The beginning and end of the ditty. We will sing ditties for you about this and that. I'll wear a blue dress

“Poems about flowers” ​​- We have long considered you friends, children of our gardens and fields. There are cold shadows in a blue field, white frost in the garden at dawn. The star of the meadows - the earthly aster sends greetings to the heavenly stars. Roses are sisters of the dawn. All our lives flowers do not leave us. Under the swan's clear voice, gladiolus blooms at the lake's cape. Forget-me-not is interspersed with the sun in the meadow color pattern.

“Culture and Morality” - The main elements of religion Faith Doctrine Religious activities Religious institutions. Forms of religious beliefs. Functions of morality Regulatory Educational Communicative cognitive. Totemism. Religious dualism. Religion as a cultural phenomenon. Shamanism. Material culture – buildings, vehicles, household items, instruments, equipment, etc.

“Communion as a part of speech” - What is the lexical meaning of participles? “Participles serve to shorten the human word” M.V. Lomonosov. Mixing, transition from one part of speech to another. Define active and passive participles. What signs can appear in the text in the presence of a participial phrase? What is the difference between the participles reading and readable?

“Rules of conduct in case of radiation accidents” - Evacuation of the population. Rules for safe behavior. Protection of the population from radioactive fallout. Types of protective structures. Carry out iodine prophylaxis. Actions of the population upon notification. Wait for information from the civil defense authorities. Protect your respiratory system immediately. Rural population. Dosimetric monitoring of the population.

"Economy of Japan" - Automotive industry. In the lowlands there are swampy soils. Pearl shells. Japan's fuel and energy base is very limited. Fuel imports played an additional role. Achievements of Japanese engineers: robot chef. Japan. Japan's automobile industry was falling further and further behind the global level. Japan's natural conditions are generally favorable for agriculture.

“Military discipline” - Internal order and discipline. History of the development of the armed forces. Accurate execution of all rules and commands. Violation of the rules of combat duty. Discipline. Mastery of the latest types of weapons and military equipment. Strict statutory order in the unit. Norms and requirements of military discipline. The principle of unity of command.

Ditties, are replenished by you, our dear lovers of original folk art.Send us and we will definitely publish them.
The publication of ditties will be posted in alphabetical order.
If you are the author of ditties, we will definitely publish them with attribution in a separate catalogue.We do not welcome obscene ditties.
You can submit your publication here. We are waiting for your ditties!!!

And the darling girls,
There is no need to argue.
The guys will choose for themselves
Who needs what?

How about the Borkinsky guys?
The brave are so brave.
They ran three kilometers -
The sheep were scared.

And my darling cheated on me,

I thought I was dead.
My dear, your betrayal
I threw it from the bridge into the river.

And my darling cheated on me,
He rode a goat to Crimea,
But I didn’t give up,
I caught up with the cow.

And my darling cheated on me,
She says: “Not young!”
And I found one for myself,
That there is a beard on the butt.

And my darling cheated on me,
I stand and laugh:
For cheating on you, darling,
I'll pay three kopecks.

And my rival

Tall and thin.

Just pull the string -

The balalaika is ringing.

And my rival
Tall and thin.
Just pull the string -
The balalaika is ringing.

Don't push me to the birch tree,
Don't waste your efforts.
Don't think, I'm not stupid.
Let's get married then.

Oh my boobs

Each one is worth a pound.

I'm full of cottage cheese

And I won't go for a walk.

Oh, my mother-in-law -

Worse than fever:
I cooked cabbage soup, spilled it,
I scalded my heels.

Oh, you, Vanya, dear Vanya,
You slept through your happiness:
How many times have I given it to you?
You never hit!

Oh, I stomped
And I didn't stomp.
Ate half a pound of gingerbread
And I didn’t burst.

Oh my shoes
The noses are lacquered.
What do girls have, what do women have -
The same!

Oh you, my dear,

It's bad to pray to God.

Will you marry me

You're all over the world

Ah, mother-in-law,
Grease the pancakes.
And the son-in-law is shit
Haven't been there for a long time!

Oh, dear Nadya,

You are my little sister.

I'll wear a blue dress -

I'll lure my dear.

Oh, my skirt -

Four shuttlecocks.
I want to spend the night at home,
I want it from Ivan.

Ahaha! Ahaha!
Whose daughter-in-law will I be?!
Who will be my groom?!
Oh! I'll torture them!

Grandmas danced the show

And they twirled their butts.

The men laughed loudly

And their ears flapped.

Balalaika, ori,
Ori until dawn.
I will part with my darling
do not tell anybody

Berezinochka was cut down,
And they left the stump.
The buttock was beaten off,
Left orphaned.

Poor Gena the crocodile

I pinched my balls at the door.

The eggs crashed to the floor -

The football game has begun.

Stop thinking, friend,
You won't get better from thinking.
You'll only lose weight worse
You'll still be a little alive.

Your field is green
Our field is greener.
Our girls are better than yours
And they walk more joyfully.

In the city of Kalyazin
The girls have jinxed us
If we hadn't been jinxed,
We wouldn't get rid of them.

Branch above, branch below,

Raspberry branch.
I love you deeply, I rarely see you
Beloved boy.

The winemaker makes a profit.
It’s not for nothing that he says:
“Eight liters from under the pound,
Every bit of it is burning.”

There's a teenager in the elevator for me,

He offered to touch the pager.

The elevator shook for three minutes...

Pager is great! But, fine print.

On our first wedding night

The master volunteered to help,
It is not for nothing that it is said:
“The master’s work is afraid.”
It happened that I gave

Four times a day

And now my giveaway

I went to the newsletter.

In the garden, on the currants

I found a note.
And the note says:
"Our love has passed"

Thank you, let's play

Yes, and I got drunk.
The young woman went on a spree
I've had enough of fame.

In a hurry I ran away again,

My dear Ilya.

The husband did not remain in the cover:

There's more laundry!

I'll climb a steep mountain,

I'll stand on the ice.
Will you come today, jerk?
It's not fun being alone.

Get up early, mommy,
Walk around the yard.
There is a trodden path there,
They told me.

All the trailers are green,

And the last one is blue.

Isn't it on this carriage?

My dear one left?

I go out to the middle
I'm starting to imagine.
I have four brothers
Everyone went to give birth.

Listen to me
I will sing ditties:
A hare sits on a birch tree,
A bear is steaming in the sauna!

Came out with a cute little miss:
He suddenly ran home.
And in bed - a drummer!
And, of course, with me...

I go out and sing
The first song about myself,
And the second one is about the fly,
About gray eyes.

