Where can you train to be a pilot? Civil aviation pilots: training, profession features and responsibilities

The sky beckons many people. After all, what romance is hidden in the vocation of a pilot - this profession is prestigious, well paid and rarely boring. But it is associated with huge risks, so the selection of candidates is quite tough. It’s not enough to just take a course or read literature. If you want to know how to become a civil aviation pilot, you must understand that there are many requirements that need to be met, including those related to physical fitness. It is impossible to become a pilot without practice. This is a difficult path, so you need to be aware that the childhood dream of conquering the sky is not suitable for everyone, and the responsibility here is very big.

The situation in the country is difficult. On the one hand, there is a noticeable shortage of pilots in the labor market. On the other hand, it is not enough to graduate from a specialized university to be hired. So how to become a pilot? It's worth looking into it in more detail.

Basically, most places at universities are provided on a budgetary basis, but getting there is not so easy. The reasons for this are the strict medical commission. It is important to take into account that the following systems should be in order:

  1. Heart.
  2. Lungs.
  3. Vessels.
  4. Normal blood pressure.
  5. The vestibular apparatus is normal.
  6. Excellent vision.

The commission should be held constantly, at every course. At the slightest deviation you may be expelled. If you decide to become a passenger aircraft pilot, then you need to understand that commissions will be held even after graduation, before almost every flight. The pilot is responsible not only for his own health, but also for the lives of passengers, so it is important that a person prepares for the flight with full responsibility.

How is the training going?

Of course, future students are interested in how their education will proceed. Civil aviation pilot training begins with studying the structure and configuration of aircraft. The following courses also take place:

  • studying the methods and possibilities of operating aircraft;
  • theory and practice of aircraft control;
  • routing and understanding maps;
  • aerodynamics;
  • meteorology;
  • engine design;
  • Skydiving;
  • first aid and medical skills;
  • foreign language for working on foreign flights.

The practice also includes training on special simulators that simulate real flights and the cockpit.

What awaits graduates?

Not every company will hire graduates who have just received their diploma. It's all about high responsibility and lack of experience. However, in this way you can become an Aeroflot pilot from scratch. But this option is not always realistic. Graduates must begin to accumulate flight hours, as well as obtain special pilot licenses. It is believed that the more hours a cadet spends in the air, the better for him. Many companies are willing to hire people who have been practicing this way for at least two years.

Of course, this is a problem for young professionals. Not every one of them has their own plane and runway so they can just practice. Therefore, there are special training organizations that provide private small training grounds and aircraft for a fee. All this requires quite a significant capital, because fuel for aircraft alone will not be cheap. But this also includes equipment care and repairs if something happens.

What does it take to become a pilot without education?

Of course, not every person will go to study at a university, because after studying for 6 years, you will then have to build up your experience for a long time. This question is also interesting for people who already have higher education and want to fly, even if they are well over 30 years old. There are special flying clubs that provide a license on a commercial basis after training. There are stages of training here:

  • At the first stage, an amateur pilot certificate is issued; you can fly with it, but it is prohibited to work. You can fly, for example, on your own small plane with friends or family;
  • After the first stage, the rank of commercial pilot is available. This license allows you to operate light aircraft, participate in commercial flights on a ship with one engine, and fly short distances;
  • at the last level, the rank of line pilot is available with all the ensuing consequences in the form of permission to fly any aircraft.

It is noteworthy that, compared to university graduates, such specialists have three times or even more flight hours, so they are much more often hired by large airlines.

Any pilot knows perfectly well what each button does.

Such training to become a Russian civil aviation pilot is quite expensive, but it is justified if you definitely want to get a job immediately after receiving your license. There is a real struggle on the part of large companies for such specialists, because so far in the country every year twice as many pilots retire as are employed. This causes a severe shortage of personnel. Therefore, having completed all three stages, you can quickly recoup the cost of training.

Courses abroad are also available for young people. The education system there is somewhat different from the domestic one. After receiving a commercial pilot's license, a specialist may not spend money on paying for the next level, but rather earn it by receiving additional flight hours. In the USA, the practice of working as an instructor is widespread, because here airplanes are very popular and you can buy them freely. It is fair to say that such a situation is gradually being established in Russia, but so far not every person can afford such a means of transportation.

