Everything for the muses of the dhow leader. Requirements for the position of Music Director. Music director's work procedure

If you are considering other options (besides becoming a music director), then do not limit yourself to this selection of advertisements, we have many other positions for different positions. There you can also use the search for offers from direct employers and agencies.

Requirements for the applicant:

Required specialized pedagogical education, citizenship of the Russian Federation, medical book, certificate of no criminal record, from a narcologist, from a psychiatrist.

Salary: from 19,000 to 28,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

* Specialized education * Experience working in a preschool * Activity in the professional field, the desire to achieve results in working with children, kindness and positivity in communicating with children and their parents * Availability of a medical record

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy", professional knowledge of the technique of performing a musical instrument without presenting requirements for work experience.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Music director in kindergarten

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education in music and pedagogy, experience working with preschool children in a preschool educational institution is desirable.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or secondary vocational education. Experience as a music director in preschool educational institutions

Salary: from 37845 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

We expect that you have: ∙ Specialized higher pedagogical education in preschool education, advanced training courses; ∙ Experience in working in children's educational institutions; ∙ Knowledge of modern teaching technologies; ∙ Having a medical record is required. ∙ Love for your profession; ∙ Desire to improve your own standard of living.

Salary: from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Requirements for the applicant:

TEACHING EXPERIENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE IN A KINDERGARTEN are required for at least 10 years. It is desirable to have a pedagogical and musical education. Computer knowledge is required. Mastery of acting and stage movement. Experience in staging plays and musicals.

Salary: from 55,000 to 85,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

TEACHING EXPERIENCE AND WORK EXPERIENCE IN A KINDERGARTEN are required for at least 10 years. It is desirable to have a pedagogical and musical education. Computer knowledge is required. Mastery of acting and stage movement. Experience in staging plays and musicals. Mastery of choreography and the ability to apply it in your work.

Salary: from 20,000 to 23,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or secondary specialized education. Experience in a similar position in preschool institutions. Knowledge of methods of teaching and raising preschool children. Playing the piano. Responsibility. Communication skills.

Salary: up to 80,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education: musical, choreographic, pedagogical - knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of preschool children; - possession of advanced teaching technologies in the subject areas “Rhythmics”, “Choreography”, “Music”; - experience working with children of preschool and primary school age, dance school, kindergarten. - availability of programs and methods of working in music and choreography with preschool children. - a great desire to engage in music, choreography and work with children

Salary: from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education (music); Work experience of 3 years.

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: up to 25,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Proficiency in a musical instrument (piano), experience working with preschool children, mastery of technical skills, creative approach to work, ability to work in a team, communication skills, focus on results, desire for pedagogical improvement.

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 30,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Proficiency in a musical instrument (piano), preschool education development programs for the musical development of children

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Knowledge of programs and methods, work experience, knowledge of SanPin

Salary: up to 33,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education Experience working in children's educational institutions Proficiency in modern teaching technologies "Rhythm", "Choreography", "Music" Kindness, love for children A medical record is required

Salary: from 55,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education, energy and independence, desire and ability to work with different children, creativity and initiative.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 24,000 to 25,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Piano skills; - creativity; - responsibility and punctuality; - Availability of medical records and certificates.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Basics of working with a personal computer (word processors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors; Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy", professional knowledge of the technique of performing a musical instrument (piano).

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience working with children is required, preferably in a kindergarten setting.

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Experience working in a preschool institution, ability to play a musical instrument, higher or secondary specialized education

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy", professional knowledge of the technique of performing musical instruments. Work experience of at least 2 years. Knowledge of the psychophysical and age characteristics of preschool children, knowledge of preschool education programs and methods. Love for children and dedication to his profession. It is mandatory to have a personal medical record with permission to work in an educational organization, a certificate of no criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution, a certificate from a psychiatric commission and a narcologist

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: up to 29,580 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Availability of higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy", professional knowledge of the technique of performing a musical instrument, the ability to work with children according to the music school program. It is necessary to have a medical record book, a certificate of no criminal record, a certificate from a drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensary (certifying that you are not registered at the dispensary) Active life and creative position, Desire and ability to work with children, Creative approach to work, Responsibility, Punctuality .

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

High-quality piano playing, vocal skills, and mastery of dance techniques for preschoolers. Knowledge of the age characteristics of children, programs for the musical development of preschool children. Experience in organizing holidays and leisure activities.

