Commissioning - commissioning of non-residential premises, facilities, buildings. Commissioning of objects List of documents for commissioning of objects

1. Acceptance certificate for a capital construction project (original, 1 pc.)
· Required

· Sample

(Form of act No. KS-11 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 30, 1997 No. 71a)

2. A diagram showing the location of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility, the location of engineering and technical support networks within the boundaries of the land plot and the planning organization of the land plot and signed by the person carrying out the construction (original, 1 pc.)
· Required
· Provided without return

(Schemes are presented in the form of a master plan of the land plot on a topographic basis on paper)

3. An act confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed object with the design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the equipment of the object with metering devices for energy resources used, and signed by the person carrying out the construction (the person carrying out the construction, and the applicant in the case of construction, reconstruction on based on the contract) (original, 1 pc.)

· Required
· Provided without return
· Sample

4. Application for permission to put the facility into operation (original, 1 pc.)
· Required
· Provided without return
· Sample

(The documents listed in the application are submitted in two copies (original and copy)

5. Conclusion of the state construction supervision body (if state construction supervision is provided) on the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed facility with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and the equipment of the facility with metering devices for energy resources used (original, 1 pc. .)

· Required
· Provided without return

6. An act confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed facility with the requirements of technical regulations and signed by the person carrying out the construction (original, 1 pc.)
· Required
· Provided without return
· Sample

7. Construction permit (original, 1 pc.)
· Required
· Provided for the entire duration of the service with mandatory return to the Applicant

(Provided when submitting documents for putting the facility into operation)

8. Acts confirming the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed facility with technical conditions and signed by representatives of organizations operating engineering support networks (if any) (original, 1 pc.)
· Required
· Provided without return
· Sample

(The certificate is provided for each type of engineering support)

Glazov Alexander Alexandrovich

In this article we will consider key issues related to the issuance of permits for the commissioning of capital construction projects specified in paragraph 4 of part 5 and paragraph 1 of part 6 of article 51 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of capital construction projects for which the issuance of construction permits assigned to other federal executive authorities) using the example of Moscow.

What is a permit to put a facility into operation and why obtain it?

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 55, Town Planning Code), putting a facility into operation is possible only after receiving the appropriate permission from the regulatory authorities.

A permit to put an object into operation is a document certifying the completion of construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object in full in accordance with the construction permit, design documentation, as well as the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction object with the requirements for construction, reconstruction of a capital construction object established on the date of issue of the urban planning plan of the land plot submitted for obtaining a construction permit, the permitted use of the land plot or (in the case of construction, reconstruction of a linear object) the territory planning project and the territory surveying project, as well as restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation of the Russian Federation .

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Permission to put an object into operation is the basis for the developer/technical customer to initiate the procedure for registering the object with cadastral registration and registration of property rights. Next, we’ll figure out how to get this document and what procedures you need to go through.

Who issues permission to commission construction projects?

You should apply for permission to put a facility into operation from the authorized executive body (the body that issued the construction permit). In Moscow, the organization responsible for issuing permission to put objects into operation is the Committee for State Construction Supervision of the City of Moscow. On the organization’s website in the “Public Services” section, detailed information is provided on the procedure for providing the state service “Obtaining permission to put a facility into operation.”

Register of permits to put an object into operation.

You can check the permission to put the facility into operation on the website of the Ministry of Construction. The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation maintains a register of all issued permits for the commissioning of buildings and structures.

Below is a sample permit to put the facility into operation.

Commissioning of the facility: list of required documents.

To obtain permission to put into operation capital construction projects (non-linear objects) for commercial purposes, the developer submits the following documents: Application for permission. Identity document of the applicant (original for making a copy) or a document confirming the authority of the applicant’s representative to act on behalf of the applicant (if It is not the applicant himself who applies for the service, but his authorized representative).
  1. Documents confirming ownership of the land plot.
  2. The act of putting an object into operation (acceptance act) of a capital construction project. (This document is required if a general contract for the construction of the facility has been concluded).
  3. A document confirming the compliance of the constructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations (executed and signed by the person carrying out the construction).
  4. A document confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed capital construction facility with the design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping capital construction facilities with metering devices for the energy resources used (signed by the person carrying out the construction).
  5. Certificates of compliance with technical conditions, signed by representatives of organizations operating engineering and technical support networks.
  6. A diagram of the planning organization of a land plot, showing the location of the constructed capital construction facility and utility networks.
  7. AIA (Conclusion on the compliance of the constructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations and design documentation).
  8. Contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  9. Technical plan (in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 2013 No. 175 “On establishing the document required to obtain permission to put a facility into operation”).
  10. For electric power facilities, gas supply systems, transport infrastructure, pipeline transport or communications, a text and graphic description of the boundaries of the security zone is also provided.

Procedure for obtaining AIA

The customer submits a notice of completion of construction (reconstruction) to the regional body of state construction supervision, which, after inspecting the object, issues a conclusion on the conformity of the constructed (reconstructed) building or structure within up to 7 working days free of charge. You can read more about the procedure in our article about.

Additional documentation that is requested from the information system.

Also, when providing this service, Gosstroynadzor requests the following documentation from the information system:

  1. GPZU (Urban planning plan for a land plot).
  2. Construction permit.
  3. Approved AGR (Certificate of approval of the architectural and urban planning solution of the facility) (if necessary).

Commissioning period

The total period for obtaining a permit to put a facility into operation is 10 days, and you will not be required to make an in-person visit to the government agency at any stage of consideration of the application. The service is provided free of charge, and the permit (or a reasoned refusal to issue a permit) is sent to the applicant electronically to the personal account on the portal or delivered in person.

Having received permission to put the property into operation, the developer acquires the right to carry out cadastral registration of the property and register ownership of the property.

