Living cells perform quantum tricks, breaking the laws of physics. Living cells perform quantum tricks, breaking the laws of physics Schrödinger's cat is probably alive

Molecules - stable compounds of atoms - are formed due to the fact that atoms are able to “share” electrons with each other. The stability of molecules can be characterized by dissociation energy (or binding energy), that is, the energy that must be transferred to a molecule in order to split it into two parts (for diatomic molecules, in order to split it into two separate atoms). The magnitude of this energy depends on the structure of the electron shells of atoms: roughly speaking, the more willingly atoms share electrons, the stronger the bond, and therefore the greater the dissociation energy. In the vast majority of molecules the bond is quite strong; its energy amounts to units or tenths of an electronvolt. In terms of macroscopic quantities, this is about a hundred kilojoules per mole of substance, and in temperature units this corresponds to thousands and tens of thousands of degrees (however, the real dissociation of molecules begins at much lower temperatures). Another consequence of fairly strong chemical bonding is the compact size of molecules: the atoms in a molecule sit next to each other at a distance of the order of the size of the atom itself.

A completely unique exception to this pattern is helium dimer, He 2 molecule. This is an unexpectedly large molecule - the average distance between helium atoms is much larger than their sizes. Because of this, the helium dimer has an exceptionally small binding energy, about a tenth of a microelectronvolt! Such a molecule breaks down not only at room temperature, but also at temperatures up to millikelvin. It can rightfully be said that this is the most fragile molecule known today.

Because of its fragility, the He 2 molecule is difficult to study experimentally. Any standard way of studying molecules (shine light, irradiate them with electrons, even just lay them on a surface) will immediately destroy them. All you can do is get an ultra-cold stream of helium, in which some of the helium atoms will be combined into dimers, and register the flow of He 2 molecules with a sensor (in fact, this is not so simple: a helium dimer was first registered in 1993) . A nontrivial question arises: how to determine the size of this molecule in such a situation, that is, how to measure the length of the He–He chemical bond if the molecule falls apart at the slightest disturbance?


Come up with setting up an experiment that would allow us to determine the size of the helium dimer molecule.


To date, several ways have been invented to measure this size. One of them is purely geometric, and the second uses the simplest quantum properties of matter. Just in case, let us explain that the He 2 molecule should be imagined not in the form of the usual “dumbbell”, in which two more or less localized atoms are separated by a large distance (Fig. 2, left), but in the form of a large spherical cloud in which two helium atoms (Fig. 2, right).


The simplest experiment to determine the size of the He 2 molecule is to pass a cold stream of helium through a fine sieve with known mesh sizes (Fig. 3). A helium dimer molecule can fly unhindered through a sieve cell only if its center of mass falls inside the dashed square. Otherwise, the molecule will “hit” the sieve and fall apart from the impact into individual atoms. By measuring how the effective cell size for He 2 differs from the actual geometric size (and this can be done by comparing the probabilities of passage for atomic helium and for its dimer), one can determine the size of the molecule.

The second method, which uses the quantum properties of matter, is to study the diffraction of these molecules on a nano-sized diffraction grating. Molecules of matter, like light, have wave properties and therefore are capable of experiencing diffraction. Diffraction on a grating leads to the fact that the movement of light (or particles) deviates from rectilinear at certain angles - diffraction peaks are obtained (see Fig. 4). The law according to which the intensity of these peaks decreases with increasing angle is determined by the effective width of the gap, which for helium dimer molecules is less than the real width. This dependence can also be measured and the size of the molecule can be derived from this.


The molecular size of the helium dimer was in 1995. The experiments were carried out using the first method, and they used a whole set of nozzles with holes from 98 to 410 nm. Measurements showed that the average distance between helium atoms in the dimer is 62 ± 10 angstroms. This is an absolutely gigantic value for atomic physics; Let us remind you that the diameter of one helium atom is less than 1 angstrom!

The second technique was experimentally implemented in 2000 and gave a slightly smaller and more accurate value of 52 ± 4 angstroms. Note that this method is, in a sense, non-destructive: even such fragile molecules deviate from the original direction of movement without falling apart, due to their wave properties.