Salary: from 45,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy", professional knowledge of the technique of performing a musical instrument. First/highest qualification category for the position of “musical director”. You need to know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy and psychology; age-related physiology, anatomy; sanitation and hygiene; individual characteristics of children's development, musical perception, emotions, motor skills and musical abilities of children of different ages; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contact with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff, musical works of the children’s repertoire; when working with children with developmental disabilities - the basics of defectology and appropriate methods of teaching them; modern educational musical technologies, achievements of world and domestic musical culture; basics of working with a personal computer (word processors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; labor protection and fire safety rules

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Having at least 1 year of work experience in a preschool institution and pedagogical education is required

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher pedagogical and musical education Good command of spoken English Experience of working in a preschool educational institution with preschool children Desire and ability to work with children aged two years Ability to work in a team Tactfulness, responsibility Active life position

Who is a music director?

Music director of the kindergarten -

this profession appeared relatively recently, in the post-war years (1948), this position was called differently: “music worker”, “music educator”, “musical director”.

Music director is a profession that includes many skills: musician, teacher, organizer, screenwriter, director. Music directors usually work in preschool institutions. They bring musical culture to the younger generation, create a cradle of the arts in which they create themselves and teach the child to create freely and beautifully.

By the nature of the work, the profession of a music director belongs to the heuristic (creative) class; it is associated with planning, analysis, organization, management, and making non-standard decisions.

A music director is a specialist who develops the musical abilities and emotional sphere of preschool children, the formation of their aesthetic taste, and also determines the directions of pedagogical activity, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children. In his professional activities, the music director:

Provides musical education and aesthetic development of pupils in accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten;

Organizes and conducts music classes, children's parties, literary and musical matinees, - conducts individual work with children, identifies musically gifted children, conducts individual work with them in a group;

Takes part in organizing children’s activities in the 2nd half of the day, conducts individual and group work;

Consults teachers on issues of musical education of children.

BEWARE MUSICAL DIRECTOR! A.I. Burenina, head of the department
preschool and primary school education LOIRO

Somehow, unnoticed by everyone, the 21st century arrived. And this fact makes us think about many problems - personal and public, private and global. And since our magazine is addressed to music directors of kindergartens, we couldn’t help but think: what will happen to this category of specialists in the future? And how can our magazine help, what can we recommend?

Of course, on the pages of our magazine for teachers there will be a lot of new practical and theoretical material for working with children, there will be a repertoire for spending leisure time for children and adults, organizing integrated classes, etc. We will also continue publications in the “Legal Advice” section, which we hope will help defend the legal rights of our colleagues.

We want to draw the attention of our readers to the most important problem in Russian musical education - the preservation of the musical director himself as a professional.

The music director of a kindergarten is a special profession. And it appeared relatively recently - in the post-war years (1948). Before this, music education was carried out by the teachers themselves. Sometimes they were helped by musicians who came to the kindergarten when they needed to prepare and hold a holiday. And since such a position appeared, which was called differently: “musical worker”, “musical educator”, “musical director” - the idea has formed in society that a music teacher is needed mainly in order to the children had a holiday. That is, that this profession is something between an accompanist and a mass entertainer.

It probably seems to many from the outside that this work is easy, “festive”, and does not require special talents. Well, just think, what’s so difficult here: to entertain the children and hold a holiday! Therefore, the attitude towards the profession of a music director has developed quite definite: the work is “not dusty”, takes up part-time work, etc.

Probably, it was precisely this attitude that led to such a blatant injustice, when the work of a music director who has a double education (musical - by the way, expensive and labor-intensive - and pedagogical) is paid accordingly one grade lower than the work of an educator or teacher, when it is necessary to prove that the music director is a teacher who works with children, teaches them music and therefore has the right to a pension based on length of service.

Alas! It is still very difficult to achieve justice.

But this is not enough!

Despite the meager wages (the salary of a music director, like a pre-school teacher, is below the subsistence level), the work has become more and more difficult in recent years. In addition to the usual responsibilities (conducting music lessons with children, preparing them for holidays, advising parents on musical education, etc.), another requirement appeared: diagnosing the musical development of children.

By what methods? For what? To prove the effectiveness of your work? But without special diagnostics (tables with formal numbers, circles of different colors, etc.) can’t a teacher analyze his work, talk about the problems and achievements of his students?

