Toning muscles. How to restore skin tone with simple means. How to restore attractiveness at home

A working day spent in a chair and passive evening relaxation in front of gadget screens are the main components of a typical day for a modern person. However, a sedentary lifestyle in many cases affects not only the figure, but also the condition of every body system. Therefore, experts recommend that everyone choose certain forms of physical activity and devote at least half an hour to them three times a week.

Understanding that choosing a workout is not an easy and time-consuming matter, the site has selected for you a set of simple exercises for training your body at home, which will take 10 minutes and will allow you to see the results in a month.

7 exercises for a full body workout at home

The exercises described below are perfect for those who want to tone all the muscles of the body without signing up for a gym or spending a lot of time.

The complex consists of 7 simple exercises.Below we will look in more detail:

  • exercise technique;
  • training plan for 4 weeks.

If you have any health problems, the site recommends that you consult with your doctor when performing exercises, who will tell you about possible restrictions and contraindications.

Exercise technique for a 10-minute body workout


The plank is an excellent exercise for toning the muscles of the buttocks, back and arms. The longer you can hold the plank position, the better. Beginners can start with 15 seconds, gradually increasing the execution time. The main thing is the correct execution technique:

  • lie on the floor with your stomach down;
  • close your hands;
  • Place your elbows under your chest in line with your shoulders;
  • leaning on your elbows and toes, lift your body;
  • the body should form a straight line.


Push-ups are an ideal exercise for strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest. To perform push-ups you will need:

  • lie on the floor with your stomach down;
  • Place your hands under your chest, shoulder width apart;
  • leaning on your palms, raise your body so that it is parallel to the floor;
  • return to the starting position.

Not everyone can immediately perform classic push-ups. You can start with a lighter version: do push-ups with your knees on the floor and your legs crossed at the ankles.


When performed correctly, squats are an excellent exercise for the legs and buttocks. The technique of doing squats is simple, but has its own nuances:

  • feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width;
  • When squatting, make sure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes;
  • the back should be straight;
  • Your hips should drop below your knees.

Crunches with medicine ball

To perform this exercise to strengthen your core muscles, you will need a medicine ball:

  • in a standing position, rest your back against the wall;
  • bend your knees;
  • turn your knees slightly outward;
  • hold the medicine ball at chest level;
  • slowly turn your body from side to side.

Leg and arm raises

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Execution:

  • get on all fours;
  • Straighten one leg and take it back;
  • At the same time, extend the arm opposite your leg straight in front of you;
  • hold for 5 seconds;
  • return to IP;

"Dead Bug"

Despite the creepy name, this exercise perfectly strengthens the muscle corset. It is performed as follows:

  • lie on your back;
  • Raise your legs bent at the knees perpendicular to the floor;
  • straighten your arms and place your palms on your knees;
  • simultaneously lower your arm and corresponding leg almost to the floor;
  • return to IP;
  • repeat with the other pair of limbs.

Downward facing dog with leg abduction

This exercise, based on the famous Downward-Facing Dog asana, will allow you to strengthen the muscles of your core, hips and buttocks:

  • get into the Downward Facing Dog position;
  • lift one leg up as shown in the photo;
  • lower your leg and bring it to your chest;
  • return to IP;
  • repeat with the other leg.

Workout plan of 7 exercises for a month

First week- for 6 days do:

  • plank - 2 minutes;
  • push-ups - 1 minute;
  • squats - 1 minute;
  • leg and arm lifts - 1 minute;
  • “dead bug” - 1 minute;
  • “downward-facing dog” with leg abduction - 1 minute;
  • crunches with a medicine ball - 1 minute;
  • plank - 2 minutes.

Rest 10 seconds between exercises.

Second week - for 6 days do:

First approach:

  • plank - 3 minutes;
  • “dead bug” - 3 minutes;
  • “downward-facing dog” with leg abduction - 3 minutes.

Second approach:

  • medicine ball crunches - 3 minutes;
  • push-ups - 3 minutes;
  • squats - 3 minutes;
  • leg and arm raises - 3 minutes.

Rest 15 seconds between exercises.

Third week- repeat the plan for the first week.

Fourth week- repeat the plan for the second week.

By doing simple full-body workouts, starting with just 10 minutes a day, you can tone your body and prepare it for longer, more intense workouts!

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Do you want to make your body stronger, faster and healthier? Toning your body doesn't just mean losing weight; when your body is toned, you have more energy, your mind is clearer and your self-confidence increases because you are in better shape. Get started now!


Part 1

Healthy eating habits

    Eat more vegetables than you think you need. You've heard that you should eat your vegetables; now it's time to heed this advice. Vegetables provide your body with essential vitamins, they aid digestion, provide extra moisture, and are nutritious without containing many calories. If your meals consist mainly of vegetables, this will help you tone up faster.

