Find homogeneous parts of the sentence. What are homogeneous members? Are sentences with several rows of homogeneous members possible?

When you need to more accurately characterize an object or phenomenon (or their properties), describe them more specifically and expressively, intelligibly, so that the interlocutor understands your thought more fully, homogeneous members of the sentence come to your aid. Without them, your thought will lose completeness and clarity.

In contact with


Homogeneous members─ these are characteristics that relate exclusively to one object; in a sentence they will be subordinated to only one word. They describe various aspects of the same person, action or quality.

I love bread, especially wheat and rye.

In this simple sentence with homogeneous members they are adjectives"rye" and "wheat". In another example:

The street became brighter with sunshine and smiles.

─ this nouns.

But homogeneous members may turn out to be any part of speech: verb, noun, adverb.

We worked, strained ourselves and worked hard at this construction site for centuries.

How to identify homogeneous groups of sentence words in a simple sentence

It is very easy to identify such members of a sentence. They are subordinated only to the word that they characterize; they can be classified as same question. Moreover, they are independent of each other.

Lena loves dancing, rhythmic music and fitness.

In this case, these are words related to the subject “Lena” and answer the question of what exactly she likes. They are nouns. If we remove one or another addition from the example, the meaning of the sentence will not change, but we will learn less about Lena’s tastes. At the same time, homogeneous members can be main or secondary in a sentence.

For example:

Identification of homogeneous members

In a sentence, homogeneous words can be distinguished using:

It's important to remember that commas must be placed before the second conjunction, when you write a sentence in which words are connected in this way!

How to emphasize homogeneous members?

When analyzing a sentence in a written text, homogeneous members are emphasized equally, depending on what function they perform in the sentence. Predicates are underlined as predicates (with a double solid line), definitions are underlined as definitions (with a wavy line), and so on.

It is important to remember that in the analyzed text in one phrase there may be several groups of similar words at once, and they may well turn out to be different parts of speech.

The hyacinths, crocuses and azaleas in this park were fragrant and intoxicated my head with their scent.

In this simple phrase quickly two groups are defined: three subjects and two predicates. The first group should be emphasized as subjects (nouns, names of colors), the second group of words - as predicates, with two solid words.

Phraseological phrases

With phraseological units, a more difficult case awaits you in terms of punctuation. Remember that in stable phrases, commas are never used. There are not so many of them, you can just memorize them:

  • Both old and young.
  • Neither fish nor fowl.
  • And so on.

You just need to analyze the text very carefully and train your own memory on phraseological units. Not such a difficult matter!

What are the good things about the rules of the Russian language? The fact that even without knowing all the intricacies of their use, absolutely everyone uses them. Want an example? Please! Coming home from school, the child begins to talk about everything he was doing: writing an essay, solving a problem, playing football, pushing Masha. At the same time, it is not you, not your child, who will not think that his story turned out to be so complete thanks to the very important homogeneous parts of the sentence. So what are homogeneous members of a sentence?

How to recognize homogeneous members

First, let's remember what a proposal is. These are words that express a complete thought. The words that make up a sentence are called sentence members. This is the subject, predicate, definition, addition, circumstance.

Sentences consisting of different members (main and secondary) are considered common. They may have members with similar functions. They answer one question and refer to one common word, that is, they are homogeneous.

Why are homogeneous members needed? In the above example from school life, the child listed everything he did in class. Thus, the main purpose of homogeneous members is enumeration. Homogeneous members make the narrative more interesting, allowing you to tell about several actions, objects or their signs at once.

What members of the sentence are they?

What are homogeneous members, and what members of a sentence can be them? The answer is simple: any. Accordingly, they can be any part of speech.

For example, the main member of a sentence is the subject, expressed by a noun: Roses, hydrangeas and poppies grew in the garden.

Homogeneous predicates look like this: During physical education, the guys ran, jumped, did push-ups, and played volleyball. All verbs here are predicates (answer the question: what did you do?) and homogeneous members of the sentence (since they refer to the same subject).

Example of homogeneous circumstances: There were crows sitting on the fence, roof and trees.

Homogeneous definitions give several characteristics to one object at once: The water in the sea was warm, clean and transparent.

In a sentence: He painted with watercolors, gouache, pencil - homogeneous additions.

