, Yesenin, Nabokov, this list can be continued almost indefinitely.

My homeland is Russia. I am proud that I was born, raised and live here. I love my Motherland not only for its strength and beauty, valor and glory, but also for the people living in it, for their intelligence, dedication, hard work, kindness and many other qualities. I love it for our nature, for the huge number of rivers and lakes, fields and forests. I just love her in spite of everything and no matter what.

If someone tells me that they don’t love their Motherland, I won’t believe it. This simply cannot be. Most likely the person does not yet realize this. Over time, he will rethink everything and understand that the Motherland is a part of himself. You need to come to this, it takes time. And most importantly, we must not forget: no matter how good it is at a party, home is still better. Love and protect your homeland. And after your trips, be sure to come back.

Even more essays on the topic: “Motherland”

I think the Motherland is one of the greatest values ​​in our lives. We do not choose which country to be born in, but it is our moral duty to love and protect it in order to pass it on as an inheritance to our children.

Firstly, the Motherland is not just the country in which you were born, but also the spiritual heritage of the people: language, culture, mentality, traditions and customs. In every family that consciously relates to these values, folk songs are heard, holidays are celebrated and the national spirit reigns. People strive to get to know their country, visiting not only famous places to see the sights, but also every corner of it.

Secondly, even if a person lives abroad, far from the country in which he was born and raised, love for the Motherland will always live in his heart. In countries where there is a large diaspora of our people, people unite to support their native traditions.

Unfortunately, today there are many people who consider themselves patriots, but do nothing to improve life in our country. Patriotism is not just love for the Motherland, but also the willingness to stand up for it, to sacrifice something for the well-being of one’s people.

Now our country is going through difficult times. But true patriots, those who value their Motherland, will be able to overcome any difficulties.

Thus, the Motherland is the most valuable gift of our people. I am glad that I was born in this country, and I am happy to support the traditions of our ancestors.


I was born in the most wonderful country - in Russia. I am a patriot, that's why I love my country. For me, this is the best country, because it is where my parents live, who gave me life, and where I grew up. Russia is a big country with endless possibilities. I don’t understand those who want to leave here, as if life is much better in other countries.

We have the most beautiful nature, with endless fields, fragrant herbs and fragrant flowers. The forests contain great and mighty trees that look simply magical in winter. In general, you can admire and admire the winter forest endlessly. Even visiting tourists appreciate the beauty of Russian nature. We must take care of it and appreciate what we have. There are also a lot of animals in our forests, but our people take nature for granted and do not take care of it at all.

The land in Russia is full of various minerals, so we provide ourselves with many resources. And our resources are supplied to other countries. People are famous for their hospitality and willingness to help others. Our country is the most multinational and now all nations live in peace and friendship. Only we can boast of a variety of traditions and holidays. Our national cuisine is incomparable to any other cuisine in the world.

I'm really proud of my country. Our people cannot be defeated, because we are strong in spirit and never abandon a comrade in trouble. Of course, Russia, like other countries, has its own problems, but all countries have them. Therefore, you should not look for a better life abroad, because it is not for nothing that they say that it is good wherever we are not. There are foreigners who want to live in our country, so we should appreciate what we have. No one has such a beautiful and vast homeland, only the residents of our country. We must take care of Russia and be proud that we were born here


The homeland occupies a huge place in the work of any writer and poet. A.S. dedicated his works to the theme of the homeland. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov, A.A. Blok and S.A. Yesenin. It’s just that in the latter’s lyrics, the theme of the homeland, by his own admission, takes first place. Yesenin loves his land, his region, his country. He loves deeply, selflessly.

But I love you, gentle motherland!

And I can’t figure out why.

Such confessions in the works of S.A. There is a lot of Yesenin. One of the epithets characterizing the native land is the word “beloved”. But the poet’s image of his homeland is not unambiguous, and his perception of this image is also contradictory.

