Creation of the world according to the Bible. The creation of the world by God is a biblical story. Great Permian extinction

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Question No. 2981-2

According to Christian belief, God created the earth 7510 years ago, and the scientific world believes that the earth was formed about 4 billion years ago. Who to believe?

Nikolay , Nab.Chelny, Russia

Dear Father Oleg!

I sincerely want to believe in God. It is easier and calmer and, probably, the threat of going to hell is less terrible, because there is still at least some hope for an easier fate, and if a person does not believe in an afterlife, then he already knows 100% that death This is the end of everything for him. But believing blindly in God is also not an option. Ultimately, everyone needs the truth. Where is she? According to Christian belief, God created the earth 7510 years ago, and the scientific world believes that the earth was formed about 4 billion years ago, the universe 14 billion years.
Who to believe?

Best regards, Nikolay.

Answer from Father Oleg Molenko:

Nikolai, if you really sincerely want to believe in God, then you will certainly believe. But faith cannot be separated from life. Faith is not only the acceptance of a certain body of concepts, knowledge and revelations, but a life in agreement with God's providence, will and regulations. Unfortunately, most people who have accepted faith in Christ accept it only as a theoretical worldview, and continue to live like pagans or worse.

Faith in itself does not eliminate the threat of going to hell, but it gives a person a real opportunity to change himself, reconcile with the Lord God, achieve salvation and move into the eternal abodes of the Kingdom of Heaven. The biological (physical) death of a person is not the end of everything, but only the end of earthly life, which was given to us by God for correction and testing.

With the end of earthly life comes a new eternal position of the human soul (and after the general resurrection of the whole person). This situation is either eternally blissful or eternally painful. Each person makes the choice of one of these two positions for himself.

It is absolutely impossible to live without faith. If a person does not believe in God or God, then he thereby believes evil spirits and people who lie in their madness that God does not exist at all or that He is not the same as He revealed to us Himself.

Truth (with a capital T) is the Son of God or the Word of God who came to our earthly world, who, having become God, became man, the Savior and Redeemer of all people. From this Truth come all other truths. So, only that which through Christ leads to God or to something divine is true. According to the Christian faith, which is consistent with the divine revelation recorded in the Holy Scriptures, God created the first man 7509 years ago (in relation to the current year 2009 AD). This number of years is clearly drawn through the history of people from Adam to Christ, recorded in the Holy Scriptures. From Christ to the end of our days, the number of years is recorded in the prophetic books of Scripture. This is an immutable truth from God and our Creator.

The so-called “scientific world,” which consists of a number of proud people, pompous with self-conceit and false knowledge, claims a fabulous and baseless calendar of billions of years. This is complete nonsense, causing only laughter and regret for such a great error in a person faithful to God. “Scientific” men are mistaken in this matter, introducing their own (fantastic) speculations and assumptions (hypotheses) into its solution. They look not from beginning to end (for they were not there at all in the beginning), but from end to beginning. Having felt something at the end, they undertake, based on these experiments, to build an assumption about the number of years of existence of the earth and the universe on the basis of their own logical thinking and the erroneous application of today's experiment to the past. On the one hand, they erroneously claim that dramatic changes have taken place in nature, the environment, etc. over the course of many, many, many years, and on the other hand, they assert a certain immutability of everything over billions of years, tracing it from end to beginning according to today's observations and experiences. A simple thought about what really happened in the beginning cannot occur to them. God knows this for sure and reveals it to His faithful, but they do not know this and are engaged in fiction. They cannot imagine that God immediately, with a wave, created the heavens (firmament) and the earth. They cannot even imagine the form and quality in which God created them. God created heaven and earth, but not from zero marks and parameters, but from some determined by Him. So God created the first man, Adam, as an adult (at about the age of 30). A scientist would look at Adam and declare with all responsibility and scientific certainty that this man lived 30 earthly years. Why? Because he has such experience that tells him about these 30 years. But in fact, Adam did not live 30 years, but only looked 30 years old on his first day of existence. In the same way, the earth was created by God immediately in adulthood, which scientists do not take into account. Experience dictates to them that the earth began from scratch. But it did not start from scratch, but appeared at the word of God in finished form. The mechanism for calculating years is also not reliable. It is based on the experience of the decay of the carbon atom observed today. But who said that it was like this in the beginning and always? This is nothing more than an erroneous assumption.