Likewise, the search continues for various forms of planning that would reflect the entire work of the music director. The question arises: for whom and what is a plan needed? For children, teachers or inspectors? And if for a teacher, then we will give him the opportunity to determine for himself how, in what form and to what extent he will plan his work.

So, to summarize: recently, the salary of a music director is becoming lower and lower, and the requirements are becoming higher. Although the problem is not only in wages, but also in the attitude of the administration and managers towards this category of specialists.

And what is the result? More and more kindergartens are left without a music director. After graduating from music schools and institutes, few young specialists come to kindergarten. Teachers over 40 years of age are mainly trained in advanced training courses. Another 5-10 years - and there will be almost no music directors left.

What to do? Maybe we can somehow improve the situation, retain unique specialists - music directors of kindergartens (by the way, only in our country does this profession have such a broad creative focus)?

And in this regard, we appeal to you, dear methodologists, managers and chief specialists of all levels!
Check out our music directors!

They do not have the right to get sick, because without them there will be no holiday for the children.

They must be able to do everything: play a musical instrument, sing, dance, draw, sew, write poetry, write scripts, etc.

They should always smile and lift the spirits of children and their parents.

It is they who must constantly study, purchase new methodological literature, audio cassettes, videos, etc.

They should always be beautiful, fashionably and tastefully dressed, since music directors are the “face” of the institution.

They should be psychologists and diplomats who can negotiate with all the specialists in the kindergarten, the administration, and parents regarding the organization of the holiday.

They carry everything from home: paints, paper, fabrics, clothes and all kinds of paraphernalia for conducting classes and holidays with children.

They are the ones who write new scripts on weekends and in the evenings.

It’s them... but it’s impossible to list them all.

And if we want them to not leave work, so that they come to us after graduating from music schools and institutes, so that they can work calmly, realizing their creativity, their calling to the profession, we need to take care of them and create conditions.

Which? Here are a few of these requirements:

respect and appreciate the work of the music director, do not force him to replace teachers or other kindergarten workers (of course, taking into account the wishes of the music director himself);
create a good, upbeat mood and avoid stressful situations at work (after all, the bad mood of the music director can also affect the mood of the children);
do not demand copying the experience of other teachers if it does not correspond to the capabilities and inclinations of the music director;
provide financial support in purchasing sheet music, manuals, musical instruments, costumes, attributes and other materials necessary for work (since the music director cannot pay for everything from his meager salary);

And last, but perhaps most important, is the creation of a creative, friendly atmosphere that stimulates the work of a music teacher.
Take care of the music director!
Maybe he will be the one who will teach children beauty and thereby save the world!

Every employer has package of documents, regulating relations with employees. This package usually includes job descriptions, with whom workers get acquainted with signatures. According to requirements Qualification characteristics positions of musical director, approved. by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (1), a new job description for the music director must be drawn up (appendix). Let's consider the basic rights and responsibilities of a music director, taking into account which his job description is developed.

Requirements for the position of Music Director

The position of music director (2) is classified as a professional qualification group of positions teaching staff and to the first qualification level. The position of music director in staffing schedule of a preschool educational institution is provided at the rate of 0.25 units. for each group of children over 1.5 years of age, the number of people is 15–20. (3) The standard of 15 or 20 children is used when determining the number of music director positions in preschool educational institution by groups general developmental orientation depending on the age of the children. In groups compensatory and health-improving direction, the number of positions for music directors is determined taking into account the maximum number of groups, which depends on the category of children and their age (4). It should be noted that the salary rates for music directors (5) are set for 24 hours of teaching work per week.

(1) Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers.” – Note by author.

(2) In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 05.05.2008 No. 216n “On approval of professional qualification groups of positions for education workers.” – Note. auto

(3) In accordance with the Standards for determining the number of personnel engaged in servicing preschool institutions ( nurseries, kindergartens, kindergartens), approved. by resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor dated 04/21/1993 No. 88. – Note. auto

(4) In accordance with paragraphs. 33–35 of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution, approved. by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008 No. 666. Attention! This document was declared invalid by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 No. 300. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 27, 2011 No. 2562 approved a new Standard Regulation on a preschool educational institution. Read more about this in next issue magazine. – Note. ed.

(5) In accordance with the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 24, 2010 No. 2075. – Note. auto

Music director's work procedure

Planning music lessons in each group should be carried out in conjunction with educators and regulated schedule (schedule), approved head DOW.

