The meaning of the expression “to live with wolves, howl like a wolf.” To live with wolves - howl like a wolf? Proverb with wolves, live by howling like a wolf

And the wild forest, one big zone.
Here, to survive, you must kill,
By killing another, you will become an outlaw.

There are no weak people here, it’s every man for himself,
Here you understand what the value of a word means.
Well, the huntsmen are just planning something,
They want to make someone outlaw.

The day has been appointed, the hunters are on the way,
The sun froze in the sky like an icon.
The forest is again divided into red flags,
Some people are destined to become outlaws.

In the deep snow, confusing tracks,
The wolf pack leaves the chase,
Avoiding red flags
And without betraying the wild will like a wolf.

Fate has taken a look at you,
Now you are writing in the snow with blood.
He will finish it for you, someone will remain intact,
He has to live with his unloved love, you.

Only forward, you can't go back anymore,
Our wild forest, one big zone.
The huntsmen were stunned by wolf blood
And they themselves became outlaws.

Night comes, again replaced by day,
After all, for some the moon is an icon
And on TV there are still the same huntsmen,
That in the 90s they became illegal.

Over the years, the white snow has only become deeper,
It’s getting harder and harder for me to keep up with the pack.
Looks like a step, long ago, my frisky run,
After a new century, I’m already hobbling.

I can’t keep up, and I can’t even finish singing,
And even if there were wings behind my back?!
It’s more important not to intercede than to not know who to fly with
For the red flags of spiritual impotence.

The hunt was glorious, the huntsmen rejoiced,
The forest has become thinner, but the essence is still the same zone.
The hunters will finish you off, O my Motherland!
Those who themselves are outside the law will finish off the she-wolf.


That's right! There is one big hunt for your people! The theme of Vysotsky is visible.
I recently read Alexander Korzhakov’s book “But Tsars Are Not Real.”
There he describes in detail how Yeltsin hunted (he could not calm down until he killed the entire herd).
The “new” president has the same goals, but different targets...
With respect for your honest civic position,

Your truth, without Semyonovich, well, no way... Vysotsky’s “Hammer” (word) will continue to hit the filthy little snake in the head for a long time, while he stings us in the heel...
The whole comedy of the situation lies in the fact that we are protecting ourselves, those who robbed us in the 90s, from the media, and continue to do so successfully, demonstrating our “kitsch” to us “zombie” in the program “You are not you’ll believe it!”, and the people just silently swallowed. This is the height of humiliation of the peoples of Russia. But, was it ever different?

To be honest, I haven’t watched the program “You Won’t Believe It!” for a long time. I always didn't like the way it was presented.
And now I remember that I only have a TV when I need to watch a movie from a disc.

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Where are the people? It's so lonely in the desert...
- It’s also lonely among people.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, "The Little Prince"

Sometimes I feel like I'm out of place. At the wrong time, with the wrong people... I am not interested in modern topics, new jokes and standards accepted by my generation. The release of a new video from a famous video blogger, the publication of another song that makes no sense, a heated discussion of “funny” phrases about the “worthlessness of life” - do not awaken in me a trembling desire to continue the conversation. I don’t understand, how can you discuss with such excitement every word, every movement of a person who films his attitude to life in such an unnatural way, while commenting on every step? And then also copy it in your behavior. That is, it turns out that it is not you who is speaking, but that same recognized “hero” from the television screen, and if someone, God forbid, did not understand your joke, then consider that you have nothing to talk about with him.

Without a doubt, each of them individually is a very interesting person to whom I can find an approach. But when they come together, they become strangers to me... Only a feeling of loneliness appears, and with it, sometimes, rejection. You want to lock yourself in your cozy room and hide from the “strange” world around you, do what you like and not go outside. Previously, I tried to understand the meaninglessness of their conversations, pretending to be interested. Laughed like them; I joked like them, but all the time I felt “out of place.”

People say: “To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.” For me, this adaptation was necessary for survival. But with age, a person’s attitude towards life changes, and I no longer want to put up with such frameworks. Having met a large number of completely different people over the course of my seventeen years, I begin to understand that somewhere there are like-minded people of mine – individuals who are just as lost and confused in this world, with whom I can be myself without much effort.

However, that will come later...