To be reliable and honest in the matter of chronology, the scientist had to move with all his equipment to the beginning and make all the measurements and calculations there. But this is unattainable for scientists. Their lifespan is incomparable with the lifespan of the earth and the universe. That is why there can be no question of any scientific reliability when referring to the past or future.

So, does science have no place at all in our lives? This is wrong. She has her place, and when she humbly takes it, then she is acceptable for this temporary life. Where is her place? Its place is today and only as an applied science. In other words, science can only be reliable in its present-day experience and experiment.

The more science goes beyond its limits, the more it makes mistakes, moving from concrete experience to hypotheses and assumptions, which are fantasies of the minds of specific people. Every person (and this is what both revelation and experience says) is a lie, weakness, imperfection. Man in his current state - a state of fall or great spiritual illness - is very limited in his capabilities and is very prone to delusions and mistakes. In addition, the existing spirits of evil act on him invisibly, but perceptibly, against which science with its experiments is powerless. Demons can “spoil” scientists, instilling in them all sorts of nonsense, for example, such as the theory of the origin and distribution of species (known as Darwin), the theory about the many billions of years of the existence of the earth, or the theory about the first explosion and dispersal of the universe. Demons can easily manipulate scientists and their minds if they do not believe in God, God and His revelation, as well as in the existence of demons themselves. A scientist cannot experimentally capture demons or establish any patterns in relation to them. Moreover, he cannot do this in relation to the Lord God and His invisible world. A person who believes in God knows incomparably more correctly and accurately, and knows much more about the world around him than scientists. He knows this from divine revelation, his own experience and, last of all, from the experience of applied sciences. An unbeliever or falsely believing scientist has only his feeble mind and unreliable scientific experience, but he does not have the main divine revelation, which, without any experiment, tells us what was, is, and will actually be!

Therefore, Nikolai, I advise you to believe only in God and live by His revelation. It is true, reliable, undoubtedly, useful, interesting, educational and blissful!

The creation of the world is the original question in any religion. How and when everything that surrounds man was born - plants, birds, animals, man himself.

Science promotes its theory - a big explosion occurred in the universe, which gave rise to the galaxy and the planets around it. If the general scientific theory of the creation of the world is united, then different peoples have their own legends about it.

Myths about the creation of the world

What is a myth? This is a legend about the origin of life, the role of God and man in it. There are a huge number of such legends.

According to Jewish history, Heaven and Earth were original. The material for their creation was the clothes of God and snow. According to another version, the whole world is an intertwining of threads of fire, water and snow.

According to Egyptian mythology, initially darkness and chaos reigned everywhere. Only the young God Ra, who shed light and gave life, was able to defeat him. In one version, he hatched from an egg, and in another version, he was born from a lotus flower. It is noteworthy that there are many variations in the Egyptian theory, and many contain images of animals, birds, and insects.

In the stories of the Sumerians, the world came into existence when the flat Earth and the dome of Heaven united and gave birth to a son - the God of Air. Then the deities of water and plants appear. Here for the first time we speak of the emergence of a person from the organ of another.

The Greek myth about the origin of the world is based on the concept of chaos, which swallowed up everything around, the sun and moon were inseparable, cold was combined with heat. A certain God came and separated all opposites from each other. He also created man and woman from a single matter.

The parable of the ancient Slavs is based on the same chaos that reigned everywhere and around. There are deities of time, earth, darkness, wisdom. According to this legend, all living things appeared from dust - humans, plants, animals. The stars came from here. Therefore, it is said that the stars, like man, are not eternal.

