The most beautiful gypsy girls. The most beautiful gypsies. It is not customary for gypsies to talk out loud about love; you cannot touch another woman, even while dancing.

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Most of our ideas about gypsy culture are true. They really adore bright decorations and pretentiousness, and they do not skimp on emotions: if there is a wedding, so that the whole world will know, if there is a quarrel, so that several future generations will not talk to each other.

Modern communities of, say, American gypsies look a little different than we might imagine: women are not necessarily dressed in long colorful skirts and scarves. However, there is something that all members of the community strictly follow.

For example, it is very rare for a gypsy to receive an education. We are in website They were quite surprised by this and decided to find out about other rules of behavior that gypsy girls should follow.

Marriage traditions

The gypsies sacredly honor their culture, and an outsider who claims the hand of a gypsy is called a Gorger - that is, one who does not belong to their community and is not a gypsy. Girls mostly find love among the community, with rare exceptions. The desire to preserve one's own culture is so strong that marriages between cousins ​​are not uncommon here.

A girl must marry as a virgin. What happens to a gypsy who does not preserve her virginity until marriage? She is considered dirty and has polluted the community. By doing this, she risks being left broke: not a single gypsy man would go against the rules of the community by marrying her after she gave herself to another.

By the way, the average age of marriage is 16–17 years for girls and 18–19 years for boys, and this marriage, according to tradition, should last a lifetime. A gypsy woman who is married may not even think about divorce. In the Roma community, remarriages are not encouraged, and in order not to “desecrate” the community, a woman can only enter into one marriage for the rest of her life.

It is extremely rare for women to separate from their husbands. And, as a rule, they no longer enter into new relationships. In the eyes of the community, this casts a shadow not only on her, but also on her daughters.

Submission to parents

A girl growing up in a gypsy community is surrounded by rules dictated by her parents from an early age. Of course, such a system is present in most other cultures, but in Gypsy culture, parents (and especially the father) have enormous authority, and the daughter is obliged to do what she is told. As she gets older, she is allowed to leave the house only when accompanied by family members (and these do not have to be her parents - sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles can accompany the gypsy).

For the same reason, parents often choose a husband for their daughter without relying on her opinion. Arranged marriages are not uncommon among Roma. And after the parents marry the gypsy, she will be obliged to honor and obey her husband in the same way as her parents.

Boys have much more freedom in this regard - they can leave the house alone, choose their own bride, etc.

You can't call the police

As a rule, gypsies sort out their affairs loudly and noisily, often rushing into fights with representatives of a hostile family. And this is also part of their traditions. However, all problems are resolved within families, without involving the law. It is not in their rules to sue or call the police: the gypsies would rather come in a crowd to the house of their rivals or start a showdown at a wedding. In the worst case, the family will disown the one who calls the police for a showdown. Any person in the Roma community must know that doing so is against the rules. Men accept this, but some girls still try to call the raging relatives to order with the help of the law.

We'll have to put up with violence

The statistics of domestic violence in Roma communities are incredibly high. A study in England found that 61% of married Roma women in England experience violence from their spouse. Women are forced to put up with this. Gypsy Sisters contestant Mellie says her ex-husband once locked her in a trailer and when she managed to get out, he hit her several times. The girl's family convinced her to take the man back. The girl explains why this is so: “This is a gypsy tradition, and it must be honored.”

Keep the house clean

If in most countries a woman can afford not to be a housewife and sometimes be lazy about cleaning, then for a gypsy this is unforgivable. Hygiene plays an important role in Roma culture, and it is the woman who is responsible for keeping the house clean. She must follow several rules, in particular not to share her dishes or cutlery with anyone, including her husband. All utensils are washed several times: under running water, in a separate bowl with boiling water and again under running water.

Men's and women's clothing should be washed separately. The upper part of the body is considered clean, while the lower part is considered dirty, so clothes “up to the waist” and “below the waist” are washed separately from each other. And of course, underwear can also be personally washed.

Pregnancy is a special period

Despite the fact that a gypsy woman’s behavior should be chaste, her outfit should scream the opposite. Thus, she can attract the attention of her future husband without making any effort (because a gypsy girl cannot meet guys first). The most striking example of this behavior is the American gypsies, who dress up every day as if for a holiday. And if there is a wedding or birthday planned, are coming the most spectacular jewelry and the most luxurious dresses.

You can't go up to the 2nd floor

Photographer Evgeny Domansky captured how the male and female parts of a camp of Kotlyar gypsies enter the bus through different doors so as not to touch.

The most beautiful, in my opinion, are gypsies. Most of them are Russian gypsies; there is also a Hungarian gypsy and a representative of Spanish-Portuguese gypsies in the ranking. Rita Hayworth is not included in the ranking because... she, contrary to erroneous belief, does not have gypsy roots.

