Art house: what is it and what are its features. Contemporary painting – art art Art house stylized portraits

Arthouse is a genre not intended for a wide audience. But some films made in this genre not only deserve attention, but also make you think, and sometimes simply explode the imagination. Do you want to be surprised? Find out which of these paintings are the best.

The best arthouse films

We bring to your attention the best films in the arthouse genre:

In the story, the main character William Blake (played by the inimitable Johnny Depp), who is a simple accountant, after the death of his parents, moves to the Wild West in order to find work and continue his modest life. The young man doesn’t get a job, but he kills a man and gets shot in the chest.

Fortunately, on William's way he meets an Indian named Nobody, who mistakes the young man for his beloved poet and nurses him back to health with the help of his potions. Blake eventually woke up and felt the strength in his body, but there was a reward on his head due to murder charges.

Nobody and William are on the run from three thugs sent after Blake. William himself suddenly discovers that he is incredibly strong, dexterous and cunning. And yet he is wounded. By this time, Nobody and Blake reach a God-forsaken tribe, whose leader agrees to accompany William on his last journey. Dying Blake hears two shots, one of which was intended for his Indian friend.

2. The list includes the movie Dogville. The events take place in the 30s of the last century. A young and attractive girl, Grace, fleeing from gangsters, ends up in the Rocky Mountains and finds herself in a tiny town forgotten by people and God called Dogville, where only 7 children and 15 adults live.

One of the residents agrees to shelter Grace, but other residents are unfriendly. The girl has to work for the inhabitants of the town. At first, she does simple work and even receives a salary, but eventually, due to the cruelty and greed of the residents of Dogville, she literally turns into a slave. Grace realizes that she is in a lair of sadists and begins to take revenge.

The film was shot in 1971, it talks about the evils of modern society and the most disgusting qualities of man. In the story, the main character is a troubled teenager, Alex, who rapes girls, bullies and kills people, and listens to classical music. At one point, Alex's friends betray him and he ends up in prison.

There, in exchange for his freedom, he is offered to undergo a course of treatment. The experimental method was supposed to suppress the teenager's desire for violence, but after leaving prison, Alex becomes a real monster. The victims begin to take revenge on the young man, and the side effects of the treatment force him to throw himself out of the window. The guy survives, but his essence does not change. This film has elements of violence, so it is not worth watching for the particularly impressionable.

The painting is dedicated to the Turks who emigrated to Germany. In the story, a forty-year-old Turk, Cahit, after the death of his wife, tries to forget about the past and get rid of everything Turkish, but in the end he becomes an alcoholic and starts using drugs. After the accident, the man miraculously remains alive. The second heroine is twenty-year-old Sibel.

She is trying to escape the tutelage of her conservative Turkish parents and start living a normal, interesting life. The girl even tries to commit suicide, but ends up in the hospital and meets Jahit there. To escape from her parents and finally escape from their care, the girl proposes a fictitious marriage to her new friend. But over time, friendship develops into love.

By chance, Jahit ends up in prison, Sibel leaves, and the lovers part ways. But after his release, the man decides to find a wife. Sibel has to make a choice that will be very, very difficult.

5. “Green Elephant”. If you like Russian original films, check out this picture. In the story, the two main characters serve in the army and end up in the guardhouse for misconduct. Both of those punished are junior lieutenants. Finding themselves in a confined space, the soldiers begin to discuss social problems, talk about human psychology and immerse themselves in current topics.

But one of the lieutenants begins to talk about how turbulent his youth was. And the stories from life seem so disgusting to the “cellmate” that he becomes furious. The film is so replete with shocking scenes and manifestations of aggression and sometimes wild madness that the film was naturally not allowed to be shown. But this did not stop the director from receiving several awards for his “brainchild”.

- a true classic of arthouse cinema. The film is based on stories by Irvine Welsh. The picture consists of three independent parts. Each of them is a wild story about how drug intoxication can explode the imagination. In the first story, the main character is abandoned by his girlfriend, kicked out of the house by his parents, and kicked off the football team.

For his sins, God, who turns out to be a drunk from the pub, turns the guy into a fly. In the second story, the wife of a henpecked and henpecked man settles on the second floor of her own house with a bandit. The third story is about a bully who, after taking LSD, finds himself in the body of a newborn child from a wealthy family.

is a whole collection of eleven parts, each of which is a short black and white film. The director worked on the film for about seventeen years, and such famous actors as Bill Murray, Steve Buscemi, Cate Blanchett and others starred in the film.