At the beginning of his creative career, the poet paints his native land as beautiful, quiet, and modest. These are white birches, green maples, poplars. This is the blue of the skies, the crimson distances. “My quiet homeland”, wooden, with vestments in the huts, with endless fields, deep snow. The poet admires his native land, admires its beauty. But at the same time, he sees its wretchedness, dullness, and backwardness.

You are my forgotten land,

You are my native land!

War brings new troubles to our native land. Now the calico homeland is no longer the same. The poet sees that the village is getting poorer and that changes are needed. He is disappointed in his native land, because the region where he was born and grew up is poor.

I'm tired of living in my native land

Longing for the buckwheat expanses,

I will leave my hut,

I will leave as a vagabond and a thief.

Therefore, S. Yesenin enthusiastically accepted the revolution. He hoped that changes would affect the village, that a “peasant paradise” would come. Unfortunately, after several years he did not see any changes for the better in the lives of the peasants. And his homeland became alien and uncomfortable for him, because he could not understand and accept the new things that were happening in life. The industrialization of the country frightened him. Yesenin believed that cars would destroy that blue, calico Rus' that he loved so much. In the poem "Sorokoust" the Russian village is depicted in the form of a foal who is trying to overtake a steam locomotive. The hero of the poem warns him. The “steel horse” threatens death to a small foal

A trip abroad dealt the poet another blow. He saw a completely different life. His lyrical hero comes into conflict with himself. His love wavered. Returning to his homeland, he felt unnecessary in his native land, where they sing the songs of Demyan Bedny and read “Capital”. In the poem “Yes! Now it's decided. No return..." (1922-1923) he confesses his love for the city:

I love this elm city,

Let him be flabby and let him become decrepit.

But it's just pain. The pain of unfulfilled hopes and the collapse of the worldview that the young poet had. The poet's suffering is intense. During this period, the cycle of poems “Tavern Rus'” appears.

And yet, the poet gradually begins to understand that the old Rus' can no longer be returned. He is trying to find his place again in this, now new life. But... In one of his poems S. Yesenin admits:

And now, when the new light

And my life was touched by fate,

I still remained a poet

Golden log hut.

The poet’s homeland remained the same, unchanged.


I found out that I have
There is a huge family -
And the path and the forest,
Every spikelet in the field!
River, blue sky -
This is all mine, dear!
This is my homeland
I love everyone in the world!

In ordinary life, I practically never use the word “Motherland”. Only in school during lessons, and only if the topic of the lesson is related to this word. When communicating with friends, I also don’t talk about the Motherland. But, having decided to write an essay on the topic: “Why I love my Motherland,” only then did I think about what the Motherland means to me and my attitude towards it. The word "Motherland" means "native". Homeland is the place where I was born, where my relatives and friends live, where my father’s house and my family are. My homeland is a part of my life. For me this is more than a word! I think this is the most important thing for every person. Wherever you are, you always pull back to your native land. There is only one homeland. But I consider the expression “second Motherland” to be erroneous or incorrect; there is no second Motherland. Just like there is no second mother. The homeland is also called mother. But there is another name for the Motherland - fatherland, fatherland. When you say these words, the concept of protection associated with military significance arises in my mind. For me, of course, the word “Motherland” is closer. This word immediately brings back memories of my mother. Because there is no person dearer or closer to me.

Russia is a huge, vast country with an amazing history, people, architecture, and nature. A special feature of our nature are birch groves. Birch is a white, “good” tree. For almost everyone, the birch tree evokes the idea of ​​Russia, just like the bear. My country has the largest gas reserves in the world. From words such as “samovar”, “gingerbread”, “pancakes”, “caviar”, “dumplings”, “Russian ballet”, “figure skating”, “ditties”, “Baikal”, one can understand that we are talking about Russia .

Why do I love my Motherland? I even do not know why. I just love her. It seems to me that I was born, and I already had this feeling. And if you explain in simple terms what it means to love your Motherland, then I think that you need to know the history, traditions of your people, take care of nature, do good deeds, be active, and if someone does not understand why love the Motherland, then you just need to explain to him.

