The difference between white onions and regular onions, features of cultivation and storage. White onion - benefits, recipes

White onions are steadily gaining popularity. It is valued for its ease of cultivation and delicate aroma. The plant produces a bountiful harvest already in the second year after sowing. White onions, unlike ordinary ones, have notes of sweetness in the taste, and bitterness is practically absent. Due to these features, it is valued by gourmets, and gardeners grow the crop for fresh vegetable salads.

Description and characteristics of culture

The countries of Asia, Spain, and Mexico are considered the birthplace of white onions. In Russia, this plant is rare and remains little known to many. In botanical encyclopedias, this variety of onion is called a biennial, but, as the experience of gardeners shows, the cycle consists of 3 years:

  • first the black seeds are obtained;
  • in the second year they are sown and small poppies are grown;
  • on the third, they are planted in open ground.

White onions have low caloric content and amount to 40 kcal per 100 g. The product can be confidently called dietary and can be used for weight loss. In Europe and Asia, this particular variety is used in cooking. In France, the national dish is a fragrant and thick soup made from this vegetable, which all tourists try. The main difference between onions (yellow) and white onions is their pungent taste. The silver variety is characterized by a light aroma and lack of bitterness, so it is most often consumed fresh.

In addition to being low in calories, white onions are rich in iron, vitamins, essential oils and mineral salt. Thanks to this composition, doctors and nutritionists recommend using it for the treatment and prevention of diseases: anemia, decreased gastric secretion, intestinal dysfunction. Significant disadvantages of the variety include its minimal shelf life.

Difference from other species

From a botanical point of view, yellow, purple and silver varieties are one biological type. Experienced gardeners grow white onions because they know how they differ from onions - in particular, large heads and a very thin layer of peel.

The purple, or Crimean, variety of this vegetable can be soft, sweet, spicy or fiery. Chefs do not recommend cooking it, but using it only fresh in salads. First of all, the difference between red and white bulbs lies in color.

Yellow is similar in taste to red and is most popular in Russia. It can be fried, baked. Sharp onions are often found, and in order to be consumed fresh, it is recommended to marinate them in a weak vinegar solution or cold water. The shelf life of the yellow variety is quite long, so it is always available on supermarket shelves. Compared to regular onions, white onions have a refined aroma, sweet taste and do not leave a pungent odor from the mouth after consumption.


The plant contains many vitamins E, C, PP, B, microelements and phytoncides (essential oils). Clinical studies have found that white onions are beneficial for health. Doctors emphasize its importance for patients with anemia, because this vegetable crop contains a high content of iron, necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

The benefit of white onions for the body lies in its positive effect on the condition of the nails. This effect is due to the high concentration of keratin in the composition. Doctors recommend using this variety for cosmetic purposes in the form of hair masks, and nutritionists recommend using it to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It has been clinically found that regular consumption of white onions helps get rid of swelling in the lower extremities.

After cutting the plant, the substance allicin begins to be actively released, which has a pungent odor. Among the medicinal properties of white onions, their antiseptic properties are valued.

Regular consumption of it fresh reduces the risk of developing infectious and respiratory, chronic diseases, and reduces the symptoms of stomatitis and sore throat. Fresh onion juice is indicated for the treatment of burns.


Herbalists have been studying the benefits and harms of white onions for many years. Thanks to scientific work, the healing properties of this vegetable crop are known. But with all the advantages, you need to remember that the plant should not be given to children under 2 years of age. Fresh white onions can burn your baby's delicate mucous membranes and cause digestive upset. Contraindications include flatulence, sleep disturbance, nervous excitability, chronic hypertension, severe migraine.

The best varieties

There are several varieties of white onions, each with its own growing characteristics. Popular variety names: Dutch, Snowball, Nevada, Alba. Gardeners choose those types of vegetable crops that have a long shelf life and mild taste. White onions are grown for feathers in open ground, starting planting in spring or winter. In the absence of seeds, gardeners first obtain onion sets from nigella, and then plant them in prepared soil.


This mid-season variety has good keeping quality and a semi-sharp taste. Bulbs weighing 70-80 g remain dense and juicy for up to six months. Harvesting begins 120-130 days after planting in open ground.

A special feature of the Alba variety is that during the growing season it produces a characteristic pungent odor that repels pests. Vegetable beds do not suffer from the invasion of weevils and onion flies.