Each part invariably contains cigarettes and coffee, which bring people together over conversations and force them to get to know each other better. The characters tell fascinating and sometimes crazy stories, share secrets and argue with each other. Simple, bold, brief, but very interesting and fascinating.

Numerous angels invisible to people fly across Berlin, divided by a wall. Two of them, Cassiel and Damiel, who are the main characters of the picture, read the thoughts of mere mortals and sometimes envy their recklessness, passion and secret desires. The angels themselves are immortal, but in their world there is only thought and spirit, sensations and feelings are alien to them.

Damiel falls in love with the earthly beauty Marion, who works as an acrobat in the circus. The love of an angel is so strong that he is ready to give up immortality and life in heaven, choosing an earthly existence in which there are so many emotions, imperfections, sins and weaknesses. A little crazy but romantic love story between a mere mortal and an angel.

9. The top includes the film. Erika is a forty-year-old pianist who is a professor at the Vienna Conservatory. She is confident that she has unique knowledge in the field of music. But in fact, Erica is a real monster of the modern world, in whose head complexes, envy, vulgarity and secret desires swarm.

The woman hides all this from everyone. But one day a young student meets her. When the young man tried to take possession of Erica, she humiliated him and even provided him with a list of erotic desires. The amazed young man learns that the teacher has sadistic tendencies, and at home she keeps a whole arsenal of sadomasochistic objects.

10. "Time". The girl Si-Hee and the guy Ji-Woo have been dating for two years. But Si-Hee is so jealous of her lover that she constantly creates scenes of jealousy. As a result, the guy gets so tired of his other half that he can make love to her only after she offers to introduce him to another woman.

Si-Hee wants to keep Ji-Woo and thinks about how to surprise her lover. How to make Ji-Woo stay close, but at the same time experience new emotions? Plastic surgery can help with this. But how to recognize a girl in a crowd?

The plots of all these films surprise, amaze and sometimes make you think. But such pictures are worth watching!

When watching films at home on TV or in the cinema, are we aware of what kind of product they are showing us? In terms of cinema, there are concepts of “mainstream” and “art house”. What is it and what is their difference?

For whom is such a product produced and who is behind its creation? Is there an art house with elements of popular cinema? Will it be of interest to the average viewer? This short article will answer all your questions.

Entertainment cinema and cinema for thinking

Who doesn't love movies? In a couple of hours you can experience extraordinary impressions, strong emotions, rage, passion and love. Most of us watch movies quite often. After all, you don’t have to go to the cinema - now new films are shown on TV shortly after release. But have you ever wondered what kind of movie you watch? This is not about the genre, but about the purpose of the film. Since the end of the last century, directors began to produce films, focusing not only on the needs of the viewer.

Mainstream and art house - what is it?

Movies can be divided into two categories. Most viewers usually watch movies of an entertaining nature, that is, mainstream ones.

The genre doesn't matter here, it can be comedy, drama, action or horror. The main goal of the filmmakers is to raise funds through the audience's interest in the film. If a movie is shown on the big screen, it almost immediately puts the “mainstream” label on it. The more people watch the film and buy discs with it after the premiere, the better for the creators of the film. Therefore, the author tries to make the picture interesting, he works for the viewer and for his pleasure.

Art-house films are not intended for a wide audience, and their goal is to give the viewer More often than not, the authors do not crave commercial gain. They make films for the sake of cinema and for the sake of a thoughtful viewer. At the same time, the author does not adapt to the expectations of those who will watch his work.

Why is arthouse not represented in most cinemas?

From the above it follows that art-house films are created for the audience. So why aren't they shown in movies?

The fact is that such a product does not aim to entertain viewers. Imagine two dishes: a delicious huge steak with a portion of French fries and a plate of Dorblu cheese with a glass of aged dry wine. If the first is aimed at satisfying hunger and will arouse the appetite of almost everyone, then the second version of the treat is designed for gourmets. Not everyone's cup of tea is it? It will not satisfy your hunger and the taste is very unique.

The same goes for arthouse films. These are creations for “cinema gourmets”, people who are indifferent to entertaining films. Almost all commercial films show the audience some kind of story, famous actors are involved in filming, and expensive special effects are used. Arthouse films, rather, ask the viewer questions to which he must find the answers himself. In films of this kind, little-known actors most often play, although the director can be very famous.

Who produces art house and why?

