International development and economic globalization. International development and economic globalization International marketing as a type of management activity


The first mentions of international marketing appeared in the early 60s. last century. The feasibility of using such marketing was determined by the need to ensure effective international trade in goods and services, the volume of which has reached significant proportions. In the early 60s. international trade is becoming the main component of international economic relations. The progressive development of the latter led to the intensification of international trade, which had a positive impact on the state of the world economy as a whole.

The further development of international trade ensured a deeper division of labor between individual countries and contributed to the further integration of national economies into the world one. In such conditions, firms from different countries began to look for more favorable conditions for their business activities in foreign markets, thanks to the development of which they increased production volumes and deepened specialization.

To ensure effective business activities in foreign markets, firms began to use marketing implemented on the national market, taking into account the specifics of activities in foreign markets.

Thus, the positive changes that occurred in international economic relations, which caused globalization and integration of national economies, were the main prerequisite for the emergence of international marketing. The new economic order, which took shape and is constantly developing in

based on the principles of liberalization and cooperation, contributed to the emergence and practical use of international marketing and its further development.

1.1.1. Globalization of the world economy
as a prerequisite for the development of international

There is no single definition of globalization in both domestic and foreign literature. However, for the most part, globalization is considered as one of the phases of the natural development of the historical process, caused by the ever-increasing interdependence of countries and meso-economic structures and characterized by a total unification of the world order. This unification is expressed in the desire of people of different countries for universal universalization, including common principles of life, values, customs and norms of behavior.

Globalization affects all areas of human activity: economics, politics, social sphere, science, culture, education, ecology, security. It becomes one of the most important factors influencing the further course of development of human society.

Thanks to globalization, there is a gradual transformation of the entire world market into a single economic space, where capital, goods, services can freely move, ideas and their carriers can spread. This predetermines the creation and development of modern world institutions and the mechanism of their interaction. In particular, such well-known international organizations as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) began to play a new global role.

1.1.2. Main factors of globalization
world economy

The globalization of the world economy has been and is being influenced by many factors. The main ones are:

* trade liberalization;

* development of equipment and technologies;

* widespread distribution of a single virtual and
communication environments;

* transnationalization caused by the creation and
functioning of transnational companies, on
outside national states and at the same time
at the same time having a direct impact on their
economy. Such companies account for almost a third
world trade;

* transition to market conditions for managing a number of
new states and ensuring on this basis greater
commitment to a market economy;

* unification of culture, individual aspects of which
become common to many countries, for example pop
culture, widespread use of English
ka, Internet;

* bringing together the lifestyles of people from different countries under
the influence of the universalization of culture.

You can have different attitudes towards globalization, which is what happens in real life. Globalization has both its supporters (globalists) and opponents (anti-globalists). And this is understandable, since globalization has a positive impact on the development of national economies and at the same time creates new problems. However, it is obvious that the above factors that have a direct impact on globalization will continue to develop, therefore, the process of globalization will accelerate.



The first mentions of international marketing appeared in the early 60s. last century. The expediency of using such marketing was due to the extreme importance of ensuring effective international trade in goods and services, the volume of which has reached significant proportions. In the early 60s. international trade is becoming the main component of international economic relations. The progressive development of the latter led to the intensification of international trade, which had a positive impact on the state of the world economy as a whole.

The further development of international trade ensured a deeper division of labor between individual countries and contributed to the further integration of national economies into the world one. In such conditions, firms from different countries began to look for more favorable conditions for their business activities in foreign markets, thanks to the development of which they increased production volumes and deepened specialization.

To ensure effective business activities in foreign markets, firms began to use marketing implemented on the national market, taking into account the specifics of activities in foreign markets.

However, the positive changes that have occurred in international economic relations, causing globalization and integration of national economies, were the main prerequisite for the emergence of international marketing. The new economic order, which took shape and is constantly developing in

based on the principles of liberalization and cooperation, contributed to the emergence and practical use of international marketing and its further development.

1.1.1. Globalization of the world economy as a prerequisite for the development of international marketing

There is no single definition of globalization in both domestic and foreign literature. At the same time, for the most part, globalization is considered as one of the phases of the natural development of the historical process, caused by the ever-increasing interdependence of countries and meso-economic structures and characterized by a total unification of the world order. This unification is expressed in the desire of people of different countries for general universalization, including common principles of life, values, customs and norms of behavior.