Rada Rai(real name - Elena Gribkova; born April 8, 1979, Magadan) - Russian singer, performer of Russian chanson. Father - Gypsy, mother - Russian

. Diana Savelyeva(born May 16, 1979, Lvov) - Russian actress and singer, performer of the role of Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris", the role of Hyde in the musical "Monte Cristo", the role of a gypsy in the musical "Count Orlov"

Lyalya Moldavskaya- dancer, actress, member of the gypsy ensembles "Russka Roma" and "Svenko".

Nelly Maltseva- dancer. She became the heroine of two issues about dancing in the gypsy electronic magazine "Svenko".

Rada Matvienko(born September 24, 1991) - Kazakh singer and actress. Performs songs in almost a dozen languages, including Gypsy.

Patrina Sharkozy- dancer, actress, singer, performer of the Romen Theater, member of the Svenko ensemble. She played the main role of the gypsy girl Zemfira in the film "Sinful Apostles of Love." Patrina is from a family of Hungarian gypsies, her father is the famous singer Janos Sarkozy

Almaza Plakhotnaya(born May 21, 1982) - dancer, artist of the Romen Theater. Her mother Ekaterina and younger sister Adeline are also artists of the Romen Theater.

Lyalya (Olga) Zhemchuzhnaya(born May 31, 1969) - Russian actress and singer, Honored Artist of Russia. Since the age of 16 she has been working at the Moscow Gypsy Theater "Romen" (her mother, Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya, also works there). Has acted in films since 1982. The most famous role is the gypsy Aza in the 1987 film of the same name. Lyalya Zhemchuzhnaya is also included in the ratings of the most beautiful Soviet actresses and the most beautiful Aryans.

Over the centuries, attitudes towards the Gypsy people have been very contradictory, and their way of life has always caused at least bewilderment and misunderstanding among everyone. While most people associate gypsies with thieves and beggars, the gypsy elite are literally drowning in gold and wealth. Today, some gypsies continue to lead a nomadic lifestyle, constantly on the road, and some have chosen a settled, stable life, which, by the way, does not at all prevent them from invariably remaining a separate group and in no way assimilating with the rest of society. TravelAsk presents 20 bright and eloquent photographs that fully demonstrate the peculiarities of life, everyday life and culture of the Roma people.

Scavenger City

Gypsy Quarter

When there is a lot of garbage, it is removed.

Gypsy houses

The houses of rich gypsies have their own style.

Residence of a gypsy baron in Moldova

Local residents even build copies of world-famous architectural monuments.

Interior decoration of houses

The interior decoration of the palaces matches the appearance.


But such housing can hardly be called a home. Author of the photo: Maxim Bespalov.

Gold BMW

The chic of gypsy majors.


But for a simple gypsy, one horsepower is enough.

Gypsy Baron

The gold from gypsy jewelry could feed hundreds of ordinary gypsies for a long time.

Gypsy "King" of Romania

The most influential and respected baron.

"Golden" youth

Life is full of luxury surrounded by gold and jewelry.


A family of gypsies shovels sawdust, which they use to heat their home. Author of the photo: Maxim Bespalov.

Parents and children

Mom and children.

We live in dirt and without roads


Sleepers are also firewood.


Not every queen can afford that much gold. Author of the photo: Maxim Bespalov.

A typical representative of the gypsy “elite”

Clothing and jewelry should be as rich as possible.

Gypsy wedding

A gypsy wedding is a closed ceremony. Outsiders are not invited to the holiday.

Gypsy gay wedding

The fun ended in a mass brawl because of a drunken guest who wanted to know what was under the bride’s skirt.

Bride's dress

The chic outfit weighs more than ten kilograms due to the large amount of gold.

We all know that true beauty is the light in the heart, but today appearance is much more relevant. The very concept of beauty in the 21st century has been devalued due to the abundance of beauty salons, the availability of various plastic procedures and Photoshop. You don’t have to be born a beauty, you can become one.

However, some peoples still value true natural beauty. We are also talking about gypsies. The most beautiful gypsy will compare favorably with modern beauties from the catwalks, at least with her sincerity, natural grace, bright, clear eyes and tenderness.

Gypsies are a free people

There are several hypotheses about where the free gypsy people came from. In each country they are called differently: the British call them people from the Egyptian civilization, the French call them Bohemians, the Finns and Estonians call them “blacks.” There are many representatives of this nation living all over the world. Their vibrant, diverse, rich culture is associated with this.

The most important thing for Roma is continuity and commitment to their traditions, which are fully expressed in belonging to their people. In case of terrible crimes, the gypsy is expelled from the clan, and this is truly the most cruel punishment for each of them. And, conversely, if a gypsy calls another person who does not belong to his people a gypsy, then this is considered the highest compliment.

Gypsies love children very much, considering them a reward and the highest value. It is their tradition to pick up street children and adopt children in need of a home. This is where the myths come from that they steal children. For gypsies there is a cult of family and a cult of mother. They greatly respect family values, choosing a life partner once and for all, thereby standing out favorably in the “civilized” world.

The most beautiful gypsy - what should she be like?

