How to celebrate the New Year together with a friend? How to have fun and where to spend it? How to celebrate the New Year at home with friends Where to celebrate the New Year with a friend

New Year together boring and uninteresting? Let's look at this from the other side, from the side of two loving hearts. And we'll see that new year together the most romantic and wonderful.

Of course, it will be boring if your goal is to eat deliciously, watch New Year's programs, and go to bed. And if you treat the New Year holiday as magical, then magic will definitely happen, you just have to believe. In order for a miracle to happen, you must be prepared for it. We begin to invent and fantasize. Yeah! Difficult task! Then just listen to our little tips, maybe they will help.

Preparing the home.

First, prepare your home. It should look magical and fabulous, in short, not the way it looks in everyday life. The situation itself should excite the blood. The flickering of candles and the aromas filling the house will definitely help you. Cinnamon and nerole essential oils are considered strong aphrodisiacs; they will help you get in the right mood and will definitely bring you closer.

Be sure to purchase a new set of silk or satin bed linen (of course, if you only have regular bed linen at home). Everyday flowers and frills will not make the night fabulous. Everything will be as always. Choose a sexy color for bed linen. It is either black or red.

New Year's table.

It’s hard to imagine a New Year’s menu without a lot of delicious food and a huge amount of good alcohol. Your romantic dinner should be special. You don't want to just get drunk and eat, and then sleep until the morning. Of course not! In this case, strong alcohol will not work, and heavy food should also be left for everyday life. What then?

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing delicious and very light salads, including fruit ones. If you love sushi, then you can try to prepare it yourself by purchasing the preparations first.


Now a few words about how to give your loved one a gift. You can give a gift in an interesting way. For example, blindfold him and play “hot and cold” or in the form of notes - cards indicating the location of your gift. The main thing is to maintain the intrigue.

To make the evening not boring.

  1. Intellectual fun games will be held with a bang!. The main thing is to prepare for them in advance. Look for interesting and fun IQ tests. Ordinary children's riddles may work well.
  2. Creative games. A creative personality “sleeps” in every person. It's time to wake her up. So do what you like. If you want to write poems, then please do so. A poem written together will delight both of you. You can try to reveal your talent for drawing. For example, each of you, without spying on each other, draws a head, the one you like. Then the piece of paper is folded so that it is not visible who drew what. You exchange leaves and draw a neck, then again exchange your “masterpieces”. So, you will have to complete each other's drawing all the time. It can be funny!
  3. Game "Emotional" closeness". Blindfold your young man and give him a pencil in his hand, then think of something and invite him to draw it on a piece of paper. There should be a minimum of hints on your part. Those. You can tell him: “Draw a line” or “Put a dot.” However, the games can be different, at your discretion. You can even play checkers. The main thing is for the loser to come up with an interesting “punishment”.

Don’t be afraid to spend New Year’s Eve not in a noisy company, but alone. The evening you spend together can be wonderful and unforgettable. But most importantly, it can bring you closer together forever, and you will never want to part.

P.S. Reading articles about this version of celebrating New Year’s Eve, I fantasize more and more and look for ideas on how to make New Year’s Eve magical for two while waiting for the third. I’m more and more inclined to stay at home, I’ve thought about a bunch of options: restaurants, karaoke, country parties, ships, etc. And I came to the conclusion that you don’t want the fuss and noise around, you think about peace and serenity. In order not to cook a lot, you can order a holiday menu from a restaurant, make a festive table setting, buy a delicious SPA set with massage oil, bars and other goodies for the body... You can sing karaoke at home, the effect is not the same, but it will also lift your spirits. I want to make my New Year special! I think everything is in our hands...

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family bonds, have fun, and ring in the new year with your loved ones. If you plan ahead for fun, food, drinks, games and entertainment, you'll have a great time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare home-cooked meals. Considering the fact that food delivery costs go up around New Year's Eve (as do other products around the holidays), it's a great idea to splurge a little and cook a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can’t afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Make fun appetizers and desserts. Try making cookies, butterscotch or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy during New Year's Eve. You can also add to the New Year's spirit and prepare special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts, such as Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake in which a coin is hidden in the dough when baked. It is believed that the person who gets a piece of the coin will have good luck in the coming year.