    Feed your body with fruits. Fresh fruit is another great way to get the nutrients, water, and fiber your body needs to stay healthy. Make sure you get several servings a day, choosing seasonal fruits whenever possible.

    Choose lean proteins. To achieve muscle tone, you will need to feed your body plenty of lean proteins. Protein can come from animals, but is also found in vegetables, legumes and nuts.

    • Eat plenty of fish. Fish contains all the protein you need as well as essential fatty acids that will help you keep your body strong and lean.
    • Eat beans and tofu. If you're a vegetarian, try chickpeas, black beans, fava beans and other legumes to get all the protein you need. Tofu is another healthy option.
    • Eat red meat in moderation. Steak, hamburgers, bacon and other beef and pork products can be enjoyed from time to time, but they should not form the main part of your daily diet if you want to tone your body.
  1. Don't forget about fats and grains. A balanced diet also includes healthy fats, which promote organ and skin health, while grains provide fiber and essential minerals.

    • Choose whole grains such as oats, barley, buckwheat and quinoa rather than processed flour.
    • Nuts, avocados, olive oil, grapeseed oil and other healthy fats are important components of a healthy diet.
  2. Drink water as often as possible. Water helps your body flush out toxins and maintain hydration, both of which lead to a healthy appearance. Try drinking 8 or more glasses a day, more if you exercise.

    • Try not to drink too much alcohol. It causes water retention and has other negative effects that cause bloating rather than tone.
    • Choose water over soda, juice or milk. Pure water contains no calories and is healthier for your body than any other drink.

    Part 2

    Exercises to improve muscle tone

    Part 3

    Detoxifications that will get you in shape
    1. Do yoga. Yoga tones the muscles, but also removes toxins from the body. Stored toxins can lead to water retention and weight gain, so it's important to get rid of them if you want to tone your body.

      Try fasting. No matter how healthy your diet may be, toxins from the environment can build up in your body and begin to cause health problems. Fasting is a great way to get rid of toxins and cleanse your digestive system. This will lead to increased energy and tone.

    2. Try using a dry brush. This ancient exfoliation technique helps improve blood circulation in your skin and helps your body rid itself of toxins. After a few weeks of daily scrub, your skin will be toned and healthy looking. This technique is also believed to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

      • Buy a body brush with natural bristles. Start with your feet, rubbing firmly towards your hips, always moving towards your heart. Continue rubbing your torso, back and arms.
    3. Detoxify your mind. When you experience stress, your body produces hormones that cause weight gain and decreased tone. Try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible using the following methods:

      • Get enough sleep. Your body and mind need time to recover from your workday. Lack of sleep has been shown to lead to weight gain.
      • Take your time. If you try to squeeze workouts into your busy schedule, it will be more difficult for you to achieve the desired tone. If possible, give up some activities so you can have more time to focus on your health.
      • Spend time outside. Instead of relaxing in front of the TV, go for a walk and get some fresh air. Being in nature is good for both your mind and body.

Healthy and beautiful skin is the dream of absolutely all women: in order to maintain or restore its youth, elasticity and smoothness, we decide on the most complex, expensive and even painful procedures. Sayings like “beauty requires sacrifice,” often repeated by lovers of radical rejuvenation methods, do more harm to health and beauty than good. Beauty does not require any “sacrifices,” including the beauty of the skin. You just need to take care of yourself regularly and constantly: loving your body and taking care of it should become a way of life, and then you won’t have to talk about any “sacrifices for the sake of beauty.”

For the most part, it is the tone that determines the beauty and youth of our skin. Today we’ll talk about how you can tone your skin. Here are the best homemade masks and creams for skin tone.

Skin, our largest and most patient organ, is given to us not only for beauty. It, like a reliable shield, protects us from many negative influences, which are now becoming more and more numerous - bacteria, viruses, toxins, etc., and tirelessly cleanses the entire body of waste products and “waste” generated from poor nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. And only healthy skin with normal tone can perform protective functions “perfectly.” That's why it's so important to keep your skin toned at all times.

What is skin tone

Let's talk about what normal skin tone is. This is when the cells are well saturated with moisture, can retain it and receive enough oxygen. Then the skin maintains normal turgor - the so-called intracellular pressure that promotes tissue hydration, and the cell membranes retain elasticity. Hyaluronic acid is very important for skin tone: in its presence, collagen and elastin are produced normally, moisture is retained, and intercellular connections remain strong.

It is believed that at a certain age, from about 25 years old, the body’s own hyaluronic acid becomes less, and this leads to a decrease in skin tone. Hormonal levels also play a role here, but it’s not worth “blaming” everything just on age, as many do: the condition of the skin worsens significantly precisely because of lifestyle - poor nutrition, lack of physical activity and bad habits. Sagging skin at 30-35 years old is not normal. And more often this happens if a person, due to lack of physical activity, has a weakened muscle corset as a whole, and the dermis is stretched due to excess fat reserves accumulating in the subcutaneous layer.

