Regulations on the VI Interregional Easter Festival of Children's Creativity “Light of the Soul. Regulations on the festival of children's creativity Festival of children's creativity 1st regulation

S O G L A S O V A N O:

U T V E R J D A Y:

Deputy Director for VR

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20

Protocol No. 5 of 01/01/2001


about holding a festival of children's creativity

"School Spring 2011"

1. General provisions

1.1. Festival of children's creativity "School Spring - 2011"(hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is held in support of children's creativity.

1.2. The organizer of the Festival is Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20.

2. Goals and objectives

2.1. Popularization of creative achievements of students.

2.2. Development of a system of aesthetic education for students, strengthening the image of a creative child as a youth leader.

2.3. Strengthening students' diverse creative and cultural skills.

2.4. Increasing the level of artistic skill of students, as well as their communication skills.

3. Dates and venue

4.2. Class teachers who organize the creative work of their teams submit an application to the organizers no later than March 1, 2011.

5. Regulations

5.1. The festival takes place in 2 stages.

The first stage is the presentation of a complete multi-genre concert program. The display time is no more than minutes.

The second stage is a gala concert, summing up the results.

5.2. The following genres can be represented in the competition:

1) Musical direction (pop vocals, folk vocals, classical vocals, art songs, musical groups).

2) Dance direction (pop dance, folk and folklore dance, ballroom dance, modern - modern choreography, freestyle and breakdancing.

3) Theater direction (variety miniature, small theater, artistic expression)

4) Original genre (fashion theater, pantomime, parody, synthesis act).

6. Summing up and awarding

6.1. The results of the competition are summed up after viewing the concert programs of all class groups.

6.2. The main nomination of the Festival “Best Concert Program” is graded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

6.3. By decision of the jury, additional nominations may be made.

6.4. The winners receive diplomas and prizes.

7. Festival jury. Competition evaluation system

7.1. The Festival jury is formed by the organizing committee.

7.2. The competition uses a 10-point rating system.

7.3. The concert program is evaluated as a whole and by nomination.

8. Requirements for phonograms and props

8.1. Phonograms must be presented on a CD-r or USB drive indicating the team and class.

8.2. The organizers provide the groups with a standard stage set: tables, chairs, “stage clothes”. Teams must inform the organizers in advance about additional details.

Regulations on the school creativity festival “Starry Rain”

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2 in Sovetsky"

  1. General provisions

1.1. These regulations define the goals, objectives, procedure and timing of the festival, selection criteria and summing up the results of the creative competition “Starry Rain”.

1.2. The festival is held in accordance with the school’s work plan for the 2015-2016 academic year with purpose support and development of creative initiatives of students and identification of talented and gifted children.

2. Objectives of the competition

2.1.Search for new forms of extracurricular activities.

2.2.Development and stimulation of children's creativity.

2.3. Promoting the development of a positive attitude towards school and school life.

3. Procedure and timing of the competition

3.1. The Star Rain festival is held in April 2016 in two stages:

1st stage – class (from 01.04 to 12.04);

Stage 2 – review of parallel classes (from 13.04 to 17.04);

3.2. The procedure and timing of the competition are determined by the organizers.

3.3. The festival is held in the following areas for students in grades 5-11:

  • April 14 - Theatrical art (artistic word)
  • April 16 - Vocals
  • April 17 - Choreography and acrobatics

Students in grades 1-4 show their performances in all 3 areas according to the following schedule:

1st grade – 13.04 at 12.00

2nd grade – 14.04 at 12.00

3rd grade – 15.04 at 10.00

4th grade – 16.04 at 12.00

3.4. To participate in the competition, you must submit an application before 04/10/16 in office 73 (Appendix)

4. Conditions of participation:

4.1. Participants: students of grades 1-11 who submitted applications for participation in the competition within the time limits established by this regulation.

4.2. The subject of the competition is creative collective or individual performances by students on various topics independently chosen by the students, which are not part of the educational process and do not go beyond ethical standards.

4.4. Duration of performance (reading a poem - no more than 2 minutes; performing a song - no more than 4 minutes; dance - no more than 4 minutes; dramatic art - no more than 10 minutes);

4.5. Musical accompaniment must be recorded on CD;

5. Summing up the results of the competition and criteria for evaluating works

5.1. The quality of the performance is assessed based on the following criteria:

  • compliance of the performance with the terms of the provision;
  • originality of the plan;
  • compositional integrity;
  • craftsmanship and culture of performance;
  • stage image (appearance).