Here it is useful to take another look at Fig. 2. The fact that the average distance between helium atoms in a dimer is approximately 52 angstroms does not mean that the atoms rotate relative to each other at exactly this distance. In fact, two atoms are spread out over a very wide range of distances: from several to several hundred (!) angstroms. In Fig. Figure 5 shows the theoretically calculated wave function of the dimer as a function of the interatomic distance. It is interesting to note that such an anomalously wide and asymmetric distribution leads to the fact that the average (that is, weighted average) interatomic distance does not at all coincide with the most probable distance (at which the wave function has a maximum).

Such a smeared molecule is a completely unusual phenomenon for atomic physics, and therefore experimenters have long been looking for a way not only to measure the average interatomic distance, but also to probe the wave function profile itself. This was done quite recently, last year, with the help of the so-called Coulomb explosion of a molecule. When a molecule absorbs a photon, one or more electrons are quickly ejected from it. In this case, it was possible to knock out one electron from each helium atom using one photon. As a result, not a trace remained of the chemical bond: the two helium ions began to strongly repel each other and scattered in different directions. Based on the angles and velocities of emission of electrons and nuclei, it is possible to reconstruct the state in which the nuclei were at the moment of ionization.

The last interesting thing worth mentioning here relates to helium isotopes. All the described experiments were carried out with helium-4. The lighter isotope of helium, helium-3, does not form dimers at all. The He–He chemical bond in it is the same, but the quantum vibration of the helium-3 atoms is stronger, and therefore they are not able to stay together. In order to hold helium-3 atoms in a compact cluster, not two, not three, not four, but approximately 30 atoms are required. Only then is their mutual attraction strong enough to hold the atoms together. To put it poetically, we can say that helium-3 is a substance that begins not with molecules, but with droplets.

Perfumery for a woman is an integral part of life. The final touch, without which no image would be complete. Choosing your own scent is not an easy task, but there are perfumes in the world that will choose the owner themselves! In the ocean of different compositions, you always want to find something of your own, dear, but there are a lot of people with the same perfume on the streets (). Finding yourself at the same party for two ladies with the same scent is just as uncomfortable as wearing identical dresses. But there are perfumes that will create only her own scent for everyone - a unique bouquet, the only one on the entire planet! We will talk about Molecule perfume.

Many people, when encountering Escentric molecules for the first time, shrug their shoulders skeptically. It's hard to believe that Molecule perfume, whose price is within the usual range for branded perfumes, can work wonders by taking on an individual scent. However, this magic is explainable and its name is science!

The miracle also has a more human name - Geza Schoen (German, Geza Schoen). This is a German perfumer who, by 2006, completed the creation of a molecule he called “ISO E Super”. The year was a milestone, a turning point in the history of perfumery - the time when Molecule perfume was born, smelling its own scent on every person!

Creating the magic molecule was difficult and took several years of work. It is much easier to explain the principle of its operation. Each person has many characteristics that are unique to him. The skin also has them, including microscopic volatile substances that are constantly released from its surface, but are not perceptible to ordinary people. ISO E Super recognizes them!

By reacting, the molecule gives a command to other ingredients, and a unique perfume composition is formed. As a result, two friends standing next to each other wearing the same Molecule perfume will smell differently. All Molecule perfumes, a series of six fragrances, are built on this principle.

The molecule is activated on any area of ​​the skin, but the greatest effect can be achieved by applying perfume close to secretory areas - wrists, décolleté or elbow creases.

There is one more feature of Molecule ISO E Super. Those deeply personal, almost intimate forces that Molecule perfume activates create scents that affect the opposite sex with the effect of a real aphrodisiac. No lady will go unnoticed with Molecule perfume - a lot of attention is guaranteed.

Everyone has probably heard about pheromones? Yes, we are talking about them – substances that attract partners. There is something primal, animal, instinctive about it, but in the case of Molecule they are framed in noble and beautifully smelling compositions!