Punctuation marks and conjunctions

In writing, homogeneous members are distinguished by commas and connected by conjunctions, and when pronounced, by the intonation of the list: “And the wind, and the rain, and the haze Above the cold desert of water” (I. Bunin). In this example, the words are connected by a repeating conjunction.

Commas are also used if homogeneous members are connected by adversative conjunctions: The spool is small, but expensive. The conjunction “yes” is used in the meaning of the adversative conjunction “but”.

When using disjunctive conjunctions, commas are also necessary: ​​I will buy either apples, or pears, or plums.

So, you have learned what homogeneous members of a sentence are, examples of their use, and you probably realized that it is simply impossible to do without them in everyday communication.

In Russian, there are often sentences with words that answer the same question and belong to the same part of speech.

The concept of a homogeneous member of a sentence

Such words in a sentence perform the same function, have equivalent meaning and are connected to each other by intonation and coordinating connection. Such members of a sentence in Russian are called homogeneous. Examples of homogeneous members of a sentence:

The old green poplars rustled, groaned, and moved alarmingly. In this sentence, the homogeneous members are predicates.

The green forest rustled incessantly, evenly. In this sentence, the homogeneous members are circumstances.

Let's analyze what the main features of homogeneous members are. Firstly, they all have the same involvement in the main word with which they are directly associated. There are exceptions in which homogeneous members of the sentence do not belong to this part of speech.

For example:
I like to walk slowly, with stops.

Punctuation: homogeneous members and connecting conjunctions

Connecting conjunctions in sentences with homogeneous members are most often represented by the conjunctions “and this, and that”, “and neither, and nor”, ​​“also, too”, “not only..., but also”.

Before conjunctions that connect homogeneous members of a sentence, a comma should be placed in three cases:
1. With a dividing and single connecting union of homogeneous members of a sentence. For example:

1.1. Crucians and carps splashed in the pond.

1.2. In the pine forest you can see a woodpecker or a squirrel.

2. If conjunctions combine several pairs of homogeneous members of a sentence. For example: Uncle Vanya’s collection included many daggers and knives, guns and pistols, decorated with stones.
3. If homogeneous members are connected to each other by repeating unions, and thus form a stable combination. For example: Aunt gave us a lot of multi-colored flags: red, green, and yellow.

Notes. It should be remembered that in some cases, combinations with double conjunctions and homogeneous members of the sentence can be confused. This is the most common mistake among students. Examples of sentences with combinations with double conjunctions:

I like to walk quietly in the forest, with stops.

Vivid examples of combinations with double conjunctions, which are often falsely attributed to homogeneous members of a sentence, are laughter and sin, neither fish nor fowl, etc.

Heterogeneity relations are often found in adjectives - a large leather bag, a small glass glass.
In sentences with homogeneous members, homogeneous words most often describe the dynamics of this action, the qualitative characteristics of one object. If homogeneous members have increased expressiveness, they form a series of epithets.

In some sentences we come across words that are repeated. It is important to know that they are not homogeneous members of the sentence. Example: Spring was waiting, nature was waiting. The word “waited” is repeated in this sentence two times solely to emphasize the importance of the upcoming event. Such and similar words are considered in Russian as one member of a sentence.

In some sentences there are words that perform the same syntactic function, refer to the same word, but are not homogeneous members. Such words are called heterogeneous members of a sentence.

The main differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous members of a sentence with examples are given in the table.

Homogeneous members of the sentence
Heterogeneous members of a sentence
By value Characterize the word being defined on one side Characterize the word being defined from different angles
By syntactic connection Can be connected by connecting, adversative, dividing and other conjunctions, non-union connection Usually, a conjunction or comma is not placed between heterogeneous members of a sentence
By syntactic function Can be expressed by any member of the sentence Most often expressed by heterogeneous definitions
Example sentences She speaks well in English, A French.

During the competition, the guys and decided puzzles, and ran relay race, and came up with questions for opponents.

Wide wood the table was in the corner of the room.

I bought sweet green apples for pie.

In the position after the word being defined, heterogeneous parts of the sentence are written separated by commas.

Example: Trees, high, noisy, bowed their branches to the water. ( Compare: High noisy the trees bowed their branches to the water).

Several agreed upon definitions that are not interconnected by unions can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions; a comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Homogeneous definitions are directly related to the defined (main) word, while between themselves they are in an enumerative relationship (they are pronounced with enumerative intonation and a conjunction and can be placed between them).

Example: Blue and green balls. - Blue balls. Green balls. Blue and green balls.

