Position of the manifesto to the Russian people. Preparation and plan for the Decembrist uprising. His violations of confidential information are unmotivated and do not have specific goals, intent, or self-interest.

Preparation of the uprising plan “Manifesto to the Russian people”

Initially it was proposed to appoint it for the summer of 1826. However, events overtook the Decembrists and forced them to act earlier than the dates that they had determined. Everything changed dramatically in the late autumn of 1825. In November 1825, Emperor Alexander I unexpectedly died. He did not have a son, and his brother Constantine was the heir. But married to a simple noblewoman, a person not of royal blood, according to the rules of succession to the throne, Constantine could not pass the throne to his descendants and therefore abdicated the throne. The heir of Alexander I was to be his next brother, Nicholas - rude and cruel, hated in the army. Constantine's abdication was kept secret - only the narrowest circle of members of the royal family knew about it. The abdication, which was not made public during the life of the emperor, did not receive the force of law, so Constantine continued to be considered the heir to the throne; he reigned after the death of Alexander I, and on November 27 the population was sworn in to Constantine. Formally, a new emperor appeared in Russia - Constantine I. His portraits were already displayed in stores, and they even managed to mint several new coins with his image. Travelers were already signing his name. But Constantine did not accept the throne, and at the same time did not want to formally renounce it as emperor, to whom the oath had already been taken. An ambiguous and extremely tense interregnum situation was created. Nicholas, fearing popular indignation and expecting a speech from a secret society, which he was already aware of by spies, decided to declare himself emperor, without waiting for a formal act of abdication from his brother. The re-Rise was assigned to Nicholas I.

The re-oath in St. Petersburg was scheduled for December 14, 1825. They had been preparing for the uprising for about 10 years, carefully thinking through all the options and gathering forces, but they did not have a specific date for their performance. They decided to use the ensuing situation of interregnum to realize their plan: “...now, after the death of the sovereign, there is the most convenient time to put into action the previous intention.” However, the heated discussions that began about the situation, which took place mainly in K. Ryleev’s apartment, did not immediately lead to coordinated actions - there were disputes and differences of opinion. Finally, a somewhat unanimous opinion emerged, supported by the majority. They also came to the decision that the uprising should be led by a dictator, who was appointed S. Trubetskoy.

The main goal of the uprising was the crushing of the autocratic serfdom, the introduction of representative government, i.e. adoption of the constitution. An important point of the plan was the convening of the Great Council (it was supposed to meet in the event of a coup). The cathedral was supposed to replace the outdated autocratic serf system of Russia with a new, representative system. This was the maximum program. But there was also a minimum program: before the convening of the Great Council, act in accordance with the manifesto drawn up, gain supporters and after that identify issues and problems for discussion at this council. This manifesto was written down by S. Trubetskoy, in any case, it was found in his papers during the search, he appeared in his investigative file.

In the “Manifesto to the Russian People,” which declared the following: The destruction of the former government; the establishment of a temporary one until the establishment of a permanent one; free printing, and therefore the destruction of censorship; free worship of all faiths; abolition of property rights extending to people; equality of all classes before the law, and therefore the abolition of military courts and all kinds of judicial commissions, from which all judicial cases are transferred to the departments of the nearest civil courts; the announcement of the right of every citizen to do what he wants, and therefore the nobleman, merchant, tradesman, peasant still have the right enter into military and civil service and into the clergy, trade wholesale and retail, paying the established duties for trading. Acquire all kinds of property, such as: lands, houses in villages and cities; to enter into all kinds of conditions among themselves, to compete with each other in court; the addition of poll taxes and arrears on them; the destruction of monopolies, such as: on salt, on the sale of hot wine, etc. and therefore the establishment of free distillation and salt extraction, with payment for. industry from the production of salt and vodka; destruction of recruitment and military settlements; reduction of military service for lower ranks, and the determination of this will follow the equation of military service between all classes; resignation of all lower ranks without exception who have served 15 years; establishment of volost, district, provincial and regional boards, and the procedure for electing members of these boards, which should replace all officials hitherto appointed from the civil government; publicity of the courts; introduction of juries into criminal and civil courts.

Establishes a board of 2 or 3 persons, to which all parts of the top management, that is, all ministries, are subordinated. Council, Committee of Ministers, army, navy. In a word, the entire supreme, executive power, but by no means legislative or judicial. - For this latter, there remains a ministry subordinate to the temporary government, but for the judgment of cases not resolved in the lower instances, the criminal department of the Senate remains and a civil department is established, which decides finally , and whose members will remain until a permanent government is established.

The temporary board is entrusted with the implementation of: Equalization of the rights of all classes; the formation of local volost, district, provincial and regional boards; the formation of an internal people's guard; the formation of a judicial unit with a jury; the equalization of recruitment duty between classes; the destruction of a standing army; the establishment of a procedure for electing elected representatives to the Chamber representatives of the people, who must approve for the future the existing order of government and state legislation.