An early ripening variety, which is used fresh, is added to canning. The growing season is 95 days. Before choosing white onions for planting, you need to take into account that Nevada does not have good shelf life. It is stored for 5 months, and then it begins to lose its shape and the taste changes.

Comet f1

This hybrid is easy to grow in warm climates. Ripe onions contain 8.2% sugar (compared to 10% in watermelon), so their taste is sweet and mild. The ripening period in the beds is 120 days, so the Comet f1 variety is classified as medium-late. Small bulbs weigh up to 50 g, but when the necessary conditions are created, specimens up to 70 g can be found. The species is distinguished by good shelf life (6-7 months) and high resistance to fusarium and pink rot.


The bulbs have a semi-sharp taste, which is why farmers so often choose it. The conditions for obtaining a good harvest are minimal: a small amount of fertilizer and sunlight. Snowball is an early ripening variety and produces bulbs weighing up to 130 g 100 days after planting. The disadvantages include its average shelf life. Vegetables must be eaten within 3 months, otherwise they will become unusable.

Features of cultivation

The harvest of white onions is obtained in two ways: from seeds or sets. Planting material is planted in spring or before winter. This vegetable crop is quite capricious. If there is a lack of moisture, the plant produces numerous arrows, and if damp, it quickly rots. Each of the planting methods has disadvantages and advantages. If the owner decides to plant the plant before winter, it is necessary to take into account the appropriate air temperature - 2-3°C.

Onion planting dates

In early spring, after the ground has thawed from the last frost, the seeds begin to be planted. If planting begins at low temperatures, germination will not occur. Experienced farmers recommend changing the bed for this vegetable crop every year and choosing sunny areas for quick germination.

To get a good harvest, you need to dig up the soil and fertilize it with organic or mineral additives based on potassium and phosphorus. After planting, the bed should be loosened regularly and watered abundantly. This will ensure a good flow of oxygen and nutrients to the sprouts.

Sets, just like seeds, need to be buried in well-warmed soil. But there are frost-resistant vegetable varieties. White onions planted in October begin to grow in early spring thanks to the moisture accumulated in the ground. Basic rules when working with sets before winter:

  1. Dig up the soil and apply fertilizer.
  2. When the soil has settled, after 2-3 days, sort the white onions for winter planting and warm them at room temperature. To disinfect, treat the crowns with a hot solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Bury the plant in the beds to a depth of no more than 3-5 cm, so that rot does not form.
  4. It is recommended to maintain a distance of 20 cm between rows.

If you need to get fresh greens in early spring, you need to plant 4-6 bulbs per hole. Cover winter varieties in beds with peat, humus, and dry straw. This will help the plants survive severe frosts and ensure productivity.

Compliance with crop rotation

Growing vegetable crops in the same areas of the garden leads to gradual depletion of the soil. This can be avoided by observing the basic requirements of crop rotation. For all varieties of onions, bad predecessors are: radish, carrots, celery, leeks. Good yield is observed if the plant was planted after cauliflower and white cabbage, cucumbers, early potatoes, tomatoes, radishes and legumes.

Caring for white onions

In the spring, after the snow has melted and the frosts have gone, it is necessary to remove the top protective layer from the beds and make shallow grooves in the ground. This will allow the soil to warm up faster and remove excess moisture. If repeated frosts below -3°C are expected, cover the area with sown white onions with agrofibre or film. Depleted soil must be fed:

  • The first fertilizers are applied in the form of a solution based on mullein or chicken manure, prepared in proportions of 1:10.
  • In mid-May, the soil needs to be enriched with nitrophoska. Before applying fertilizers, you must read the instructions and follow the specified concentration of additives.

Harvest and storage

You can dig up the onions as soon as the feathers begin to dry. This happens from the end of July to the beginning of September. If the leaves have not fallen, you can crush them yourself by hand. The bulbs need to be pulled out or carefully dug out.

To enjoy the taste of white onions for a long time, you need to know how to store them at home. After digging, keep the crop under a canopy to dry completely. The bulbs have an average shelf life and can last for a maximum of 7 months without losing their marketable qualities. When obtaining a large harvest, it is recommended to use the vegetable crop for preservation.