In what cases can a permit to put a facility into operation be refused?

We list the main cases in which an applicant may be denied a construction permit. These include:

  • non-compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements of the urban planning plan of the land plot;
  • non-compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements established in the construction permit;
  • discrepancy between the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility and the design documentation.

In what cases is it not necessary to obtain permission to put a facility into operation?

Permission to put an object into operation is not required for non-capital construction projects for which a construction permit is not required.

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List of required documentation to obtain permission to

commissioning of the facility

List of measures to ensure fire safety;

List of measures to ensure access for people with disabilities to healthcare, education, culture, recreation, sports and other social, cultural and public utility facilities, transport, trade, public catering facilities, business, administrative, financial, religious facilities, housing facilities (in case of preparation of the corresponding project documentation);

List of measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures, and structures with metering devices for energy resources used)

or one copy of a copy of the planning organization diagram of the land plot indicating the location of the individual housing construction project.

Form of acceptance certificate for a completed construction facility, application for commissioning, a document confirming the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations, a document confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility with design documentation, as well as samples of filling out documents are posted on the website www . gosuslugi . cap . ru (In the “Production, construction and trade” section, select the service – “Issue of permission to put a constructed, reconstructed, repaired capital construction facility into operation”).

1. A permit to put a facility into operation is a document that certifies the completion of construction, reconstruction of a capital construction facility in full in accordance with the construction permit, design documentation, as well as the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements for construction, reconstruction of a capital facility construction, established on the date of issue of the urban planning plan of the land plot submitted for obtaining a construction permit, the permitted use of the land plot or in the case of construction, reconstruction of a linear object, the territory planning project and the territory surveying project (except for cases in which for the construction, reconstruction of a linear object it is not preparation of documentation on territory planning is required), a territory planning project in the event of issuing a permit to put into operation a linear facility, the placement of which does not require the formation of a land plot, as well as restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 3, 2016 N 373-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 341-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

2. To put the facility into operation, the developer applies to the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local government body, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom or the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos, which issued the construction permit, directly or through a multifunctional center with an application for permission to put the facility into operation.

ConsultantPlus: note.

Documents provided for in clause 13, part 3, art. 55 (in the previously valid version), submitted before 08/04/2018 along with an application for a permit to put an object into operation, are an annex to the permit, and the permit itself is a decision to establish a security zone.

ConsultantPlus: note.

On sending from 09/01/2017 the documents provided for in Part 3 of Art. 55 in electronic form, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2017 N 788.

3. To make a decision on issuing a permit to put a facility into operation, the following documents are required:

1) documents of title to the land plot, including an agreement on the establishment of an easement, a decision on the establishment of a public easement;

(as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 341-FZ)

2) an urban planning plan of a land plot, submitted to obtain a building permit, or in the case of construction, reconstruction of a linear object, a territory planning project and a territory surveying project (except for cases in which the preparation of territory planning documentation is not required for the construction or reconstruction of a linear object) , a territory planning project in the event of issuing a permit for the commissioning of a linear facility, the placement of which does not require the formation of a land plot;

(as amended by Federal Laws dated November 28, 2011 N 337-FZ, dated July 3, 2016 N 373-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 341-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

3) construction permit;

4) act of acceptance of a capital construction project (in the case of construction or reconstruction on the basis of a construction contract);

5) has become invalid. - Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ;

6) an act confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction project with design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping the capital construction project with metering devices for energy resources used, and signed by the person carrying out the construction (the person carrying out the construction and the developer or technical the customer in the case of construction, reconstruction on the basis of a construction contract, as well as the person exercising construction control in the case of construction control on the basis of a contract);

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 18, 2011 N 243-FZ, dated November 28, 2011 N 337-FZ, dated July 3, 2016 N 372-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

ConsultantPlus: note.

From 01/01/2021, clause 7, part 3, art. 55 is stated in a new edition (FZ dated December 27, 2018 N 522-FZ).

7) documents confirming the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility with technical conditions and signed by representatives of organizations operating engineering support networks (if any);

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 18, 2011 N 243-FZ)

8) a diagram showing the location of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility, the location of engineering and technical support networks within the boundaries of the land plot and the planning organization of the land plot and signed by the person carrying out the construction (the person carrying out the construction and the developer or technical customer in the case of construction, reconstruction on the basis of a construction contract), with the exception of cases of construction or reconstruction of a linear facility;

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 18, 2011 N 243-FZ, dated July 3, 2016 N 372-FZ)

9) conclusion of the state construction supervision body (if state construction supervision is provided in accordance with Part 1 of Article 54 of this Code) on the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements of design documentation, including the requirements of energy efficiency and equipment requirements of the capital facility construction with metering devices for energy resources used, the conclusion of the federal executive body authorized to carry out federal state environmental supervision (hereinafter referred to as the federal state environmental supervision body), issued in the cases provided for by Part 7 of Article 54 of this Code;

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 18, 2011 N 243-FZ, dated June 25, 2012 N 93-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

10) a document confirming the conclusion of a contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous facility for harm caused by an accident at a dangerous facility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a dangerous facility for harm caused by an accident at a hazardous facility;

(Clause 10 introduced by Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 N 226-FZ)

11) act of acceptance of work performed to preserve a cultural heritage object, approved by the relevant body for the protection of cultural heritage objects, defined by Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", when carrying out restoration, conservation, repair of this object and its adaptation for modern use;

(Clause 11 introduced by Federal Law dated October 22, 2014 N 315-FZ)

12) technical plan of a capital construction project, prepared in accordance with Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”;

(Clause 12 introduced by Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 N 252-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 361-FZ)

13) has become invalid. - Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ;

(Part 3 as amended by Federal Law dated July 1, 2011 N 169-FZ)

