What is the meaning of the work Scarlet Sails. “The symbolic meaning of the title of A. Green’s story “Scarlet Sails. The noble origin of the young man

What is the meaning of the work Scarlet Sails by Alexander Greene? and got the best answer

Answer from Portasja[guru]
The point is that everything in life is destined, that dreams sometimes come true, that Cinderellas slip across the Earth once every 100 years, that everyone has a second half, that love at first sight exists, that love exists, that even beggars are people. -)) And to believe in it or not is our own business.

Answer from Girlfriend[guru]
If you believe in something sacred. then this will definitely happen))

Answer from Lera Shakhovtseva[guru]
I don’t remember exactly, but there is something there about believing in a miracle. If you don’t understand, read the criticism and move on from there, I’ve always done this.

Answer from Nata[newbie]
In my opinion, the meaning of this work is that a person should believe in his dream and not give up on it (like Asol). How strong his faith is, the more feasible this dream is. Miracles happen and sometimes they are created by the hands of ordinary people (Gray made Asol’s dream come true and sailed to her on a ship with scarlet sails).

Answer from Imma Ivashkina[guru]
I agree with the previous answer. The fairy tale teaches us to never lose hope and faith in the best and brightest. After all, thought is material. Sooner or later everything comes true

Answer from CHRISTINA.[guru]
NEVER DESPAIR, dream even if you have nothing at all, it is wonderful and helps you live and always remember that life without HOPE is a miserable existence
Greene is a romantic writer, apparently because his own life was terrible and tragic, look for it, you won’t regret it!
at Litra.ru in Guul

Answer from Natalia Medvedeva[guru]
If a person has a dream, even if it is the most unattainable and the whole world laughs at it, but no matter what he believes in it and strives for it, then it will definitely come true. And this weight will not be a fairy tale, but a reality.

Answer from Irina Danilyuk[master]
Green himself believed that we can create miracles with our own hands. and, first of all, it’s just a matter of Gray, not Assol. The point is that if you can do a miracle, then do it!

Answer from Olga Zhigulskaya[newbie]
The main idea of ​​the author of the story is that a person needs to have the most cherished dream in his life, believe and strive for it, and only then will it come true. After all, Alexander Greene wrote this work not at the best times of his life, and, probably, in my opinion, he wanted to create an example of dreams, faith, and hope.

According to one version, the idea for the story “Scarlet Sails” arose during Alexander Green’s walk along the Neva embankment in St. Petersburg. Walking past one of the shops, the writer saw an incredibly beautiful girl. He looked at her for a long time, but did not dare to meet her. The beauty of the stranger so excited the writer that after some time he began writing the story.

A closed, gloomy man named Longren lives a solitary life with his daughter Assol. Longren makes models of sailing ships for sale. For a small family this is the only way to make ends meet. Fellow countrymen hate Longren because of one incident that happened in the distant past.

Longren was once a sailor and went sailing for a long time. Returning from a voyage once again, he learned that his wife was no longer alive. Having given birth to a child, Mary had to spend all the money on medicine for herself: the birth was very difficult, and the woman needed urgent treatment.

Mary did not know when her husband would return and, left without a means of subsistence, went to the innkeeper Menners to borrow money. The innkeeper made an indecent proposal to Mary in exchange for help. The honest woman refused and went to the city to pawn the ring. On the way, the woman caught a cold and subsequently died of pneumonia.

Longren was forced to raise his daughter on his own and could no longer work on the ship. The former sea knew who destroyed his family happiness.

One day he had a chance to take revenge. During a storm, Menners was carried out to sea by boat. The only witness to what happened was Longren. The innkeeper cried out in vain for help. The former sailor stood calmly on the shore and smoked a pipe.

When Menners was already far enough from the shore, Longren reminded him of what he had done to Mary. A few days later the innkeeper was found. Dying, he managed to tell who was “guilty” of his death. Fellow villagers, many of whom did not know what Menners really was, condemned Longren for his inaction. The former sailor and his daughter became outcasts.