Love for one's native land lives in the heart of every person. Love for our homeland arises in us gradually; even in childhood we were captivated by the impressions of the surrounding nature. The Motherland began with a thin blade of grass, with a scattering of flowers in a clearing, with an awareness of the beauty of our great and beautiful Earth. Every day we learned more and more new and interesting things, breathing in with the air a piece of our small world with a loud name - Motherland.

The homeland is, first of all, the place where you were born and said your first word, where you made new friends and fell in love for the first time, the place with which you are connected with wonderful and unforgettable memories. In the works of many great people one can find an expression of love for the Motherland, its vision, a call to love and take care of one’s native land.

For example, Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin in his work often touched on the theme of love for the motherland, and his poem “Rus” says that a true patriot will never exchange his Fatherland for anything.

I also remember Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok’s poem “To sin shamelessly, deeply,” in which he describes the everyday life and stupidity of the Russian social system. But, despite this, he loves his Motherland: “Yes, and so, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the lands.” With his poem, A. Blok calls on people to love their Motherland, despite all the troubles and difficulties.

The Motherland rests on the people who believe in it and sincerely love it. Our homeland is a warm corner that we strive to protect. This is a place to which we will be drawn all our lives, far from which it is difficult. Our homeland is the place where we always return with joy and pride. And as long as we are proud of our Motherland, it will be our home.

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Two feelings are wonderfully close to us,

The heart finds food in them:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for father's coffins.

A. Pushkin

About love for the Motherland

“Love for one’s native ashes” is, of course, love and interest in national history and the legends of deep antiquity. Without memory there is no normal person, just as there is no normal people. “Love for fathers’ coffins” is, of course, love for ancestors: for mother and father, for grandparents, in a word, for all ancestors.

Love for the Motherland is something that is naturally present in the soul of every normal person. Love cannot arise under duress, but it can be hidden by the bustle of everyday life, for example, by consumer thinking. Therefore, it is probably more accurate to talk about the resurrection of natural reverence for the land on which a person was born and raised.

We are a continuous part of our genealogy, and not loving our parents and Motherland is as abnormal as not loving ourselves. As it is said, “love your neighbor as yourself” [Matt. 22:39], that is, if we do not love ourselves, then we do not have an internal guideline for loving other people. As for love for other peoples, love for one’s own people is also primary here. Without knowing how to love your people and yourself along with them, you will not be able to love another people.

The fifth commandment of the Bible: “Honor your father and your mother, that it may be good for you, and that you may live long on earth” suggests the thought: Honor your Motherland, and there will be goodness and long days for both her and you.

Only love for the Motherland can overcome the shackles of petty-bourgeois consumer cosmopolitan thinking, which makes a person a nomad from something materially good to something materially better.

Gogol connected the concepts of “Russia” and “love” in this way: “If a Russian only loves Russia, he will love everything that is in Russia. God Himself is now leading us to this love. Without the illnesses and suffering that had accumulated in such abundance inside her and which were our own fault, none of us would have felt compassion for her. And compassion is already the beginning of love.”

Life in one’s native cultural environment - national songs and dances, foods and drinks, folk heroes and holy places, “smoke of the fatherland”... Someone can live outside of all this, but this is a bland life without that life-affirming and beautiful that although just folklore. At a concert of the Mitrofan Pyatnitsky Choir, such a person will see only choreographic mastery and hear only professional choral singing, but will not be able to feel the most important thing - how all of Russia breathes and lives in a holistic performance.

In all the words of our poets there is love for the fatherland, which is in no way connected with any benefits received from it; their love is selfless and compassionate.

Mikhail Lermontov


I love my fatherland, but with a strange love!

My reason will not defeat her.

Nor glory bought with blood,

Nor the peace full of proud trust,

Nor the dark old treasured legends

No joyful dreams stir within me.