3.1. The document and conclusion specified in paragraphs 6 and 9 of part 3 of this article must contain information on the standard values ​​of the indicators included in the requirements for the energy efficiency of a capital construction project, and on the actual values ​​of such indicators determined in relation to the constructed, reconstructed capital construction project as a result of the research, measurements, examinations, tests, as well as other information on the basis of which the compliance of such an object with energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for its equipment with metering devices for energy resources used is established. During the construction or reconstruction of an apartment building, the conclusion of the state construction supervision body must also contain information about the energy efficiency class of the apartment building, determined in accordance with the legislation on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

(Part 3.1 introduced by Federal Law dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ, as amended by Federal Law dated July 18, 2011 N 243-FZ)

3.2. Documents (their copies or information contained in them) specified in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 9 of part 3 of this article are requested by the bodies specified in part 2 of this article, in state bodies, local government bodies and subordinate state bodies or bodies local government organizations that have the specified documents at their disposal, if the developer has not submitted the specified documents independently.

(Part 3.2 introduced by Federal Law dated July 1, 2011 N 169-FZ)

3.3. The documents specified in paragraphs 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of part 3 of this article are sent by the applicant independently, if these documents (their copies or information contained in them) are not at the disposal of state authorities, local government bodies or subordinate state bodies or local government organizations. If the documents specified in this part are at the disposal of state authorities, local self-government bodies or organizations subordinate to state authorities or local self-government bodies, such documents are requested by the body specified in part 2 of this article, from the bodies and organizations that have the specified documents, if the developer has not submitted these documents independently.

(Part 3.3 introduced by Federal Law dated July 1, 2011 N 169-FZ; as amended by Federal Laws dated July 13, 2015 N 252-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

3.4. At the interdepartmental requests of the bodies specified in part 2 of this article, documents (their copies or information contained in them) provided for in part 3 of this article are provided by state bodies, local government bodies and organizations subordinate to state bodies or local government bodies, at whose disposal these documents are located no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the relevant interdepartmental request.

(Part 3.4 introduced by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 370-FZ)

ConsultantPlus: note.

On sending from 01.09.2017 in electronic form documents provided for in Part 4 of Art. 55, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2017 N 788.

4. The Government of the Russian Federation may establish, in addition to those provided for in Part 3 of this article, other documents necessary to obtain permission to put a facility into operation, in order to obtain in full the information necessary to register a capital construction project with state registration.

4.1. To obtain permission to put a facility into operation, it is permitted to require only the documents specified in parts 3 and 4 of this article. The documents provided for in parts 3 and 4 of this article may be sent in electronic form. The Government of the Russian Federation or the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (in relation to cases of issuing permission to put an object into operation by executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies) may establish cases in which the direction specified in parts 3 and 4 of this article documents are carried out exclusively in electronic form. The procedure for sending the documents specified in parts 3 and 4 of this article to the federal executive authorities authorized to issue permits for putting a facility into operation, executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom or the State Corporation for space activities "Roscosmos" is established in electronic form by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(Part 4.1 introduced by Federal Law dated December 18, 2006 N 232-FZ; as amended by Federal Laws dated July 3, 2016 N 370-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

5. The authority, the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" or the State Corporation for Space Activities "Roscosmos", which issued the construction permit, within seven working days from the date of receipt of the application for permission to put the facility into operation, is obliged to ensure the availability and correctness of execution of the documents specified in part 3 of this article, inspection of the capital construction project and issue the applicant with permission to put the facility into operation or refuse to issue such permission, indicating the reasons for the refusal. During the inspection of a constructed or reconstructed capital construction project, the compliance of such an object with the requirements specified in the construction permit, the requirements for construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project established on the date of issue of the urban planning plan of the land plot submitted for obtaining a construction permit, or in the case of construction , reconstruction of a linear object to the requirements of the territory planning project and the territory surveying project (except for cases in which the construction or reconstruction of a linear object does not require the preparation of territory planning documentation), the requirements established by the territory planning project, in the case of issuing permission to put into operation a linear object, for the placement of which the formation of a land plot is not required, as well as the permitted use of the land plot, restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of project documentation, including energy efficiency requirements and the requirements for equipping a capital construction facility with metering devices used energy resources. If during the construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project state construction supervision is carried out in accordance with Part 1 of Article 54 of this Code, an inspection of such a facility by the body that issued the construction permit is not carried out.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 13, 2015 N 216-FZ, dated July 3, 2016 N 373-FZ, dated December 19, 2016 N 445-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 341-FZ , dated 03.08.2018 N 342-FZ)

6. The grounds for refusal to issue a permit to put an object into operation are:

1) absence of documents specified in parts 3 and 4 of this article;

(as amended by Federal Law dated June 23, 2016 N 198-FZ)

2) non-compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements for construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project established on the date of issue of the urban planning plan of the land plot submitted for obtaining a construction permit, or in the case of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a linear facility with the requirements of the territory planning project and the territory surveying project ( with the exception of cases in which the construction or reconstruction of a linear facility does not require the preparation of territory planning documentation), the requirements established by the territory planning project, in the case of issuing a permit for the commissioning of a linear facility, the placement of which does not require the formation of a land plot;

(as amended by Federal Laws dated March 20, 2011 N 41-FZ, dated July 3, 2016 N 373-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 341-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

3) non-compliance of the capital construction project with the requirements established in the construction permit;

4) discrepancy between the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility and the design documentation;

(Clause 4 as amended by Federal Law dated 03.08.2018 N 340-FZ)

5) non-compliance of the capital construction project with the permitted use of the land plot and (or) restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation of the Russian Federation on the date of issuance of permission to put the facility into operation, except for cases where these restrictions are provided for by the decision to establish or change the zone with special conditions for the use of the territory, adopted in the cases provided for in paragraph 9 of part 7 of Article 51 of this Code, and the capital construction facility under construction or reconstruction, in connection with the location of which a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory has been established or changed, has not been put into operation.

