What happened to the participants in the second season of the show “Vacations in Mexico. Polina Favorskaya - who is she, what is she famous for? Biography and personal life, Instagram of a former member of the group When you went to the project, you were in a relationship with a girl

Polina Favorskaya, the lead singer of the famous Russian band Serebro, reported being beaten by her ex-boyfriend Val Nikolsky. Moreover, the girl admitted that he significantly ruined her health, since he often forbade her to eat and almost drove her to anorexia.

How Val Nikolsky humiliated Polina Nalivalkina, the soloist of “Serebro”

Val Nikolsky and Polina Favorskaya (the singer’s real name is Nalivalkina) together participated in one of the most scandalous reality shows called “Vacations in Mexico.” At that time, it seemed that the couple was “flying in the clouds” from crazy love. But a few weeks after the show ended, Val Nikolsky said in an interview that his soulmate betrayed him because she wanted fame and went to . Favorskaya decided not to remain silent and finally answered the man, accusing him of he forced her to starve and beat her more than once.

“Every day he told me how terrible, ugly I was, that I couldn’t sing and that I was unlikely to succeed in anything in this life. He also said that he was my only hope for survival. I'll say more - he made me starve and didn't let me eat. As a result, I became anorexic. He was constantly indignant that I was fat and argued that I needed to lose weight. I actually thought that he was trying to make a boy out of me. When I came for an interview at the Producer Center office, all the employees were horrified when they saw me. With a height of 164 centimeters, I weighed 40 kilograms, and this is no longer a joke.”

But the company took care of me. Maxim Fadeev hired professional doctors who continue to improve my health today,” Super.ru quoted the singer as saying. The singer added that she took the offer to sing in Max’s group very enthusiastically: “It felt like I was about to fly into space.”

Then the artist said a few more words about her ex-boyfriend: “He came home drunk and for me it was the most terrible experience. In this state, Val did not understand what he was doing: He humiliated me, beat me, often brought other girls home and had parties. In the morning Nikolsky woke up, realized that he had done wrong and began to say how good I was and that he could not live without me. I was literally in the arms of a monster who sucked the blood out of me every day. Towards the end I didn’t want to live anymore.”

In conclusion, Polina noted: “But now I’m happy, because nothing binds us. I can finally take care of music and the health that this man ruined for me.”

Val Nikolsky believes that Polina’s words are a lie and a provocation

Myself Val Nikolsky was outraged by Polina Favorskaya's statements- “Silver” group. He considered these statements to be a lie and a provocation and asked his ex-girlfriend to stop slandering him.

The star of “Holidays in Mexico” is sure that Polina still loves him and therefore says nasty things: “I know for sure that her internal contradiction does not allow her to live normally. On the one hand, she wants to build a career, but the heart is not the brain - it cannot be ordered, so the ultimatum set by the producer forced Polina to make a difficult choice between fame and relationships. As it turned out, she chose fame, but her soul continues to hurt, so in order to somehow drown out this pain, she is trying to prove to herself and the public that our relationship was doomed to failure from the very beginning. And it seems to me that every day she is getting worse and worse.”

Val reported that I could never hit a woman, and even more so the one that she madly loves and dedicates songs to: “It’s very unpleasant for me to realize that Polina is deliberately lying, calling me an alcoholic, a tyrant and a psychopath. This is an utter lie and any person who knows me will refute this information!”

When asked why the couple had quarrels on the “Holidays in Mexico” show, Nikolsky answered: “I have always treated quarrels adequately. Polina often tried to scratch me, slap me, in other words, provoke me, but I always held on. I couldn’t hit such a fragile girl and I never will.”

Val Nikolsky, model and showman, winner of the show “Vacations in Mexico-2”, and, as he writes about himself on VKontakte, idol of billions and messiah, continues to reveal the secrets of the project. He recalls the intrigue and sex on the project, where he spent a year and a half living in a “golden cage.”

Nikolsky says that the filming went on 24 hours a day and going outside the cameras threatened each participant with a huge fine. On trips, participants were always accompanied by a person who kept an eye on everything. Nikolsky was lucky; he met Polina on the project. They got married in Mexico, although all the other couples ran away after the project.