White onions can be stored well at home if you follow general recommendations. It can be placed in a fabric mesh and hung in the cellar. Once a month, remove rotten specimens and cut off sprouted feathers. If you keep it in a box, you need to go through it more often. The optimal temperature for extending shelf life is considered to be 0-3°C.

Today, white onions are not a “stranger”, and many gardeners are trying to grow them in their plots. In our country, it is, of course, inferior in popularity to its “brother” - the yellow onion, but in Latin America, Spain or France, white onions are more often used in cooking.

White onions: what kind of “beast”

This vegetable also belongs to onions, being one of their varieties. It is not found in the wild; it differs from the usual yellow one in its special aroma and the absence of the usual bitterness of onions.

The root system is located at a shallow depth, the roots are thread-like. The plant has tubular, dark green feathers, with a barely noticeable waxy coating. Their length varies - from 50 to 90-100 cm. An onion is formed at the base of the thickened stem. The turnip shape is usually round, oval onions are very rare. The upper scales of onions are very similar to rustling paper and have a cream, white, white with a pink tint (this largely depends on the variety). In the same way, the weight of the turnip depends on the variety of white onion, for example, for the Snowball variety - up to 160-170 grams, for Alba - up to 200 grams (see photo).

This onion has juicy and very aromatic inner scales, transparent in appearance and very tender. Thanks to this taste, the vegetable is used in salads, soups, and various seasonings. It gives dishes a special piquancy, without the harshness traditional for yellow or red onions.

In the second year, the plant throws out flower stalks, in the boxes of which black triangle seeds (nigella) ripen. White onions are propagated by seeds; gardeners also often use sets for sowing.


This onion cannot be stored for long periods of time. Therefore, you need to know when to remove onions from the garden, and then eat them first.

White onions: benefits and harms

In general, the properties of this variety of onion are similar to those of yellow onions, but the fact that white onions are not as pungent makes them more attractive for use in cooking.

Turnips contain a large amount of vitamins, including C, PP, B, E, H, organic acids, and useful minerals. A high content of essential oils, as well as flavonoids, was also noted, and therefore this particular onion is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis and normalization of sugar levels.

It is useful for anemia, improves immunity, stimulates the formation of red blood cells. The beneficial properties of white onions are also known in cosmetology, where they are used as masks for problem skin and for hair growth and beauty.

It is indispensable in folk medicine, being, like yellow onions, a “helper” for many colds, in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, as well as for furunculosis and other skin diseases.

In cooking, gourmets use this onion to prepare famous onion soups, as well as various sauces. It is good in salads and in various preserves.

There are no serious contraindications to consuming this vegetable. If you have any problems with the stomach or liver, then, of course, you can’t eat a lot of onions (or any kind). For the rest, you just need to know the norm.

Features of agricultural technology

Onions are grown in the garden in two seasons:

  • sowing nigella to obtain seedlings - this is the first year;
  • planting sets to obtain a full-fledged turnip is the second year.

If you have purchased sets, then already in the first year you can get high-quality white onions.

In the southern regions, when sowing with seeds, you can get a turnip in the first year.

Selecting a location

The best place for onions is a sunny, wind-protected bed where legumes, cucumbers or tomatoes grew in the previous season.


Return onions to the garden no earlier than after 3-4 years, observing the rules of crop rotation.

The soil should be loose and neutral in acidity. White onions do not like acidic soils, so ash or dolomite flour is added to such soils. In the fall, carefully dig up the bed, add a small amount of rotted compost, as well as superphosphate (about 25-30 grams per square meter).

Seed preparation and sowing

Sowing of seeds is carried out either directly on the ridges, or by first growing seedlings at home. Most gardeners prefer not to bother with onion seedlings, since in the spring there is too much trouble with seedlings of other vegetables. Therefore, seeds are sown, having previously prepared them, directly into the ground.

  1. Nigella is disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate (up to six hours).
  2. Soak in any growth stimulator (according to instructions).
  3. The seeds are germinated in a damp cloth, then slightly dried and sown immediately on the prepared bed.

The sowing time depends on the region: in the middle zone you can sow as early as April, but for Siberia, the Urals and the North-West regions later, already in May.

It is best to sow nigella in cut grooves, keeping a distance between them of 15-20 cm. The seed sowing depth is up to 3 cm. Then sprinkle the nigella with soil and water it.

After the first shoots appear, it is advisable to do the first thinning. It will be necessary to thin out the second time later, when the plants reach about 10-12 cm.