(Clause 5 introduced by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 373-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

6.1. Failure to receive (untimely receipt) of documents requested in accordance with parts 3.2 and 3.3 of this article cannot be grounds for refusal to issue permission to put a facility into operation.

(Part 6.1 introduced by Federal Law dated July 1, 2011 N 169-FZ)

8. Refusal to issue a permit to put a facility into operation may be challenged in court.

(as amended by Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 N 143-FZ)

9. A permit to put a facility into operation (except for a linear facility) is issued to the developer if the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local government body, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom or the State Space Corporation activities of Roscosmos, which issued the construction permit, were given a free copy of the diagram showing the location of the constructed, reconstructed capital construction facility, the location of engineering and technical support networks within the boundaries of the land plot and the planning organization of the land plot, for placement of such a copy in the state information system for providing urban planning activities.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 13, 2015 N 216-FZ, dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

9.1. Federal executive body, executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local government body, State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" or State Corporation for Space Activities "Roscosmos", which issued permission to put the facility into operation, within five working days from the date of issue such permission is ensured (including using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction connected to it) transfer to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies of municipal districts, urban districts information, documents, materials specified in paragraphs 3, 9 - 9.2, 11 and 12 of part 5 of article 56 of this Code.

(Part 9.1 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

10. Permission to put a facility into operation is the basis for registering a constructed capital construction facility with the state, making changes to the state registration documents of a reconstructed capital construction facility.

10.1. A mandatory annex to the permit to put the facility into operation is the technical plan of the capital construction project submitted by the applicant, prepared in accordance with Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”.

(Part 10.1 introduced by Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 N 252-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 N 361-FZ)

10.2. Lost power. - Federal Law of August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ.

11. The permit to put a facility into operation must reflect information about the capital construction facility to the extent necessary for its state cadastral registration. The composition of such information must comply with the requirements established in accordance with the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate" for the composition of information in the graphic and text parts of the technical plan.

(as amended by Federal Laws dated May 13, 2008 N 66-FZ, dated July 3, 2016 N 361-FZ)

11.1. After completion of the construction of a capital construction project, the person carrying out the construction is obliged to transfer to the developer of such a project the results of engineering surveys, design documentation, inspection reports of work, structures, sections of engineering support networks for the capital construction project, and other documentation necessary for the operation of such a facility.

(Part 11.1 introduced by Federal Law dated November 28, 2011 N 337-FZ)

11.2. When carrying out work to preserve a cultural heritage site, permission to commission such a facility is issued taking into account the specifics established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of cultural heritage sites.

(Part 11.2 introduced by Federal Law dated October 22, 2014 N 315-FZ)

12. The form of permission to put a facility into operation is established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 160-FZ of July 23, 2008)

13. Within three working days from the date of issuance of the permit to put the facility into operation, the body that issued such permit shall send a copy of such permit to the federal executive body authorized to carry out state construction supervision, if a permit to put the facility into operation has been issued capital construction specified in paragraph 5.1 of Article 6 of this Code, or to the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out state construction supervision, if permission has been issued for the commissioning of other capital construction projects.

(Part 13 introduced by Federal Law dated November 28, 2011 N 337-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

14. In the cases provided for by paragraph 9 of part 7 of Article 51 of this Code, within three working days from the date of issuance of permission to put the facility into operation, the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local government body, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom or the State Corporation for Space Activities Roscosmos, which issued such a permit, sends (including using the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction and regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction connected to it) a copy of such permission to state authorities or local governments who have made a decision to establish or change a zone with special conditions for the use of the territory in connection with the location of an object for which permission to put the object into operation has been issued.

(Part 14 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 342-FZ)

ConsultantPlus: note.

Obtaining permission to put a facility into operation is also not required in the cases specified in Art. 16 Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ.

15. A permit to put a facility into operation is not required if, in accordance with Part 17 of Article 51 of this Code, the construction or reconstruction of a facility does not require the issuance of a construction permit.

(Part 15 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

16. In the case of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project or garden house, the developer, no later than one month from the date of completion of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project or garden house, submits a paper copy through a personal appeal to the federal body authorized to issue construction permits executive power, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body, including through a multifunctional center, or sends to these bodies by mail with acknowledgment of delivery or a single portal of state and municipal services a notification of the completion of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project or garden house (hereinafter referred to as the notice of completion of construction). The notice of completion of construction must contain the information provided for in paragraphs 1 - 5, 7 and 8 of part 1 of Article 51.1 of this Code, as well as information about the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house, about payment of the state fee for state registration of rights, on the method of sending to the developer the notification provided for in paragraph 5 of part 19 of this article. The following is attached to the notice of completion of construction:

1) documents provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 of part 3 of Article 51.1 of this Code;

2) technical plan of an individual housing construction project or garden house;

3) an agreement concluded between the legal holders of a land plot to determine their shares in the right of common shared ownership of a built or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house in the event that the land plot on which the individual housing construction project or garden house is built or reconstructed belongs to two and more citizens on the right of common shared ownership or on the right of lease with a plurality of persons on the tenant’s side.

(Part 16 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

17. If the notice of completion of construction does not contain the information provided for in paragraph one of part 16 of this article, or the absence of documents attached to it and provided for in paragraphs 1 - 3 of part 16 of this article, as well as if the notice of completion of construction was received after the expiration of ten years from the date of receipt of the notice of planned construction, in accordance with which the construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project or garden house was carried out, or a notification of the planned construction of such an individual housing construction project or garden house was not previously sent (including it was returned to the developer in accordance with Part 6 of Article 51.1 of this Code), authorized to issue construction permits, the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the local government body, within three working days from the date of receipt of the notice of completion of construction, returns the notice of completion of construction to the developer and the documents attached to it without consideration, indicating the reasons for the return. In this case, the notification of completion of construction is considered unsent.

