What to put on to make your beard grow. What to do to make your beard grow faster and thicker. What determines the amount of hair on a man's face?

Hello, my name is Sergey Eremin. I have been working with the Brutalbeard team since its inception and today I would like to touch on the issue of beard care products. The article will be useful for both beginner bearded men and their ladies.

As I said earlier, I have been a member of the team since 2014 and we are often asked the question of what to choose for a beard?

The question is quite ambiguous, because for certain purposes, there are means.

What beard products are there?

There are a huge number of interesting and truly worth your attention products on the market. There are also really low-quality products.

So, let's begin:

An excellent product for experienced bearded men and those just embarking on this path. The beard oil itself is nothing more than a mixture of oils with pleasant natural fragrances. Designed to soften and nourish hair follicles. Great for the initial stage (when the stubble begins to grow into a small beard). At this stage, a man often begins to experience itching of the skin; the oil will help soften and soothe the skin of the hair.

For those who already have a beard and are of fairly decent length, the oil will help make the beard softer and give a healthy shine to the hair.

Suitable for beginners with beards and for those who have a beard.

Nothing more than the oil described above, but either in solid form with the addition of lanolin (natural wax) or in liquid form. Beard balm will help tame stray hairs. Will nourish your beard throughout the day. Suitable for those who already have a beard.

This is where the fun really begins. Many people have a question: will it really help?

It will help, the only condition is that there must be at least some facial hair. Beard growth oil is nothing more than a mix of healthy oils with the addition of: chili pepper extract, like here, or your know-how ingredient, like here.

Suitable for men who do not have a very thick beard or are just starting to grow it.

A product created on the basis of lanolin with or without the addition of fragrances. Personally, I don't really like using it to tame beard hairs. And the point here is not that the product is not good. Mustache and beard wax makes hair very sticky and for this reason I don’t like the effect itself, but that’s just my opinion. But there are people who really benefit from this product. Personally, I only use it for mustaches, the effect on them is amazing.

Suitable for men with a very unruly beard. And for mustache lovers.

This is a really worthwhile tool. I’ll explain why: the composition of ordinary soaps is quite harsh, they perfectly cleanse the skin and dry out the hair perfectly: (As a result, the beard becomes like a wire and is not very pleasant to the touch. Beard soap has an optimal composition with the addition of valuable substances that protect the hair, while also perfectly cleansing skin.

Suitable for everyone and a great option to add to your gift.

Is there also beard shampoo?

Yes, I have.

This is too much, you say.

Everything is very simple. Beard hair is different from scalp hair. They are harsher, and therefore regular shampoo will wash them, but will not soften them. And even if many people choose hair shampoos based on their skin type and hair structure. The beard is also susceptible to dryness, dandruff may not appear, but using the right shampoo will only improve the overall condition of the beard. And the most important thing is that you can use it every day!

Suitable for those who have a beard.


Well, there is something to use, from handmade combs to beard rings.

Suitable for bearded men with a beard of more than 3-4cm and an excellent option for a gift.

Do you need cosmetics for a beard?

You can, of course, get by with regular burdock oil, and use some kind of hair wax for styling. But using special beard products, you will be sure that in addition to softening, your beard will smell pleasant and be nourished with the necessary valuable vitamins.

What you really need to care for your beard

In my opinion, a basic set for bearded men should include: beard oil - used after a shower (in my case before bed), balm (during the day to give the beard the desired shape), soap or shampoo if desired (I also have that in my arsenal) , and even then), a comb (it’s not for everyone, you can get by with an ordinary plastic comb, but with a cool comb it’s cooler).

What to gift

Lastly, I have saved some very interesting gifts especially for everyone’s favorite girls, created by some of the best bearded brands.

So, now you don’t have to worry about what to give your bearded man. There are cool sets that already include all the basic beard care products. In addition, everything is really decorated in a peasant style. There is a choice of both in wooden cases and in minimalist style in cardboard gift boxes.

I would like to add a few words that the article was prepared from my personal experience of the bearded journey at 2 years old, so do not judge strictly. I hope this small guide-wish will be useful to all bearded men and, to a greater extent, their girls! Based on frequent questions from the fair half of the sex, this article was written.

