Beautiful girls and bodybuilding. Lee Priest in the off-season and other bodybuilders Russian beauty bodybuilder

The blonde with blue eyes also did dancing and gymnastics as a child, but she was more passionate about bodybuilding, so she began lifting and lowering pieces of iron, winning competitions and participating in filming. One might say, the classic fate of a bodybuilder.

Larissa Reis

Larissa was born in Brazil on May 21, 1979, and now lives in the USA, in Las Vegas. Her height is 168 cm, weight 60-64 kg. She took part in Olympia 2009, took first place at the Atlantic City Pro competition in 2009, as well as second place at the 2009 New York Pro and sixth at Figure International in 2010.

Rachel Cammon

Rachel was born, raised and now lives in Denver, Colorado. Her height is 177 cm, and her weight is unknown to us. She is an IFBB Pro Card holder and her most significant athletic honors include first place at the 2008 NPC USA Bodybuilding & Figure Championships, second place at the 2008 NPC CytoCharge Colorado State Bodybuilding Fitness & Figure Championships and fourth place at the 2012 IFBB Omaha Pro Figure. Rachel has successfully overcome her eating disorder and now believes it is her duty to help others learn to take care of themselves.

Erica Cordy

Erica was born in Minnesota on April 4, 1980, and grew up in South Dakota, and now moves freely around the country and lives in Nevada, Colorado, California, and Florida. She came to bodybuilding after a serious knee injury she received while skiing. It so happened that while restoring the mobility of her leg, Erica fell in love with iron sports and, a few years later, became a famous fitness model, and in 2001 she took first place at the Mile High Natural Heavyweight competition.

Jennifer Broomfield

Jennifer was born on September 5, 1983 in Bolton, Massachusetts, and now lives in Hartford. Since childhood, Jenny was a very muscular girl; in an interview she says that already at the age of seven her muscles were quite prominent and she was terribly embarrassed about her body.

Jennifer Risch

This dancer-gymnast-bodybuilder from California is famous primarily for her large and muscular legs. Jen's calves are truly impressive.

Muri Wulfe

Muri ended her bodybuilding career due to injury, but she was well known in those circles in her time.

Heidi Vuorela

The Swedish bodybuilder has been taking prizes at competitions in Europe for many years. The most interesting thing is that no one knows exactly her age... Tattooed Swede Heidi is becoming more and more muscular from year to year.

Heather Dees

Heather lives in Salt Lake City. Heather Dees earned her pro card after competing at the 2010 NPC Nationals. Of the seventeen professional performances in which Heather took part, she took second place seven times and was a winner twice. In her June 2014 interview, she made it clear that she needed a break and her New York Pro results (she finished only 14th) confirmed this. According to Heather, the main problem that keeps her from the Olympic stage is her health, but fans of the athlete claim that there are other personal reasons involved.

Amanda Latona

Amanda Latona was born on March 27, 1979 in Pittsburgh (USA), her height is 165 cm, and her weight is about 55 kg all year round. She began her career in show business as a member of a girl group. She sang all sorts of nonsense, but she definitely has vocal abilities.
When Latona signed a contract for a series of concerts and was given a gym membership. Amanda touched barbells and dumbbells and fell ill with the “iron disease.” My quadriceps immediately grew, and with nowhere to go, I had to become a professional fitness model.
In 2007, she moved to live in Las Vegas and in the same year won two regional competitions: she was awarded the championship in the Model America Championships. Amanda also beat out over a hundred competitors in the first ever FLEX Bikini Model Search. Already in 2009, Latona received an IFBB professional card and a contract with Weider Publications. She won (and will still win!) many competitions, we’ll get tired of listing them. Here are photos and videos with Amanda.

Soleyvi Hernandez

It all started in Soleivi’s life with team sports such as football and volleyball, and at the age of 22 she came to the gym and stayed there.

Dana Lynn Bailey

Dana was born on May 30, 1983 in the USA. Mrs. Bailey began playing sports at an early age - at age 6 she was on the swim team, played basketball, soccer, field hockey, softball and ran track. She started going to the gym after college, with her future husband. And she immediately began to train hard, like male bodybuilders.
In 2006, Dana took part in the first competition and became sixth. After a 2-year break with intensive preparation, Dana took first place at her next competitions. Now Dana works as a personal trainer, fitness model and produces a line of DLB ​​sportswear. In 2013, Dana Lynn Bailey came second at Tampa Pro in the Women's Physique Open, won the IFBB Europa Super Show in the same category, and won gold at the Olympia in the Women's Physique category.