(Part 17 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

18. The form of notification of the completion of construction is approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, architecture, and urban planning.

(Part 18 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

19. The federal executive body, executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government authorized to issue construction permits, within seven working days from the date of receipt of the notification of completion of construction:

1) checks the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house specified in the notice of completion of construction with the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects, established by the rules of land use and development, and territory planning documentation, in force on the date of receipt of the notice of planned construction , and mandatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction projects established by this Code, other federal laws (including if the specified limit parameters or mandatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction projects are changed after the day the notification of planned construction and notification of the completion of construction confirms the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house with the maximum parameters and mandatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction projects in force on the date of receipt of the notification of the planned construction). If the notice of completion of construction confirms the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction object or garden house with the maximum parameters and mandatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction objects in force on the date of receipt of the notice of completion of construction, the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed individual object is checked housing construction or garden house to the specified limit parameters and mandatory requirements for the parameters of capital construction projects in force on the date of receipt of the notice of completion of construction;

2) checks, by inspecting an individual housing construction project or garden house, that the external appearance of an individual housing construction project or garden house corresponds to the description of the appearance of such an object or house, which is an appendix to the notice of planned construction (provided that the developer, within the period specified in paragraph 3 of part 8 of Article 51.1 of this Code, no notification was sent about the discrepancy between the parameters of an individual housing construction project or a garden house specified in the notice of planned construction with the established parameters and (or) the inadmissibility of placing an individual housing construction project or a garden house on a land plot on the basis specified in paragraph 4 Part 10 of Article 51.1 of this Code), or a standard architectural solution specified in the notice of planned construction, in the case of construction or reconstruction of an individual housing construction project or garden house within the boundaries of a historical settlement of federal or regional significance;

3) checks the compliance of the type of permitted use of an individual housing construction project or garden house with the type of permitted use specified in the notice of planned construction;

4) checks the admissibility of locating an individual housing construction project or garden house in accordance with the restrictions established in accordance with land and other legislation of the Russian Federation on the date of receipt of the notice of completion of construction, except for cases where these restrictions are provided for by the decision to establish or change the zone with special conditions for the use of the territory adopted in relation to the planned construction, reconstruction of a capital construction project and such a capital construction project has not been put into operation;

5) sends to the developer, in the manner specified in the notice of completion of construction, a notification about the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction object or garden house with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities or about the non-compliance of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction object or garden house with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activity with indicating all the grounds for sending such notification. Forms of notification about the compliance of a built or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities, notifications about the non-compliance of a built or reconstructed individual housing construction project or a garden house with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities are approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of development and implementation state policy and legal regulation in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning.

(Part 19 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

20. Notification of non-compliance of constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction projects or garden houses with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities is sent only in the following cases:

1) the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house do not comply with the maximum parameters of permitted construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects specified in paragraph 1 of part 19 of this article, established by the rules of land use and development, territory planning documentation, or mandatory requirements for the parameters of objects capital construction established by this Code and other federal laws;

2) the external appearance of an individual housing construction object or garden house does not correspond to the description of the external appearance of such an object or house, which is annex to the notice of planned construction, or the standard architectural solution specified in the notice of planned construction, or the developer was sent a notice of non-compliance specified in notification of the planned construction of the parameters of an individual housing construction project or a garden house, the established parameters and (or) the inadmissibility of placing an individual housing construction project or a garden house on a land plot on the basis specified in paragraph 4 of part 10 of Article 51.1 of this Code, in the case of construction or reconstruction of the facility individual housing construction or garden house within the boundaries of a historical settlement of federal or regional significance;

3) the type of permitted use of a constructed or reconstructed capital construction project does not correspond to the type of permitted use of an individual housing construction project or garden house specified in the notice of planned construction;

4) the placement of an individual housing construction project or a garden house is not permitted in accordance with the restrictions established in accordance with the land and other legislation of the Russian Federation on the date of receipt of the notice of completion of construction, except in cases where these restrictions are provided for by the decision to establish or change the zone with special conditions for the use of the territory adopted in relation to the planned construction or reconstruction of a capital construction project, and such a capital construction project has not been put into operation.

(Part 20 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

21. A copy of the notice of non-compliance of the constructed or reconstructed individual housing construction project or garden house with the requirements of the legislation on urban planning activities is sent within the period specified in part 19 of this article, authorized to issue construction permits by the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government body to the rights registration authority, as well as:

1) to the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized to carry out state construction supervision, in the event that the specified notification is sent to the developer on the basis provided for in paragraph 1 or 2 of part 20 of this article;

2) to the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites, in the event that the specified notification is sent to the developer on the basis provided for in paragraph 2 of part 20 of this article;

3) to the federal executive body authorized to carry out state land supervision, the local government body exercising municipal land control, if the specified notification is sent to the developer on the basis provided for in paragraph 3 or 4 of part 20 of this article.

(Part 21 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)


(as amended by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 340-FZ)

(introduced by Federal Law No. 148-FZ of July 22, 2008)

Town Planning Code (GrK) of the Russian Federation specializes in regulating urban planning activities aimed at developing urban areas, various settlements and individual (related to these works, services) relations. Helps ensure sustainable development of territories based on territorial planning and urban zoning. Controls the balance of taking into account economic, environmental, social, etc. factors when carrying out urban planning work. Proclaims the provision of persons with disabilities with appropriate conditions for their unhindered access to objects for various purposes. Raises issues such as the participation of people and their associations in the implementation of urban planning, ensuring the freedom of such participation, the responsibility of government bodies of our country, government agencies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments for ensuring decent living conditions for people, etc.