Creation of the world according to the Bible

The Holy Scripture is the main book of Orthodox believers. Here you can find answers to all questions. This also applies to the origin of the world, humans and animals, plants.

The Bible has five books that tell the whole story. These books were written by Moses during his wanderings with the Jewish people. All the revelations of God were initially recorded in one volume, but then it was divided.

The beginning of the Holy Scriptures is the Book of Genesis. Its name from Greek means “beginning,” which speaks of the content. It is here that the story is told about how the origin of life, the first man, the first society occurred.

As the Scripture says, man, by his existence, carries the highest goal - love, beneficence, improvement. It contains within itself the breath of God himself - the soul.

According to biblical history, the world was not created in eternity. How many days did it take for God to create a world filled with life? Even children know about this today.

How God created the earth in 7 days

The appearance of the world in such a short time is briefly described in the Holy Scriptures. There is no detailed description in the book, everything is symbolic. Understanding transcends age and time - it is something that lasts for centuries. History says that only God can create the world out of nothing.

First day of creation of the world

God created “heaven” and “earth”. This should not be taken literally. This does not mean matter, but certain forces, entities, angels.

On this same day, God separated darkness from light, thus creating day and night.

Second day

At this time, a certain “firmament” is created. The personification of the separation of water on earth and air. Thus, we are talking about creating air space, a certain atmosphere for life.

Third day

The Almighty orders the water to gather in one place and make room for the formation of land. This is how the earth itself appeared, and the water around became seas and oceans.

Fourth day

It is notable for the formation of celestial bodies - night and day. The stars appear.

Now the possibility of counting time arises. The successive sun and moon count days, seasons, years.

Fifth day

Life appears on earth. Birds, fish, animals. This is where the great phrase “be fruitful and multiply” comes into play. God gives the beginning, the first individuals who will themselves raise their offspring in this paradise.

Sixth day

God creates man “in His image and likeness” and breathes life into him. Man is molded from clay, and the breath of God revives dead material and gives him a soul.

Adam is the first person, man. He lives in the Garden of Eden and understands the languages ​​of the world around him. Despite the diversity of life around him, he is lonely. God creates a helper for him, the woman Eve, from his rib while Adam sleeps.

Seventh day

Called Saturday. It is reserved for rest and serving God.

This is how the world was born. What is the exact date of creation of the world according to the Bible? This is still the main and most difficult issue. There are claims that time is being described long before the advent of modern chronology.

Another opinion says the opposite, that the events in the Holy Book are our time. The figure varies from 3483 to 6984 years. But the generally accepted point of reference is considered to be 5508 BC.

Creation of the world according to the Bible for children

Initiating children into the doctrine of God teaches correct principles of behavior and points to undeniable values. However, the Bible in its present form is difficult for an adult to understand, let alone a child’s perception.

In order for a child to study the main book of Christians himself, a children's Bible was invented. A colorful, illustrated publication, written in a child-friendly language.

The story of the creation of the world from the Old Testament tells that initially there was nothing. But God has always been. All seven days of creation are narrated very briefly. It also tells the story of the emergence of the first people and how they betrayed God.

The story of Adam and Abel is described. These stories are instructive for children and teach them the right attitude towards others, elders, and nature. Animated and feature films come to the rescue, which clearly show the events described in the Holy Scriptures.

There is no age or time for religion. She is beyond everything essential. Understanding the origin of the environment and the role of man in the world, finding harmony and one’s path is possible only by understanding the values ​​that faith carries.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.

(Genesis 1, 1-2).