How to get a job as a pilot at Aeroflot

This company is a leading Russian air carrier. Getting a job there is not only prestigious, but also profitable, since the management pays excellent salaries to its employees. However, at the same time, extremely strict criteria for selecting specialists apply, and not every pilot has a chance of getting on Aeroflot’s staff.

The airline itself has its own flight schools, where training is carried out according to a specially developed specialist training program. In order to become a full-time pilot, you must have a commercial license. The initial stage of requalification takes place at the Ulyanovsk School, then the candidate is prepared for the issuance of an international certificate.

The training lasts one and a half years, and it is paid. It costs 27 thousand dollars to undergo training at Aeroflot. The company can provide a loan for training, but in this case it is necessary to work off the debt to Aeroflot within five years after hiring. To do this, an amount of $450 will be debited every month. There is also an accelerated retraining course, but its cost is even higher - $100 thousand. The cadet must pay the initial contribution of 55 thousand on his own, and the company provides a loan for the remainder. Light aircraft with two engines are used for training. Aeroflot currently provides Austrian Diamond Aircraft models for training its future pilots. In addition, modern simulators are used to practice all possible techniques and develop the necessary skills.

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You can become a pilot at one of the many flight schools in the country. In order to successfully enter a flight school, you need to understand what admission conditions exist and what is required of the candidate. Accordingly, civilian training trains pilots for civil transportation and commercial organizations, while military training trains pilots for service in the air force.

Admission to flight school - entrance exams and required documents

Age is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission. Military personnel who have expressed a desire to enroll in the school to study as cadets submit a report addressed to the commander of the military unit before April 1. The arrival of candidates is carried out by call from the university through the departments of the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the candidate’s place of residence. Candidates who do not pass the professional selection are sent to military commissariats at their place of residence, military personnel leave for the place of military service.

Flight schools train future pilots and aviation technicians. Flight schools offer training to become a civil or commercial pilot. To train as a pilot, you also need a certificate of successful completion of psychological selection. The site does not store personal information of citizens of the Russian Federation (registration is closed, comments are disabled).

You can become a professional pilot by enrolling in one of the many flight schools in Russia. Studying at a vocational school can not only provide you with a sought-after and interesting working specialty, but also become an excellent start for you in obtaining higher education. Today in Russia there is only one educational institution that trains circus performers - the State Central Theater Institute named after M. Rumyantsev. The Nakhimov Naval School, unlike most military educational institutions, is not a university, but is focused on preparing students for study at higher military educational institutions. Before deciding to enroll in a particular educational institution, it is worth studying the list of flight schools in Russia.

Every boy in childhood wanted to become an astronaut, pilot or military man. After all, being a Suvorov soldier and wearing a Suvorov uniform is a great honor for most boys. But, unfortunately, not everyone can enter the Suvorov Military School.

Applicants take the Unified State Exam in the required subjects (most often the Russian language, mathematics and physics). Applicants who did not qualify for the budget can apply for paid study. Girls can also study at universities, but they are often not accepted for training to pilot aircraft.

There remain a considerable part of those who did not change their childhood dream, planning to devote their future to aviation, and after school they entered a flight school. For those who have dreamed of blue epaulets all their lives, understand perfectly what “iron discipline” is and are ready to connect their lives with the army, it is worth choosing to enroll in a military flight school. After graduating from college, graduates receive the rank of lieutenant and the qualification of a pilot according to the specification, as well as the civilian specialty of an aircraft operation engineer.

Graduates of civilian flight schools, people with higher aviation or technical education, and military pilots can study at the school.

If you want to serve in the air force, then go to the military aviation school. Please note that flight schools are divided into higher educational institutions and secondary technical ones. Upon graduation, you will receive a commercial pilot certificate. A method for those who want to learn to fly “for themselves”: Go to study as a pilot at a flying club.

Let’s take a closer look, using the example of a St. Petersburg university, as to what you need to pass to become a pilot. After college, you can enter the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation at the command department.

To become a happy applicant to an aviation institute, you must collect and provide the admissions committee with a certain number of documents. All applications must clearly indicate that you are familiar with the institution's charter, teaching license, and the institution's certificate of accreditation. Studying the theory of flight science will play a very positive role when entering the specialty of the state aviation institute. In addition, the number of educational institutions that train excellent flight specialists is not so large. Therefore, there is a lot of competition for admission, and the requirements are not easy. Sports achievements (diplomas, medals, certificates or titles) will be very useful when applying, combining them with your knowledge, you can try to enroll in free education.