Globalization affects all areas of human activity: economics, politics, social sphere, science, culture, education, ecology, security. It becomes one of the most important factors influencing the further course of development of human society.

Thanks to globalization, there is a gradual transformation of the entire world market into a single economic space, where capital, goods, services can freely move, ideas and their carriers can spread. This predetermines the creation and development of modern world institutions and the mechanism of their interaction. In particular, such well-known international organizations as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) began to play a new global role.

1.1.2. Main factors of globalization of the world economy

The globalization of the world economy has been and is being influenced by many factors. The main ones are:

* trade liberalization;

* development of equipment and technologies;

* widespread distribution of a unified virtual and communication environment;

* transnationalization, caused by the creation and operation of transnational companies located outside of national states and at the same time having a direct impact on their economy. Such companies account for almost a third of global trade;

* transition to market conditions for the management of a number of new states and ensuring, on this basis, greater commitment to a market economy;

* unification of culture, certain aspects of which become common to many countries, for example, pop culture, widespread use of the English language, the Internet;

* bringing together the lifestyles of people from different countries under the influence of the universalization of culture.

You can have different attitudes towards globalization, which is what happens in real life. Globalization has both its supporters (globalists) and opponents (anti-globalists). And this is understandable, since globalization has a positive impact on the development of national economies and at the same time creates new problems. At the same time, it is obvious that the above factors that have a direct impact on globalization will continue to develop, therefore, the process of globalization will accelerate.

The first mentions of international marketing appeared in the early 60s. last century. The feasibility of using such marketing was determined by the need to ensure effective international trade in goods and services, the volume of which has reached significant proportions.

In the early 60s. international trade is becoming the main component of international economic relations. The progressive development of the latter led to the intensification of international trade, which had a positive impact on the state of the world economy as a whole.

The further development of international trade ensured a deeper division of labor between individual countries and contributed to the further integration of national economies into the world one. In such conditions, firms from different countries began to look for more favorable conditions for their business activities in foreign markets, thanks to the development of which they increased production volumes and deepened specialization.

To ensure effective business activities in foreign markets, firms began to use marketing implemented on the national market, taking into account the specifics of activities in foreign markets.

Thus, the positive changes that occurred in international economic relations, which caused globalization and integration of national economies, were the main prerequisite for the emergence of international marketing. The new economic order, which took shape and is constantly developing in

based on the principles of liberalization and cooperation, contributed to the emergence and practical use of international marketing and its further development.


  1. 1.1.1. Globalization of the world economy as a prerequisite for the development of international marketing
  2. Chapter 1. Economic prerequisites for the emergence and development of marketing theory
  3. 2.1. Marketing as a market concept, economic management and as an integrated systematic approach to organizing market activities. Formation and development of marketing
  4. Formation and development of international commercial air services in 1920-1939.
  5. Section II International competition as the main factor in the emergence and development of international marketing
  6. 3.2. Formation and development of international legal regulation of foreign investments on a multilateral basis
  8. 2.1. Theoretical prerequisites for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for anti-crisis enterprise management
  9. 6.1. Historical background for the development of management activities in the field of social work in Europe and Russia

Export Marketing– activities to maximally adapt our own production of products to the conditions and requirements of the domestic market of other countries for export.

Marketing of international cooperation– activities to develop various forms of cooperation with other countries, including not only export, but also scientific and technical exchange, contract manufacturing, joint ventures aimed at creating and selling products in these countries, taking into account cultural and national specifics.

Global Marketing– the activities of transnational companies in the international market, based on the convergence of consumer preferences and the creation of a universal range of products around the world without taking into account cultural and national differences.

Features of international marketing are determined by environmental factors of foreign markets.

1.Specific needs, market conditions, competitive situation, business practices, social and cultural environment.

2. Political and economic factors (level of economic development, political relations between states, customs tariffs, legislative norms, etc.).

3. Scientific and technical factors (level of development of industrial technology, innovations, qualifications of the workforce).

Types of International Marketing Strategy: localized, are based on taking into account differences between countries. U universal, do not require adaptation of the product to local conditions (McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Lewis).