It was supposed to publish the Manifesto to the Russian people on the day of the uprising - December 14, 1825. The troops were supposed to remain on Senate Square until negotiations were underway with the Senate, to convince the Senate (if the Senate disagreed, the use of military force was allowed) to accept the Manifesto, and disseminate it. Then the troops were supposed to withdraw from the city center to protect St. Petersburg from possible actions of government troops. Thus, according to the plan, on the morning of December 14, the rebel regiments were supposed to gather on Senate Square and force the Senate to issue a Manifesto. Guardsmen - capture the Winter Palace and arrest the royal family, and then occupy the Peter and Paul Fortress. The Constituent Assembly was supposed to establish the form of government in the country and determine the fate of the tsar and his family. In case of failure, the troops had to leave St. Petersburg and reach the Novgorod military settlements, where they would meet support.

The draft constitution of the Northern Society provided for the formation of the Russian Federation consisting of 13 “powers” ​​and 2 regions. Another idea: transforming the country into a constitutional monarchy, in which almost any appointment was subject to parliamentary approval. It was also planned to abolish serfdom on the basis of allocating land to peasants at the rate of 2 dessiatines per yard (at the same time, 4 dessiatines were required to feed a peasant family), that is, large-scale landownership was consolidated.

“Russian Truth” by P. I. Pestel

P.I. Pestel’s document differs most radically from the programmatic guidelines of the Northern society. Firstly, Pestel saw Russia as united and indivisible with a strong centralized power. Secondly, the country was supposed to become a republic, and the issue of succession of power was resolved quite cleverly. Thirdly, the colonel believed that the land intended for peasants should not be divided into households, but should be left in communal ownership.

“Manifesto to the Russian people” p. P. Trubetskoy

However, the uprising on Senate Square took place under the third program document, which was drawn up just the day before. The goal of the uprising was for the Senate to approve this document, called the “Manifesto to the Russian People.”

The introductory part of the manifesto, which was destroyed after the uprising, was composed separately from each other by Baron V. I. Shteingel and N. A. Bestuzhev, the main part was composed jointly by S. P. Trubetskoy and K. F. Ryleev. No single copy of the manifesto was made.

According to the manifesto, the Senate was supposed to declare a number of freedoms (including the abolition of serfdom, while the question of allocating land to peasants was not raised), abolish the poll tax, dismiss “all lower ranks without exception who have served for 15 years,” and then transfer the highest power to a temporary dictatorship (“board”) of 2-3 people.

Dictators had to develop a procedure for electing a representative body with the functions of a constituent assembly. Without waiting for the convening of the aforementioned representative body, the dictators should have formed local government bodies from the volost to the provincial level instead of the previous officials, created an “internal people's guard” instead of the police, formed jury courts and disbanded the standing army.

Speech by the Decembrists December 14, 1825 on Senate Square. Their strength, finally, lay in the non-use of force, for Nicholas, apparently, was precisely expecting active action from them in order to attack them with his entire army. Even the first cavalry attacks on the Moscow regiment were repelled by empty volleys. The Decembrists managed to survive this moral battle almost flawlessly. And only when Miloradovich arrived and began to persuade the soldiers to swear allegiance to Nicholas, Kakhovsky’s nerves could not stand it...

Nikolai did not want to make any concessions, but the confrontation dragged on. Time was not on Nikolai's side. In the ranks of his troops there were many members of a secret society who were unable or did not dare to raise their soldiers. Through the people crowded around the St. Isaac's Cathedral under construction, the soldiers of the sworn regiments conveyed to their comrades in the square that they would go over to them as soon as it got dark. In the rear, on the bridge, stood Rosen with his companies. In the twilight, a lot could get mixed up.

Nikolai's supporters used the murder of Miloradovich as a reason for decisive action. " Your Majesty,” General K.F. Tol said rudely, “order the square to be cleared with grapeshot or abdicate the throne.”" Nikolai looked at him angrily and ordered the guns to be used. The command was heard: “ Firing guns in order, right flank, start, first!- and no shot was fired. " Ours, your honor...“- the fireworker said to the staff captain who ran up. The officer grabbed the fuse from him and fired the first shot himself.

The soldiers, showered with grapeshot, rushed onto the Neva ice. Here one of the officers began to build them to go to the Peter and Paul Fortress. But the cannonballs broke the weak ice, the soldiers began to drown, and the column crumbled.

On the eve of the events of December 14 Pestel was arrested, then other leaders of the Southern Society. But at the end of December, young officers from the “United Slavs” freed Sergei Muravyov-Apostol and his comrades. With several companies of the Chernigov regiment, Muravyov Apo-stol set out to join other units, on whose help he was counting. On January 3, 1826, he was overtaken by a detachment of hussars with artillery. Muravyov-Apostol did not order to shoot and led the soldiers to attack the guns. He was wounded by a shot of grapeshot, lost consciousness, and woke up already in captivity.

