The world is not without good people, the meaning of the word. The world is not without good people! “It will not be good if there is enmity among each other in the family”

The world is not without good people. How to understand the meaning of the proverb?

    The meaning of the proverb The world is not without good people is that sometimes completely strangers come to the rescue in a given situation. Especially when you already despair, you don’t hope for anything. For example, relatives and friends have absolutely no money and opportunities, and a stranger takes and helps, sometimes even for free. Or, for example, it happens that a person’s house burns down and he has nowhere and no one to go to, and it’s not the people he knows who give him a roof over his head.


    and so understand, both with your soul and your mind, It’s not for nothing that people say it, and it’s not for nothing that this is said.

    It has always been this way and it will always be this way: Despite everything, there are wonderful people.

    There are bright forces and glorious forces, these people on Earth are assigned to them.

    And if only the forces of evil dominated, the end of everything would have happened long ago.

    And only by grace the world was created, it was established and did not fall apart.

    Let's remember them that were in our past - And we will say thank you to them, those good people,

    Who once saved us, fed us, warmed us, helped us.

    Materially and words, Supported and taught, instructed,

    They accompanied us through life and were with us.

    Bright world of eternal life, I send you my sincere gratitude

    For your humanity, and your sweetness, for every glimpse of yours - I thank you.

    The meaning of this proverb is that not all people are bad, but there will be someone good who will help. Usually this proverb is said to someone who needs some help, but they cannot cope on their own and they hope for help from others. They say to somehow support, reassure.

    So we go into the store and there is a donation box there, a sick child, someone we don’t know at all, and there is a lot of different money in it, both small and large. And who put them there - good people!!! This is what this proverb says: our world is full of kind people we are all good people. We are all ready to help a person in trouble and help him out - this is our Russian

    mentality. We cannot see someone else's misfortune and will always help.

    This proverb, and these words, are said more often when someone helped a person out in a difficult situation. Most likely, he had little hope for this help, and it was a kind of MIRACLE for him, one might say. And he, having almost lost faith in someone’s help and support, suddenly finds this help, support, maybe some minimum that allows him to simply survive or hold out, or maybe he receives much more than what he even expected. And then, to his surprise and joy at what happened, he may hear from someone to whom he told this, or even from himself, with some amazement and joy, this phrase: THE WORLD IS NOT WITHOUT GOOD PEOPLE. And thank God that this is so.

    I think that the proverb - the world is not without good people can be understood this way: when you are in trouble, you feel unbearably bad, because you need to get out of trouble, and relatives, friends, good acquaintances at that moment turned their backs on you (this happens and this is very hurts), then suddenly a person appears who is nothing to you, but he lends you a helping hand, like the best and most faithful friend and pulls you out of trouble. That is, there is no need to despair, there were, are and will always be kind people who help in difficult life situations completely free of charge. This has happened to me many times. Then these people disappeared. It was as if they were fulfilling their mission and disappearing from my life; I think God sent them to me to help me survive.

    This proverb refers to a situation when a person is left alone with his misfortune or even misfortunes. At this terrible moment, kind people help him. That is: advice, money, shelter, food, moral support. Therefore, the World is not without good people - this is exactly what saves a person from destruction.

    You should never despair. You don’t need to think that you can die among people and there will be no one who can help you. Do not abuse your trust, but you should hope for the mercy of people.

    Even from all over the world, may there be good people.

    Even in the most difficult moment in life, when a person is left completely alone - there is no help from either friends or family - someone will definitely appear who will give a hand and lend a shoulder. Personally, this happened to me a couple of times. A complete stranger who delved into my situation and problems - helped and supported.

    This proverb means that in this world not all people are evil, there are also truly kind people. And there will definitely be a person who shows kindness and mercy towards other people. This proverb is said to emphasize that support and help are still possible.

The world is not without good people(meaning) - 1) about people who provided help 2) this is what they say in a situation when help is needed and there is hope that there will be someone who will help.

An expression from the Russian proverb “The world is not without good people,” which is listed in the book “” (1853) (section - “”).


