The curse of the painting "Crying Boy" (3 photos). Giovanni Bragolin, painting “The Crying Boy”: history, description and photo Mystical artist The cursed painting came out of the fire intact

“The Crying Boy” is a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin, also known as Bruno Amadio. A reproduction of this painting is considered cursed by superstitious people, and it causes a fire in the premises where it is located.

It is no secret to anyone, even the most skeptical person, that in the world there is such a thing as a “curse.” There are many so-called cursed places on the planet. But objects can also contain a curse. The reasons why this happens are still unknown. An example of this is the damned painting “The Crying Boy.” Until now, everything connected with this picture instills in people an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety and misunderstanding of what is happening...

Is this a cruel curse or the most inexplicable coincidences in history? Everything described below gives reason to believe that the curse that some objects contain may still exist. I believe that everything that happened with the painting “The Crying Boy” can hardly be called a coincidence...

Damn picture.

In mid-1985, throughout the UK, stories related to fires and a cheap reproduction of the painting “The Crying Boy” that mysteriously survived these unrelated fires were on the front pages of newspapers. A reproduction of this painting was located where the fire started. This could well be explained as an absurd coincidence, but she alone remained unharmed, while everything around was destroyed by fire.

“The Crying Boy” is a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin, also known as Bruno Amadio. A reproduction of this painting is considered cursed by superstitious people, and it causes a fire in the rooms where it is located.

The artist of this picture, the boy's father, terribly mocked his son. The boy was very afraid of fire, and his father, in order to give the picture brightness and mystery, lit matches in front of his face, thereby making him cry. Unable to withstand such abuse, the child shouted to his father: “Burn yourself.” The child died of pneumonia a month later, and a couple of weeks later the artist’s charred body was found in the burnt house next to the only thing that survived the fire - the painting “The Crying Boy.” This is the story of this painting...

This unusual phenomenon was talked about at the beginning of the summer, when Yorkshire fireman Peter Hall, in an interview with a major newspaper, reported that all fire brigades in Northern England began to find countless reproductions of this painting that remained untouched by the fire, which began for completely unknown reasons. Peter Hall let this fact slip in an interview only after his brother, who completely refused to believe in this mythical story, bought a reproduction of “The Crying Boy,” and thereby decided to disprove that this painting was cursed. Soon after this, his house, which was located in the south of Yorkshire, in Swallonest, burned to the ground, for unknown reasons. Seeing that the damned painting was the only thing that survived the fire, Roy Hall angrily crushed it with his boot.

After the publication of this interview, a British daily received a huge number of calls and letters from owners of the reproduction of the painting who had suffered in the same way. Dora Brand's home in Mitcham, Surrey, burned to the ground six weeks after she bought the painting. Although there were more than a hundred other paintings in the house, only one painting survived the fire...

Sandra Craske, from Kilburn, said her sister, mother, their friend and herself were all injured in the fires after they each came into possession of a copy of the cursed painting. Similar information also came from the counties of Nottingham, Oxfordshire and the Isle of Wight. On October 21, the Parillo Pizza Palace building in Great Yartmouth burned to the ground, leaving only the Crying Boy in excellent condition. Three days later, the Godber family, who lived in Herrinthorpe (South Yorshire), also lost their home in a fire. And only the reproduction of “The Boy,” which hung in the living room, miraculously survived, although all the other paintings were burned.

The next day, in the house that belonged to the Amos family in Heswaple (Merseyside), literally torn to pieces by a gas explosion, only a couple of paintings of “The Crying Boy” remained unharmed, which hung in the dining room and living room of the house. A day later, a new report was received, this time a fire occurred in the house of former fireman from Telford (Shropshire) Fred Trower. The only reproduction has also survived.

One of the newspapers invited all owners of reproductions of the damned painting to organize a mass burning of this painting. By the fall, some of the owners who had destroyed the painting had acquired nervous illnesses. It seemed to them that the cursed painting, which they had destroyed, now intended to take revenge on them.

Several fire brigades approached for comment on the growing hysteria surrounding the painting flatly refused to discuss it or participate in any of the mass burnings of the painting that were taking place across the country. Meanwhile, the tragedies continued...