The biblical teaching about the creation of the world is briefly called Six days. Day means day. In 1823, Anglican priest George Stanley Faber (1773-1854) put forward the day-age theory. This opinion has absolutely no basis. In Hebrew to express words indefinite period of time or era there is a concept olam. Word yom in Hebrew always means day, day but never period of time. Rejecting a literal understanding of the day greatly distorts the biblical teaching about the creation of the world. If we take a day as an epoch, then how to determine evening And morning? How to apply the blessing of the seventh day and the rest in it to the era? After all, the Lord commanded rest on the seventh day of the week - Saturday, because He Himself rested: and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, for on it He rested from all His works(Genesis 2, 3). The Lord created plants on the third day, and the sun, moon and other luminaries on the fourth. If we accept the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bday - era, it turns out that plants grew without sunlight for an entire era.

The Holy Fathers understood day literally the first chapter of Genesis. Saint Irenaeus of Lyons: “Restoring this day in Himself, the Lord came to suffer on the day before the Sabbath - that is, on the sixth day of creation, on which man was created, through His suffering giving him a new creation, that is, (liberation) from death.” Saint Ephrem the Syrian: “No one should think that the six-day creation is an allegory.” Saint Basil the Great: « And there was evening, and there was morning, one day... This determines the measure of day and night and combines them into one daily time, because twenty-four hours fill the continuation of one day, if by day we mean night.” Saint John of Damascus: “From the beginning of a day to the beginning of another day is one day, for the Scripture says: and there was evening and there was morning: one day».

How then did the alternation of day and night occur before the creation of the luminaries, which appear on the fourth day? St. Basil the Great writes: “Then, not by the movement of the sun, but by the fact that this primeval light, in a measure determined by God, either spread out, then contracted again, day occurred and night followed” (Six Day Conversation 2).

Genesis begins with a description of the magnificent work of God - the creation of the world in six days. The Lord created the Universe with countless luminaries, the earth with its seas and mountains, man and the entire animal and plant world. The biblical revelation about the creation of the world rises above all existing cosmogonies of other religions, just as truth rises above any myth. Not a single religion, not a single philosophical doctrine could rise to the idea of ​​creation out of nothing that surpasses reason: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

God is self-sufficient and absolutely complete. For His existence, He does not require anything and does not need anything. The only reason for the creation of the world was the perfect Love of God. Saint John of Damascus writes: “The good and most good God was not content with contemplating Himself, but out of His abundance of goodness He wanted something to happen that in the future would benefit from His benefits and be involved in His goodness.”

The first to be created were disembodied spirits - Angels. Although the Holy Scriptures do not contain a narrative about the creation of the angelic world, there is no doubt that Angels by their nature belong to the created world. This view is based primarily on the clear biblical understanding of God as the omnipotent Creator who laid the foundation for all that exists. Everything has a beginning, only God is beginningless. Some holy fathers see an indication of the creation of the invisible world of Angels in the words God created the sky (Genesis 1, 1). In support of this thought, Saint Philaret (Drozdov) notes that, according to the biblical narrative, the physical heaven was created on the second and fourth days.

Pristine the earth was unsettled And empty. Created from nothing, matter first appeared disordered and covered in darkness. Darkness was an inevitable consequence of the absence of light, which was not created as an independent element. Further, the writer of everyday life Moses writes that The Spirit of God hovered over the waters(Genesis 1, 2). Here we see an indication of the creative and life-giving participation in creation of the third Person of the Holy Trinity - the Holy Spirit. An extremely short and precise definition - everything is from the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit. Water mentioned in the above verse is the most important element without which life is impossible. In the Holy Gospel, water is a symbol of the life-giving and saving teachings of Jesus Christ. In the life of the Church, water has a special meaning, being the substance of the Sacrament of Baptism.

First day of creation

And God said: Let there be light. And there was light... And God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day(Genesis 1, 3-5).

By Divine command arose light. From further words: and God separated the light from the darkness we see, that the Lord did not destroy darkness, but only established its periodic replacement with light to restore and preserve the strength of man and every creature. The Psalmist sings of this wisdom of God: You extend the darkness and there is night: during it all the forest animals roam; lions roar for prey and ask God for food for themselves. The sun rises [and] they gather and lie down in their lairs; a man goes out to his business and to his work until evening. How numerous are Your works, O Lord!(Ps 103:20-24). Poetic expression and there was evening and there was morning ends with a description of the creative activities of each of the six days. The word itself day the saints took it literally.