Val revealed the secret that when the cameras were turned off for several hours as a precaution, he had sex with Polina for the first time, “plunging into the abyss of unbridled voluptuousness.” It turns out that for the sake of his beloved, Val abandoned the singing career that Kirkorov offered him. He gave Nikolsky an ultimatum: either his career or Polina. “But I couldn’t betray Polechka! Philip is a unique artist and person, I have never met anyone like him, I think that we simply could not get along together, since he is very jealous, and I have unbridled creative ambitions,” admitted the winner of the show. In “communication ecstasy,” Val often told Kirkorov: “Philip, I love you, I want you... creatively!” When Kirkorov left, he left his ward a letter in which he said that he respected his decision and was waiting for a call. “I will do everything to be worshiped by the Universe. After all, I am the Messiah, the Legend, the Idol of billions!!!,” an inspired Val said then. However, he decided to go his own way to the show business Olympus.

This is what he told Interlocutor’s journalists:

– Val, what was the most difficult test?

– Oh, I passed more than 60 of them. The most powerful one was Polina’s test. And speaking of game tasks, I remember those that I regret not completing. I regret that I didn’t lick the sweaty Mexican in condensed milk and lie down in the coffin. But after the tests, I repeatedly licked Polina in different sauces, and in the coffin with her I not only slept, but also had sex.

– What, in your opinion, is the main difference between “Vacation” and “House-2”?

– “Vacations in Mexico” is paradise! At the villa you open your eyes and see: palm trees, the ocean, beautiful girls in swimsuits... Jennifer Lopez got married here, and Hollywood stars vacation next door. We were pampered with delicacies - shrimp and lobsters were endless. And what's in there? Construction site, country house near a dusty road?

– Katya Sukhoborova constantly boasted that her father was a general. Do you think this played a role in her victory?

“We all know who the real winner of this game is.” Katya just clung to it. Let the way she behaved remain on her conscience. Naturally, after the project we don’t communicate with her.

– Who did you like best among the celebrity guests?

- All! And especially those with whom Polina and I sang a duet. This is the Yin-Yang group, Boris Moiseev, rapper T-Killah. Alena Sviridova gave a wonderful concert. By the way, I was able to touch pink flamingos - there are tons of them in Mexico. Unfortunately, it was not possible to touch Alena - she was with a young man.

– Now they want to close the project as socially dangerous. Even rallies are held in defense of the show.

– It’s funny to talk about the negative impact of “Vacations” on children. There is no promotion of smoking, alcoholism or swearing there. I was once even forbidden to go out with a fake cigar as a gangster at a Chicago-style party. Apparently, this show does not allow someone to live in peace with its popularity. More than a hundred people with posters came out to the rally in our defense. And this is only in Moscow. I believe that such programs, on the contrary, should live. After all, they show our society. On the project, everyone is equal and it doesn’t matter who you are: an artist, a student, an elite bride, a stripper or a customs worker.

– Were there strippers there?

- Yes, every third! There have been many people on reality with controversial pasts.

Indeed, not everyone will dare to come to a project where at one of the competitions you have to lick condensed milk from the body of a naked fat man, and at another you have to completely undress in the central city square.

The scandalous presenter Otar Kushanashvili, in order to determine “which program is worse” - “DOM-2” or “Vacations in Mexico”, ran all over Moscow. Surprisingly, despite the unflattering reviews of both programs, the majority of young people were aware of the events and preferred “Vacations in Mexico,” although there “are also quite slippery types who consider the glamorized dregs to be something important, but they don’t construct sentences like drunks or drug addicts". One guy, who introduced himself as a “hard worker,” said that because of disputes regarding Dom-2, the family of his friends broke up. Otar concluded that “choosing which of these shows is better is the same as taking heroin for alcoholism or choosing a method of suicide.”

Participant name: Polina Favorskaya

Age (birthday): 21.11.1991

City: Volgograd

Family: Single

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Polina Nalivalkina, better known by her pseudonym Favorskaya, was born on November 21, 1991 in the city of Volgograd. In 1995, she and her family moved to live in Podolsk (Moscow region). At the age of 7, the future star showed her parents a craving for vocals and music. She really enjoyed organizing home concerts for her family, bringing joy to her loved ones.

In order to please their child, the parents decided to enroll their daughter in a vocal club. Subsequently Polina became a member of the dance group. For 2 years she performed as part of a folk choreographic ensemble called “Rainbow”, the guys toured all over Europe.

After graduating from high school, Polina became a student at the National Research University at the Faculty of Applied Political Science, taking the course “Advertising.” In 2010, she began working as a full-time employee of the center. She actively took part in such TV shows as “Love at First Sight”, “Mom, I Want to Be a Star” and the scandalous show “Vacation in Mexico”, where she appeared before the audience as a meek and calm girl eager to find her soul mate.