Many young people want to grow a beautiful beard and take care of it, especially for people of different subcultures.

However, not all wishes come true, so we will show you what to do to make your beard grow and give its owner a fashionable and presentable look.

There are several reasons why the beard grows unevenly at the age of 17 years and older:

  • genetic characteristics;
  • nutrition;
  • hair structure.

Having listed the main reasons for a poorly growing beard, we will indicate what needs to be done to achieve the desired effect.

How to make your beard grow faster?

  1. In order for the beard to grow thickly not only on the cheeks, but also luxuriously descend to the bottom of the face from the temples themselves, it is necessary to follow proper nutrition, including certain vitamins:
  • Vitamin A helps moisturize the skin through the production of sebum. Contained in eggs, meat, cheese, carrots.
  • C – qualitatively controls the immune system, keeps skin and hair healthy. Contained in all citrus fruits, green peppers, potatoes, tomatoes.
  • E – stimulates blood flow to the hair roots. Contained in beans, nuts, vegetables.
  • B 2 – stimulates blood circulation, which enhances hair growth and allows the beard to become the desired thickness. Found in chicken, beef and fish.
  • B6 is the main property of this vitamin in helping to relieve stress. It is this process that causes hair loss and slow growth. To avoid such consequences, you must take: offal, duck meat, milk, lobster.
  • Folic acid – helps make hair strong and thick. Contained in nuts, leafy vegetables, peas.

2. In addition to the vitamins listed, you need to take complete care of your body, listen to it so that it gives the result you want.

3. In addition to nutrition, another important factor is skin care; you need to deeply cleanse the skin of dirt and old cells about once a week - this will not only rejuvenate it, but also accelerate hair growth.

4. The next step is getting rid of stress. We said earlier that you need to take a vitamin that reduces stress, but it is also necessary not to create situations that will become the basis for its appearance. In order to get rid of the cause of stress, you need to do things that are pleasant for you: listen to music, read, play sports - do anything that relaxes you.

5. Another important fact is taking regular aspirin. After visiting a doctor, undergoing tests and making a diagnosis, some men may be prescribed acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). According to medical data, this substance improves blood circulation and strengthens the heart.

6. Mentioning medicine, we note that for better hair growth, you need to check your testosterone level, since its level can also affect hair growth. By adjusting your hormonal levels, you can get thick facial hair.

7. The last resort is surgery, which is expressed in hair transplantation.

Folk remedies for growing a thick beard

In addition to special means and manipulations, you can grow a beautiful beard by doing some things at home.

First step- This is following a certain diet. The diet should include foods containing a high percentage of calcium, animal products, for example, milk, eggs, kefir, cheese.

All the products presented will help make your skin healthy and ready to bear thick hair.

The second step is to add a certain dose of vitamins and minerals to your diet to stimulate hair growth on the skin. After consulting a doctor, you can take special pharmacy vitamin complexes.

The third step is to lubricate the beard growth area with a mixture of burdock and castor oil and leave the mixture on the skin for 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo or wash gel. It is advisable to smear the required area once a day.

The fourth step is if you are over 18 years old, it is recommended to use a well-proven natural remedy called Minoxidil. Instructions for its use. You can order the product at a discount here.

Fifth step - in order to make a beard and mustache grow quickly, it is necessary to stimulate blood flow to the roots with the help of red pepper, which is applied along with sour cream to the required surface. Also, for rapid growth, you can use mustard powder, which should be added to the shampoo when washing your beard. This mixture not only stimulates rapid hair growth, but also gives a high-quality appearance.

The sixth step is to use special products containing brewer's yeast and other necessary substances that help rapid hair growth.

Step seven - this one is a tip. In the process of growing a beard and mustache, you need to be patient, as it is a very long process, but the result is worth it.

The eighth step is to use specially developed cosmetics for beard care. We recommend the best beard growth spray that will give quick results. Its composition is completely herbal and does not cause allergies.

To purchase this cosmetic product, just place an order on the manufacturer’s official website.

So, we have indicated the most important steps on how to make a beard grow. Finally, we note that it is necessary to follow a certain diet, then the whole body will breathe health and give results that you never even dreamed of.