Came out to dance

Grandmother Lukerya,

Where there was no hair

Sticking feathers

Get married girls

For Ivan Kuzin!
At Ivan Kuzin's
Big corn.

This summer, this summer

Didn't wear a bulletproof vest.

As a result, this summer

They shot this and that!

Harmonist, harmonica player,

Put me underneath.

And I'll get up and take a look

Am I lying well?

We have a good harmonica player,

Like a scarlet flower

The accordion itself is big,

And the little finger is small.

Harmonist, harmonica player
I will respect you.
I’ll buy a jar of cottage cheese,
I'll smear everything.

Accordion player for playing
passenger car,
To take you home
Your dear.

Harmonist, harmonica player,
Good playing.
Why, harmonica player,
Don't go out with us.

The accordion player plays
Blinks his eyes.
And I blink at him
Not noticeable to anyone.

Accordion player for playing
Half a liter of green.
And the prisoner for treason
The poison of the poisoned.

We have a good harmonica player,
We have only one accordion player,
Come on, girls, let's get together,
We'll give it one at a time.

I loved the accordion player.
Didn't hit him.
Not enough capital
At my dad's.

We have a good harmonica player,
But the little one is not mine.
I could stand there all night,
I didn't think about going home.

We have only one accordion player,
one balalaeshnik.
Let's get together girls
and we'll give it to you!

Harmonist, harmonica player,
put me down!
And I'll get up and take a look
Am I lying well?

Harmonist, accordionist -
The cone is purple,
The girls won't let you
Only because of this.

We don't have harmonists
We don't get lost.
If you need to sing songs,
We can cope without them.

I fell in love with the accordionist
I thought it was a joke.
And now my heart hurts
Every minute.

Where are my seventeen years?
Where is my jacket?
Where are my three gentlemen
Kolya, Vitya, Yurochka.

My eyes, your eyes,
Why did they fall in love?
At the porch, at the railing
Remember what you said.

They say Adam and Eve
The first fruit was plucked from the tree.
My dear boy and I are together
We tear them all, and we tear them, and we tear them...

They say I'm a fighter

Not really combat...

On Monday I gave it to everyone,

But on Thursday I didn’t give it to everyone!

The old woman says to her grandfather:

- I'll go to America.

I'll go to a brothel

I will live by my labor.

They say I'm an old woman
I just can't believe it.
Look at me,
Everything inside me is moving!

I say jokingly to Kolya:
Are you, Kohl, a werewolf, or what?
He growled, tail tucked,
The dense one ran away into the forest.

She spoke to the voice:
"Don't run around the forest."
Rejoice, my voice,
My dear one broke up with me.
Blue doves
Have a sweet eye.
They cut the zealous
Worse than a sharp knife.
They talked and they said
I bewitched the guys.
Ask milovo movo
Did I bewitch him?

Say what you want
And who wants what.
I loved, I will love,
And love won't end

They talked, they shouted,
My dear, they criticized me.
And I went to the show -
Turned out to be better than you.

They say they ate potatoes
Colorado beetles.
Let's do without potatoes
If only there were men.

The old woman says to her grandfather:
- I'll go to America.
I'll go to a brothel
I will live by my labor.

I say jokingly to Kolya:
“Are you, Kol, a werewolf, or what?”
He growled, tail tucked,
The dense one ran away into the forest.
They say I'm a fighter.
True, there is a little.
I'll settle with the berry
In a short time.

They say I'm a fighter.
True, there is a little.
I'll settle with the berry
In a short time.

They say it's combative.
Well, it’s true – wow!
From me, from the battlefield,
The fledgling climbed onto the corner.

Vanechka told me:
“Love me, mother!
After all, I value you.
If you want, I’ll order a fur coat!”

They say I'm ugly.
I'm not beautiful either.
But everyone loves beautiful people
Who will like who?

Blue buckets gave
And they sent for water.
Life is no fun without love
One girl.

Blue blanket
The whole bed is blue.
The guys have such a fashion -
Beat girls for cheating.

White girls,
Go to parties.
How will you be as women?
You will forget the parties.

The girls ran on the ice
The cold is nonsense.
And without this nonsense -
Neither here nor here.

Girls don't give anymore
To all the guys who are slackers.
A mass worker came to us
With such an entertainer!

The girls were walking in the forest
And they caught a hare.
They searched all day
Where are the hare's eggs?

The doctor will give you an enema
And the diagnosis - maybe.
Don't look reproachfully
Why can't you joke?

Village boys
They began to force it painfully:
Instead of seeds in your pocket
They started wearing a mirror.

Girls, show off
Don't bother loving guys.
They have cold hearts
They cannot love to the end.

Girls fall in love
Figure it out guys.
Which are beautiful
The same chattering ones.

Girls, there is wind in the field,
Girls, there is smoke in the field.
Girls, don't trust
Oh, young guys.

My dear, Galya,
Don't like young people.
They quickly forget
And they get new ones.

Come on, Nina, let's start it
For a new boyfriend.
High, beautiful,
Yes, black-browed

Dear my friend,
I didn't think about fighting back.
I came up to your little guy
Talk jokingly.

The girl is not a piece of grass,
It won't grow up without a sweetheart.
How the girl grows up -
So the glory will pass.

Little white girls
Get into my sleigh.
I'm the boy Lenechka
I'll ride it quietly.

Santa Claus came home
Irritable and angry:
Because at the banquet,
They didn’t pour the stirrup!

Santa Claus hardly drinks
But on New Year's Eve
He gets so drunk that it’s a disaster:
The entire beard is wearing Olivier!

Santa Claus brought us gifts,
Three came out from under the arch:
They want to take the bag away
Grandfather took out an electric shock.

Prove to me that you are true
What are you missus
I'm confident in myself:
Tested by many

My dear mother-in-law,
Pour your son-in-law a glass!
If you pour a glass,
You will live a year longer!

Give me a wider circle
Dear girls.
I'll tell everything to grief
From the damned betrayal.

There are many girls, there are many girls,
The girls have nowhere to go.
I'll put them in a cart
And I'll go sell.

The big bell rang
They're taking a friend to get married.
Give me some sleepy drops, mother,
I'll go to bed out of frustration.

Sing a song girlfriend
Sing, it's easy for you.
Well, I can’t sing -
The flight is far away.

Sincere friend,
You and I are friendly.
The guys don't hang out with us,
We don't need them.

Wasted my youth
From the age of seventeen.
It brought me to the party,
Bleeding Love.