    Prepare holiday drinks and mocktails. All children love hot cocoa, soft drinks and fruit juice. You can also make other smoothies with strawberries and kiwis, cranberries or peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “grown-up” plastic utensils so the kids can celebrate with you. For adults, you can make cocktails or stick to the classic version with champagne.

    Watch movies. Play movies you already have in your collection, or find new ones you've been wanting to watch for a long time. Make movies just one of many entertainment options or watch them non-stop. During movies, you can eat snacks and drink drinks that you all prepared together.

    Create a New Year's corner for photography. Organize a place in the room where you can take photos. Select a wall or corner to use as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade holiday decorations. You can also print some of the fancy dress parts to create your own photo props.

    Wear sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear their best clothes to feel like they are participating in the New Year's ball. You can turn on the music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make timekeeping bags. Place a variety of goodies and sweets in small bags, opening one bag every hour until midnight. The number of bags depends on what time you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use construction paper, string, and decorative embellishments to make party hats. Also try making homemade New Year's rattles by placing rice, confetti and glitter in plastic bottles. Cover them with a lid and shake them loudly to noisily welcome the arrival of the New Year. You can also attach balloons to the ceiling and release them when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Remember the past year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight or any other time, gather together and remember what happened last year to each of you individually and to the whole family. After that, try to formulate plans for next year. You can create a plan for the whole family to hold each other accountable to.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If there are small children in the family, it will be difficult for them to stay awake until midnight. Try celebrating the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or Japanese. Thanks to this, young children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

    Sing, toast and celebrate. At midnight, everyone should have a glass in their hands to toast, hug and wish each other a Happy New Year. After midnight you can sing your favorite New Year's songs. This is when you should use your homemade rattles and bang on the pots.

  • Avoid parties you don't want to go to and don't take on unnecessary responsibilities. It is better to leave more time for yourself and your loved ones.
  • If you decide to order food, then take care of it in advance, as the same thought will occur to many people!
  • Don't forget about those who are a little bored spending New Year's Eve with their family. Teenagers and young adults tend to feel that by staying home for New Year's, they miss out on all the fun. You can ask them about the pleasant moments of the past year and expectations for the next 12 months. This conversation will help you get closer.
  • Some people prefer to watch the time on TV with the sound off so everyone can see the hands on the clock. You can also use a radio.
  • You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members won't want to party all night! If you're tired and want to go to bed earlier, that's completely normal. In the morning it will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be shifted a little.
  • You can go outside and have fireworks if it is allowed in your locality. Remember that fireworks can only be set off by adults, and even they should remember to be safe!

If you're pretty bored with hosting the annual traditional feast with your family, spend New Year's Eve in a new way.

1. Look at the order in which different countries are met. You can make wishes during the chimes of New Zealand, Kamchatka, the Fiji Islands, Australia, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, India, Ufa, Armenia, Turkey, Israel, Finland, Africa, Brazil, Canada, the USA... for whole days.

2. Invite all your friends over by sending each a personalized card asking them to cook a holiday dish. Until the morning, watch “Blue Lights” and read aloud 20 secret desires and plans for the next year.

3. Play with a time machine, calling any years from the past and future and making toasts to yourself in that time.

4. Buy a ticket for any train on December 31st. Celebrate the New Year in the company of conductors and random passengers.

5. Go to the forest by car or train. Dress up the Christmas tree growing there. Look for snowdrops. Drink champagne, barbecue and make a wish.

Set the table in the sauna and call your friends / Russian Look

6. Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go out into the street and congratulate passers-by.

7. Order a stripper dressed as Santa Claus, who will pleasantly surprise your guests.

8. Climb onto the roof of the house with champagne and Olivier and shout your wishes to the whole city.

9. Have a themed costume party with your friends by dressing up as pirates, aliens or zombies. Decorate the room accordingly, come up with competitions with prizes and name all the holiday dishes according to the main idea of ​​the celebration.