Flight school in Krasny Kut, Saratov region. Flight School named after G.A. Tarana, Sasovo, Ryazan region. Aviation flight technical school in Kaluga.

To obtain higher education in the aviation field, you should enroll in a higher civil aviation flight school or a corresponding civil aviation institute. State Technological Institute named after. Tsiolkovsky, or MATI, trains students in the development and operation of equipment for astronautics, as well as humanitarian fields. The State Aerospace University in Samara has the status of a research educational institution. In St. Petersburg, full-time training costs from 2000 USD. e. and from 1000 cu. e. it costs correspondence.

Upon completion, you will receive not only a higher military specialized education, but in addition the civilian specialty “Aircraft Operation”. Education at a military school is free, a referral can be issued by the military registration and enlistment office. However, studying in a civilian school is a little easier, and the health requirements are a little softer than in a military school.

“Flight brotherhood” meant exactly this - trust, readiness to come to the rescue of a fellow winger. Some schools and flying clubs have their own traditions of “initiation into the Flight Brotherhood,” but these are rather exceptions than a widespread custom.

Investigation of the Boeing 737 plane crash in Kazan. It turned out that the most “working” version of what happened was a crew error. IAC specialists found that the technical condition of the aircraft was at the proper level.

Pilot errors are leading to more and more plane crashes in Russia. According to experts, it was the human factor that became decisive in the last major plane crashes: the crash of the Tu-134 near Petrozavodsk, the Tu-154 at Domodedovo airport and the Yak-42 airliner in Yaroslavl (then the entire Lokomotiv hockey team died ").

The average age of pilots is rising. Young specialists appear, but not in sufficient numbers: pilots are trained in only three universities in the country.

The main one is the University of Civil Aviation in St. Petersburg. Training is conducted at 8 faculties, the average duration of training is five years. University graduates after graduation are called upon to pilot civil aviation aircraft. The university also trains aviation managers and technicians.

Another “pilot” university is located in Ulyanovsk - the Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation. It also has eight areas of training, with an average duration of study of four years. The school in Ulyanovsk is more “diversified” and trains not only pilots for civil aviation, but also those who can ensure the proper preparation of an aircraft for flight (diversified training).

The last representative of a specialized “flight” educational institution is. It has 12 faculties and the university is much more diverse. Rather, it trains specialists who can develop technical innovations for the aviation and space industries. The average duration of study is 5 years.

According to unofficial data, the first two universities have graduated 2,707 pilots over the past 10 years. Nowadays there is little competition for flight schools. There are cases when "retrained" military pilots are hired. Well, young pilots are immediately entrusted with serious tests. According to the data, previously, for the first three years, graduates were allowed only to the An-2 “maize”, then they were gradually transferred to the larger ones - the An-26 and Tu-134.

And only after having all this experience did the pilots begin to fly 1st class aircraft (Tu-154 and Il-62). Now, under the right circumstances, you can become the commander of a prestigious Boeing at the age of 25.

There is another side to the problem. Previously, civilian pilots retired at age 60. Now, as such, there is no boundary for retirement. They fly until they are “healthy,” which in principle provides financial benefits: the pilot’s salary varies from 80 to 200 thousand rubles.

It is known that many states use the practice of “private” pilot training. Airlines themselves train young pilots so that they then stay to work for them. The Russian authorities have repeatedly approached airlines with a similar proposal, but so far the initiative has not been supported.

Becoming a pilot is not easy. This profession requires complete dedication and special education. Before deciding to enroll in a particular educational institution, it is worth studying the list of flight schools in Russia. In the institutions presented below you can get high-quality and affordable education.

Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation

Higher flight schools in Russia are chosen by those applicants who want to receive the best education. Ulyanovsk VAU GA is one of the largest educational institutions in this category.

The school was founded in 1935. Initially it was a flight training course, which was based in different cities of Russia.

The Ulyanovsk VAU GA acquired its modern appearance in 1992 after the collapse of the USSR, and the new leadership of the country issued a decree on the creation of an aviation school of the highest category in Ulyanovsk on the basis of previously existing institutions.

Ulyanovsk VAU GA has three faculties and fourteen departments that train specialists in management and maintenance of various types.

Branches of Ulyanovsk VAU GA

Russian civil aviation flight schools are branches of other educational institutions. The largest branches of the institution indicated in the subtitle are located in Sasovo, Krasny Kut and Omsk.