(1905 - 1984)

"Quiet Don" (1925 - 1940), book. 4, part 8 ch. 6:

"Well, this is enough goodness! The world is not without good people…"

(1844 - 1930)

“Having somehow recovered from family adversity, he decided to set up at least some place where he could continue his painting already here. The world is not without good people. At the Pavlovsk School they gave him a place in the garden; He somehow built a log hut there and began to work again."

(1826 - 1889)

"Village Fire" (1886):

“Well, tell her!” Anna Andreevna said to her daughter, “tell her that the world is not without good people.”

(1812 - 1870)

“The Past and Thoughts” (1868) - Herzen writes about how unfamiliar military men helped him with his wedding:

"There are good people everywhere. The Siberian Uhlan Regiment was then stationed in Vladimir; I knew little of the officers, but, meeting quite often with one of them in the public library, I began to bow to him; he was very polite and nice. About a month later, he admitted to me that he knew me and my story of 1834, and told me that he himself was a student at Moscow University. Leaving Vladimir and looking for someone to entrust various chores to, I thought about the officer, went to him and directly told him what was going on. He, sincerely touched by my power of attorney, shook my hand, promised everything and fulfilled everything."

(1821 - 1877)

"Schoolboy" (1845): the hero of the poem addresses a poor boy on his way to school:

"Not without good souls in the world-

Someone will take you to Moscow,

Will you be at the university?

The dream will come true!"

The world is not without good people

Grandfather Savely began to prepare for this event in advance. At the end of May, his granddaughter Dimka comes to his village. He doesn’t come himself, of course, his parents will bring him. I’m not yet old enough to travel such distances on my own. After the first grade, I will spend the third summer in the company of my grandfather. Didn't come to school. Kindergartens and summer cottages were not allowed.

Savely lives alone. He buried his wife three years ago. I'm almost seventy myself. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to bear loneliness, so he prepared for the meeting as if for a holiday: he cleaned the hut, heated the bathhouse - he needed to get some steam out of the way. I cooked lunch: cabbage soup, porridge, jelly. The day before, I went to a local store and bought some treats: several bags of dry lemonade (diluted with cold water - good), a kilogram of small pretzels and, of course, a whole pack of chewy squares, “chews,” as Dimka calls them. It has become too fashionable among children. Well, let him amuse himself. I took field binoculars out of the chest, wiped them, and admired them. Of course, a gift from the commander! “For good service” - that’s what it says on the tin. Now this is a gift for my grandson. He straightened the stairs to the hayloft, where an old wheel from a wheelbarrow was nailed to the window, which Dimka turned like a steering wheel every time he looked through binoculars through the window, imagining himself as a captain. He gave commands and carried them out himself.

The meeting was warm and joyful. Now Savely has someone to talk to, tell him something, and it’s very interesting to listen to him: how his grandson studied, what he did in the evenings, who and what his friends are.

All day long they dug, now in the vegetable garden, now in the garden. We went into the forest to pick the first strawberries. We listened to the nightingales and the cuckoo. They wondered how many years they had left to live. We tried to catch a fish in our small river with a fishing rod. Time flew by. Savely’s soul was light and calm. And how necessary is mental balance in these years! During his long, difficult life, Savely became extremely emotional. At least live a little without fuss. After all, soon you will have to die.

On this ill-fated day, nothing foreshadowed trouble. In the morning they examined the garden again, fed the chickens, had breakfast and got ready to go to the nearest copse, look at the first russula and pick up a couple of cuttings for rakes and shovels. While they were getting dressed, Savely poured water into a pan and put it on the stove. It’ll warm up, let’s wash the dishes and go. And how did it happen that at the last minute he forgot about the pan on the gas burner, closed the house, and the old man and the little one went towards the forest.

Dimka had binoculars around his neck, which he constantly put to his eyes and tried to take a closer look at everything that came into his field of vision. His attention was attracted by the blue cloudless sky, the bright green grass wet with dew, the singing of birds and the stream that he met along the way. Crossing the stream, Dimka sat down and began scooping up water with his palm to drink.