Oksana Grishina

Oksana is Russian and she is a star. Grishina was born on March 25, 1978 in Kaliningrad. His debut on the fitness scene took place in 2002 at the Kaliningrad Region Cup. In 2007, Oksana Grishina received a professional IFBB card and immediately began conquering Olympia - in 2007 she became seventh, in 2010 and 2011. – fifth, in 2012 and 2013. - second, and finally, in 2014, Oksana became the first Russian winner of the fiftieth anniversary Olympia in the Fitness category.
Oksana Grishina currently lives in California, USA, with her husband Boris Ivanov, who is also a photographer and her personal trainer. The athlete works as a personal trainer, fitness consultant and fitness model.

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Bazooka Woman: Russian bodybuilder breaks records on social networks December 20th, 2017

Natalya Kuznetsova is professionally involved in bodybuilding and powerlifting. The girl was so carried away by active training with weights that she turned her once fragile body into an unimaginable pile of muscles.

Natalia is 26 years old, height 170 cm, weight 90 kg, biceps volume - 47 cm. She is a champion in bench press and an international master of sports in deadlift. She has several records to her credit. Strength achievements: bench press - 155 kg, squats with a barbell - 180 kg, deadlift - 215 kg.

She is called the bazooka woman after the story with Kirill from Pyatigorsk. Natalya herself asks not to compare herself with a person who is far from serious sports.

Natalya does not hide the use of anabolic steroids. To prepare for competitions, he uses dosages of about 150-200 mg of Primobolan or the same amount of propionate. I used boldenone and nandrolone phenylproptonate. If tablets are used, then only on a training day. The dosages are also not high: oxandrolone - 2 tablets (20 mg). Denies the use of GH, insulin and peptides.

“Having a beautiful athletic body is always nice. It’s probably like driving a powerful car,” says Natalya.

Natalia publishes photos of her achievements on her Instagram @nataliya.amazonka, where she already has more than 200 thousand subscribers.

Natalya is married and her husband shares her lifestyle with her. He helps her with training, since he himself is a master of sports in freestyle wrestling. My husband has a son. They don’t have children together yet, but Natalya hopes that they will definitely have them.

Natalya began engaging in strength sports at the age of 14 with a body weight of 40 kg. A few months after starting training:

Before starting training.

The muscles on a woman's body can look quite attractive, but sometimes their size can be downright scary. Some athletic girls set themselves the goal of developing muscles to such incredibly large volumes that it is perhaps even difficult to imagine. These girls' biceps are strong as steel, and with their help they can surpass the strength of any gym poser.

Some girls and boys are sure that a bulky, muscular body is not the standard of femininity, however, it is difficult to disagree that a sculpted body is sexy. Female bodybuilders who work long and hard to achieve the desired shape certainly consider themselves attractive and do not stop there. They are never too lazy to improve their body. And strength and bodies can rightfully be considered synonymous with sexuality.

More recently, there were times when there was an unspoken ban on girls showing an interest in bodybuilding. But times and preferences change. Now women of all ages are involved in bodybuilding and some of them can compete with world-class bodybuilders. It would not be surprising if, over time, the current standards of beauty, one of which are thinness and fragility, are replaced by strong, voluminous forms.

15. Irene Andersen

If you think that Sweden is inhabited only by fragile blondes swaying in the wind, then you should reconsider your views. Because it's obvious that you haven't heard of Irene Andersen, a native of Denmark who moved to Sweden at a young age. Andersen was born in 1966, in the season she weighs 84 kilograms, and in the off-season 95. She works consistently and persistently, and the result is not long in coming.

14. Kim Czyzewski-Nicholls

Kim Czyzewski-Nicholls is so massive and muscular, it's hard to believe she even exists. But she's real, she's 48 years old and she's from Illinois. She easily lifts a weight of 60 kilograms. This strong and sexy bodybuilder has won a ton of titles." Miss Olympia” (4 to be exact) and many other bodybuilding awards over the years of practice, but she no longer competes.

According to Chizhevsky, bodybuilding helped her get rid of many complexes - the girl was often laughed at at the institute, and this, of course, could not help but affect her behavior. Immediately after going out into the big world, Kim felt more confident and began to “ walk with your head held high and feel great" She is married with two children and lives in Missouri. Even if you are not interested in female bodybuilding, you may have seen Czyzewski-Nicoll in the famous film " Cell", which also starred popular actress Jennifer Lopez.

13. Nicole Bass-Fuchs

Nicole Bass-Fuchs left us just recently, in February 2017 at the age of 52, but while Nicole was with us, she was a true bodybuilding sensation. She was involved not only in bodybuilding, but also in wrestling, was an actress and a wrestling valet. Over the years, Bass-Fuchs has won awards and even competed in Ms. Olympia, where she placed 14th.