Strategies for entering foreign markets:

1. Export requires minimal additional investments and does not set long-term goals.

2.Contract agreement. The company seeks to stabilize relations.

3. Joint ventures involve a higher degree of risk and capital investment.

4. Investments in the organization of production. Involves significant risk, but if successful, provides the greatest effect of penetration into the foreign market.

The main stages of developing an international marketing strategy.

1.Identification of target product markets.

2. Determination of the company’s key competencies, i.e. formation of the main aspects of the strategy.

3.Formulation of a global marketing strategy includes the definition of: competitive strategy (price, product or hybrid strategy), the limits of the geographical coverage of the market and its segmentation.

4.Development of a marketing mix

· product policy, expert (adaptation) or global (unification).

· the international marketing distribution policy is carried out by national trade and intermediary networks, as well as with the use of international trading companies.

· differentiated approach to the pricing system, takes into account the different nature of demand and pricing policies of competitors, transfer pricing is used

· promotion policy takes into account local advertising laws, difficulties in translating advertising slogans, accessibility and breadth of media coverage, etc.

5.Creating a global business portfolio that will take into account the degree of interconnectedness of markets and company activities around the world.

93.Strategic and operational marketing. Strategic Marketing- a marketing process carried out by a market-oriented company with the goal of achieving performance above the market average through the systematic implementation of a policy of creating goods and services that provide consumers with goods of higher consumer value than those of competitors. The role of strategic marketing is to trace the evolution of a given market and identify various existing or potential markets and their segments based on an analysis of the needs that need to be satisfied Operational Marketing- an active commercial process with a short-term planning horizon, aimed at existing markets and aiming to obtain a given sales volume through the use of tactical means related to product, distribution, price and communications. (From the point of view of the planning horizon, this is tactical marketing, however, in the course of numerous translations into Russian, the name “operational” (not to be confused with operational) was fixed). Marketing implementation is the process of transforming marketing strategies and plans into marketing activities aimed at achieving strategic marketing purposes. Implementation is about daily and monthly work to effectively implement the marketing plan. If marketing planning asks the questions what and why, then implementation asks the questions who, where, when and how. Implementation of marketing plans and strategies requires coordinated work at all levels of marketing implementation. The successful implementation of a marketing strategy depends, firstly, on an action program that coordinates the work of all performers and all activities in general. Secondly, the formal organizational structure of the company plays an important role in the implementation of marketing strategy. The strategic and operational parts of marketing complement each other: the structure of the strategic plan should be closely linked to operational marketing. Operational marketing focuses on company variables such as price, distribution, advertising, and promotion, while strategic marketing focuses on selecting product markets in which the firm has a competitive advantage and forecasting overall demand in each target market. markets.

94. Marketing communications is the process of interaction between subjects of the marketing system regarding the coordination and adoption of tactical and strategic decisions in marketing activities. The effectiveness of marketing communications depends on the personal characteristics of each of the subjects of the marketing system, as well as on the means of implementation and methods of stimulating communications used.

Marketing communications according to their structure, depending on the ultimate goal of influencing the communicant, can be classified into two types:
- Communications regarding the development, creation, improvement of the product and its behavior on the market;
-Communications regarding product promotion depending on the phase of its life cycle.
The first type of marketing communications is aimed mainly at ensuring effective interaction of all subjects of the marketing system that participate in the network: firm - supplier - intermediary - competitor. The consumer here is involved in interaction only when exploring needs and potential demand. The goal of interaction is to create a product that will be in demand.
The second type of marketing communications is focused primarily on promoting goods and services available to the company or already on the market.

Main directions of marketing communications:

2. public relations (PR);

3. branding;

4. publicity;

5. loyalty programs;

6. direct marketing;

7. sponsorship;

8. sales promotion;

9. Personal selling.


International economic cooperation in modern conditions is a powerful stimulus for the development of the world economy. Foreign trade (export, import, etc.) acts as one of the most important forms of international cooperation between countries of the world. Now it is impossible to imagine a state whose economy would develop without participation in world trade exchanges, since the level of industrial and agricultural production depends on this.

In modern conditions, when Russian enterprises of various organizational and legal forms have the opportunity to independently enter foreign markets, to operate effectively they need to carefully study issues related to the forms and methods of activity in the international market, issues of international marketing, export, etc.