But I love - for what, I don’t know myself -

Its steppes are coldly silent,

Her boundless forests sway,

The floods of its rivers are like seas;

On a country road I like to ride in a cart

And, with a slow gaze piercing the shadow of the night,

Meet on the sides, sighing for an overnight stay,

Trembling lights of sad villages...

Alexander Blok


Again, like in the golden years,

Three worn out flapping harnesses,

And the painted knitting needles knit

Into loose ruts...

Russia, poor Russia,

I want your gray huts,

Your songs are windy to me -

Like the first tears of love!

Anna Akhmatova


We don’t carry them on our chests in our treasured amulet,

We don’t write poems about her sobbingly,

She doesn't wake up our bitter dreams,

Doesn't seem like the promised paradise.

We don’t do it in our souls

Subject of purchase and sale,

Sick, in poverty, speechless on her,

We don't even remember her.

Yes, for us it’s dirt on our galoshes,

Yes, for us it's a crunch in the teeth.

And we grind, and knead, and crumble

Those unmixed ashes.

But we lie down in it and become it,

That's why we call it so freely - ours.

Veronica Tushnova


Sloping wooden porch

bathed in green light.

The house had a kind face,

and the house always greeted me with greetings.

What a harsh, unusual life!

Everything is different here, everything is difficult in a different way...

But this is my home.

This is where my baby sleeps.

This is where we live.

Thanks to the house for everything.

Smoke ate my eyes...

But it was good smoke,

Smoke from the hearth! Let's not forget the good.

Thanks to the walls, cramped and simple,

Warmth, fire, good Russian people!

Symbols and exponents of the Russian idea - geniuses, heroes, holy places

The capital of a state is always a symbol of the nation. For our state, in historical sequence, these are Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Moscow again. When we think about Russia, Pushkin is always nearby:

Moscow... so much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!

Note.Our capital and its inhabitants have not always been examples of civic consciousness and patriotism. The troubled times of Russian history have shown that the basis of Russia's national security is not the capital, but the whole of Russia.

The process of spiritual-moral and state-political unification of Russia is symbolically connected with the names of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and St. Sergius of Radonezh. Kievan Rus, in the person of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, gave Christianity to the Russians, Muscovite Rus, in the person of St. Sergius of Radonezh, gave the Russians spiritual revival and national freedom. Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and St. Sergius of Radonezh are not only symbols of Russian unity, but they themselves are the essence of the Idea of ​​Russia in an ontological understanding.

The Lavra, founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh, is one of the spiritual centers of Russia. The Lavra, in the person of the monk, inspired the Russians to perform a feat of arms on the Kulikovo Field. The Lavra houses the Church of the Holy Trinity with divinely inspired architecture. Lavra and Sergius of Radonezh inspired Andrei Rublev to create the Trinity icon. Thus, the Lavra and St. Sergius of Radonezh, the “Trinity” and St. Andrei Rublev are the first and second symbols of the Russian spirit.

In addition to folklore as the guardian of the national spirit, there are also brilliant (let me remind you, “genius” translated from Latin is the spirit that patronizes the people) bearers and exponents of the national idea: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, many playwrights, composers, philosophers. There are heroes - defenders of the Fatherland: Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Pavel Nakhimov. There are saints - Saints Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. You can name the names of outstanding people of Russia for a long time. The national spirit is also expressed in many cities, temples, towers and chambers, palaces and estates and, of course, in log houses with carved platbands.

The names of bearers and exponents of the national spirit - brilliant writers, poets, composers, artists, outstanding defenders of Russia, holy people and places - become integral symbols associated with the meanings of national identity. Consigning them to oblivion, which is what the invaders in our country usually resorted to - Westernism and cosmopolitanism - weakened Russian self-awareness, and at the same time led to a weakening of the sense of national identity.