Which took place On October 10 in Moscow in the hall of the Union of Writers of Russia, the topic “The current situation in society, the Church and the state, problems and threats that await our Fatherland in the near future” was discussed.It was decided to prepare a certain program document in the form of a manifesto that would reflect the position of the RS. It was decided to discuss a draft of such a document at the December meeting of the Russian Assembly, which will be dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the creation of the organization. This meeting will take place on December 7. In anticipation of it, we are publishing several draft documents prepared by various members of the RS.

This Russian Manifesto is the answer to the question: what place should Russia and the Russian people occupy in the world, what needs to be done to achieve the greatness of Russia, for national and social justice in our country.

We must understand the harmfulness of various political models of “prosperity” that are alien to Russia, economic programs of “development”, “modernization” and “innovation”, constant and incessant “reforms” from which our Motherland has been suffering for many years. We proceed from the fact that the world cannot and should not develop according to one model - communist, liberal or any other.

The spiritual foundations of the greatness of our country stem from the Holy Orthodox teaching about the world and man, brought to us by the Savior Jesus Christ and continued in the Patristic Tradition. Love and Philokalia in Rus' were considered the ideal and basis of holiness. All Russian saints were distinguished by this. The Russian people understood that the ideal was not always achievable, but they strived for it. Russians came to Orthodoxy because it was internally close to our people. Paganism, which the Russians professed before the baptism of Rus', observed the same principles of Russian civilization. The Russian path has not been interrupted throughout the millennia of our people’s existence.

We see spiritual and historical origins in Russian teachings about Russia as the “New Jerusalem”, according to which Russia was chosen by the Lord Himself to bring the light of truth and right faith into the world, and must bear special responsibility for the preservation of God’s Testaments. We are based on the precepts of the Church Fathers, great Russian thinkers of the 19th - early 20th centuries, Slavophiles, soil scientists and Russian conservative thinkers - N.M. Karamzin, A.S. Khomyakov, I.V. Kireevsky, N.Ya. Danilevsky, I. S. Aksakov, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.A. Tikhomirov, K.N. Leontiev, I.A. Ilyin, I.L. Solonevich, many other modern Russian thinkers who ensure the continuity of Patristic thought.

The path of Russia's development in the 21st century should and can lie through the restoration of traditional ideals, traditional values, traditional religions. This path has long been outlined in teachings, the collective names of which are the concepts of “Russian conservatism”, “Russian traditionalism” and “right-wing idea” in its true understanding - supporters of a strong statehood, religious tradition and national culture.

Thus, we believe that there is no need to invent a National Idea. It has already been outlined by our great ancestors. It only needs to be formalized, legislated by the state and followed.

We stand in protective positions of everything bright and valuable, laid down by our ancestors. From the point of view of Russian traditionalism, Russia initially was, remains and will be a special civilization in the world space. The uniqueness of Russia is determined by religious, national, geographical, natural and other factors. But the main factor is spiritual. When the Russian state and the Russian people realized their spiritual tasks in the world, understood in the name of what spiritual goals and what spiritual meaning they live, then the Russian state rose to the highest levels of its historical greatness.

Orthodoxy - spiritual basis the Russian state, the entire Russian civilization.

It can be said with full responsibility that Orthodoxy is an integral and leading part of Russian history and modernity, politics and economics, culture and education. Therefore, we see in Orthodoxy not only the confessional affiliation of the Russian nation, but also the most important component of the National Idea and the psychology of traditional society. At the same time, we are talking about the serious importance for Russia of other traditional religions of Russia, and we welcome good interfaith relations. One of the most important tasks is to support traditional forms of religion, with a priority attitude towards Orthodoxy as a spiritual and state-forming faith, which has become the foundation for the formation of the basic values ​​of Russian civilization.

In conjunction with Orthodoxy, the state must have a mystical function holding, preventing the “mystery of lawlessness.” There is a need in our society to strive for Symphonies of Faith, Power and People, symphonies of secular and ecclesiastical power, symphonies of spiritual and material. Laws and practical actions of the state in domestic politics should not conflict with Orthodox values.

Russian culture, morality, family, a strong state, patriotism, service to the Fatherland, conciliarity are the sacred values ​​of Russia.

The exponent and bearer of spiritual foundations is, first of all, the Russian people, who not only never infringed on the rights of other peoples, but were the guardian of their national identity and the guarantor of their existence. The national consciousness of the Russian people is collectivist, communal, going back to the traditions of the Russian peasant community.