Six fragrances from the Molecule series

The Molecule perfume series is united by a common concept formed by ISO E Super. At the same time, each composition has its own character, which, mixed with the effect of the “magic” molecule, forms special smells and notes. Once on the skin, the aroma of the Molecule first sounds precisely with this added formula. After a few minutes, having unraveled everyone’s personal secrets, an individual fragrance appears.

To work properly, Molecule perfumes need contact with the skin, so they should be used carefully on clothing. It is better to test the Molecule in two ways: by applying it both to the wrist and to a material with a neutral odor.

Before moving on to each fragrance in the Molecule series, it is worth learning about the qualities common to all:

  1. All fragrances in the series are based on the ISO E Super effect.
  2. Each member of the family is considered unisex, but this does not mean an average scent that suits everyone - on men it will become masculine, on ladies it will acquire a delicate feminine structure.
  3. Molecule perfume is loved by many stars; singers, fashion models and actresses have repeatedly expressed their positive reviews.
  4. The molecule is available in 100 and 30 ml, but the latter can be equipped with a stylish black case, or can be sold in a regular cardboard box (the so-called refill, which can be inserted into a previously purchased case); The price of perfume depends on this.
  5. The classic structure of the pyramid of notes was specifically violated by the rebel Geza Schoen: no initial, heart and base stages of notes - The molecules are considered mono-aromatics (with the exception of Escentric 03).

IMPORTANT: Despite the monostructure, the sound of the Molecule note is still divided into stages - at least before and after the moment of formation of a unique smell.

Sometimes it is difficult to identify Molecule fragrances. This is due to the similarity of the names of the compositions and the brand itself. The brand is called “Escentric Molecules” (the second word in the plural), and fragrances included in the series:

  • Molecule 01 (the word is written in the singular);
  • Escentric 01 (spelling similar to that in the brand name);
  • Molecule 02 and its partner Escentric 02;
  • The next pair: Molecule 03 and a partner with special features - Escentric 03.

Often there are long names that include both the name of the brand and the fragrance itself. To avoid confusion, you need to pay attention to the word in front of the digital code. The compositions were released in pairs, numbered.

Zero first

This first pair of the family was released in 2006 and became a “revolution in the world of perfumery.” This is exactly what critics dubbed it, who were initially quite skeptical of all innovations. However, after testing the perfume, they filled glossy magazines with headlines about “breakthrough”, “revolution” and “magic”.

Molecule 01

This fragrance is built solely on the “magic” of ISO E Super. The composition does not include other components - it is a pure, concentrated individual scent.

Fragrance groupsMusky, floral, woody
PerfumerGeza Schoen
TypeEau de Parfum
CompoundISO E Super

Escentric 01

This is a true partner of the first Molecule, but it also has a separate structure. That is, until the moment a unique smell appears, the perfume is not silent, but sounds with its own interesting bouquet of notes. And then it does not turn into the pure personal sound of Molecule 01, but forms an aroma from a mixture of a unique smell and the underlying composition.

Zero second

This Molecule pair appeared in 2008, when the fame of the premiere fragrances had already spread throughout the world. The result is queues in stores on the day of appearance, and almost instantaneous sale of all stocks.

A special feature of these compositions was the presence of the substance Ambroxan, an analogue of ambergris artificially synthesized by Gez Schoen. The perfumer is not the author of the substance - it has been known since the 1950s, but it was he who managed to obtain Ambroxan in the form of a strong, bright and, at the same time, mild odor.

Molecule 02

This representative of the second pair, as always, gives an idea of ​​the purest sound of the components. The very sensual Ambroxan and the personal scent from ISO E Super are a very sexy duet!

Fragrance groupsEastern
PerfumerGeza Schoen
TypeEau de Parfum
CompoundAmbroxan and ISO E Super

Escentric 02

Two floral notes have been added to the two main ingredients of the series. At the same time, the emphasis is not shifted to cloying, and the flowers fit very harmoniously into the overall composition. There is sweetness, but it is not excessive - its level is individual and depends on the components that play the main roles: Ambroxan and personal smell.

Fragrance groupsOriental, floral
PerfumerGeza Schoen
TypeEau de Parfum
CompoundIris, Jasmine, Ambroxan and ISO E Super

Third episode

These two Molecule fragrances appeared in 2010, and became perhaps the most controversial in the series. The third series left almost no one indifferent - people either hated these scents or fell madly in love with them. This is an indicator of originality!