On November 12, Malcolm Vaughan, living in Gloucestershire, helped his neighbor destroy another “Crying Boy.” After he returned home, he saw that the entire living room of his house was on fire, which had broken out for some unknown reason. A few weeks later, a fire destroyed a house in Weston nad Maroy (County Avon), killing its occupant, 67-year-old William Armitage. This incident made headlines because the damned painting was found completely intact next to the charred body of an old man. One firefighter who took part in extinguishing the fire said: “Before, I never believed in a curse. However, when you have to see an intact painting in a completely burnt room - the only one that was not damaged, you have to understand that this goes beyond all limits.”

Since then, in the press and then on the Internet, the old story periodically comes to life, and in completely different versions. For example, it is argued that if the reproduction is treated well, the “Crying Boy” can, on the contrary, bring good luck to its owner. You be the judge...

Rogova Anastasia 04/30/2019 at 20:10

Mystical stories and mysteries are associated with many works of art. Moreover, some experts believe that dark and secret forces are involved in the creation of a number of paintings. There are grounds for such a statement. Too often, amazing facts and inexplicable events happened to these fatal masterpieces - fires, deaths, the madness of the authors...

One of the most famous “cursed” paintings is “The Crying Boy” - a reproduction of a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin. The story of its creation is as follows: the artist wanted to paint a portrait of a crying child and took his little son as a sitter. But, since the baby could not cry on demand, the father deliberately brought him to tears by lighting matches in front of his face. The artist knew that his son was terrified of fire, but art was dearer to him than the nerves of his own child, and he continued to mock him.

One day, driven to the point of hysteria, the baby could not stand it and shouted, shedding tears: “Burn yourself!” This curse did not take long to come true - two weeks later the boy died of pneumonia, and soon his father also burned alive in his own house... This is the backstory. The painting, or rather its reproduction, gained its ominous fame in 1985 in England.

This happened thanks to a series of strange coincidences - fires in residential buildings began to occur one after another in Northern England. There were human casualties. Some victims who spoke with correspondents mentioned that of all the property, only a cheap reproduction depicting a crying child miraculously survived. And such reports became more and more numerous, until, finally, one of the fire inspectors publicly announced that in all the burned houses, without exception, the “Crying Boy” was found intact.

Immediately, the newspapers were overwhelmed by a wave of letters reporting various accidents, deaths and fires that occurred after the owners bought this painting. Of course, “The Crying Boy” immediately began to be considered cursed, the story of its creation surfaced and became overgrown with rumors and fiction... As a result, one of the newspapers published an official statement that everyone who has this reproduction must immediately get rid of it, and the authorities From now on it is forbidden to purchase and keep it at home.

To this day, “The Crying Boy” is haunted by notoriety, especially in Northern England. By the way, the original has not yet been found. True, some doubters (especially here in Russia) deliberately hung this portrait on their wall, and, it seems, no one was burned. But still there are very few people who want to test the legend in practice.

Another famous “fiery masterpiece” is considered "Water Lilies" impressionist Monet. The artist himself was the first to suffer from it - his workshop almost burned down for unknown reasons. Then the new owners of “Water Lilies” burned down - a cabaret in Montmartre, the house of a French philanthropist, and even the New York Museum of Modern Art. Currently, the painting is in the Mormoton Museum, in France, and does not exhibit its “fire hazardous” properties. Bye.

Another, less well-known and outwardly unremarkable painting, the “arsonist,” hangs in the Royal Museum of Edinburgh. This portrait of an elderly man with outstretched arm. According to legend, sometimes the fingers on the hand of an old man painted in oil begin to move. And the one who saw this unusual phenomenon will definitely die from fire in the very near future. Two famous victims of the portrait are Lord Seymour and sea captain Belfast. They both claimed to have seen the old man move his fingers, and both subsequently died in the fire. Superstitious townspeople even demanded that the director of the museum remove the dangerous painting out of harm's way, but he, of course, did not agree - it is this nondescript portrait of no particular value that attracts most visitors.

Famous "Gioconda" Leonardo da Vinci not only admires, but also frightens people. In addition to assumptions, fiction, legends about the work itself and about the smile of Mona Lisa, there is a theory that this most famous portrait in the world has an extremely negative effect on the beholder. For example, more than a hundred cases have been officially registered in which visitors who looked at the painting for a long time lost consciousness. The most famous case occurred with the French writer Stendhal, who fainted while admiring a masterpiece. It is known that Mona Lisa herself, who posed for the artist, died young, at the age of 28. And the great master Leonardo himself did not work on any of his creations as long and carefully as on the La Gioconda. For six years, until his death, Leonardo rewrote and corrected the painting, but he never fully achieved what he wanted.