Grandpa! Did you want to take a bottle of water to the forest and some rye bread with salt? Black lightning pierced Savely's mind. He remembered the forgotten bottle on the table and the pot of water on the stove.

Dima! You did not see? Did I turn off the gas or not?

No, I haven't! Savely's legs gave way. My mind was clouded. My whole body went through a spasm. He already clearly saw how a painted wooden partition caught fire from a red-hot vessel. Smoke is already pouring out from under the roof. The flames engulfed the entire house and spread to neighboring ones. The people who have come running are huddled at the only well and cannot do anything about the fire. The fire truck drove up to a wide ditch surrounding the street, but it was impossible to pass through, the bridge did not allow it. All this horror appeared in my mind in one second.

Dima! Dima! House fire. I left the gas on! Look through binoculars, can you see smoke above our street?

No, I can't see anything!

Then let's run!

Dimka rushed forward like an arrow.

Dima! Dima! Take this key! But remembering that the lock was difficult to open, he hopelessly waved his hand and trotted after his grandson. Having completely suffocated, he bent down on the grass by the road. The grandson, seeing his grandfather on the side of the road, returned. The child's heart felt mortal danger and was ready to break into pieces. Either stay with grandpa, or run to the house.

Now Savely no longer remembers how they got to the porch, how they opened the lock. He only remembers that they ran into the kitchen and saw a crimson-hot vessel and a smoking partition. I also remember the cloud of steam that rose to the ceiling from a pan thrown into a bucket of water. Walking into the front room, he collapsed on the bed as he was. A wild inhuman groan escaped from his chest. His hands grabbed his own hair and froze. The cap rolled on the floor. He lost consciousness.

Dimka stood there for a while, confused, but then he jumped out into the street and ran as fast as he could to Grandma Ulyasha, who lived opposite. She came to their house and used to treat him with goat's milk.

Ulyana was alarmed when she saw the roaring, out of breath Dimka, and when she heard the bad news, she shouted across the alley:

Daria! Savely is feeling bad, he’s probably having a heart attack again, run to Nastasya, she still has some pills from Peter! And she herself, grabbing a bottle of holy water from behind the shrine, hurried to help.

Savely lay face up with his eyes closed and his arms outstretched to the sides. The beard and mustache bristled like tufts of unkempt tow. Baba Ulyasha bent over him: is he breathing? She undid the buttons on her shirt. Then she crossed herself and, taking holy water into her mouth, sprinkled Savely’s face three times.

Daria and Nastasya appeared. One brought pills, the other brought immortelle infusion. They took off their boots, padded jacket, and jacket. The belt of the trousers was loosened. Ulyana rubbed her chest with her hands and read the prayer “May God rise again.” Savely opened his eyes:

Grandson! Native! Where are you? Run to the track, maybe you'll get away somehow. Tell your mother that I’m not feeling well, and let them go to my roommate’s house.

The neighbor, Nikolai Ivanovich, is a general practitioner, like Savely, long retired. But he sometimes opened his traveling bag and helped his family and close friends. They became friends when Savely lived in the city for two weeks. The frosts were very severe that winter, it was cold in the village. Then he came to Savely in the village and spent two summers in a row with pleasure.

Dimka ran two miles to the highway without a break. He had never had to go on such long trips alone, without adults. But the duty of a grandson and love for his grandfather overcame fear.

On the highway, a private car owner, seeing a child crying and frantically waving his arms, stopped:

What happened, kid?

Grandpa is dying, he sent for mom.

Well, sit down! Where do you live? Do you know?

He turned out to be a kind, merciful person, God grant him health. He drove Dimka right to the entrance, although not along the way. I wished my grandfather good health. If only we were all so responsive.

Meanwhile, Savely felt better. He sat up on the bed and saw his neighbors fussing around him:

Forgive me, old man, I gave you trouble, took you away from my affairs. God will save you, my good friends, I will owe you!