Watch a useful video about beard care

Burdock oil has become one of the most popular and effective hair care products. However, this cannot be said that it can only be useful for women. Modern men also pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and in their case they have to take care not only of their hairstyle, but also of their beard.

The task of growing a beautiful and impressive beard is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Having set such a goal, a man faces various problems, for example, poor hair growth, hair loss, and fragility. It is in such a situation that it is appropriate to remember such a simple remedy as burdock oil.


The beneficial properties of burdock, in particular extracts from its roots, have been known for a long time. They were used not only in cosmetology, but even in the production of medicines. External application of the oil extract has a positive effect on the skin and hair follicles.

Of course, the whole secret lies in the composition of the oil extract.

Its main share is made up of vitamins of groups A, E, B and C. It is these substances that play an important role in the growth and development of hair follicles. When sufficiently saturated with them, the hairs acquire a healthier appearance and become much stronger. The oil also contains a fairly large amount of microelements. The most important of them are zinc, chromium, copper and calcium. Thanks to the combination with vitamins, they are easily absorbed by the body when applied externally. As for the activation of hair growth processes, natural insulin, which is also present in burdock extract, plays a decisive role in this.

Its value also lies in the fact that our body practically does not receive it from any other food products.

As a result, we can highlight the following positive qualities that burdock oil has for beard growth:

  • The perfect combination of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which all nutrients easily enter directly into the hair follicles. This causes hair growth to increase significantly and the beard to become thicker;
  • In addition to activating hair growth, burdock also has healing effect. Hair becomes denser, smoother and shiny, and is practically not prone to breakage and loss;
  • Burdock oil is an excellent choice for anyone who is tired of simple stubble and has decided to get a luxurious beard. This tool will allow accelerate hair growth practically from scratch;
  • The product has an effect not only on hair, but also on skin. This is especially true for bearded men, since the presence of a beard can provoke inflammation, itching, flaking, and dry facial skin. Thanks to its nourishing and softening properties, burdock oil eliminates such symptoms and heals the dermis;


Finding burdock oil is not so difficult. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, where it costs from 30 to 200 rubles, depending on the sales option. Today, in addition to pure oil extract, the assortment includes various combinations of burdock with other natural ingredients.

You should always choose a product based on the desired effect or your skin type. For example, if you are only interested in beard extensions, then you should choose either pure burdock oil, or oil with nettle or additional vitamin content. Otherwise, you can choose other compositions. For example, oil containing chamomile or tea tree extract will soothe skin irritation.

In any case, remember that any product that includes natural ingredients can always cause an allergic reaction. Before using such a product, you must carefully read its composition. And also conduct a preliminary test. To do this, apply a few drops of oil to the skin of your hand and wait 10-15 minutes. A contraindication for use is the appearance of itching, redness, swelling and other pathological reactions in areas treated with oil.

Before applying the product to your beard, you need to properly steam your facial skin. This will soften it, open the pores, which will allow you to easily absorb all the necessary vitamins and microelements. To steam your face, just hold it over a bowl of hot water, from which steam comes out. For greater effectiveness, you can add a few drops of any essential oil to the water, or even replace the water with herbal decoctions.

After the preparatory stage, you can immediately start using the oil. You can simply rub it slowly into the skin and roots of your beard hair, or follow various instructions and recipes to enhance its effectiveness. Do not forget that after any procedure, the beard should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water and shampoo. There are several ways to use burdock oil to enhance beard growth:

  • Compress;
  • Massage;
  • Masks;

It is not recommended to use burdock oil more than 2-3 times a week. Its nutritional properties are very pronounced, so too frequent use can lead to an imbalance in the outer skin and hair follicles.

You will learn how to apply burdock oil to your beard from the video.

Oil extract compress

The peculiarity of the compress is that it provides a kind of greenhouse effect, thanks to which all nutrients penetrate the skin and hair follicles much more effectively.

This procedure can be carried out for one and a half to two hours, about three times a week.

In addition to the oil itself, you will need a regular wide bandage, plastic wrap, a cotton towel or a piece of cloth. You should first cleanse the skin using any cosmetic lotion, and then thoroughly steam your face. A piece of cloth or a small cotton towel should be soaked in oil heated in a water bath, and then wrapped around the beard and cheeks. The compress should be tightly covered with polyethylene and secured on top with a bandage.