The study and application of international marketing is necessary due to the openness of enterprises towards foreign markets and in order to improve their relations with these markets.

The purpose of this course work is to reveal the main aspects of international marketing.

The current stage of reforming Russia's politics and economy is characterized by trends of its increasing integration with the world community and intensification of the development of new forms of international exchange.

The elimination of the state monopoly on foreign economic activity allowed numerous Russian entrepreneurs to enter the foreign market, since successful commercial and economic activity is impossible without participation in international cooperation.

Entering the world market is a necessary link in the modern economy. The international market is a set of markets of states that have specificity determined by geographical, climatic, national, cultural, religious and political conditions.

Expanding international relations and integration, establishing commercial and business relations, confidently entering the world market while simultaneously activating the domestic market are mandatory conditions for Russia to occupy a worthy place in the world community. And this is unattainable without mastering the strategy and methods of international marketing.

International marketing is a certain way of thinking, an approach to making commercial and economic decisions from the position of most fully satisfying all the requirements of both domestic and foreign consumers.

There are no diametric differences between marketing in domestic and foreign markets. In both cases, the same principles and methods of marketing activities are used. However, certain specifics of the world market give international marketing characteristic features that Russian entrepreneurs need to take into account.

Concept, tasks, goals of international marketing

Over the past two decades, due to the high level and pace of development of telecommunications, the strengthening of international relations at the state and local levels, as well as the increased mobility of the population of developed countries, consumer needs in different geographical regions are largely merging. And the further scientific and technological progress goes, the faster this process goes, and the greater the business opportunities for expansion become. Developing countries, in an effort to improve living standards and catch up with and surpass Western Europe and North America in mental and technical potential, also fall under the influence of these trends.

Marketing in the understanding of today is not a separate function, but an integrated concept of enterprise management as a whole, which means planning, coordination and control of all enterprise activities related to existing and potential markets.

That is, marketing is a management process that includes the phases of analysis, planning, motivation, coordination and control.

International marketing is a set of activities for the sale of goods and services outside of one’s country, in which the exporter deeply explores the market, the use of aggregate tools and forms of foreign economic activity.

International marketing is considered as a component of general marketing and has common features with it. The application of international marketing requires compliance with the rules of marketing.

The marketing implementation process consists of the following main phases:

market research through observation and analysis of demand, competition, intermediaries, as well as the environment - legislative, technical, economic, sociocultural, etc.; determining, through product policy, pricing and establishing certain relationships, a commercial offer that will correspond to the chosen purpose and the desired market position; sale of goods and services through advertising and sales policies. This constantly renewed chain of activities is the subject of planning, is taken into account when drawing up the budget, where the share of income from export activities is determined, and is subject to control from the point of view of the validity of the measures taken.

The fundamental rules of marketing listed above remain fully valid to guide the commercial development of an enterprise abroad, and it is obvious that there can be no effective international marketing in an enterprise that does not comply with them.

The variety of market conditions determines a special organization of marketing, the characteristic features and elements of which are:

A system for effectively monitoring a set of markets (preferably with a local presence), allowing you to quickly learn about changes and, where possible, take proactive measures;

Quick response to specific requests, which implies greater adaptability of production and administrative services;

A system that allows you to track the results and monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken, despite the difficulties associated with differences in reporting forms, a variety of currencies and the peculiarities of the “cultural” order in enterprise management;

Ability to develop and apply a variety of information gathering and market behavior techniques to suit all possible situations.

These are the conditions for long-term and profitable international activity. Marketing activities in the international market have some peculiarities.

The need for internal resources and internal readiness to engage in export activities. Most Russian enterprises failed when entering foreign markets because they were not ready to work with new markets. Features of the foreign market - political factors, world economic relations, technical development of countries, different cultures, specific demand in each country, etc. Thus, when conducting an advertising campaign, it is necessary to take into account that in Libya it is forbidden to use Latin letters, in Italy it is forbidden to use the colors of the national flag, and in Indonesia it is forbidden to depict a pig in advertising. It is necessary to find a specific niche within the global market segment.