You should always maintain skin tone, and after 25 years of age, paying attention to this regularly, having once and for all accepted a healthy lifestyle as a necessary norm, is not so difficult.

In order to tone your skin, keep it hydrated: do not allow it to become dehydrated by replacing clean water with tea, coffee and all kinds of sweet drinks. It is quite possible to drink 1.5 liters per day and maintain the water balance of the skin (and with the appropriate height and weight - up to 2 liters) if you start the day with two glasses of clean (not cold) water, and between main meals, when “appetite awakens” ", drink another 1-1.5 glasses.

Nutritional features for skin tone

If toxins accumulate in the intestines, all natural processes are disrupted, including the circulation of oxygen in the tissues. Toxic substances can be absorbed, enter the blood and - directly - into the cells of the dermis, so stagnation in the intestines should not be allowed. And for this you need to eat right, eliminating all harmful foods, and eat only natural food, in normal combinations, without mixing several types of proteins and carbohydrates at one time. For example, you should not eat pasta or fried potatoes with fatty meat (cutlets, casseroles, etc.) for lunch and eat it all with a sweet dessert or fruit.

As for fats, the best choice is unrefined vegetable oils and products with PUFAs (sea fish, seafood, lean meat); It is better to eat butter melted, but at least it should be fresh and natural. Choose products that contain a lot of vitamins A and C, E, D and group B - there are a lot of such products and they are available to everyone.

Alcohol and nicotine are fierce enemies of health and beauty, and the skin is destroyed very quickly from their effects: it becomes dehydrated, dries out and loses its tone. This is clear to everyone, but we have to remind ourselves: unfortunately, many women and girls consider smoking to be the norm, and they drink alcohol not only “on holidays,” but also “for company,” “for relaxation,” etc.

Strict diets are always stressful for the body, so there is no need to “lose weight urgently”: it is better to maintain normal weight constantly. Untreated diseases and the habit of carrying illness on your feet hit the skin hard: even a “common” cold can result in many complications.

How to determine skin tone

If the skin tone is normal, the cell membranes will retain their shape all the time, and after directed influences leading to deformation, they will immediately return to their original state. To check this, grab the skin on the back of your hand with your fingers, stretch a little and release. If the surface of the skin is smoothed out immediately or quickly, the turgor is good - the cell membranes are elastic and elastic. If the skin cannot “get into shape” for 5 seconds or longer, the skin tone is reduced, and measures must be taken to restore it.

Homemade masks

Hardware cosmetology today offers many effective procedures, but first it is better to try home remedies: in most cases they help perfectly. Using them in parallel with modern anti-aging procedures is also useful: the results of the latter will be consolidated and last longer. There are many recipes, choose those that suit your skin type.

We will provide recipes for homemade effective masks to quickly tone your skin. So.

Protein mask with oatmeal (rice) flour to tone the skin. Beat the raw white of one egg until smooth with 1 tbsp. l. flour, adding 3 drops of fennel (rose) essential oil. Apply a thick layer to a cleansed face and leave until completely dry. Wash off with warm water.

Mask with gelatin for skin elasticity. Warm water (0.5 tbsp) dilute 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and place in a water bath for 30 seconds, then remove from heat, add 1 tbsp. l. flour and kefir, mix and leave to cool. The cooled mask is applied to the face in a thick layer, after lubricating the skin with moisturizer. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After 50 years, masks containing oils that keep the skin toned are good. A simple mask: melted coconut oil (15 g) is mixed with cocoa powder (10 g), add a pinch of cinnamon. The mask is kept for 15-20 minutes; Before applying it, wash with cucumber water (grated fresh cucumber pulp is poured with 200-300 ml of water for 15-20 minutes), and it is recommended to wash off the mask with plantain decoction. Finally, it is good to apply some pure olive oil to your face.

The best DIY cream

The homemade cream according to the recipe below is considered by many to be universal: with regular use, it restores elasticity and tone to the skin. You will need high fat sour cream (200 g), lemon juice (from a whole lemon), rose water (100 ml), 3 tbsp. l. cucumber juice, raw yolks (2 pcs.), pharmacy vitamin E (10 drops), essential oil of lemon and orange (grapefruit, bergamot, etc.) - 5 drops each. The ingredients are carefully and slowly mixed until smooth, and alcohol is added at the very end so that the cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. Use the cream once a day: apply to a cleansed face and after a while remove the excess with a cosmetic napkin or disc.

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Let’s say right away: in order to do even simple exercises with benefit, and not to make others laugh, you need to do it correctly. The team of the “Miracle of Technology” program on NTV asked the queen of the parallel bars, the legendary gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, as well as the chief doctor of the Russian national football team, Eduard Bezuglov, to give professional advice. Here's what they recommend.