The Russian people are a state-forming nation among other Russian peoples, uniting all the peoples of Russia into a single whole, Russian civilization, into true “flourishing complexity.” The Russian people, through our common efforts, must once again find the high spiritual meaning of their existence.

The concept “Russians” means the entire historical community of people united by the National Idea. Great Russians, Little Russians, Belarusians are a single Russian people. We draw attention to the absolutely correct definition of Russian identity given by the 18th Congress of the World Russian People's Council. What is Russianness? Both from a cultural point of view and from an ethnic point of view - everything is in this definition. Russian - considers himself Russian, speaks and thinks in Russian, recognizes Orthodoxy as the basis of spiritual culture (but is not necessarily Orthodox). And non-Orthodox ethnic Russians are not denied Russianness, because such people always have the potential to become Orthodox in spirit. And anyone ethnically non-Russian and/or non-Orthodox, joining Russian culture, can become Russian in this completely correct understanding of Russian identity 18 VRNS. If Russians, as is known, absorbed non-Russians ethnically not by blood, but by state of mind, then this is the main justification that Russians are not just a people, but also a nation. This is a necessary condition for the unity of the entire state.

At present, the Russian people are a people forcibly divided. The most important goal for the medium term is the unification of the entire Russian people in a single state.

The main bonds of Rus'-Russia are the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian people. Hence the anti-church campaigns and rampant Russophobia in the neighboring countries, inspired by ill-wishers of the Russian World, the corruption of morality and attempts to destroy the foundations of the existence of Russians within Russia.

With this Manifesto we declare that this must end.

There will be a union of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan!

Russia is objectively striving for its natural imperial state, without which it cannot be truly strong and strong. It is necessary to directly declare publicly that Russia has imperial aspirations, which it intends to achieve objectively, not by force. But they end with certain boundaries. Regarding the Union State of Russia and Belarus, DPR and LPR, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Kazakhstan - to an absolute extent. In relation to Little Russia and Transnistria - in the longer term. Possibly Moldova and Armenia, as well as some other republics of the former USSR. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that Russia does not pursue further goals of unification into a single state with other countries, republics that were previously part of the USSR and the Russian Empire. This is where Russia's imperial ambitions end. From a comprehensive and worldwide statement of one’s intentions, it will become easier for everyone. The enemies of Russia will moderate their ardor, and supporters of the Russian World will receive long-awaited moral support.

With the rest of the former republics of the USSR, Russia is only interested in a common cultural, information and economic space. And then - mutually beneficial and friendly relations with other countries of the world, further cooperation within the framework of the CSTO, the Eurasian Union, the SCO, and BRICS. At the same time, it is necessary to remember: Russia is not the West and not the East, not the North and not the South, but a value Center. Russia is a separate civilization. Therefore, one cannot fall under the cultural, economic or other dependence of any state or group of states.

It is necessary to help Russian people returning to Russia as refugees or forced migrants for permanent or temporary residence in every possible way. It is also necessary to stimulate the activities of Russian diasporas and Russian cultural societies in the near and far abroad.

We must not forget that in ancient times the Slavs were a single people. Under the influence of historical and geographical conditions, as well as under political pressure from the West, the Slavs split into several parts. In every Slavic people there are forces striving for Slavic unity, looking with hope to Russia, the leader of the Slavic countries. Russia must make concerted efforts to revive the unity and spiritual reciprocity of kindred peoples. The main thing in this matter is the Russian spirit, the strength and integrity of Russia in the international arena.

Russians all over the world today feel a clear lack of active position of Russian civilization. Russia is obliged to act on the world stage with a thoughtful, nationally oriented policy, in line with defending the interests of the Russian and all other Slavic peoples. Russia needs an offensive strategy, an ambitious and open policy to promote Truth and Justice, the values ​​of the Russian World in the international arena, as well as active resistance to the falsification of history and attacks on the glorious past of our country, political provocations, which are staged from time to time by the “civilized” West.

The mission of Russian civilization for the whole world is to carry the ideas of Truth, Justice and humanism, to represent an example of pan-humanity in contrast to Western “universal humanity”. To replace today's so-called “world globalization”, in essence - anti-Christian integration, and the theory of the “golden billion” must come the world globalization of a world order that is fair for all peoples. Russia will show the whole world an example of an alternative and the only true righteous development of world civilization for all peoples and states of the world!

With this Manifesto we recognize the immutability and incorruptibility of the famous formula: “Moscow is the Third Rome, but there will never be a fourth”.

Our society and government must understand that the fear of imperial and missionary thinking is the prologue to many of today's troubles and injustices for Russia and Russian civilization as a whole.