George Santayana once said: “Society is like air: it is necessary for breathing, but not sufficient for life.” Having separated from the team, sooner or later I will strive to join the “pack” - this is obvious and inevitable. All that remains is to continue to look for an approach to people of different views, to devote more time to those with whom interests still coincide. Of course, with many of us our tastes and preferences are very different, but living as a “lone wolf” in this world is very difficult... It’s good when you still managed to find a person close to you in spirit. Especially if it seems to interweave your worlds, yours is non-standard and someone else’s is generally accepted. It’s like he’s that little bridge, open to everything new and keeping within himself an interest in life of all times. I always admire his desire to support any topic with any person, while remaining himself - sincere, kind, decent, sympathetic, pure in soul and with a strong character. With him, any pack is nothing to me!

This can also be called ethics of imitation. A person who follows such an ethical system simply copies (more or less consciously) the behavior of the people around him, and, first of all, his attitude towards himself personally. In practice, such behavior does not always seem attractive or even decent. If others behave “normally” with a given person, then they can expect the same from him. But if some kind of outrage is happening around, he will definitely take part in it, moreover, he will consider it his duty, since the biggest sin within the framework of this ethical system is “separation from the collective.”

Within this system, it is impossible for one person to be right and the others to be wrong, or for one person to do better than everyone else. This situation seems (and is within the framework of this system) absurd, a contradiction in definition.

Imitation, generally speaking, is the basis of all behavior.. A person imitates both himself (by repeating his own actions) and others (by learning). The first ethical system is the most natural, although perhaps not the most pleasant to live in society.

The first ethical system seems to be something eternal. "That's life, that's how it was Always"- this is what those who live by these laws think. Within this system, it makes no difference When an action is taking place - whether it has been committed, is being performed now, or is just about to happen. “He tried to kill me, or he is trying to kill me, or he is going to kill me, he generally Maybe[has the opportunity, strength or desire] to kill me - that means I too Can[I have the right] to kill him”: this is a typical reasoning within the framework of the first ethical system. Or, in general form: "All Always they do this, so do I Always I will do this, I did it before, and I do it now, and I will do it in the future.”

The source of evil in this ethical system is considered to be disobedience, self-will, and in general any manifestations disobedience to society, understood as inattention to others. Any manifestations of “your own opinion”, etc. are considered simply manifestations of indifference or contempt for society, and by no means a “voice of conscience.” Naturally, this cannot evoke any sympathy from anyone: a person who does not act like everyone else simply despises everyone and does not take anyone into account - this is the conclusion that those around him immediately draw. "He disgraced"- they talk about such a person, and try, at best, to reason with him, and more often - to punish him, or to get rid of him altogether.

Civilizations based entirely on the first ethical system, have long ceased to dominate the planet. It persists within some cultures, which can be designated by the word “South”. However, this behavior did not disappear, moreover, it is continuously reproduced within the framework of so-called “subcultures”. It is enough to observe how relationships work within a youth group, gang or any other marginal group to see the first ethical system in action.

Second ethical system

Let's consider the second ethical rule.

I should not behave towards others the way they do not behave towards me.

Akela appeared in Britain in human form. Zoologist Sean Ellis adopted a pack of wolf cubs. Young predators recognized him as the leader. He teaches them to hunt, practices defensive combat with them, and sleeps on bare rocks. And the wolf cubs warm him with their bodies.

Unlike Akela, Sean Ellis has never missed a beat in his wolf-man life. But he is ready to give up leadership to the best student. He says that he has nothing to oppose to the wolf’s fangs. Our correspondent Anatoly Lazarev met today with the flock that man taught everything.

“This is my pack,” says Sean Ellis, and his words must be taken literally. He doesn't just watch these young wolves, who were abandoned by the she-wolf almost immediately after birth. He lives with them and teaches them “wolf wisdom.” 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. He is their leader.

Sean Ellis, zoologist: “This is where I sleep. In the open air. Right on a rock. No blankets or sleeping bags. Since I am the leader of the pack, the rest of the wolves lie down around me and warm me with their bodies, as it should be in the wolf community.”

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. Sean’s role is by no means limited to this, although he cannot do without it. Today the flock is practicing a “defensive” howl. Sean taught them this.