Her husband left her in 1985, and it was rumored that Nicole had been in a relationship with her business partner a year before her death. Nicole Bass-Fuchs' presence in the world of bodybuilding and wrestling was known far and wide. May she rest in peace, and may people remember her achievements and incredible will to win.

12. Debi Lazewski

Debi Lazewski is a professional bodybuilder originally from Wausau, Wisconsin. She is ranked 3rd among the best female bodybuilders in the bodybuilding rankings IFBB Pro Women. She began her bodybuilding career at the age of 20 and entered her first competition at the age of 24. Lazewski official sponsor Ironville Clothing Company, a retailer of bodybuilding sportswear.

Today, the bodybuilder lives in Jupiter, Florida, where she makes a living as a personal trainer. She also does interior design and home decoration. Lazewski is in a relationship with George Fare, who is not only her boyfriend, but also her nutritionist. He helped her prepare for competitions, where she amazed everyone with her strength, power and amazing athleticism.

11. Yaxeni Oriken-Garcia

Oriken-Garcia is perfect proof that persistence and strength are a winning combination. Yaxeni is now 50 years old, but she still has a slim and toned figure. This dark blonde was born in Venezuela but currently resides in sunny Miami, Florida, where she makes her living as a fitness trainer and nutrition consultant.

Her clients should be proud to receive advice from one of the best bodybuilders in the world. Yaxeni weighs approximately 70 kilograms in season. Oriquen Garcia is the youngest of nine children. She is married and has a teenage son. I wonder if he will decide to follow in his mother’s footsteps?

10. Joanna Thomas

40-year-old bodybuilder Joanna Thomas was born in Cornwall, England and now lives in Florida. She weighs about 60 kilograms in season. She is the youngest female bodybuilder to ever win the professional title. IFBB, which she received when she was only 21 years old. She studied to be a nurse before she began training the body, and as it turned out, her desire to build a career in bodybuilding surpassed her desire to help the sick.

Her sister, Nicola Shaw, is also a professional bodybuilder, and apparently the desire to improve physical fitness is common among Joanna's family members. Not only is Thomas active in the bodybuilding world, she also works as a model and produces lesbian porn, although she identifies as straight. Thomas is a well-rounded woman with many talents, but by far her most impressive achievement is her muscle size.

9. Alina Popa

Alina Popa is a stunning 38-year-old brunette originally from Romania. She is ranked 2nd among the best female bodybuilders in the bodybuilding rankings IFBB Pro Women. She lived in Sweden but is now divorced and lives in Arvada, Colorado, working as a personal trainer. She also poses for magazines as a fitness model.

Popa took part in competitions in Miss Olympia, Miss International and a number of other bodybuilding competitions, where, by the way, she performed simply impressively. Alina is still a big competitor in the world of bodybuilding and never ceases to amaze viewers with her well-developed muscles. The butt is pumped up, determined and ready for any challenge. She lifts 140 kilograms and doesn’t even think about stopping!

8. Helle Trevino

Helle Tre is a fantastic Danish-born female bodybuilder who has left her mark on bodybuilding history with her impressive musculature. She is now 41 and weighs 74 kilograms. Before venturing into the world of professional female bodybuilding, Tre was actively involved in other sports, such as shooting, ballroom dancing, swimming, martial arts, boxing, ballet, yoga, athletics and much more.

She loves to compete and win and was obviously born to do it. Tre is a personal trainer and currently resides in sunny Los Angeles, California. As can be seen in her recent photos, Helle continues to improve her figure and reaches a new level of development every day.

7. Tina Chandler

Blonde and Louisiana native Tina Chandler is 42 years old. She amazes with her muscles and magnificent figure. Her weight is only 56 kilograms. Before entering professional women's bodybuilding, Chandler trained in gymnastics and also played in a number of other sports such as track, volleyball, basketball, cycling, cheerleading and tennis.

It is no wonder that this girl has become so slim and muscular, because she has developed her body from a young age, since school. When she first attended Ms. Olympia in 2009, she placed 10th, but that didn't stop her. She did not give up and continued to participate in many additional competitions and performed impressively in many of them. Chandler currently lives in south Houston, Texas. And in the near future, Tina may surprise the world with impressive achievements in bodybuilding.

6. Iris Kyle

Iris Kyle, like Tina Chandler, is 42 years old. She's originally from Michigan but now lives in Katy, Texas... so don't mess with Texas, as they say! She is considered the most successful professional bodybuilder of all time, regardless of gender, having won ten Ms. Olympia titles and seven international competition titles. She is the best female bodybuilder in the bodybuilding rankings IFBB Pro Women's Bodybuilding.