IMPORTANT: Unlike previous Molecule perfumes, the bottles of the third series are very similar. They differ only in small inscriptions: “M” and “Molecule 03” or “E” and “Escentric 03”, made in the upper left corner of the front side. On 30 ml bottles the inscriptions read “M-03” and “E-03”, respectively.

The main emphasis was placed on the ISO E Super molecule and vetiver, which gave the fragrances a chypre base. Both perfumes differ significantly, but the common basis allows them to be attributed to one direction.

Molecule 03

Two ingredients - nothing extra. Pure idea of ​​the author. If this scent suits you, it will become a true friend for many years. Its sound, of course, is individual, but judging by the reviews, almost everyone notes the phenomenal durability of the perfume.

Fragrance groupsChypres
PerfumerGeza Schoen
TypeEau de Parfum
CompoundVetiver and ISO E Super

Escentric 03

The partner is also unusually long-lasting, and also based on vetiver and the famous molecule. However, a large bouquet of notes of accompanying ingredients gives the aroma its own character, unlike its partner. Moreover, in Escentric 03 the author returned to the classic pyramid of sound stages.

Other brand scents

In addition to the six Molecule perfume compositions described, Gez Schoen has released several more perfumes for his brand. Firstly, several limited editions of the same Molecules. They differ mainly in the bottle, packaging and, of course, price.

There are fragrances from Gez Schoen created without the use of a “magic molecule”. The author wanted to prove that he could create classic perfumes, and, as reviews show, he succeeded.

Fans of the perfumer can get acquainted with his compositions such as The Beautiful Mind Series Intelligence & Fantasy, his continuation The Beautiful Mind Series Volume 2: Precisionand Grace or a completely different perfume dedicated to the long-departed German actor Klaus Kinski...

Among the large assortment of Escentric Molecules perfumes, any woman can choose her own scent. There is everything for this: the author’s talent, science and high technology. Becoming the owner of the only scent in the world - isn’t this what most ladies dream of?

Now the answer is known and accessible - this is Molecule perfume; perfume that turns the skin into a real perfumer, creating unique scents!

Molecule 02 perfume is considered one of the most famous among selective perfumery aromas. Built on just one central note, they are suitable for both men and women.

Aroma Molecule 02

Perfume Molecule Eccentric 02 was released for sale in 2008 and has not left the shelves since then. Their creator, perfumer Geza Schoen, created the aroma around a central note - a molecule of ambroscan or ambergris, which gave the perfume its name. The perfume is positioned as and is available in bottles of 30, 50 and 100 ml. If you want to test Molecule 02 perfume in a store, it is better to ask a consultant to sprinkle a drop of perfume on your hand, and then walk around with it for a while. Only then will you be able to feel the aroma unfolding. Otherwise, on the test strip, it may seem to you that the perfume has no smell at all.

The innovation of the composition of Molecule No. 2 perfume lies in the fact that it is impossible to distinguish three traditional perfume chords in its composition. The order of opening, in which the top notes come first, then the middle notes - the "heart" notes - and finally you hear the last opening, but longest remaining base notes, is broken here. In this selective perfume, you always feel the main component on the skin, which, depending on different conditions, can sound differently. The composition of the aroma Molecule 2 can be represented as follows:

  • central note: ambroscan;
  • additional notes: boron, ambrinol, woody notes.

Perfume Molecule 1 or 2?

A little earlier than Molecules 02, the collection of fragrances from this famous perfumer included the perfume Molecule 01. When purchasing, many are faced with the need to choose between these two enchanting and unusual scents. It is believed that Molecule 01 is a lighter and summer scent, and Molecule 02 is more winter and heavier. Indeed, the aroma of Molecule 02 reveals itself most strongly in the contrast of warm skin and cold frosty air, as well as after moving from the street to a warm room. This perfume is denser, more saturated, it has a stronger woody and amber composition; it is during the cold season that it does not sound too suffocating or intrusive, but reveals itself in all its glory, warming the owner of the perfume with its aroma.