About patriotism, patriotic education and nationalism

Patriotism is, of course, love for the Motherland. A successful, in my opinion, additional explanation of the concept of “patriotism” was given by Hegel in “Philosophy of Right”. He noted that patriotism is usually understood as a feeling that manifests itself in critical situations for the state, when the heroic components of the national character make themselves felt. In fact, patriotism, except for such extreme cases, is a special everyday state of mind. This mentality expresses the spirit of a single state, its ontological foundations.

The concepts of “national pride” and “nationalism” are often confused. National pride is a noble patriotic feeling of love and respect for the achievements of one’s nation, one’s state. Nationalism is the conviction of some representatives of a nation that, just by genetics or ethnic kinship, its people are superior to other peoples in intelligence, kindness, sense of beauty, hard work, cleanliness, etc. Nationalism has no ethnic or religious basis - it is a way of self-affirmation for people who are far from spiritual values ​​- truth, goodness and beauty. Nationalism is the basis of hostility between peoples and the cause of conflicts, even bloodshed. The fight against nationalism is one of the areas of maintaining the stability of state life.

For national pride, the key word is dignity, and for nationalism, excellence.

Nationalism as a phenomenon is determined by three main factors.

First the factor is individual psychological: people who have not proven themselves in any worthy and respected field of activity (no matter what: tailoring, science, art, politics) become nationalists, and they have no choice but to repeat the merits of their nation .

Second the factor is connected with the first: national identity is determined by such people only by genetic (biological, “blood”) - in a word, animal - trait.

Third the factor is determined by the previous ones (limited people create a myth-ideology exaggerating the merits of their nation with comparative characteristics of the superiority of their nation in relation to others).

As written in the Philosophical Dictionary, edited by Ernest Radlov, published back in 1914, “The concept of “nationality,” narrowly understood, leads to nationalism, which is contrary to the best ideals of humanity.”

Genetic characteristics have no significant relationship to national identity. Examples can be given where people who have foreign roots, but were born or raised in the corresponding national environment, are genuine representatives of this environment. Pushkin's African blood did not prevent him from becoming a great Russian national poet and one of the creators of the Russian literary language.

It is necessary to distinguish between the genetic code of biological heredity and the cultural code of historical and cultural continuity.

High ethical standards and the level of intelligence cannot be characteristic only of individual nations; they are characteristic of all peoples equally. This attitude disavows chauvinism. National identity cannot be expressed in the superiority of one people over another in mental abilities and the ability to do good. Only individual people can be more or less intelligent, more or less kind, and then only can, because “judge not, lest ye be judged” [Matt. 7:1].

It is not reprehensible to highlight not the superiorities, but the characteristics of the people, for example, by areas of intellectual activity, by preferences for genres, techniques and forms of visual media in art, by traditions of life, relationships in the family, relationships between subjects and those in power, attitudes towards power and politics, and commitment to a strict way of life or to a free way of life.

About the education of educators, i.e. teachers of secondary schools and higher schools. The most important thing is the education of the educators themselves. How much knowledge do they have about Russian political and intellectual-creative history? What is patriotic in their beliefs and lives that they can be teachers and living examples? Do they visit Baikal, the Solovetsky Islands, Crimea, or are they just keen on foreign tourism? Will they prefer to buy products from domestic manufacturers and support them in difficult times of sanctions, even if they are still inferior in quality to imported goods? Several decades ago, a successful nationally oriented question was popularized in the United States: “When was the last time you bought a Ford car?” The same words should now be conveyed to our citizens regarding domestic goods.

Military-patriotic education is a proven, important and productive direction for solving the problem of national security and health of the nation. Good organizational forms of such education are OSOAVIAKHIM (1927-1948) - “Society for Assistance to Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction” and DOSAAF (1951 - present) - “Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy”. The same applies to physical education and sports, which in the former USSR were well organized within the framework of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) movement.

As for sports and patriotic education, this direction is not a significant factor in the education of patriotism. A team's loss is not a threat to national security, although it is often exacerbated by illegal behavior by fans. Losing in a military battle is a truly bad sign of the state of national security.