Light was created by the Divine in a word possessing omnipotent creative power: for He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it appeared(Ps 32:9). The Holy Fathers see here a mysterious indication of the second Person of the Holy Trinity - the Son of God Jesus Christ, whom the Apostle calls In a word and at the same time says: Everything came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being.(John 1, 3).

When describing the first day, put first evening, and then morning. For this reason, the Jews in biblical times began their day in the evening. This order was preserved in the worship of the New Testament Church.

Second day of creation

And God created the firmament...<...>and called... the firmament the sky(Genesis 1, 7, 8) and placed the sky between the water that was on the earth and the water above the earth.

On the second day God created physical sky. In a word firmament the word in the Hebrew original is conveyed, meaning prostrate, for the ancient Jews metaphorically compared the firmament to a tent: you stretch out the heavens like a tent(Ps 103:2).

When describing the second day, we also talk about water, which is found not only on the earth, but also in the atmosphere.

Third day of creation

And God gathered the waters under the sky into one place and opened the dry land. And he called the dry land earth, and the collection of waters he called seas. And God commanded that the earth should grow greenery, grass and trees bearing fruit. And the earth was covered with vegetation. The Lord separated the water from the dry land(see: Gen. 1, 9-13).

On the third day were created oceans, seas, lakes and rivers, and also continents and islands. This later delighted the Psalmist: He gathered up the waters of the sea like heaps, and placed the abysses in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all who live in the universe tremble before Him, for He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it appeared(Ps 32:7-9).

On the same day God created all flora. This was fundamentally new: God laid the foundation for organic life on the ground.

Produce flora Creator commanded the earth. St. Basil the Great says: “The then verb and this first command became, as it were, a natural law and remained in the earth for subsequent times, giving it the power to give birth and bear fruit” (St. Basil the Great. Six Days. Conversation 5).

The book of Genesis says that the earth brought forth greenery, grass, and trees that sowed seed according to their kind. The Holy Fathers attached fundamental importance to this, for it indicates the constancy of everything created by God: “What came out of the earth at the first creation is preserved to this day, through the preservation of the race by succession” (St. Basil the Great. Six Days. Conversation 5). As you can see, the third day was dedicated to the structure of our planet.

And God saw that it was good (Genesis 1:12). The writer of everyday life expresses in poetic language the idea that God creates wisely and perfectly.

Fourth day of creation

And God said that lights should appear in the firmament of heaven to sanctify the earth and to separate day from night. The calendar and time will now be counted based on the created luminaries. And the luminaries appeared: the sun, the moon and the stars(see: Gen. 1, 14-18).

In the description of the fourth day we see the creation of the luminaries, their purpose and their differences. From the text of the Bible we learn that light was created on the second day before the luminaries, so that, according to the explanation of St. Basil the Great, unbelievers would not consider the sun to be the only source of light. God alone is the Father of lights (see: James 1:17).

The creation of luminaries had three purposes: first, to illuminate land and everything that is on it; a distinction is established between the luminaries of the day (the sun) and the luminaries of the night (the moon and stars). Secondly, separate day from night; distinguish four time of year, organize time using calendar and keep chronology. Thirdly, to serve for signs of the end times; This is stated in the New Testament: the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory(Matthew 24:29-30).

Fifth day of creation

On the fifth day, the Lord created the first living creatures living in water and flying in the air. And God said: Let the water bring forth living things; and let the birds fly over the earth. This is how the inhabitants of the waters appeared, aquatic animals, insects, reptiles and fish appeared, and birds flew through the airspace(see: Gen. 1, 20-21).