Gold is my ring -
It is proofed and stamped.
Who captivated my heart
That's the answer.

Wife to husband in bed foolishly
Showed me a sex brochure.
He couldn't figure it out on his own.
Good - the neighbor helped.

I'm waiting for Santa Claus
Rich groom
He will give without question
I have a shaggy fur coat.

If I eat porridge
The pussy will grow.
That's what my dad tells me,
And to my sister - about boobs.

If you are undressed once,
You will involuntarily scream.
Once undressed, twice undressed,
And then you will get used to it.

You can barely see from behind the forest -
The guys are coming to us for a walk.
Chicken heads,
The gaits of a rooster.

Water flows from the well,
Not water, but kerosene
Where can I find such a guy?
So that you don’t ask before the wedding!

It was interesting to listen
At the bay under the window,
How the family responded:
“We’ll definitely take it.”

Kolya, dear, Kolya - dear
Don't marry Kolya by force.
Give him some volleyball
Choose the bride yourself.

Where are you harnessing to, my dear?
White-maned horse -
Or woo a rich woman?
Take me for a ride first.

Brown eyes
We stood by the pine tree.
They stood and smiled,
We were waiting for a sweetheart.

My darling rarely comes to see me,
Rarely, rarely, rarely.
And for a rare meeting
It's easy to forget.

Our gentlemen are fashionable
They are no good
Give a broom in each hand -
Chasing rats through barns.

My darling rarely comes to see me,
Rarely, rarely, rarely.
And for a rare meeting
It's easy to forget.

My Likhodeechka
Can't see from the grass.
If only she were worthwhile,
It wasn't offensive.

Shop, ride shop,
Don't sit with me, rich man.
Although poor, but sweet
Sit on the bench with me.

My dear one time
Lay down to sleep on the mattress
I couldn't sleep either
And so the child was born.

My darling gave it to me
Gold watch.
And I had to for it
Jump on a mattress.

My dear, will you go home?
Is Zorka studying?
Darling looks at me
Smiles tenderly.

I walked past the kindergarten
The branch was hanging.
Darling kissed me
I didn't dare him.

My little one and I were walking,
People didn't notice.
Two birch trees stood
We had witnesses.

My darling saw me off
To the polysad of blue.
He saw me off and kissed me:
"Goodnight honey".

The little boy and I were sitting
On the woodpile near the firewood.
The woodpile fell apart,
And the love ended.

The guy cheated on me,
I said: “Well then!
I have such good ones
Multiply eight by eight."

They told me at the market:
“Guys are cheap these days.
Piglet is a whole bunch -
The best ones."

You and I, my friend,
We started walking together.
Together we made sweethearts,
Together we will forget.

My husband bought mine not an infection -
An ointment called "Klerosil".
All acne disappeared immediately
Even the one I needed

We sang ditties for you
99 times!!!
Is it really for the hundredth time?
won't anyone give us vodka?

Dear Kolya, I'm in love,
Dear Ring for you.
I forgot how long it was,
I can not forget you.

My darling was floating in the bathhouse,
Yaro whipped him with a broom,
And it came to us having sex,
He said he was tired.

Mom, some tea, mom, some tea
Mom has tea with milk.
I'm not happy with myself
That I got involved with a fool!

We sat next to my darling,
They warmly interpreted:
She knocked out my teeth
I dislocated her shoulder.

Darling doesn't kiss me
It's only promised.
And love without kisses
Strictly prohibited!

My handkerchief, little flyer,
Teach me to fly
Now higher, now lower,
To look cute.

My darling accompanied me
I shook my hand the whole way!
This is damned love -
The whole hand is crumpled!

He gave me a cute one
Four mandavos.
Well, what am I going to feed them?
They are so tiny!

My dear one day
I lay down to sleep on the mattress,
I couldn't sleep either
And so the child was born

Dear, yes dear,
Darling, how are you there?
Well, what if you're okay?
Then let's go!

It's time for the young to go to bed,
Well, we should worry
And tormented by the question:
Will they succeed?

My darling in the evening
He bragged about his harmony.
It would be something else
He would hang out with the girls.

Just touch my Dasha -
Everything is burning like fire!
That's why I'm in a haystack with her
I can't hug.

My darling's name is Marinka,
Hands and legs are like blades of grass.
I love her at the dacha
I almost cry out of pity...

Me darling for the first time
On the porch, on the stairs.
And I got up and dusted myself off
And she sang songs!

My darling, my darling,
Don't lie with your back to me
Lie down on your chest
Bring out the gun.

My darling gave birth
A bow-legged girl.
Well, her mother is...
After all, she doesn’t have to go to the army.

We won't drink vodka,
Let's save money
And let’s save up five rubles,
Let's drink vodka again.

Darling doesn't kiss me
He says: “I’m afraid of fasting.”
And love without kisses -
What's a cow without a tail?

My little one is like a calf,
Everything will not grow into a bull.
No, so that growth would go to the root,
This is how only horns grow...

My little one is like a calf,
Curly like a ram
I won't take it anywhere
I won’t kill you, I won’t sell you!

My darling is disgusted
Frozen on the stove,
And I'm running around
I'm not doing anything.
My little one is like a calf,
There's only one difference:
My little darling drinks from a mug,
And the calf is out of the bucket.

My darling saw me off
To the nut bush,
And from the nut bush
I was riding on my butt.

My darling cheated on me
And I told him:
In white slippers in a coffin
Yes, I saw you.

Darling doesn't kiss me
He says: Then, later,
I come and he’s on the stove
Training with a cat.

My darling has stopped loving me,
He rode a goat to Crimea.
But I didn’t give up,
I caught up with the cow.

Darling doesn't kiss me
says - big-lipped.
How can I kiss him?
Big-eyed eagle owl.

Darling doesn't kiss me
She says she's small.
Come, you big fool,
I'll stand on the ground.

Darling doesn't kiss me
Oh, what a fine fellow he is,
He has his big lips
Saves for aspic.

My darling is sick
Doesn't eat anything.
She put bast shoes on her ears
And he listens to the radio.

My darling is sick
I stopped drinking vodka.
And I wrote on the door
“Don’t go in without half a liter.”
I don't need a pound of peas,
And one pea.
I don't need a lot of girls
And one good one.

My little darling is not stupid,
Wrapped me in a sheepskin coat
He leaned against the wall,
He persuaded me to get married.

My cutie has thighs
Forty-eight acres
No pants and no shirt
Processed alone.

My little darling is not stupid,
Wrapped me in a sheepskin coat
He leaned against the wall,
He persuaded me to get married.