We offer services for the preparation of executive documentation in Sochi:
Approximate prices for as-built documentation

1. development of a project plan (project for the execution of work (depending on the type of work) – from 22,000 rubles;
2. registration of a set of as-built documentation (for hiding a structure / network section) up to 15 units - from 40,000 rubles;
over 15 units – from 65,000 rubles.
3. Journaling (for each) work from 17,000 rubles/piece.
“unit” - 1 act with the necessary attachments

1.1. Certificate of acceptance of geodetic alignment basis for construction.
1.2. As-built diagram of the geodetic alignment basis for construction. 1.3. The act of setting out (laying out) the main axes of a building (structure).
1.4. As-built diagram of the location (layout) of the main axes of the building (structure).
1.5. As-built diagrams for elements, structures and parts of buildings and structures.
1.5.1. Executive diagram of the pit.
1.5.2. As-built diagram of the pile foundation.
1.5.3. Executive diagram of foundations.

1.5.4. Floor plans for multi-storey buildings.
1.5.5. High-rise as-built diagram of the support areas for panels, floors and roofing of the building.
1.5.6. Executive diagram of the elevator shaft.
1.5.7. Executive diagram of the roof.
1.5.8. As-built diagram of the columns of a frame building.
1.5.9. Executive improvement scheme.
1.5.10 As-built layout of the capital construction project within the boundaries of the land plot.
1.6. As-built drawings and longitudinal profiles of underground utility networks.
1.6.1. Executive drawing of external water supply networks.
1.6.2. Executive drawing of external sewerage networks.
1.6.3. Executive drawing of external heating networks.
1.6.4. Executive drawing of external gas supply networks.
1.6.5. Executive drawing of external power supply networks.
1.6.6. Executive drawing of the telephone sewer system.
1.6.7. Executive drawing of external communication networks.
1.6.8. As-built drawing for electrical corrosion protection structures.

2. Certificates of inspection of completed work and testing of building structures
2.1. Certificate of checking the quality of foundation soils.

2.2. Driving of piles, shell piles, sheet piles, sinkholes and caissons.
2.3. Joining of composite piles and shell piles.
2.4. Drilling of all types of wells.
2.5. Reinforcement of drilled wells.
2.6. Filling (injecting) drilled wells.
2.7. Construction of artificial bases for foundations.
2.8. Reinforcement of reinforced concrete foundations, walls, columns, floors and coatings
2.9. Installation of foundation blocks.
2.10. Installation of anchors and embedded parts in monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures.
2.11. Waterproofing foundations.
2.12. Acceptance certificate for the underground part of the building (zero cycle).
2.13. Reinforcement of brickwork walls, columns, partitions.
2.14. Insulation of external enclosing structures.
2.15. Sealing of assembly joints and assemblies.
2.16. Sealing the joints of wall panels.
2.17. Installation of metal structures.
2.18. Anti-corrosion protection of metal structures.
2.19. Anti-corrosion protection of welded joints.
2.20. Acceptance certificate for waste chutes and waste bin premises.
2.21. Fencing of balconies and loggias, reinforcement.
2.22. Waterproofing of enclosing structures.
2.23. Waterproofing of sanitary facilities and balconies.
2.24. Interim acceptance certificate for critical structures (foundations, floors, spans).
2.25. Soundproofing device for floors.
2.26. Antiseptic and fire protection of wooden structures.
2.27. Installation of roofing coverings with metal sheets, metal tiles, corrugated asbestos plywood, etc.
2.28. Roof acceptance certificate.
2.29. Certificate of acceptance of lightning protection and grounding.
2.30. The act of measuring resistance when installing lightning protection and grounding.
2.31. Certificate of acceptance of additional special devices for weak currents (alarm system, local telephone communication, video surveillance, etc.).
2.32. Act of acceptance and finishing of the facade.
2.33. Certificate of landscaping and landscaping.
2.34. Certificate of inspection and inspection of ventilation and smoke ducts.
2.35. Protocol for measuring indoor noise levels.
2.36. Protocol for indoor air testing.
2.37. Protocol for radiation inspection of premises.
2.38. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the radiation factor.
2.39. Drinking water testing protocol.
2.40. Certificate of thermal imaging quality control of thermal protection of a building (structure). (Thermal technical passport)
2.41. Other test reports of building structures, in cases provided for by design documentation and the requirements of technical regulations (norms and rules).

3. Certificates of inspection and testing of sections of engineering support networks

3.1. Heating and ventilation
3.1.1. Certificate of hydrostatic testing of low pressure boilers.
3.1.2. Heating acceptance certificate.
3.1.3. Certificate of acceptance of natural ventilation.
3.1.4. Acceptance certificate for supply and exhaust ventilation systems with attached system passports.
3.1.5. The act of acceptance of the air conditioning system with the attachment of system passports.
3.1.6. Certificate of acceptance of oxygen supply.
3.2. Water supply and sewerage
3.2.1. Test report for internal sewerage and drainage systems.
3.2.2. Certificate of acceptance of the system and drainage outlets of the building.
3.2.3. Certificate of acceptance of the system and releases of internal sewerage.
3.2.4. Certificate of hydrostatic or manometric testing of the internal cold and hot water supply system.
3.2.5. Inspection report of the water metering unit.
3.2.6. Protocols for physico-chemical and bacteriological research of water.
3.2.7. Acceptance certificate for internal domestic and hot water supply systems, apartment water meters
3.3. Timing
3.3.1. Construction passport of an underground (aboveground) gas pipeline, gas inlet.
3.3.2. Construction passport of internal gas equipment.
3.3.3. Acceptance certificate for a completed construction of a gas distribution system facility.
3.3.4. Acceptance certificate for the internal and external gas pipeline network.
3.4. Elevator installation
3.4.1. Certificate of complete technical inspection of the elevator.
3.4.2. Certificates of technical readiness and acceptance of lifting and transport equipment.
3.4.3. SDS acceptance certificate (dispatching).
3.5. Fire extinguishing and fire alarm systems
3.5.1. Test report for fire water supply and fire hydrants.
3.5.2. Certificate of acceptance of fire protection systems after comprehensive testing.
3.6. Process equipment and process pipelines
3.6.1. Refrigeration units acceptance certificate.
3.6.2. Acceptance certificate for technological equipment.
3.6.3. Certificates of acceptance of medical equipment.
3.6.4. Acceptance certificates for special systems and equipment.
3.7. External heating networks