This compress should be left in place for no more than two hours. After the procedure, the beard and cheeks must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, and you can use shampoo.

This method may not be entirely convenient for men whose beard is already quite large and full, but needs strengthening. In their case, the procedure is carried out without tissue. Burdock oil should be slightly heated in a water bath, and then rubbed into the skin of the chin and beard hair roots with slow massage movements, then cover the treated areas with film and secure with a bandage.


This procedure is recommended for those whose beard is at an early stage of its growth. Massage increases blood circulation and, accordingly, nutrition of hair follicles. It is especially appropriate in this case. if the stubble is not thick enough or does not grow in the cheek area.

You will need one teaspoon of burdock oil, which should be preheated in a water bath. The skin of the face must be cleansed with lotion. Soak your fingertips in oil, and then use slow sliding movements to massage the skin of your chin and cheeks, moving from the center to your cheekbones and ears. You should treat your cheeks especially carefully, rubbing the oil in circular massaging movements. At the end of the procedure, you can pat your cheeks a little to increase the flow of blood to them.

The main thing you should pay special attention to is the intensity of the movements. They should not stretch the skin, but slightly squeeze it. You can massage with oil every morning before washing for 10 minutes. If you follow these simple rules, you will soon see for yourself that the stubble grows much faster and thicker, and the hair becomes softer and more manageable.

This method of using burdock oil can be combined with others, for example, with compresses or cosmetic masks. This will enhance the growth effect and keep your facial skin healthier.

Cosmetic masks

If you are really worried about the thickness of your beard, or its hair is too unruly and brittle, then a mask based on burdock oil will help you. Unlike the same compress, masks do not need to be left on for too long, and by mixing various components, you can achieve an impressive result.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


A beard is a symbol of masculinity and power. Many men want to know how to grow a beard at home and what to do if the beard does not grow. It’s not surprising, because a man’s image looks more brutal, masculine and individual thanks to a beard.

Many people want to decorate their appearance with this decoration and try to speed up the growth of their beard. At the same time, those in the know consider the issue of growing a beard quickly to be wrong, since such an approach is fraught with regression. They do not recommend rushing nature, but only stimulating it through folk and pharmacy remedies.

In order for a luxurious beard to appear on your face, you will need to wait a little. Let's talk about properly growing facial hair.

Why doesn't my beard grow?

Many people want to have a thick, beautiful beard, but not every man boasts thick facial hair. The answer to the question why a beard does not grow interests not only young people, but also some mature men. Let us consider the main reasons for this “anomaly”.

  • Genetics. If there are no men in the family with a thick beard, the likelihood that it will appear in the younger generation is minimal.
  • Age. The moment of appearance of facial hair is individual for each man. For one person, active growth of stubble begins at the age of 15, and for another - after 20. This is a natural phenomenon.
  • Endocrine disorders . Testosterone is responsible for the growth of facial hair. Often, modest vegetation signals disturbances in the endocrine system.
  • Ethnicity . The presence of facial hair is not typical for men of some nationalities. These are the Eskimos and Chukchi.
  • Oncological diseases, vitamin deficiency . Health problems often lead to hair loss and stubble growth slowing down or completely stopping.

Some causes cannot be eliminated. We are talking about nationality, heredity and age. But even in this case, you can gain a beard through hormonal drugs or hair transplant surgery. Some men are helped by traditional medicine. If the problem is caused by a disease, its solution comes down to treatment.

What to do if your beard doesn't grow

The era of smooth-faced men is behind us. Today, representatives of the stronger sex prefer a slightly rough and daring image, of which a beard is considered an integral element. If you decide to join the league of bearded men, you will need lush and well-groomed facial hair. Ways to solve the problem at home will be discussed in this part of the material.