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's interesting to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

My little darling
Felt boots a little higher,
He puts on his shoes,
How the bubble inflates.

There are two flowers on the window:
Blue and scarlet.
I won’t give it to my dear one,
He will take it himself - not small!

Don't walk down the corridor
Don't knock your galoshes.
I still won't love you -
The muzzle is like a horse's.

Fedya didn’t close once
There are both faucets in the bathroom,
To remind all the neighbors
About the fate of the Titanic.

There is a pine tree on the table
Under the Baobab Mountain
The pig has a strange look
When he looks at women.

In the village on a dark night
All the paths are dark.
The guy takes the girl away
And the intentions are clear.

Don't like urban people -
They are all walking
Only villagers -
The girls are real.

There are two flowers on the window -
Gladiolus and rose.
If the darling cheats,
I'll figure it out one by one!

Our Tanya is crying loudly -
She was showing off, that is.

Grandfather has seen enough porn,
Grandfather started fooling around
Village grannies
They hide in closets.

The night passed quietly
The moon illuminated the wall.
My dear saw me off,
He sighed heavily.

There is no lower branch
There is nowhere to pick an apple.
There is no dear one closer,
There is no one to say a word with.

Will it really not rise?
Sun over the porch?
Will he really not come?
My dear with a ring?

She stood on a hillock,
I admired the forest.
I walked with him for four years,
And then they parted.

They wanted to beat us, they wanted to beat us,
They ran into the wrong ones.
We have driver's flights,
We got in and left.

The village doesn't dry me out
The middle dries out.
Where does my sweetheart live?
The boy is an orphan.

Don't walk in the garden, darling,
Don't break the acacia.
About you and me
They launched a provocation.

Don't sit down, darling, on the contrary,
I wouldn't look at you.
I'm afraid they'll pave the way
About you and about me.

On the tag it is written:
You are mine and I am yours:
Let the parents get married
Then I will believe.

I won't marry anyone
Stay single.
Buy a talyanka bologovochka,
Walk with my sister.

A sad week -
I don't see my friend.
Doesn't play tag
No voice is heard.

Today is a very stormy day,
The clouds are moving low.
I saw my dear
Only from afar.

Go on a date -
I'll stop halfway.
Oh, what a long way to go!
If you don’t go, it’s a pity for the fledgling.

They talked about me
They laughed at him.
And we are a fighting couple,
They weren't afraid of laughter.

Our field is rocky -
Don't dig ditches.
At least walk more humbly -
You can't live without a sweetheart.

There is no curly Christmas tree,
There is no green birch.
I don’t have a little girl to my liking,
I'll go home, girl.

There is a flower on the table,
Like velvet.
I'm walking without my sweetheart,
Like an orphan.

It's not the tea that I miss,
And I don't want tea
I miss the occasion
I want to see my dear one.

I visited the market -
She sold her breasts.
They gave me fifty
Well, to hell with them, let them hang!

Girls don't marry
Married is not fun -
I didn’t wash my panties,
That's not how I hung it.

On a meadow by the river
The ducks quack loudly.
Darling knocked me down
Only the earrings jingle.

Don't scold me, mom
That she lay under the driver.
You yourself told me
Heat it for firewood.

Don't take it from your mother-in-law in a barrel
You are salty mushrooms.
So that with a smile on your lips
Don't sit in the bushes afterwards.

We don't want you money -
Earn them yourself

The main thing is that the house stands.

Don't like urban people -
They are all walking
Only villagers -
The girls are real.

I was at the resort
Oh, how I liked it
8 beds were broken
And then I went home.

Don't walk down the corridor
Don't knock your galoshes.
I still won't love you -
The muzzle is like a horse's.

Don't grab my chest
Your hand is cold.
Oh, you motherfucker -
How noble.

Don't get married guys
Don't be a fool:
I got married, took without tits,
And now no milk.

A crow sits on an oak tree,
The little crow feeds.
Some gape
I'll beat you back, honey.

Girls, don't get married
For Ivan Kuzin:
At Ivan Kuzin's
Big corn.

In the yard a ram yells:
Nobody gives food.
Wait, ram, yell,
Let me stand with my little one.

Don't go, girls, to get married,
Married bad life:
My husband won't let me go outside,
He will say - go to bed with me.

We don't want you money -
Earn them yourself
After all, happiness is not in money, Vasya,
The main thing is that the house stands.

There is a bottle on the table
And there's kerosene in the bottle,
Grandfather got angry with grandma
And he didn’t invite me to the cinema.

I was swinging on a swing
There is water under the swing.
My dress is blue
Dipped there.

There's a ram yelling in the yard,
Nobody gives food.
Wait, ram, yell,
Let me stand with Valera.

There is a glass on the table,
And there is a lily in the glass.
Darling signed me up
In your last name.

A birch tree grows on the mountain,
Under the mountain there is a mountain ash.
My dear Jiaofan,
And I am a Red Guard.

Don't scold me, mama,
Why did I spill the sour cream?
Alyoshka was walking under the window,
I was without memory.

I was in the Caucasus,
Spent a noisy time
I was tanned before
She even gave birth to a black man.

Don't scold me mom
Why did I spill the sour cream?
Alyoshka walked past the house,
I was without memory.

I let my dad leave work
On New Year's Day, early boss...
Dad is at the door, and next to mom
Santa Claus is fussing.

I'm a mischievous boy,
Girls don't like me.
Oh, women love widows,
Desperate little heads.

Ooh and aah,
All the guys are tiny.
Because of the hummocks, because of the stumps
Our boys are missing.

Oh, Kalinin guys
They have become very fashionable.
The curls themselves curl,
They say - natural.

Oh, dance the gypsy girl -
Don't cut wood in the forest.
We need to work with the body,
And beat fractions with your feet.

Oh, dance the gypsy girl -
I need a knitted skirt.
And to walk with the guys -
You need a lot of intelligence.

Oh my friend
You and I at one time
They brought in a suitor,
They are running from us.

Oh, dear friend,
You can't be attracted by beauty.
Every guy notices
How you behave yourself.

Oh my friend
Don't rely on the guys.
They don't walk according to their conscience,
They don't speak from the heart.

Oh, dear friend,
Don't use one foot.
No one is accompanying you
No me either.

Oh, my dear used to say:
“Love knits nothing.”
And now he says:
"Love makes my heart hurt"

Oh, dear friend,
Go ahead, get dressed.
I'll stand with your darling,
Don't be offended.

Oh, dear friend,
How not to be offended?
I didn’t have time to leave -
They started kissing.