Heterogeneous definitions are not pronounced with enumerative intonation; it is usually impossible to put the conjunction and between them. Heterogeneous definitions are differently connected with the defined (main) word. One of the definitions (the closest) is directly related to the word being defined, while the second is already connected to a phrase consisting of the main word and the first definition:

Long freight train. With the main word train The definition closest to it is directly related - commodity. Definition long associated with the whole phrase - freight train. (The freight train is long).

To distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, it is necessary to take into account a whole complex of characteristics. When parsing and arranging punctuation marks, pay attention to the meaning, method of expression and order of definitions in the sentence.

How to distinguish homogeneous definitions from heterogeneous ones in a sentence?

Homogeneous definitions create a holistic impression of an object and name its specific quality (shape, size, color). Homogeneous definitions can be expressed by adjectives of the same category in meaning, less often - by an adjective and participial phrase (red and yellow walls; fox and hare holes; damp, reluctantly drying soil).

Heterogeneous definitions name different properties of the defined object. Heterogeneous definitions can be expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives, numeral and adjective, pronoun and adjective, etc. (a strong walnut; my favorite movie; the first mercury thermometer).

Examples of sentences with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions: Misha had in his collection copper, silver And bronze coins ( homogeneous). - Misha collected ancient bronze coins ( heterogeneous). Katya put her things in big And small boxes ( homogeneous). - Katya put her things in big cardboard boxes ( heterogeneous).

Both homogeneous and heterogeneous members of a sentence can be used in one sentence.

Example: The artist painted with blue and red oil paints ( blue, red– homogeneous members of the sentence; blue oil, red oil- heterogeneous members of the sentence).

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How to correctly place punctuation marks in the following cases?

The sun rose higher and it began to get hot on the beach.

It was already dawn and the air was noticeably warmer.

Please note that both sentences are complex. Some of the simple sentences in their composition do not have a subject, but this does not make the predicates homogeneous. Commas before and in these sentences are required.

The sun rose higher and it began to get hot on the beach.

It was already dawn and the air was noticeably warmer.

Everyone already knew that a girl was born and that she was named Masha.

The paint on the walls peeled off due to moisture and the frames swelled.

Single conjunctions and, or, or can connect two homogeneous subordinate clauses (these subordinate clauses refer to the same main part and answer the same question). There is no comma between them.

Everyone already knew that a girl was born and that she was named Masha.

Single conjunctions and, or, or can link two clauses that have a common minor member. There is also no comma between them.

The paint on the walls peeled off due to moisture and the frames swelled (a common minor term is the circumstance of the cause due to moisture).

Do I need to put a comma before and in the following cases?

What a clear smile_ and what huge eyes this girl has!

Single conjunctions and, or, or can connect two exclamatory or two interrogative sentences. There is no comma between them.

Who is he and what is he doing here?

What a clear smile and what huge eyes this girl has!

Homogeneous members of the sentence

Homogeneous members of a sentence are those that:

1) play the same syntactic role in a sentence;

2) connected to the same main word through the same question;

3) are connected by a coordinating connection, which indicates their semantic equality in the sentence;

4) are often expressed by the same part of speech.

Let's explain this with a diagram:

She loved dancing, books and romantic encounters.

Before us is a series of homogeneous additions (dances, books, meetings), they all depend on the same predicate, answer the same question and are equal in meaning.

Homogeneous members of a sentence (OSP) can be connected to each other both by a non-union connection and with the help of coordinating conjunctions:

Means of communication between private security forces

Homogeneous members are connected by a non-union bond

Aibolit walks through forests and swamps.

Homogeneous members are connected by connecting unions and, yes(in meaning i), neither - nor, not only - but also, both - so and, not so much - as and etc.

Long live soap fragrant, and a towel fluffy, and tooth powder! (K. Chukovsky).

Neither countries, neither I don’t want to choose a graveyard!(I. Brodsky).

He is not so much poor as he is greedy.

Homogeneous members are connected by adversarial unions ah, but, yes(in meaning But), but

The stars fall for them on the shoulders, not in the palms.

Small spool Yes, dear.

Flea small, but evil.

Homogeneous members are connected by dividing unions or (or), either, then - that, not that - not that

I I’ll either burst into tears, or scream, or faint.

Is there somewhere city ​​or village with that name.