Painting by Velazquez "Venus with a Mirror" also enjoyed deserved notoriety. Everyone who bought it either went bankrupt or died a violent death. Even museums did not really want to include its main composition, and the painting constantly changed its “registration”. It ended with the fact that one day a crazy visitor attacked the canvas and cut it with a knife.

Another “cursed” painting that is widely known is the work of a Californian surrealist artist "Hands Resist Him"("Hands Resist Him") by Bill Stoneham. The artist painted it in 1972 from a photograph in which he and his younger sister stand in front of their home. In the picture, a boy with unclear facial features and a doll the size of a living girl froze in front of a glass door, to which the small hands of children are pressed from the inside. There are many creepy stories associated with this picture. It all started with the fact that the first art critic who saw and appreciated the work died suddenly.

Then the picture was acquired by an American actor, who also did not live long. After his death, the work disappeared for a short time, but then it was accidentally found in a trash heap. The family who picked up the nightmare masterpiece thought of hanging it in the nursery. As a result, the little daughter began to run into her parents’ bedroom every night and scream that the children in the picture were fighting and changing their location. My father installed a motion-sensing camera in the room, and it went off several times during the night.

Of course, the family hastened to get rid of such a gift of fate, and soon Hands Resist Him put up for online auction. And then numerous letters poured in to the organizers with complaints that while viewing the film, people felt sick, and some even had heart attacks. It was bought by the owner of a private art gallery, and now complaints have begun to come to him. Two American exorcists even approached him with offers of their services. And psychics who have seen the picture unanimously claim that evil emanates from it.

There are several masterpieces of Russian painting that also have sad stories. For example, the picture everyone knows from school "Troika" Perova. This touching and sad picture depicts three peasant children from poor families who are pulling a heavy load, harnessed to it in the manner of draft horses. In the center is a blond little boy. Perov was looking for a child for the picture until he met a woman and her 12-year-old son named Vasya, who were walking through Moscow on a pilgrimage. Vasya remained the only consolation of his mother, who buried her husband and other children. At first she did not want her son to pose for the painter, but then she agreed. However, soon after the painting was completed, the boy died... It is known that after the death of her son, a poor woman came to Perov, begging him to sell her a portrait of her beloved child, but the painting was already hanging in the Tretyakov Gallery. True, Perov responded to his mother’s grief and painted a portrait of Vasya separately especially for her.

One of the brightest and most extraordinary geniuses of Russian painting, Mikhail Vrubel, has works that are also associated with the personal tragedies of the artist himself. Thus, the portrait of his beloved son Savva was painted by him shortly before the child’s death. Moreover, the boy fell ill unexpectedly and died suddenly. A "Demon Defeated" had a detrimental effect on the psyche and health of Vrubel himself.

The artist could not tear himself away from the picture, he continued to add to the face of the defeated Spirit, and also change the color. “The Defeated Demon” was already hanging at the exhibition, and Vrubel kept coming into the hall, not paying attention to the visitors, sat down in front of the painting and continued to work, as if possessed. Those close to him became concerned about his condition, and he was examined by the famous Russian psychiatrist Bekhterev. The diagnosis was terrible - tabes spinal cord, near madness and death. Vrubel was admitted to the hospital, but the treatment did not help, and he soon died.

An interesting story is connected with the picture "Carnival", which for a long time adorned the lobby of the Ukraine Hotel. It hung and hung, no one really looked at it, until it suddenly became clear that the author of this work was a mentally ill person named Kuplin, who in his own way copied the painting by the artist Antonov. Actually, nothing special There is nothing terrible or outstanding in the picture of a mentally ill person, but for six months it excited the vastness of the Runet.

One student wrote a blog post about her in 2006. Its essence boiled down to the fact that, according to a professor at one of the Moscow universities, there is one hundred percent, but not obvious sign in the picture, by which it is immediately clear that the artist is crazy. And even supposedly based on this sign, you can immediately make a correct diagnosis. But, as the student wrote, the cunning professor did not discover the sign, but only gave vague hints. And so, they say, people, help whoever can, because I can’t find it myself, I’m all exhausted and tired. It’s not hard to imagine what started here.

Rogova Anastasia 04/30/2019 at 20:10

Mystical stories and mysteries are associated with many works of art. Moreover, some experts believe that dark and secret forces are involved in the creation of a number of paintings. There are grounds for such a statement. Too often, amazing facts and inexplicable events happened to these fatal masterpieces - fires, deaths, the madness of the authors...