When Assol was 8 years old, she accidentally met a collector of fairy tales, Egle, who predicted to the girl that years later she would meet her love. Her lover will arrive on a ship with scarlet sails. At home, the girl told her father about the strange prediction. A beggar overheard their conversation. He retells what Longren’s fellow countrymen heard. Since then, Assol has become an object of ridicule.

The noble origin of the young man

Arthur Gray, unlike Assol, grew up not in a miserable hut, but in a castle and came from a rich and noble family. The boy's future was predetermined: he would live the same prim life as his parents. However, Gray has other plans. He dreams of being a brave sailor. The young man secretly left home and entered the schooner Anselm, where he went through a very harsh school. Captain Gop, noticing good inclinations in the young man, decided to make him a real sailor. At the age of 20, Gray bought the three-masted galliot Secret, which he became captain of.

After 4 years, Gray accidentally finds himself in the vicinity of Liss, a few kilometers from which was Kaperna, where Longren lived with his daughter. By chance, Gray meets Assol, sleeping in the thicket.

The girl’s beauty struck him so much that he took the old ring off his finger and put it on Assol. Then Gray heads to Caperna, where he tries to find out at least something about the unusual girl. The captain wandered into Menners's tavern, where his son was now in charge. Hin Menners told Gray that Assol’s father was a murderer, and the girl herself was crazy. She dreams of a prince who will sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails. The captain doesn't trust Menners too much. His doubts were finally dispelled by a drunken coal miner, who said that Assol was indeed a very unusual girl, but not crazy. Gray decided to make someone else's dream come true.

Meanwhile, old Longren decides to return to his previous occupation. While he is alive, his daughter will not work. Longren set sail for the first time in many years. Assol was left alone. One fine day she notices a ship with scarlet sails on the horizon and realizes that it has sailed for her...


Assol is the main character of the story. In early childhood, the girl is left alone because of the hatred of others towards her father. But loneliness is familiar to Assol, it does not depress or frighten her.

She lives in her own fictional world, where the cruelty and cynicism of the surrounding reality does not penetrate.

At the age of eight, a beautiful legend comes into the world of Assol, in which she believed with all her heart. The life of a little girl takes on new meaning. She begins to wait.

Years go by, but Assol remains the same. Ridicule, offensive nicknames and hatred of her fellow villagers towards her family did not embitter the young dreamer. Assol is still naive, open to the world and believes in prophecy.

The only son of noble parents grew up in luxury and prosperity. Arthur Gray is a hereditary aristocrat. However, aristocracy is completely alien to him.

Even as a child, Gray was distinguished by his courage, audacity and desire for absolute independence. He knows that he can truly prove himself only in the fight against the elements.

Arthur is not attracted to high society. Social events and dinner parties are not for him. The painting hanging in the library decides the fate of the young man. He leaves home and, after passing severe trials, becomes the captain of the ship. Boldness and courage, reaching the point of recklessness, do not prevent the young captain from remaining a kind and sympathetic person.

Probably, among the girls of the society in which Gray was born, there would not have been a single one capable of captivating his heart. He doesn’t need prim ladies with refined manners and brilliant education. Gray doesn't look for love, she finds it herself. Assol is a very unusual girl with an unusual dream. Arthur sees before him a beautiful, brave and pure soul, similar to his own soul.

At the end of the story, the reader has a feeling of a miracle accomplished, a dream come true. Despite all the originality of what is happening, the plot of the story is not fantastic. There are no wizards, fairies, or elves in Scarlet Sails. The reader is presented with a completely ordinary, unadorned reality: poor people forced to fight for their existence, injustice and meanness. Nevertheless, it is precisely its realism and lack of fantasy that makes this work so attractive.