The concept of beauty for gypsies is very different from modern Western European ideals. Since the area below the waist among gypsies is considered “bad” (dirty, unclean), all this should be covered down to the toes. For this reason, women wear long, floor-length skirts, usually full and bright (such is the gypsy soul). Their fashion is simple: whatever they found cheaper, they made an outfit out of it. Nevertheless, gypsies have always attracted attention with their beauty. Just remember the famous Esmeralda: thin, fragile, tender, with huge black eyes and lush hair, she attracted the gaze of all the inhabitants of the “court of miracles”.

The criteria for gypsy beauty can be gleaned not only from the fiction of contemporaries, but also from songs, tales, ballads, and fairy tales. Thus, the most beautiful gypsy will have a characteristic face: it is beautiful, cheerful, gentle, bright with huge clear “diamond” eyes. Hair should be long and lush, thick. The body is flexible, slender, beautifully writhing in dance.

Modern world beauty standards

Today's beauty is distinguished by the fact that it is not given from birth, but is acquired in the world of “beauty blogging” and It doesn’t matter at all what a girl’s natural advantages are, what matters is what she managed to achieve with the help of makeup, beauty salons, Photoshop, and sometimes surgical improvements. Today, grooming and a sense of ideal taste are much more important than beautiful eyes and slender legs. And yet, some criteria of beauty are still alive.

A healthy, delicate complexion with moderate blush and light is in fashion. Thick, lush natural eyebrows have become the main beauty cult of our century. You can even grow your eyebrows: the procedure is not cheap and, frankly speaking, not pleasant. Feminine figures have returned to fashion, anorexia is no longer beautiful (and was it ever?).

How to choose the most beautiful gypsy?

The free people themselves would be offended and bewildered by such a question, but since the modern world is constantly striving for ratings and charts, it is worth taking a closer look at this question. Of course, there are thousands of beautiful gypsies in the world, young and older. But in this case it is possible to evaluate beauty only on the basis of famous representatives of the free people. Choosing a photo of the most beautiful gypsy is not an easy task.

There are a million beautiful photographs of gypsies on the Internet. There are also many representatives of free people in the world of cinema and television. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Rita Hayworth

Oddly enough, one of the most beautiful gypsies in the world can be called. The famous actress, model and dancer has gypsy roots, since Rita’s father is a flamenco dancer from Seville, Spain. The pristine beauty and gypsy grace inherited from her father turned Rita not only into an outstanding dancer, but also subsequently into a Hollywood diva and actress. The whole world fell in love with the star for her luxurious curls, huge black eyes and gentle

Rita played in more than 60 films, most of them being the main roles of the star. She was never nominated for an Oscar, but became a real people's favorite and a true symbol of the cinema of her time. The image of Rita is often mentioned in films and literature.

True beauty comes from the heart, and Rita Hayworth is proof of this. She is not only the most beautiful gypsy in the world, but also a bright decoration in the history of cinema.

Soledad Miranda

Spanish women are known all over the world for their beauty, brightness and sexuality. Tender Soledad Rendon Bueno is the most beautiful gypsy in Spain. The name translates as "loneliness". It is with Portuguese and Gypsy roots. The national blood began to flow early in the young beauty, and the girl began her career as a flamenco dancer at the age of eight. Then the girl tried herself in music and cinema, where she was also very successful.

However, the violent spirit of the free people did its job: Soledad married a racer. A few years later, the actress died tragically in a car accident. She was 27 years old. Such a tragic death had an impact not only on the girl’s family, but also on Spanish cinema of that time: everyone mourned the star.

Despite the fact that the actress took part in only a dozen films, she became a legend and symbol for her followers. The girl is truly incredibly beautiful, and this is how she remains in everyone’s memory: forever young and beautiful!

Diana Savelyeva

Diana Savelyeva can rightfully be called the most beautiful gypsy in Russia. Diana is a Russian actress and singer, winner of many honorary awards. The actress is known to the average person for her leading role as Esmeralda in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, where she shone not only with her beauty, but also with her incredible talent, the voice of a pipe and the grace of a gypsy. It is not surprising that a little later the actress was invited to the musical “Monte Cristo” to play the role of Hyde, where she continued to amaze the viewer with her talent and beauty.

The beauty studied her art not only in a bright gypsy family, but also in the capital's GITIS. Today, the popular actress tours around the world, writes romances and music herself, appears in music videos and continues to improve in the field of art.

“And finally, I’ll say...”

And who are they, representatives of the Muslim religion - the most beautiful gypsies? Ogly is the self-name of gypsies who profess Islam. Here you can name Rada Matvienko, an actress and singer from Kazakhstan. She often performs songs in her national language.

True beauty cannot be measured or touched; it cannot be felt or appreciated. It always comes from within. Gypsies to this day, preserving and carrying through generations the traditions of their ancestors, are rightfully considered one of the brightest and most beautiful peoples in the world. Thus, Lyalya Zhemchuzhnaya (Romen Theater) is a recognized beauty of Russian cinema. Her sparkling eyes, graceful curves, gentle dances, alluring hair and philosophical sad songs fascinate everyone.

You can have different attitudes towards the Gypsy people, but it is impossible not to respect their age-old traditions and natural beauty!