At the beginning of the fifth day God turns His creative word to water ( let the water produce), while on the third day - to the ground. Word water is taken in this place in a broader sense, denoting not only ordinary water, but also the atmosphere, which the sacred writer also calls water.

On the fifth day, God creates a higher form of life than plants. By God's command, representatives of the water element appeared (fish, whales, reptiles, amphibians and other inhabitants of the waters), as well as birds, insects and everything living in the air.

The Creator creates the first beings of each kind (“according to kind”). He blesses them to be fruitful and multiply.

Sixth day of creation

On the sixth day of creation, God created animals living on earth and man in His image and likeness(see: Gen. 1, 24-31).

Description sixth creative day Prophet Moses begins with the same words as the previous days (third and fifth): let it produce...God commands the earth to create all the animals on earth (living soul according to its kind). God created everything in a certain sequence increasing perfection.

And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils breath of life, and man became a living soul (see: Gen. 1:26-28).

The last, as the crown of creation, was man was created. He was created in a special way. The Holy Fathers first of all note that his creation was preceded by the Divine Council between all the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity: let's create man. Man is distinguished from the entire created world by the way the Lord creates him. Although his bodily composition was taken from the earth, the Lord does not command the earth to produce man (as was the case with other creatures), but He Himself creates him directly. The psalmist says, addressing the Creator: Your hands created me and formed me(Ps 119:73).

God said that it's not good for a person to be alone.

And the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs and covered that place with flesh. And the Lord God created a wife from a rib taken from a man, and brought her to the man(Genesis 2:21-22).

The Lord, of course, could have created not only one married couple, but several and produced from them the entire human race, but He wanted all the people of the earth to be one in Adam. After all, even Eve was taken from her husband. The Apostle Paul says: From one blood He brought forth the entire human race to live on all the face of the earth.(Acts 17:26). And that's why we are all relatives.

At the dawn of human history, God established marriage as a permanent life union between a man and a woman. He blessed him and tied him with the closest bonds: they will be one flesh(Genesis 2:24).

Having created the human body, God blew into his face breath of life and man became a living soul. The most important distinguishing feature of a person is that he the soul is godlike. God said: Let us make man in Our image [and] after Our likeness(Genesis 1:26). About what it is the image of God in man, we talked earlier. When God created man, He brought all the animals and birds to him, and man gave them all names. The naming of names was a sign of man's dominance over all creation.

With the creation of man, the six-day creation of the world ends. God created the world perfect. The hand of the Creator did not bring any evil into him. This doctrine of the original goodness of all creation is a sublime theological truth.

At the end of times will the perfection of the world has been restored. According to the testimony of the seer, the holy Apostle John the Theologian, there will be a new heaven and a new Earth(see: Rev. 21, 1).

Seventh day

And God finished on the seventh day His work which He had done, and on the seventh day He rested from all His work which He had done.(Genesis 2, 2).

Having completed the creation of the world, God rested from His works. The writer of everyday life uses a metaphor here, for God does not need rest. This indicates the secret of true peace that awaits people in eternal life. Before the arrival of this blessed time, already in earthly life we ​​see a prototype of this state - the peace of the blessed seventh day, which was in the Old Testament Saturday, and for Christians it is a day Sunday.

Creation of the world

In the beginning, God created the earth and heaven.

The earth was shapeless and empty. She was not visible. Only water and darkness all around.

Is it really possible to do anything in the dark?

And God said: “Let there be light!” And there was light.

God saw how good it was when it was light, and separated the light from the darkness. He called the light day and the darkness night. That's how it went first day.

On second day God created the firmament.

And he divided the water into two parts. One part remained to cover the entire earth, while the second part rose to the sky - and immediately clouds and clouds formed.

On third day God did this: he collected all the water that remained on the earth, and let streams and rivers flow, lakes and seas were formed; and God called the land free from water earth.

God looked at the work of his hands, and he was very pleased with what he did. But still something was missing.

The earth became green and beautiful.