  • Nutrition. A balanced diet is considered the most easily accessible and uncomplicated way. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They will provide the body with vitamin C and pectin. Protein foods, supplemented with plenty of fluids, are also beneficial. Minimize your consumption of sweets and processed foods.
  • Proper skin care . The growth rate and density of facial hair depends on the condition of the skin. For example, redness or flaking slows down the appearance of stubble. Regularly moisturize your skin and nourish it with vitamins. Visit a cosmetologist or make cosmetic masks yourself. Regular steaming will also speed up beard growth. Go to the sauna more often.
  • Life without stress . Stressful situations inhibit the growth of facial hair, making it fragile and brittle. Strengthen your spirit with sports and breathing exercises. A good night's sleep will help you cope with stress. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. This is enough for the body to relax and recover.
  • Hormonal balance . A common reason for lack of facial stubble is a lack of testosterone. Only a doctor can solve hormonal problems. At home, it is possible to slightly increase the level of the hormone. Sports and high sexual activity will help with this.
  • Fighting bad habits . There is no arguing that the effects of nicotine and alcohol on the body are negative. Nicotine does not affect the hair follicles, but it impairs the functioning of the circulatory system, which has a bad effect on the nutrition of the hair follicles. At the same time, alcohol reduces hair regeneration and promotes hair loss. If you dream of a beautiful beard, stop drinking and give up cigarettes.

As you can see, the solution to the problem comes down to a healthy lifestyle in an environment protected from stress and depression. Additionally, this approach ensures complete healing of the body.

How to grow a beard for a teenager and an adult man

Guys first become acquainted with facial hair at the age of 14-16 years. Hair grows unevenly, and attempts to get a beautiful beard often end in failure. This is not due to improper care or genetic abnormalities, but to young age.

Doctors say that the preparation of the male body for this decoration is completely completed by 20 years after the end of the transition period. At this point, the level of hormones that affect the growth of vegetation has stabilized.

Even if, due to heredity, hair on visible parts of the body grows actively, I do not recommend growing a beard or mustache at the age of 15. Agree, the appearance of a child does not go well with thick facial hair, and the image looks more like a caricature than a real man. So before you speed up your beard growth, think twice. I advise you to wait for full ripening.

For mature men, things are different and lack of facial hair often becomes a problem. It is they who I recommend studying the material that describes the technique of growing a beard using folk and pharmacy remedies at home.

Folk remedies

The hair follicle system works differently in people. Lack of hormones often leads to impaired hair growth on the head and face. Fortunately, there are folk remedies that stimulate hair growth. Let's consider time-tested options that involve the use of oils and natural ingredients.

  1. Burr oil . Improves hair growth, stimulates blood circulation and has a positive effect on complexion. Apply the oil to your face, wait 15 minutes and wash off with soap. Apply burdock oil three times a week.
  2. Castor oil . Saturates hair follicles with keratin, which accelerates hair growth. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine it with burdock oil. Use daily.
  3. Tar soap . There are many useful properties that promote beard growth, and the main advantage is its low cost. The disadvantage is the unpleasant smell. Tar soap is also recommended for treating skin for frostbite and insect bites.
  4. Cognac mask . The product, consisting of natural ingredients, accelerates beard growth in the problem area and significantly improves the condition of the stubble. To prepare, mix a spoonful of thistle oil with five drops of tocopherol and a small spoonful of cognac.
  5. Mustard mask . As with the previous version of the mask, it is prepared from natural ingredients. Mix honey, kefir and mustard powder in equal quantities and apply to the face.

Vitamin complexes paired with folk remedies provide amazing results, but only if there is no stress. I have already said that stress negatively affects human health and contributes to slower hair growth and hair loss.

Medical supplies

Representatives of the stronger sex try in every possible way to grow thick facial hair. It’s not surprising, because a mustache, along with a luxurious beard, is on the list of the best natural adornments. And if some men have no problems with beard growth, others stimulate the growth of hair with the help of medical means. What does medicine offer?

  1. Finasteride. The product, produced in tablets, stimulates hair growth on the head, but some men use it to solve the problem of a sparse beard. The drug is considered one of the best because it increases the level of testosterone, which is responsible for the thickness of the stubble. The medicine is sold by prescription. Take once a day at the time prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Minoxidil. Another popular medicine used by men. Available in oral and external form. The drug has a positive effect on blood circulation in the hair follicles. The principle of action is similar to the male hormones androgens. Use it as an external remedy or take it internally.
  3. Hormone therapy . No less effective than the drugs discussed. Testosterone injections help solve many male problems. Hormonal therapy is prescribed by a doctor only after a preliminary examination and tests.