Well, what are you, what are you! What do you owe us? It is we who must bow at your feet. Over there I repaired Ulyana’s roof, nailed a new latch on Nastasya’s gate, and fixed my little town! - Daria listed. - Low bow to you for this!

Before sunset, an old Moskvich stopped under the window. It was Nikolai Ivanovich who arrived with his suitcase, taking his relatives along the way.

Everything in the hut was tidy and washed. Savely was lying in bed with his head tied in a towel. Baba Ulyasha managed the housework. She worked hard and helped the doctor as much as she could. After the injection and pills, Savely felt relief and wanted to get up, but the right side did not obey, and they laid him down again, forbidding him to move.

The next morning, my daughter and her husband went to the highway; they had to go to work. And his friends remained to complete his grandfather’s treatment: grandma Ulyasha and her friends, the old doctor and grandson Dimka. And only thanks to their tireless care did death recede. After a few days he was already able to sit. His heart became calmer. He could not hide his tears of gratitude to these people.

Truly, the world is not without good people!

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Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

How many times in our lives have we remembered this spell? Have you noticed that we remember about him only at that moment when, in a moment of our need, someone suddenly appears who gives us attention or help? How many times in our lives have we ourselves become what others would say so about? I’ll probably say without exaggeration that if it weren’t for those same kind people, the world would have fallen into tartar a long time ago. And believe me, this is no exaggeration. Although it is often customary to say that “Beauty will save the world,” few people have thought about what lies at the basis of beauty. Isn't kindness beautiful? Or compassion for example. Beauty is a consequence of kindness, mercy, unconditional love and everything that belongs to the Divine world, or rather to God Himself, or whoever you like to call It.

It is good people who maintain the delicate balance of power on the planet, and despite all the horror that the servants of darkness create, good nevertheless always wins. Everyone has probably already been convinced of this axiom more than once. And although sometimes it seems that evil still prevails, in the end good will win, for it is the Almighty Creator of the visible and invisible worlds.

The trouble with humanity is that underdeveloped souls, small consciousnesses still do not want to be on the side of good. They chose the path of ignorance, vice and power. That is precisely why they are fools because they do not even suspect that no matter how dark the night is, the Sun will rise in the morning. They don’t even know that the Sun never set. No matter how much a child walks in the yard, the time still comes to go home. But this is the course of evolution, the work of higher laws, and those who have already matured and become conscious are the “good people” in this world. For at lower levels of consciousness the distinction between good and evil is still very weak. It was for them that there was a warning:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

And only when the soul of a matured person learns to distinguish darkness from light, truth from lies, only then does he understand the difference between good and evil. Only then does he become “serving others,” and until then his essence clearly occupies the rank of “serving himself.” “The service-to-self” are the army of darkness, for they think that everything revolves around them, everything belongs to them, and they are the center of the universe. Then, as those “serving others” realized that the world is one, God is one, all people are one and the same, and by serving someone they thereby serve the common good. And according to the laws of the Creator, everything they give comes back to them. If they give away something bad, they will receive something bad; if they give away something good, they will receive something good. Everything is very simple. And the “serving self” self is a cancer cell of the body, which a healthy body rejects. And then, through pain and suffering, a person’s soul matures and understands simple truths, and once having embarked on the path of light, love and mercy, it can no longer turn back, for every healthy person, once breathing in the clean mountain air, will suffocate in the smog of cities.

Join the ranks of good people, so we will quickly fulfill our destiny.

Proverbs are folk wisdom. They are created by generations of people, and each word is polished over the years. Therefore, all proverbs are laconic and well perceived. Many proverbs were created about good and evil. They show examples of correct behavior and teach good deeds.

  • every cloud has a silver lining. Even in a bad event there is something good. After all, such events in any case become a lesson for the future; they add to a person’s life experience. You should see new opportunities in failures;
  • Do not boast about silver, but rather boast about good things. This means that you should not boast about material wealth. True wealth is good deeds. These are the ones we should be proud of;
  • good deeds live on even after death. The proverb means that people remember good things. Such cases remain in the memory of people for many generations. Even after a person’s death, the memory of his good deeds remains. This emphasizes the importance of good deeds and their significance;
  • The evil one cries from envy, and the good one from joy. The idea is that an evil person is jealous of other people's luck and success. This upsets him and he gets jealous. A kind person is happy for other people.