We’ve already figured out what it is, but who benefits from it? We must admit that not everything in the modern world is done for the sake of money. There are authors who write books for themselves, and then present them to readers via the Internet, for free. There are also directors who love art and do not strive to get rich. They make a truly high-quality product, in which the main thing is the thought, the message to the viewer.

It should be noted that very often such films make their creator famous. But this can happen if the film is very popular, which, in principle, contradicts the idea of ​​​​an arthouse. After all, there cannot be too many thinking people. For this reason, it cannot be said that this or that picture, in the opinion of connoisseurs, is the best art-house film. Can any philosophical teaching be the best? Is there a best theorem? In this case, the issue of quality cannot be quantified. If you didn't like the film, then you most likely didn't understand it.

Let's summarize

So, art house - what is it? Author's cinema, designed for a certain circle of viewers. The director does not wait or crave profit and fame, he works in the name of art. A film in this category most often does not threaten worldwide fame, since the plot may be strange or complex, the actors may be unknown, and there are few special effects. At the same time, such cinema represents a reflection of our world, something real and thought-provoking, among a sea of ​​goods designed to satisfy human needs.

English wall coverings are traditionally associated with elegance and style, and the Arthouse wallpaper brand is no exception. This brand produces incredible collections of eco-friendly paper or vinyl wall coverings.

Advantages of Arthouse wallpaper design

Among the collections presented by the Arthouse brand catalog, you will find amazing solutions for any room in your apartment or cottage. The brand's features lie in its versatility and innovation. Among the paintings developed by English designers, there are those that decorate the house as brightly as possible, and there are those that delight with muted colors and laconicism.

You can choose stylish, eye-catching canvases with classic or oriental touches to decorate your living room or bedroom, or you can opt for original design concepts and large vinyl designs - for example, realistic images of flamingos or chic ornaments, tree silhouettes or authentic tartan.

Each Arthouse collection presents a special style, and it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. You will experience similar impressions while viewing. Using such wallpaper, you can decorate a room in a classic, Victorian, glamor or art deco style - English elegance will be traced in every decision.

Arthouse Coatings. Performance characteristics

It is worth noting the technical characteristics of the wallpaper. So, they differ:

    quality of workmanship, density;

    resistance to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical stress;

    environmental friendliness;

    immunity to friction;

    hypoallergenicity due to completely safe raw materials for the manufacture of wall paintings;

    easy fixation on the walls: the wallpaper lays perfectly without stretching or wrinkling;

    durability: coatings can last a very long time without changing their original properties.

Those who are looking for how to decorate their interior will also like the price of Arthouse wallpaper, where they can be purchased on the official website "Wallpaper-Store". It is fully consistent with the middle class and additionally indicates the high quality of the material. You will also love the wonderful detail of texture and patterns in each canvas.

If you want to buy an interesting painting made by a contemporary artist in a certain style, you should pay attention to those sites where art catalogs of paintings are presented. In such catalogs, modern paintings are classified according to certain criteria, which help you find exactly the painting you need. In addition to the distribution of paintings by genre (landscape, still life, portrait, and so on), often such catalogs have a more detailed classification, such as: animals, flowers, seasons, children's themes and many other types of images. It is possible that after looking through numerous art catalogs, you were unable to choose a specific finished work. In this case, you should contact art painting studios, which online provide such a necessary service for many, such as a custom painting. Here you can order modern paintings in many styles, such as pop art, art nouveau, expressionism and many others.

Genre Art Nouveau in painting

Delicate smooth lines, magnificent floral patterns, plastic forms and clarity of the contours of the depicted elements clearly characterize painting in the Art Nouveau style. This style, well known to a wide audience from the paintings of Alphonse Mucha, has become something new and unusual in various types of art. Art Nouveau painting was widely used in advertising products, from cigarette labels to theater posters. In large paintings, this style was also developed and introduced by post-impressionist artists.

Bright genre of pop art in painting

Unlike art nouveau, pop art style is more modern, bright and schematic. The common features of these two areas of painting are some poster-like execution and decorativeness of the images. Pop art in painting appeared in the middle of the 20th century, but in recent years it has become popular among almost all segments of the population. Many art painting studios will produce a custom painting in this style in the shortest possible time.

Watch the video on how to make a pop art portrait yourself

Modern genre of painting Art house

This style of painting is the complete opposite of pop art, understandable to everyone and popular among the masses. Both in cinema and in modern painting, art house is not art for everyone. Mysterious, strange, incomprehensible images are the main feature of such paintings. An artist working in the art-house style puts a certain meaning into each of his works, which not everyone can unravel and understand.