3.7.1. Acceptance certificate for intra-block heating networks
3.7.2. Acceptance certificates for completed construction of engineering structures (central heating station, boiler room, pumping station, etc.).
3.8. External water supply and sewerage networks
3.8.1. Acceptance certificate for intra-block drains.
3.8.2. Certificate of acceptance of wall drainages and water outlets into drains.
3.8.3. Act on providing the facility with water supply.
3.8.4. Permission to discharge wastewater into the city network.
3.9. External power supply networks
3.9.1. An approval certificate or a test report for an electrical installation (according to standard construction series).
3.9.2. Certificate of acceptance of power supply networks.
3.9.3. Certificate of acceptance of work on external lighting.
3.9.4. Acceptance certificates for completed construction of engineering structures (RTP, TP, etc.).
3.10.1 Certificate from the city telephone network regarding acceptance of work on telephone sewerage and calibration.
3.10.2 Certificate from the city radio broadcasting network regarding acceptance of radio installation works.
3.10.3 Certificate from the operating organization regarding acceptance of cable networks or other television systems.

4. Certificates indicating the compliance of the object with design documentation and confirming its safety
4.1. Radiation inspection report of the object and maximum permissible concentration of the object.
4.2. Radiation inspection report of the construction site.
4.3. A certificate from the technical inventory bureau about the operational performance of the facility or its technical passport.

II. General and special journals in which records of work performed during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of a capital construction project were carried out.
1. General work log.

2. Special work logs:

7. As-built survey of external networks, agreed with GlavAPU
8. Acceptance certificates for critical structures (determined by the author of the project)
9. Certificates of inspection of hidden work when performing critical structures
10. Conclusion of the designer’s supervision on the compliance of the constructed facility with the requirements of the detailed design, regulatory documents (if there is an agreement for designer’s supervision)

To obtain certificates of fulfillment of specifications, the following documentation must be submitted to the relevant operating organizations:

1. Electrical devices
1.1. Equipment acceptance certificate for installation.
1.2. Certificate of readiness of the construction part for installation of electrical devices.
1.3. An act of checking the lighting network for the correct ignition of internal lighting.
1.4. An act of checking the lighting network for operation and correct installation of installed machines.
1.5. Certificate of inspection of grounding devices.
1.6. Grounding device passport.
1.7. Insulation resistance measurement protocol
1.8. Protocol for checking the impedance of the phase-zero loop.
1.9. Protocol for checking the conditions for triggering the RCD.
1.10. Certificate of technical readiness for electrical installation work.
1.11. Certificate of approval of the electrical installation for operation.
1.12. Certificate of acceptance of additional special devices for weak currents (alarms, local telephone communications, video surveillance, etc.).

2. External heating networks
2.1. Certificate of inspection of trenches during underground laying of pipelines.
2.2. Certificate of inspection of foundations and supports for pipelines.
2.3. Thermal insulation inspection report.
2.4. Certificate of inspection of thermal cameras.
2.5. Certificate for laying pipelines.
2.6. Act on testing pipelines for strength and tightness.
2.7. Act on the flushing (blow-down) of pipelines.
2.8. Act on stretching of expansion joints.
2.9. Act on providing the facility with constant heat supply.
2.10 Acceptance certificates for completed construction of engineering structures (central heating station, boiler room, pumping station, etc.).

3. External
3.1. Trench inspection report.
3.2. Certificate of inspection of foundations for pipelines.
3.3. Well inspection report.
3.4. Certificate for laying pipelines.
3.5. Certificate of acceptance hydraulic testing of the pressure pipeline for strength and tightness.
3.6. Certificate of acceptance hydraulic testing of a free-flow pipeline for strength and tightness.
3.7. Act on the washing and disinfection of pipelines (structures) for domestic and drinking water supply.
3.8. Acceptance certificate for intra-block heating networks.
3.9. Acceptance certificate for intra-block drains.
3.10. Certificate of acceptance of wall drainages and water outlets into drains.
3.11. Act on providing the facility with water supply.
3.12. Permission to discharge wastewater into the city network.
4. External power supply networks

4.1. Certificates of inspection of trenches and foundations for cable installation.
4.2. Test report for power cables with voltages over 1000 V.
4.3. Protocol for inspection and testing of insulation resistance of cables on drums before installation.
4.4. Protocol for warming up cables on reels before laying them at low temperatures.
4.5. Cable routing log.
4.6. Certificate of inspection of cable couplings.
4.7. Certificate of inspection of protective coating of cables.
4.8. An approval certificate or a test report for an electrical installation (according to standard construction series).
4.9. Certificate of acceptance of power supply networks.
4.10 Certificate of acceptance of work on external lighting.
4.11 Acceptance certificates for completed construction of engineering structures (RTP, TP, etc.).