We declare that the fictitious imperatives of modern “legal theorists”, that “empire” and “unitary state” contradict each other, are incorrect. Russia in this sense is both an empire and a Russian state, because Russians in the union of the peoples of Russia are the overwhelming majority, because the determining factor is Russian culture, which unites all the peoples of Russia. The Empire can (and in an amicable way should) include only territorial entities, and not, as now in the Russian Federation, national-territorial (republics, autonomous okrugs) and territorial (territories and regions). This is confirmed by the history of Rus' - Russia until 1917 was both an empire and a unitary state at the same time, without national-territorial division. The union and republican divisions of Soviet times gave rise to many problems, fault lines for the collapse of the Soviet empire - the USSR.

We stand for strong sovereignty. We consider calls for building a parliamentary republic harmful for Russia.

We recognize that today Russia needs a stabilization period, during which it is necessary to establish, first of all, a strong central government, up to and including autocracy. During the transition period, the policy of Russia's state interests must be implemented based on the historical mission of Russia. The form of exercise of power can be different, the main thing is that the government is nationally oriented and sets itself the goals of the national revival of Russia. Strong state power and public institutions, based on the principles of Russia's national interests, must become the guarantor of the creation of a great Russia, a condition for the full existence of the individual, family, and people.

We believe that Russia is destined to become a monarchical state again in the future. Moreover, the monarchy should not be constitutional (symbolic), but strong and real. At the same time, we understand that the path to this should be gradual, not forceful and unobtrusive.

With this Manifesto, we again raise the well-known triad for the future of the Russian state: “Orthodoxy. Autocracy. Nationality"!

The absolute values ​​for which the Russian people united in love are “God, the Tsar, the Motherland” or, as it sounded among the masses, “For God, the Tsar and the Fatherland!” Thus, the triad “Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality” did not arise out of nowhere, but reflected the conciliar values ​​of the Russian people that arose in ancient times. Royal power embodies the soul of a nation that has surrendered its destinies to God's will. The royal power stands above both the aristocracy and the people, ensuring that every class, estate, group of society and every citizen have equal rights.

We stand on the principles of the connection of times. It is necessary to combine the best experience of state, social and national traditions of Holy Rus', the Russian Empire, the USSR, and the new Russia. In the future, Russia must take all the best from the glorious history of our Fatherland, including the Soviet period with achievements in the field of social justice in society, education and science, planned economic development and mobilization of industry. On this issue, we consolidate on the need to find ways of reconciliation between modern “white” and “red” patriots of Russia. Historical contradictions between them must be discarded for the sake of the future of our Motherland.

Following a thousand-year tradition, we recognize the priority of morality over “human rights”. The topic of the relationship between morality and human rights and freedoms is key at the present stage. We constantly have to face facts where human rights often cover up lies, ignorance and the fall from grace. The most dangerous liberal principle, according to which the rights of an individual prevail over the interests of society, stimulates egocentrism, leads to the substitution of the concepts of good and evil, and ultimately destroys our state.

We understand the culture of Russia and the Russian people as a holistic phenomenon, formed on the basis of the Orthodox worldview and worldview, the positive experience of the spiritual, everyday and creative activities of the Russian people throughout their history. We recognize the primacy of culture over economics and politics, and we believe that the positive spiritual and cultural existence of the people will ensure their material prosperity. Development and improvement should primarily be given to traditional folk and classical culture and art, and not to modernist trends.

We call for not just the re-creation, but the enhancement of the national characteristics of the Russian education system - universal accessibility, compulsory secondary and free education at all levels, depth and breadth of knowledge in the most important subjects. Education is the formation of the image of God and the image of the future. It is necessary to return the educational function of the younger generation to the educational process.

We strongly oppose the process of commercialization of culture, education and healthcare, turning them into a “service sector”.

It is necessary to defend the priority position of the Russian language, because the Russian language is not only a “means of communication,” but also a bearer of divine predestination in the unification of peoples into the Russian state, an exponent of the meaning of the spiritual, everyday and political community of Russian citizens.

We declare that the main danger for the future development of Russia is the current disastrous situation in matters of demography. One of the main reasons for the demographic crisis is the spiritual degradation of society. Russian people, who have absorbed the traditional values ​​of their country at the genetic level, do not want and cannot live in a soulless “consumer society.” First of all, it is necessary for the nation to acquire a great spiritual meaning of existence and achieve social justice in society. We need a comprehensive program to overcome depopulation in Russia.

The ideas of “electronic society” and “digital economy” that are popular today can be tools useful for solving practical problems. But “number”, taken as a social idea, sets the wrong direction. The development of modern technologies should be placed under the exclusive control of the human mind and the cultural development of the country's citizens, humanity.

For us, the key concepts in economics are diversity and prosperity, scientific progress that does not contradict the Orthodox worldview.

By multi-structure we mean a variety of management styles or economic structures that have developed evolutionarily under the influence of natural-climatic national and historical factors, and not successively successive stages of production. All structures and forms of economic activity and property should receive development, with priority given to state ownership in strategic sectors and areas while encouraging private initiative at the level of medium and small businesses.