The author makes it clear that a person himself creates his dreams, he himself believes in them and he himself makes them come true. There is no point in waiting for the intervention of some otherworldly forces - fairies, wizards, etc. To understand that a dream belongs only to a person and only a person decides how to use it, you need to trace the entire chain of creation and implementation of a dream.

Old Aigle created a beautiful legend, apparently to please the little girl. Assol believed in this legend and cannot even imagine that the prophecy will not come true. Gray, having fallen in love with a beautiful stranger, makes her dream come true. As a result, an absurd fantasy, divorced from life, becomes part of reality. And this fantasy was realized not by creatures endowed with supernatural abilities, but by ordinary people.

Faith in miracles
A dream, according to the author, is the meaning of life. Only she can save a person from the everyday gray routine. But a dream can become a big disappointment for someone who is inactive and for someone who is waiting for the embodiment of their fantasies from the outside, because help “from above” may never arrive.

Gray would never have become a captain if he had remained in his parents' castle. The dream must turn into a goal, and the goal, in turn, into energetic action. Assol did not have the opportunity to take any action to achieve her goal. But she had the most important thing, something that is perhaps more important than action - faith.

In the minds of many people, even those not familiar with the work of A. Green, the phrase “scarlet sails” is firmly associated with the concept of “dream”. But another question arises: what is a dream as understood by the writer himself and the main characters of his work? And why did scarlet sails become a kind of symbol of dreams? When scarlet sails are first mentioned in the story, they are in the form of scarlet sails on a toy racing yacht. These scarlet sails were made from scraps of silk, “used by Longren for lining steamship cabins - toys for a wealthy buyer.” At that moment our heroine Assol was holding the small boat in her hand. How did the yacht end up in her hands? The fact is that the girl grew up with a father who made toys for a living. The girl's mother died early from pneumonia. The innkeeper, a wealthy man, Menners, was involved in her death. He refused to lend money to a woman who found herself in a desperate situation. Mary was forced to go to the city in cold windy weather to pawn the ring for next to nothing. Upon returning, Mary fell ill and died. Longren took upon himself the upbringing of his daughter: “he also did all the housework himself and went through the complex art of raising a girl, which is unusual for a man.” Soon Longren committed an act, the consequences of which were very sad. During the storm, the merchant Menners found himself in mortal danger, but Longren did not help his offender. After this incident, the neighbors began to treat the father and daughter unkindly. Assol grew up without friends, completely alone, in her own world of dreams and fantasies, which soon took on real shape. The moment when the yacht with scarlet sails was in Assol’s hands for the first time became perhaps the most important moment in the entire child’s life. The girl was delighted, admiring the white boat with scarlet sails. But her delight was not limited to contemplation: Assol decided to subject the toy to a small test. By chance, the yacht, like a real one, floated downstream. Trying to catch up with a fast yacht, the girl met a real wizard along the way. In reality, the wizard was the famous collector of songs and legends, Eglem. Egle, noticing in the girl’s face “an involuntary expectation of a beautiful, blissful fate,” decided to tell a fairy tale. Naturally, his imagination could not miss such an important detail as the scarlet sails. Therefore, the prince in Egle's fairy tale appears not on a white horse, but on a white ship with scarlet sails. Longren did not try to refute the wizard’s interesting prediction. The wise father decided not to take away “such a toy”: “And about the scarlet sails, think like me: you will have scarlet sails.” As we see, many unfavorable and favorable circumstances served to ensure that in Assol’s heart a strong, unshakable place was occupied by the dream of a happy future and fiery love, which, under scarlet sails, was to burst into her gray life. In Assol, mixed “in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity,” the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, and “a living poem with all the wonders of its consonances and images, with the mystery of the proximity of words, in all the reciprocity of their shadows and light.” And this second Assol, who “beyond general phenomena saw a reflected meaning of a different order,” could not escape the power of the fairy tale. Assol was quite seriously looking out at sea for a ship with scarlet sails. If Assol lived comfortably in her fantasy, then Arthur Gray was accustomed from childhood to violating generally accepted canons, which in some way constrained his freedom. Did he dream about anything? Just as Assol was inspired to grow a dream in his heart by the narrator Egle, so Arthur Gray was inspired by the fruit of human creativity - a painting depicting a ship rising to the crest of a sea wall. The figure of the captain rose above the vast sea, the darkness of the abyss. In Arthur's opinion, the captain was the destiny, soul and mind of the ship. The dream forced Arthur to leave home at the age of fifteen and plunge into the world of adult games. And in this world from the boy’s dreams, the young man had to work hard, but he achieved his goal. The meeting of Assol and Arthur was as if predetermined by fate. They each in their own way anticipated unusual changes in their lives. Gray saw a young girl sleeping. Among the riot of nature, Arthur “saw her differently.” He saw her not so much with his eyes as with his heart. And from that moment on, Arthur began to act at the prompting of his heart. Leaving an expensive family ring on the girl’s little finger, he tries to find out everything about the beautiful vision. And having heard the coal miner’s story about a wonderful girl, about an empty basket that instantly blossomed, he realized that his heart had not deceived him: “Now he acted decisively and calmly, knowing down to the last detail everything that lay ahead on the wonderful path.” Arthur chose the fabric for the sails especially carefully. And his choice fell on a color “completely pure, like a scarlet morning stream, full of noble joy and royalty... There were no mixed shades of fire, poppy petals, or play of violet or lilac hints; there was also no blue, no shadow - nothing that gives rise to doubt. He blushed like a smile, with the charm of spiritual reflection.” This is the color Arthur Gray chose, a color that is completely pure, unquestionable and reflects the spiritual principle - the same pure, unquestionable color is a dream. Only for some, a dream becomes an object of passionate desires, while for others, such as Arthur Gray, it becomes a powerful source of energy for transformation and improvement. Arthur fell in love with Assol and, quite possibly, could have achieved her favor in another, simpler and more uncomplicated way. But the inner need for a miracle, the rejection of the everyday world with established patterns of behavior, drives Arthur. And if for someone a miracle is a smile, fun, forgiveness, a word spoken at the right time, then for Greene’s heroes this miracle will remain “forever in the scarlet shine of the sails created by the depth of the heart that knows what love is.” Equally, scarlet sails are both a symbol of a dream brought to life, giving happiness that sits “in the soul like a fluffy kitten,” and a symbol of love that can work miracles.