On fourth day he created the luminaries in the sky: the Sun, the Moon, the stars. So that they illuminate the earth day and night. And to distinguish day from night and designate seasons, days and months.

Thus, according to the desire of God and his labors, a beautiful world arose: blooming, bright, light! But... empty and silent.

In the morning fifth During the day, fish splashed in the rivers and seas, all kinds of fish, big and small. From crucian carp to whales. Crayfish crawled along the seabed. Frogs croaked in the lakes.

The birds began to sing and began to build nests in the trees.

And then the morning came sixth day. As soon as it was dawn, the forests and fields were filled with new life. These animals appeared on earth.

At the edge of the clearing a lion lay down to rest. Tigers are hiding in the forest thicket. Elephants slowly went to the watering hole, monkeys jumped from branch to branch.

Everything around came to life. It became fun.

And then, on the sixth day, God created another creature, the most important creature on earth. It was a man.

Why do you think man is considered the most important thing on earth?

Because God created him in his own image and likeness.

And God punished man that he would rule everything on earth and have dominion over everything living and growing on it. And so that a person could do this well, God breathed soul and mind into him. The first person on earth was a man named Adam.

And on seventh the day God rested after his labors, and this day became a holiday for all times.

Count the days of the week. A person works for six days and rests on the seventh.

Only after hard and useful work can there be real rest. Isn't it?

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CREATION OF THE WORLD And God said: Let there be light! LIGHT In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, only the Spirit rushed over the waters. And God said: let there be light! And there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness night. And

From the book of the Bible. New Russian translation (NRT, RSJ, Biblica) author's Bible

Creation of the World 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth a. 2 The earth was empty and featureless, darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters b.3 God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good and separated it from the darkness. 5 God called the light day and the darkness night.

From the book My First Sacred History. The Teachings of Christ Explained to Children author Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

Creation of the World The blue sky stretches above us without boundaries. On it, like a ball of fire, the sun shines and gives us warmth and light. At night, the moon floats out to replace the sun, and around, like children near their mother, there are many, many stars. Like clear eyes, they blink in height and, like gold

From the book Selected Passages from the Sacred History of the Old and New Testaments with edifying reflections author Drozdov Metropolitan Philaret

Creation of the World At the beginning of all times, God created heaven and earth. The earth, starting from insignificance, was completely empty - without trees, without fruits, without any decoration; darkness was over the abyss of waters, with which the earth was, as it were, swallowed up, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters, preparing

From the book History of World Religions author Gorelov Anatoly Alekseevich

Creation of the World The most famous account of the creation of the world is found in the Bible in the book of Genesis. Here we find a story about 6 days in which God successively created light (first day), sky and water (second day), land and plants (third day), stars (fourth day),

From the book of Ecclesiastes (Russian and English) Ill. Ernst Unknown author

Creation of the World In that fabulously distant era from us when Kohelet lived and worked (and many centuries later, and in some families even today), every Jewish child, having reached the age of “childish questions”, began to pull his father or grandfather’s beard : “Tell me where everything comes from

From the book The Bible for Children author Shalaeva Galina Petrovna

Creation of the World In the beginning, God created the earth and heaven. The earth was formless and empty. She was not visible. There is only water all around and darkness. Is it possible to do anything in the dark? And God said: “Let there be light!” And there was light. God saw how good it was when it was light, and separated the light from the darkness.

From the book Lessons from the Holy Scriptures. Abstraction theory author Zulumkhanov Davud

Creation of the World “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” [Genesis 1:1] The concepts of heaven and earth are fundamental to the first chapters of the Bible. They form the starting point. And here heaven and earth are not the heaven and earth familiar to us, but abstract concepts that designate, respectively,

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Old Testament and New Testament author Lopukhin Alexander Pavlovich

I The Creation of the World The world, considered in its external beauty and internal harmony, is a marvelous creation, amazing with the harmony of its parts and the wonderful variety of its forms. In all its immensity it moves correctly like the majestic

Creation of the world By God is the tradition with which the first chapter of the Bible begins. All religions of the world without exception speak about the creation of the world in one form or another, confirming the fact that the world did not arise by chance

Creation of the world according to the Bible.