It is well known that from birth each person has his own unique smell. We are involuntarily attracted to people who smell good. But the aroma of youth is especially sweet: it enchants and inspires. What's the matter? The point is in the pheromones with which the skin of young people is impregnated: it smells fragrant for a reason, but in order to attract an individual of the opposite sex for the reproduction of full-fledged offspring.

Everything would be fine, but in a big city it is very difficult to distinguish the bewitching smell of a man (or woman). Only a few have no problems with this - these are the very people who are destined in the stars to become perfumers! For people with an ordinary sense of smell (of which the majority) there is a very non-standard solution - this is “Molecule Eccentric 02”.

These unique perfumes reveal the aroma of a person's skin and hair, that is, the individuality of the body. We will tell you the history of creation, the idea and the path to success of Eccentric 02" right now.

Perfume Molecule Escentric 02 - intriguing and bewitching

What does Molecule smell like? It looks different on each person, but at the same time it’s beautiful in its own way! Watching the development of the aroma of "Molecule Eccentric 02" is a most interesting thing. The strict and fresh notes of the aroma gradually change to softer and calmer ones. The perfume seems to be woven from contradictions, but at the same time their smell is surprisingly harmonious and attractive. They are especially suitable for creative and multifaceted people. After all, on such individuals they will smell truly divine!


Perfume "Molecule Eccentric 02", reviews of which are the most positive, are suitable for both men and women. This can be guessed by two signs:

  • Design. Namely, by the stylish packaging without a hint of glamor, as well as by the bottle, made in a minimalist style.
  • Smell. The perfume has a soft metallic tint and distinct woody notes. Many people associate the aroma with cool spring water, fresh herbs...

What is a unique bouquet of perfume made from?

Selective consists of various components, which are divided into basic and additional. The first include:

  • Silky jasmine.
  • Iris.
  • Ambroxan.
  • ISO E Super.

Ambroxan and ISO E Super are the very molecules that the best perfumers in the world worked on in scientific laboratories. We will talk about them in more detail in subsequent chapters of the article.

Additional components include:

  • Elder.
  • Gedion.
  • Violet.
  • Musk.
  • Vetiver.

Ambroxan forms an amazing connection with musk and vetiver. Elderberry, hedione and violet make up the initial notes of the perfume. They give the perfume a light mineral tint.

As a true connoisseur of chemistry, Geza Schoen (the founder of the brand) added a neurostimulant to his perfume. Everyone who is familiar with this fascinating science knows very well that this substance (nootropic) activates the brain. Namely, it improves memory and concentrates attention on a complex task. This trick of the great perfumer literally glorifies the unknown. He encourages people to improve their intellect...

The muse for this interesting idea was the child prodigy Christian Stenger. At the age of 12 she received the title "Grand Master of Memory". Despite the large number of chemical components in the Molecule, perfume is associated with summer, sea and warmth...

The idea that revolutionized perfumery

Most wonderful things are based on an idea - a figment of the inventor's imagination. "Molecule 02 Eccentric" (photo below) is no exception to the rule. The project is based on Leonardo da Vinci's ideal molecule, created 500 years ago! It means the embodiment of absolute beauty. After five centuries, the unique molecules of the Italian inventor have been slightly “modified” by modern perfumers. Then they placed it in several transparent cones, the aroma of which awakens conflicting feelings among contemporaries. Each of us has a unique opportunity to find our “Molecule”. The one that will awaken true pleasure.

The secret of success of "Molecules"

The innovative project MOLECULE has no analogues in the world. Where does the company's success lie:

  1. Project participants look at perfumery as art.
  2. Any talented (fame does not matter here) perfumer has the opportunity to offer his development to the organizing team. If the idea is worthwhile, then it will definitely be brought to life.
  3. Smart marketing strategy. The organizers of the project strive to create, first of all, a high-quality and unique product, and not to sell more and cheaper mediocre goods (however, Escentric Molecules was not noticed in the presence of these).