Oh, dear friend,
You won't cross me.
I'll take your little one away,
And you can't help it. \

Oh, dear friend,
Don't pretend to be yourself.
Are you talking about love?
There's a crop failure in my head.

Oh my friend
How much will we sell?
And won't we be ashamed
Stand at the market with him?

Oh, dear friend,
We hung out with you.
We got married in the same city,
It’s as if we had agreed.

Oh, dear friend,
You and I are equal:
From you and me
The Milenki refused.

Oh, dear darling,
How are you doing?
Who do you remember?
How will the evening start?

Oh, thanks to the accordion player,
We're already sweating.
And to be honest -
They wanted to write.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Checkered skirt.
I went into the forest with you -
Made a baby.

The godfather announced to the godfather:
You and I are now relatives,
Come whenever you want
Stay with me.

Oh, honey, honey,
I treasured you.
And now I treasure
Who do I spend time with?

Oh, straw, you are straw,
You are white straw
Don't tell me, straw
What did I do in girls?

Oh my rival

Why are you pouting your lips?

I loved you, you beat me off

Love my little ones!

Oh my rival

How did you dress up?

I put on a dirty sweater,

At least I would be ashamed!

Oh my rival

You're all screwed up.

Everything will be my way

Not as you wanted!

Oh my rival

you killed me!

Crooked mouth, big ears,

There was an awl in one place!

Oh my rival

Pockmarked, pockmarked.

Look at Kolka again,

I'll scratch my face!

I, you, my rival,

I'll take you to the mill!

I'll grind you into flour

And I’ll bake some cakes!

Oh my rival

The eyes squint mischievously.

I'll gouge out an eye, bloody my nose,

Don't go outside!

Oh my rival

Bath leaf – stuck!

Just bleat like a sheep

Or completely hoarse!

We'll sing ditties for you,

Very good.

We girls are laughing,

Listen carefully.

Mom asked Luda

Wash dirty dishes

For some reason people began to

Also as dirty as dishes

I'll stop loving

Your iris,
I'll fly to the moon
I'll lure the sleepwalker.

Tell us what to do,
Should I submit an application?
To increase pensions
Twenty-five rubles.

Play more fun
The boy from across the river.
And you, Ninochka the comrade,
Lure him in.

Play more fun
Are you lazy?
For your fun game
Let's write down the workday.

Play more fun
I like the game.
As soon as I hear it, it will play -
The work gets away with it

We'll walk through the village,
Let's sing a song.
My darling is fast asleep
We'll burn her down.

Are you going to go get married, my dear?
Tearful way to you.
I'll sew a shirt for love,
For treason I will embroider your breasts.

I spent it - it became a pity,
I stand crying and roaring.
Come back, my pretty one,
I'll give you a handkerchief.

I saw off my friend
To the green meadow
To a white pebble
Goodbye, Vanyushka.

I went to dance -
I'm picking at the bumps.
Cheerful mothers
Cheerful daughters.

It's hard to plow
It's dusty to harrow.
It's easy to dance
It's a shame to go out.

My dear friend,
It wasn’t me who loved the darling,
A young heart loved
Still my youth.

I'll look in that direction
Where the green forest is rustling.
Not on the sidelines, but nicely
My heart always hurts.

About me, about the young,
Eighth glory of the year.
Even though it's nine now,
Not guilty of anything.

Wait, honey, get married,
Let me fix this:
The blanket is not ready
Lying in the chest.

Wait, Volodenka,
I'm still young.
Wait a year or two,
I'll marry you.

Wait, honey, get married:
Your hut is falling apart.
First, you ditch the firewood,
Then ask for a dowry.

Wait, honey, get married,
Take a walk along the street:
The feather bed is not ready yet -
Feathers on a chicken.

Wait, honey, get married,
Let me fix this:
The blanket is not ready
Lying in the chest.

Dear friend,
Look at the blue sky:
Walk without a fly
The melancholy is unbearable.

Striped shirt,
Striped trousers.
And in trousers there is such a thing -
At least she doesn't care about potatoes.

Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

Bite a big bulldog
Mother-in-law's skinny leg.
I died immediately from the bite -
Poisoned by my mother-in-law.

I fell in love with Shura
For the chrome jacket.
The jacket is worn out,
She retreated from Shurka.

I met a military man
The general introduced himself.
In the morning I went out onto the porch -
The general drove the cows.

I fell in love with him
His name is Styopa,
He's in boots, I'm in bast shoes,
Yes, I spank him!

I fell in love with him
He is young for years
Doesn't want to take you home
He is afraid of his own mother.

I fell in love with him
And he, girls, is a radio operator.
He's talking about love
The wires are broken.

I fell in love with him
So interesting
Clean it up Lord
Queen Mother of Heaven!

I fell in love with him
His eyes are gray
By the way, he is not very
But still – nothing!

I fell in love with Shurochka
For the blue jacket.
The jacket is worn out,
She retreated from Shurka.

I didn’t know the interruption
Here she is, the vaunted one!
He will wash himself in nine waters
And everything is green!

I didn’t know the interruption
The goblin was carrying it under the shore.
Like pipes and wheels,
A real locomotive!

Your interruption
I weigh it on the steelyard.
If it doesn’t last six pounds -
I'll kill you to hell!

Your interruption
I'll throw my head into the hole,
Has suffered a lot of fame
Because of such a dirty trick!

Your interruption
Honestly, I’ll let you down!
Somewhere, in a clearing
I'll put you in an anthill!

I gave you a handkerchief
And he demands another.
I don't have cooperation
Zaleta dear.

Come to me, little bastard,
I'll show you the path.
On curly birch trees
I'll tie it with a ribbon.

I'll go dance
There's nothing to bite at home.
Rusks and crusts,
Supports on the legs.

I fell in love with the accordion player,
My mother scolded me
Don't scold me, mom
The son-in-law will be cheerful.

Early in the morning at the market,
Dad got the Christmas tree
The branches did not fit through the door,
He tore the whole roof apart

Give it up, people!
The dancing takes me away.
I'm going forward -
Grief does not take me.

Straighten the blind gate,
Look at my chest.
My heart has turned black
I do not know why.

Fish, fish, fish, fish,
The fish is a zander.
My darling changed me
But this is a trifle.

The weather has cleared up
I was annoyed.
My cheeks lit up -
You know, they reproached me.

One "thank you", two "thank you"
Third - final
Thank you, Zhenya the accordionist,
You play great!

Once, once - on the mattress,
On a white feather bed.
Don't turn around, mother is vigorous,
Otherwise I’ll make a freak!