In the city of Sasovo there is one of the civil aviation schools, which trains specialists in the flight operation of various aircraft. It also trains technical personnel for the repair and maintenance of flight equipment, flight and navigation systems, engines and electrified systems.

Krasnokutsk Flight School specializes in training civil aviation pilots. During its operation, it has produced many specialists, among whom are pilots awarded honorary state awards.

The Flight Technical College in Omsk is one of the few civil aviation flight schools in Russia that teach piloting MI-8 helicopters and train technical staff to maintain them. The school's teachers also train aviation mechanics and aviation and radio-electronic equipment specialists.

The remaining flight schools in Russia are presented as branches of other universities, but also train specialists in different areas.

civil aviation (St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation)

In the post-war years, the rapid development of air transport and the increase in air transportation turnover began. Existing training centers could not provide the required number of personnel. In 1955, the leadership of the USSR decided to create a new educational institution that would train pilots. University status was assigned to the educational institution in 2004 after successfully completing accreditation.

The St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation trains specialists in several areas: pilots, technical personnel, dispatchers. The university has several faculties. There is a separate dean's office for work with foreign students, which specializes in helping foreign citizens obtain an education.

Some flight schools in Russia are branches of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation. They have narrower specializations, but also allow you to get a technical education.

Branches of the St. Petersburg State Administration of Civil Aviation

The flight school in Buguruslan trains qualified pilots for civil aviation. Personnel training is carried out only on full-time education, which ensures a sufficient level of qualifications.

Civil flight schools of Russia on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation are located in several other cities of the country: Vyborg, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk.

The Yakut branch of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation is called the Aviation Technical School and is interesting in that since 2012 it has been training personnel in the specialty “Piloting the MI-8 helicopter.” There are few such institutions in Russia, so the institution is popular. The school also trains technical personnel for various types of maintenance.

The Krasnoyarsk branch of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation provides training for specialists in flight control and airport operation. At the same time, the school operates an aviation training center, which provides retraining of specialists in other areas and advanced training.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation)

Higher flight schools in Russia are designed to provide the country with the required number of specialists in the aviation industry. One of such institutions is the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.

It was founded in 1971 as a response to the demands of domestic aviation and to this day it copes well with its tasks.

This educational institution trains operational specialists. All major civil aviation flight schools have branches in other cities of Russia. Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is no exception and has 2 branches and several colleges.

Branches of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

The branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation in Irkutsk trains specialists in the field of maintenance of aviation systems, complexes and operation of aircraft. It includes the Center for Personnel Retraining.

The Rostov branch trains specialists in the technical operation of engines and aircraft, flight and navigation systems and aviation electrical systems, and transport radio equipment.

The Aviation Technical College in Yegoryevsk trains technical personnel for civil aviation. On the basis of the college, a department for foreign students of a preparatory direction has been founded, where they can master the Russian language and some general disciplines.

The Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation also includes aviation colleges in Rylsk, Irkutsk, Kirsanov and Troitsk.

Flight schools in Russia

There are few educational institutions in Russia that train military pilots.

Applicants who wish to enroll in Russian military flight schools should first consider how military aviation differs from civil aviation.

Civil aviation is intended for transport of population and goods and is of a commercial nature. Military aviation is state-owned and is used for defensive purposes or to carry out combat missions and transport troops and technical weapons. Flight schools train personnel for transport, fighter, bomber and attack aircraft.

Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots in Krasnodar (Krasnodar VVAUL)

Krasnodar VVAUL is currently a branch of the Air Force Academy named after. Professors N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin. It was founded in 1938 as a school for military aviation pilots.

In the modern Krasnodar VVAUL, three faculties are fully functioning, which train specialists in several areas of military aviation. During its existence as a flight school, the school graduated many personnel who subsequently achieved high ranks in the military sphere.

Almost all flight schools in Russia during the Great Patriotic War trained military pilots. But at the end of it, most of them were transferred to the reserve or retrained as civil aviation pilots. In addition to the Krasnodar VVAUL, another educational institution is currently training military aircraft pilots.

Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots in Syzran (Syzran VVAUL)

The uniqueness of the Syzran VVAUL is that it is the only military school that trains combat helicopter pilots. Currently, there is one helicopter regiment based at the school, based at the airfield in Syzran. Previously there were three. But the remaining regiments were disbanded.