Planting sets

Just like when sowing nigella, the seed must be prepared before planting. To begin with, sorting is carried out, removing all damaged, low-quality specimens, then the sets are heated at a temperature of +30°C, 8-10 hours will be enough.

Then carefully cut off the top part of the onions, soak the sets in a special solution that speeds up germination (ZIRCON is perfect).

The seedlings are sown on the prepared bed only when the soil warms up to +10-12°C, planting the onions in the grooves in the same way.

Scheme: the distance between the bulbs is 8-10 cm, between the grooves – 20 cm.

If everything is done correctly, then in about a week the white onion will sprout.

Onion feeding

Onions, like other vegetables, need feeding. But you need to know that if the bed has been well fertilized since the fall, then there is no need to apply a lot of fertilizers during the growing season.

It is effective to use complex fertilizers for fertilizing; you can also use organic matter in the first period.


Onions do not like fresh manure, so it cannot be added to the beds either in the fall, or even more so in the spring.

The condition of the plants is an excellent indicator of whether the onion needs any feeding or additional substances or not. Excess nitrogen leads to the growth of green mass, not bulbs, so in the second half of the growing season, fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus should be predominant.


Do I need to water onions? Yes, especially if the weather is hot and dry and there is no precipitation. But you shouldn’t allow too much moisture in the garden bed to allow the water to stagnate. This leads to rotting of both the turnip and the feather, and the appearance of various vegetable diseases.

Typically, plants are watered more often in the first months after planting, gradually reducing the amount of watering and water, and stopping them completely two to three weeks before harvesting.

This will enable the turnip to gain maximum weight, ripen better, and accumulate more nutrients.

Protection from pests and diseases

White onions are affected by various infections, and they can also be attacked by insect pests. It is not so easy to fight them, so it is advisable to follow the rules of agricultural technology to prevent the occurrence of diseases. For this:

  • purchase only high-quality seeds (both nigella and sets);
  • Be sure to disinfect the seeds and warm up the sets;
  • Onions are grown in the same beds again no earlier than after 3-4 years.

What diseases are dangerous for onions:

  • powdery mildew;
  • cercospora;
  • anthracnose

If signs have already appeared, then treat the plants with Fitosporin as quickly as possible. Compositions containing copper also help.

To prevent onion flies or thrips from appearing on white onions, it is recommended:

  • It is necessary to carry out deep digging of the beds in the fall;
  • loosen and weed the soil between plants;
  • dust the onions with wood ash, hot pepper, tobacco dust;
  • Do not leave any plant residues on the beds.

A good result is obtained by planting onions next to carrots, the smell of which repels the onion fly. Planting nearby fragrant flowers such as marigolds, calendula, nasturtium, or herbs such as thyme and coriander also helps.

When to remove onions from the garden?

The timing of harvesting depends on the variety, as well as the growing region, and the condition of the onion itself. Usually, already in mid-August, gardeners begin to examine the plantings, determining maturity by the turnip, neck and feather.

External signs of maturation:

  • onion feathers begin to gradually turn yellow and dry out;
  • the neck becomes thin and soft;
  • the outer scales acquire a characteristic white color.

When to remove onions from the garden? It is best to choose a clear day for harvesting, carefully digging up the bulbs with a pitchfork. It is advisable to dry the onions in the garden, so they will be better stored later. This is especially important for white onions, which do not keep well.

After this, the onions are laid out on shelves or tables in a warm and dry room, waiting until the turnips and feathers are completely dry. Only after this the leaves are carefully trimmed, leaving stumps up to 3-4 cm, and then the turnips are placed in baskets or boxes.

At home, white onions are not stored for long, since even if good conditions are provided, they can rot. Judging by the reviews, it can be stored until the New Year at most, so it is used for food first. Although these days, long-term varieties have also been bred, so you can always try some new ones.

White onion varieties

Today, gardeners can choose a wide variety of varieties of this type of onion: early and mid-season, sweeter, shelf-stable and others. The names of varieties and hybrids are striking in their originality, but the characteristics are no less impressive.


The magnificent Alba onion, striking with its snow-white bulbs, belongs to the keeping varieties. In terms of timing, it is medium late, that is, you will need to wait about 130 days for the harvest. Turnips have a sweet taste, and the bulbs themselves can grow up to 180-200 grams.