Before taking up bodybuilding, Kyle stayed in shape and competed in a variety of sports, including basketball, cross country and softball. She weighs 71 kilograms in season and 80 in the off-season. She received the nickname " Chocolate chip».

Kyle is a sponsor PNP Nutrition and is a co-owner of a fitness center No Mercy Gym in California. She is also a real estate agent with ERA Realty. Damn, is there anything in the world that this woman can't handle?

5. Betty Parisot

The breathtaking Betty Parisot from Kentucky is one hell of a muscle woman with bronze skin and lustrous golden hair. She is 61 years old and weighs 66 kilograms during the season (at the time she participated in the competition). At the time she was active, she was the oldest active female bodybuilder in the world. She retired at the age of 54. Parisot grew up very athletic due to her life on the farm.

She also enjoyed participating in sports such as ping pong and volleyball. It was her passion for fitness that brought her into the world of women's bodybuilding. Parisot has been married twice and is still married to her second husband, Ed Parisot. She has two adult children, a daughter and a son, and two grandchildren. The grandchildren have a grandmother who is not like the rest, but there is no doubt that underneath the layer of bulky muscles, Betty has a tender and loving heart.

4. Nikki Fuller

Blonde bodybuilder Nikki Fuller is 49 years old and originally from Dayton, Ohio. The heaviest weight she lifted in her career was 90 kilograms. However, Nikki went to this achievement for a very long time and persistently. Before getting into professional bodybuilding, Fuller was a high school track star and water polo champion.

She has competed in various high level bodybuilding competitions including Ms. Olympia, Ms. International, IFBB and many others. After taking a break from bodybuilding, Fuller began pursuing acting and moved to Los Angeles. There she took part in various television shows. Fuller had a stellar bodybuilding career, but beyond that, she seemed to excel in every area she set out to conquer.

3. Tonya Knight

Tonya Knight is a 50-year-old ex-bodybuilder from Missouri. She retired in 1993, but since she left quite a mark on the bodybuilding world, we couldn't help but include her on this list. She has competed in Ms. Olympia, Ms. International and a number of other major competitions over the years in the women's bodybuilding scene and has done so quite impressively.

Knight was inducted into the IFBB Hall of Fame in 2011. Today, Tonya lives in Overland Park, Kansas, and is divorced from John Poteat, a bodybuilder with whom she has a son. You may have seen Knight compete on the popular TV show " American Gladiators"from 1989 to 1992. In the program she had the nickname “ Zolotse" However, she had to leave the show due to a knee injury. But the entire sports career and participation in competitions certainly brought great pleasure to this amazing muscular blonde.

2. Sharon Bruno

A muscular and tall brunette with impressive curves, Sharon Bruno is a successful female bodybuilder and amazing fitness competitor hailing from Ontario, Canada. She is 53 years old. She retired from bodybuilding in 1995, but while she continued to bodybuild, she took part in various competitions, including Miss Olympia, Miss International and many others, and received remarkable results there.

She started out as a model, but that didn't last long until she decided to focus solely on her bodybuilding career. Bruno also played cameo roles in films and graced the covers of sports magazines.

1. Melissa Coates

Blonde Melissa Coates was born in Ontario, Canada. At the moment she is 45 years old, and she lives in Georgia. She is famous as a bodybuilder, wrestler, fitness model and actress. She was initially set on becoming a tennis player, but decided to focus on bodybuilding after realizing her capabilities in this field. You may have seen Coates on TV at Extreme Dodgeball. Coates weighs 68 kilograms.

Melissa's mother was a bodybuilder and, apparently, Melissa decided to follow in her footsteps. Coates had cameo roles in the films " Pray for another day", "Jan's Story" And " Ultimate Death Match 2" No matter what area Melissa wanted to develop in, she became outstanding. The power and beauty of her body made her a real star.

Even more photos of famous women who made bodybuilding the meaning of their lives.

When it comes to bodybuilding, many people have before their eyes a picture of pumped up muscular men, and this is quite logical. What if instead of men we present representatives of the fair half of humanity? Women bodybuilders - beauty or ugliness?

It would seem that this is not a women’s sport at all, but this did not stop some ladies. What do female bodybuilders look like? We present to your attention a selection of the TOP 10 powerful female bodybuilders:

    The most famous female bodybuilder comes from America. She began professional wrestling and bodybuilding in the late 80s. Despite the fact that her appearance was far from the idea of ​​female beauty, Nicole, like all girls, dreamed of being an actress. And she succeeded; from 1997 to 2000, Bass-Faches acted in films. In 2017, one of the strongest women on the planet passed away. At the age of 52, Nicole Bass-Faches died of a heart attack.