Thus, a successful marketing tactic is often not ousting other competing firms, but rather finding your own small niche among them. Product customization. The international market today finds its own individual purchase for each buyer, so before building a house in Japan, the buyer will be selected on a computer within an hour for all the parameters of the new house - materials, sizes, style, cost, which will be adjusted to the buyer’s capabilities, changing the parameters of the house . Representing a kind of integrity, international marketing must nevertheless be adapted to the characteristics of the enterprise. It is especially necessary to distinguish between marketing used by those enterprises that carry out international activities of a “cascade” type, consistently mastering different foreign markets, and marketing at enterprises that immediately enter a multinational market.

International marketing of the “cascade” type directs the development of an enterprise according to the following scheme: preliminary study of the markets of countries that may be of interest; choosing the most favorable region or country; determining the method of presence of the enterprise in this market; determining the commercial offer in terms of goods, services and prices, adapted to both favorable and unfavorable market options; determination of commercial policy, sales policy, communications and selection of sales personnel. Entering a new market each time represents a compromise between the use of solutions already tested in other markets and the necessary level of adaptation, which is often the inevitable price that must be paid in gaining a foothold in the market.

In the context of a significant expansion of the scope of potential demand and competition beyond the country of origin, “cascading” internationalization can lead to the so-called “myopia”; global international marketing is necessary. With the development of information technology, almost all markets are becoming global. Many product launches and accompanying commercial activities must target a larger and larger geographical area. Countries are no longer something closed; they can not only be divided into economic and geographical regions, but, on the contrary, together with each other they can form market segments in the usual marketing sense. Likewise, economic agents of the market should not be confined to the sole role of buyer, seller or intermediary. This new concept of enterprise market activity gives international marketing a new dimension, firmly connecting sales marketing and purchasing marketing in one strategic direction.

International marketing is a special set of activities for the sale of goods and services outside of one’s country.

International marketing is the response of the commercial world to such processes as the growth and expansion of partnerships in the international market, increasing production capabilities, rapid updating of the product range, frequent changes in the nature and structure of market demand, its market fluctuations, increased competition, increased volume and improved quality information support.

International marketing involves systematic, constant, active work in the international market at different stages of promoting commercial products and services to the consumer.

In this regard, the concept of international marketing should be distinguished from the concepts of “sales” and “export”, since the latter consist in the fact that sellers are limited to the fact of conscientious delivery of their products to foreign importing firms. At the same time, suppliers, as a rule, are unlikely to be interested in how satisfied direct consumers are with these products.

A distinctive feature of international marketing is a complete and clear focus on foreign consumers, the desire to satisfy their needs and requirements.

Recognition as the leading direction of marketing, achieving a high level of consumption, providing a wide choice to the buyer, improving the quality of life means a transition to socio-economic marketing in the interests of the entire global community.

International marketing activities must ensure:

Justification of the need to produce a particular product (good, service) by identifying existing or potential foreign demand;

Creation of a product (service) that most fully satisfies the requirements of the international market in comparison with goods produced by competitors;

Organization of research and development work (R&D) to create models, samples of products that meet the needs of foreign consumers;

Reliable, reliable and timely information about the international market, the structure and dynamics of specific consumer demand, tastes, preferences of foreign consumers;

Coordination and planning of production, sales, financial activities taking into account the interests of the international market;

Improving methods and techniques for selling commercial products;

Rational distribution of goods on the international market;

International control of the sphere of sales of goods and services;

Regulation of all activities of a market entity and its management in order to achieve general goals in the field of production and sales.

In practice, the main task of international marketing used by a market entity is to bring consumer demand into line with its commercial interests.

International marketing goals are a tool for achieving a positive image of the company in the foreign market and achieving favorable results. There are specific quantitative and qualitative marketing goals of an international market entity.

Qualitative goals lead to an increase in the prestige of an international market entity and increase its potential weight. Quality goals include:

1. Economic goals and achievements, both in your own country and in importing countries.

2. Positive impact on employment - internal and external labor markets.

3. Support for educational, cultural, sports, and other events both within the country and abroad.

Quantitative goals are expressed by the following indicators:

1. Increase in sales volume in monetary and physical terms.

2. Growth in the share of markets occupied by the goods of a given international market entity, by country, market segment, and product.

3. Growth of profit of the subject, market.