One of the popular varieties is the white Nevada onion. It is preferred by gardeners in the middle zone and northern regions, as it is distinguished by its early ripeness. Just 90 days and you can enjoy a tasty and juicy onion. Nevada onions are sweet, great for salads, as well as for any types of preservation.

Snowball F1

Large, snow-white, sweet - these are the qualities that fully characterize the excellent onion hybrid Snowball F1. The difference between the hybrid: not only the internal scales are juicy, but also the external ones.

The turnip grows up to 200 grams, the hybrid is characterized by medium keeping quality of the bulbs.

Comet F1

Sweet onions are nonsense for many, but after trying the bulbs of the Comet hybrid, your opinion will immediately change. This onion contains a lot of sugar (only two percent less than watermelon), and therefore it is great for any salads.

The hybrid ripens within 125-130 days and has very high resistance to traditional onion diseases.

White onions are quite worthy of the attention of gardeners, since their bulbs are distinguished by excellent taste, sweetness, and the presence of beneficial properties. And I think that you can not only buy this wonderful vegetable in supermarkets, but also try to grow it yourself in the garden beds!

Today you can see many varieties of onions in the grocery store - from the usual yellow to the very exotic purple. White onions are much less common. And when they see it, some people pass it by as if it were a curiosity. And completely in vain. It not only differs from its yellow counterpart in having a more delicate and rich taste, but also contains many microelements and vitamins vital for humans. Therefore, learning more about it will be very useful.


Outwardly, it looks like a yellow onion, but at the same time, as the name implies, it has a white, even slightly transparent color. The heads are usually round in shape - elongated fruits are almost never found. At the same time, it has a very delicate, almost non-bitter taste, which makes it extremely popular among gourmets - in many countries this salad variety is specially grown, which does not impart bitterness and harshness to dishes.

Despite the fact that it is relatively little known in our country, onions are very popular not only in most Asian countries, but also in Mexico and Spain. Well, the French prepare their famous onion soup from it.

Alas, most varieties do not have the ability to store purple and yellow onions for a long time. If white onions are added to the salad, then it is advisable to eat the dish at one time, without putting it off until tomorrow. Otherwise, vitamins and valuable microelements will be lost.

It also begins to soften and rot within two to three months after harvest. So, if you grew it in your garden or cottage, try to eat it as soon as possible to get the maximum benefit.


When choosing which seeds to sow in the garden, an experienced owner will certainly prefer those varieties of white onions that can be stored for as long as possible and at the same time have excellent taste. Let's talk about several of these varieties.

As you can see, the choice is quite large. Each summer resident will be able to choose the white onion that fully meets his requirements.

Benefits, medicinal properties and use in cooking

Another important advantage of white onions is their benefits - they contain many vital microelements and vitamins.

It contains almost all B vitamins, most of all B1, B6 (9% of the daily value in 100 grams of onions!) and B9, as well as vitamin C (aka ascorbic acid), E, ​​H and PP.

There are a lot of useful minerals - manganese (6% of the daily value), phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.

Of course, it is advisable to use fresh onions - they are great for salads, and some people like to eat them as a bite. During long-term storage, valuable vitamins and minerals are destroyed, as with heat treatment.

It is known that white onions were widely used (and are still used today in some places in Asia) on the recommendation of doctors. Which is not surprising. After all, it contains glucinin, a valuable substance that significantly reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Therefore, people suffering from diabetes should definitely introduce this valuable product into their diet. It will significantly reduce the amount of sugar and will not cause the slightest harm to the body (except for bad breath).

With regular consumption, the production of red blood cells is activated.

That is, for anemia, this product is also simply irreplaceable.

Do you complain about poor appetite? Get into a healthy habit - before lunch or dinner, eat a plate of light salad with white onions. You will be surprised how much your appetite will improve - this product has a strong effect on the production of gastric juice. Therefore, even a person who usually sluggishly digs into his plate will happily eat his portion and ask for more.

Finally, with the help of white onions you can improve lymph flow, get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood and increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

It is important that you do not need to carry out complex procedures when using it - it is enough to introduce a small amount of this valuable product into your diet.

But eating is not the only way to use it for medicinal purposes. For example, compresses made from grated onions are good for relieving inflammation in cases of frostbite, burns and animal bites. If you want to get rid of dandruff, you can make a mask from the same pulp. The main thing is not to overdo it - if you keep the mask on for too long, you can burn your scalp and hair roots. Well, if you wipe your skin with onion juice, you can not only make it more elastic, but also get rid of acne.