Thus, using the example of good and evil, serious problems of relationships between people and correct life are raised. In fact, these proverbs represent life rules of behavior.

How proverbs are created

It must be said that some proverbs are modified expressions of people. The literal expression of such statements is impossible, since they have been forgotten. At the same time, the meaning of the statement is important and it has taken the form of a proverb. However, most proverbs are the result of folk art. They are based on someone's saying that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Goodness in proverbs and sayings for grades 1-4.

Goal: to educate students on the gold mines of folk wisdom.

Develop speech and memory.

  1. Everyone is kind, but not everyone is kind.
  2. Every cloud has a silver lining.
  3. A good deed is to speak the truth boldly.
  4. Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.
  5. A good deed nourishes both soul and body.
  6. Good silence is not an answer!
  7. Having done good, do not boast.
  8. They pay for good with good.
  9. And the dog remembers the good old times.
  10. And the dog remembers who feeds it.
  11. It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.
  12. For a good deed, boldly expect praise.
  13. Honor the good, but do not spare the evil.
  14. Forget my goodness, and don’t do anything bad!
  15. Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
  16. Life is given for good deeds.
  17. Having done good, do not repent.
  18. They do not seek good from good.
  19. Kindness without reason is empty.
  20. The world is not without good people.
  21. Good then will be good when people praise.

Any proverb about goodness is a vivid expression of people's thoughts and life experience. With the help of laconic, complete statements, you can show your opinion on certain realities. In everyday life, people often use proverbs and sayings about goodness in their speech to demonstrate their attitude towards certain actions of others. Responsive and caring people have been valued at all times. The proverb about goodness emphasizes the importance of moral actions like nothing else. Everyone knows how important it is sometimes to be selfless and give good. This article contains sayings about good deeds that cannot go unnoticed, and also reveals their meanings.

“Life is given for good deeds”

Many scientists and thinkers have wondered about the meaning of existence. Almost everyone came to the conclusion that actions performed for the benefit of other people helped to gain self-confidence and reveal true values. If each of us truly strived to do something good for our fellow man, the world would change completely. The human thinking system is such that it depends on the experience that a person receives in the process of existence. Proverbs about kindness emphasize the importance of such concepts as responsiveness, caring and mercy.

Some people do not realize the value of their own lives, they do not understand that it is important to fill every day with something conscious and serious. In fact, the truth is that you need to hurry to do good, since there is not as much time as it seems at first glance. The more we help others, the more fulfilled we will feel.

“A good deed will not go unrewarded”

Many people, performing noble deeds, want gratitude in return. For this reason, they often do something useful and believe that they should be constantly praised. But this approach to life cannot be called correct and useful. If you do good deeds only because you expect a reciprocal step, then it is better not to do them. The proverb about goodness says that all actions should come from a pure heart, and the intention to help people should be selfless. It is better not to expect anything in return from the person you are helping.

As a rule, gratitude comes from a completely different direction. Proverbs and sayings about goodness are designed to awaken the best qualities of character in a person, to help him make his own life brighter, more fulfilling and positive. Strive to be as useful as possible to others, then those around you will treat you with attention.

“Get good and get rid of bad”

Throughout life, it is important to form a good attitude towards yourself from others. So you yourself will begin to feel better, at some point a new meaning in life will open. To help people, you yourself need to have many virtues and have an internal drive to do so. The proverb about goodness emphasizes the need for fruitful work on oneself, which consists of eradicating shortcomings and expressing one’s feelings about certain events.

It is better to get rid of negative emotions as early as possible, before they have time to completely take over your consciousness. This is not always easy to do. The fact is that negative emotions tend to accumulate in the body, leading it to a state of stress. A person does not always know how to get rid of his own negative impressions on his own. However, this can and should be learned.