The Bible describesThe creation of the world is very brief. This description is not intended for a specific historical time and is intended to be understood by people of all times and different backgrounds. Therefore, the creation of the world is expressed in symbols that are very rich in meaning and are not always correctly understood by us. For example, the word “yom” (translated as “day”) in Hebrew can mean either “day” itself or an unlimited period of time. In favor of the latter option, some Bible researchers cite the words of the Apostle Peter: “... with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day (2 Pet. 3:8),” although the direct meaning of this word is also possible.

The story of the creation of the world. Creation of the world from nothing

In Holy Scripture andThe story of the creation of the world begins with the words: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The concepts of “heaven” and “earth” in this case should not be taken literally. “Heaven” here refers to the “heavenly powers,” that is, the world of angels - bright spirits fulfilling God’s will. Literally, “angel” means “messenger.” And the word “earth” denotes abstract space (possibly the Universe). This “earth” was “formless and void, and darkness was upon the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.” And God said: “Let there be light,” and light appeared. God separated him from the darkness and called the light day and the darkness night. "And there was evening, and there was morning, one day." A distinctive feature of God the Creator is the power of His Word: only He was able to create the world from nothing, only the Word is capable of calling into existence the non-existent and returning the dead to life - no one in the world except Him can do this.

On the second day, God created the “firmament,” which he called heaven (actually, the firmament), and “separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament.” Thus, the waters of the earth and the waters of heaven appeared, capable of spilling onto the earth in the form precipitation.

On the third day, God said: “Let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” He called the dry land earth, and the “gathering of waters” seas. "And God saw that it was good." Then the Lord said: “Let the earth bring forth grass, grass yielding seed after its kind and in its likeness, and a fruitful tree bearing fruit after its kind, in which is its seed on the earth.”

On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon and stars “to illuminate the earth, and to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and seasons, and days, and years.”

On the fifth day birds, fish, reptiles and animals were created. The Lord blessed them and commanded them to “be fruitful and multiply.”

Creation of man by God

On the sixth day, God said: “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness,” and He created man and woman. Creation of Man in the image and likeness of God does not imply external similarity, but the presence of the “image of God” in the human soul, that is, internal similarity. And the Lord created man, forming him “from the dust of the earth,” that is, from clay, and “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” The first man's name was Adam, which means "man" in Hebrew, but is sometimes translated as "made of red clay."

In the country of Eden, God planted a garden of unprecedented beauty and abundance (in the Russian translation, the Garden of Eden is called “Paradise”) and settled Adam there so that he would cultivate and preserve it. Then God said: “It is not good for man to be alone. Let us make him a helper suitable for him.” He created animals and birds - and brought them to Adam. Adam gave them all names (According to ancient legends, Adam was able to understand the language of animals and birds, see their properties and command them in the literal sense of the word). But among the birds and animals “for man there was no helper like him.” Then the Lord plunged Adam into a deep sleep, and while he slept, taking out one of his rib, he created a woman from the rib. Subsequently, she received the name Eve (“life”), but at first Adam simply called her a wife, saying: “This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from her husband.” God blessed the first people and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the beasts, and over the birds of the air, and over every livestock, and over all the earth.”

On the seventh day from the beginning of the creation of the world, God “rested from all His works.” This day was called "Saturday", which means "rest", and was established as a holiday - for rest and service to God. This is how God created man.

The existence of angels long before the creation of man is indicated by the words of the Lord to Job: “... where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you know. Who put the measure on it, if you know? or who stretched the rope along it? On what were its foundations established, or who laid its cornerstone, with the general rejoicing morning stars when everything sons of God shouted for joy? (Job.38:4-8)”

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