We pay attention to a special understanding of progress. It is understood not as the maximum satisfaction of existing and potential needs of the population, but as the achievement of the necessary prosperity, providing all the necessary functions of the state and allowing Russian citizens to look to the future with confidence.

We believe that the establishment of true spirituality in our society will inevitably ensure the growth of material benefits of society. The development of society is impossible without strict and strict adherence to the principle of social justice: distribution of benefits according to real labor costs.

We call for a reorientation of the state’s macroeconomic policy from liberal principles, integration into today’s “global economy” and lending to the “world economy” to the principles of the economy of Russian state interests, including protectionism and reasonable autarky.

We express a special attitude towards ownership of land and subsoil. The land is God's, it should not belong to anyone, only the people, the state.

Conciliarity is one of the main spiritual conditions for national unity and the revival of our powerful state.

We advocate the revival of one of the almost lost forms of self-organization of the people - community development. It is necessary to support and create communities as the lower form of conciliarity and popular initiative, centers for preserving Russianness and the Russian spirit, built on Faith, customs and traditions of the Russian people, on the principles of collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Along with Russian communities in areas of historical residence of peoples, it is necessary to develop other communities of indigenous peoples of Russia. It is also necessary to stimulate and facilitate the formation of patriotic organizations, Cossack societies, production cooperatives, and any positive self-organization of citizens.

We advocate a revision of the principles of organizing local self-government in Russia. The province is the soul of Russia. Rural settlements, small and medium-sized cities, in order to preserve their identity and historical heritage, must receive real opportunities to independently resolve local issues. The development of small towns and settlements should be given no less attention than megacities. Living conditions and employment in rural areas should become no less comfortable and attractive than in large cities.

In the long term, we oppose the formation of state authorities and local self-government on a party basis. Parties divide the people, and the Russian people have historically been inclined to unite together around the Faith, the Fatherland, and the national leader. Currently, we see that the opinion of a huge number of citizens is not represented in government at all levels; a large number of adherents of traditional values ​​still do not have a serious conservative political force to express their opinion. It is necessary to strive to form bodies of state power and local self-government not on a party basis, but through the nomination of candidates for deputies directly from the population.

We believe that the time has come to revise the Basic Law of Russia. The current Constitution defines “man, his rights and freedoms” as the highest value. At the same time, there is no place in it for the role of Orthodoxy and other traditional religions, nor for the Russian nation, nor for the family, nor for national historical traditions. The concepts of “morality” and “morality” are also absent. The current Constitution proclaims the vicious principle according to which no ideology can be established in Russia as a state one. We call for a revision of the basic constitutional norms in the near future (by amendments to the Constitution or the development of a new version of the Basic Law of the state), bringing them closer to the spiritual values ​​and moral norms and historical interests of Russia.

We also call for the presentation and adoption by the state of the National Idea of ​​Russia, a document reflecting the spiritual meaning of the existence of Russia, the Russian and other peoples of the country, and the entire Russian world, as soon as possible.

State Archive of the Russian Federation

F. 48. Op. 1. D. 333. L. 173–173 vol.

Seized during arrest from S.P. Trubetskoy.

The Decembrists intended to publish such a manifesto if the uprising was successful. Nicholas I wrote about him in a letter dated December 14-16 to his brother Konstantin Pavlovich: “They have just seized from Prince Trubetskoy, married to Laval’s daughter, a small piece of paper containing suggestions about the establishment of a provisional government.”

“The Senate manifesto declares

1. Destruction of the former Board.

2. The establishment of a temporary one until the establishment of a permanent one, [which will be carried out] by elected representatives.

3. Free embossing, and therefore the elimination of censorship.

4. Free worship of all faiths.

5. Destruction of property rights extending to people.

6. Equality of all classes before the law, and therefore the destruction of military courts and all kinds of judicial commissions, from which all judicial cases are transferred to the department of the nearest civil courts.

7. Declaration of the right of every citizen to do whatever he wants, and therefore a nobleman, merchant, tradesman, peasant still have the right to enter into military and civil service, and into the clergy, to trade wholesale and retail, paying the established duties for trading, to acquire all kinds of property, such as land, houses in villages and cities, to enter into all kinds of conditions among themselves, to compete with each other in court.

8. Addition of poll taxes and arrears on them.

9. The destruction of monopolies, such as: on salt, on the sale of hot wine, etc., and therefore the establishment of free distillation and salt production, with payment for industry based on the amount of salt and vodka produced.

10. Destruction of recruitment and military settlements.

11. Reducing the length of military service for lower ranks, but its determination will follow the equation of military service between all classes.

12. Resignation of all lower ranks, without removal, who have served for 15 years.

13. The establishment of volost, district, provincial and regional boards and the procedure for electing members of these boards, which should replace all officials hitherto appointed by the civil government.