One of the most famous “cursed” paintings is “The Crying Boy” - a reproduction of a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin. The story of its creation is as follows: the artist wanted to paint a portrait of a crying child and took his little son as a sitter. But, since the baby could not cry on demand, the father deliberately brought him to tears by lighting matches in front of his face. The artist knew that his son was terrified of fire, but art was dearer to him than the nerves of his own child, and he continued to mock him.

One day, driven to the point of hysteria, the baby could not stand it and shouted, shedding tears: “Burn yourself!” This curse did not take long to come true - two weeks later the boy died of pneumonia, and soon his father also burned alive in his own house... This is the backstory. The painting, or rather its reproduction, gained its ominous fame in 1985 in England.

This happened thanks to a series of strange coincidences - fires in residential buildings began to occur one after another in Northern England. There were human casualties. Some victims who spoke with correspondents mentioned that of all the property, only a cheap reproduction depicting a crying child miraculously survived. And such reports became more and more numerous, until, finally, one of the fire inspectors publicly announced that in all the burned houses, without exception, the “Crying Boy” was found intact.

Immediately, the newspapers were overwhelmed by a wave of letters reporting various accidents, deaths and fires that occurred after the owners bought this painting. Of course, “The Crying Boy” immediately began to be considered cursed, the story of its creation surfaced and became overgrown with rumors and fiction... As a result, one of the newspapers published an official statement that everyone who has this reproduction must immediately get rid of it, and the authorities From now on it is forbidden to purchase and keep it at home.

To this day, “The Crying Boy” is haunted by notoriety, especially in Northern England. By the way, the original has not yet been found. True, some doubters (especially here in Russia) deliberately hung this portrait on their wall, and, it seems, no one was burned. But still there are very few people who want to test the legend in practice.

Another famous “fiery masterpiece” is considered "Water Lilies" impressionist Monet. The artist himself was the first to suffer from it - his workshop almost burned down for unknown reasons. Then the new owners of “Water Lilies” burned down - a cabaret in Montmartre, the house of a French philanthropist, and even the New York Museum of Modern Art. Currently, the painting is in the Mormoton Museum, in France, and does not exhibit its “fire hazardous” properties. Bye.

Another, less well-known and outwardly unremarkable painting, the “arsonist,” hangs in the Royal Museum of Edinburgh. This portrait of an elderly man with outstretched arm. According to legend, sometimes the fingers on the hand of an old man painted in oil begin to move. And the one who saw this unusual phenomenon will definitely die from fire in the very near future. Two famous victims of the portrait are Lord Seymour and sea captain Belfast. They both claimed to have seen the old man move his fingers, and both subsequently died in the fire. Superstitious townspeople even demanded that the director of the museum remove the dangerous painting out of harm's way, but he, of course, did not agree - it is this nondescript portrait of no particular value that attracts most visitors.

Famous "Gioconda" Leonardo da Vinci not only admires, but also frightens people. In addition to assumptions, fiction, legends about the work itself and about the smile of Mona Lisa, there is a theory that this most famous portrait in the world has an extremely negative effect on the beholder. For example, more than a hundred cases have been officially registered in which visitors who looked at the painting for a long time lost consciousness. The most famous case occurred with the French writer Stendhal, who fainted while admiring a masterpiece. It is known that Mona Lisa herself, who posed for the artist, died young, at the age of 28. And the great master Leonardo himself did not work on any of his creations as long and carefully as on the La Gioconda. For six years, until his death, Leonardo rewrote and corrected the painting, but he never fully achieved what he wanted.

Painting by Velazquez "Venus with a Mirror" also enjoyed deserved notoriety. Everyone who bought it either went bankrupt or died a violent death. Even museums did not really want to include its main composition, and the painting constantly changed its “registration”. It ended with the fact that one day a crazy visitor attacked the canvas and cut it with a knife.

Another “cursed” painting that is widely known is the work of a Californian surrealist artist "Hands Resist Him"("Hands Resist Him") by Bill Stoneham. The artist painted it in 1972 from a photograph in which he and his younger sister stand in front of their home. In the picture, a boy with unclear facial features and a doll the size of a living girl froze in front of a glass door, to which the small hands of children are pressed from the inside. There are many creepy stories associated with this picture. It all started with the fact that the first art critic who saw and appreciated the work died suddenly.