Stretch your furs, accordion,
Eh, play, have fun!
It's Lyubasha's birthday
Drink, don't talk!

One of the most striking expressions of the character of the Russian people, their love of life and extraordinary perseverance in solving everyday problems and failures, are Russian folk ditties. Unlike other representatives of Russian national folklore (epics, proverbs, fairy tales), the texts of ditties do not belong to long-term material. Chat quatrains are, as a rule, a popular response to some current event or existing problem situation. Therefore, the longevity of a ditty mainly depends on the relevance of the content of its text.

The place where ditties are performed are all kinds of folk holidays, wedding celebrations and various kinds of feasts. It is at these events that Russian people sing good and bad, decent and obscene, about various life events and situations, about well-known celebrities and political figures, and about much, much more.

What Russian folk ditties are sung most often at dinner parties today? The answer to this question is clear – different! The ditty repertoire depends on the reason for organizing the feast, and on the age and preferences of those present. In a word,

We'll give you ditties
Russian national,
Among them you can easily find
Fit for a feast!

Russian folk ditties (texts without swearing)

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's interesting to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

Eh, dear friend,
All the people know about us.
No one will sleep without you,
Without me, he won’t start singing.

Shop, ride shop,
Don't sit with me, rich man.
Better poor, but dear,
He will sit next to me.

I ditty for ditty,
I’m knitting like a thread.
You prove it, girlfriend,
If I don't tell you.

Don't look at me
That I'm thin.
Mom didn't feed me lard,

Don't scold me, mama,
Don't scold so threateningly.
You yourself were like that -
Came late.

There is a young month in the sky,
Hid behind a cloud.
Come to me soon
I'll torture you with caresses!

I used to give it to everyone
Turns from the gate.
And now there is only one left -
Nobody gets married!

Dandruff for husband
Nowadays it’s no big deal.
Here's how to increase
Something sensible.

There is fog outside,
The diaper is drying.
All your love is a deception
Besides the child.

Outside the village
Frogs croak.
And I'm making sweet little noodles -
I hang it on my ears.

The spring day has come,
The cat on the roof screamed.
Soon I will scream too,
I really want to get married!

Russian folk ditties (texts for feasts)

Oh, you, pit, pit, pit...
I don't know who was digging.
The little one was going on a date,
Accidentally fell into it.

They brought me to trial
And I'm shaking all over:
A hundred eggs were awarded
But I’m not rushing!

What kind of party is this?
You go home and I go home.
And, in my opinion, a party:
You're home and I'm with you!

Are there really not enough branches?
Are you cutting birch?
Are there really not enough girls?
Do you love married people?

So I'll go to the garden,
I'll dig some horseradish.
I'll shove it into Sasha's mouth
For his betrayal.

I don't need a pound of peas
But you need a pea.
I don't need a lot of girls
You need one - a good one!

I haven't bathed for three weeks
And he caught a louse.
She's fat, big,
You can't kill with a rifle.

Saleswoman in the store
She called me a “pig.”
Grandmothers thought pork
They lined up behind me.

It is known that unexpected guests cause some trouble for the hosts of the feast. The texts of the ditties on the attached video will tell you what exactly such visitors can bring with them.

Russian folk ditties funny and cool

I lit the stove with letters,
I didn't add any wood.
I watched everything burn
My first love.

There is fog outside -
Zero visibility.
A man lies under the mountain -
Russian real estate.

My mother beat and beat me,
That I came late.
So as not to wake up mom,
I'll come in the morning!

And I'm with this gentleman
I want to meet you.
My beauty is not enough
I'll pay extra with moonshine.

Eh, mother, my mother,
Doesn't let me in at night.
And I'll go for a walk during the day,
More fancy stuff!

There was a time when I was dancing
On high heels,
And now I'm sitting on the stove -
Two children in arms.

I cooked according to the book,
And it closed...
Now how can I guess
What happened there?

Ditties have a beginning,
The ditties have an end.
Who listened to our ditties,
Let's just say - well done!

The most developed genre of late traditional folklore is ditties.

Chatushkas are short rhymed lyrical songs that were created and performed as a lively response to various life phenomena, expressing a clear positive or negative assessment. Many ditties contain jokes or irony. The earliest ditties had six lines. The main type - four-line - was formed in the second half of the 19th century; it is performed with and without dancing. The dance ditties themselves are also four-line, which are performed only with dancing (for example, with a square dance). In addition, there are two-line ditties: "suffering" and "Semyonovna" (the latter appeared in the 1920s).

The chastushkas have varied, but repetitive, stable melodies, both drawn-out and fast. It is typical to perform many texts in one tune. In live existence, ditties are sometimes characterized by recitativeness (close to melodious recitation). They combine word, chant, instrument

mental accompaniment (balalaika, accordion), movements (gestures, facial expressions, dance). All these components allow for improvisation, which occupies a significant place in the ditty.

Chastushkas are usually called poetry of small form, but a ditty is never sung alone (I’m stringing down ditty after ditty, like on a thread...). During performance, cycles are improvised - ditty songs, which can include a different number of stanzas (sometimes up to 100). Researchers have noted that in the process of performing ditties, a cumulative-contamination generative mechanism operates; it creates a ditty sung according to some characteristic, substantive or formal. A similar principle was previously used in artel labor songs like clubs: the songs were composed of stanzas unrelated to the plot with a common chorus.

Sings can have a compositional frame: a ditty, which is a signal for the beginning of singing, and a ditty, which serves as a signal for the end. Often these are singers’ addresses to the accordion player. For example:

Play, accordionist.

Play, don't break down!

For someone it is not necessary -

Try your best for us!(At first).

Oh, Thank you, harmonica player.

Great game!

I still wish you

Milka is cute!(At the end).

Sings built on dialogue - a roll call between two singers - are united by content. Singing can also be created by playing with form (see, for example, in the Reading Book of “crossed” ditties, where the compositional principle of a two-part ditty stanza is played out). A common type of chants are ditties that have a common beginning (chant): Eh, apple..., The plane was flying..., Don't get married, girls... etc. Chastooshkas have a special method of cyclization "Semyonovna": it resembles a chain composition of folk lyrical songs. For example:

The samovar with the pipe began to boil,

And I start singing “Semyonovna”.

First I will sing how we fell in love, and then I will sing how we parted.

We fell in love - curls were hanging,

And when we parted, tears flowed... Etc.