10. Go to the orphanage with gifts and give abandoned kids an evening of joy absolutely selflessly.

11. Ring the doorbell of strangers, tell them you are lonely, and ask to spend New Year's Eve with them. Risky, but so much adrenaline!

12. Go to bed just after midnight, and when you wake up, go for a walk along the deserted streets.

13. Try celebrating New Year's Eve on public transport, such as a tram. Take with you champagne in a plastic bottle, a small Christmas tree and tangerines. And then go to the central square to have a lot of fun with people you don’t know.

Dress up as Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or a ghost. Go out into the street and congratulate passers-by / Russian Look

14. Set the table in the sauna and invite your friends. By welcoming the New Year clean and relaxed, you will certainly spend it happily and peacefully.

15. Prepare a lot of small souvenirs or sweets, go out into the street and hand them out to passers-by. The same pleasant surprises will certainly await you in the new year.

16. Write notes wishing goodness, love and wealth and scatter them through your neighbors' mailboxes.

17. Fill your bubble bath and celebrate the New Year with your loved one and a glass of champagne. Romantic and simple!

18. After the chiming clock, shouting “Hurray!” start throwing unnecessary things out of windows. This will help make room for something new, literally and figuratively.

19. Visit a convenience store or pharmacy and drink champagne with the clerks.

20. Write a list of 5 unusual activities that you have never done and bring them to life on New Year's Eve. For example, paint a picture, compose a melody, or paint a wall pink... Invite your friends to participate.

Don't be sad, it's normal. This collection of tips will definitely cheer you up!

You are not the only one who has no friends. Look around you - the vast majority of girls and boys from 20 to 35 live in a “work-home” mode and communicate mainly on social networks. Oh, don’t tell me that your colleagues and the trainer at the gym are your friends. However, if this is the case, we congratulate you. But now - about those who are completely alone, and they have no one to celebrate the New Year with. Whine.

1. Invite your colleagues to celebrate together

No, so what? If these people don’t annoy you and are at least a little interesting to you, you can stop being a sociopath for the sake of the New Year and at least get drunk not alone.

2. Try to ingratiate yourself with your neighbors

Bring them a bowl of Olivier, and you will be allowed to warm yourself up by someone else’s fireplace. You can get emotional and sing Jingle Bells to them.

3. Celebrate this New Year at work

If you work in an office, this is a task for an ascetic: but you can take selfies at your workplace and post them on social networks so that your boss can see how selflessly you work. It's more fun if you work in the entertainment industry: you already have a lot of work to do on New Year's Day.

4. Spend New Year's Eve in correspondence or Skype with a similarly lonely person

You can drink together, watch New Year's comedies and complain to each other about your damn life. Who knows, maybe something will come up for you?

5. Celebrate the New Year with a bang

With blue, of course. Just chop up some salads, turn on the TV and watch everything this New Year's Eve. Yes, and the president’s message too. You won’t even notice how you fall asleep to the sound of the chimes.

6. Book yourself a stripper (stripper)

What's wrong with that? You can, after all, choose how to spend your Christmas bonus.

7. Acne is not childish

Simply put, why do you need company when you are the whole world to yourself? Take sparklers, firecrackers, hang yourself with tinsel and run outside. There you can successfully blow it all up, and also ride down a hill and make a snow angel in a snowdrift. And mind you, no one will tell you: “That’s enough, it’s time to go home, you’ll catch a cold!” or “Let’s go already, we don’t have enough time!”

8. Start the New Year with self-love

Hold your breath and look how beautiful the world around you is: everything shines with lights, shimmers. New Year is a time of magic. Wrap yourself in a blanket, allow yourself your favorite treats, alcohol and TV series - and don’t care that everyone around you is celebrating the beginning of 2017. After all, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it, which means that for the next 12 months you will pamper yourself. Isn't it wonderful?

1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't give up gatherings at home, at least diversify the table with treats that you've never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish or drink on your table. Try the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for delicious recipes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other peoples, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you chose?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, or matching items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year on the spot. On the contrary, on the dates of the holidays themselves, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save on travel and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the greater your chances of a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.