“It will not be good if there is enmity among each other in the family”

In fact, the state of internal harmony is largely determined by how family and friends know how to get along with each other. Building relationships is a complex thing that requires a certain tact and trust. It is not always possible to immediately understand each other, sometimes you have to work hard. The main thing is not to become despondent and not to harbor grudges against loved ones.

The best proverbs about good and evil were presented in this article. All of them are aimed at revealing the deepest human need - to create, to be useful. I would like to wish this kind of attitude to everyone. Generosity gives rise to a reciprocal emotion of gratitude, which in itself is very strong.

Goodness runs away from you - catch up with you, evil overtakes you - stay away. (Georgian)

A noble person will remain noble even if he is touched by evil. (Arabic)

A noble man does not remember the old evil. (Chinese)

Be the tail of a good deed, but do not be the head of an evil one. (Arabic)

To be good or evil depends on habit. (Japanese)

In a worthy soul, goodness lives on in a long memory. (Tamil)

The age of an evil man is short: an evil man is an old man even from a young age. (Balkan)

Near gold, copper turns yellow; near a good person, even a bad one becomes better. (Mongolian)

Anyone who sows the seeds of evil opens the gates of his own destruction. (Tajik)

If evil leaves the house, good will not come from outside. (Chechen)

Anger and evil are brothers. (Chinese)

Conquer anger with love, evil with good. (Burmese)

Mountain torments a horse, anger torments a person. (Kalmytskaya)

Bitter onions will burn through their skin. (Azerbaijani)

Even a cat, if fed for three years, does not forget good things. (Japanese)

If you do good, do it to the end. (Turkmen)

Do good and fear evil. (Hindi)

Do good and don’t ask who it’s for. (Colombian)

Do good and fear nothing. (Portuguese)

Do good in the face of evil. (Irish)

Do good and you will find only good things. (Moorish)

Do good to those who do you harm. (Sierra)

Do good at least by imitating them. (Japanese)

Do good while you are strong: there will be no time after death. (Slovenian)

Doing evil is not heroism; heroism is doing good. (Abkhazian)

When doing good, do not reproach: part of it will return to you. (Georgian)

To perform a good deed there is no need for fortune telling. (Uzbek)

He is good who is good of his own free will. (Mongolian)

You will not spare goodness for another - goodness will touch your blood too. (Kabardinskaya)

Good is not appreciated until evil comes. (Norwegian)

Carve good in stone, and write evil in the snow. (Norwegian)

It's never too late to do good. (French)

They do good without consulting. (Arabic)

If you do good, you elevate yourself; if you do evil, you humiliate yourself. (Burmese)

Then they know and love goodness when they lose it. (Portuguese)

If you repay good with good - well done, if you respond to evil with good - you are a sage. (Kyrgyz)

To the good - all are good, to the dashing - all to the dashing. (Lithuanian)

A kind person and good weather never get boring. (Romanian)

A good person does good to people and does not boast to anyone. (Macedonian)

If good was paid for with good, they would not have slaughtered the old ox. (Turkish)

If you do good to a bad person, he will not understand; if you do evil to a good person, he will not forget. (Kalmytskaya)

If you plan an evil deed, it will first bring misfortune to another, and then even greater misfortune to yourself. (Amharic)

If a person cannot be beautiful and rich, as he would like, then he can be kind and honest. (Serbian)

An angry dog ​​sees a stick everywhere. (Kabardinskaya)

Evil is a bad advisor. (Hungarian)

Evil will return to the one who created it. (Hausa)

Evil does its work faster than good. (Akan)

Evil and good are like water and oil: they cannot mix. (Akan)

Evil comes easily, but goes hard. (Bulgarian)

Evil on the mind is a burden on the back. (Japanese)

Evil will pass, but the evil person will remain. (Kalmytskaya)

The evil one grows old before his time. (Tatar)

An angry man beats his dog on a happy day. (Korean)

An evil person sows trouble all around. (Gypsy)

Evil eyes will not notice goodness. (Norwegian)

And the devil knows what good is, but does not want to do it. (Bulgarian)

He who seeks good stumbles upon evil. (Georgian)