The Hundred is one of the popular exercises for the abdominal muscles in the Pilates system. By the way, it’s good for warming up your muscles before something serious. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs, shoulder blades do not touch the mat, chin looks up, press your lower back to the floor, straining your abs and pulling in your stomach. And swing your palms down, as if punching the air. The abdominal muscles are very durable, so they “love” a large number of repetitions. As the name of the exercise suggests, you need to do 100 “punches.” This, by the way, is also useful for burning fat in the abdominal area. And if your abs are already strong and one hundred seems not enough, you can repeat this time, but with your legs stretched up at an angle of 45 degrees. Eduard Bezuglov believes that this exercise involves almost all muscle groups, well, except, probably, the calf and calf muscles, and it can be performed by people with almost any level of health. Of course, you also need to do the classic “crunches” for the abs correctly: round your back, don’t pull your neck (keep your hands at your temples) and press your lower back and feet as tightly as possible to the floor. Then this exercise, and not just the “hundred”, will show an amazing effect!

High chair


At number 2 in the list of “simple miracles” our experts placed a “chair”. These are almost squats, but with less load on the knee joints, which suffer greatly from regular squats. Typically, the “chair” is performed against a wall, pressing your back tightly and bending your knees 90 degrees, as if you were sitting on an invisible chair. But you can do it without support, this way the buttocks and back muscles are better worked out. Important note: you cannot round your back here! From the tailbone to the crown, the body should be straight, the pelvis should be pulled back deeply. As with regular squats, keep your knees above your toes and your hands near your head or extended forward. Eduard believes that almost all muscles are loaded here: torso, core, lower limbs. But Svetlana Khorkina doesn’t make a chair - it’s too easy for her. But regular squats (feet one foot-width apart) are just right. But it is important that your heels do not leave the floor. In general, of course, the “chair” can be complicated - performed with dumbbells or alternately raising your legs, holding them in weight. You need to “sit on a chair” while you have the strength, on average 1-2 minutes, and it’s better to do 3-5 approaches.


Push-ups! This exercise, familiar from school, can do a lot. After all, push-ups can be not only classic, but also from your knees on the floor, and standing from a wall, from a table, from a chair and from a chair upside down, from a bench, with a jump, with a narrow or very wide position of the hands, and even on one hand and one leg! Bezuglov says: “An excellent exercise, quite safe, the only thing I would recommend is to do it in a pain-free mode, without turning on the so-called “man” mode. Almost all muscles of the torso, legs, core, and so on are involved. When you do push-ups, your body should be in one line, no bending or, conversely, a “cat’s hump” should be included. A very large load falls on the shoulder joint. There’s nothing wrong with this, but very often the rotator cuff muscles that surround the shoulder joint can become inflamed during these exercises.” During push-ups, the abdominal muscles should be tightened, the buttocks should be tense, and the arms should be positioned clearly under the shoulder joint. Choose the method that you like best and do about 3-5 sets of 10-15 times, and you can do this anywhere - even in the kitchen while breakfast is being prepared.


Number four is a classic cardio exercise called the “jumper”, it seems very simple, but it works simply magically, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels. It also burns about 200 kilocalories in just 15 minutes! Starting position: legs together, arms along the body. Then, at the same time, raise your arms above your head and jump, spreading your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Quickly return to the starting position. The doctor adds that the muscles of the lower extremities, the core, and, of course, the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the muscles of the rotator cuff and the trapezius muscle work. The most important thing here is not to jump too high, you cannot land on straight legs, they should always be slightly bent, you should have a spring. This exercise is included in some foreign military training courses because it improves endurance. If you do at least 20 jumps, your vitality will greatly increase!


Side plank on the forearm, on an outstretched arm, with lifting opposite arms and legs. Edward warns: “The line of the body must be straight. No arches, no sagging. There will be no sagging if you take care of your buttocks and abdominal muscles. The plank cannot do any harm. Well, if you do it completely laxly and do it for a long time, some inflammation of the tendons may occur, since you are in a static mode for a long time, the muscle may spasm. There’s nothing scary, you just need to pay attention.” First, try standing for 30 seconds. Time after time, gradually, adding 15 seconds every day, you can learn to stand in the plank for two, three, or even 10 minutes! Svetlana Khorkina adds: “Well, I don’t call it a plank, but I call it lying on the forearms. And it’s easy for me. I don’t know about others.”

Watch the program “Miracle of Technology” on Sundays at 11:05. The project will talk about the latest scientific developments and technologies that can change or are already changing our lives. The author of the project, Sergei Malozyomov, is always up to date with the latest scientific research and is one of the first to learn about significant discoveries. Especially for NTV viewers, he, together with experts and heroes, tests modern household appliances, kitchen appliances, electronic gadgets, and also studies new medical developments.