When it comes to cooking, it is almost impossible to list all the dishes in which white onions can be added. First of all, it can be added to all those dishes that generally contain onions. These are sauces, soups and main courses.

In addition, thanks to its more delicate and less harsh taste and smell, it is perfect for salads. Some people don't like the fact that fresh greens and vegetable salads are overly bitter due to the regular yellow onions. Replace it with white and the most picky gourmet will happily enjoy your culinary masterpiece.

A traditional French dish - onion soup - is also prepared from white onions. And the French know a lot about fine cuisine.

Growing onions

It takes two years to grow white onions, like the yellow ones we are used to. In the first year, the beds are sown with seeds in order to obtain tiny bulbs - sets - in the fall. The next year, the seedlings are planted in the beds, over the summer it grows and in the fall you can get a large, full-fledged onion.

However, in areas with a mild climate, the harvest can be obtained in one year. At the end of March - beginning of April, you need to sow the seeds and take care of them accordingly in order to get a harvest at the end of September - beginning of October. This method is not suitable for all areas of our country with a harsh climate. But many summer residents and gardeners do not want to spend two years trying to get a harvest. Therefore, most people prefer to stock up on onion sets, which can be purchased in many specialty stores. We will dwell on this method, revealing all the subtleties and secrets that allow us to obtain the richest harvest.

It all starts with choosing a landing site. If possible, it is best to plant the seedlings in a bed where beans, broad beans or peas previously grew - they saturate the soil with nitrogen, guaranteeing a rich harvest. An area where cucumbers, tomatoes or zucchini were previously grown is also suitable. All these plants have a deep and powerful root system that draws nutrients from the middle layers of the soil. Onions, due to their weak root system, take substances only from the top layer.

In the fall, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with ash and humus and dig it up. In the spring, as soon as the ground thaws by 5-10 centimeters, the bed should be covered with black film - this will speed up the warming up process. In mid-late April, it is already possible to plant seedlings in the middle zone. The distance between them should be at least 10 centimeters, otherwise the grown bulbs will interfere with each other. You don’t have to be afraid of frosts – the seedlings can easily withstand temperatures down to -4 degrees Celsius.

At first, it is very important to protect the crops from weeds - otherwise the grass will simply choke the white onions.

On good soil you can do without fertilizing, but on depleted soil it is advisable to use nitrophoska, superphosphate and urea. But this should be done carefully so as not to exceed the permissible concentration.

In normal weather, it is enough to water the beds a couple of times a month, and if the summer is dry, at least once a week.

When the green feathers that delighted you all summer and provided greens for salads wither and die, you can harvest the crop - usually this happens in late August - early September. The onion is simply pulled out of the ground or dug up, after which it is dried in the shade under a canopy for a week. After this, remove the harvest to a dry, cool place, and you will be able to enjoy homemade white onions for 3 or even 6 months.

As you can see, growing a harvest of this valuable and tasty product is not at all difficult. It is enough to have a plot of land, some seeding and the desire to get environmentally friendly and therefore especially useful onions.

When you mention onions, everyone remembers the usual yellow onion, less often the red one. But there are also white onions! He is an infrequent visitor to grocery stores and markets. It is planted in the beds of Central Asia, Spain and Mexico. Scientists estimate its age at 5-6 thousand years. Onions are biennial. The taste of the white variety is very different from the yellow one; it has a sweetish taste and an amazing, refined aroma. This feature is appreciated by gourmets all over the world.

Description of white onion

The shape of this variety resembles yellow. Its color is white, slightly transparent. The heads are round in shape, elongated ones are rare. The taste is delicate, practically without bitterness, onions do not add harshness to dishes. This feature makes it popular among gourmets; it is grown specifically for salads.

In Russia, white onions are little known, but in some countries they are very popular. These countries include Asian countries, as well as Mexico and Spain. In France, the legendary onion soup is made from this species.

Unfortunately, white onions do not have a long shelf life. After being collected from the garden, it begins to deteriorate after a couple of months. Therefore, you need to use it for food as quickly as possible. And it’s better to eat salads with it in one sitting, without leaving it for tomorrow - due to the loss of valuable nutrients.