Then the picture was acquired by an American actor, who also did not live long. After his death, the work disappeared for a short time, but then it was accidentally found in a trash heap. The family who picked up the nightmare masterpiece thought of hanging it in the nursery. As a result, the little daughter began to run into her parents’ bedroom every night and scream that the children in the picture were fighting and changing their location. My father installed a motion-sensing camera in the room, and it went off several times during the night.

Of course, the family hastened to get rid of such a gift of fate, and soon Hands Resist Him put up for online auction. And then numerous letters poured in to the organizers with complaints that while viewing the film, people felt sick, and some even had heart attacks. It was bought by the owner of a private art gallery, and now complaints have begun to come to him. Two American exorcists even approached him with offers of their services. And psychics who have seen the picture unanimously claim that evil emanates from it.

There are several masterpieces of Russian painting that also have sad stories. For example, the picture everyone knows from school "Troika" Perova. This touching and sad picture depicts three peasant children from poor families who are pulling a heavy load, harnessed to it in the manner of draft horses. In the center is a blond little boy. Perov was looking for a child for the picture until he met a woman and her 12-year-old son named Vasya, who were walking through Moscow on a pilgrimage. Vasya remained the only consolation of his mother, who buried her husband and other children. At first she did not want her son to pose for the painter, but then she agreed. However, soon after the painting was completed, the boy died... It is known that after the death of her son, a poor woman came to Perov, begging him to sell her a portrait of her beloved child, but the painting was already hanging in the Tretyakov Gallery. True, Perov responded to his mother’s grief and painted a portrait of Vasya separately especially for her.

One of the brightest and most extraordinary geniuses of Russian painting, Mikhail Vrubel, has works that are also associated with the personal tragedies of the artist himself. Thus, the portrait of his beloved son Savva was painted by him shortly before the child’s death. Moreover, the boy fell ill unexpectedly and died suddenly. A "Demon Defeated" had a detrimental effect on the psyche and health of Vrubel himself.

The artist could not tear himself away from the picture, he continued to add to the face of the defeated Spirit, and also change the color. “The Defeated Demon” was already hanging at the exhibition, and Vrubel kept coming into the hall, not paying attention to the visitors, sat down in front of the painting and continued to work, as if possessed. Those close to him became concerned about his condition, and he was examined by the famous Russian psychiatrist Bekhterev. The diagnosis was terrible - tabes spinal cord, near madness and death. Vrubel was admitted to the hospital, but the treatment did not help, and he soon died.

An interesting story is connected with the picture "Carnival", which for a long time adorned the lobby of the Ukraine Hotel. It hung and hung, no one really looked at it, until it suddenly became clear that the author of this work was a mentally ill person named Kuplin, who in his own way copied the painting by the artist Antonov. Actually, nothing special There is nothing terrible or outstanding in the picture of a mentally ill person, but for six months it excited the vastness of the Runet.

One student wrote a blog post about her in 2006. Its essence boiled down to the fact that, according to a professor at one of the Moscow universities, there is one hundred percent, but not obvious sign in the picture, by which it is immediately clear that the artist is crazy. And even supposedly based on this sign, you can immediately make a correct diagnosis. But, as the student wrote, the cunning professor did not discover the sign, but only gave vague hints. And so, they say, people, help whoever can, because I can’t find it myself, I’m all exhausted and tired. It’s not hard to imagine what started here.

Almost every famous painting has its own story and its own secret. However, many art historians consider Satan himself to be the author of a number of paintings. And this is by no means an unfounded statement - there is a lot of scarlet color on some fatal masterpieces, and this is far from paint...

“The Crying Boy” is one of the most famous “cursed” reproductions of paintings. The author of the original is the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin. The story of the picture was sad from the very beginning. There are two legends about how the canvas was painted.

Legend one - the curse of the son

Giovanni, creating a portrait of a crying child, forced his young son to be the sitter. But the baby did not understand his father’s instructions and could not cry on command. Therefore, the artist, knowing his son’s panicky fear of fire, lit matches in front of the boy’s face, causing the tears he needed. One can only imagine how the boy felt, but the artist was ready to do anything for the sake of great art, and continued his bullying. One day, a hysterical boy wished his father to burn himself. The effect of the curse was not long in coming. After 2 weeks, pneumonia took the child himself, and after some time his father died, being burned alive in his house.