Concluding aphorisms

He is not completely Russian who has never drank vodka and snacked on sauerkraut.

He is not entirely Russian if he did not listen to Russian folk fairy tales as a child.

He is not entirely Russian who strives for power not as a means, but as an end.

Russia is one of the best countries for a person’s spiritual comfort, and therefore, for human life in general. That is, Russia, with all its troubles and disorder, is a land favorable for life in mental and spiritual dimensions.

Vladimir Ignatievich Kurashov , professor, head Department of Philosophy and History of Science, Kazan National Research Technological University

Kurashov V.I. Ecology and eschatology // Issues. philosophy.-1995. N 3.-P.29-36. (Kurashov V.I. Ecology and Eschatology // Russian Studies in Philosophy, Winter 1998-99.-Vol. 37, No. 3. - P.8-19).

Kurashov V.I. Philosophy and Russian mentality. - Kazan: KSTU, 1999.-300 p.

Kurashov V.I. Philosophy: Man and the meaning of his life. - Kazan: KSTU, 2001. - 351 p.

Kurashov V.I. The beginnings of philosophy. - Moscow: Publishing House "Book House University", 2007. - 344 p.

Kurashov V.I. Beginnings of pragmatic anthropology - M.: KDU, 2007 - 304 p.

Kurashov V.I. Philosophy: selected chapters. Textbook for Orthodox Theological educational institutions //Orthodox interlocutor. Almanac of Kazan Theological Seminary, 2011. - 248 p.

Kurashov V.I. What is Russia? //Development and Economics, N 9, 2014. - pp. 12-25. (the article is also available on the Internet, see:

Kurashov V.I. “I” of the people and the spiritual foundations of national identity // Reflections on old Kazan: painting and graphics: album - M.: KDU, 2015. - pp. 245-252.

Kurashov V.I. Thoughts about old Kazan and the problems of preserving the spiritual values ​​of the fatherland // Reflections about old Kazan: painting and graphics: album - M.: KDU, 2015. - pp. 8-19.

Kurashov V.I. Theoretical, social and practical philosophy: textbook / V.I. Kurashov. - M: KDU, “University Book”, 2016. - 450 p.

Video lectures and publications by Kurashov V. I. inInternet

(to find, type the specified data in the search engine)

Video lectures:

Kurashov Lessons of patriotism. 70 years since the victory at Stalingrad

Kurashov Patriotism, or where the Motherland begins


Kurashov What is Russia? (article in the journal “Development and Economics”, N9, 2014).

Kurashov Fundamentals of secular ethics: basic concepts

Love for the Motherland is in the heart of each of us. Love for the Motherland is gradually being revived in us; even in childhood we were captivated by the impressions of the nature around us. After all, it all began with a thin blade of grass, with a scattering of flowers in a clearing, it all began with the awareness of the beauty of our great and beautiful Motherland. Every day we learned something new and breathed in with the air a piece of our little world called Motherland.

The homeland is, first of all, the place where you were born and said your first word, the place where you made new friends and fell in love, the place with which you are connected with wonderful and unforgettable memories.

Poets often describe their love and attitude towards the Motherland and encourage everyone to have a patriotic attitude towards the Motherland. For example, Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin often touches on the topic of love for the Motherland, and in his poem “Rus” he says that a true patriot will never exchange his Fatherland for anything.

And in his poem “To Sin Shamelessly, Vigorously,” Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok describes the everyday life and stupidity of the Russian social system.

But despite this, he loves his Motherland: “Yes, and so, my Russia, you are dearer to me than all the lands.” With his poem, the author encourages people to love their homeland, despite all the troubles and difficulties. His poem is a selfless love for the Fatherland.

The Motherland rests on the people who believe in it and sincerely love it. The homeland is the corner that we strive to protect. This is the place to which we are drawn, and it is difficult to be away from it. Homeland is a place to which we return with joy and pride. And as long as we are proud of our Motherland, it will be our home.

Updated: 2016-03-10

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