Complex sentences. Basic types of compound sentences

Compound sentences are complex conjunctive sentences in which simple sentences can be equal in meaning and are connected by coordinating conjunctions.

There was a knock on the door and everyone immediately fell silent.

There may be no money, but your conscience does not hurt.

Based on conjunctions and meaning, complex sentences are divided into three types.

Type and basic conjunctions

Basic values ​​of this type

Complex sentence with connecting conjunctions and, yes(in meaning And), neither - nor, too, also.

Listing of phenomena occurring simultaneously or sequentially.

The hole was repaired, and the assistant captain was already checking the navigation instruments.

The sailor was silent, the cabin boy also did not say a word.

Compound sentence with disjunctive conjunctions or (or), or - or, either, either - or, then - that, not that - not that.

Alternation of phenomena, the possibility of one phenomenon out of several.

Either the store was already closed, or Oska was simply too lazy to buy bread.

Either the battery is not heating, or the frost has increased.

Complex sentence with adversative conjunctions ah, but, yes(in meaning But), however, but, with particle same in the function of the union.

One phenomenon is opposed to another.

The wind has died down, but the waves are still high.

Andrei came home late, but the children were not yet asleep.

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members

In the absence of a union, a comma is placed between homogeneous members.

The wind rushed through the courtyards, knocked on the windows, buried itself in the leaves.

Answers must be complete, clear, and concise.

In some sentences, words may be repeated for emphasis. A comma is also placed between them, but they are not considered homogeneous members.

She walked and walked and finally came.

And he felt sorry, sorry for his passing life.

For homogeneous members connected by coordinating conjunctions, the following punctuation rules exist:

Cases when homogeneous terms are separated by a comma

Cases when homogeneous terms are not separated by a comma

With single conjunctions a, but, but, yes (meaning but).

Small spool but precious.

With single conjunctions and, or, either, yes (in the meaning And).

You could hear the noise of the forest and the crackling of branches in the fire.

Within groups of homogeneous members, connected in pairs by unions and, or, or, yes (in the meaning And ).

He walked like this in summer and winter, autumn and spring.

With repeated conjunctions and - and, neither - nor, then - that, not that - not that, or - or, either - or, yes - yes.

Neither I nor my friend were tired.

With all double conjunctions: both - and, not only - but also, where - there and, as much - as much, although and - but etc.

He was respected by both friends and enemies.

Although he was old, he was strong.


A repeating conjunction can be positioned differently relative to a number of homogeneous members. Usually a conjunction is placed before each member of a homogeneous series. In this case, a comma is placed between all homogeneous terms, including after the first of them:

He knew his work, loved it, and knew how to do it.

The stars either barely burned, then disappeared, or suddenly flashed brightly in the sky.

Sometimes there is no conjunction before the first member of a homogeneous series.

In such cases, a comma is also placed between all homogeneous terms, including after the first of them.

I kept only my saber, my pipe, and my father’s gun.

He would then frown with displeasure, or frown, or purse his lips.

In the Russian language there are many phraseological units built on the basis of a number of homogeneous members. In such phraseological units, commas are not used. Remember the main ones:

both this and that;

neither this nor that;

and this way and that;

neither light nor dawn;

both here and there;

neither fish nor fowl;

neither day nor night;

neither give nor take;

neither back nor forward and etc.

Punctuation marks for single conjunctions AND, OR, OR in simple and complex sentences

  • Within a simple sentence, single conjunctions and, or, or connect homogeneous members. In this case, a comma is not placed before these conjunctions.

He simply made a mistake or did not have time to complete the calculations.

  • Single conjunctions and, or, or can link parts of a complex sentence. In this case, they are preceded by a comma.

Everyone arrived on time, and the bus moved off.

  • Single conjunctions and, or, or can connect two homogeneous subordinate clauses (these subordinate clauses refer to the same main part and answer the same question). In this case, there is no comma between them.

Everyone already knew that a girl was born and that she was named Masha.

  • Single conjunctions and, or, or can connect two sentences that have a common part or a common subordinate clause. In this case, there is also no comma between them.

The paint on the walls peeled off due to moisture and the frames swelled.

While the kettle was boiling, Stas cut the sausage_ And we started dinner.

  • Single conjunctions and, or, or can connect two exclamatory or two interrogative sentences. In this case, there is also no comma between them.

Who is he and what is he doing here?

What a clear smile_ and what huge eyes this girl has!