Russian flight schools are popular among students from nearby countries. Foreign specialists who do not have the opportunity to train in their own state are also trained within the walls of the Syzran VVAUL.

Russian military flight schools, in their small numbers, currently meet the needs of the country’s military aviation and its closest neighbors. Over the years of their work, they have produced many specialists in their field.

Aviation is not only about ease of transportation, high-tech transport and travel around the world; this is a calling. Modern Russian airlines are experiencing an acute shortage of qualified personnel. The times when schools and institutes lacked teachers and equipment are long gone. Today, everyone can receive a comprehensive aviation education by learning on modern aircraft and simulators. Each educational institution is also equipped with laboratories, workshops and modern classrooms. There are civil aviation institutes and flight schools in many regions of Russia. Let's take a closer look at them.

To obtain higher education in the aviation field, you should enroll in a higher civil aviation flight school or a corresponding civil aviation institute. There are a lot of them in Russia. The most prestigious universities are located in the following cities:

  • Ulyanovsk;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Samara;
  • Kazan;
  • Chelyabinsk.

Today, university education programs include time-tested methods and modern European teaching technologies. The list of subjects that future graduates will encounter includes general and humanities disciplines, foreign languages, physical training, as well as highly specialized subjects.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (UI GA) is one of the most prestigious universities in the country.

Future specialists, bachelors, and graduate students can get an education here. Here they study both full-time for 5 years and part-time (5.5 years). Students who already have specialized secondary aviation education or higher education behind them are trained in a shortened form. The institute offers a wide range of specializations including piloting, maintenance, flight control and management, and security. Cadets are provided with food and dormitory; The institute has a military department. The branches of the UI GA are several schools located in Sasovo, Omsk and Krasny Kut.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (UI GA)

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) is a large research university. Here, not only the training of students takes place, but also the design and development of the latest achievements in the aviation, rocket and space spheres. You can study for a fee or free of charge, full-time and part-time. Special preparation courses for admission are organized for applicants.

MAI faculties include not only specialized disciplines and areas: there are opportunities for teaching social engineering, foreign languages, applied mathematics and physics. The remaining faculties graduate specialists in the field of radio electronics, management, computer science, aviation components, etc. A dormitory has been created for nonresident students. The military department is also present at the university.

Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

State Technological Institute named after. Tsiolkovsky, or MATI, trains students in the development and operation of equipment for astronautics, as well as humanitarian fields. Currently, the university is merging with Moscow Aviation Institute. The forms of education correspond to the previous institutes; there are training courses for schoolchildren and graduates, and a military department.

The State Aerospace University in Samara has the status of a research educational institution. Future designers of aircraft and their components, engineers and technologists, specialists in the field of printing, economics, energy, etc. are trained here. The university has a branch located in the city of Tolyatti. The university has the opportunity to receive correspondence education, and also runs preparatory courses.

St. Petersburg is home to two venerable universities, one of which is dedicated mainly to aerospace instrumentation, and the second to civil aviation. The lists of faculties and specialties here are similar to similar universities in the country.

The cost of paid training depends on the specific institute and faculty. At MAI, for example, the first year of study will cost at least 144,000 rubles for a full-time course and 59,000 rubles for a part-time course. In St. Petersburg, full-time training costs from 2000 USD. e. and from 1000 cu. e. it costs correspondence.

Samara State Aerospace University

How to enter an aviation university

The rules for admission to aviation institutes and universities are in some respects similar to admission to civilian institutions. Applicants take the Unified State Exam in the required subjects (most often the Russian language, mathematics and physics). In addition, a flight medical examination is required, during which a detailed examination of the health status of the future student is carried out. Passing the selection is possible only after passing the commission and a successful psychological interview.

If the scores are the same, applicants are selected based on their success in passing specialized subjects. Applicants who did not qualify for the budget can apply for paid study. Girls can also study at universities, but they are often not accepted for training to pilot aircraft.

Benefits upon admission may be provided to orphans and representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population. The practice of targeted direction is widespread, when the enterprise provides the applicant with a guarantee of employment upon graduation.

Secondary specialized educational institutions in the field of aviation

In addition to universities or institutes, numerous civil aviation schools in Russia provide educational opportunities. They are located in different cities, have options for admission based on grades 9 or 11, and have different lists of specialties of study. Leading secondary educational institutions in the aviation sector are located in the following cities of Russia:

  • Red Kut;
  • Omsk;
  • Buguruslan;
  • Sasovo.