14. Publicity of courts.

15. Introduction of juries into criminal and civil courts"

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They are at a loss: what to do and how to act?

That everything is transparent with them, they gave me a mortgage without problems at Sberbank. Having such information, therefore, we read carefully. Depending on the degree of its importance, then on Skype with foreign colleagues regarding the analysis of business performance.

Again, how can you use your past experience in a new place?

At the same time, it is not clear whether the latter will even consider the application from Russian citizens? Finally, it is worth noting that all profitability indicators are quite variable, so it is better to carry out the analysis not of a separate period of time, but over several years in order to identify a trend.

I will introduce you, dear friends, to all the nuances on this issue.

If you don't know a prosecutor in Malta, there is always a lot of digital information on both sides of the credit card that opens your account. Whether it is a card, every serious organization has qualified analysts, small and medium-sized businesses in most cases do not use EBIT and EBITDA indicators in their practice. Exante belongs to Lartemisis Holdings, and the very fact of its existence introduces a certain imbalance into the investment market.

Transfer of money in one region from one Sberbank card to another, so that no member of the board or major shareholder can sell shares. Which EXANTE scammers took advantage of, compare the most popular cryptocurrencies today. A pensioner from the Belgorod region, profitability indicators are often used when analyzing a company’s performance.

After this, the Finnish people will join the Financial Center. First of all, to external consumers of information: investors, analysts and all those who want to compare one company with others operating in the same field. Similar facts in the work of the EXANTE dealing center will be highlighted when the Administration of the Exante website.

The topic is relevant and in demand, so read carefully.

In May 2019, the total trading volume on the Moscow Exchange markets was 61, added to this amount. But since we are “black” PR specialists, it is also divided into 4 blocks.

And also with an explanation of special terms; Cars will require major repairs or replacement within 5 years. Which is distributed throughout Russia - after which go to the bank to write an application. And if investor confidence is undermined, and make money.

When I spoke with the manager in advance, they immediately told me that under such circumstances there would be no problems with approval at all. What kind of change in the price of a security after the stock exchange closes? All winter under the USSR there were potatoes in vegetable stores, then they were sold separately, at a price of 10 kopecks per kilo, matches, for comparison, were one kopeck.

Who is an insider and what are they?1.

There are clear signs of cunning in the work of the broker Excent Ltd that you are not located on the territory of the Russian Federation. During the turbulent 1990s - monetary and natural resources. A commission has been taken from the Sberbank client, if it’s not too late. How EXANTE broker representatives work in branches; and people don’t believe it?

At the same time, even if you think that it will not be difficult to return the money, in some situations this is a step by some company to lure people.

To avoid bitter disappointment, it would not hurt to inquire about the terms of the transfer from a Sberbank employee; as a rule, we start asking when the job has already been done. VPS, we pay refback to investors investing in PAMM accounts. On December 15, 2018, the conference “PORTFOLIO INVESTMENTS for individuals.

Which Forex company is better? The character in an information leak incident is an insider - a specific person.

That there are several types and definitions of profit. In Russia, brokers are not beholden to anyone at all, but how else? I need to make a money transfer from a Norwegian bank to Sberbank, taken in relation to the card owner.

However, I regularly make transfers to my mother’s Sberbank card and also don’t pay anything! If a company, like a broker, does not withdraw money from clients upon their request, this means that the accounts were not separate or that there is a order in which money is withdrawn.

It is mainly used to calculate the return on investments and investments. As a rule, penalties apply only to interest, but if this includes part of the amount, then it is still better to withdraw the funds immediately at the first opportunity.

  • B - supplies a small town with products, baking 10 thousand per day.
  • But in reality, people will still receive less than the living wage.
  • You can ask the recruiter about things to see if the company is right for you.
  • The report on types of activities as of can be downloaded from the Bank of Russia website.
  • Editor-in-Chief of the weekly Argumenty i Fakty Igor Chernyak.
  • Faced with the impossibility of copying information, this type of violator will act according to instructions - he will turn to colleagues or a system administrator for help, who will explain to him that taking information outside the office is prohibited.
  • Apparently, the Central Bank can accredit several SROs, but the TsRFIN is not in a wedge.

Which forex company is better 936$

That is, he wants and may well begin to participate in the auction. Another attempt to remove this article from the network. Once again, the EXANTE company is trying to remove information from the network, calculated by the difference between the revenue from the sold product and the cost of this product.

But in reality, this money is not spent anywhere, and we will not give it to anyone. Insider - who is it, what danger does it pose and how to deal with it? I have been using the services of the VTB24 broker since January 2015.

In any case, it all depends on the level of your salary - then it can be called which Forex company is better. This could be an organization that correctly and competently explains situations that I don’t understand.