5.2. The results of the competition are summed up in areas for each educational level of the school.

5.3. The competition committee does not comment on the decision.

5.4. The winners of the competition are awarded diplomas and letters of gratitude.


Application for participation in the school Children's Art Festival "Star Rain"

Class -

Genre "………………………………………."

Number (name)…………………………………………………..

Performer(s)…………………………………….. …….

(full first and last name), if it is a group or choir, you do not need to write each person’s personal name.

Cl. manager: (signature)

Nomination "Theatrical (literary word)"

1st level of assessment:

2nd level of assessment:

3rd level of assessment:


Evaluation criteria






Originality of creative concept.(forms used, means of supplying material)

Craftsmanship and technique

Logic and clarity in the presentation of material, realism


Nomination "Vocal"

The festival results are assessed in each nomination using a three-level seven-point system, taking into account the established criteria for assessing the quality of performances.

1st level of assessment:quality is weakly expressed - 1-2 points;

2nd level of assessment:quality is expressed quite definitely - 3-5 points;

3rd level of assessment:the quality is clearly demonstrated – 6-7 points.


Evaluation criteria





Compliance with the content of the speech:

Repertoire according to age;


Stage culture, Artistry and emotional impact on the viewer

Mastery and technique of performance, vocal abilities (purity of intonation and sound quality, beauty of timbre and strength of voice,)


Jury member: ___________________________________

Nomination "Choreography and acrobatics"

The festival results are assessed in each nomination using a three-level seven-point system, taking into account the established criteria for assessing the quality of performances.

1st level of assessment:quality is weakly expressed - 1-2 points;

2nd level of assessment:quality is expressed quite definitely - 3-5 points;

3rd level of assessment:the quality is clearly demonstrated – 6-7 points.


Evaluation criteria





Musicality and basic rhythm of performance.




TARGET holding the FESTIVAL:

identify CREATIVE school potential,

name names TALENTED Guys.


1. Individual performers or an ensemble of performers who can sing (including bard songs), dance, read poetry, prose and play any instrument (including their own compositions), create artistic crafts, arts and crafts, photographs, etc.

2. The time of one artistic performance of a group (class) should not exceed 10 minutes, a soloist - 5 minutes.

3. Exhibition space for artistic products (crafts, photographs) will be divided between classes.

4. The performing part of the Festival is held in the form of an open concert by genre.

5. The results of the performance and creative work of the participants are evaluated
The Festival jury uses a 10-point system.

6. Dates of the festival: from March 15 to April 22, 2006.

7. Submit applications to the Organizing Committee (see additional explanations on genres)

JURY Suggestions:

1. Prizes will be distributed by age categories: 1-3 grades,
4-6 grades, 7-11 grades.

2. The best participants or classes will be awarded in the following categories:






1. Musically e

1. vocal

2. instrumental

3. "every class is a choir"

2. Choreographically e

1. modern dance (sports)

2. folk dance

3. Ballroom dance (historian - everyday)

4. step

3. Theater

1. scene

2. etude

3. monologue

4. pantomime


1. "artistic word"

2. literary debut


1. drawings on a specific topic

6.Photo gallery

1. theme: “Winter is leaving, hello spring”

1. products for interior decoration using the following techniques: embroidery, knitting, patchwork,

beading, sculpting)

2. women's jewelry using beading technique

3. children's toy using the following techniques: sewing, knitting, modeling, embroidery.

Evaluation criteria.


· musicality

· artistry

· technique, performance

· costume


· image creation

· speech technique

· plastic

· artistry


· composition and color

· correspondence between image and theme

· accuracy of execution

· variety of materials used


· presentation style

· emotional coloring of reading

· artistry

· relevance of the topic

Photo gallery:

· relevance to the topic

· relevance to the topic

· composition

Decorative and applied arts:

· artistic perception

· materials used

· functional purpose

Festival program.

03.04.06-10.04.06 - collection of applications for all directions

04/10/06 - piano competition - 13.00 (concert hall)

04/12/06 - vocal competition - 14.00 (assembly hall)

- competition “Artistic Creativity” -15.00 (room 126)

04/13/06 - competition “Literary Debut” - assembly hall)

- competition “Artistic Word” -15.00 (assembly hall)

04/14/06 - competition “Every class is a choir” - 14.00 (concert hall)

04/17/06 - competition of flutists, accordionists, guitarists -18.00 (assembly hall)

- Submission of works for the “photo gallery” competition

1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations define the conditions, procedure for organizing and conducting City festival of children's and youth creativity "Relay of Arts - 2019"(hereinafter referred to as the Festival) of educational institutions in Moscow in the 2018–2019 academic year.