“When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it to any page, just like how they wipe the windows in the house in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood. Green is one of the few that you should have in your travel first aid kit against fatty heart disease and fatigue. With him you can go to the Arctic and virgin lands, go on a date. He is poetic, he is courageous." This is how writer Daniil Granin expressed the beneficial power of Green’s influence on the reader.

When thinking about Alexander Green, we first of all remember his fairy tale “Scarlet Sails”. This fabulous extravaganza became a symbol of his work. She absorbed all the best that is in Green’s other works: a beautiful dream and a true reality, love for a person and faith in his strength, hope for the best and love for beauty.

The title of the story is ambiguous. For a sailing ship to move, its sails must be filled with wind. And a person’s life must be filled with deep content, then it has meaning. If life is boring and joyless, a dream becomes its meaning. A dream may remain a beautiful, unfulfilled fairy tale. But it may come true.

Green's "Scarlet Sails" is a symbol of a dream that has become reality. Assol’s dream “came to life” because the girl “knew how to love,” as her father taught her, and knew how to “wait in spite of everything.” And she was able to maintain her faith in beauty, living among people who “couldn’t tell stories or sing songs.”
The scarlet color of silk, chosen by Gray for the sails of the Secret, became the color of joy and beauty, which was so lacking in Caperna.

A white sailboat under scarlet sails is a symbol of love and new life for Assol, who has waited for her happiness.