Known varieties

When choosing varieties of white onions to plant in their gardens, gardeners strive to purchase ones that have a long shelf life and have excellent taste. The most popular varieties:

  • Comet. An amazingly sweet variety that can be stored for up to 6 months. Disadvantages include the small size of the bulbs and a long ripening period (up to 120 days).
  • Alba. The bulbs are large, on average 80 g, but can grow up to 200 g with good care. Grown for up to 120 days, stored for 6 months.
  • Nevada. Early ripening variety. The bulbs are medium in size and ripen in 90 days. The variety is suitable for regions with short summers.
  • Snowball. These bulbs have the largest size - up to 160 g. They ripen in 105 days. However, they are stored for no more than 3 months.
  • Sterling. A variety with a short shelf life, no more than 4 months. The bulbs reach 120 g and have an excellent sweet taste. The variety is resistant to onion diseases.

These are the main names of white onions grown in garden beds. Based on these characteristics, you can choose a variety that best meets the requirements of any gardener.

Valuable qualities and consumption

White onions contain many vitamins and beneficial elements. It contains a lot of B vitamins, there are also vitamins C, E, H, PP.

The vegetable contains a large amount of minerals necessary for humans - manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

Doctors advise people suffering from high sugar levels in the body to use white onions as food. After all, one of the main components of the vegetable is the component glucinin, which reduces the amount of sugar. Regular consumption of onions helps activate the formation of red blood cells. For this reason, people with anemia are advised to consume onions. In addition, the vegetable promotes the production of gastric juice, thereby increasing appetite. A plate of salad dressed with onions for lunch or dinner will significantly improve anyone's appetite.

In addition to these valuable properties, white onions normalize lymph flow, eliminate cholesterol and increase the impermeability of vascular walls. The beneficial effect of using white onions can be achieved by adding even a small amount to your food.

White onions, a photo of which is presented in the article, will help diversify:

  • salads;
  • soups;
  • second courses;
  • sauces.

White onions, unlike regular ones, when added to a salad will not add bitterness to the taste, so they are preferred by those who do not like sharp sensations. Dishes with such onions become real culinary masterpieces.

Traditional French onion soup is made from this vegetable. And who, if not the French, knows a lot about delicious recipes!

Is there any danger?

In addition to the benefits, there are also harmful aspects. For example, eating onions that have not been heat-treated can irritate the mucous membranes in the digestive system and increase stomach acidity.

Onion dishes can increase nervousness and blood pressure. Another disadvantage of onion consumption is bad breath. Allergic reactions are possible in children.

People suffering from migraines should use onions with caution. Also, it should not be abused by those who have serious problems with the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Eating foods with onions can cause increased gas formation.

Planting and care

White onion varieties are grown for two years. In the first year, seeds are sown in the beds and onion sets are obtained in the fall. The next year it is planted and by autumn you get full-fledged bulbs.

It is better to plant onions in beds where beans, beans, as well as cucumbers and tomatoes previously grew. In the fall, add ash and humus to the soil and dig it up. At the end of April, the sets are planted at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Frosts down to -4°C are not scary for sevka.

In the first weeks after planting, it is important to weed the beds to remove weeds so that they do not choke the young shoots.

Poor soils must be fed. Suitable:

  • nitrophoska;
  • superphosphate;
  • urea.

When applying fertilizers, it is important not to exceed their concentration.

Water the beds twice a month, and once a week during dry periods.

Harvest and storage

Is the pen starting to dry out? The onion is ripe! This usually happens at the end of July, and by the end of August - beginning of September, onions can be harvested.

If the leaves do not fall on their own, they are crushed by hand. You don't have to wait for it to dry completely. The feather will dry out during the drying process.

Onions are pulled out of the beds or dug up. It is stored in a cool place under a canopy for a week. It is important to dry the onions properly, this will ensure their long-term storage. White salad onions are not stored for long, but they can easily last until December if the necessary conditions are created.

If the harvest is large, this allows it to be used for home canning. The beautiful appearance of the bulbs makes them suitable as an addition to other vegetables, as well as for preparing canned winter salads.

Other uses

In addition to food use, onions are used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Onion compresses can relieve inflammation in case of frostbite, burns and insect bites.

An onion hair mask will get rid of dandruff. The main thing is not to keep it on for too long so as not to burn your scalp. Rubbing your face with onion juice makes it elastic and eliminates acne.