1.2. The “Relay of Arts” festival is a form of artistic and aesthetic development of students, which is a necessary component of the formation of basic personal culture, as well as the identification of gifted children and the best creative children's groups of educational organizations in Moscow.

1.3. The festival is held in order to implement the State “Concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents” (Order No. 827 dated 04/03/2012), the provisions of the “Strategy of State Cultural Policy for the Period until 2030” (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/29/2016 No. 326-r), “Strategies for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2015 No. 996-r), Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204) “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024”; Plan of main events until 2020, carried out within the framework of the Decade of Childhood (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2018 No. 1375-r), Action Plan of the Strategy for the Development of Education in the City of Moscow until 2020, City Action Plan of the Moscow Department of Education system for 2018 –2019 academic year.

1.4. The organizer of the Festival is the City Methodological Center of the Department of Education of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the GMC DOGM).

2. Goals and objectives of the Festival

2.1. Target: promoting the formation of the spiritual culture of the student’s personality through the development and performance of the best examples of classical and modern art.

2.2. Tasks:

Development of creative potential, imaginative and associative thinking of students;
- education of Russian civic identity, spirituality, emotional and value-based attitude towards peers, one’s city and country;
- creation of an aesthetically organized leisure activity;
- attracting more children to artistic creativity.

3. Festival participants

3.1. Participants of the Festival are students of creative teams of general education organizations, institutions of additional education for children and vocational education institutions of the Moscow Department of Education aged 7 to 18 years:

Junior group: students in grades 1–4;
˗ middle group: students in grades 5–8;
˗ senior group: students in grades 9–11;
˗ mixed group: students from different age groups.

4. Dates and stages of the Festival events

The festival is held from September 2018 to April 2019:

Stage I: September – October 2018;
Stage II: November 2018 – January 2019;
Stage III: December 2018 – April 2019.

5. Organizing Committee of the Festival

5.1. To organize and conduct the Festival, a city Festival Organizing Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is created.

5.2. The organizing committee consists of methodologists from the City Methodological Center (Appendix 1).

5.3. The work of the Organizing Committee is based on these Regulations and corresponds to the timing of the Festival.

5.4. The Organizing Committee performs the following functions:

Decides on the procedure for holding the Festival;
- determines the conditions, terms, stages of the Festival;
- organizes registration;
- creates group-by-group video links of concert performances for the work of the Jury of the II stage of the Festival;
- determines the schedule for the location of the III stage of the Festival;
- forms the Festival Jury taking into account genre affiliation;
- conducts working groups with the Jury on the organization and results of the Festival in accordance with the genre;
- provides methodological support and information and organizational support;
- conducts consultations for teachers, team leaders and individual performers in accordance with the request;
- determines the system of incentives and awards for Festival participants;
- prepares a post-release based on the results of the Festival for posting on the website of the City Methodological Center;
- sums up the results of the City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts - 2019”;
- organizes and conducts a Gala concert following the results of the Festival.

5.5. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the dates of the Festival stages.

6. Procedure for the Festival

6.1.Stage I of the Festival (school).

6.1.1. The first stage of the Festival takes place within educational organizations subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education, and provides for an in-person review of multi-genre concert performances.

6.1.2. The jury of educational organizations selects and presents the best concert performances at the II stage of the Festival.

6.1.3. To participate in the II stage of the Festival, educational organizations must from October 1, 2018 register an application on the website of the State Medical Center DogM - "Relay of Arts - 2019" by genre. The leader of the band or soloist is responsible for the accuracy of the information in your personal account.

6.2. II stage of the Festival (external).

6.2.1. Stage II of the Festival provides for an in-person review of concert performances by genre.

6.2.2. At the II stage of the Festival, a creative team or individual performer presents one concert performance, in one genre and in one age group. In the genre of “Artistic reading”, no more than 3 numbers are provided from each school department of the educational complex.

6.2.3. The concert performance must be recorded no earlier than 2018.

6.2.4. When registering an application on the website of the State Medical Center DogM - “Relay of Arts - 2019” in your genre, you must upload a link to a video with the performance of a participant or group to the YouTube video service using the “Access via link” parameter.

6.2.5. Based on the results of the II stage of the Festival, the Organizing Committee forms a list of participants for the III stage of the Festival.

6.3. III stage of the Festival (in-person).

6.3.1. The III stage of the Festival provides for an in-person review of concert numbers by genre in accordance with the schedule posted on the website of the State Medical Center for Dog and Music in the methodological space Educational work/Creative competitions/Festivals, competitions.