Chastushki finally took shape in the last quarter of the 19th century. simultaneously in different parts of Russia: in the center, middle and lower Volga region, in the northern, eastern and southern provinces. Each region had a special character of verbal text and chant, a special manner of performance (in chorus or alone), as well as dancing, which gave rise to different designations for ditties: “Saratov”, “Tambov”, “Voronezh”, “Ryazanochka”, “Eletskaya”. Subsequently, many of them received widespread recognition (see in the Reader the story of a balalaika player from the Nerekhtsky district of the Kostroma region about ditty tunes). They sang ditties during celebrations, on the road, in the forest, at gatherings. Among the people stood out ditties - connoisseurs of ditties, their performers and creators who master the main repertoire of their area. Since the beginning of the 20th century. Russian ditties began to penetrate to neighboring peoples: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Mordovians, Chuvash, Tatars and others. In places of the Russian-Mordovian border, drawn-out two-line ditties began to be called in Mordovian - matani(translated as “songs”).

In different places, ditties were called differently: songs, short songs, choruses, hoots, jokes, shorties, sobirushki and so on. Term ditty, also folk, was introduced into scientific use in 1889, when the first essay about this new phenomenon of folk song culture appeared in the periodical press. Its author is the democratic writer G.I. Uspensky.

Unlike G.I. Uspensky, who showed a keen interest in the ditty, many found in it a “decline of true creativity.” This is what F.I. Chaliapin wrote: “The people who suffered in the dark depths of life sang painful and despairingly cheerful songs. What happened to them, that they lost all hope for the best and got stuck in the gap between hope and despair on this damned the damn bridge? Isn't it the factory's fault, isn't it the shiny rubber galoshes, isn't it the woolen scarf that suddenly wraps around your neck on a bright summer day, when the birds sing so well? Isn't it the corset that you put on?

over dresses by rural fashionistas? Or is it a damned German harmonica, which a man in some workshop holds so lovingly under his arm on a day of rest? I can’t explain this. I only know that this ditty is not a song, but a magpie, and not even natural, but painted obscenely by a mischievous person. And how well they sang! They sang in the field, sang in the haylofts, on rivers, by streams, in forests and behind a splinter. The Russian people were obsessed with song, and a great song intoxication fermented within them...”

The chastushka is an indicator of the increased connection between the village and the city; it reflected a change in the mental structure of the village, especially of village youth. The accelerated pace of life, the constant influx of new impressions, the frequent change of experiences - all this made the short moving song relevant.

Chatushki is the main genre of peasant lyrics in late traditional folklore. Its origins are closely connected with the oral literature of the old Russian village. Short satirical and dance songs were created by buffoons (in the Kursk and Tambov regions ditties were called buffoons or buffoonish songs).

It is obvious that part of the buffoon repertoire was adopted by the so-called poor people- ditties in which the main artistic role is played by comic absurdity. For example:

Listen up, girls,

I will sing awkwardly:

The pig is laid on the oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna.

In the songbooks of the 18th century. dance songs similar in size to ditties have been recorded. Sometimes ditties were performed to the tunes of famous dance songs "Kamarinskaya" And "Mistress." Short choruses were sung at weddings and in calendar rituals, but ditties lack the utilitarian orientation characteristic of ritual folklore; they are a purely lyrical genre. On the other hand, ditties are colored by the influence of songs of literary origin and book poetry. They require a rhyme, mainly an incomplete cross (abcb), as well as a full cross (abab) and a pair (aabb). The tonic verse of ditties is basically close to the syllabic-tonic verse.

The chastushkas were of rural origin and use. An offshoot and transformation of these village songs became ditties performed on the outskirts of the city, in the urban “lower classes”, among workers. Chastooshkas retain their high popularity and productivity in modern folklore (see in the Reader the story of chastushka maker N.N. Smirnov from the Nerekhta district of the Kostroma region, recorded in 1989).

Chastushkas pay attention to all vital issues; their content is varied. However, in the vast majority of cases they were composed by young people, so their most popular theme was love. The characters of the ditties are a girl and a guy from adolescence to marriage. The ditties convey the dreams of girls about marriage, of boys about marriage; the origin and development of love feelings; love experiences of various kinds. Young people protest against the power of their parents, their ban on free feelings; reports his literacy, which allows him to write love letters to each other; naively strives for external forms of urban culture as a way of asserting independence and attracting attention from the opposite sex. The ditties are extremely personal, the feeling of love is depicted in them in all shades, from the most tender to the most furious.

In the collection compiled by F. M. Selivanov (Ditties. - M., 1990), the following main groups of love ditties are highlighted: “Dreams Come True”, “Gossip, Gossip, “Glory””, “Doubts and Reflections”, “Separation at love”, “Separation: the end of love”, “Betrayal”, ““Repeated” love”, “Without reciprocity”, “Characters”. Within each group there are a number of other topics. For example, ditties about betrayal fall into the following themes: “Jealousy, reproaches, warnings”, “Betrayal has taken place”, “Experiences during betrayal”, “About a rival”, “Revenge on the cheater”, “Betrayal does not matter”, “Boyfriend repents”, “Girl changes." The theme of love relationships is also developed by ditties from the group “Gatherings and Walks” and from other groups in the collection.

Much less ditties about family life have been created, and it is assessed from the perspective of young people - most often as unhappy. Researchers have noticed that in general the majority of ditties, regardless of the nature of the melody, have a sad, elegiac content.

The hero of the ditty is sometimes depicted in separation from his native place (recruit, soldier, farm laborer working among strangers); He is characterized by an attraction to his small homeland:

On someone else’s side I’ll bow to the little crow:

Hello, crows.

Isn't it from our side?

WITH An asterisk from the sky fell onto the foreman’s belt.

I won’t go to the collective farm to work for a miserable workday.

There are ditties about service in the Red Army, the Great Patriotic War and post-war events in our country. Ditties on socio-political topics often took on a satirical nature. However, in the general repertoire they occupy an insignificant place - only 5-6%.

Oral life actually did not include numerous counterfeit falsities: poster-hymn imitations of folk songs composed and published for propaganda purposes, amateur “propaganda” on the topic of the day, which are similar to modern advertising crafts.

Back in 1939, the question of falsified ditties was raised by the poet V. Bokov. He also revealed the mechanism of their appearance. Thus, there was a folk ditty about recruits:

Earrings the ducks were flying,

They quacked over the fields.

How the boys became soldiers

All the girls were crying.

Based on it, a mediocre alteration appeared:

Sulfur the ducks were flying,

They quacked over the fields.

Komsomol members went to the front,

The girls didn't cry.