Music career

In 2014, the singer received an invitation to join the Serebro group. Already in June, the updated lineup toured the country, delighting fans with new songs. At the MUZ-TV awards in the same year he presented the song “You Are Not Enough.” Polina, together with the girls in the group, recorded the album “The Power of Three.” In 2016, it was presented to the public. Together with Favorskaya, videos were shot for the songs “Kiss”, “Let Me Go”, “Confused”, “Chocolate”, “Broken”.

In 2017, Polina announced that she was leaving the group. This decision was influenced by the girl’s stay in Cambodia. Returning to Russia, the girl noted that she wanted to engage in self-knowledge, because her worldview had changed. True, Polina noted that until Max Fadeev finds a worthy replacement for her, the girl will not leave Serebro. In 2018, Polina will be replaced by Tatyana Morgunova.

Personal life

In 2012, Polina had a passionate affair with a participant in the show “Vacations in Mexico” Val Nikolsky. The couple even had a wedding, albeit a joke one, on the project. Only after the show ended did their romance disappear into thin air.

The girl even stated that Val drove her to anorexia due to constant nervous breakdowns due to scandalous situations. Being 164 cm tall, Polina weighed 40 kg.

Max Fadeev, having taken her to Serebro, hired doctors who monitored Favorskaya’s new diet and physical activity. In response to this, Val began to seek solace for himself in alcoholic beverages.

Several times he organized passionate dances with drunk girls in Polina’s apartment. Only thanks to her work in the Serebro team did Polina manage to start a new phase in her life and break off relations with Val forever.

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In 2015, Polina began dating Nikita Volosnikov, who is a businessman from Perm. He has his own startup in the IT field. In 2016, the guy gave Favorskaya a car. For a long time, the couple tried to hide their relationship from the press. The artist did not allow Nikita to share general photos on social networks. The relationship is going as well as possible. The lovers have no secrets from each other and share a passion for Buddhism and meditative practices. Their plans are exclusively for a future together.

Photo by Polina

Polina is interested in photography. She runs her own page on the social network Instagram and has more than 400 thousand subscribers. After returning from Cambodia, the girl devotes time exclusively to herself. She enjoys every day and shares pictures from her personal life with her subscribers.

A participant in a popular project told KP about how show business destroyed his family

However, the fairy tale about big and bright love ended along with the TV project and the money won

More recently, the media was full of headlines: “Lena Temnikova left the Serebro group, and a certain Polina Favorskaya took her place.” Almost no one saw in the new soloist a participant in the scandalous reality show “Vacations in Mexico”, the wife of the winner of the project Val Nikolsky - Polina Nalivalkina. But a couple of seasons ago, they broke all popularity records together: they had a noisy row on air, made peace, declared their love, and even got married as part of a television project. She led them to the altar Victoria Bonya, the bride was charming, and the groom shed stingy manly tears. Still would! After all, his feelings were so strong that for the sake of the girl of his dreams, he refused to cooperate with Philip Kirkorov. The audience appreciated such nobility and gave Nikolsky the final prize - a million rubles.

However, the fairy tale about great and bright love ended along with the TV project and the money won. After the last prize ruble was spent, Nalivalkina again wanted to return to the glitter of the spotlights. At first, her husband even supported her in this endeavor.

Victoria Bonya led them to the altar, the bride was charming, and the groom shed stingy manly tears

“I decided to temporarily forget about my ambitions and act as Polina’s producer,” Val told “KP”. - I came up with the concept of her solo project, started investing in recording songs, buying expensive arrangements. This took a lot of my time, effort and money. If I had known how this would end, I wouldn’t have lifted a finger!

According to Nikolsky, he did not even imagine that his wife dreamed of working together with Maxim Fadeev and is seriously vying for a vacant position in a popular group.

Polina secretly went to the casting, successfully passed it, signed a contract and even changed her last name without telling me about it,” Nikolsky complained in a conversation with a KP correspondent. “I was shocked when I found out that she was enjoying this event with her friends without me. One could simply say that I would sincerely share the joy of the event with her, because working with such an eminent producer as Max Fadeev is a great honor. Polina kept me completely in the dark; I guessed purely by chance that something was going on when I saw a case with the symbols of the Serebro group on her phone!