Legend two - portrait of an orphan

Giovanni Bragolin painted his canvases in Spain. The sitters were child victims of war whom he found in orphanages. However, after the artist left the shelter, the building was consumed by fire.

Did the reproduction take revenge on its owners?

It was the reproduction of this painting that gained ominous fame. It happened in England in 1985. It all started with a series of terrible incidents. One after another, residential buildings in the northern part of the country began to catch fire. In many cases, buildings also buried their owners. The only coincidence was that in all these houses, among the charred things, cheap reproductions miraculously did not suffer. It depicted, as you already understood, a crying boy. The number of similar cases increased until a Yorkshire fireman, Peter Hall, made a loud statement in an interview with a major newspaper. He said that in all the burned buildings, without exception, the “Crying Boy” was found intact. Hall said he was forced to talk about this by an accident that happened to his own brother Ron. He, in a desire to refute the curse of the painting, deliberately purchased “The Crying Boy.” However, some time after this, his house in Swallonest, south Yorkshire, burned down for no apparent reason. Ron personally examined the fire and found the damned reproduction intact and intact.

After this loud statement, the newspapers were immediately covered with a wave of letters in which people described various accidents, deaths and fires that occurred after the owners acquired this painting. Of course, “The Crying Boy” immediately gained fame as a damned picture. The story of how the painting was painted came to light. Many rumors and fabrications arose. As a result, the British publication The Sun published a publication on September 4 in which it stated that every owner of this painting must immediately get rid of it, and the authorities prohibit buying and hanging the painting in their home. And then he even offered to send them killer paintings in order to burn them all together. More than 2,500 paintings were immediately sent to the editor. They were then ceremonially burned under the control of firefighters.

Who is the author of the famous killer painting?

It soon became clear that the paintings that were found in the fires were copies of the same work. The authorship of some of them was attributed to the Spaniard Giovanni Bragolin, while others were attributed to the Scottish artist Anna Zinkeisen. In total, about five different reproductions were found. They had only one thing in common - they depicted crying children. These paintings were sold en masse in English department stores in the 1960s and 1970s.

Fact vs Fiction - Dispelling Myths

Giovanni Bragolin is actually a pseudonym. The author's real name is Bruno Amadio. He was born in 1911 in Venice. The author rarely put his own name under his works. Another name of his is also known - Franco Sevilla.

“The Crying Boy” is actually not one work, but a whole series called “Gypsy Children”. There were 27 paintings in total. Children depicted in the paintings were most often crying or gloomy.

Bruno did not die in the fire. His biography says that the artist’s death occurred in 1981, and the man died of old age. The public saw the famous painting in early 1950. They liked the paintings, and thanks to one fairly large publishing house, about 50,000 reproductions were released. In almost every working-class neighborhood, paintings were readily bought.

As for fires, the victims were predominantly old, fire-hazardous houses of low-income families. The integrity of the painting, and the fact that it did not suffer in the fire, was attributed by the publisher to the high density of the paper on which it was printed. Therefore, it was quite difficult to set it on fire.

Notoriety versus art

“The Crying Boy” still hasn’t gotten rid of its damned fame. Especially if you ask an Englishman about it. Interestingly, the original has not yet been found. However, there were cases when people specifically purchased this painting to test the effect of the curse. So far there have been no reports of new fires caused by the painting. Although the number of people willing to check the legend is small.

Now, when hanging an old painting or a reproduction of it on your wall, it’s worth thinking about whether it is connected with any mystical stories. You never know...

For example, a painting called “The Crying Boy”, which was created by the artist Giovanni Bragolina. He took his little son as a model and made him cry for many hours in a row, holding burning matches to his face. The little child was deathly afraid of fire, the father knew this and He deliberately drove his son into hysterics in order to create his own terrible picture.

One day, in fear of another “trial by fire,” the boy shouted to his father: “Burn yourself!”
Soon after painting the picture, the baby died, and after him, his sadistic father was burned alive.

Subsequently, the houses in which the painting was located began to burn down one after another, people died. Only the miraculously surviving canvas with a crying boy on it remained unharmed. As such cases became more and more common, people began to connect the fires and the “Crying Boy” together, history was made public, it became clear how this picture was created.

In the end, one of the newspapers published an article that said that everyone who has a reproduction of “The Crying Boy” in their home should urgently get rid of it and that in the future this painting was forbidden to be sold. The original of the painting was never found, but the trail of her notoriety continues behind “The Boy” to this day.