Like lyrical songs, ditties sparingly and unobtrusively use figurative and expressive means. They, like songs, value their content - it is no coincidence that the rhyme falls on the most important words in terms of meaning. Chastushkas prefer masculine or feminine rhyme; dactylic rhyme is less common. Approximate rhyme is used (forced - drolins, hurricane - I won’t give it up) and composite (shoes - here). Internal rhymes may appear:

I was walking forest, saw demon

Besa in new boots,

myself oak, elm nose.

Cigarette in teeth.

The rhythmic and melodic structure of ditties is created by alliteration, assonance, syntactic parallelism and other repetitions. The unity of command is expressive:

The path is not mint for you.

It’s not for you to walk on it,

I'm not busy with you.

It's not for you to love me.

Sometimes the ditty plays with accents in words, emphasizing their meaning:

Rarely, rarely,

darling, are you walking?


You've been in love with someone else for a long time, (and) you say that you're far away.

The intonation richness of the ditty is due to its closeness to colloquial speech. Most often, a ditty is a statement in the first person and in content is addressed to someone: a sweetheart, a friend, a rival, a mother... This allows you to draw a variety of characters. Ditty songs in dialogic form are quite popular; they are less common in the form of statements in the third person. The narrative beginning in the ditty is poorly developed, its main meaning is lyrical. Based on specific facts, the ditty uses the sublimating method of folklore, thanks to which the personal feeling of an individual acquires a universal meaning in it.

The ditty is associated with many folklore genres: proverbs and sayings, dance and round dance songs, lyrical songs. The role of the latter is especially significant:

Traditional song lyrics helped develop the ditty as a lyrical genre. The chastushka used ready-made song symbolism. Blooming or withered flowers appear in it, an overgrown path to a sweetheart, a yearning cuckoo, bitter aspen, white birch, fast river, viburnum, raspberry, clear moon, heavenly star... Along with the images, constant epithets came into the ditty, including expressive ones (zealous heart). The lively colloquial basis of the language of ditties is combined in them with the expressive means of an ancient Russian song. Ditties use comparisons:

You're going, my dear, to get married.

Throw a handkerchief on the pole.

All our love will wither,

Like an unwatered flower.


I'll lock up my zealous

Twelve keys

to the old buttock

I didn’t dream about it at night.


I forget, I forget

No, it is not forgotten.

The shirt is white, forelock to the left

Often remembered.


I'm running away from grief -

Grief will find me.

I'm out of grief - in the blue sea, -

Grief floats like a swan.

Formula for the impossible:

I won't cry anymore

wet brown eyes, -

The blue sea cannot be filled

And love cannot be turned back.


I was walking through the field, in a hurry.

Fire was flying from under my feet.

I got angry at the cutie -

I wanted to break it.

In humorous and satirical ditties, hyperbole creates a funny beginning:

Darling is driving through the market,

He smiles at everyone.

It turned out that he had inserted teeth.

The mouth doesn't close.

According to composition, ditties are divided into one-part and two-part. Single-part ones have a cross-cutting theme development. For example:

On the German border.

On a high hill

Bandages wounds

Nurse for Drolechka.

In two-part stanzas the stanza clearly breaks into two parts with a sharp pause between them. The construction of the two-part ditty stanza was influenced by the song technique of psychological parallelism. Sometimes it's obvious:

Will it really wither?

Is there a green garden on the mountain?

Won't he come back?

Love our back?

In two-part ditties there is parallelism with one character in both parts:

Will, will, vilified

White and blue.

Will be, will be, fell in love

Sweet beautiful.

Two-part ditties are not uncommon, in which the parts are opposed in meaning (see the above chanting "Semyonovna"). Researchers have noticed the tendency of ditties towards formal parallelism - when, when comparing parts, it is not necessary to establish a symbolic or logical connection between them. Such, for example, are many ditties that use a common chorus "A star fell from the sky..."

The origin of this image is associated with traditional wedding lyrics, in which the “fallen star” symbolized the excommunication of the bride from her family. This image (along with another: "The moon is shining, the moon is shining...") They borrowed dance songs from wedding poetry, and later ditties associated with folk dance.

In general, it can be noted that the composition of the stanza always consolidates the semantic and formal completeness of the ditty.

We'll sing ditties for you

And about this and about that,

Listen guys

How fun we live!

Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He wiggles his ears.

Dima has developed good hearing.
Maybe without fear
Listen while standing at the blackboard,
Hints from distant desks.

Heard here and there at school
Rooster noise and din.
Fights happen here
We have our own roosters.

We chatted in class
They didn't notice anything.
And then we searched for a long time
In the Himalayas our Volga.

Who's hustling at the buffet?
Forging ahead? -
Have pity on Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

When we invite you to dance.

Tanya didn't like to eat

Her sludge has disappeared

A strong wind suddenly blew

And accidentally blew Tanya away

The slut is confused

Everything is wrong, everything is wrong

And an open shirt

And a buttonless jacket.

Masha at the table today

Suddenly I was left hungry

Masha just dozed off

And Kashtanka ate porridge.

We composed ditties

We will sing them for you

We give everyone fun

And we will collect smiles.

It's cool to drive on parquet!
It's a pity I don't have any skates with me.
The form is dirty as a result -
Well, at least my legs are intact.

What kind of whispering is heard in the classroom?
Who is stopping us like this?
It's just someone with someone
Discussing something.

Our friend is tired
I was just sweating from the lesson.
Why is he so tired? -
He waited the whole lesson for the bell.

Our Lesha is at recess
He was always ruddy
It turned yellow, like a lemon.

Petya beat Katya
- I even got tired:
He beat me with a textbook,

Maybe he fell in love?

All the guys in our class
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here's an example for you guys,
How can you not solve an example!

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Must read
Must learn.

Firewood lies on the grass,
And on the chair there is a button.
The head overlooked
And the butt suffers!

Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- And study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

Somehow Olya received
Sasha's note,
Lend me some for dictation
A writing pen.

He thinks: what to do?
It would be necessary to take out, like, your hands,
No, I forgot to wash it!

Our Andrey that week
I handed over my notebook to the teacher.
He doesn't know what to do with her -
To clean, wash or wash.

Elya and Zhenya in class
They chatter like magpies.
They will be called to answer -
They put a seal on your lips!

Our Ilya is a super-skilled goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he makes mistakes
He misses it - well, at least cry!

We joked a little
Laughed at ourselves
If something was added -
So the offense is small!

Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here,
We can be shy.

Our friend is tired
I was just sweating from the lesson.
Why is he so tired? -
He waited the whole lesson for the bell.