Medicinal prescriptions

Traditional medicine offers several useful recipes for using white onions:

  • For dandruff. Onion juice is mixed with cognac in a ratio of 5:1, rubbed into the scalp an hour before washing, and washed with mild shampoo. The procedure can be performed twice a week.
  • For furunculous acne and callous formations on the skin. The onion is baked, mixed with butter, the finished mixture is applied to the area of ​​inflammation, secured with gauze.

  • From burns. Cover the damaged area with onion pulp and fix it with gauze. The method is also good for frostbite.
  • Against cough. Onion pulp is mixed with honey and stored in a cool place overnight. The resulting syrup is taken one tablespoon at a time.
  • For otitis. The chopped onion is placed in gauze, kept over boiling water in a colander for 10 minutes, then applied to the ear, wrapped in a scarf and kept for up to one hour.
  • For insect bites. Immediately after a bite, it is useful to wipe the skin with a white onion, this will help prevent swelling and inflammation.
  • From deprivation. Onion rings are applied to the affected area, secured and held for two hours.
  • For rheumatic pain. Onion juice is rubbed into sore joints and covered with a gauze compress.

These traditional medicine recipes are provided for informational purposes only. The use of any prescription requires mandatory consultation with a doctor!

White onion is not only a vegetable that gives dishes a special taste and smell, but also a product that has many useful and medicinal properties. It is successfully used in folk medicine and cosmetology. White onions, benefits and harms, calorie content of the vegetable have often become the subject of study by nutritionists.


White onion is a dietary product. Experts confirm that regular consumption of salad with its addition helps to get rid of unnecessary pounds and also improves digestion.

White onions have many beneficial properties:

  • it contains a huge amount of vitamins and other elements important for the human body;
  • with frequent use, it significantly reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • thanks to the plant hormone glucinin, it normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • contains essential oils and flavonoids - substances with a powerful antioxidant effect, the ability to restore the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent the development of sclerosis;
  • has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects, due to which it is called a natural antibiotic and successfully protects the body from colds and some infections;
  • prevents the development of anemia;
  • perfectly strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • Onion gruel is used to relieve inflammation and pain from burns and frostbite, treat lichens and boils.

White onion juice is successfully used in cosmetology to improve appearance. This product

  • activates hair growth, eliminates oily and dry dandruff, fights baldness, makes strands strong;
  • treats acne and inflammation, cleanses oily pores, cleanses and tones the skin, giving it elasticity;
  • cares for dry skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles;
  • lightens freckles and age spots;
  • strengthens brittle nails;
  • effectively copes with warts, calluses and corns.


Thermally untreated white onions can increase acidity and cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. The product overstimulates the nervous system and increases blood pressure. The harm of fresh onions also lies in the unpleasant odor from the mouth of those who eat them, which lasts for a long time.

White onions are milder than yellow ones. It does not exceed the content of saturated fat and sugar. The product does not contain harmful chemicals and does not contribute to the development of cancer.

Calorie content

The calorie content of 100 g of white onion is 42.33 kcal, which is 2% of the recommended daily intake. The number of kilocalories of 1 onion is indicated in the table:


According to nutritionists, white onions are not contraindicated during pregnancy. Due to the high content of phytoncides, the product is able to protect the expectant mother from colds that are dangerous to her. In addition, white onions contain folic acid, a very important element for the healthy development of the fetus.

Fresh white onions should not be given to children under 1.5 years of age, as its juice will irritate the delicate mucous membranes of internal organs. Some babies may be allergic to this vegetable. If the child does not have a negative reaction, you can feed him dishes with the addition of heat-treated white onions from the age of 9 months.

White onions can aggravate some ailments, which is why its use is contraindicated in severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and heart disease. The product can cause the formation of gases, so it must be completely excluded from the menu in case of flatulence.

According to experts, frequent consumption of white onions leads to the occurrence or intensification of headaches, so it should be included in the diet to a limited extent for migraines. People suffering from increased excitability of the nervous system, as well as hypertension, should not get carried away with white onions.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Remember that the richest beneficial properties are found in freshly chopped white onions. During storage, this product loses most of its important elements. The same thing happens when onions are heat treated. However, if you have restrictions or contraindications to the use of this vegetable, give preference to cooked dishes with its addition.