Green's “Scarlet Sails” is also a statement of the right way to achieve happiness: “doing miracles with your own hands.” This was the opinion of Captain Gray, who made the dream of a girl he did not know come true. This is what the sailor Longren thought, who once made a toy yacht with scarlet sails, which brought happiness to his daughter.

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The extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” is the brightest, life-affirming work of the famous Russian writer A. S. Green. The idea for the story arose from the author on the basis of a true story known to him about the red sails, which, according to him, he followed with enthusiasm. As the writer himself admitted, he was “captivated by the idea of ​​​​intervening in this story, so that it would end as if written by me, and then, then I would describe it...”.

Confidence in the need to create such a work grew stronger when one day, walking past display cases with toys, Green saw a beautiful ship there, which stood out from the background of other objects with its sails, which seemed bright red under the rays of sunlight. The story was not created immediately. The author put his book aside for a while, because he had been thinking for a long time about “unusual circumstances in which something decisive was to happen,” arising “from some long-term misfortune or expectation, resolved by a ship with red sails.” But over time, all the circumstances were thought out, and the real story turned into a wonderful fairy tale, affirming the power of pure love and faith in a dream.

According to the original plan of A. S. Green, the action was supposed to take place during the revolution in cold and hungry Petrograd. And he called his story “Red Sails”: after all, the color red is a traditional symbol of the revolution. But later reality and fantasy switched places, the action moved to the invented Caperna (a name consonant with the New Testament Capernaum), symbolizing human emptiness, stupidity and lack of spirituality. The author invented ports and seas and put a NEW meaning into his work. Now it was called “Scarlet Sails”; the writer excluded from it the political meaning of the color red. Instead, scarlet appeared - “the color of wine, roses, dawn, ruby, healthy lips, blood and small tangerines, the skin of which smells so seductively of spicy volatile oil, this color - in its many shades - is always cheerful and accurate.” As we can see, A. Green’s favorite color was not chosen by chance: “False or vague interpretations will not stick to it. The feeling of joy it evokes is akin to taking a full breath in the middle of a lush garden.”

The very title of the story “Scarlet Sails” thus became deeply symbolic. The first thing we imagine when we hear it is the approach, the announcement of something joyful, magical, beautiful. We begin to firmly believe in this magic, in this inevitable happiness. And the plot of the work convinces us more and more of the truth of this faith with each page. We see that everything fabulous, lofty, beautiful, bright, everything that sometimes seems unrealizable, “essentially as feasible and possible as a country walk.” Realizing this, Green himself wrote: “I understood one truth. It’s about making miracles with your own hands...” Having decorated reality with his fantasies, bringing it closer to a fairy tale, the author, nevertheless, left it unusually real, thereby urging readers to invariably believe in scarlet sails.

And readers believed: scarlet sails became a symbol, an anthem of the generation of the 60-70s of the 20th century. On long voyages, around forest fires, in geologists' tents, and in student groups, they composed and sang songs with familiar names and names of cities. Today's readers also believe, because, having become acquainted with this work and its characters, it is impossible not to be imbued with bright and kind hopes.

Thus, by creating his story and giving it such a vivid name, Alexander Green created an undying symbol that lives in the minds of people and will probably continue to live for many more centuries. Because, no matter how the world changes, people are so designed that they must believe in a dream - bright, pure, beautiful - believe that, no matter how unrealistic their desires may seem, they will certainly come true. “You write in such a way that everything is visible,” said M. Slonimsky, to whom A. S. Green first read his story. And indeed, in the work everything is so obvious and real that we see, feel, experience everything that happens to its heroine. This is probably why every girl is waiting for her handsome prince, who will certainly come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. And on this ship her true happiness will sail to her. Of course, the ship, the sails, and the prince are figurative symbols. Perhaps a handsome prince is walking down the street next to us - the only important thing is that we meet him, so that he sees us. And I fell in love. And he wanted, like Gray, to fulfill our dream.