    She simply cannot imagine her life without bodybuilding and training. The Brazilian athlete, despite her mature age, has a perfectly toned figure and constantly catches the admiring glances of others. Inflated women simply cannot leave those around them indifferent.

    American female bodybuilder. She is one of those strong women who managed to achieve stunning success in the early stages of their careers. Who would have thought that a young girl, who began her sports career with acrobatics, would become an IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) professional in 3 years. Despite the fact that after the birth of two children, Kim ended her sports career, she did not leave the sport, and organizes competitions.

    The athlete realized in early childhood that sport was her calling, and she began bodybuilding in her youth. Thanks to her passion, which grew into something more, Jennings is popular all over the world.

    She started bodybuilding in 1986, and went to her first competitions after 2 years of intense training. Rivizzo spent 15 years as an amateur athlete. And only in 2003, after a serious victory at the NPC Nationals, the athlete moved to the professional rank. In 2005, the American won gold at the New York Pro. Naked female bodybuilders

    This American athlete is considered one of the most famous older bodybuilders in the world. Betty is now 61 years old, and she was diligently engaged in bodybuilding until she was 54 years old. Since the early 90s, the bodybuilder began her sports performances, and in 1996 she received the status of an IFBB professional. Pariso has become a real role model for many women - she has not only achieved high results in her sports career, but at the same time is a loving wife, mother of two children and a caring grandmother. A woman bodybuilder before and after is very different, but this does not mean that she ceases to be a woman, and Betty Pariso proved this by personal example.

    This is not just a female bodybuilder, but in addition also a participant in gladiator fights, in which she performed under the pseudonym “Gold”. The American won the title of Miss International in 1991. After 2 years, Knight was forced to leave the sport due to a serious injury.

    Canadian bodybuilder who has been involved in bodybuilding for 15 years. Her most significant achievement is first place in the Canadian Championship, which she received in 2007. Women bodybuilders of the world motivate other representatives of the fair sex with their pumped up bodies. Who wouldn't want to have a great figure?!

    This female bodybuilder is famous all over the world. She has three victories in the Miss Olympia competition. The American athlete of Dutch origin currently works in the editorial office of a women's magazine, the topics of which reveal all the intricacies of bodybuilding, fitness and wrestling. Famous female bodybuilders continue to delight their viewers with new achievements to this day.

    Who said that beautiful female bodybuilders are nonsense? Christina Roth is the most prominent female bodybuilder of the last 20 years. In 2002 and 2003, the athlete competed for the championship title in the Canadian Bodybuilding Championship. Then she only achieved 2nd and 3rd places. Roth cannot imagine himself without sports. Women bodybuilders in old age do not lose the muscles that they pumped up during their professional career. And some even in old age demonstrate good physical fitness.

Russian female bodybuilders are not far behind their American competitors. They also have a toned body, set records and win international competitions. Despite the fact that all these muscular women have an intimidating appearance, they are happy because they managed to find their calling in life.

Well, how sexy... Hand on heart, this selection included those of them who more or less looked like girls. Beauty here can be seen among the reliefs, as well as femininity. One gets the feeling that those girls who still retained something of the girls in themselves simply did not develop it in the halls.
In short, this top was not compiled by us, but by fans of the talents of these muscular ladies, so send all the rotten tomatoes to them. And the photos are under the cut.

1. Oksana Grishina

Left Russia, lives and trains in California. Winner of a number of competitions such as IFBB Olympia, Arnold Classic, FLEX pro, etc.

2. Sarah Ansley Harrison

Made in Canada.


3. Brooke Holladay

Natural blonde from Salt Lake City. If it were not for the iron, there would be a doll like Allochka from Univer. A former model and gymnast, she enjoys dancing.


4. Amanda Latona

Not only is she a model, she also fights and trains her muscles on a professional basis.


5. Wendy Lindquist

Canada again.


6. Solevi Hernandez

Professional in the field of bodybuilding.


7. Heather Dees

Another hot one from Salt Lake City. 32 years.


8. Heidi Vuorela

Warm greetings from Sweden. A former model, she went to pump up her butt and couldn’t stop.


9. Debi Laszewski

Wisconsin, USA. One of the most titled women in bodybuilding. Now she is 45.


10. Muri Wulfe

Former gymnast, but left her discipline after a back injury. But I discovered dumbbells!


11. Jennifer Risch

Since the age of 15, he has been carrying iron in his California home.


12. Jennifer Broomfield

Professional from the USA. A very successful fitness model.