Rules for the sale of theater tickets. Regulations on the procedure for the sale and return of theater tickets Regulations on the sale of theater tickets

1.1 These rules for the sale, return and re-registration of registered theater tickets(hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation regulating the activities of federal state budgetary cultural institutions, the Law of the Russian Federation of October 9, 1992 No. 3612-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture” and other by-laws, in order to improve the quality of service to spectators.

1.2 The Rules contain the main provisions governing the relationship between the Spectator and the Theater when selling theater tickets. The Theater has the right to make changes to these Rules at any time at its discretion without warning the Spectators. The edition of the Rules, approved by the Order of the Theater management and posted on the official website of the Theater and in the box office (hereinafter referred to as the Current edition) takes precedence over previous editions. If a disagreement arises between the Spectator and the Theater, the version of the Rules that was in effect at the time the Spectator purchased tickets is applied, provided that the Spectator can indicate which version was in effect at that time. Otherwise, the Current edition will apply.

1.3 A theater ticket (hereinafter referred to as the Ticket) is an agreement for the provision of services in the field of culture and, by purchasing it, the Spectator agrees with the Rules and undertakes obligations to comply with the established rules for the sale/purchase of tickets and the requirements for attending a performance, and the Theater must provide the service in the form of a performance indicated on the ticket at the specified date and time. Theater tickets are the property of the Theater, regardless of how they are produced in accordance with clause 1.4 of the Rules.

1.4 The ticket is generated in the theater automated information system (TAIS) in accordance with the requirements for ticket information approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. When purchased at the theater box office, the ticket is printed by the ticket cashier on a strict reporting form; when purchasing an electronic ticket on the Theater website, it must be printed by the Spectator himself on A4 paper. In case of purchasing a personalized ticket on the Theater website, the Buyer (bank card owner) independently prints out a certificate for a personalized ticket and provides it to the Theater box office as the basis for the ticket cashier to print out the corresponding ticket on a strict reporting form.

1.5 In case of loss, damage or damage to tickets, duplicate tickets are not issued and their cost is not refunded.

1.6 By purchasing a ticket, the Viewer consents to the processing and storage of the personal data transferred to him, necessary for the purchase of a personalized ticket.

1.7 Tickets are sold at the Theater box office and on the Theater website.

1.8 The ticket is valid for one person regardless of age.

1.9 Children are allowed to attend morning and afternoon performances from the age of 5 years, to evening performances - from 10 years. According to requirements Federal Law dated December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development” when purchasing a ticket, the Theater recommends paying attention to age restrictions (information is indicated on posters and tickets). Responsibility for failure to comply with this condition lies with the parents.

1.10 Control of spectators' access to the Theater is carried out using tickets using automated system access control (ACS) through the entrances indicated on the tickets (in the absence of an entrance number, access is carried out through the central entrance).

1.11 When entering a performance, documents are checked and the identity of the Spectator is identified in order to confirm rights to an electronic ticket, personalized ticket or ticket purchased under special programs. If the information about the Spectator indicated on the ticket does not correspond to the information contained in the document presented, the Theater will not allow the Spectator to attend the performance without reimbursement of the cost of purchasing the ticket.

1.12 The ticket must contain the required details and comply with the ticket form approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Tickets purchased in violation of these Rules, that do not comply with the approved forms and details approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the elements of which do not correspond to the design elements approved by the theater, contain corrections, counterfeit tickets are invalid and do not give the viewer the right to attend the performance and return Money. The theater is not responsible for the authenticity of the ticket if it is purchased secondhand and/or in places other than official points distribution.

1.13 Tickets purchased in violation of the rules established by law of the Russian Federation dated October 9, 1992 No. 3612-1 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture” are not accepted for exchange or return.

1.14 The theater does not exchange previously purchased tickets.