It's time for the pack to go hunting. It’s too early for 8-month-old wolf cubs to comprehend tactics and strategy, so Sean starts with the basics. The main thing now is to explain to the wolves: what is running away from you is potential prey, and what is running towards you is already a potential danger.

Wolves consider their leader to be the one who protects the pack, makes decisions for it and obtains food. Sean is lucky in this sense: he has been working with these wolves since they were 7 days old. And now his task is to confirm his status as the leader of the pack every day.

Today the "hunt" was successful. The most delicious morsels - the offal - should, according to the wolf hierarchy, go to the leader. In this case, in order not to spoil his reputation, Sean has some boiled liver in stock. When the pack is starving and gnawing on bones, the zoologist secretly chews calcium tablets, because he should smell the same as other wolves. An alien odor can undermine authority. For the same reason - no soap, shampoo, cigarettes, sausage or cheese. The wolf cubs are still too young and good-natured; they have not used their impressive fangs for a long time, except during games. But Sean has no doubt that as soon as the opportunity arises to question his right to be leader, they will do it.

Sean Ellis, zoologist: “In a few months, this wolf will gain strength and, most likely, will try to challenge my leadership. I have nothing to oppose his fangs. I will have to give in. But, I hope, I will be able to remain in the pack as a wise old wolf, so that continue to pass on your “experience”.

The last wild wolf was shot by British hunters in the 17th century. Sean's dream is to restore the population. When his pets grow up, he wants to release them into the wild and is sure that the wolves raised by him will not cause trouble to people. Moreover, he will keep an eye on them. True, already from afar. “This will be a new generation of wolves that will respect people and their territory,” the zoologist hopes. Sean Ellis has not seen his real family - his wife and four children - for a month and a half. “They will come to visit me for Christmas,” says the zoologist, “however, we will still be on opposite sides of the enclosure.”

Those who have already read reviews about the new project “By Wolf Laws” probably know that this story is based on an Australian-made drama. Many of those who watched it found the film too monotonous and therefore boring. And now a new drama series of the same name has been released, which may give us the drive we need in a good story. As a result, the story began to look much more interesting. As you know, a feature film loses to a TV series in its unhurried and detailed presentation of events - in the latter case, those who decide will receive a certain portion of “water,” but it will not be to the detriment of the project. On the contrary, watching the plot develop evenly will be much better for many.

In the center of this plot is the Cody family, which is engaged in various illegal activities. And then one day a teenager named Joshua bursts into their measured, as far as one can call it, life - the grandson of the head of the criminal clan Janine, the son of her daughter who died from a drug overdose and the nephew of three uncles who, together with their mother, are doing dark things. In a word, on the screen in front of us looms a real gang, a pack of wolves, the laws of which Joshua must obey. The family accepts him warily, arranging constant tests of his strength.

The series was filmed well, the actors were chosen competently - it’s pleasant to watch what the director did. And he turned out to be an extraordinary story, although it is based on a far from new plot. Willy-nilly, the fate of young Joshua begins to worry greatly; you watch and worry about him. The attitude towards the rest of the Cody family is twofold - the grandmother evokes either sympathy or disgust, and so do her sons.

Left without a mother and without knowing his father, effectively an orphan, Joshua begins to drift in his new life. It is impossible to say for sure whether he likes such changes. Perhaps he will accept this life, turning onto the path leading to the criminal world, and perhaps he will find the strength to betray his new family. The series will let us know about this. “According to wolf laws” season 2. In the meantime, the release of each new episode is expected with trepidation and excitement - how the fate of the young hero will ultimately turn out. There are no faked scenes in the script; you believe in what happens on the screen. Well, in general, it will be informative to learn more about American crime, so to speak, from the inside.

Watch all episodes of the series According to Wolf Laws online on the website

year: 2016
Country: USA

slogan: “Bad is bred”
director: Christopher Chulak, John Wells, Karen Gaviola
Screenplay: Jonathan Lisko, David Michaud, Eliza Clarke
Producer: Jonathan Lisko, Megan Martin, David Michaud
cinematographer: Lauren S. Iaconelli, Daniel Moder
composer: Samuel Jones, Alexis Marsh
artist: Nina Russo, Elizabeth Cummings, Lin Paolo
editing: Sue Blaney, Joe Francis, Mark Hartzell
genre: drama, crime