The Omsk Flight Technical College, the Krasnokutsk School and the Sasovo School are part of the branches of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation, and the Buguruslan School operates under the control of the St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Aviation. Such mergers of educational institutions help graduates of schools to enroll on a short-term basis at institutes or get a job in leading Russian companies and enterprises.

Russian civil aviation flight schools after 9th grade train cadets for 3 years 10 months. This opportunity is provided by the Omsk Flight College. It offers several specialties: airplane and helicopter pilot (one of the few institutions that offer helicopter training), flight mechanic, aircraft mechanic, navigation and radio equipment engineer.

The school has about 1,000 students, including both full-time and part-time students. The selection process for college is very strict: as a rule, only half of the applicants successfully pass it. The cadets train on airplanes and the Mi-8 helicopter. For the successful development of the educational and methodological program, there is an airfield, hangars, warehouses, laboratories and workshops on the college territory - all for theoretical and practical classes.

Russian civil aviation flight schools after 11th grade are presented in a wider range of options. Omsk College, mentioned above, provides the opportunity to enroll after 11th grade. In addition to it, the Krasnokutsk School, a school for civil aviation pilots, operates in Russia. Education based on 11 classes lasts for a period of 2 years and 10 months. Future pilots train on 5 types of aircraft and various simulators. In total, about 300 people study in Krasny Kut. Cadets are provided with dormitory, food and uniform. There is the possibility of training on a paid basis, the cost of which for the entire period will be more than 100,000 rubles.

Omsk Flight Technical College

Future commercial pilots receive full-time training in Buguruslan. The duration of study is standard for the specialty. Each year, the school enrolls about 320 people; Most of the cadets study for free, the rest study at their own expense. The college has a large fleet of aircraft, simulators and other elements of modern equipment. Paid training here costs a lot, more than 2.7 million rubles for the entire time.

Sasovo also provides training for civil aviation pilots and information equipment technicians. Previously, this school was considered especially prestigious due to its proximity to the capital. Its current condition is also good: the school is well equipped with everything necessary. You can study for a fee or for free.

All Russian aviation schools, in addition to the general training course for cadets, provide paid services. This could be retraining of personnel, various courses including teaching English. Each of them is equipped with a dining room and catering unit; cadets are provided with free meals three times a day. In addition, colleges are equipped with assembly halls, sports complexes with various halls and sections, and dormitories.

Cadets on the territory of schools are required to comply with a strict daily routine and rules of conduct, leave the territory at a set time for a certain period, and meet the requirements in their studies and everyday life. Orphans and socially vulnerable cadets are provided with financial assistance, social scholarships, and allowances for the purchase of things necessary for study. Students of budgetary departments receive a scholarship.

Sasovo Flight School

The rules for admission to secondary specialized educational institutions are the same. First of all, the average score of the certificate after 9 or 11 grades is taken into account. Among them, mathematics, physics, Russian and foreign languages, in that order, are of particular importance. In case of dispute, grades in these subjects will be the deciding factor for admission. Passing marks may vary from college to college. They are high in Sasovo, Omsk and slightly lower in Krasny Kut and Buguruslan.

An equally important factor in how to enter a flight school in Russia is a psychological interview and a medical commission. The timing of its implementation is strictly established, since the duration of each certificate may be different. There is a fee for passing the commission. Usually it can be completed either at the educational institution itself or at another medical institution adapted for this purpose. The studies include a comprehensive examination of doctors: dentist, psychiatrist, narcologist, venereologist, radiologist, surgeon, etc. In addition, blood, urine, stool tests are taken, x-rays, ECG, etc. Successful completion of the commission is one of the most important conditions for enrollment in any aviation school.

For admission to both a college and a Russian university, the applicant’s application, identification documents, a certificate, and the results of the Unified State Examination in higher education are required. In addition, you will need an insurance card, military ID and medical insurance.

Employment after graduation from institutes and schools

Graduates of aviation educational institutions have a chance to get a job in their specialty in airlines, factories in the production of aircraft, helicopter and space equipment and air hubs. The chances of employment as pilots increase with a sufficient number of flight hours and a high level of foreign language proficiency.

Finding employment after graduation can be difficult, despite the fact that Russian enterprises require employees. As a rule, each secondary school cooperates with a number of organizations and companies that regularly send lists of vacancies. Many graduates choose to continue their specialized studies at the institute or go to military service.