6.3.2. The Organizing Committee of the Festival forms the Jury of the III stage of the Festival, which includes at least 3 experts in the genre direction.

6.3.3. The best concert performances in the genre directions: “Vocal”, “Choral”, “Folklore” and “Artistic Reading” have the opportunity to take part in city competitions for schoolchildren held by higher educational institutions in Moscow.

6.3.4. Based on the results of the III stage of the Festival, the best concert numbers recommended by the Jury will be presented at the final Gala concert, which will take place in April 2019.

6.3.5. To participate in the Gala concert, individual performers provide the Organizing Committee with permission from their legal representatives to post personal information (Appendix 2).

7. Festival genres

- "Vocal"(academic vocals, pop vocals, original song). The duration of the speech is up to 5 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 3);

- "Choral"(choirs, vocal and choral ensembles - live sound, without microphones and choral singing using phonograms). Participants perform from 2 to 4 different works, the duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 4);

- "Folklore"(folk singing, folk ensembles - live sound, without microphones). The duration of the speech is up to 5 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 5);

- "Dance"(classical and modern choreography, folk, pop dance, ballroom and sports ballroom dance). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 6);

- "Art in Sports"(rhythmic gymnastics, cheerleading, pop-sports dance, aerobics, acrobatics, acrobatic dance, plastic sketch, demonstration performance in any sport). The duration of the speech is up to 3 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 7);

- "Original"(circus art: magic tricks, pantomime, clowning, balancing act, eccentricity, circus training, rubber, light show, working with objects, unicycles, rollers, antipode). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 8);

- "Artistic reading"(soloists and ensembles of readers). Duration of performance: soloists – up to 3 minutes, ensembles of readers – up to 5 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 9);

- “Different directions of modern youth culture”(hip-hop, rap, soul, r&b, beat-boxing, breakdancing, etc.). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 10);

- “Concert numbers of ethnoculture” in national costumes (vocal and dance art). The duration of the speech is up to 4 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 11);

- "Instrumental"(orchestras, ensembles and instrumental soloists). The duration of the speech is up to 5 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 12);

- "Vocal-instrumental"(vocal-instrumental ensemble, vocal-instrumental group) - no more than two works with a total duration of up to 8 minutes for VIA and one piece of up to 4 minutes for a vocal-instrumental group. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 13);

- "Show group"(performances by majorettes and show groups, cadet defile). The duration of the performance is up to 8 minutes. Basic characteristics and requirements for the genre (Appendix 14).

8. Work of the Festival Jury

8.1. The independent professional Jury of the II and III stages of the Festival reviews the concert performances by genre and fills out the protocol in accordance with the requirements.

8.2. The concert performance presented at the Festival is assessed taking into account the age groups of participants on a 10-point scale:

8.1–10 points – laureates;

6.1–8 points – diploma winners;

1–6 points – participants.

8.3. The criteria for evaluating the Festival's concert performances are specified by genre in the appendices.

8.4. The decision of the Jury cannot be challenged. The jury has the right to refuse to comment on its decision without giving reasons.

9. Summing up

9.1. The jury of the II stage of the Festival sums up the results in genre areas, taking into account the evaluation criteria.

9.2. Based on the points given, the participants with the highest number of points are invited to the in-person III stage of the Festival.

9.3. Participants who exceed the performance limits at stage II are not allowed to participate in stage III of the Festival.

9.4. Groups and individual performers who took part in the II stage of the Festival and scored from 1 to 6 points are assigned the status of “Participant” of the City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts – 2019”. The certificate is placed in electronic form in your personal account.

9.5. Groups and individual performers who took part in the II stage of the Festival and scored from 6.1 to 10 points are awarded the status of “Diploma holder” of the City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts - 2019”.

9.6. Participants who score the most points are invited to the in-person III stage of the Festival, where they confirm (or do not confirm) the status of “Diplomat”. The Diplomat diploma is posted in your personal account in electronic form.

9.7. Participants of the III stage of the Festival who score more than 8 points receive the status of “Laureate” of the I, II or III degree of the City Festival of Children and Youth Creativity “Relay of Arts - 2019”. The Laureate’s diploma is posted in your personal account in electronic form.

9.8. The results will be published upon completion of the III stage of the Festival in the personal account of the individual performer or team leader who registered the concert performance, and on the website of the State Medical Center of Dog and Music in the methodological space Educational work/Creative competitions/.

10. Additional terms

10.1. Registration of an application for participation in the Festival constitutes agreement with the terms of these Regulations.