5. External communication networks
5.1. Trench inspection report.
5.2. Cable duct inspection report.
5.3. Certificate for laying cables.
5.4. Certificate of inspection of cable communication wells.
5.5. Certificate from the city telephone network regarding acceptance of telephone sewer and cabling works.
5.6. Certificate from the city radio broadcasting network regarding acceptance of radio installation works.
5.7. Certificate from the operating organization regarding acceptance of cable networks or other television systems

For delivery of the internal power supply system and low-current systems, the following documentation must be submitted to the relevant operating organizations:

6. Technical documentation for electrical installation work (approved by the signatures and seal of the director)
6.1. Certificate for hidden work on laying wires
6.2. Certificate of acceptance of the electrical installation by the working commission
6.3. Certificates for products and materials
6.4. List of protective equipment with test reports for fire-fighting equipment
6.5. Act on the audit and labeling of electricity metering devices
6.6. Acceptance test protocols
6.7. Certificate of technical readiness for electrical installation work, list of installed equipment
6.8. Inspection report of the ASU and lighting boards, protocol of inspection and verification of installed equipment
6.9. Grounding device passport, grounding device diagram
6.10. Certificates for transformers with verification, ASU, residential single-phase meters
6.11. Certified certificates for wires, cables, sockets, switches, lamps, etc.
6.12. Test report of protective equipment, certificate of the laboratory that carried out the measurements
6.13. Certificate of technical readiness of ASKUE (sealing, acceptance into operation)

7. Technical report on electrical measurements (approved by the director)
7.1. Protocol for checking the presence of a circuit between grounding conductors and grounded elements
7.2. Protocol for measuring insulation resistance of power and lighting wiring
7.3. Protocol for measuring the resistance of a grounding device
7.4. Protocol for checking the operation of automatic machines
7.5. Protocol for testing ATS circuits, protocol for testing the functionality of RCDs
7.6. Protocol for measuring the phase-zero loop
7.7. The act of installing potential equalizers in the bathroom and measurement protocols
7.8. The act of installing potential equalizers at the entrance to the building and the presence of grounding on all metal products, with measurement protocols
7.9. Certificate of inspection of hidden work on the installation of a grounding device (GMU)
7.10. Lightning protection passport, lightning protection diagram (LPS)

To obtain a Technical Inspection Certificate for water supply and sewerage networks, the following documentation must be submitted to the relevant operating organizations:

8.1. Copy of technical specifications
8.2. Copy of the protocol for approval of the working design
8.3. A copy of the B and K networks plan from the working draft
8.4. Certificates for hidden work on laying water pipelines
8.5. Certificate for hydraulic testing of water supply system
8.6. Acts for hidden sewerage work
8.7. Sewer spill act
8.8. Certificate for testing the tightness of fecal sewerage
8.9. Copies of bacteriological and chemical water analyzes
8.10. Help from the HCHR UPO Ministry of Internal Affairs
8.11. A copy of the payment order for equity participation (if specified in the technical specifications)
8.12. A copy of the payment order for technical supervision (according to the contract for technical supervision)
8.13. Executive survey of networks V and K from GlavAPU in 5 copies
8.14. A copy of payment orders for connections to the water supply and sewerage networks
8.15. A copy of the payment order for flushing the water supply networks

If he lived in the basement. There are booster pumps at home, you must provide the following documentation:
9.1. Pump passport
9.2. A copy of the pump maintenance agreement
9.3. A copy of the protocol for measuring noise and vibration levels (in TsGSEN Kazan)

To conclude an agreement for technical supervision of the construction of VC networks, the following documentation must be submitted:
10.1. Full name of the organization (customer)
10.2. Full name of the head
10.3. Customer details
10.4. The total estimated cost of the entire construction

To commission heat supply networks, it is necessary to submit the following documentation:
11.1. Copy of technical specifications
11.2. Certificate of fulfillment of specifications
11.3. Heat supply network plan with the signature and stamp of the Customer and the General Contractor “For work”, as well as specification of materials and equipment
11.4. Protocol of approval of the project, the organization that issued the specifications
11.5. List of organizations that took part in construction
11.6. Licenses of the design organization and organizations involved in construction
11.7. Acts on heating mains (including hot water supply)
11.7.1. Trench construction
11.7.2. For the installation of a base for a heating main (DHW)
11.7.3. For the installation and reinforcement of a concrete base
11.7.4. For the installation of a base for the foundation of the thermal chamber
11.7.5. Masonry or installation of thermal chamber walls
11. 7.6. Waterproofing walls
11.7.7. Construction of a drainage well (water drainage)
11.7.8. Installation of lintels or beams TK
11.7.9. For installation of the TC floor
11.7.10. Concreting the bottom of the TC
11.7.11. Installation of heating main trays (DHW)
11.7.12. Waterproofing trays
11.7.13. Pipeline installation
11.7.14. Arrangement of movable and fixed supports
11.7.15. Compensator device
11.7.16. Compensator testing
11.7.17. Hydraulic testing of pipeline
11.7.18. Leak test (pneumatic test)
11.7.19. Installation of shut-off valves
11.7.20. Valve inspection
11.7.21. For flushing the pipeline
11.7.22. Anti-corrosion protection
11.7.23. Thermal insulation of pipes and cover layer
11.7.24. Sealing of inputs
11.7.25. Floor waterproofing device
11.7.26. Backfilling the trench
11.8.27. Certificates and passports for gate valves
11.9. Quality Certificates
11.9.1. For metal pipes
11.9.2. Connecting parts: bends, bends
11.9.3. To the electrodes
11.9.4. Thermal insulation and covering material
11.10. Copies of welders’ certificates, welders’ certification protocol
11.11. Passport for the meter, verification of the meter
11.12. Pressure gauge passport and certificate, pressure gauge verification
11.13. Technical data sheets for reinforced concrete rings, covers, structures
11.14. Executive scheme