When a person does good, his past mistakes are forgotten. (Chinese)

If the beginning is not good, then the end is bad. (Kabardinskaya)

He who himself does not have evil in his heart accepts everyone as good. (Swedish)

It is easy to do good when you yourself benefit from it. (Norwegian)

Don’t be afraid to do good to people: a good one will repay you twice, and a bad one will at least do no harm. (Karelian)

Do not do evil - you will not be its victim. (Turkish)

Neither talent nor craft is needed to do evil. (Kabardinskaya)

Feigned good turns into evil. (Italian)

With the evil, the good will suffer. (Kabardinskaya)

Anyone who harms you will never forgive you for it. (English)

You can't make the world better by hiding evil. (Georgian)

To become good, even ten years is not enough: to cause evil, one day is more than enough. (Chinese)

The tongue has no bones, but is full of anger. (Ukrainian) Related posts:

1) Proverbs and sayings about good and evil

For the evil - death, and for the good - resurrection.

The world is not without good people.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

They do not seek good from goodness, horses do not roam from oats.

From love to hate one step.

Just think - grief; but if you change your mind, it’s the will of the Lord.

It’s hard for those who remember evil.

Evil Natalya's people are all crooks.

Learn good things, and bad things will come on their own.

The good is gone - the bad remains; If something bad doesn't happen, what's left?

It’s good to give the go-ahead to someone who remembers.

If you spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief.

Trouble after trouble.

Where there is laughter, there are tears.

Beauty is for a while, kindness is forever.

It is not possible for a good tree to bear bad fruit.

After grief comes joy.

Maybe, somehow, it won't be any good.

Trouble will torture you, trouble will also teach you.

THE LIGHT (PEACE) IS NOT WITHOUT GOOD PEOPLE. - Has anyone visited the hut? “We know,” she grumbled, fussing around the stove, “the world is not without good people.” Grigorovich, Four seasons. About thirty rubles have collected. - Well, take it to her! - Anna Andreevna said to her daughter, “tell me that the world is not without good people.” Saltykov-Shchedrin, Village Fire. - Ivan Gerasimovich, where did you get the person we need? “The world is not without good people,” Rodionov said, smiling good-naturedly. “A major I knew helped out.” Babaevsky, Cavalier of the Golden Star. - How did she get to you? - The wounded woman was brought to me. - Who delivered? “People... The world is not without good people,” Stepan Mikhailovich answered evasively. B. Polevoy, Deep Rear. - No wonder the district party committee stands behind our Fyodor Vasilyevich!.. Do you understand? And the collective farmers will now all stand for him. Look, I'm only telling you this. I see that you are worried. And given your current situation, you shouldn’t be upset.” “Thank you, Ivan Danilovich.” It is already rightly said that the world is not without good people Yu. Laptev, Zarya. - This is how we can do it! - he finished his story boastfully. “The world is not without good people, eh?” How do you think? Dmitrevsky and Chetverikov, We are peaceful people. But just as misfortune suddenly fell on a homeless family, so suddenly happiness came. The light does not exist without good people, and they are not always found with fire. Kokorev, Samovar. Ivan took dishes and a bottle of cognac from the sideboard and deftly set the table. At the same time, without stopping, he reasoned that his gullibility does not lead to good, once again he ends up in history, but - “the grave will correct the hunchback,” apparently, it was destined for him to suffer for his simplicity. Thank God, the world is not without good people; chance brought me together with a good person. N. Leonov, There are no free cakes. - Well, nothing, the world, as they say, is not without good people... although our people have become brutal, but the soul remains in man. V. Zakrutkin, Creation of the World.
There are many good people in the world. - Makhni-dralo, your honor. - Is that your name, Makhni-dralo? - That’s their name... - Who called you that, you scoundrel? - Good people named it, your honor. There are many kind people in the world. Dostoevsky, Notes from the House of the Dead.
- Dahl: There are many kind people in the world; Mikhelson: The world (in the world) is not without good people; Rybnikova: The world is not without good people; The world is not without good people.