Based on the experience of a number of preschool educational institutions, we can propose the following procedure for the work of music directors. Music classes are held, as a rule, twice a week in the morning in each group. Duration classes last 15–25 minutes. In addition, music directors carry out preliminary preparatory work: visit the group, establish contact with the students, check the readiness of the room for the lesson, the correct arrangement of furniture, and select aids. For such work and for each of the two classes, 1 hour 20 minutes is allocated. Once a week in the afternoon, music directors organize musical events in each group ( entertainment, musical games, singing, round dances, dancing, puppet and shadow theater performances etc.), for which 1 hour and 20 minutes are also allocated.

In addition, the duties of the music director include direct work with students on learning songs, dances, musical games; decor suits for musical games, entertainment and celebrations. 2 hours per week are allocated for such activities (for each group). The total time of all activities conducted by the music director in each group is 6 hours per week.

Music director's vacation

Duration annual basic paid leave music directors (1) is 42 calendar days. It should be noted that the annual basic extended paid leave of individual teaching staff of preschool educational institutions, including music directors, can be 56 calendar days (2). Leave of this duration may be granted to music directors:

    Preschool educational institution for pupils with developmental disabilities;

    Preschool educational institution for children in need of long-term treatment.

In addition, music directors can use elongated vacation ( lasting 56 calendar days) in combined kindergartens, if they work full time in groups of compensatory, recreational and combined orientations in different combinations (3).

In other words, to receive annual basic paid leave of 56 calendar days, the amount of work of music directors in groups with pupils with developmental disabilities, or in preschool sanatorium groups for pupils in need of long-term treatment, must be 24 hours a week.


This is the website of the music director of the kindergarten.

My name is Surgucheva Olga Lvovna.

My pedagogical credo is

« Somewhere in the innermost corner of every child’s heart there is a string that sounds in its own way, and in order for the heart to respond to my word, you need to properly tune in to the tone of this string.”.

I think that a music director is not just a position, it is a title that must be carried with dignity, it is a huge responsibility to preschool children, who will then go on to a big life. I am happy that my profession and my hobby are one. This is my life's work. And the sage is right who said that you cannot instill love for what you yourself do not love.

I am glad to welcome those:

Who is interested in the problems of musical development of children;

Who is not indifferent to music;

Who would like to help a growing Human interact with music;

Who helps another to master such a difficult but wonderful profession - a teacher.

If I, as a children’s teacher and at the same time a parent, are asked: “Why does your child need music?”, I will answer simply: I want to enrich his life with music. There is no other lesson in kindergarten where you can fly away to other worlds, learn to feel yourself and others, communicate without words, and find joy in collective creativity. Children are transformed during music lessons: they open their hearts, turning into elves who understand the language of wind and flowers, who can see music and dance poetry - this is the answer to the question why children need music

What can you find out here?

What does a music director do?

Get advice, get acquainted with my work;

what musical games to play with your child;

look at sites related to musical education of children;

view photos and videos;

Music - this is the most pleasant, beautiful and accessible form of communication between an adult and a child. Together with children, we dream, fantasize, and are carried away into the world of fairy tales, into the world of music. We introduce a little person into this world, and, based on music, we instill in him good and high feelings.

Music becomes an accessible means of expressing moods, thoughts, and feelings for children. The power of the emotional and moral impact of music is great, and it is important to experience it in movement.

Musical activities for preschoolers - these are various ways, means for children to understand the art of music (and through it both the surrounding life and themselves), with the help of which general development is carried out.

Target:development of children’s musicality, the ability to emotionally perceive music through solving the following tasks:

Development of musical and artistic activities;

Introduction to the art of music;

Development of children's musicality;

Development of the ability to emotionally perceive music;

I bring to your attention materials on working with preschoolers in our kindergarten.

Presentation "Musical corners in kindergarten"

Presentation "Musical and didactic games"

Presentation " DIY musical instruments"

Material for teachers:

Consultation "Education of emotions through movement"

Consultation "Musical and rhythmic training of a teacher"

Consultation " The role of the teacher in music classes"

Presentation " Musical and gaming activities as a means of developing musical memory and hearing in preschool children"

Entertainment script "Hello, red-haired Autumn!"

New Year's party script "The Mischief of Baba Yaga"

Holiday script for mothers and grandmothers "March 8!"

Winter farewell script" Wide Maslenitsa"

Scenario Earth Day in kindergarten