Video tips

If you plan to accelerate beard growth using pharmaceutical preparations, be sure to consult a doctor before use. He will select the best medicine and determine the dosage.

Perhaps the doctor will find a solution to the problem without the use of medications, which will only benefit your health.

How to speed up beard growth with Minoxidil

For men who dream of thick and even stubble, I recommend taking a closer look at the drug Minoxidil. Regular use will help you get a gorgeous beard.

Minoxidil was first used to combat hair loss. Later they began to use it to stimulate the growth of stubble on the face. The result was excellent. Minoxidil is considered the most effective remedy, as evidenced by numerous reviews of men who have tried the drug in practice.

The effect of using Minoxidil appears after 4 months with daily use. If you do not follow the instructions, the result will appear later.

The drug provides a vasodilating effect, as a result, blood circulation improves in the subcutaneous layers, which improves nutrition of the hair follicles. Continued use starts the process of hair development. As a result, the beard grows more intensively.

Instructions for use and contraindications

Minoxidil is designed to combat baldness, but it is also great for accelerating beard growth. Sold in the form of tablets or solutions with different concentrations of the active substance.

The drug in tablets is used in the treatment of arterial hypertension. The duration of treatment and dosage are determined by the doctor. As for the solution, it is applied externally twice a day in the morning and evening. The product is applied to the problem area, gently rubbing with the tip of the dispenser. You are allowed to wash your face after the solution has completely dried. The duration of treatment depends on the effectiveness of action and individual tolerance.

Often, irritation or redness of the skin appears at the point of rubbing the drug. In this case, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. If side effects appear, including swelling of the extremities, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, rapid increase in body weight, stop taking the drug.

According to reviews, a 5% drug is more effective than a 2% analogue, but the increased concentration of the active substance in Minoxidil increases the likelihood of side effects. More concentrated solutions are also sold, in which the active substance accounts for up to 15% of the volume.

Video interview with a trichologist

Minoxidil analogs

Pharmacology also offers other medications that are similar in composition and principle of action to Minoxidil. No one has done much research on their use. Therefore, there is no information about direct effects and side effects. Let's consider analogues.

  • Aminexil. The creation of the L’Oreal company is very similar in chemical composition to Minoxidil, but is characterized by a less pronounced stimulating property. Used for mild baldness.
  • Nanoxidil. The creator and owner of the patent is the American company DS Laboratories. Used to combat baldness if the patient is intolerant to Minoxidil.
  • Minoxidine. According to the principle of action and composition, it is practically no different from Minoxidil. In other countries they are released under different names. In Ukraine it is MinoX, and in Italy it is Revivexil.

And this is an incomplete list of analogues. There are a large number of medications, choosing the right one is problematic. It will be better if you consult a doctor. After conducting an examination and interview, he will make a diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment that will provide a quick result.

Growing a great beard takes a lot of effort and patience. The barbering industry is filled with all kinds of products, including many sprays, ointments, oils, masks, gels, and other specialized products.

Beard Growth Ointment is a beard care product filled with beard growth stimulating ingredients, as well as beneficial vitamins and oils. Below we will review popular brands and answer the question of how to use these products correctly.

Do ointments help beard growth?

How to make the right choice among the many drugs; do ointments help with vegetation growth? It is impossible to get a definite answer, since the effectiveness of the drug is affected not only by its composition or texture.

The main determining factor is the individual characteristics of a man’s body. The drug may be suitable for one man, but for another man the composition will not be applicable. Some people find it easier to spray, while others prefer a higher-quality approach to procedures. Even if the cream does not give the expected thickness, there will be no harm to health. On the contrary, the skin will look healthy.

Remember: cheap products rarely undergo clinical research and testing. Don’t skimp, then a worthy product will definitely bring results.

Operating principle

The principle of action of ointments is the direct effect of the components on the skin of the face and hair follicles. The active components have a stimulating and activating effect on the hair.

If you do not have a thick beard, no hair on your cheeks, thin and sparse hair,
-There is a remedy that works for 2 weeks! This is a unique product consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. The result is a thick and beautiful beard!