Gesa Schoen - a great innovative perfumer from Germany

For more than 12 years, the modest but amazingly capable German worked for the famous perfume companies Diesel and French Connect's. During this time, he learned a lot and gained invaluable experience. In 2005, Geza realized that it was time to create his own brand, which would reveal and embody life the most daring ideas. This is what Escentric Molecules became. The perfumer’s idea came true. Now he created perfumes without regard to the ideas of the employing company.

The company's first success was the Escentric Molecules 01 perfume. They were liked by such famous personalities as Elton John. In the first two days of sales in Australia, the entire first batch was sold out!

Team "Molecules"

Geza Schoen turned out to be not only a perfumer from God, but also a talented organizer. He was able to assemble a strong team consisting of true professionals in their field. The Molecule project allowed many previously unknown perfumers to present their ideas. Modern laboratories have produced inventors such as Kilian Hennessy and Ben Gorham. The latter is the creator of BYREDO. Charming Camille Goutal and Victoria Christian run the perfume workshop. All these people have one thing in common - the desire to create exquisite perfumes. Without a doubt, they succeeded.

Symbiosis of pheromone and natural ambroxan

"Molecule 02 Eccentric" (described above) is the fruit of Schoen's inspiration. It arose after the stunning success of Molecule 01, the sales of which broke all records. If the first perfume is based on pure ISO E Super, then the second range is supplemented with natural essences.

Let's look at what the two main components of perfume are. ISO E Super is an artificially synthesized substance that is as close in smell to a real pheromone. In Molecule Escentric 02, Schoen doubles its concentration. It also complements the bouquet of perfume with natural ambroxan. This natural element is extremely rare and difficult to obtain. Ambergris (which is where ambroxan is extracted) is found in the excretions of whales. She travels across the ocean surface for years and absorbs the divine aromas of nature. Namely, the sun's rays, sea salts and algae... They collect it when it hits the shore. This method of collecting ambroxan shows people’s caring attitude towards living nature.

Perfume "Molecule Eccentric 02": price

From the description of Molecule Escentric 02 it is obvious that the components included in its composition are rare and expensive. The cost of "Eccentric Molecule 02" (the price is presented below) is completely justified. It is 4350 rubles. You can purchase perfume both in a regular store and online.

Perfume "Molecule Eccentric 02": reviews

Most people who decide to try the described perfume for the first time become its regular fans. Of the entire series of selective products, the most popular is Molecule Eccentric 02. Reviews about her are the most positive. One part of the owners of the treasured bottle calls its contents a wonderful elixir that lifts the mood. The other part does not smell the perfume on itself at all. But strangers feel it very well and often inquire about the name of the miracle spirits. Thus, the number of fans of exquisite perfume is constantly increasing.

People literally fall in love with Molecule Eccentric 02 perfume. Reviews from fans speak of a surprisingly subtle aroma that promotes intellectual work.

There was a fly in the ointment...

Perfume "Molecule" does not leave anyone indifferent. Most people praise this strange scent that smells different on each person. But there is also a group of those who do not understand the smell of perfume. Such individuals associate Molecule Eccentric 02 with a hospital, rotten moss, or something sharp and unpleasant.

However, there are cases when love for the selective comes gradually. That is, for the first time a person either does not smell the perfume, or it seems repulsive to him. But after the second or third use, the perfume begins to gradually open up. As a result, even a doubting person becomes a perfume fan.

These are the controversial perfume "Molecule Eccentric 02". Reviews once again show that each person has a unique sense of smell.

Secrets of use

"Molecule" is a selective product designed to reveal the individual scent of human skin. The tips described below will help you achieve maximum effect.

  1. Apply only to clean body.
  2. Stifle areas of the skin near which the endocrine glands are located. For example, wrists, elbows, décolleté.
  3. Try not to mix the selective with sweet perfumes.
  4. If you have a keen sense of smell, then you can try to create your own composition. Namely, mix “Molecule” with other perfumes. A good combination is obtained with perfume from Hugo Boss. Many representatives of the fair sex came to this conclusion.

In this article, we delved into the world of exquisite perfume. Namely, the perfume of the MOLECULE brand. We hope that each reader will find his own “Molecule”, the aroma of which will invariably promote creative activity and a good mood.