Philip Kirkorov warned Val about the real prospects for his relationship with Polina

Nikolsky shared with KP that at some point his wife changed beyond recognition - she became arrogant and irritable. And recently I stopped communicating with Val altogether.

When I see Polina at concerts, she simply doesn’t notice me. It’s useless to approach her, security and management won’t let her near her,” Val worries. - I decided to meet her at the station one day, I was pushed out of the car, my feelings were exposed, I so wanted to see her, just to talk! I never thought that the girl I poured my soul into and sang before millions of television viewers would behave like this. Besides, I think that Max Fadeev is against our relationship. It's no secret that I prepared Polina for the big stage, I wrote her many solo songs and duets. In addition, I am a media personality. Believe me, if I were a simple guy, there would be no questions.

While Polina enjoys the patronage of a famous producer, Val is also not idle; he created a shocking musical group called “Klizma” and is planning a tour. Surprisingly, at one time Philip Kirkorov warned Val about the real prospects of his relationship with Polina. Well, as they say, love is blind.

Val Nikolsky from “Vacation in Mexico” spoke about how he was forced to break up with his girlfriend

Polina Nalivalkina and Val Nikolsky were one of the strongest and brightest couples on television. Former participants in the reality show “Vacations in Mexico,” despite scandals and fights in front of cameras, left the project together. However, the happiness of the young people came to an end one day - Polina, who had always been in the shadow of the outrageous, merry fellow Val, easily exchanged the relationship for a career in the production center of Maxim Fadeev. The new member of the Serebro group not only left her lover, but also changed her surname Nalivalkina to a more sonorous one - Favorskaya. The ex-boyfriend of the new soloist of “Silver” Val Nikolsky spoke about the girl’s betrayal, attempts to win her back and his refusal to cooperate with Philip Kirkorov for the sake of love.

How did Polina end up in the Serebro group? Did this come as a surprise to you?

I knew absolutely nothing about this. She came home one day and I saw she had a case from the “Silver” group. Only after some time did I find out that she had signed a contract with Fadeev’s center. Polina was proposed to by producer Maxim Fadeev, she, without even thinking or telling me, agreed, signed a contract to work in the Serebro group and disappeared from my life. My attempts for several months to meet her were doomed; they wouldn’t let me near her. Maxim Fadeev forbids her to communicate and see me. She was told not to appear with me at social events. After signing the contract, we still lived together for some time, even when we were walking and the two of us were noticed, a call immediately rang out from the production center. At concerts, I tried several times to approach her and give her flowers, but the managers did not give them to her. I even tried to meet her at the station, but they pushed me out without allowing me to talk to her.

Aren't you offended that Polina did this to you?

I was happy for her. Working with such a producer is a great success. At the same time, it was a shame that she didn’t tell me. She was probably afraid. I invested money and time into it, and came up with a great concept. I never expected that such a career awaited her; I thought that she would sing in my project. She was simply blown away. I’m very unpleasant, I planned to make a superstar out of Polina. She could be independent and sing more than one line in a group, but perform songs solo. You know, Philip Kirkorov also told me that Polina is not what I need. This relationship will weigh you down and drag you down. You need to think about yourself. Unfortunately, I didn’t listen to him.

By the way, on the show “Vacations in Mexico” you chose a romantic relationship with Polina, rather than a professional collaboration with Philip Kirkorov. Do you regret it?

Yes, on the “Holidays in Mexico” project, Philip Kirkorov offered me a contract with him, but on the condition that I leave Polina and leave the TV show, and we begin to prepare for my solo career and plan tours. I refused, because love was above all else for me. Now I really regret it! If I had the opportunity now, I would be happy to resume working with Philip, because my views have changed exactly the opposite.

Have you tried to approach Philip again with a request for cooperation?

I consult with Philip about my projects, send him photos from performances and songs. By the way, he likes them. I am the kind of person that finds it difficult to ask people for something. Despite the fact that I often see Yana Rudkovskaya, Joseph Prigozhin and Valeria, it is difficult for me to talk to them about cooperation. I would like them to come to me with this question themselves.

How long do you think Polina will stay in the Silver group?

Nobody knows how long Polina will stay in the team. Everything in life is unpredictable. Maybe in a month my group will become more popular than Serebr and Max Fadeev will offer to record a duet with Polina. Of course, she made me feel bad, but she gave me the strength to create and become the idol of billions. I believe that one day Max Fadeev will bow before me and say that I am handsome.