Stimulation consists of organizing blood flow to the desired areas, and nutritional elements help revive dead follicles and awaken sleeping ones. This, in turn, has an effect.

If you decide to use a cream or ointment, remember: you won’t have to expect quick results. Compared to other products, ointments provide an effect after use over a long period of time. On average, the result can take from 6 months to one year, although there are exceptions.

How to use

  1. Cleanse your face of sebum and other waste products.
  2. Apply the cream to the desired areas.
  3. Rub the product in with massage movements. As a rule, creams are dark in color to control the absorption of the drug. This approach adds convenience; there is no need to puzzle over whether the drug has been absorbed.

The first indicator of the effectiveness of the procedures will be vellus hair. It should be shaved until full bristles emerge.

Benefits of use

  1. Stimulates growth and nourishes hair.
  2. Have a beneficial effect on the skin.
  3. Easy to apply, without complicated procedures.
  4. Economical to use.

Review of pharmaceutical products

Beard ointment is perfect for men who are demanding in terms of care. When choosing a product, it is important to initially determine what problem needs to be solved. So, the types of beard ointments:

  1. For the initial growth of stubble. They work to improve blood circulation in the chin, which ultimately leads to hair growth. The initial result appears when the gun appears.
  2. For thickness. This category works to eliminate bald spots, bald spots, the end result is dense and uniform vegetation.
  3. To enhance growth. The task of this category of ointments is to ensure constant, continuous regeneration.

Minoxidil ointment

The component minoxidil has long established itself as an effective hair growth stimulator. Cosmetic lines widely use it in various products. Ointments are no exception. has a vasodilating effect, lifeless hairs begin to become active and growth begins.

One of the contraindications can be identified - high blood pressure. Side effects include dryness and skin irritation.

The composition includes alcohol, for some this is a reason to refuse the product.

Trius ointment

The drug "Trius" is designed to stimulate hair growth. Its rich oil composition nourishes the roots of the bristles, compensates for missing vitamins, and awakens new hairs. The end result is a fully thick beard.

The ointment also has a beneficial effect on the skin: softens it, eliminates irritation, burning, and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Some men improvise and use aftershave to heal wounds or cuts.



  1. Oil: coconut, bergamot, eucalyptus, wheat germ, shea tree, castor.
  2. Esters of lemon and orange.
  3. Tocopherol acetate.


The product is applied simply: a little cream is applied to the previously cleaned chin area, then distributed over the beard hairs with massage movements, the emphasis is on the roots. You need to rub until completely absorbed; there is no need to rinse off the product.

The cost of the drug "Trius" varies from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Black Phomthong is produced in Thailand, the course of treatment is designed for one month. Nutrients provide the bristles with the missing vitamins, which, in turn, begin to grow. There are side effects such as itching. If it occurs, then the medicine is not suitable. The drug can be purchased for 1,490 rubles.


Black Phomthong consists of sesame, nutmeg, clitoris and milk oils.


Black Phomthong is designed to increase hair growth. Easy to use: apply a small amount to a clean, dry beard and spread evenly with your fingers until completely absorbed.

Professional hair system

This exclusively natural product helps overcome the following problems: hair loss, dullness, inflammation and flaking of the skin. The beard takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance. Beneficial components penetrate deep into the follicle, nourish it, strengthening the hair.

The cost of the product starts from 890 rubles.


The composition includes: extracts of chamomile, juniper, cinnamon, calamus, burdock oil.


Professional Hair System beard growth ointment is applied to a clean chin area in the morning and evening. Massage until completely absorbed and then not washed off.


Rogaine is a creamy spray based on minoxidil. The main purpose of the product is to restore hair in balding areas.

Contraindications: age under 18 years, intolerance to components. Cost - from 1500 to 5200 rubles per bottle.


Available with 2%, 5% minoxidil content. Also contains: ethanol, propylene glycol, water.


Apply the drug to cleansed, dry hair or bald areas. A single use involves using 1 g of the drug, which is approximately half a cap. After use, do not wet your hair for about 4 hours. Do not apply to damaged or inflamed areas of skin.