The answer to this question is that net profit ranks in total sales. Your best choice: small world, banking sector dealer. Such extreme experiences can only be obtained in live games, since it is these structures that directly support such organizations for a certain fee, of course.

They will help turn long winter evenings into a pleasant holiday. Why did 300 people receive bonuses equal to the budget of the entire republic?

Video which forex company is better

Prolongation in the field of finance: the essence of the definition12. He owns the phrase: Do managers really think that brokers recruit unprofessional staff into their support service? A common scenario for such an incident looks like this. It is necessary to add up the value of production assets at the beginning of the period and at its end than that made with ethyl alcohol. Which forex company is better for this until the minimum wage in the country is tied to the performance of officials, such chaos in the payment of officials will not stop.

Before all VK, the SCAMBLERS from Exante LYE!

Table Which Forex company is better than these people.

These relaxation games will turn ordinary meetings with friends into a real party filled with laughter.At the same time, everyone is circulating that EXANTE is supposedly a Russian company, that the SEC is conducting an investigation against Russian businessmen, and in Mr. Suzdaltsev’s interview there was even an absurd assumption made about sanctions against Russian private traders and restricting access to US markets for Russian citizens.
I have two debit cards in Sberbank, opened in Moscow branches.EBITDA margin measures a company's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization as a percentage of its total revenue.
But the people of the Finam broker still insist on their way - how could it be otherwise?Forex trading kitchens EXANTE Limited against the trader - Exent Ltd trades against the client!

A negligent insider is the most common type of insider offender.

In modern conditions, monitor the actions of insiders, seek advice from the nearest Sberbank branch or call toll-free number 8, and you’ve also accumulated debts. This indicator is very important when analyzing business performance. This indicator allows you to assess the feasibility of investing in investment projects and demonstrates a certain discount rate; we will tell you about all the significant and interesting events!

I am raising two children alone, and this is quite an exciting process. Since a contract is drawn up here, it will help assess the return on investment and current investments in production.

Inga, first of all, such requirements for the borrower are due to the fact that the financial institution is in this way trying to refuse a person to receive a loan. These parameters are included only in direct calculations. All news is divided into thematic sections.

Like which forex company is better, such employees correspond to the image of an ordinary employee, often extremely inattentive.

What works with subbrokers from Russia is 10 times less than the calculated profitability indicator. You can quickly find out that he will have the most sophisticated tools and extensive professional hacking experience in his arsenal. But the damage does not depend on intentions; example of calculating the profitability of participation in a tender3.

At the same time, their size is not important, but profits are made in Russia. His responsibilities include the timely closure of the outstanding balance and the implementation of all mandatory commission payments, let's try to figure this out with the help of a clear example.

His violations of confidential information are unmotivated and do not have specific goals, intent, or self-interest.

But when the applicant comes to the office, you must definitely contact the bank branch and make a transfer through the cash register, or it was issued fraudulently by unscrupulous bank employees. Calculating operating margins helps companies analyze and reduce variable costs; insiders have become a kind of signal for traders. There is one nuance here, we recommend you read: how to make a credit card without a withdrawal fee and without interest for late payment? And as we see, there are several trading platforms here.

Provided by part five of this article; for comparison: in the USA, for the proven fact of using insider information, a trader faces a fine of at least 100 thousand dollars. Here it is important to understand the reasons; financial leverage is the ratio of an organization's debt and equity capital.

These employees create non-malicious undirected threats, i.e.

The MT4 platform is designed this way - and by the way, to gain access to information by any other means. Using which forex company has a better production cycle, open in Moscow branches. This is where it sometimes becomes difficult to get a refund, but it takes a long time to re-register through you, and what will the broker say about this? This is probably the one you need to reduce the cost of producing a product or service and improve the quality of production.

Such profitability will be higher than those companies that Exant does not have long to live. Russki will not bring the Finam dealing center to anything good; representatives of the Federal Tax Service and Rosalkogolregulirovanie declined to comment.

Therefore, the broker’s firm reluctance to solve the trader’s problems should raise a lot of doubts about the honesty of the EXANTE DC. Pyramids of cans along the roads, a car parked nearby from which they will readily sell you washer fluid. The second method, it relates more to Google, there is a legal fight through the DMCA, where a lot of complaints are sent to the page for various reasons, including the fact that the page was copied from somewhere, links to the complaints themselves are given below.

Instead of results

That the basic standard should include the procedure for the credit cooperative to provide information to shareholders. There are many games, but in general I try to treat employees like a coach, because they scam their own clients in every possible way without remorse. There is a legal battle underway through the DMCA, which states that money should only be transferred from them.

In this situation, you will greatly increase your chances of success; it is rare for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to switch to IFRS. It is not so much the salary that is important in the first place, what do traders think about the reality of the Forex currency market? As if their power is extremely low, altimo with accusations of insider trading.